home · Installation · How to protect yourself from nitrates in early vegetables and fruits? "Chrysanthemum Ball" in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Photo report Exhibition of chrysanthemums

How to protect yourself from nitrates in early vegetables and fruits? "Chrysanthemum Ball" in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Photo report Exhibition of chrysanthemums

Crimeans have a wonderful autumn tradition– go to the “Chrysanthemum Ball” in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

When you start talking about your trip, some people always say – we were there last weekend, and others – we’re going there next weekend. So we went again this year and made a photo report about our trip (or rather, we just wanted to more people I saw photographs of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden and especially these unusual chrysanthemums).

What is the Chrysanthemum Ball? This is the name of the traditional exhibition of these beautiful late flowers. Hundreds of colorful, unusual, wonderful varieties, including local selection. They bloom until frost, which may not happen at all on the southern coast of Crimea. For example, last year we were at the exhibition in December and managed to find most of the collection still in bloom. This year there were frosts, and some varieties withered already in November.

By the way, I thought that the big tall chrysanthemums were primarily afraid of frost, but they actually felt very good, but some of the middle ones died completely. But in any case, there was still something to see and we wandered for a long time between the flower beds, marveling at the diversity of chrysanthemums.

As always, I lingered the longest with my favorite “daisies”—chrysanthemums that resemble daisies. True, real daisies cannot boast of such a variety of colors. There was an exact copy of them here - white with a yellow center and burgundy in different shades and even almost red.

Again, like a year ago, we spent a lot of time near green chrysanthemums. We are accustomed to the fact that flowers cannot be green, but here, please, they are a bright grass color.

Last year we were at the Chrysanthemum Ball during a blackout (blackout), on a weekday, in December. Therefore, there were almost no people, we wandered almost alone, accompanied by butterflies and cats.

This year we got here on Sunday. There were a lot of people, there was even a queue at the botanical garden ticket office during lunch. There were people of all ages - flocks of nimble pensioners, no less nimble grandmothers with grandchildren, parents with children, young couples with selfie sticks.

I remember a girl with a camera muttering under her breath: “Why am I filming all this, I already have it all,” and clicking flower after flower.

By the way, the fact that attendance has increased significantly this year can be judged by the local cats. If last year they were actively interested in us, then this year they pretended that they didn’t understand kitties and proudly carried their well-fed carcasses past, completely ignoring the visitors.

Here are a few more photos from the “Chrysanthemum Ball”, it’s a pity that everything we clicked cannot be squeezed into the article:

The variety "Crimson Spider" was among the favorites among visitors.

What else blooms in Nikitsky botanical garden?

Despite the end of November, roses continue to bloom here.

They have released their dim bouquets of yucca, they are in full bloom and the stuffy smell of expensive medlar soap.

Here is a photo of a blooming medlar:

The strawberry tree blooms and bears fruit at the same time. The tree and everything under it are strewn with fruits. He made them edible and sweet, so we ate one each (but it’s a secret!).

And this is a ripe persimmon:

and ripe pomegranate:

If you are strong enough to go downstairs and go behind the greenhouse with succulents, there you can admire the lilacs (yes, real blooming lilac) and, if you're lucky, clematis. Last year we walked around everything there, this year we spent more time on the central part.

We looked at the goldfish in the ponds and how the young palm trees planted a year ago had grown. We took pictures of the birds. They, shy in other places, boldly posed for us here.

What else to see at Nikitsky Botanical Museum

The park is beautiful all year round, there are a lot of evergreens and a gorgeous collection of conifers. My favorites are the redwoods, guests from North America. They may not be as huge as there, but the size is still impressive. There are many other giants of the plant kingdom in the park: cedars, pines, and plane trees. Of course, all guests are sure to pay attention to the palm trees.

A good collection of succulents in the garden. Most of them are collected in the greenhouse, but large prickly pears with ripe fruits can be admired in the center of the park near the gazebo. By the way, its fruits are also edible.

