home · electrical safety · Pine pine cultivation. Italian pine, or pine: description, cultivation features and reviews Cedar pine: cultivation

Pine pine cultivation. Italian pine, or pine: description, cultivation features and reviews Cedar pine: cultivation

Today, many people have the idea of ​​planting coniferous trees at home. Decorative foliage plants are a wonderful interior decoration, but they cannot compare with the charming Italian pine. It can be seen on sale under the name pine. You can find it in flower shops all year round, however, it is best to purchase and plant it in early spring.

Growing in nature

Italian pine found in the Canary Islands. Very impressive young tree has a pyramidal shape. With age, the crown branches out. Due to powerful branches, the crown of the umbrella is formed. At home growing gardeners often use this feature to create an amazing bonsai garden, unique and inimitable.

In its homeland, Italian pine reaches enormous sizes, up to 20 meters in height. In pots this plant is usually no more than one and a half meters, but for small room she doesn't fit. But in the large hall it will look simply magical. Its bark has a reddish-gray tint, which makes the pine very decorative look. The needles of young trees are soft and silver-green. The length of each needle is about 10-12 cm. Over time, it becomes stiffer and darker. In nature, Italian pine periodically sheds its needles, which then cover the ground around the tree like a carpet. At home, old needles are cut off independently, which stimulates the growth of fresh ones.

Why pine tree

Indeed, there are so many in nature that it’s simply dizzying. In addition, decorative varieties and hybrids have been bred today. But among them, Italian pine occupies a special place. Distinctive feature- an unforgettable pine aroma, surprisingly persistent. Many people grow pine trees in the garden in the summer and bring them to an insulated loggia in the winter. By Christmas, you'll have your own "tree" at home to decorate. This tradition allows us to preserve Christmas trees in wildlife.

Description of the species

Let's take a closer look at what Italian pine (pine) is. The tree is low-branched, highly cleared of branches, with a beautiful crown. The trunks are covered with grooved bark, which is separated by large plates, strongly curved. Young shoots are usually gray-green or light yellow, densely covered with needles. The buds at the ends are quite showy and non-resinous. The length of the needles is 10-15 cm, green or bluish. Mature female cones are single, symmetrical. The scutes of scales are curved, thick, and hide edible seeds, which we call nuts. It is from them that a new tree can be grown.

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Italian pine, or pine, is a resident of the Mediterranean, so it can withstand frost with difficulty. IN middle lane and in the south of Russia it can grow in open ground (where frosts do not exceed -20), but in Siberia it will not survive. Here gardeners usually plant it in tubs so that with the onset of autumn they can take it to a more warm room. Prefers dry and loose soils, mostly sandy. The breed is light-loving and drought-resistant, undemanding to growing conditions, except that it does not tolerate waterlogging. The tree produces large seeds that resemble kernels. They are considered a delicacy and are regularly used as food. Useful properties are not inferior to fruits Siberian cedar. This is a longevity product.

Sapling or seeds?

It is most convenient to use a five-year-old seedling of the species you like. In this case, you get a fully mature plant that can be placed on your summer cottage. However, many are not interested in how to buy a ready-made seedling, but how to grow it. Italian pine (pinia) takes a long time to grow, be patient. Growing a tree from cones is a very interesting process, this technology has great importance for the restoration of coniferous forests, and not just for decorating private household plots.

Selecting seed material

We will talk in detail about how to plant Italian pine seeds. First of all, you will need a mature bud. To do this, she will have to live on a tree for three years. After this, its scales open and expose the seeds. It is now that the finished cone falls to the ground, where it can be collected and used to grow a new plant. Each such house contains about 10 seeds. Optimal time for harvesting - end of October.

