home · Appliances · How to plant cypress trees correctly in spring. How to preserve conifers donated for the New Year holidays. Planting location and lighting

How to plant cypress trees correctly in spring. How to preserve conifers donated for the New Year holidays. Planting location and lighting

Many people are under New Year buy or receive Christmas trees, pine trees, cypress trees and other conifers decorated with shiny tinsel as gifts. But the holidays pass, and most of these plants end up in trash containers. Should you miss the chance to replenish amateur collections of indoor and garden plants?

Choose and buy

A living souvenir, strewn with glitter and decorated with tiny Christmas decorations, — wonderful gift. Before the New Year holidays, during these holidays and after them, coniferous trees are sold in many stores. Towards the end of the New Year's holidays, stores are happy to discount the "pine mix" at sales in order to free up space in the sales areas.

On pre- and post-holiday days, you can accidentally find a variety of coniferous plants. During the period of mass import and sale New Year's gifts Among coniferous crops, prices for these plants are much lower than at other times. A true plant lover does not buy lavishly decorated “souvenirs”, but selects the strongest trees with living needles. Especially those he doesn't have yet. Among the “conifers in the assortment” there are many incredible interesting varieties and hybrids, so the most unexpected finds can await us at the New Year’s “breakdowns”. Sometimes they are wrapped in foil or cellophane, powdered artificial snow and strewn with sparkles. All these are living plants that can live for a long time in the house or on personal plot. Of course, you should not buy (even at a temptingly low price) specimens that are very dry or drying out. Such conifers are most likely doomed.

First thing

As soon as a coniferous tree is in the house, it is subject to a more thorough inspection than in the store. After this (sometimes immediately) you need to water the soil in the pot. From this moment it begins new life coniferous Not as a funny souvenir, but as a full-fledged plant. If the “souvenir” is in good condition, then it can certainly be left for a while for New Year’s interior decoration. Immediately after the winter holidays, all the “beauty” is removed. Multi-colored sparkles and artificial frost are easily washed off from the needles with a stream of warm water. Transshipment is often required to change a purchased pot that is too tight, remove a slimy substrate, etc. It is transshipment, and not replanting, during which the root system is inevitably injured, and the plant itself is “shuddered.” Conifers (according to my many years of observations) do not suffer if you select pots for them “for growth”. Within reasonable limits, of course. This allows you not to replant too often, and most importantly, to grow conifers in a container culture without fear of rapid drying out of the soil, overheating or hypothermia of the roots in the pot. Plants can tolerate transshipment (not replanting!) painlessly at any time of the year. A pre-moistened ball of roots can be easily removed from the old pot. This procedure allows you to take another look at the condition of the root collar, lower branches and root system. This is important because sometimes the roots, crowded at the bottom of the pot or crawling out of the drainage holes, end up in a terrible state. They may be dried out, broken or rotten. In this case, the affected part of the roots must be immediately removed with pruning shears. For many conifers, a fresh slightly acidic soil mixture is suitable. It is made up of leafy, turfy soil, peat, sand and crushed sphagnum moss. Ready-made purchased soil for conifers often turns out to be pure peat. It has to be improved by adding turf soil and sand. It is advisable to add brick chips to the soil for cypress trees. You should not add any fertilizers (even granular ones) to the soil mixture that is used for the first transfer, since it is unknown how much of them is contained in the previous substrate in which the bulk of the roots are located.

After transferring, water the soil in the pot well and sprinkle a little dry soil mixture on top. Be sure to check whether the root collar is buried.

Caring for conifers at home

Place. IN winter time a coniferous plant that has become (permanently or temporarily) indoors needs to be kept at rest. Conifers sleep best in a cool place. This could be an insulated loggia or a corner of a window sill. The coniferous tree (especially at first) is protected from the winter and March sun. It’s not bad if it is possible to completely isolate the new plant or not place it close to other coniferous trees. Just in case, to exclude the possibility of infection or pests getting from it to neighboring plants. In summer and early autumn, pots of conifers can be kept on the site.