Also worthy of attention are the olive and bamboo groves, an exhibition of orchids, numerous shrubs with bright ripe berries - red, blue, yellow and purple like this:

In general, you should definitely go to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden for the “Chrysanthemum Ball” and just like that, and to the tulip exhibition, and to the flowering of roses, and to the flowering of clematis... and then again and again.

Chrysanthemum Ball in 2015 it runs from October 24 to November 13.
Working hours Botanical garden during this period: 9:00 - 16:00.
Ticket prices
- for children school age(from 7 to 14 years old) – 100.00 rubles;
- for other visitors – 200.00 rub.
More information about prices, discounts and benefits in the appendix to this article at the bottom.

Chrysanthemum exhibition under open air- a unique annual event that takes place in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden with 1953 of the year. Thanks to the beauty and variety of flowers presented here, the exhibition is known far beyond the borders of Crimea as " Chrysanthemum Ball"(sometimes they say" Chrysanthemum Parade").

In 2015, the Chrysanthemum Ball will be held in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden for the 62nd time. Border and small-flowered chrysanthemums will bloom first, then large-flowered chrysanthemums will begin to bloom.

Based on the results of the exhibition, " Queen of the ball" - the best, according to exhibition visitors, variety of large-flowered chrysanthemum. Since 2013, visitors have also chosen " Princess of the ball" from small-flowered chrysanthemums. The princess is chosen in October-November, in the first half of the exhibition.

Last year, the chrysanthemum variety " Kiko". The variety is medium-late, begins to bloom from the end of October - beginning of November. The inflorescence is lilac-lilac, very original and rare spider-like shape, with thin tubular flowers and lighter tips in the form of claws. The inflorescence is openwork, soaring, with a diameter of up to 20-22 cm. The variety is tall, up to 90-100 cm high. The variety chosen by the princess of the chrysanthemum ball was " Cappuccino". A mid-late variety with an orange pompom-shaped inflorescence.

Queen of the Chrysanthemum Ball 2012 was " Orange ball".

The Chrysanthemum Ball 2015 was tentatively scheduled to open on October 25. There were years when the exhibition opened on October 15th. In total, about 300 varieties of chrysanthemums of domestic and foreign selection will be presented at the exhibition, of which about 50 are new. Usually every year Nikitsky Garden presents about 20 varieties of its own selection.
On the territory of the exhibition "Chrysanthemum Ball" in a special pavilion the sale of various varieties of chrysanthemums will be organized.
During the exhibition, every Saturday and Sunday in the Summer Garden Theater at 12:00 p.m. lecture "Chrysanthemum - golden autumn flower", and also be carried out tasting of herbal teas of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden .

As a rule, mass flowering of chrysanthemums in open ground on the southern coast of Crimea takes place from late October to mid-November. If weather conditions permit, the exhibition may last until the end of November. Conventionally, the exhibition "Chrysanthemum Ball" can be divided into two parts - First you can admire the flowering of small-flowered chrysanthemums, and from the beginning of November - large-flowered chrysanthemums.

How much do tickets and excursions to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden cost? Opening hours by season. Benefits and discounts for categories of citizens. Free visit

Arboretum (arboretum) NBS, consisting of two parks, welcomes visitors all year round, seven days a week.
IN winter period(November-April) - from 9:00 to 16:00,
In summer (May-October) - from 9:00 to 20:00.

