home · Lighting · Bobovnik golden rain description. Golden rain bean planting and care, growing from seeds, photo of types of bean. Botanical description of Bobovnik

Bobovnik golden rain description. Golden rain bean planting and care, growing from seeds, photo of types of bean. Botanical description of Bobovnik

In this publication, we’ll talk about the rules of planting and the intricacies of caring for the bean plant, provide photo examples of its popular varieties, and also give useful recommendations on growing beans on a personal plot.

Bobovnik is a branched, multi-stemmed shrub with dark green leaves and bright yellow cascading inflorescences, exuding a delicate honey, slightly resinous aroma. It is most common in southern European countries, which are the birthplace of the plant, as well as in the Balkans and France.

It was brought to Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, where, thanks to its sophisticated attractiveness and good frost- (up to -25 ° C) and drought-resistant qualities, it quickly spread. Most successfully acclimatized in southern regions and in the Caucasus. It reached its peak of popularity at the beginning of the 20th century, surpassing the then widely known standard roses.

Plant classification

In fact, the name “bean plant” is worn by 2 completely different plants, belonging to different families:

  • Steppe almond, Rosaceae family
  • Bobovnik, or Laburnum, legume family (Fabaceae)

The first type is different:

  • short stature (up to 1.5 m in height),
  • wide elliptical leaves,
  • large pink flowers rich color;
  • spreading loose crown;
  • resistance to many diseases and pests.

The second one has:

  • lighter leaves with a complex trifoliate structure;
  • clusters of flowers hanging freely on erect ones, forming large yellow, less often white or pink clusters;
  • silvery-pubescent branches;
  • taller (about 5 m).

This is exactly what this article will be about. Both plants are poisonous and are bred for decorative purposes.

Types of shrubs

Alpine bean is quite rare, grows in middle lane. Has the following characteristics:

  • photophilous;
  • most frost-hardy compared to other species (down to -28°C);
  • height ranges from 0.5 to 3 m
  • the cascading inflorescences are very narrow and long (up to 0.4 m).

Due to its similarity to the weeping willow, the alpine bean plant Gold Rhine is also called the “sunny waterfall”. It grows in mountainous areas such as Germany and Switzerland.

Anagyroleaf bean is the most common species, distinguished by:

  • compact growth (2 - 3 m; rarely - up to 7 m);
  • light brown branches resembling vines;
  • leaves smooth on top and covered with down below;
  • the earliest history of cultivation: the variety was bred back in the 16th century.

Because of the beautiful, flowing golden inflorescences, it received a second name - “Golden Rain”.

Interesting: The alkaloid cytisine, obtained from the angyroleaf bean plant, has been widely used in the treatment of vascular diseases of the eyes, heart and brain and, paradoxically, severe forms of intoxication.

Also, the plant extract can increase blood pressure and is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension and internal bleeding, and the drug Cititon based on it is used as an anesthetic. Although in high doses it can cause severe poisoning and even paralysis of the nervous system.


There are two ways to propagate a plant:

  • seminal;
  • vegetative.

In the first case, sowing is carried out in previously loosened soil to a depth of 1 - 2 cm, in boxes. But before that, some procedures must be carried out with the seeds:

  • 1 – 1.5 months before sowing, store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or basement at a temperature of -5 - +1 °C
  • before sowing, pour boiling water over it, then soak for 30 minutes in a sulfuric acid solution;
  • plant in small pots or cups;
  • When shoots appear, plant them.

In the spring, after the snow melts, young plants are planted in greenhouses: under glass or film. If the local climate is mild enough and the heat comes early, you don’t have to grow seedlings and sow the seeds directly in a greenhouse.

The second method of planting is considered more reliable - cuttings, which:

  • must have one internode and two nodes;
  • cut immediately after flowering ends, lasting 2 weeks: in May or June;
  • rooted in a shaded area with little humidity.