Having brought it home, it needs to be placed in a warm place, on the stove or near the radiator. After a couple of days, the cone will open and allow you to collect the seeds. In nature, they undergo natural stratification. The cone lies under the snow all winter, and with the onset of spring, the seeds are saturated with moisture and germinate. This needs to be repeated at home. To do this, place the seeds on the sand, lightly moisten them, cover them with snow and put them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

With the coming of spring

Now the seeds can be placed in planting boxes. They need to be filled with light peat soil (one part each of turf, peat and sand), which will definitely need to be calcined in the oven. After the soil is prepared, seeds are sown at a depth of 2-3 cm. Water well and cover with glass. After the emergence of seedlings, the covering material must be removed and the box moved to a sunny place. For prevention purposes, seedlings are sprayed with a fungicide solution. At the beginning of summer they can be planted in open ground or a tub, if climatic conditions do not involve cultivation on the site.

Plant care

Now you have a young Italian pine (pine) growing. Growing features require regular replanting, approximately once every five years. By this age they reach a height of about half a meter. It must be remembered that young pines need to be covered winter period spruce branches. IN warm time a year you will need to feed the seedlings 2-3 times. To do this you need to use mineral mixtures for coniferous trees. But it’s better to be careful with organic matter; pine trees don’t like oily soils. If these conditions are met, you can obtain a sufficient number of seedlings for decoration. garden plot from one cone.

By about 7 years the plant acquires a crown, and by 20 the tree is covered with branches almost to the ground. By the age of 30, the lower branches begin to die off, and the crown takes on an ovoid shape. By this time, the maturation process is almost complete, although growth will continue.

Pine tree in the winter garden

According to reviews from those who have the described tree on their property, this is one of the few pine trees that easily tolerates home maintenance. Moreover satisfactory condition and its shape will be if during the growth period the tree is on fresh air. And in winter it is best to keep it in a cool place where growth stops.

The soil should be light, a mixture of granules and sand, as well as gravel. The soil must be replaced every 2-3 years. Young plants require moderate watering, and in winter the substrate can be kept temporarily dry.

Crown formation

What do you need to do to grow a beautiful and strong Italian pine (pine)? The use of modern synthetic fertilizers is not encouraged; forest humus will be sufficient. This variety of pine is great for creating a flat, wide canopy, but other styles can be implemented if desired. The final height should be maintained at up to one and a half meters. Young shoots are shortened and shaped using wire. This should be done while the branches are young and flexible, that is, before they reach three years old. In those places where the wire passes, it is necessary to remove the needles. Make sure that it does not fit tightly to the branches, otherwise it may grow into the bark.

Delicious nuts

In addition to its decorative function, you can count on the fact that from about 12 years of age the pine tree will begin to bear fruit. One tree produces an average of 45 cones. A large plant can produce approximately 7-9 kilograms of edible seeds. Many Italian dishes use the delicious pine nut. Italian pine is a very fertile plant. If there are several trees growing on the site, then you will be provided with a wonderful food supplement. The calorie content is quite high, about 630 kcal per 100 g of product. Nuts are rich in microelements such as vitamins B, E and C, as well as phosphorus and magnesium, zinc and potassium, manganese and iron.

Beneficial features

To date, they have not been fully studied, but it is well known that Italian pine nuts perfectly heal wounds and help cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of pine fruits helps strengthen the immune system and has a mild diuretic effect, improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver, stimulates potency, and helps normalize heart function.

I value naturalness and authenticity. I don't like artificial flowers artificial people..... therefore I am biased towards artificial Christmas trees. Now there is a huge selection of real plants on the market that can be purchased at New Year, and then drop them off at the dacha or leave them at home. If you want to leave the tree at home, you need to consider that not all coniferous plants are suitable for home care. You can show originality and decorate New Year's Eve palm tree, cactus or any plant you like, feel free to break stereotypes and don’t be afraid to experiment.

But if you are a devotee of traditions and want to see New Year's celebration just a Christmas tree, and so that the house is filled with a wonderful pine aroma.

As far as I can remember, pine pine is the only conifer that can be grown at home. Many people prefer this coniferous plant to create a bonsai or a thematic composition. But we won’t look that far for now, but will prepare for the coming New Year.

The shape of the Italian Pinia pine is just right - pyramidal; after the New Year celebrations, it will be possible to give the tree the desired crown shape. But for New Year's decor the shape of the acquired pine is the most necessary.

At different lighting the needles play in different shades of green; in bright evening light, they acquire an unusual bluish tint.