Entrance fee from April 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 for visiting the Arboretum, cactus greenhouse and Primorsky Park:

1. When visiting the Arboretum:
- for school-age children (from 7 to 14 years old) – 100.00 rubles;
- for other visitors – 200.00 rub.
When visiting the cactus greenhouse and Primorsky Park:
- for school-age children (from 7 to 14 years old) – 50.00 rubles. ;
- for other visitors – 100.00 rub.
In controversial cases, to confirm the child’s age, it is necessary to present a student card or other document confirming age.
When visiting the museum:
- for school-age children (from 7 to 14 years old) – 25.00 rubles;
- for other visitors – 50.00 rub.
2. Benefits for free entry to the Arboretum, cactus greenhouse and Primorsky Park, with a supporting document, are provided for following categories citizens:
- veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
- children under 7 years old;
- orphans and children left without parental care who are pupils of orphanages and boarding schools; disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
- a person accompanying a disabled person of groups 1 and 2;
- To the heroes Soviet Union;
- To the heroes Russian Federation and persons equated to them; full holders of the Order of Glory;
- military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription; former prisoners of concentration camps and other places of forced detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Great Patriotic War;
- museum staff;
- the leader of a group of children aged 7 to 14 years – per 10 minor tourists, aged from 14 to 18 years – per 15 minor tourists;
- a tour guide (guide), a guide-interpreter who has passed certification in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea, accompanying organized group tourists (excursionists);
- members of official delegations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other countries, participants of significant international and republican events in agreement with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea;
- persons exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, tests at the Semipalatinsk test site and categories of citizens equivalent to them;
- members large families(three or more children under 18 years of age);
- newlyweds on the day of marriage registration (bride and groom);
- labor veterans of NBS-NSC.
3. 50% discount for the following categories of citizens when visiting the Arboretum, the cactus greenhouse and the Garden of Eden exhibition, the Primorsky Park, the museum with a supporting document:
-children studying in secondary and higher education programs vocational education;
- pensioners.

Every year I come to Nikita - for the chrysanthemum ball in the fall, and for the rose parade in the spring. 2009 was no exception. You cannot find a more beautiful place in the world. Over the years, I have accumulated a lot of photographs that I want to share with you. Get ready for a lot of text and beautiful, bright photographs. I hope you enjoy it and decide to visit the Nikitsky Botanical Garden yourself :)

To begin with, it is worth turning to the history of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. After the annexation of Crimea to Russian Empire immediately compiled a short botanical description Crimean coast from Balaklava to Feodosia with a detailed description of the territory. At the same time, all state lands were included in the Tauride Economy, the director of which was Matvey Smirnov. It was he who drew up the first specific and varietal description of grain, fruit and industrial crops that have been growing in Taurida for a long time. Here is a fragment of one of his reports: “apple trees, pears, cherries, cherries, plums, various nuts, quinces, medlars, peaches, apricots, dates and many other strange species grow here in abundance.” The Crimean gardens looked luxurious in a southern way, but from the point of view of a civilized gardener, they looked a little neglected. Despite a large number of greenery, a huge part of the land was not cultivated thanks to Grigory Potemkin.

Prince Grigory Potemkin gives a decree: “Each homeowner must plant a certain number of trees per year, exactly six trees in autumn and spring,” among which poplars, willows, paradise trees, rowan, barberry and plums were obligatory. All managers were told to organize the collection of seeds in the districts and transfer them to their superiors, and to plant gardens on all lands of the South Bank that came under the control of the state.

The first manager of state gardens was Joseph Bank, who compiled the first scientific description of the history of Crimean winemaking and grape varieties. In 1787, Joseph Bank was replaced by Jacob Fabre. He paid a lot of attention to the creation of schools and colleges for training garden workers. For a long period, the largest gardens provided only profit from haymaking, instead of selling fruit. Since the new gardens needed to be planted with something, it was decided to establish botanical nurseries. The first director of the future Nikitsky Botanical Garden was the Englishman Henderson, who six months later submitted his resignation, unable to cope with the workload assigned to him. The second attempt also failed. By special order of Prince Potemkin, an attempt was made to establish a botanical garden in the north of the Tauride region, in the village of Kolanchak. 13,709 were planted fruit trees, 33 grape vines, 25,000 lindens, birches and rowan trees, several bags of various acorns were sown, but in the fall most of the seedlings died from the heat. Directors were replaced one after another, but the task of turning Crimea into blooming garden, staged by Potemkin, remained impracticable. The only trees that have taken root well since the time of Potemkin are mulberries.