Watering. When watering, do not allow the earthen clod to become waterlogged. A few hours after watering, excess water in the tray should be poured out. Water for irrigation should be soft, without chlorine. The most the best option Rain and melt water have always been considered. Unfortunately, with environmental degradation, the use of such water is not always safe. You can make a kind of filter from sphagnum moss laid on the surface of the soil in a pot. It will accumulate excess salts. After a few months, the old moss is removed and a fresh layer is laid out. Conifers love spraying (at any time of year) clean water. They can handle barely warm showers very well. Such water treatments They don’t take much time, but they help cope with dry air and prevent the appearance of certain pests.

Feeding. During the growing season, only special fertilizers for conifers are used for feeding. In their absence, you can prepare an aqueous infusion of sphagnum moss, forest soil and peat.

The Konika spruce, which has been growing on our site for many years, was purchased for the New Year. I recommend everyone to purchase this plant for the holidays, and then plant it near the house or grow it in a container. In summer and autumn, Konica (in a container) can be kept outside (on open balcony, in the garden, etc.), and closer to winter, bring it indoors and keep it in a cool place until the New Year. This Konika, decorated with small Christmas tree decorations, looks charming. For a miniature Christmas tree it is better to use new Year decoration“on a stick” so as not to overload it with hanging toys. At store racks you can inexpensively buy Koniki spruce trees with bluish-blue or light green needles. If you're lucky, of course. You can read about how to care for Konika in the article. There I described in great detail the features of this spruce, its care and measures to save Konika from sunburn.

Cypress trees

Before the New Year, a huge number of cypress trees are sold. These are small slender trees of a strict pyramidal shape with small needles. On sale, pyramidal Lawson cypress with bluish-gray needles is more often found, less often with a golden crown color. In nature, cypress trees, sixty-meter-tall giant trees, grow in the west North America. Pea cypress has scaly leaves converging at an acute angle. When you rub them, you notice a rather pungent odor. This plant is native to Japan. Very interesting intergeneric hybrids are also sold. Cypress trees are kept in a cool place in winter with an air temperature of about +8°C and high humidity. Water moderately. In summer, water the plant more often and more abundantly, but do not allow the soil to become waterlogged. In summer, pots of cypress trees can be placed on Fresh air in a slightly shaded place protected from the wind. I don’t risk planting cypress trees on the site. However, I heard that trees with dove-blue needles winter well in our climate under cover if they are planted on well-drained soils in a place protected from the wind. Cypress trees propagate well from cuttings, which can be rooted at any time of the year. Cypress trees look great if you plant them side by side so that you get a grove of several miniature trees. Of course, you will need a suitable container for this composition. You can cover the ground with moss and put an interesting stone or small snag on it.


And how many junipers are sold on New Year's days. The most cold-resistant species can be planted in spring open ground in a sunny or slightly shaded place. Chinese juniper with small pressed green, bluish-green or golden needles is quite frost-resistant. This amazing plant can live in a house. Chinese juniper winters well in a cool room at +10° C. It quickly adapts to the most different conditions life and grows well in winter even at +18°C. The plant needs frequent spraying, especially in winter. Chinese Juniper is an ideal plant for beginners who want to master the art of bonsai. Its side shoots quickly grow, which allows not only to change its shape, but also to correct mistakes made earlier.

Cryptomeria japonica

On New Year's Eve you can inexpensively buy a small Japanese cryptomeria. It is sometimes called "Japanese cedar." The amazing green needles with a bluish-gray tint delight you. There are dwarf forms with various shoots and needles (soft, white-variegated, etc.). Of course we have it indoor plant. Most of cultural forms of cryptomeria grow quickly; over time, a charming tree as tall as an adult grows in the house. The plant is light-loving, requires moderate watering (without long breaks) and loose soil in a pot. Young cryptomeria adapts more easily to life in the house than an adult, which can dry out at the slightest violation of the usual regime of maintenance. Cryptomeria overwinters at +16 – 18°C. It must be sprayed or rinsed with a shower and protected from the burning rays of the sun. The plant easily tolerates pruning, which allows it to shape its crown.