The location and technique of planting ready-made seedlings is as follows:

To make them better accepted, they can be moistened in a solution of hyteroauxin, epin, humate, root or other growth hormone. As for the composition of the soil, the plant grows best in calcareous or sandy loam rocky soil with a minimum amount of moisture that is not prone to sticking.

Features of cultivation

At proper care the bean blooms in the 3rd, sometimes in the 4th year, but for this the following conditions must be met:

  • in April, fertilize the soil with nitrogen, in the fall with potassium-phosphate fertilizers at the rate of 10 g of potassium per 250 g of superphosphate per large bush;
  • additionally use lime or ash (phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, molybdenum);
  • process biological fungicides against pests, although due to its toxicity it is little susceptible to them;
  • control soil moisture: it should not be excessive, because this is fraught with various bacterial lesions of the ground and root parts of the bush, for example, powdery mildew;
  • if you need to grow a large alley of bean trees, 1 – 2 seedlings will be enough, because the plant reproduces in all ways:
  1. Autumn: dividing the bush (vegetative), cuttings, layering (dropping branches).
  2. Spring: sowing, grafting.
  3. Summer: cuttings.

This is especially true since it is much easier to grow a healthy, beautiful tree that is already adapted to local conditions.

Rules of care

Despite its hardiness, the bean is still a southern plant that does not tolerate severe frost well, therefore:

  • roots of bushes, especially those that have not yet reached three years old, for the winter it is necessary to cover with thick agrofibre;
  • after snowfalls, you need to carefully clear the branches of snow so that they do not break;
  • in March, cut off old, dried, broken branches;
  • pruning for aesthetic purposes should be carried out only with young trees, since old ones can hurt for a long time after it or even dry out;
  • It is better to weed the area near the roots by hand, so as not to accidentally touch or damage them;
  • water only during drought, but if the soil has been mulched using peat, moss, bark and film to retain moisture, you should refrain from watering.

In the process of caring for bean plants, you need to remember that the action plant poison quite toxic, so:

  • work with gloves;
  • after contact with it, wash your hands thoroughly;
  • plant the plant in places that are difficult for small children to reach, because even two seeds can cause severe poisoning.

Where and for how much can I buy

The purchase of young seedlings must be done before the leaves on the trees begin to bloom, but no later than May.

You cannot purchase seedlings with buds that have already opened, since in the Moscow region and in the northern regions of Russia spring comes late, and the likelihood that the plant will be sick for a long time or simply will not survive increases.

Bean flowers can be purchased on the Allbiz website as a wholesale order, seedlings in a container or seeds can be ordered in one of the online stores official distributors, for example, on the website greensad.ua

Please note: even with quality care In the middle zone, the bean grows very slowly: in 10 years it reaches only 3 meters.

Prices for plant seeds, depending on its type, range from 160 to 450 rubles, for seedlings - from 113 to 1185 rubles or more.

How the bean grows, watch in the following video:

(Laburnum), Golden Rain, broom- these are all the names of one plant of the legume family. It can be a tree or a multi-stemmed bush 2-6 m high. Bobovnik is a fairly winter-hardy plant; it begins to bloom with golden clusters in late May - June. Flowering lasts up to 20 days. After flowering, beans with seeds are formed, which are poisonous, like all parts of the plant. They contain alkaloids: cytisine and laburnine, which are dangerous to humans. Who has children? It’s better not to plant beans: if a child eats a couple of seeds, he may die.

Bobovnik anagyrofolia(Laburnum anagyroides) has inflorescences up to 50 cm long, which really look like a golden shower. And a tree or bush blazes with gold brighter than. Now there are varieties with pink flowers and yellow young leaves.

Location, soil

To make the beaner happy abundant flowering it needs to be planted in an open sunny place, protected from cold winds and drafts. In the shade, the plant practically does not bloom, and the foliage may turn yellow and fall off.

The bean tree prefers loamy soil that retains moisture well, not acidic, but always loose. However, it can grow well on sandy and rocky soils. But the bean plant grows slowly in the Moscow region: in 10 years it can only reach 3 m.