The governor of Novorossiya, Duke Richelieu, continued Potemkin's work, taking up the matter more thoroughly. He was convinced that to solve the problem it was necessary to create a southern botanical nursery. Richelieu entrusted the implementation of his idea to the young scientist Christian Christianovich Steven, who was a physician by training, but had long been interested in botany, and was an experienced agronomist. In the photo there is a monument to Christian Steven in the Botanical Garden

On February 13, 1812, Emperor Alexander I issued a decree on the creation of an economic and botanical garden. A place for the new garden was allocated seven miles from Yalta, below the village of Nikita, from which the garden received its name. It was quite large plot government land, where the director of economics M. Smirnov has already made an attempt to plant orchard. Among the plants characteristic of this territory, Stephen identified oak, wild pistachio, hornbeam, field maple, hackberry, dogwood, hazel, sumac, cistus, tree-tree, as well as herbaceous caper, eryngium, jasmine and some types of herbs. It is interesting that the botanist did not name such characteristic plants of the southern coast of Crimea as strawberry and juniper. Most likely, he classified them as exotic trees.

There was a catastrophic shortage of workers. In 1813, when it was time to build living quarters and service buildings, Steven's entire staff included a gardener, an apprentice, 23 workers, two carpenters, three workers, three teenagers and a translator with Tatar language. But, despite all the problems, already in 1815 Nikitsky Botanical Garden produced “the first supply of trees in the amount of 6,481”, earning more than two thousand rubles. In 1818, Emperor Alexander I visited the garden, after which it was allowed to be called “Imperial”, and the maintenance of the garden was transferred to the funds of the imperial treasury. The construction of the South Bank highway and large cash injections greatly accelerated the growth of the garden. In 1824, there were already 450 species growing here. various plants. Both local plants and botanical rarities grew beautifully in the park area of ​​the garden. The most important acquisitions were oaks: cork and holm, Italian pine, plane tree, magnolias, tulip tree, catalpa, honey locust, sophora, boxwood, two types of strawberries, various cypresses and pines, thujas, hibiscus and many other plants new to the Crimea. The rarest tropical specimens have taken root in greenhouses and greenhouses - azaleas, camellias, orchids, strelitzia, palm trees, lemons and oranges. The flower beds were adorned with tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, lilies, cannas, carnations and gillyflowers.

In 1824, Count M. Vorontsov recommended a new gardener-caretaker, Nikolai von Hartvis. From this time on, Steven's duties as director of the garden were suspended. Under Gartvis, the Nikitsky Botanical Garden entered a new era of prosperity. In 1824 alone, 175 thousand plants were planted

Specialist on the Southern Coast of Crimea V.Kh. Kondaraki wrote that in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden “the ones that have taken root best are Californian pine, which produces gigantic cones the size of a human head, Mexican pine with long hanging needles, silver fir, Transcaucasian and Andalusian spruce, Himalayan and Lebanese cedars, Himalayan, Mexican, Californian, Japanese and Atlas cypresses, junipers from the Himalayan and Akhaltsikhe mountains and Mexican, Chinese, Japanese.” In addition, no one is surprised in the garden by five types of oak, various maples, walnuts, seven types of laurel, magnolias, mahonia, jasmines, Chinese privet, hollies, oleanders, azaleas, Chinese double apple tree, Japanese quince.

And this tree is popularly called Shameless, it has no bark at all, and you can also see it very often in the garden

After Gartvis, Nikitsky Garden continues to develop, but on its own, by inertia. According to the testimony of contemporaries in the 19th century: “In our time, this nursery is not developing at all and does not satisfy any purpose, firstly, due to the lack of a sufficient number of specimens of those plants that are more required than others, and because of their high cost, inaccessible to poor landowners, who, as you know, are always more than wealthy.” However, despite criticism, already in 1916, guides presented the Nikitsky Botanical Garden as unique object for visiting by tourists.