Among the conifers decorated with tinsel, you can even stumble upon a young and very inexpensive (at this time) araucaria. – very beautiful evergreen slender conifer tree with horizontal tiers of branches. It is called “indoor spruce,” which in our climate cannot winter in open ground. In winter it's coniferous plant kept at lower air temperatures. IN summer time it can be placed on the balcony or in the garden. For this coniferous tree, drying out of the earthen coma is deadly. All the details of caring for araucaria are described in the article “Araucaria - indoor spruce.”

Pine "extraordinary"


For the winter holidays, many decorated pine trees go on sale. Some of them can also be grown in the future only at home, if they are representatives southern species. Among " New Year's souvenirs in assortment” I somehow came across mountain pine. This plant is best grown in open ground. Indoor pines need good drainage, loose sandy or loamy soil, a bright place and a relatively cool wintering environment. The growth of these conifers (in the house and on the site) is helped by shortening young growths - “candles”. This is a very simple and effective operation, which is described in detail in the article. Pine trees make classic bonsais. A mossy snag looks great next to a tree, or a stone covered with moss or lichen is even better.

The list of conifers that are sold en masse for the New Year is not limited to just these plants. There are many more of them. There are various heat-loving cypresses, firs and. Sometimes it can be difficult to determine the exact breed of a “souvenir”. I once bought a charming fluffy pine tree with light turquoise colored needles. Over the course of several years, it grew into a one and a half meter tree, which surprised everyone with the simultaneous presence of two types of needles. One part of its needles is green and very long. The other part is turquoise, much shorter and softer needles. At some level, a clear split occurred, which gave such a unique combination of completely different needles on the same branches. None of the specialists to whom I showed either the pine itself or photographs of the “extraordinary pine” could give an intelligible explanation and immediately avoided a direct answer. Later, I purchased such pine trees five times before the New Year. Similar “mutants” grew a couple of times.

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A genus of evergreen monoecious trees, depending on the variety, capable of growing more than 80 m in height. It differs from cypress in having flatter branches and small cones that ripen in 1 year. Under each scale there are 1–2 seeds. The main types of cypress are Nootka, pea-bearing, Lawson, blunt-leaved, thuja-shaped, Leyland. Most representatives are characterized by frost resistance. Planting and care are similar for all types.


International name in Latin - Chamaecyparis nootkatensis. Similar to Lawson's cypress; the main difference is the crown. At first it is narrow conical, later it becomes wide pyramid-shaped. The ascending shoots hang down at the ends. The bark is brownish-gray, cracks with age, and comes off in thin sheets. The needles are scale-like, sharp at the top. The species blooms in April. Female cones change color from brownish-red to brown with a bluish tinge and ripen at next year in May.

The ascending shoots hang down at the ends.

Varieties of Nootkan cypress:

  • ‚Pendula‛;
  • ‚Glauca‛;
  • ‚Aypea‛;
  • ‚Jubilee‛;
  • ‚Lutea‛.

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‚Pendula‛- a tree 10–15 m high with a straight trunk, weeping, loose asymmetrical branches. At the age of 10 years it reaches 3 m, per year it increases by 15–25 cm. The Pendula cypress variety is undemanding to the soil, light-loving, and shade-tolerant. Requires abundant watering in summer and responds well to fertilizing with organic matter and complex mineral mixtures.

Glauca (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis ‚Glauca‛)- a tree 15–20 m high, reaching a maximum of 40 m. The crown is neat, cone-shaped, expanding at the bottom to 5–7 m in diameter. The shoots are raised, the needles are hard, scaly, with a bluish tint. Glauka is undemanding about soil fertility, but prefers fairly moist areas. Young seedlings must be protected from wind and frost for the winter.