To be honest, I wouldn’t even recognize the pine tree in the pot, I imagined it differently, I thought this massive pine tree with huge needles. But on the eve of the New Year, the company FRESH FROM NATURE offered such a beauty for purchase in a festive bucket with a snowflake.

The beauty of the tree can be emphasized with festive decorations, but in this case the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to overshadow the natural beauty of Pinus Pinea.

Italian pine has a very strong pine smell. And within a few minutes after the new resident appeared in our apartment, the house was filled with the pine aroma of the forest and holiday.

Do not recommend this product I just can’t afford to buy it, the happiness and joy that fills our home is priceless thanks to this beautiful tree. I hope after the New Year, the pine tree will take on a new shape and place in our lives.

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​In the spring, seedlings can be planted in natural soil. Trying not to damage the long and thin roots, the seedlings should be carefully separated and planted at a distance of 10 - 12 cm from each other. The planting level should be the same as in the boxes - shallow. Fine sawdust should be sprinkled on the soil with seedlings, which will protect the plants from an abundance of weeds. Periodic manipulations with fertilizers, watering and weeding are the main recommendations for the next couple of years. The pine grows quickly and in the third year its height reaches 60 cm. Now the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place, it is better to do this in mid-spring, along with the ground, trying to preserve the root system. A long-lived tree will delight future generations with its aroma and healing air.​

Pine cones and seeds

​Korean cedar Sulange​

​Grows in northeast China, Japan.​

​500 years.​

Light-loving, tolerates partial shade.

​Another scourge of such a crop as cedar pine is cone rust, which is also caused by soil fungi. The symptoms of this disease are as follows: the tips of the shoots die off, the trunk becomes bent, and the cones open up and dry out. The danger of this disease is that it spreads rapidly among young trees and can destroy the work of the nursery. That's why preventive measures necessary: ​​treatment of young animals with fungicides is mandatory. If necessary, in advanced cases, cutting out affected trees is used.​

​The optimal soil for growing cedar is loose, sufficiently moist and breathable sandy loam or loam. The seeds are buried 2-3 cm, and the crops are mulched with sawdust, humus or peat. This will protect the soil from drying out, crust formation after watering or rain, and the appearance of weeds.​

​Everything in this tree is unique and organic. Symbolizing beauty and strength, cedar has occupied a special place in the soul of Russian people since ancient times. The powerful conifer grows up to 35 meters in height, often has a trunk diameter of up to one and a half meters, and some specimens - up to two. Cedar pine is a long-liver, the average lifespan of a tree is 400 years, some can live up to 800 years or more.​

Sowing pine seeds at home

​After green shoots appear, remove the glass and place the pots in a well-lit place. For prevention purposes, seedlings must be sprayed several times with a fungicide solution. At the beginning of summer or early autumn, pine seedlings can be planted in open ground, but for the winter they will have to be covered with spruce branches.​

​In the spring, the seeds are ready for planting in open or protected ground.​

  • ​Most evergreen pines are strong tall trees, they are not suitable for growing on local area. But short or decorative forms various pine trees will become a real decoration of the site.​
  • ​Strictly speaking, this is pine.​
  • ​is a type Korean cedar. Represents tall tree, reaching up to 40 m. The crown is dense, cone-shaped. The needles are large, up to 20 cm in length, greenish-gray. The cones are elongated-ovate, with bent ends of the seed scales. One cone contains 130-140 nuts.​

​Korean cedar develops well in fresh, light, fertile loamy soil wet soil. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Shade-tolerant, light-loving, frost-resistant, withstands frosts down to -50°C. Resistant to city conditions.​



Sowing pine seeds in open ground

​In cultivated plantings, a cedar seedling with early age form a crown. It is considered the most effective garden form: spreading and multi-vertexed, since the peculiarity of the plant is the formation of flower buds in the upper part of the shoots. During the first 10-15 years, the lower branches of the cedar are cut to a height of 2-2.5 m from the ground with pruning shears at the level of the trunk. The sections are treated with garden varnish. All pruning operations are carried out during the dormant period (winter or early spring), before awakening.​