Nowadays, the Nikitsky Botanical Garden is a large scientific academic institution, the main task of which is to enrich knowledge about plants, as well as to familiarize tourists with the scientific achievements of the garden

### page 2

The botanical garden not only grows plants from all over the world, it also carries out large-scale scientific and breeding work. The results of this work can be seen everywhere, including the rose garden. Among more than 2000 varieties of roses, the majority are selected by garden workers. Conventionally, the garden can be divided into the following zones: Upper Park, Lower Park and Primorsky Park. Its oldest part is the Lower Park. The seaside park is located outside the main garden, at the very bottom. The most significant event here is the autumn Chrysanthemum Ball. In the upper and lower parks, hundreds of flowers bloom in vast areas the most beautiful varieties chrysanthemums

In the upper park there are administrative buildings Nikitsky Botanical Garden, which are very harmoniously combined with the park itself. One of these buildings hosts a tulip exhibition in May.

Lawns are constantly maintained and watered.

Near the pool there is a monument to Lenin, and below there is a bust of Molotov. As if to emphasize how much more significant Lenin was than Molotov

Here's a smiley face made of flowers

Variety Nikitskaya Yubileinaya, NBS selection

The culture of decorative garden chrysanthemums has a thousand-year history. In China, where I'm from most of chrysanthemums, garden forms began breeding back in 551 BC. e. Then chrysanthemums were brought to Japan, where they became national flower. The plants came to Europe in the 17th century, and to Russia in the mid-19th century. Decorative qualities chrysanthemums were valued very highly, and as a result of breeding work, a huge number of their forms, groups and varieties appeared. Some types of chrysanthemums can be successfully grown in Russian conditions in the open air, others - only in greenhouses, but all of them are valued by gardeners for the brightness of their colors, long-lasting flowering, and ease of propagation.

Garden chrysanthemum – CASCAD D’ORLECUS

In Chinese folk medicine chrysanthemum is used as treatment plant: its leaves are prescribed for migraines, and dried flowers- to improve appetite. In many countries, chrysanthemum flowers and leaves were used to treat eye diseases, malaria, alcoholism, stomach diseases, and to prevent cardiovascular diseases. In Asian countries, shoots, leaves and especially inflorescences are eaten as vegetables and delicious dessert. IN last years The potted (indoor) culture of chrysanthemums became widespread everywhere.

The chrysanthemum is traditionally depicted on coins and the national emblem of Japan, and one of highest awards countries - Order of the Chrysanthemum. The Chrysanthemum Festival in the Land of the Sun is special ritual: while performing it, you need to admire every shade of the inflorescences, while you need to think deeply about the path you have traveled and the meaning of life.

Ancient Japanese poets praised the chrysanthemum in their poems. The “golden flower” did not go unnoticed by Russian poets. For almost a hundred years, the old sad romance by Nikolai Kharito “The chrysanthemums in the garden have long since faded…” (1910) has been heard.

Insects love chrysanthemum pollen.

Very beautiful chrysanthemum Two Tone Pink

But simple fluffy garden chrysanthemums, the presence of these flowers at the chrysanthemum ball gives it additional charm, despite their simplicity

Very bright variety- The Golden Fleece

There are chrysanthemums like this... Chic, large and bright flower

Chrysanthemum Red Banner. I think everyone understands what the variety is named after :)

Another Crimean flower of the Nikitsky Garden selection - Nikitskaya autumn

golden sunflower

### page 3

How the frost that fell on the flowers melts
The chrysanthemum that grows near the house where I live.
So, life, you will melt,
Filled with tender love!