The best time to plant beans is spring. Dig up landing hole slightly larger than the root ball of a seedling. Recommended soil composition for planting beans: 15-20 cm of top garden soil taken out of a hole, peat, compost (humus), sand in a ratio of 2:1:2:2. To this mixture add 300-400 g of dolomite (limestone) flour and 40-70 g of any complex granular fertilizer. Mix everything well. The seedling is planted, the soil is compacted, watered and...

Before planting, plants must be soaked in a solution of any growth stimulant (, epin, humate, etc.) or an infusion of natural stimulants. If the seedling has an open root system, then leave it in the solution for 12-18 hours, and if the plant was purchased in a container, then for 30-40 minutes.


The bean tree must be trimmed, removing dry, broken branches, as well as forming appearance, then the bush (tree) will look neat and compact. In order for the plant to bloom annually, it is important to remove the beans, preventing the plant from wasting energy on their ripening if the seeds are not needed.

Feed in early spring and September. Nitrogen is needed for spring fertilizing. It is better to use liquid ones for this - they are absorbed faster and do not burn the roots, because the bean plant root system located close to the soil surface.

Shelter for the winter

How to cover a bean tree for the winter and is it necessary to cover it? The answer to this question depends on where the seedling growing in the garden came from. If the seedling is from Holland, then it is not long-lived; it will always freeze above the snow cover, and then it will fall out completely. Saplings from the Czech Republic and Poland are more stable in the Moscow region. For the first 2-3 years, while the seedling is small, it is recommended to wrap it in lutrasil and tie it with twine for the winter. Then its winter hardiness will be higher; only the ends of unripe shoots will freeze.

If the plant is grown in a local nursery, then it does not even need to be covered. This seedling is adapted to local conditions and will winter well.


How can bean grass be propagated? Yes, it’s very simple: seeds, green cuttings, dividing the bush, layering.

Seeds. Growing beans from seeds is quite simple and such plants will be more winter-hardy and more adapted to local conditions. Fresh seeds can be sown before winter. And if you sow them in room conditions in the spring, the seeds must undergo (stratification, scarification), and then they are planted in prepared light soil. Containers with planted seeds are covered with glass or film. At good care seedlings grow up to 40-50 cm over the summer. Such plants bloom only for 5-7 years. And there is a high probability that it will not be possible to obtain a varietal plant from seeds.

Green cuttings. With such propagation, all varietal characteristics are preserved. Green cuttings with 2-3 internodes are cut immediately after flowering. The lower leaves are removed, and the upper ones need to be cut by 2/3. The lower oblique cut can be treated with any root growth stimulator. The cuttings are planted in light soil in a shaded place. It is recommended to close them in half plastic bottle, which is removed when young leaves appear in the axils of old leaves. In the first winter, the cuttings are covered with fallen leaves, cut perennials, spruce branches or non-woven covering material (lutrasil, spunbond).

Dividing the bush. Divide the bean bush in early spring, before the buds open. Dig up the entire plant and cut it into pieces with a sharp shovel or large knife. Don't forget to wear gloves when working, as all parts of the plant are poisonous.

By layering. In the spring, a young shoot is selected and pinned to the ground. In places of contact with the soil, the bark on the shoot is damaged and treated with root growth stimulants. By autumn, roots and vertical young shoots appear in these places. Next spring, the bent shoot is cut into pieces and planted.

Application in landscape design

Bobovnik is widely used in landscape design. This one is best beautiful bush or the tree looks great on the lawn in a solitaire planting. Since its root system is superficial, ground cover plants can be planted at the feet of the bean tree: low plants, periwinkle, varietal tenacious plants, or simply mulched trunk circle decorative wood chips.

