home · On a note · Tips - gardening without hassle. Hassle-free gardening for the elderly Where to get quality seeds of real old varieties

Tips - gardening without hassle. Hassle-free gardening for the elderly Where to get quality seeds of real old varieties

A vegetable garden is a very troublesome task for many summer residents. In order to significantly reduce the basic and very difficult work on the site, you need to use three principles: do not dig, do not weed, do not water.

Three principles of a smart garden

Why you can’t dig, but need to loosen the soil. Because the earth is a living organism. Some microorganisms live in the upper layer, and others live below. When digging, they die, and the soil gradually becomes dead, because it is not populated by microorganisms. They say: “She is tired, we need to give her a rest,” but I wonder how they give the soil such a “rest”? They stop digging it and sow it. She continues to give birth. The secret is that they stop digging it, and it gradually restores its fertility.

Exists natural fertility soil, and by digging up the soil, we destroy it.

The soil cannot be left open, as its structure is destroyed. In nature, the soil is covered with grass in the summer, a layer of snow in the winter, and fallen leaves in the fall.

In order not to weed or water the garden, it is necessary to mulch it. The moisture that is under the mulch does not evaporate from the soil and all goes to the roots of the plants, so there is no need for frequent watering.

Weeds in the garden should not be weeded, since after weeding there will be a lot of root fragments left in the soil and new weeds will appear in the future. They must be shaved using a Fokin flat cutter.

We use crop rotation

The first year we plant potatoes.

Without digging anything, directly over the weeds, it is laid out on the surface of the ground at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. Then the potatoes need to be covered with hay. As the sprouts grow, it is necessary to add mowed grass on top, forming a large compost layer. The vigorous green tops of the potatoes will cover the compost heap.

There is no need to dig, apply fertilizers to the potatoes, water them and hill them, but simply add compost to the plants.

On next year You can plant zucchini in this place.

The third year - cabbage and beets.

We continue to plant tomatoes and carrots in the same bed, without digging it. After 5 years you will need to make new compost for warm beds. Your garden will delight you with large harvests.

Vegetable garden for the lazy - video

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1. Don't be sorry - pinch off. If pepper plants bear several fruits at the beginning of summer and then flowering stops, then these fruits must be plucked off. After this procedure, the plants will begin to bloom with renewed vigor, and by the end of the season they will produce a huge harvest.

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2. Hints from nature. The alder has bloomed - sow buckwheat. The flowering of violets and the flowering of willow indicate the beginning of sowing radishes and carrots, onions, dill and parsley. Useful tips for good workers

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3. Apply green fertilizer. For 10 liters hot water take 1 kg of green chopped grass. Leave to infuse for a day, then strain and water the plants, spending 3-4 liters per 1 square meter. m.

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4. Let's worry about tomatoes. 2-3 days before planting in the ground, the bottom 2-3 leaves of tomato seedlings are cut off. For the first approximately 2 weeks after planting, it is advisable not to water the seedlings - at the same time root system will go well into the soil, which will make the plants suffer less from dry periods. Optimal time to remove tomato shoots when they grow to 5 cm. For better fruit formation during flowering, tomatoes are sprayed with boric acid: 5 g per 10 l of water. Useful tips for good workers

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5. Sow and sow cucumbers. When sown, cucumber seeds are placed with the sharp end down. If you also soak them in milk, the fruits will be more tasty and tender. And if in honey water, then even sweeter. A good companion for cucumbers in the garden is dill. 6. It is important to know what turnips like. This culture prefers space, abundant watering and is very fond of wood ash. 7. Give beets a shower. Watering by sprinkling and frequent but careful loosening is simply heaven for beets. Beets grow best in narrow beds: the distance between plants is from 15 to 17 cm. 8. Sow mustard next to the peas. Then the pea yield will increase by 2 times.



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9. Attract beneficial insects. In order to increase productivity, pollinating insects must be attracted to the site. To do this, it is necessary to sow pink and white clover, fescue, bluegrass, phacelia, etc. Insects are also attracted to the flowers of white mustard and carrots.

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10. Break off the flower stalks. To remontant varieties There was abundant fruiting of strawberries in the second half of summer; flower stalks are broken off in the spring. Useful tips for good workers

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11. Concerns around spring garlic. Before planting, spring garlic cloves must be soaked overnight in a solution wood ash: 0.5 cups per 5 liters of water. After soaking, arrange the cloves thin layer on the sand in the cellar and cover with film. Don't forget to ventilate. Lightly moisten the garlic, disassembled into cloves, from a sprayer and pour into a bag, add air to it and tie it. Then place in the refrigerator. The bag should be ventilated once a week. Planting can be done in 2-3 weeks. By the time of planting, roots will grow 1.5-2 cm in size.