Huge bright chrysanthemum- To the Space Brothers. I think the brothers from outer space would really like this message

Butterflies again

Indispensable assistants, without them successful selection is impossible

The origin of the chrysanthemum is associated with numerous legends.
According to one of them, an evil dragon decided to steal the sun from humanity. Having grabbed the luminary, he severely burned his paws and in anger began to tear it apart. The sun sparks that fell to the ground turned into chrysanthemums.

Another legend tells how once upon a time the people living in China were ruled by an evil and treacherous emperor. Visiting foreign guests told him about the existence on the nearby islands wonderful flower, which has the miraculous property of prolonging life and restoring youth, you just need to pick a flower to get the desired elixir of life from its juice. And it's called chrysanthemum.
Only one feature is important to observe: the chrysanthemum has life-giving power if a person picks it from with a pure heart and soul, who committed to life path good deeds, having an open heart and good intentions.
Consumed by curiosity, the emperor felt the approach of old age and began to dream of the cherished flower. Sending the courtiers for a flower?,” he thought, “is impossible, he knew for sure that they too were treacherous and biased people. He then decided to gather three hundred young boys and girls and send them to the island where the wonderful chrysanthemum grows. If each of them picks a flower, he thought, then at least one flower will turn out to be miraculous, and I can get the elixir and extend my life.
He equipped the youth for the voyage, and he himself remained to wait for his return. When the boys and girls sailed to the island, disembarked and looked around, they simply changed their minds about returning to their homeland. The beautiful rich nature, enchanting strange flowers and plants attracted them so much that they forgot all fear of the emperor. The world on the island was so kind, bright and beautiful that it would have become their new home - without the shadow of the old dictator. They decided never to return to the country of the cruel ruler, to stay forever on the wonderful island. So the emperor died while waiting for the chrysanthemum, and on that island, according to legend, a new state was founded - Japan.

Chrysanthemum is unique in that its leaves and trunk are not affected by the first night frosts. Even unopened buds remain intact. And if, after short frosts, warm weather sets in again, then the buds bloom safely. However, if the bud has bloomed even a little, that’s it - the flower is lost!

This Crimean variety of chrysanthemums is named after Yuri Bogatikov

Chrysanthemum Teddy Bear:)

Sambalina. NBS selection

Very similar to Sambalina – Lilac Mist

Carpet of colorful chrysanthemums

Tall chrysanthemums, half human height

I liked this flower the most. All visitors can vote for the Prom Queen by filling out a special form. I voted for this variety

This concludes my review of the Chrysanthemum Ball. Go ahead…

### page 4

On the territory of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden there is a greenhouse with tropical butterflies, where several birds also live

Butterflies are very large and beautiful. The greenhouse maintains a constant temperature, so they multiply very quickly

And here is the process of reproduction itself

The most real silk

The most beautiful butterfly in the greenhouse

From a different angle

Butterflies boldly land on people

You may accidentally not notice it, crush it (And in the best case, take it with you

Here is the greenhouse itself

Nearby is another greenhouse with orchids

The greenhouse is protected from pests by the Eagle Owl. Not a single mouse can run through) He sleeps during the day

Be sure to visit the greenhouse with cacti

There are a lot of them here, both small and large.

Half of the cacti are in the greenhouse (the most heat-loving), the other half are outside, in a small park

And this cactus eats flies. After enough flies enter it, the bud closes and digests the food)

Prickly Cheburashkas

A small space was set up in the cactus greenhouse beautiful pond with lilies

There are a lot of funny sculptures like this in the grass

While we were walking around the greenhouse, dolphins swam to Nikita and everyone rushed to the sea to see them. Unfortunately, we didn't have time. Instead, we just wandered around the park a little more and took a couple more photos. It was in this pond that the turtle Tortilla lived in the movie “Pinocchio”

