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Alleys, paths. Types of coatings. Path in the southern park. Disabled person at a pedestrian crossing.

Paris is one of the oldest, most beautiful and expensive European capitals. Its narrow and cozy spaces have become places for ideal dates millions of times, and museums, churches and cathedrals have repeatedly revealed the secrets of past centuries to their visitors.

However, sometimes you really want to just stroll along a beautiful alley, read a book on a bench and enjoy fresh air. You can realize these simple but very necessary desires in one of the Parisian parks. There are more than 20 of them in the French capital, each of them is proud of its unique plants and has special features. One of the most amazing has long been recognized Bercy Park, which will be discussed below.

Bercy Park in Paris and a little history about it

in Paris has a long and interesting story. Many centuries ago it was considered the center of French winemaking, so in place modern park There were luxurious vineyards. Many works of local winemakers ended up on the table of the king himself. It was this story that influenced the fact that the garden is also called the “Park of Memories”.

In the period from the 13th to the 16th centuries, Bercy was one of the main places of wine trade in Paris, and starting from the 19th century, it received world fame. In the 20th century, things deteriorated significantly for winemakers due to the development of railway transport and the improvement of storage technology. In the second half of the twentieth century, wine warehouses lost their relevance, so they most of is being demolished.

In 1987, the administration of the French capital announced a competition, the purpose of which was to create best project parka. The winning idea had to combine elements of architecture and gardens of various styles and historical eras. Implement such not an easy task talented architects decided: Bernard Le Roy, Jean-Pierre Fougasse and Marlene Ferrand. They managed to combine old avant-garde approaches in landscape and modern landscape art into a single idea, modeling a modern park on the basis of a recreated historical landscape. The official opening of the unique Bercy took place in 1997.

Modern park in the Bercy area

The Park of Memories is one of the youngest in Paris, so all its paths and architectural solutions have remained unchanged since its creation. His the territory is divided into several zones, each of which is rectangular (see these regular figures possible on the garden plan) and has its own character traits. Among them:

  • Romantic garden surrounded by ponds;
  • Flower beds dotted with incomparable roses, gardens and vineyards;
  • Big Meadow, proud of its wide lawns.

Among the elements of these special zones deserve attention:

  • french vegetable garden,
  • english lawn,
  • gorgeous birch grove,
  • a unique Japanese garden.

Also interesting is the change in landscapes from west to east, from plains to hills. What can be called unique is the decision of the creators to divide parts of the park among themselves using paths, a bridge, brick walls and even living fences.

Among the attractions of the park are:

  • neat green lawns, wrapped in the arms of majestic trees
  • incomparable greenhouse
  • a conical hill reached by an interesting spiral path
  • atypical garden with funny scarecrows
  • huge garden with fruit trees
  • cultural and sports complex, the walls of which are densely strewn with grass
  • and, of course, elite vineyards.

A special place in the park’s exposition is occupied by an old wine merchant’s house, a bridge between the park zones and beautiful ponds. Also on the territory of Bercy are located wonderful:

  • Museum of Fair Art, which anyone can visit;
  • National Library of France;
  • Superb sculptures.

Position open space no matter how simple or, on the contrary, complex shape, abstract or reminiscent of something, - and the garden is ready. If you are careful in choosing the shape and scale, you will insure yourself against many adversities. However, you have the right to make mistakes. Because even if you chose the wrong shape or made a mistake in scale, nothing fatal happened; the garden can be corrected by planting. True, this is not always easy to do.

If you set yourself the task of training on an obstacle course, you can immediately give preference to the complex, strangely associated shape of the lawn. True, then you will have to make incredible efforts to pacify his eccentricity. Therefore, it is better to stay within the limits from the very beginning, to choose something simpler and calmer in a geometric sense.

What is a clearing most often like? This is a lawn. In some gardens, the role of a clearing can be played by areas covered with gravel, and even by paving surrounded by plants. But still, most often a clearing is associated with a lawn. Why is the shape of the lawn so important? Why is it that we are attracting so much attention to it? Because the shape of the lawn is one of the most powerful aesthetic influences in the garden.

This is a large, evenly colored surface, the area of ​​which can compete with the volume of plants around it.

I always imagine a lawn as a plant that has laid down, collapsed, and spread out on the ground. Such a well-organized, fit, well-mannered plant. Even if we have before us the garden of an amateur-gatherer, even if it is a garden of chaos. One well-shaped lawn can do a lot to bring order to the garden and organize the entire garden space.