Chamaecyparis pisifera- a tree 25–30 m high, in rare cases reaching 50 m. The crown is cone-shaped or narrow pin-shaped. The branches grow horizontally, flat, hanging, densely covered with needles. The bark is smooth, coming off in thin stripes, red with a brown or bluish tint. The needles are adjacent, with spaced tops, dark green in color, have white spots and stripes below, and emit a distinct smell.

Male pea cones consist of 6–10 pairs of brownish pollen sacs. There are many female ones being formed. They are spherical in shape, up to 0.8 cm in diameter, brown with a dark or yellowish tint, and grow on short petioles. There are 8–12 soft seed scales, 1–2 winged seeds are formed under each.

The branches grow horizontally, flat, hanging, densely covered with needles.

Varieties of pea cypress:

  • ‚Aurea‛;
  • ‚Boulevard‛;
  • ‚Filifera‛;
  • ‚Plumosa‛;
  • ‚Squarrosa‛.

Boulevard (Chamaecyparis pisifera ‚Boulevard‛) used as ornamental shrub or a tree. The height is approximately 5 m. The crown is pin-shaped, symmetrical. The needles are awl-shaped, curved inward. The needles are silver-blue in summer, grayer in winter. At first the variety grows slowly, then growth accelerates. On average, the plant grows by 10 cm per year. Growing requires good lighting, fertile and wet soil. Winter hardiness for Boulevard cypress trees is quite low; protection from freezing is required.


International Latin name - Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. The species includes trees and tall shrubs and resembles a thuja in appearance. The maximum height of a mature plant is 81 m. The crown shape is conical, the top consists of small horizontally directed or pendulous shoots. The bark is made up of black-brown scales. The needles of the Lawson species are scale-like. Male inflorescences are purple-red, female inflorescences are greenish, growing at the ends of the shoots. The cones are round, green at first, open in September and release winged seeds, which differ from other types of conifers in the presence of resin glands.

The shape of the crown is conical, the apex consists of small horizontally directed or pendulous shoots.

On a note! Lawson's cypress is shade-tolerant at a young age, later it requires good lighting. The species prefers to grow on light, moist soils.

Popular varieties:


Chamaecyparis obtuse also known as hinoki or blunt cypress. Tree-like form 25–50 m high, in cultivation it grows to 0.6–5 m. The crown is cone-shaped, composed of spaced branches. The bark is smooth, striped, and reddish-brown in color. The leaves are rounded, pressed, light green in color. Female cones of the blunt type are small and spherical.

The leaves are rounded, pressed, light green in color.

Varieties of blunt-leaved cypress:


The international Latin name of the species is Chamaecyparis thyoides. Depending on the variety, it is represented by shrubs and trees; in cultivation it grows in height by 0.4–3.5 m, in container cultivation it is 1–1.5 m, in nature it reaches 20–35 m. The crown is often cone-shaped and narrow. The trunk is straight, up to 0.8 m in diameter, ¾ covered with thin, gradually expanding branches. The bark is ash-gray to brownish-red, smooth at first, later cracking and becoming unevenly furrowed.

The color of the foliage changes over the year from bluish-green to brownish.

Thuja cypress seedlings are covered with needle-like needles up to a year old, later they become scale-like, 0.2–0.4 cm long. The smell of the species is pleasant, reminiscent of cedar. The color of the foliage changes over the year from bluish-green to brownish. The cones are spherical, 0.4–0.9 cm in circumference, covered with 6–12 scales, covering 1–2 seeds. The fruits are initially green or purple and turn brown when ripe. They open in the second half of autumn, releasing 5–15 ripened seeds.

Varieties of thuja cypress:

  • ‚Aurea‛;
  • ‚Ericoides‛;
  • ‚Hopkinton‛;
  • ‚Ericoides‛;
  • ‚Andelyensis‛;
  • "Blue Sport";
  • ‚Little Jamie‛;
  • ‚Variegata‛.