A real pomegranate grows nearby

Common pomegranate. IN Nikitsky Botanical Garden imported in 1812

But the datura is blooming. The hallucinogenic abilities of Datura were noticed in ancient times. In particular, the Aztecs placed its seeds on altars, and many Indian sorcerers used its narcotic effect for mass visions. According to some reports, in the voodoo religion, Datura was the main component in a magical drink used to turn a person into a zombie. In his book “The Teachings of Don Juan: The Way of Knowledge of the Yaqui Indians,” American writer Carlos Castaneda calls datura “the devil’s herb”:

“The devil's grass is like a woman and, like a woman, it flatters men. She sets traps for them at every turn. She gave it to you when she made you apply the paste to your forehead. She'll try it again and you'll probably give in. I'm warning you, don't do this. Don't take it with passion. “Devil's grass” is only one of the paths to the secrets of the man of knowledge. There are other ways. But her trap is to make you believe that her way is the only way. I say that it is useless to spend your whole life on one single path, especially if that path has no heart.”

After we walked around the entire park, we finally went down to the sea. The old Nikitskaya embankment is empty in October, unlike in the summer.

I, of course, really wanted to take photographs at the ball, which, with such an influx of spectators, was, to put it mildly, uncomfortable. Therefore, I think that we were terribly lucky - we visited Crimea a little earlier than the traditional dates for the ball, and the flowers had already begun to bloom - we visited the garden on October 10. Preparations for the ball were in full swing, most of the flowers were in buds, but some were in bloom and even exuded enchanting aromas. Unfortunately, signs with the names of chrysanthemum varieties have not yet been installed, so I don’t know the name of that one fragrant flower, which my wife couldn’t tear herself away from. However, they say that in previous years there were few signs, and there are no captions for photographs on the NBS website either - it’s a shame.

Specialists Nikitsky Garden They have been breeding chrysanthemums for more than seventy years and have developed about nine dozen new varieties. Every autumn they invite visitors to admire the results of their work. To participate in the ball, more than twenty thousand flowers are planted, about three hundred varieties, different in size, color, and most importantly - flowering time! Perhaps that is why we were lucky to become one of the first spectators of the flower exhibition. Of which, by the way, there were already quite a few that day.

This year, the Chrysanthemum Ball opened on October 23 on an expanded site of 0.3 hectares. Mass flowering of chrysanthemums will last until mid-November, and under favorable weather conditions, you can admire chrysanthemum blooms in the open air until the end of November. During the exhibition, each visitor can take part in choosing the queen of the chrysanthemum ball. Last year, the majority of votes were given to the Chinese large-flowered (with an inflorescence diameter of about 12 cm) variety "Swallow" (Yan Tzu). The peculiarity of this white flower is the presence of a green center. In inflorescences that have not yet fully opened, the petals may have a pinkish tint. Previously, the queen of chrysanthemums was also chosen to be a large-flowered variety - Ami Paulette, whose appearance resembles a daisy with purple petals. The variety “Teddy Bear” has been repeatedly recognized as the most popular among small-flowered chrysanthemums.

It's no surprise that the chrysanthemum is the favorite flower of the Japanese. This is part of their culture - a symbol of longevity. The chrysanthemum is traditionally depicted on coins and the state emblem of Japan, and one of the country's highest honors is the Order of the Chrysanthemum. One of the most beloved holidays in Japan, which is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth month, is associated with this flower. eastern calendar, - Kiku-no-sekku ("Chrysanthemum Festival"). On this day, the Japanese write messages on long strips of paper that are glued to trees so that not only people, but also the wind rustling in the leaves and birds flying past can read them...

Seen everything in the world
My eyes are back
To you, white chrysanthemums.

Chrysanthemums are multifaceted, enchanting, noble - delightful! I made several circles around the blooming flowers, shooting first with one lens, then with the other. Then I wanted to grab it individual flowers from the mass of "telephoto". We were about to leave, but remembered that we had forgotten about the video - we went for the fifth circle. During this time, I was even filmed crawling on my knees near the flowers. local television. They took me away from the giant flowerbed almost by force - my fellow travelers wanted to see the rest of the plants in the park, including the participants in the fading rose ball.