Conversely, a sloppy shape, an indefinite shape with holes left here and there for plants, can ruin any great idea.

Three questions remain:

– what size should the lawn be?

– what shape should this space, read, lawn, be given?

– how to place this chosen form on the site?

The size of the lawn is determined, first of all, by the tediousness of caring for it, which, in turn, depends on the type of lawn mower chosen, and on dedication to the garden, and on the ability to mow the lawn regularly.

I think many people underestimate the complexity of lawn care. And the difficulty lies mainly in regularity, because you cannot take care of the lawn from time to time or whenever it comes to mind.

We can assume that you will spend about an hour a week caring for a simple lawn with an area of ​​200 meters2. This will include everything: mowing itself, caring for the mower, taking the grass out for compost, applying fertilizer, and watering as needed.

The shape of the lawn can be very diverse. But it is best to plan the lawn in a simple shape that can be described in words and which does not contain holes for planting. An exception is made only for large trees. Remember this simple rule, it will be very useful to you in life.

But if we’re talking about design, we can’t get away with simplicity alone. The shape of the lawn should be beautiful. Then the question arises: what geometric shapes do we love? What is pleasing to the eye, what can be called a harmonious figure?

The first answer that comes to mind is a circle! Indeed, there are countless gardens with a round central lawn. For almost any standard areas, this technique will be a win-win. And variations - what to do with the remaining lawn-free space? – infinitely many: hedges, flower beds, a combination of both, planting trees.

This technique - a round lawn - is so simple that designers avoid it, fearing accusations of banality. But good things cannot be banal!

– You have the ball in your hands.

- It's a game?

– Yes – we roll the green circle around the area.

1. The green circle rolled up to the terrace. And from the terrace to the lawn is one step. The most standard standard. But it is so popular because it is suitable for all occasions.

Lawn in front of the terrace. All other areas of the garden are lined up around it. Perhaps more is not required. But having easily resolved the issue with the layout, you can immerse yourself in the mystery of interaction with flowers, bushes and trees. Remember not only their shape, color, size, but also the stylistic unity or semantic coloring.

The red rose is an emblem of sadness, White Rose- an emblem of love. With this solution, the entire space around the central clearing turns into a diorama, which, on the one hand, presents a single picture, and on the other, like every diorama, has close and distant areas, areas differently oriented to the sun, background areas, and areas -leaders.You can shuffle, sort, sow and plant. Even if you don’t have enough space, you will evenly reduce the circle, and the garden will hardly change. Or, on the contrary, tired of the eternal search for perfection, make a wide border of some persistent plants and give yourself a rest for several years until another attack creative madness.

By laying a path around such a lawn, bordering the whole or some part of the lawn with paving, and then building radial extensions to a bathhouse, barn or gazebo, you again will not get into trouble and will always find yourself with, if not an excellent, then in any case a tolerable foundation.

2. The ball rolled away - everything in front of the terrace began to smell and rustle. Plants are no longer distant, but brought closer so that they are at a distance arm's length. There could be a forest or a parterre, or there could be trees, there could be bushes.

You still need to go to the distant clearing. Moreover, on the way to it you must inevitably pass through thickets of decorative plantings, go through a system of branches, foliage, and smells. Even though this path is only a few meters long, the distances in the garden are different. In this case, the clearing is clearly visible (almost always), or (with very dense plantings) guessed. And because she was distant, detached, she acquired an aura of some kind of reward after the trip. And if we are attentive to details, looking closely at the views that can be organized in the garden with different planning solutions, then we cannot discount the effect of perceiving a house in the thicket, which is visible behind the green lawn. And the effect that awaits us when we reach the lawn and look back at the house. Trifle?

But all landscape design and put it together from such trifles.

All other options: whether or not to border the circle of the lawn with a path, to build radii and chords of messages or not to build, have not decreased one iota and remain at your disposal to exactly the same extent as in the previous example.

Moreover, the very presence of a round lawn forgives many liberties in the layout of the site. Why? Just because of the strong visual impact. Very often the area of ​​the lawn exceeds the area of ​​not only one large tree, but also the area of ​​several large trees. The lawn area of ​​one hundred square meters is the area of ​​the crown of a huge oak tree, almost the oak of Prince Bolkonsky. The green circle has approximately the same power of influence. Here the shape, edge, green soft surface are in use, all that is missing is shadow and volume.

3. The ball hit the fence, and only part of the circle remained. We felt the tension that always arises in the presence of asymmetrical designs, when looking at unfinished regular forms.