​When seedlings appear, protection will be required from birds pecking at the remains of nuts that pull the first tender shoots out of the ground. Usually crops are covered with shields made of intertwined willow twigs, lifting them above the plantings to a height of 6-8 cm. They are removed in about a month, when the seedlings have become stronger and the birds are no longer afraid of them.​

The branches of the tree form a compact, dense and beautiful crown. Hard and narrow needles up to 10-13 cm long are effective medicine, it is so rich in unique vitamins and minerals. This is why the air in cedar forests is sterile and healing: the released phytoncides create an invisible barrier, neutralizing harmful viruses and bacteria. The rangers claim that the air in the cedar forest has a strong healing effect: it heals the body and soul, improves well-being and calms the nerves. Unique set organic compounds in needles has long been used by Russian people to treat scurvy manifestations, neuroses and increase immunity. Pine resin, resin, fully lives up to its name, has a healing effect. And wood has excellent bactericidal qualities.​

​To sow pine seeds in open ground, dig a trench one and a half to two spade depths and 20 to 25 cm wide, fill it with a mixture of one part sand and two parts turf or garden soil. Make grooves 3 cm deep. Plant the seeds to a depth of two centimeters, filling the grooves with clean sand. For the first week, you will have to moisten the trench several times a day, preventing even the slightest drying of the soil. From the eighth day, watering can be reduced.

At the end of winter, pine seeds can be planted in planting boxes at home. And when the soil thaws with a shovel, you can sow directly into open ground.​

​The most convenient way for planting in the garden is to purchase a ready-made five-year-old pine seedling of the species you like, but sometimes, in the hands of an amateur coniferous plants It is not a seedling that falls, but a pine cone with mature seeds. The question immediately arises: how to grow a pine tree from a cone? In addition, the technology of growing pine trees from seeds is of great importance for creating large decorative green spaces in populated areas and for the restoration of coniferous forests.​


Cedar pine: description, planting and care, cultivation

​Pinea can be grown in a container in the garden so that in summer it gives a special accent to the site, and in winter it can be brought to an insulated loggia or winter Garden. Then by the Christmas holidays the Italian pine will become wonderful decoration at home.​

Cedar pine: description

Fruiting of this crop occurs 15-20 years after planting. Thanks to its beautiful openwork crown, the tree has great decorative value. Therefore, the Korean cedar Sulange is a decoration of garden plots and city parks. Planted singly and in groups.​

Cedar is propagated using seeds (nuts). To do this, it is better to take varietal seeds that have been tested for germination. Sowing is carried out in the spring, in late April - early May. Before sowing, the seeds are stratified. To do this, they are placed for 2 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate, then poured hot water and soak for three days, changing the water daily. After this, the seeds are mixed with wet peat chips and sand. A mixture of peat, sand and seeds is poured into wooden box with holes (for air access). Once every 15 days, this mixture is stirred and slightly moistened. Store the box in a cool room at a temperature of 4-6°C.​



​wet, sandy or loamy.​

Cedar pine: cultivation

The cedar pine, the photo of which is presented in the article, is one of the crops worthy of special breeding. These are the features of growing interesting useful and decorative tree.​
​Further care for cedar crops is usual: loosening the soil, weeding, watering and fertilizing. Cedar pine loves high-quality organic matter, and the best fertilizer In spring, use a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1:10. In autumn you can also use complex mineral fertilizers. After 2-3 years, full-fledged cedar pine seedlings are obtained, which can now be transplanted to a permanent place.​

How to carry out stratification?

The fruits of the tree, pine nuts, are valued as an excellent delicacy, nutritious product and healing agent. For a long time in Rus' this tree was called the bread tree, which is absolutely true, since at all times it saved and supported not only people, but also all forest life.​

When the shoots appear, and this happens after 14-21 days, you need to protect them from direct sunlight, creating artificial shade. Once a week, young seedlings need protection from fungi; they can be sprayed with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate or any garden fungicide.