In group planting, the bean grows tall and blooms poorly in shade. Therefore, lower plants are planted in the foreground: spirea, willow “nana”, rhododendrons, dwarf or creeping conifers(spruce, spherical thuja, etc.)

bean (lat. Labúrnum) or broom. It is also often called Golden Rain for its beautifully hanging long yellow inflorescences. Let's figure out how to care for young plants, consider the features different ways growing. We’ll also tell you why you need to be careful when caring for broom.

From seeds

Growing beans from seeds is not a difficult task. To do this, it is better to choose large mature seeds, ripened abundantly on large flowering plants. Seeds ripen in September.

The bean tree propagates in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush.


You can sow Golden Rain in the fall by planting it in a container with garden soil not very deep (1-2 cm). Shoots appear in 2-3 weeks.
When the seedlings grow up (after 2 months), they should be planted in separate containers. Plant bean seedlings in open ground needed in the spring (as soon as the snow melts). It is necessary to protect young plants from wind and cold.

Did you know? According to Feng Shui, broom is considered a symbol of prosperity. It activates energy, maintains good spirits and optimism.


In order for the seeds to germinate better, they are damaged. This process is called. You can treat the seeds with sandpaper or a nail file.
Another preparation method is to pour boiling water or acid over the seeds. When the shell is damaged, the development of the sprout occurs faster. Seeds will sprout earlier if they are kept in the refrigerator for 1 month before sowing.

Sowing and subsequent care

In spring, Golden Rain is sown after the snow melts. After planting in the ground to a depth of 1 cm, the seeds are covered with cellophane.

For good growth it is necessary to weed the seedlings, while being careful - all parts of the plant are poisonous.
not required as the bean is drought tolerant. Useful for development. Plants grown from seeds bloom in 3-5 years.

Did you know? The alkaloid cytisine, which is found in broom seeds, is used in the manufacture of drugs« Tabex», designed for smoking cessation.


In the spring, before planting, it is advisable to treat the seedlings with growth stimulants. It is better to plant shoots in groups in a place protected from the wind, this promotes abundant flowering.
Before planting, it is necessary to clear it, add it to the prepared soil and. Young shoots must be covered for the winter. In the first 2-3 years, Golden Rain shoots are very vulnerable to low temperatures.

By layering

Young shoots in early spring pressed to. To form roots, before burying a branch, you need to cut off the bark or make cuts on it.
The use of growth stimulants will speed up the process of root formation. Next spring, vertical shoots will appear on the rooted branch. The daughter plant is separated from the mother plant in a place with soil, trying not to damage the roots.

Many gardeners and simply owners of garden plots are wondering what plants are best to grow in their garden in order to decorate the garden, and spend less on it, and invest a little work. There are many plants to offer, but the bean plant is not only ideal for decorating a garden and yard. Where can I get it and how to care for it? Let's try to figure it out together.

Description of appearance

This small deciduous tree or shrub has trifoliate leaves, smooth above and slightly velvety below, and belongs to the legume family.

The plant sometimes grows up to 7 m in height. It has a funnel-shaped, loose crown and sometimes several trunks, somewhat reminiscent of broom. The trunks are grayish-green or light brown in color, wrinkled in appearance.
The perennial blooms in the spring, when there is no longer any danger of frost. This is around May. Its bright yellow inflorescences, composed of moth-type flowers, sometimes reach up to 50 cm, and the bean tree sometimes blooms for about a month. Long brushes resemble golden threads of rain. It is for this similarity that the bean plant (laburnum) received the name: “golden rain”. When it blooms, everything in the yard looks festive, and the delicate aroma of flowers adds romance to the garden. After flowering, graceful linear bean pods with fruits are formed. The Latin name laburnum means trefoil bean.


The main feature of the plant is that, despite its beauty, it is absolutely unpretentious, but it can still be difficult to grow. Bobovnik is an excellent honey plant. After flowering, it is advisable to cut off the branches of the inflorescences. Such actions improve decorative look trees. In addition, after such pruning it blooms better for next spring.
The bean plant is cultivated in the southern regions of the Crimea, Central Asia, the Caucasus, southern Ukraine and Europe, from where it came to us. In the north and in temperate latitudes it grows rarely, develops difficultly, and often freezes out completely or partially. Because in northern latitudes it is usually grown in botanical gardens or greenhouses.