It's scary, but it's easy to be considered a deconstructionist. All that’s left to do is move the lawn towards the fence, or at least not be afraid of such a decision when a circle that is complete in all respects does not fit. It doesn’t fit – and that’s great! The border is not an obstacle for us; we will conditionally, mentally continue our circle behind the fence. The only thing to remember when making such a decision is the quality of the fence. And above all, about quality, which is assessed from the position of “attractive or not,” and not from the position of “will it stand or collapse.”

“Beautiful fence” - it’s even awkward to write such a phrase. But if we remember that the fence is the same part of the architecture of the site, like all the other buildings, the appearance of which we pay special attention to, then the thought of the beauty of the fence will not seem so seditious. For all the avant-garde nature of this solution (with an incomplete circle), it also allows for a completely classical interpretation, when the lawn is tied to the axis of the building.

4. “I didn’t like the oval since I was a kid. I’ve been drawing corners since childhood.” Placing a square or rectangular lawn on a plot of lawn is not as simple as it seems at first glance!

This is more difficult, but it opens the way to more diverse, sometimes unexpected decisions. A rectangular lawn cannot plop down anywhere and solve all planning problems. Here you need to think about compliance with the boundaries of the house or its axes, build relationships with the boundaries of the site, existing plantings. IMG_3192

A rectangular clearing can, just like a circle, harmlessly adjoin the terrace or, on the contrary, divide the area into several parts. By connecting several rectangles with steps, we get a reference to techniques that were popular in the 70s and 80s of the last century. Lawn in the form geometric figure, the axis of symmetry of which follows the main axes of the house, will be reminiscent of classical traditions. A rectangular clearing is more sensitive to track tracing.

But the story about the shape of the lawn will be incomplete without recalling blot lawns, heart lawns, gear lawns and even lawns in the form of five-pointed stars.

This is one of our works. The plan shows a garden with two lawns. One knows how to form a truncated circle, the second - parts of a ring.

We will always design on a specific site. The area of ​​the plot with the house is 700 m2. The location of the house is very typical - it is located closer to one side of the plot, not far from the street. The house has access to the garden. Behind the house there is a plot of about 500 m2. There are three old trees on the site: two linden trees growing under the western fence, and an apple tree almost in the middle of the site.

Remove or incorporate into new garden plan existing trees– the choice is yours.

You are limited to six plant names.

The only condition: Use two grains.

This is a very interesting task, which is based on matching plants to a pair that have something in common. For example, two cereals, two plants with purple foliage, two plants with variegated foliage, two plants with a spherical crown.

First you must choose this pair. Then decide which two cereals they will be, and everything else is up to you: the style of the site, and even its layout will depend on this choice.

Here are examples of solving such a problem.

At first glance, the project is simple: a square of lawn with a strip of plants around it.

The correct boundaries of a square clearing are inscribed in an imperfect area - this is the first thing that catches your eye. This technique is easy to repeat. It allows you to hide any roughness in the external shape of the area, since it is difficult for the human eye to notice different depths mixed planting plants or borders.

But the feature that adds a lot of depth to the project, making it individual, with a “uncommon expression” is a circular passage along the boundaries of the site. The passage is wide, two meters. At first glance, he is superfluous. It adds nothing to the plan except to increase paving costs. After all, even without it, the site is quite functional. From the terrace there is a passage to the lawn. Between the terrace and the lawn, as well as around the lawn, there are plantings.

There is such a very common technique - planting along the fence. Why does the hand of any designer begin to draw bushes and trees along the boundaries of the site as soon as he sees a blank sheet of paper? Yes, because they don’t like fences, they are afraid to walk along the fence. And if this happens, then walking along the fence is rather a necessary measure.

In this project, everything is the opposite - forced to become preferable. The fence wall becomes one of the walls of the corridor, where the second wall is plants.

But the main charm of the external bypass is not even this, but the fact that it creates a secret path in the garden, which is not at all obvious to an outside, casual observer. A guest came to the garden. They fed and treated him, he even played with the dog or children. And about the secret path to small garden I didn't even guess. Paradox? And why? Yes, because you won’t notice this passage right away. To the right and left there are gates leading into this circular labyrinth. It would seem that an obstacle has been added, but in fact it is another bait. After all, if there is a door (gate), it means it leads somewhere. But even without this delicacy, or signpost, the hidden passage is the second meaning of the garden, the secret meaning. For the person who sets out on this journey, completely new perspectives will open up. Angles that cannot be obtained with a more correct, obvious solution. And it doesn’t matter whether the pedestrian is completely hidden by a wide strip of plants or the top of his head is visible, like the feathers of an Indian crossing the prairie, or a Zaporozhian herring, shining with his cropped head in the floodplains of the Dnieper.