Find out how, with great desire and the right approach, you can turn your garden into a storehouse of vitamins. How to make it a place for pleasant work and relaxation. A hassle-free vegetable garden for the elderly - proper organization of work.

While we are young and energetic, gardening and working in it are not a burden. But time goes by. The areas are large, but there is little use. We don't have time to process everything. Digging, watering, agricultural technology, and fertilizer treatment takes a lot of effort. What to do? Like reaping good harvests and resting, enjoying every day and the works of your hands. A hassle-free garden for the elderly should be worthwhile and bring pleasure.

Hassle-free gardening for the elderly

Why is gardening increasingly causing trouble? First of all, you need to reconsider your attitude towards the land and work on it. Follow the rule “Less is more.”

What's the point of planting the entire plot with hundreds of tomato seedlings and large areas with cucumber vines? Maybe turn a huge vegetable garden into heaven. So that flowers bloom there, fruit trees, berries. Also build a small pond. Everything should please, exuberant, and smell fragrant.

The ideal option for a new vegetable garden is to think about a completely different layout of the site, in which everything would grow at the same time, as if flowing from one to another.

Vegetable garden is smart beds

Do . The curbs that surround them help with this. Moreover, they can be built from improvised means. And the ridges are not in the form of the usual rectangles, but different forms. At first, it will seem awkward, but in the summer it is beautiful.

The soil in the garden beds does not need to be dug up every year. It is better to use a flat cutter, which makes the work much easier. But don’t forget the shovel.

These are also convenient boxes in which you can put grass and waste. An excellent solution is to reconstruct them by transferring them to a temporary greenhouse, installing arcs and covering them with film. In fenced land plots moisture is retained better, fertilizers are retained, and the soil is not washed away. Advantages smart beds have long been appreciated, and now every gardener strives to improve his plots.

Along the edges, be sure to plant a row or two of Chernobrivtsev or other flowers that are useful for vegetable crops.

Weeds are friends of the garden

Use them and prepare nutritious infusions from them. Don’t forget that while they are not blooming, this is a good mulch that can be used to plant vegetable and berry seedlings. A wonderful material for planting potatoes under straw when you need to add grass. Therefore, after weeding, leave it in place or place it on potato rows. A grass blanket will save you from frost, retain moisture and give it away.

Help the first greenery to rise

Dill and parsley planted before winter can become clogged with early weeds. How to avoid this? Place markers where you plant your green vitamin friends and scatter salad seeds along with them. They will go first, they are easy to distinguish from strangers before the dill sprouts.

About smart watering

Let's turn to Nature. The soil dries out faster where seedlings are planted far apart. And they should shade the soil. Therefore, you should not make large distances (row spacing).

It is necessary to plant plants so that they alternate between short and tall ones. The plantings will be shaded and much less watering will be required.

Where is the best place to plant potatoes?

Set aside virgin soil for potatoes. Lay the tubers directly on it and cover with straw (ideally wheat, rodents do not go to it), hay, and last year's leaves. Remember, the more you cover the stems, the better the root system will develop. Potatoes need to be watered, but not more than twice a month. Pay special attention to watering in hot weather.


For squash, zucchini and pumpkins, special efforts on the ground are not required. Plant them on old land. Place 2-3 seeds per hole. With their huge leaves, they will kill the weed. There is no need to dig in much, just cover with last year's humus. Here's a hassle-free garden for the elderly. The plants will take care of themselves.

Change plantings for crops

Crops cannot be planted in the same place. For example, where potatoes grew, the soil was already prepared for other vegetables. And offer her virgin soil again.

In winter, scatter mustard seeds around the garden; it disinfects the soil and gives it nutrients. To improve the structure of the earth, after harvesting, pea vines are crushed with a shovel and dug in.

If possible, bring rotted leaves from the plantings. This is an excellent remedy and fertilizer for greenhouses and smart beds. The harvests are high.

A hassle-free vegetable garden for the elderly is a pleasure at an age when you want to enjoy life, grow something with your own hands, and now take care of plants. They should not only decorate the earth, but also our lives.

For the Pro100 vegetable garden, successful summer resident, pensioner Vera, 60 years old.

The article will not exactly correspond to the title; it is impossible to do without any hassle in the garden. But there are several effective ways to significantly reduce the amount of physical labor. For those who want to have vegetables and fruits without any hassle, I can give one piece of advice: call the supermarket and order the products for home delivery. Everyone else will have to work a little, which is very useful for older (and not only for them) people.