There are several types of golden shower: anagyrofolia, alpine, norwegian and hybrid.
Bobovnik anagyrofolia is a tree up to 7 m tall, and sometimes higher. This type of bean is the most popular. The inflorescences, as a rule, are about 30 cm long. About ten varieties of this plant have been bred. There are plants:

  • with weeping branches;
  • with leaves emerging from golden-hued buds that turn green in summer;
  • shrub with loose branches and red bell-shaped flowers;
  • with pink flowers on racemes and light leaves;
  • with leaves similar to oak in shape and color.

Read also: Garden bean– planting, care, reproduction

Alpine bean species can reach a height of 12 meters, and during flowering its brushes can be up to 45-50 cm. It usually grows in the southern regions. The plant form is predominantly shrubby. The flowers do not have a characteristic aroma. Its seeds are bare, and the leaves on the stems have light shade. The perennial is more resistant to frost and freezes less often.

Norwegian golden shower It blooms with yellow, bright red or brown flowers that have almost no scent. It refers to hybrid varieties. Its leaves are more distinguished by lighter shades.

Hybrid view broom is no different from the first two species, except for one thing: it always blooms twice - in spring and autumn. Among the hybrids, the Waterera variety also stands out , which was created in botanical garden, does not winter well, and therefore requires shelter from frost. Often after cold winter more than half of the plant freezes. Clusters of inflorescences, sometimes reaching 50 centimeters or more, emit a wonderful aroma. It grows poorly in the northern regions of Russia. For example, in the Moscow region, the plant does not grow more than 1 meter in height. Blooms in May. The fruits have a silky edge. Does not reproduce by seeds.

Soil for laburnum

The land where the golden shower is planted may be well fertilized, or it may be poor in lime. The main requirement for it: the soil should not be too moist. Because clay soils, poorly permeable to moisture, plants are not suitable for planting.

Landing location

Laburnum grows best in sunny places, but can develop normally in a semi-shaded place. The place intended for the plant should be well protected from the north wind.

In insufficient light, the plant blooms poorly and loses leaves.


Plants are planted in early spring, when the buds have not yet fully opened. Make a hole for planting twice as spacious as the lump of earth on the roots and mix the soil in the hole and the soil with which the tree will be filled with compost. Laburnum roots are doused with water. The roots are carefully straightened. A pole is placed in the hole, to which the trunk is tied, and the roots are filled in the hole. After planting the bean tree, the soil is lightly compacted and watered.

Features of cultivation

Laburnum is very heat-loving. It tolerates temperatures not lower than -26 C, so in severe frosts the plant can freeze. Young shoots are especially affected, but in severe frosts, old trunks often suffer as well. Therefore, plants in areas where frosts often occur must be protected from wind, snow and cold.
Growing it beautiful plant doesn't require a lot of hassle, but is average climatic zone this is difficult due to frequent frosts.
Despite its unpretentiousness, gardeners prefer to grow beans from seeds and plant them in calcium-rich soils or slightly acidic loam.
You shouldn't water it too often, but the soil needs to be loosened. You just need to remember that this perennial has roots close to the surface, so you need to be careful when loosening.
The roots must be covered for the winter, preferably with agro-canvas or a dense layer of peat or compost. In young plants, it is advisable to cover the stems, even where severe frosts can not be.
To strengthen the roots you need to mulch.

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The plant is easily propagated by seeds that ripen in the fall. Its seeds are quite large. They are sown immediately after harvest or in late autumn in loose soil. The depth of planting seeds should be approximately no more than a centimeter. Seeds germinate in early spring. But you can sow seeds in the spring if for some reason they were not planted. This can be done after the soil has thawed.
The bushes that grow from them bloom only at 5-6 years of age. But only anagyroid or alpine bean tree reproduces in this way. But hybrids do not reproduce in this way.

