home · Installation · Bean plant from seeds, planting and care. Garden bean - we grow “golden shower” in the garden. Bean grass can be propagated in different ways

Bean plant from seeds, planting and care. Garden bean - we grow “golden shower” in the garden. Bean grass can be propagated in different ways

This ornamental plant from the legume family it was nicknamed golden shower. When blooming profusely, large bright yellow flowers with a delicate aroma collected in clusters cover the entire bush with “streams” of golden shower. Flowering occurs almost simultaneously with the opening of the leaves and usually occurs in the middle - end of May. The bean plant has taken root in my estate and has already bloomed for two years in a row, although not very profusely as in the photo, but very beautiful, All parts of the bush are poisonous, but despite This bean plant is a good honey plant.

In nature, the bean plant is widespread in Asia Minor and Southern Europe, therefore in middle lane In Russia, during severe winters, especially after a cool, humid summer, it freezes slightly, but then grows back very quickly.

However, the abundant flowering of bean in our climatic conditions observed only in favorable years. Golden shower prefers a sunny, sheltered from the wind location, well-drained, loose, fertilized calcareous soil.

It is resistant to air pollution, so it grows well in the city. Bobovnik looks great in rare plantings against the backdrop of a lawn or the dark greenery of conifers. In continuous plantings, due to lack of light, it stretches out and blooms weakly. Caring for a bean tree is the same as caring for most ornamental shrubs: pruning, fertilizing, watering and weeding

Pruning is carried out in the spring, after the leaves begin to bloom - first of all, frozen shoots are removed, as well as weak and old branches that thicken the crown. Feed the plants in early spring and late autumn, not necessarily every year, but depending on the condition of the bush. Watering is necessary only in dry years.

The bean tree propagates by seeds, layering, dividing the bush and green cuttings. Propagation by seeds collected from bushes growing in your area climatic zone, is preferable. Seeds are sown in spring, after one and a half months of stratification.

This lengthy process can be replaced by scalding the seeds with boiling water or treating them with concentrated sulfuric acid for half an hour. It also gives good results mechanical damage peel - for example, sandpaper. For vegetative propagation, semi-lignified shoots of this year are cut into cuttings at the end of June - beginning of July. Each cutting should have one internode and two nodes. Leaf blades are cut by a third or half to reduce the area of ​​evaporation. Rooting works better in a moist, loose substrate in a greenhouse or greenhouse, where direct sunlight does not reach.

Before planting, cuttings can be treated with growth hormones, such as heteroauxin. At the end of summer - beginning of autumn, young plants are transferred to the school for growing. It is even easier to propagate bean plants by layering. To do this, young flexible shoots in the fall or early spring are bent to the ground, attached with wooden pins and sprinkled with earth. During spring and summer, the shoot takes root at the nodes and produces one or two small bushes that can be separated from the mother plant next spring.

Bobovnik - golden clusters in early summer

Season: bean blooms from May to June

Features: bean is an unpretentious plant

Place and soil: prefers sun or partial shade, the soil should be good garden soil of any type, distance between plants 2 - 4 m, height 4 - 7 m

Buy young, strong bean bushes with an earthen ball or in a container from September or before the leaves begin to bloom in May. Do not buy plants that are too large and have sprouted leaves, as they do not take root well.

Prefers sun or partial shade. Bobovnik prefers well-lit areas, but grows well in slightly shaded areas. Permeable soil, not prone to moisture accumulation. Bobovnik grows even on poor and chalky soil

Common bean grass reproduced by seeds. In the fall, sow pre-collected mature seeds in moist soil for seedlings. Bobovnik does not need regular pruning. This shrub does not tolerate radical pruning.

Plant in early spring, as soon as the soil thaws, or in the fall. Bobovnik is a shrub with a magnificent natural crown that does not require shaping pruning.

Bobovnik tolerates long-term drought well. The mulching layer of compost retains moisture in the soil and at the same time saturates it with nutrients.

Bean branches may break if someone lies on them thick layer snow. After heavy snowfalls, carefully shake the snow off the branches.

In warm and humid weather, bean plants are often affected by powdery mildew. The leaves of diseased plants are covered with a gray powdery coating on both sides. In case of severe damage, it is recommended to use biological fungicides.

Drooping bright yellow clusters of bean flowers appear in the garden from May to June.

Colors and varieties

Bobovnik, or golden shower, is one of the popular garden plants. Unfortunately, the beautiful, unpretentious shrubs and small trees that bloom in early summer, forming the genus group Laburnum, are poisonous. The leaves, branches and especially the seeds of the bean plant are poisonous. Common bobwhite ( laburnum anagyroides) reaches 5-7 m in height. Side branches extend from the main shoot of the bush at an acute angle, and thin young shoots droop downwards in an arched manner. Numerous sulfur-yellow flowers with fused calyx-sticks are collected in racemose inflorescences up to 20 cm long. The “Pendulum” variety is weeping.