Most of the work goes into digging, watering and fertilizing the land; we will tell you how you can do without these operations and at the same time get a good and environmentally friendly harvest. Additionally, soil fertility will not decrease, but increase. What can make gardening much easier and increase crop yields?

For many summer residents, this call will seem at least strange, but in vain. Even in the distant times of the development of virgin lands, a method of non-moldboard cultivation was proposed; the soil layer was not turned over by a plow, but was cut with a flat cutter. Unfortunately, the method has not found widespread use in our country, although it was immediately introduced abroad. Why this happened is a separate topic, but the fact remains a fact. What is the basis for the assertion that digging up the earth is not only wasted physical labor, but also a rather significant blow to the fertility of the earth?

Soil is a complex biological system with numerous living organisms located in their own spatial niches. When a layer of earth is turned over, the habitats of microorganisms change; those that live in the upper layers find themselves deep underground and vice versa. Wherein most of of them die, the land becomes less fertile. After all, it is these microorganisms that process nutrients into those that are assimilated by plants. This means that the effectiveness of all applied fertilizers is sharply reduced. Another harm of digging is the disruption of existing capillaries through which moisture and air enter the fertile layer.

Most summer residents consider digging to be the only method of weed control, and this is far from the case. During digging, weed seeds are transferred to the lower layer of soil and successfully overwinter there. Even theoretically, they cannot lose germination in such conditions; friendly shoots appear in the spring. What to do?

IN as a last resort To control weeds, you can get by with surface loosening or sapling to a depth of 2–3 centimeters. Today there are quite convenient and productive manual or mechanical flat cutters available, use them. It is advisable to cultivate the land in two passes, first along and then across. This method of tillage not only significantly reduces physical effort, but also significantly increases the natural fertility of the soil.

Don't weed

In terms of labor intensity, weeding ranks second among all works in the garden. Is it possible to grow good harvest cultivated plants if we don't control weeds? It is possible, you need to fight weeds, but not with heavy weeding, but with light, timely weeding. Systematic cutting of weeds at the root not only inhibits their growth, but also fluffs up upper layer soil, which reduces the amount of evaporated moisture.

By the way, never remove cut weeds; let them remain in the beds. In a year they will turn into humus, and until then, the cut stems serve as mulch. And, of course, there is no need to do the extra work of taking the weeded plants outside the garden or arranging special places for making humus. As practice shows, just two or three passes with a hoe during the growing season will make the garden clean and the soil more fertile.

Another way effective fight with weeds without much effort - to provoke their premature growth. In early spring ash or peat should be scattered over the snow and covered transparent film. After such events, the snow will quickly melt and the ground will warm up to sufficient temperatures for weeds to begin to grow. After 10–12 days, the film is removed, the weeds are pruned while simultaneously fluffing the soil, and crops can be sown. If it is planned to sow late crops in this area, then stimulating the growth of weeds can be repeated again, only ash or peat is no longer used.

What should you do if you sow crops that take a very long time to germinate (parsley, carrots, etc.), and while they appear above the ground, weeds can occupy the entire area? They cannot be loosened; there is a high probability of damaging the cultivated plants. And there is a way out. To indicate the location, sow along with them crops that produce the first shoots within a few days (spinach, lettuce), they will be beacons; you can trim weeds without fear of damaging the cultivated plants.

Water wisely

It is possible to make automatic watering, but it is quite expensive and requires certain assembly and commissioning work. Not all older people (especially women) will be able to understand the rules for handling automatic watering systems. What can be advised in such cases?

Think about why the land is watered. That's right, in order to be wet. Why does it dry out? Due to evaporation by plants and capillaries in the soil. If nothing can be done about evaporation by plants, then drying out of the soil due to capillaries can be significantly reduced. This means that you will have to water the garden much less often.

IN natural conditions the earth is protected from drying out by simple and very effective way- plant carpet. The shadow from the plants themselves and from their remains prevents them from falling on the ground. sun rays, which reduces the amount of evaporated moisture by several orders of magnitude.

To make work in the city easier, there is no need to reinvent the wheel, you just need to adopt the experience of nature. There is no need to make row spacing very large; this will allow the tops or green stems to completely shade the ground. For example, for radishes, an area of ​​4x4 cm is enough, for carrots 5x5 cm, for cucumbers 20x20 cm, for tomatoes 35x35 cm. To understand the possible positive effect, you need to know that evaporates through the leaves of plants in 25–30 times less moisture than from the soil surface. And for the normal development of the root system, free areas are quite sufficient small sizes. For plants that require more nutrients, additional feeds can be used. It's much easier than fighting weeds and watering.