Ericoides- cypress with an openwork columnar crown. The variety differs from others in the color of its needles. Young needles are blue, old ones are grayish-green. In winter, purple and bronze shades appear. Plant parameters 1.5x2–2.5 m, grows very slowly. The branches have few branches, but are dense and directed in different directions. Coniferous wood is used for park alleys, alpine slides, and Japanese gardens.

On a note! Thuja cypress variety Top Point is used to create bonsai.


Variety Cupressos Leylandi obtained by crossing large-fruited cypress and Nootkan cypress. The crown is cone-shaped or pyramid-shaped. The species is characterized by rapid growth; with proper care, per year the plant grows by 1 m at a young age, later by 0.4 m upward, 0.2 m to the sides. Mature representatives of the coniferous species have dimensions of 4–10x2–3 m. The needles are soft, scale-like, green in color with a bluish coating.

Dwarf forms cypress

Coniferous plants are a favorite material for creating interesting garden compositions. And not only for landscape architects, but also for amateur gardeners. Among conifers there is one very interesting plant– Cypress. Out of ignorance, it is often confused with cypress, since they are very similar in appearance. Only the cypress branches, located in the same plane, are more flattened, and the cones, which ripen within a year, are small and have only two seeds. In addition, cypress is more suitable for our climate, since it has much greater frost resistance than cypress and tolerates replanting better.

There are only 7 species of cypress in the world, many of which are natural conditions can grow to truly gigantic sizes - about 70 m. Naturally, not everyone can place such a giant in their garden. Yes, in fact, this is not necessary, since thanks to the efforts of breeders, cypress trees today come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. There is plenty to choose from, the main thing is to find out before purchasing all the features of growing and agricultural technology of the tree being purchased and its maximum height in order to avoid disappointments in the future.

TO dwarf trees and shrubs are usually classified as those specimens that in adulthood reach a maximum height of no more than 360 cm or grow very slowly.

Coniferous plants conquer not only with their evergreen needles, but also ideal forms. Pet landscape designers– cypress, its types and varieties with photos can be found in any catalog. Each specimen is beautiful and interesting in its own way.

Cypress is often confused with its relative, cypress. Conifers intended for open ground are similar in appearance, but there are several signs by which any gardener can distinguish them. The cypress has flatter branches, they are smaller than those of the cypress. The cones are round and not as large as their counterpart, they contain fewer seeds. Another hallmark- pyramidal crown, making it similar to another coniferous tree - thuja. Interestingly, the Latin name of the genus Chamaecyparis means “false cypress.”

There are 7 types of cypress trees, and there are more than two hundred varieties. It can be a cone-shaped tree or a modest shrub. They are distinguished by the height and degree of branching of the shoots. The shrubs do not exceed 2 m and are characterized by strong branching. In open space, the tree grows from 2-3 to 20-40 m; in natural conditions, some species grow up to 70 m. The trunk is usually covered with light brown or brown bark. Depending on the type, the leaf blades are either green and dark green, or with yellow, smoky blue and purple tints. Shoots can be drooping or horizontal.

Cypress trees spread from East Asia(Taiwan, Japan) and North America (USA). At home in Japan, they are valued not only for decorative properties, but also for quality wood, exuding a pleasant pine aroma.

Advantages of growing in open ground:

The spiky handsome man looks good on alpine roller coaster, suitable for creating topiary and hedges, including low ones dwarf varieties. Miniature hybrids are ideal for decorating terraces. They combine well with other conifers and foliage plants, look solid when planted alone.

Suitable neighbors:

  • juniper,
  • pine,
  • common and blue spruce,

The creation of a mixborder with the participation of both coniferous and deciduous representatives is considered successful:

Ephedra will serve as an excellent background for roses and other perennial flowers. With its help, you can form complex patterns in flower beds or parterres by placing a group of 3 seedlings with different colored needles.