Perhaps the author also had such thoughts, because the selected plants do not correspond in any way to the plan. And these plants are willows, cereals, elderberries. And in relation to the geometric plan, they resemble scenery on a stage precisely because they are very contrary to this plan. This is not reality, this is theater. A game that you can watch while lounging in easy chairs.

This circular passage along the “property boundaries” is used by famous masters of landscape design.

Here is Robert Myers' solution for Chelsea 2010: the same passage around the garden's plant-filled belly, only further emphasized by a decorative lattice of vertical posts.

If we perceived the first garden as a game, then in this project “nature” is taken seriously.

Here I want to put a smiley face, because it just so happens that a curved line on a plan is perceived as a statement of naturalness. Although, in fact, on the plan we see a strip of lawn in the form of an almost regular sinusoid, which is impossible in nature. Two areas for placing a fireplace and an isolated area for relaxation at the end of the lawn have a semicircular outline.

And the terrace itself curved in the shape of a Turkish cucumber.

The conventionality of nature is also indicated by the assortment of plants selected for a pair of cereals (oat and reed grass) - matsudana willow, purple willow, Cossack juniper pressed form, yellow rhododendron.

Their placement is interesting. If willow and juniper are planted in large tracts, then low grasses and rhododendron are collected in relatively small groups. This patch planting not only resembles the natural existence of plants, but also corresponds to the general trend of reducing garden maintenance. It is much easier to care for areas where many different and, moreover, whimsical plants are collected when they are located compactly. This example is also good because it gives us a reason to talk about the border between the lawn and plantings.

In nature, there are no clear boundaries between a meadow and the edge of a forest. Clear boundaries are typical specifically for a garden, moreover, for a small garden, where the lawn conventionally represents a meadow, and the plantings, with varying degrees of authenticity, represent the rest of nature.

So which solution should you choose? Should the lawn be limited in various ways (plastic, metal stops, near stones, etc.) or allow the grass to spread freely between the plants of the border.

And here, it must be admitted, there is no unambiguous answer to this question, no answer will be the only correct one. It all depends on the preferences and perfectionism of the customer.

Homework assignment.

Come up with a garden with a clearing. Your choice of plants is very wide - just six items are enough. The only condition is that you must dance from two cereals, that is, first select these two plants, think about what associations are associated with them, imagine a large area occupied by these cereals. What plants will go well with them, what will these plants resemble if you imagine them growing in an open field?

And now the layout.

You can design on any site, or you can take as a basis the one on which our example solutions are presented.

So, a set of plants, then a clearing (primarily its shape), and then try to answer all the questions about the ease of use of the site. Exactly in this sequence.

Work is currently underway in the park full swing. On October 24, the head of the Orekhovo-Zuevo urban district Gennady Panin, members of the Public Chamber, assistant to Moscow Regional Duma deputy Eduard Zhivtsov Lidiya Nikolaeva and media representatives visited the construction site, where the first stage of reconstruction was in full swing.

According to the development plan, after reconstruction, a real miracle park should appear on the banks of the Klyazma, designed for visitors of all ages and interests.

Max Lebedev

Max Lebedev

Max Lebedev

Max Lebedev

According to Gennady Panin, the reconstruction is divided into two stages, since its implementation will require large investments.

“The first stage included work with communications and arrangement of areas with pedestrian, jogging and bicycle paths, as well as a fountain and various areas, lighting and video surveillance. The second stage is planned for landscaping and reconstruction of the beach area, a pier on stilts will appear, which will go deep into the river,” said Gennady Panin.

In addition, two paths will pass through the park: a jogging path and a bicycle path, each 2.5 meters wide. The asphalt on them will be different in color. The bicycle lane is planned to have a red coating. In winter they can be used as a ski track. A pedestrian zone will run along the central part of the park.

Max Lebedev

Max Lebedev

According to the director of the branch of Mosobldorremstroy JSC - Orekhovo-Zuevsky PDSK Alibek Alibekov, the tiles used to lay the paths and areas of the park are special, they are not slippery to walk on.