Is it possible to propagate the plant in other ways? Certainly. Gardeners often propagate golden rain by layering. In this case, the tree branch is tilted towards the ground and covered with earth, pressing down the branch. After a year, the twig becomes a small tree that has put down roots and branches.
This method of reproduction is not always suitable for hybrid species. They retain their qualities better when propagated by cuttings. Cuttings are cut in the spring so that there are three or more buds on a branch; the cuttings are stuck into loose soil in greenhouses or in pots. Planted branches should be watered evenly, but not too intensely. Cuttings are accepted quite quickly and the germination rate is almost one hundred percent.
You can also propagate the plant by dividing the bush, but this is possible for shrubby forms of the bean plant. This division is done in the autumn season before the winter cold sets in.


Golden shower is quite capricious to care for; there are many nuances that require attention. This is first and foremost climatic conditions: there should be no severe frosts. Blooms ideally only in the subtropics.
In winter, you need to cover the roots with several layers of agricultural canvas or peat, especially those plants that have not reached 4 years of age. Fallen snow should not lie on the branches; it must be shaken off.

Many gardeners and simply owners of garden plots are wondering what plants are best to grow in their garden in order to decorate the garden, and spend less on it, and invest a little work. There are many plants to offer, but the bean plant is not only ideal for decorating a garden and yard. Where can I get it and how to care for it? Let's try to figure it out together.

Description of appearance

This small deciduous tree or shrub has trifoliate leaves, smooth above and slightly velvety below, and belongs to the legume family.

The plant sometimes grows up to 7 m in height. It has a funnel-shaped, loose crown and sometimes several trunks, somewhat reminiscent of broom. The trunks are grayish-green or light brown in color, wrinkled in appearance.
The perennial blooms in the spring, when there is no longer any danger of frost. This is around May. Its bright yellow inflorescences, composed of moth-type flowers, sometimes reach up to 50 cm, and the bean tree sometimes blooms for about a month. Long brushes resemble golden threads of rain. It is for this similarity that the bean plant (laburnum) received the name: “golden rain”. When it blooms, everything in the yard looks festive, and the delicate aroma of flowers adds romance to the garden. After flowering, graceful linear bean pods with fruits are formed. The Latin name laburnum means trefoil bean.


The main feature of the plant is that, despite its beauty, it is absolutely unpretentious, but it can still be difficult to grow. Bobovnik is an excellent honey plant. After flowering, it is advisable to cut off the branches of the inflorescences. Such actions improve the decorative appearance of the tree. In addition, after such pruning, it blooms better the following spring.
The bean plant is cultivated in the southern regions of the Crimea, Central Asia, the Caucasus, southern Ukraine and Europe, from where it came to us. In the north and in temperate latitudes it grows rarely, develops difficultly, and often freezes out completely or partially. Therefore, in northern latitudes it is usually grown in botanical gardens or greenhouses.


There are several types of golden shower: anagyrofolia, alpine, norwegian and hybrid.
Bobovnik anagyrofolia is a tree up to 7 m tall, and sometimes higher. This type of bean is the most popular. The inflorescences, as a rule, are about 30 cm long. About ten varieties of this plant have been bred. There are plants:

  • with weeping branches;
  • with leaves emerging from golden-hued buds that turn green in summer;
  • shrub with loose branches and red bell-shaped flowers;
  • with pink flowers on racemes and light leaves;
  • with leaves similar to oak in shape and color.

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Alpine bean species can reach a height of 12 meters, and during flowering its brushes can be up to 45-50 cm. It usually grows in the southern regions. The plant form is predominantly shrubby. The flowers do not have a characteristic aroma. Its seeds are bare, and the leaves on the stems are light in color. The perennial is more resistant to frost and freezes less often.