When adjacent to other types of conifers, it is important to consider their resistance to soil changes. Fallen needles acidify the soil.

In spacious areas, the prickly beauty can be safely included in a composition created like a natural forest. In it, conifers coexist with deciduous representatives; saxifrage, periwinkle and other shade-tolerant counterparts are chosen as herbaceous cover. Fescue and bluegrass are suitable cereals.

Arborvitae conifers for stylized areas

All types of cypress differ from each other in origin, shade, and speed of development. The homeland of the arborvitae is North America. People call it white cedar. In the wild it grows up to 30 m, with a trunk diameter reaching 100 cm. It does not tolerate dry air and cold. A distinctive feature is a narrow cone-shaped crown and brown bark. The needles have a bluish or rich green color. If you rub them with your hands, a characteristic aroma will appear.

The following dwarf varieties are suitable for growing in open ground:

Pea-fruit guest from Japan

It is the most frost-resistant among all representatives of the genus. The tree can survive frost of 30°C. In the wild it grows up to 30 m. Distinctive features– brown bark with a reddish tint and a wide cone-shaped crown. The needles have a bluish tint, the branches are arranged horizontally and grow slowly. Varieties of this species can be distinguished by their miniature yellow-brown cones - only 0.6 cm in diameter.

Popular planting options:

Nutkan cypress - a coniferous giant

Otherwise this species is called yellow. It can safely be classified as a giant, since in wild conditions grows up to 40 m. Found along the coast Pacific Ocean. It has an elegant and lush shape with fan-shaped shoots. The cones of the plant are spherical, the seeds ripen late, which leads to confusion: the tree is mistaken for cypress. The bark has a brownish-gray tint, the needles are dark green. All representatives are thermophilic. Characteristicbad smell crushed pine needles.

Common varieties:

  1. Glauka is a narrow-conical cypress tree with a height of 15 to 20 m. The width is approximately 6 m. The needles are scaly, prickly, and their shade is greenish-blue. The bark is gray-brown, prone to peeling. The crown is spreading with strong shoots, the ends of which gracefully droop down over time. In the first 10 years it grows up to 3 m. Suitable for decorating front areas of the site, slopes, and retaining walls.
  2. Pendula (weeping) – long-lived, drought-resistant. It has drooping branches and grows up to 30-40 m. Root system superficial, sensitive to soil compaction. At favorable conditions Chamaecyparis Pendula produces an average annual growth of 15 cm.
  3. Jubilee is a weeping 2.5-meter tree with long, neatly hanging branches. Prefers well-lit areas and does not tolerate sandy soils.

All the details about the selection of seedlings are in the video.

Lawson's cypress - record holder for height

Giant species from North America. Some varieties reach a height of 70 m. In cultivation, the tree develops up to 40-60 m. The shape resembles a cone with a narrow top, greatly expanding at the bottom. The crown is tilted to one side, sometimes the tips of the branches touch the ground. The bark is brown-red, prone to separation into plates. The cones are light brown, large, and have a bluish coating. The needles are green, smoky blue or brownish (depending on the variety), glossy on top. Lawson's cypress is a fast-growing and shade-tolerant conifer.

For planting on the site choose:

Tupolis - endemic to the Japanese islands

Cypress obtuse, or blunt-leaved, is of Japanese origin. In wild conditions, the trunk acquires a girth of up to 2 m. Height is natural environment– up to 50 m. It has light brown smooth bark, the branches are highly branched and tilt downwards. The needles are pressed to the stems. The species can be identified by the special color of the needles: they are shiny, green or yellow-green above, and covered with white stripes below. There are about 130 varieties, and they are usually not adapted to cold winters.

In the areas you can most often find:

  1. Sanderi is a dwarf form of a blunt-leaved species. The branches of this representative are straight, horizontal, and characterized by uneven thickness. The bluish-green crown turns purple in winter. Develops slowly.
  2. Erica is a slow-growing dwarf (1.3 m). It has a wide pyramidal shape. The branches are lush, covered with bluish needles.