The entire park will be divided into zones. One is quiet, a monument will be located here, from it a road paved with tiles of different shades will go to the center, where a 13-meter-long fountain will be located. Its jets will come out from under the slabs, and you can walk on it yourself. There will be a stage for concerts nearby, as well as a cafe area.

Max Lebedev

The other part of the park will be entertaining; parents with babies and older children will be able to walk here. For teenagers, there will be a skate park, a workout area, and a chess gazebo. There is also room for walking dogs.

The beach area in the coastal part of the park will have changing rooms, showers and a sunbathing area.

According to Gennady Panin, the park's operating hours will be discussed.

Max Lebedev

The chief architect of the construction site, Ivan Okhapkin, noted that at the second stage of reconstruction, landscaping, landscape lighting and tree lighting will be carried out in the park, additional benches, small architectural forms, a memorial area and a chess pavilion will be built.

Already on November 2, the Legislative Assembly must adopt amendments that will make it possible to fine mud movers. At least, the relevant committee approved them, which means that very soon parking on the lawn will again be paid - Although there are already skeptics who do not rule out that this norm will be challenged again.

For now, for all other violations, you should complain through a special form on the website of the regional headquarters. And also send photos of auto-hams to a special box class="_">(be sure to indicate the date and place of shooting). Just frame it so that the violation is clear without additional explanation.

Today, our regular expert and auto human rights activist Kirill Formanchuk is helping to sort out the violations. At the end of the material there is a traditional vote.

Disabled person pedestrian crossing

There is free space for such drivers, but for some reason the SUV is parked at a pedestrian crossing.

– The disabled person tore up the template - he seemed to have parked next to the sign, but in the wrong direction. Clauses 12.4 and 12.5 of the Russian Traffic Regulations prohibit stopping and parking at pedestrian crossings. However, no exceptions are provided for disabled people. The crossing is intended for pedestrians, not cars or cyclists. This violation is punishable by a fine of 1,000 rubles, detention of the car and removal to the impound lot. By the way, if the sign is fake, then the driver is subject to a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Free for now

There are practically no free parking spaces left behind the Youth Palace. But there is a large park - for now you can leave cars there for free.

– It would be interesting to know the motives of the driver who drove so far from the road into the park and threw his “bucket.” Municipal authorities are deprived of the opportunity to fine such drivers, since there is no federal law that establishes liability for parking on playgrounds, lawns, and parks. While State Duma deputies are deciding what a lawn is and what size of fine to set, all sorts of loutish cars are parking in parks.

Let them go around

An eloquent photo - the driver decided that he could stand on the sidewalk. Women with strollers have to go out onto the roadway.

– The car has winter tires without studs, but you want the person to park according to the rules. Most likely, this is a taxi driver who does not care about pedestrians or residents of the house. It is possible that he did not even realize that he had stood on the sidewalk. The fine for this is a thousand rubles, as well as evacuation to the parking lot.

King of the flowerbed

The driver of this beautiful SUV easily drove into this flowerbed and left his car there. It's not nice to do that.

– Another lawn destroyer. The car is more feminine, and the color is so bright, and therefore with a high degree of probability there was a girl behind the wheel. Although, in my personal opinion, a lawn in this place is not needed at all, especially if it is not at all protected from cars.

Nonresident violators

Judging by this footage, drivers from neighboring regions do not know that the markings must be observed. I got up as it happened.

– Yekaterinburg attracts many drivers from neighboring regions, but some of these drivers ignore parking rules. Cars from Tyumen and Chelyabinsk violated parking rules. For this violation a fine of 500 rubles is imposed.

Didn't fit

– On this section of the road they constantly park in such a way that the right lane does not go. When a left turn was allowed, a line of people wishing to turn formed, and the intersection was blocked. I think that the sidewalk here needs to be shortened a little and the right lane widened.

Blocked the passage

A typical picture for anyone residential area Yekaterinburg.

- Autoham, of course. But if this driver had not put the car there, then another would have done it. The urban planning policy of the city administration forces drivers to fight for every place. After all, it is not the drivers’ fault that there are no parking spaces in new buildings, that infill development in the city is thriving, that new parking spaces are not created. All these issues have not been resolved for years

Bad example

A family with a small child got out of this car. They have been raising auto-hams since childhood.

– Some people believe that if they bought a car for 5 million, they immediately became the masters of life and they can wipe their feet on others. The issue of parking this car is more moral than legal. Since the Sverdlovsk Regional Court invalidated the article of the regional law prohibiting parking on children's playgrounds, such louts have begun to park there with absolute impunity. And the children's playground looks very sad. Apparently, the developer turned out to be a complete miser because he couldn’t make a normal place for children.