The second method is mulching. Can be used polyethylene films(the worst option), nonwoven materials that allow rainwater(average effective option) or natural mulch made from waste from the wood processing industry. Last option the most acceptable, we recommend using only it. If you want to use modern nonwoven materials and completely cover the soil along with cultivated plants, then you need to keep in mind that the temperature under such materials is 6–10°C lower than that open ground. Such a difference can negatively affect the growing season of heat-loving plants.

Examples of proper work organization

For clarity, consider one of optimal options conducting homestead farming with minimal physical effort. We will use all three options described above to facilitate manual labor.

Before planting, potato tubers must be treated against diseases with a solution of potassium permanganate or any modern drug, expose to sunlight for greening (plant poison is formed under the skin) and germinate. This will take three to four weeks, depending on the weather and temperature. Tubers should be chosen that are completely healthy; the larger in diameter, the better. The fact is that in the initial period of development, the sprouts use the nutrients of the tubers; the more there are, the faster the root system develops.

Potatoes should be planted directly on virgin soil without prior digging. Place them at a distance of approximately 25 cm, make the beds narrow so that you can easily process the potatoes on both sides.

Practical advice. Many gardeners do the wrong thing with small tubers; they put several of them and think that they will grow into one powerful plant. This is not so, several small tubers will grow into several weak plants; they cannot “grow together” and grow stronger, but will only further oppress each other. We have already said above that you should take large tubers for planting. If grown new variety for seeds, then large tubers can be cut; in all other cases, this is strictly not recommended.

When all the potatoes are placed on the ground, they need to be protected from frost and drying out. For such purposes, it is better to use straw or old hay. Hay should be handled with care as it may have a large number of viable weed seeds. It is better to take wheat straw; it does not attract rodents. There is neither the first nor the second - collect fallen leaves and use them for shelter. To protect the straw from the wind, you need to cover it with old bags, film, and other materials.

Let the potatoes grow like this for a while. As the tops grow, you need to put fresh grass clippings, additional straw, etc. on the beds. Don't worry about the height of the pile being high. Firstly, after the first rain it will decrease significantly. Secondly, the tops grow upward very quickly.

Potatoes have interesting feature: the more the stem closes, the more roots it takes in these places, the higher the tuber yield. During traditional cultivation technology, two or three earthings are done for these purposes. With us everything is much simpler and easier. In addition, all covering material next year will turn into organic fertilizers, the soil will not lose fertility.

Another advantage of this technology is that the number of weeds is significantly reduced and moisture evaporation is minimized. This means that you need to water much less frequently, and weeding is completely unnecessary. agrotechnical technique. And one last thing. After the tops begin to flower, it is possible to harvest the first crop of young potatoes. You need to open the covering layer a little, select the most developed tubers and return everything to old place. The bush itself is not damaged at all and continues to develop normally. Field autumn harvest There is no need to remove the tops from the harvest, leave them in the same bed, they will be fertilizer for the next plants.

Potato harvest grown under straw

Second season in the garden

You need to choose a new virgin plot for potatoes and grow it already known method With minimal costs labor. And in the old place you can start planting new crops: zucchini, pumpkin, squash, etc.

There is no need to prepare the soil; under the compost it is moist, soft and almost free of weeds. Those that manage to grow will die under the large leaves of the new plants. Plant seeds in batches of 2–3. in one hole, indentations can be made with an ordinary stick.

Important. Pay attention to how seeds are sown in nature - they lie on the surface of the earth. And in our case, they do not need to be covered, only with last year’s humus.

If there is a possibility of night frosts or the ground has not warmed up enough, then after sowing you can cover the soil with film. It will not only increase the temperature and retain unripe compost, but also significantly reduce moisture evaporation. By the way, the compost contains enough moisture from the plants; no additional watering is required.

For your information. If on a hot day evaporation occurs very quickly, then the plants protect themselves: the leaves close their stomata (wither a little), due to this, moisture loss is reduced. Summer residents think that the plants are dying and begin to look for extra work– extraordinary watering. You shouldn’t do this, the plants will recover on their own during the night, and in the morning the leaves will be elastic again.

In the third year, virgin soil is again chosen for potatoes, and for vegetables there are already two fertile and well-prepared beds. You can expand the list of plants grown using the same technology. Of course, basic compatibility rules should be observed. The number of beds is adjusted to the required number, and then the crop rotation movement is carried out in a circle. That's all, with minimal effort you will have high yield environmentally friendly products.

Large potatoes are the result of following the rules of planting and caring for the plant

Video - Vegetable garden without hassle

Video - Vegetable garden without hassle - work in the garden