Among all the variety of species, it is worth noting the mourning cypress, the beloved Formosan cypress. Descriptions of unusual hybrids can be found in special catalogs and you can choose a specimen to suit your taste, taking into account the characteristics of your garden.

Usage video different varieties for decorating flower beds.

We select the best place on the site

Coniferous favorite of landscape designers and owners country houses prefers partial shade. It should not be planted in lowlands where it stagnates. cold air– this will slow down the development of the plant. Cypress loves good indirect light, and hybrids with greenish-yellow coloring require more sunlight than those with light blue and green colors. The first group can be planted in a sunny area, but the tree will require increased watering. If there is not enough light, the plant will lose all its decorative properties.

As for the soil, it must be well drained. The soil is fertile, preferably loamy or chernozem with an acidity of 4.5 to 5.5 pH. Calcareous ones will not be favorable for growth. They will have to add high-moor peat, sand, garden soil. If the soil is poor, with a lack of calcium or excess magnesium, the needles will begin to turn yellow.

Given the breadth of the range, you can choose cypress for almost any garden composition. Disease resistance, endurance and durability distinguish it from other garden plants.

This evergreen coniferous plant is valued among gardeners for its unpretentiousness and attractive appearance. Cypress can decorate any apartment or office space. It not only looks great thanks to its lush pine needles, but also saturates the air with phytoncides.
In nature, this plant is most often found in tropical climates - on the coasts of the Black and Mediterranean seas, in Asia and America. Under natural conditions, the tree can grow up to 30 meters in height; in a city apartment, the growth of a cypress tree depends on its type and conditions of detention.

How to care for cypress

The plant is quite light-loving, but does not tolerate open sun rays. The most suitable place for a cypress tree will be the north or east side. High temperature the plant does not like it, so in winter you need to make sure that the pot does not stand near radiators and heating devices. It is better to place the plant on closed loggia so that the air temperature is 8-10°C.
One of the main conditions for keeping cypress trees is abundant and timely watering, especially in the spring. At the same time, you should not allow the soil to dry out or become excessively moist. The plant loves high humidity air, so it needs to be sprayed regularly, including in the winter.

From May to August, cypress begins to grow actively. This is when it is necessary to apply fertilizing. Before applying fertilizers, it is necessary to loosen the soil, after which organic fertilizer for house plants is diluted with water and applied at the root. The procedure must be carried out every month.

Before planting a cypress tree, you need to select a suitable container for it. The pot for this plant should be large and deep due to the powerful branched root system. Before planting, roots are usually pruned to limit the height of the cypress tree.

Remember that this tree is very sensitive to drafts and changes in location, so try not to move the plant pot to another place unless absolutely necessary. From time to time it is necessary to carefully rotate the plant around its axis by several degrees.

Reproduction and transplantation of cypress

The plant really does not like transplants, so this should only be done if necessary. If you need to transplant a tree into a larger pot, it is recommended to do this using the transshipment method - a clod of earth moves along with the roots. Plant immediately small plant It is not worth it in a large pot - the moisture will stagnate in large volumes of soil and the roots will begin to rot.

Cypress propagates by seeds or cuttings. Growing a cypress tree from a seed is a rather long, complex and rather difficult process, so most often they resort to the second method. Cuttings 10-12 centimeters long are cut from the top of young shoots. Bottom part the branches are cleared of needles, after which they are placed in the ground and covered with film or glass, constructing a similar small greenhouse. In such conditions, cut branches will take root very quickly. As soon as the shoots have their own needles, they can be planted in a pot.

There is another method of propagating cypress trees, which can be used when the plant is planted in open ground. The bark on the branches that are located near the ground is slightly cut, and the branch itself is sprinkled with earth and a load is placed on top. After the shoot takes root, it should be carefully cut off from the main tree and replanted.