Photos of other violators.

The purpose of alleys, roads in parks, gardens, public gardens is to provide convenient pedestrian connections of entrances with all functional areas, structures, devices and individual areas, to reveal the aesthetic advantages of green spaces and the natural landscape when moving.

Straight-line alleys add solemnity to the site, winding paths are appropriate when organizing walking routes with viewpoints, alleys laid along the shortest path connect objects. Paths are often laid along existing trails.

In the overall balance of the park's territory, 8-15% is allocated for roads and alleys, sites - 5-10%, outside the city - 2-4% and 1-2%, respectively. Their relative length is assumed to be 300-400 m/ha in the city, 50-100 m/ha outside the city. In sports parks these standards are increasing.

The main pedestrian alleys and roads connect the main entrances to the most visited sites, connect functional areas between themselves. The designed width is 5-50 m with a longitudinal slope of up to 40% and ensuring a throughput of up to 600 people/hour. Provision is made for the passage of intra-park transport.

Secondary pedestrian alleys and roads serve as intra-zonal connections, connect secondary entrances with objects of attraction, and distribute visitors throughout the territory. The designed width is 3-12 m with a longitudinal slope of up to 60% and pedestrian traffic with an intensity of up to 300 people/hour. Transport is possible.

Additional pedestrian roads and trails lead to individual park facilities. They are designed with a width of 0.75-3 m with a longitudinal slope of up to 80% and low-intensity pedestrian traffic.

Bicycle paths for walking are designed 1.5-2.5 m wide with a longitudinal slope of no more than 50%, and a transverse slope of 15-25%.

Roads for walking on horseback, in carriages and sleighs are designed with a width of 2.5-6.5 m, a longitudinal slope of up to 60% and an improved ground surface.

Parking lots are designed at the rate of 2-3 parking spaces per 100 one-time park visitors in the first phase and 5-7 for the estimated period. Forest parks have 2-4 and 7-10 parking spaces, respectively. Parking lots are divided into sectors by green spaces.

Layout of park alleys and roads: a, b - main pedestrian alleys; c - embankment alley; d - intersection of the alley with the bicycle path; d - horse road and trail; 1 - main lane of the main road; 2 - additional lane; 3 - minor road; 4 - additional road or trail; 5 - bicycle path; 6 - road for horse riding; 7 - flower garden; 8 - lawn; 9 - plantings

Examples of track junctions. 1 - trampling zone

Intra-park passenger transport (vehicles with electric motors, aerial cableways and monorails, funiculars, elevators, moving sidewalks, narrow-gauge railways) is created in parks with an area of ​​over 300 hectares, and with complex terrain - more than 100 hectares. It can be used for sightseeing and serve as an attraction at the same time. For cable cars, the maximum longitudinal slope is 80%, travel speed is up to 14 km/h, transportation in one direction is up to 1200 people/hour. The speed of movement on monorail roads is 10-40 km/h, and the capacity is 20-25 thousand people/hour.

The width of park alleys depends on the number of visitors and is taken as a multiple of 0.75 m - the width of one traffic lane. TsNIIP of Urban Planning recommends adopting throughput a pedestrian lane 1 m wide, not exceeding 400 people/hour, which ensures comfort and continuity of movement of visitors. To accommodate the most public events, the width of the main alley is increased due to side lawn strips that allow for one-time loads. When forming the main alley from three pedestrian lanes, the width of the middle lane should be taken with a coefficient of 0.8 from the sum of the extreme ones.

In large parks, the main alley is designed in the form of an esplanade 25-50 m wide, having a rectilinear or curvilinear outline with a large turning radius. When passing through areas with complex terrain, the esplanade is divided into alleys. An esplanade laid along a reservoir should follow the coastline and have an asymmetrical profile. Landscaping is carried out in such a way that middle lane was illuminated, the outermost areas alternated between illuminated and shaded areas, and the walking path was shaded and protected from the wind.

In health-improving parks, health paths are laid - special pedestrian roads for treatment with dosed walking. According to difficulty, such roads are divided into easy sections 500-600 m long without climbing; medium - 1500-2000 m long with a rise of 50-100%, difficult - 3000-3500 m long with a rise of 100-150% and steeper. Ascents alternate with horizontal sections, rest areas with benches are placed on short routes every 30-50 m, on long routes - every 100-200 m.