​Planting containers, 15 to 20 cm deep, must be filled with soil. Since young green pine shoots are easily damaged by various fungal diseases, all components of the soil must be washed and dried in a preheated oven:​
​The seeds of all pines are borne in female cones that are ovoid or cone-shaped. The cones are formed by rather dense scutes - scales, arranged in rows, one above the other. The scales are initially tightly closed, and during the ripening period they open and expose the seeds. At the same time, the pine cones fall entirely to the ground, where it is convenient to collect them to obtain seed material.​


The plant is quite easy to care for. From May to September she spends her time on the sunny, wind-protected terrace. The plant has long roots, so provide it with a container that is large enough to grow in. In summer, watering should be regular and abundant. To strengthen the needles, add a little fertilizer for conifers to the irrigation water once every 3 weeks. But you need to keep in mind that pine cannot be overfed, since natural conditions it grows in poor sandy soils of mountainous regions.​


​Growing a tree from a seed is exciting and interesting. Pine is an unpretentious tree, grows quickly and easily, and does not require special care. You can get pine seeds yourself, you just need to choose the right time and place. Cones can be found at open places, autumn or early spring. It is important to arrive before it gets warm, otherwise the cones will fluff up and give up their seeds.​

The sprouted seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of 2-3 cm and sprinkled with peat chips or a layer of sawdust on top. This will prevent the soil from drying out, becoming compacted after watering, and becoming overgrown with weeds.​
​Korean cedar or Korean pine is conifer tree, reaching up to 60 m in height. The trunk is straight, with a diameter of up to 2 m. The layer of wood on the trunk is 15-17 m3. The bark is thin, smooth, flaky, gray-brown or dark brown. With age, it cracks into small plates. The crown is dense, low-slung, broadly cone-shaped in young trees, oblong-cylindrical in older trees, and multi-peaked in old age, since fragile shoots often cannot withstand the weight of the cone harvest and break off. The branches are powerful, outstretched, rising upward. Young shoots are brown and pubescent. Root system consists of a poorly developed tap root and numerous lateral roots extending into the soil to a depth of about 1 m.​



​Botanical name:​

​You need to dig out a small cedar carefully, trying to preserve the roots. If possible, the seedling is removed from the garden bed along with a lump of earth. Air drying after the plant has been dug up is also unacceptable. The root ball must be moistened with water and planted.

Crown formation

​In Russia, cedar pine is distributed throughout Siberia and forms natural plantings. The tree is capable of growing well in almost all temperate latitudes, and gardeners have long been breeding cedar in many regions: in the Moscow region, Leningrad region, central Russia, in the Urals, Altai and even beyond the Arctic Circle. Cultivated and well-fed cedars planted on fertile soils begin to produce crops two to three times faster than in natural conditions. Typically, in forests, cedar pine begins to bear fruit fully when it reaches the age of 40-50 years, with harvest periods repeated every 5-8 years, and in garden plots - after 15-20 years from the moment of planting, yielding a harvest every 2-3 years.​

​In the warm season, it is necessary to feed the seedlings two to three times; mineral mixtures for coniferous plants are suitable for this.​


Korean cedar pine

​turf ground​It is important to know that complete ripening of seeds in the cones of some types of pine takes two years. Many pine trees have seeds with a wing and a rather dense outer shell. For some it is so dense that the pine fruit resembles a nut.​

With the onset of cold weather in October, move the pine tree to the loggia or greenhouse. From October to April, no fertilizing is carried out; the soil is maintained at constant moisture, but the roots cannot be overwatered. To get the seeds from the cones, they need to be dried well - on a stove or radiator central heating. The seeds can be collected after a few days, when the cones open.​

​Korean cedar should be grown on moderately moist loamy or sandy loam soils. To protect crops from birds and small rodents they are covered with shields made of willow twigs or shingles. The shields are laid on bars so that they rise above the soil by 5-7 cm. The needles are large, up to 20 cm long, 1.5 mm wide, bluish-green, collected in bunches of 5 needles, soft, triangular (one edge is green , the other two are gray or bluish) finely serrated along the edge. This feature of the needles of this tree gives it a special decorative effect. The lifespan of Korean cedar needles is 2-4 years.​