Norwegian golden shower It blooms with yellow, bright red or brown flowers that have almost no scent. It belongs to the hybrid varieties. Its leaves are more distinguished by lighter shades.

Hybrid view broom is no different from the first two species, except for one thing: it always blooms twice - in spring and autumn. Among the hybrids, the Waterera variety also stands out , which was created in the botanical garden, does not winter well, and therefore requires shelter from frost. Often after a cold winter, more than half of the plant freezes. Clusters of inflorescences, sometimes reaching 50 centimeters or more, emit a wonderful aroma. It grows poorly in the northern regions of Russia. For example, in the Moscow region, the plant does not grow more than 1 meter in height. Blooms in May. The fruits have a silky edge. Does not reproduce by seeds.

Soil for laburnum

The land where the golden shower is planted may be well fertilized, or it may be poor in lime. The main requirement for it: the soil should not be too moist. Therefore, clay soils that do not allow moisture to pass through well are not suitable for planting.

Landing location

Laburnum grows best in sunny places, but can develop normally in a semi-shaded place. The place intended for the plant should be well protected from the north wind.

In insufficient light, the plant blooms poorly and loses leaves.


Plants are planted in early spring, when the buds have not yet fully opened. Make a hole for planting twice as spacious as the lump of earth on the roots and mix the soil in the hole and the soil with which the tree will be filled with compost. Laburnum roots are doused with water. The roots are carefully straightened. A pole is placed in the hole, to which the trunk is tied, and the roots are filled in the hole. After planting the bean tree, the soil is lightly compacted and watered.

Features of cultivation

Laburnum is very heat-loving. It tolerates temperatures not lower than -26 C, so in severe frosts the plant can freeze. Young shoots are especially affected, but in severe frosts, old trunks often suffer as well. Therefore, plants in areas where frosts often occur must be protected from wind, snow and cold.
Growing this beautiful plant does not require much trouble, but in the average climate zone it is difficult due to frequent frosts.
Despite its unpretentiousness, gardeners prefer to grow beans from seeds and plant them in calcium-rich soils or slightly acidic loam.
You shouldn't water it too often, but the soil needs to be loosened. You just need to remember that this perennial has roots close to the surface, so you need to be careful when loosening.
The roots must be covered for the winter, preferably with agro-canvas or a dense layer of peat or compost. It is advisable to cover the stems of young plants, even where severe frosts do not occur.
To strengthen the roots you need to mulch.

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The plant is easily propagated by seeds that ripen in the fall. Its seeds are quite large. They are sown immediately after harvest or in late autumn in loose soil. The depth of planting seeds should be approximately no more than a centimeter. Seeds germinate in early spring. But you can sow seeds in the spring if for some reason they were not planted. This can be done after the soil has thawed.
The bushes that grow from them bloom only at 5-6 years of age. But only anagyroid or alpine bean tree reproduces in this way. But hybrids do not reproduce in this way.

Is it possible to propagate the plant in other ways? Certainly. Gardeners often propagate golden rain by layering. In this case, the tree branch is tilted towards the ground and covered with earth, pressing down the branch. After a year, the twig becomes a small tree that has put down roots and branches.
This method of reproduction is not always suitable for hybrid species. They retain their qualities better when propagated by cuttings. Cuttings are cut in the spring so that there are three or more buds on a branch; the cuttings are stuck into loose soil in greenhouses or in pots. Planted branches should be watered evenly, but not too intensely. Cuttings are accepted quite quickly and the germination rate is almost one hundred percent.
You can also propagate the plant by dividing the bush, but this is possible for shrubby forms of the bean plant. This division is done in the autumn season before the winter cold sets in.


Golden shower is quite capricious to care for; there are many nuances that require attention. These are, first of all, climatic conditions: there should be no severe frosts. Blooms ideally only in the subtropics.
In winter, you need to cover the roots with several layers of agricultural canvas or peat, especially those plants that have not reached 4 years of age. Fallen snow should not lie on the branches; it must be shaken off.