The radii of curvatures at intersections and junctions of roads and alleys are no less than half the width of the main road, and for driveways no less than 7 m. When constructing intersections, the corners are smoothed along the line of natural pedestrian movement to prevent trampling. In cases where several tracks are connected in one node, their junction points are expanded.

Must be durable and resistant to atmospheric influences and loads, ensure drainage of surface, storm, melt water and be convenient to use. The surface is intended for pedestrians, so it should be smooth, but not slippery. An important role in creating harmonious landscape compositions is given decorative characteristics coatings that are chosen based on the purpose of the site, landscape features and architectural and planning solutions of the territory. Existing classification coatings is based on the application and material. The type of coating must meet the intended purpose, sanitary, hygienic, aesthetic and economic requirements.

Coverings can be solid, panel and tiled. Continuous coatings are divided into soil, crushed stone or gravel and asphalt. Ground coatings are the most imperfect. In the practice of constructing garden alleys and roads, improved ground coverings- cement-soil, lime-soil and sand-gravel. Crushed stone is more durable. The crushed stone is covered with a layer of fine sifted chips (brick, granite, tuff) and rolled with rollers. The resulting bright colored coatings combine well with greenery, but in windy, hot weather they become dusty, and in damp weather they get wet and are carried away by streams of water, especially on slopes, and become overgrown with grass.

In coastal cities, river or sea pebbles are used to cover paths. It is advisable to lay 1-2 layers under the coating polyethylene film, roofing felt, roofing felt, which will get rid of weeds. Pebbles are a wonderful background for ornamental plants: carpet, creeping, coniferous and deciduous shrubs, ivy. Asphalt pavements more durable, but when heated by the sun they soften, radiate warmth even in the evening, and have low artistic decorative qualities. After each opening of the surface, traces remain.

Coverings: 1 - monolithic concrete coverings; 2 - coverings made of natural stone; 3 - brick coverings (a, b - tied; c - braided; d - mesh; e - herringbone); 4 - wood covering; 5 - coverings made of concrete slabs (a - without rupture; b - with rupture); 6 - laying slabs at corners and turns

Panel concrete covering can be prefabricated or monolithic, and may have different shape with curvilinear or rectilinear outlines and different sizes. Large slabs (e.g. 1.5x1.5; 1.0x2.0 m) require mechanisms for laying on a pre-prepared base. By introducing aggregates into concrete, a variety of textures, patterns, and colors of the coating are achieved, and its decorative qualities are enhanced. Monolithic concrete pavements are made on site using compacted crushed stone. They can have a pattern due to artificial seams, which are also necessary for extinguishing temperature changes. Inserts made of pebbles, crushed stone, gravel or carpet plants are used.

Natural stone coatings are durable and beautiful, they retain their decorative properties for decades, they are widely used to create interesting compositions for landscaping around monuments, fountains, etc. For these purposes, slabs of hard rock (granite, gneiss, basalt) or soft, sedimentary (sand, tuff, limestone-shell rock). In the southern regions, mosaic slabs of regular geometric shape are made from fragments of polished marble slabs.

Stone is used taking into account its architectural expressiveness and color. Stone slabs of various sizes and shapes create a picturesque pattern against the background of a green carpet. Mosaic coverings are created from cubic stone blocks measuring 3-7 cm. The checkers are laid on a sandy base 6-8 cm thick. The resulting seams are filled with sand. Such coatings are successfully used on paths with a significant slope. Small stone blocks are also used in the construction of concrete slab coverings to fill uneven areas around the perimeter of the paving, at corners and in seams, at water wells, stairs. In paths made of natural stone irregular shape the seams are filled with mortar and filled with pebbles, gravel or vegetable soil.

Clinker brick coverings. The bricks are laid in a cage, herringbone pattern, flat or on edge on a sandy base 5-10 cm thick, which is given a slight slope to drain water from the paving surface. When laying the bricks, they are compacted, and the seams between them are filled with sand.

Wood coverings are picturesque, but short-lived, quickly become dirty and cannot be cleaned. It can be recommended for rarely visited areas of green space or for decorative purposes. Wood coverings common in cities located in forested areas, where commercial wood waste is used for these purposes. They use round timber of hardwood that does not rot (usually conifers), cut into cylinders of equal height 12-16 cm with a diameter of 10-50 cm, from which they collect mosaic covering. A geometric pattern can be obtained using square, rectangular, hexagonal checkers. The seams are filled vegetable soil and sand.