​moderate.​​Korean cedar or Manchurian cedar, or Korean cedar pine, or Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis). Representative of the Pine genus, the Pine family.​

The planting site must be prepared in advance, the soil must be dug up with humus and cleared of weeds. There are features in the planting scheme: in order to achieve cross-pollination, seedlings are planted in a group of 3-4 trees with an interval of 5-7 meters between them. Lupine grown between them stimulates good growth young plants.​ ​There are various ways propagation - vegetatively, by seeds or grafting. The seed of a pine pine is a nut. Undoubtedly, it is better that they are of high quality (tested for germination) and varietal.​

It is best to replant seedlings at five years old. At this age, they already reach a height of more than half a measure. It is necessary to remember to annually cover young pines for the winter with spruce branches.​ ​peat​

One cone contains several dozen seeds. For planting, you should free the seeds from the scales of the cone and select mature specimens, correct form and about the same size. To facilitate the exit of seeds from the cone, it must be wrapped in paper bag and place in a well-ventilated, dry place. The bag should be shaken periodically; as the seeds dry, they will easily come out of their cells. Do not dry out the buds at high temperatures temperature conditions, this will worsen germination.​ ​B winter time Italian pine can only be outdoors on warm days when protected from the cold wind.​

It is better to sow seeds in boxes - plastic or wooden containers with holes for water drainage are covered with loose soil and a layer of peat (it will protect the seedlings from fungal diseases). You need to sow the seeds carefully - not too often and shallowly. You can sprinkle them on top and then loosen the soil a little. Caring for the sowing consists of regular weeding, loosening the soil and watering. Fertilizers are periodically applied in the form of mullein infusion or mineral fertilizers.

Description of Korean cedar and its photo

The cones are large, broadly ovoid, up to 16 cm long, light brown during flowering, green when ripe, erect, with tightly pressed scales covered with stiff hairs. When ripe they do not open. After ripening they fall off. They ripen in the second year after pollination, at the end of October. Each cone contains nuts called seeds. Korean cedar seeds are dark brown, wingless, 1.5 cm long, weighing 500 mg, covered with a thick woody peel.​

​Maximum tree height:​

​Homeland of Korean cedar:​

​The plantings must be generously watered around the circumference of the crown, and they do not forget to fertilize the trees, adding phosphorus-potassium fertilizers before winter, and organic matter in the spring.​

​But you can also use seeds from store-bought pine cones. In this case, you will simply need to increase their number for landing, since not all of them can take off. The most best time for sowing pine - April - early May. It should be remembered that seed germination depends on pre-planting preparation, and for conifers, stratification is required - forced cooling, stimulating the activity of the embryo. Without such an operation, the seeds will sprout only a year after planting, if they survive, do not rot or become prey for rodents.​

The place where pine cones are planted should be protected from domestic cats and dogs, as they can destroy fragile seedlings and all seedlings will be lost. If all conditions are met, you can get healthy pine seedlings for your garden plot, even with only one or two cones.​


Growing Korean cedar from seeds

Pine seeds have a fairly long dormant period, so their germination rate increases after stratification.

Light, permeable compost soil is suitable for planting the plant. Young plants require annual replanting; adult plants are replanted as needed.

​The high susceptibility of young seedlings to diseases allows the strongest seedlings to survive. Phytophthora fungi often attack young plants, especially in warm conditions. You can water the seedlings with a solution of potassium permanganate - this method will help the plant survive, but will significantly slow down its growth.​

​Used as an ornamental crop, planted in city parks, squares and garden plots.​

A tree bears fruit in the wild when it reaches 6-10 years of age, in cultivation - from 20-30 years. Abundant harvests of nuts occur every 3-4 years. During this period, you can get about 500 cones from one tree. One cone contains 140-150 seeds.​

Korean cedar Sulange

​East Asia.​ Cedar pine diseases are caused by certain types of fungi that live in the soil. Their damage to the roots of young trees often leads to the death of plants. Anamorphic fungi, belonging to the group of soil pathogens, are the cause of tracheomycosis wilt, which manifests itself as follows: the roots become brown, and the mycelium of the fungus, penetrating into the vascular system of the tree, clogs it and blocks access to nutrition. As a result, the needles turn red and fall off, and the plant quickly dries out.​