In winter (November-April) - from 9:00 to 16:00,
in summer (May-October) - from 9:00 to 18:00.
The cost of the entrance ticket is 15 UAH. for adults and 7.50 UAH. for children (from 6 to 14 years old).

Hello friends! Today we have a bright, sunny and positive report from Crimea for you! I invite you to the annual event at the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Many people will think that the chrysanthemum is an ordinary flower and is not capable of attracting enthusiastic attention. Perhaps you are right - not everyone will like a bouquet of five branches of autumn chrysanthemums. What if this bouquet consists of several hundred or thousand flowers of a wide variety of shades?

The last month of autumn in Crimea always makes me sad. There are no longer those bright colors with purple and orange hues, the sky becomes gloomy, and Sun rays They bestow their warmth only for a few hours. I would like to bring back memories of summer and forget that delicate aromas and rainbow colors will appear only with the arrival of spring. It is at such a time that you can enter an amazing kingdom. autumn flowers- to the chrysanthemum ball in Crimea.

This year, for two months, autumn spoiled us with warm and sunny days. The rains seemed to have forgotten about the Crimean peninsula and were in no hurry to reach our region.

Chrysanthemums are amazing flowers; they bloom as soon as the air temperature drops and are fragrant until the first frost.

Considering that the Nikitsky Botanical Garden is located in the vicinity of Greater Yalta, the first frosts always come late. The Chrysanthemum Ball delights its visitors from October to November.

This year the dates have shifted, and not all varieties of planted chrysanthemums bloomed at the beginning of November. I waited until the last moment for the culmination of this magnificent spectacle, so I went to the village of Nikita on November 14.

I was lucky - all the chrysanthemums bloomed, the day was sunny, and the air temperature was +15°C. I knew that on the weekend there would be more guests at the botanical garden than flowers, so I chose Friday. And I was right! At 10 am there were about 40 of us.

According to tradition, at each flower exhibition in Nikitsky Garden a ball queen is chosen. I invite you to make your choice! Which chrysanthemum is worthy of this high title?

To be honest, I couldn’t cope with this task; I couldn’t choose the best of the best.

Queen of the Chrysanthemum Ball 2011 – Escort Rot

White chrysanthemum “Joy”

The number of chrysanthemums at the exhibition could only be matched by the number of bees. They flew from flower to flower, as if posing in front of hundreds of photo flashes.

Chrysanthemum "Lilly Pop"

Chrysanthemum “Sunny Day”

Each chrysanthemum variety was marked with a sign; there were names familiar not only to breeders, but also to guests of the botanical garden.

White chrysanthemum "Ribonet"

Chrysanthemum "Sheer Purple"

Chrysanthemum "Rendezvous"

Chrysanthemum "Monument"

Chrysanthemum "Mount Batun"

Chrysanthemum “Viktor Rover”

Chrysanthemum "Gold Coin"

Chrysanthemum "Gold Strings"

Well, are you tired? I hope you managed to choose the prom queen? :)

Flower show visitors have made their choice! The queen of the 2014 Chrysanthemum Ball was the gentle charmer KIKO.

In conclusion of the report, I would like to thank all the workers of the Nikitsky Garden for such a magnificent show!

For those who don’t know, let me remind you! The Nikitsky Botanical Garden annually hosts three main flower shows. Exact dates there are no such events, it all depends on weather conditions.

  • April - May Tulip Parade
  • May-June Rose Parade (some varieties continue to bloom until November)
  • October - November Chrysanthemum Ball

Exhibitions of other flowers are also held throughout the year:

  • April - May Lilac
  • May Irises
  • June - August Daylilies
  • May - September Clematis
  • July - October Cannes

As soon as the chrysanthemums fade, the flower beds are prepared for the spring tulip parade.

If you happen to come to Crimea in October-November, you will be able to see all this splendor for yourself! I hope you liked the flower exhibition in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.