Factory-made concrete tiles are durable and hygienic, and are the most effective coating for landscaping green areas. They are varied in shape (square, rectangular, hexagonal, round, etc.), color and texture. Strength is achieved through high grades of cement, a good mixture of concrete and compaction. The tiles are laid on a sand cushion (for sandy loam soils 14-16 cm, on waterproof soils up to 25 cm), and for weak soils - on a crushed stone or gravel base with a slope for water drainage.

The most commonly used sizes of tiles for walkways, cm: 20x20; 25x25; 30x30; 40x40; 50x50; 75x75; 20x40; 40x60; 25x50; 50x75; hexagonal slabs with side sizes from 20 to 50 cm, round slabs with a diameter of up to 50 cm. The thickness of the tiles is within 4-8 cm, and for the roadway 15-20 cm. Widely used concrete tiles with a rough, corrugated surface, with exposed filling (pebbles, gravel of various fractions) and from sand or silicate fine-grained concrete. The tiles are laid closely (with seams of 6-10 mm) or at intervals of at least 5 cm, which can be filled concrete mortar, cover with gravel, pebbles, sand or fill with plant soil.

The monotony and monotony of the paving is broken by the arrangement of green islands, interspersed with slabs that differ in color or texture, as well as from other materials. The use of rectangular slabs with an aspect ratio of 1:2 also contributes to a greater variety of patterns; combinations of slabs of different sizes and masonry without continuous longitudinal and cross-shaped seams are also interesting. Paving begins from the structure with seams parallel or perpendicular to the facade. At the turning junctions of paths, trapezoidal, conical, triangular slabs are used, or “sawtooth” paving along the edge is used.

The tiles are quickly and easily made into rectilinear or curved paths of any pattern, of the required dimensions in one or several rows. If you need to change directions, they can be easily moved to a new location.

In places with heavy pedestrian traffic, the surface of tree holes is covered with pebbles, which facilitates the penetration of air and water into the soil.

Prefabricated concrete and lawn pavements improve hygienic and decorative properties coverings. Water does not linger on them, they do not generate dust, and do not overheat in the sun. Grass cover in the spaces between the plates and in empty cells, it reduces the air temperature and increases its humidity. By including a lawn in the surface, the path is combined with the surrounding landscape, creating a harmonious natural composition.

In a pass-pied covering, the slabs are laid on the lawn with breaks corresponding to a person’s step. Round slabs laid in two rows in a checkerboard pattern are called the “elephant” path.

Got widespread ceramic tiles(20x20 cm) 1.5 cm thick, from which durable decorative coverings are created. Abroad, coatings made of colored asphalt, plastics, and rubber tiles are used.

Decorative coatings are widely used, including several materials: concrete slabs in combination with gravel, pebbles, cobblestones, paving stones, natural stone slabs, wood, brick; monolithic concrete With gravel surface, brick, natural stone, slabs. In these cases, the track design should be as uniform as possible to facilitate execution.

For withdrawal surface waters A drainage system is organized from the paths. With an open system, water is discharged through trays. Closed system it is arranged at a high level of improvement of the territory or in the event that an open drainage system cannot protect the coating from erosion. The more advanced the coating materials, the easier the water flow.

For coatings made of concrete, asphalt, tiles, the transverse slope is taken to be 0.015-0.02, for coatings made of small crushed stone - 0.03-0.06. Paths are arranged with a convex gable or single-pitch profile. The longitudinal slope is taken from 0.5 to 5-6%. In central areas, paths are arranged at the same level as the surrounding area and open trays are created along their boundaries.

Side stones are laid at the same level with the pedestrian part or raised above the adjacent areas by 10-12 cm. Coverings made of slabs and natural stones without side stones strengthen the connection with the green area. In the southern regions, the paths are made slightly higher than the surrounding area and without trays. Water is diverted to lawns.

For park roads with heavy traffic bottom base(10-15 cm) are made from crushed stone, gravel, broken bricks. On sandy soils For these purposes, coarse sand is used. In damp places, drainage of up to 10 cm is provided (fine gravel, slag, sand). The leveling layer for this type of path is made of sand stabilized with 10% cement. The seams are also filled with sand and poured cement mortar. On paths and walking paths with light loads, the slabs are laid on a sand layer. The thickness of the slabs is greater than for coatings with a solid base. The seams are sealed with sand. On wet soils 5-10 cm of fine gravel, slag or crushed stone is poured under the sand layer.