So, planting cedar pine is accompanied by stratification, which takes at least 3 months. 90 days before planting, the seeds are treated by placing them in weak solution manganese This will protect them from diseases. Then the seeds are soaked: poured with hot water (40-50˚C) and, maintaining a constant temperature, left for three days. After this, the nuts are mixed with three times the volume of well-moistened clean river sand or fine peat chips. It is important not to over-moisten the filler: it should hold its shape when squeezed in your hand without the appearance of water.​

Photo gallery: Korean cedar (click on the image to enlarge):


​Watch how to plant pine seeds in the video:​

When filling the planting pot with soil to the top, leave 1.5 cm - 2 cm.

​In order to plant pine seeds in spring, autumn, immediately after collection, they need to be soaked in water room temperature For a three days. Then mix with clean river or continental sand in a ratio of one part seeds to three parts sand.​

​When the soil dries out, the needles may fall off; saving such a plant is very difficult. Move it to a cooler area and provide regular watering. If the needles are yellower at the bottom, but the plant itself is growing, then this may be due to insufficient lighting, too much fertilizing, or excessive soil moisture.​

​Boxes with seedlings should be placed under Sun rays- pine loves light. Suitable open space, and greenhouse conditions. If the weather is dry, then you need to water the plants daily. Good to use as fertilizer ready-made compositions, and frequent weeding will give the seedlings more light.​

​A photo of Korean cedar is presented in the gallery below on this page.​

​Korean pine is widespread in the Far East of Russia: in Primorye, Amur region, in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory, where it is found in cedar-broad-leaved forests, which not only provide habitat and food supply for wild animals and birds, but also abound medicinal plants. Grows in the vicinity of ash, linden, spruce, ribbed birch, fir, oak and other heat-loving trees. Does not form pure stands.​


how to care for Pine pinus pinea variety silver crest


​Average life expectancy:​
​Fungal diseases are difficult, almost impossible, to cure. Only preventive measures aimed at preventing the proliferation of fungi can be effective. To prevent the spread of such diseases, you should carefully select planting material, and timely treat rooted plants with fungicides or copper-containing compounds. Affected trees and fallen needles must be removed from the site. In the initial stages fungal disease Stem injections under the bark are effective, but the onset of the pathological process is very difficult to determine.​
​This mixture is covered with a layer of 10-20 cm in plywood box with ventilation holes, which is installed on wooden blocks to provide air access. The container is placed in a refrigerator, basement or other cool room, where a constant air temperature is maintained within 4-6 °C. Once every 2 weeks, the mixture is thoroughly mixed and moistened, replenishing the loss of moisture to its original state. Lowering the temperature to minus should not be allowed, as it threatens damage to the seed. Main indicator correct implementation stratification - pipping of most of the seeds by the time of planting. Now the gardener is approaching the next stage in the propagation of such a plant as cedar pine. Planting and caring for young trees is not difficult, but will require attention.​
​Siberian cedar, a symbol of the vast territory of Russia, is a unique plant that delights with its beauty, winter hardiness and healing properties. In fact, the Siberian cedar pine is a powerful, beautiful tree, fascinating with its amazing beauty and valued for its magnificent wood, healing needles and healthy fruits and nuts. The article is devoted to a description of this miracle of nature, the features of its planting, cultivation and subsequent care.​
​Bring the container with the seeds indoors, sift them from the sand and plant immediately, deepening them by 2-3 cm. After sowing, water everything well and cover with a cover film or glass. The soil should be kept moist at all times; you can even place the pots in a pan of water.​
For at least two months, boxes with pine seeds must be kept at a temperature of 0 to +5 degrees. To do this, they can be placed in a cellar or buried in a trench and covered with a layer of snow.​


​Pine does not grow in the room. urgently put it in the balcony

​After 5 - 6 months, the seedlings will become strong enough, their stems will become woody, and will reach 7 cm in length. For the winter, the pine trees should be left in boxes, but do not create greenhouse conditions for them.​