Watereri bean (Laburnum x watereri) was obtained by crossing common bean with alpine bean (Laburnum alpinum). This plant is not widely used, but specialists are also recommended for garden cultivation, especially the “Vosii” variety created on its basis. Representatives of this variety reach a height of 4-5 m. Their branches are covered with thick glossy foliage, but the unusually bright, yellow inflorescences reach twice as long - up to 50 cm


Tall and slender bean is a suitable plant for small garden. As an ornamental plant, tapeworm can be grown, for example, near the terrace, in the front garden and on the lawn, where it is not obscured by other trees. The bean plant looks especially beautiful in separate groups of 2-3 plants, as well as as part of flowering hedges. The extremely unpretentious bean plant feels good even on rocky, sandy, infertile soil. Unfortunately, all parts of the plant are poisonous. Seeds are especially dangerous. which begin to ripen by August in brown beans. Therefore, if you have small children, it is better to refuse to grow beans.


Undemanding to growing conditions, the bean plant is a universal plant, an ideal partner for various shrubs and flowers. The bean plant is a traditional component of flowering hedges, a bright yellow spot against the general background. Bobovnik goes well with other shrubs that bloom at the same time, such as wisteria (Weigela), sweet grass (Kolkwitzia amabilis), common hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) and mock orange (Philadelphus). A wonderful neighbor is the exotic common mackerel. Rhododendrons are often grown alongside bean trees. Bobovnik with golden flowers looks great against the background of dark coniferous trees and shrubs. Original solution This is a bean plant in a heather bed. Under it lies a carpet of heather, grass cloves or ornamental grasses.

Bobovnik is a deciduous tree from the Legume family. Its homeland is Central Europe and the Mediterranean. Thanks to botanists and landscape designers, today the plant’s range has expanded significantly. Cultivated forms are sometimes called “garden bean,” but this is a general name and not a specific variety. The bean tree attracts visitors with its thick golden inflorescences, which bloom along with the leaves and resemble the rays of the sun or streams of golden shower penetrating through the branches. On different continents, entire alleys of bean trees appear in city parks. You can also grow such a plant in your own garden if you follow the rules of care.

Description of the plant

Bobovnik (laburnum) is a perennial deciduous tree or spreading shrub up to 7 m high. Woody shoots are covered with light brown mottled bark. Very often even a tree has several trunks. The oval crown consists of weeping branches. Foliage begins to emerge from the oval brown buds in early April. The branches are quickly covered with bright green trifoliate leaves. The bottom of the leaves are covered with silvery sparse hair. By mid-summer, the color of the leaves becomes darker and more saturated. They are located on a long, erect petiole. The oval leaf blade has smooth edges and a pointed end. Its length is 15-25 cm.

In mid-May, dense racemose inflorescences bloom on long (20-50 cm) flexible peduncles. During the flowering period, the bean exudes a heady sweet aroma and is an excellent honey plant. Its flowering is very abundant. Yellow flowers with a shape characteristic of the legume family resemble moths. The lower petals grow together into a keeled lip. One wide petal with reddish strokes at the base is wrapped above it. Flowering lasts only 14-20 days.

After pollination, brown beans with silky pubescence ripen. The length of the bean is about 8 cm. Inside there are flattened seeds only 3 mm long. When you decide to plant a bean plant on your property, you must remember that it is poisonous. Largest quantity toxins contained in fruits.

Types of beans

The bean genus is very small, it includes only 2 species, 1 hybrid and several varieties.

It is also called “golden shower”. A multi-stemmed tree or bush grows up to 6 m in height. Flowering begins in May and lasts for almost a month. The yellow inflorescences do not exceed 30 cm in length. The variety can withstand frosts down to -20°C.

A tree with a spreading, oblong crown grows up to 12 m in height. The trunk and old branches are positioned straight, and the edges of the shoots droop. Long (30-45 cm) yellow garlands bloom at the end of May. The plant lives in the southern part of Europe, so in frosty winters the ends of the branches may freeze. At the same time, the plant itself can withstand cold temperatures down to -25°C. Decorative varieties:

  • Pendula – has long, drooping shoots;
  • Aurea - in spring, young foliage has golden hues, but gradually becomes bright green;
  • Quercifolia – the leaves have a notched shape, following the example of oak leaves;
  • Automnale – besides the usual spring bloom, “golden shower” appears in September.

Bobovnik Waterera (hybrid). The plant was obtained from crossing two main species. A low tree or large bush is 1-3 m in height. Erect old shoots end in drooping shoots. The branches are covered with petiolate leaves up to 50 cm long. During the flowering period, it emits a particularly strong, pleasant aroma. The species is sensitive to frost, so it is grown in the south of the country.

Reproduction methods

Bobovnik is propagated by seed and vegetative methods. The seeds remain viable for up to three years, but it is better to sow them immediately. Seeds are sown without preparation or after scarification in loose, fertile soil. You can sow in autumn or early spring, immediately after the thaw. Seedlings develop well and do not require special care. The grown plants are carefully dug up with a large lump of earth and transplanted to a permanent place. Flowering of bean plants grown from seeds will begin in 4-5 years.

Vegetative propagation of the bean plant is no less successful. This method is preferable for varietal plants, as it allows the preservation of unique characteristics. Can be used following methods reproduction:

  • Cuttings. Young green shoots are cut in July-August. They are rooted in loose soil in partial shade. Cuttings should be watered with caution and covered with a cap until roots form. In the first year of life, such seedlings need additional shelter for the winter.
  • Graft. Varietal cuttings are grafted onto a specific rootstock. The grafting site is located almost close to the ground.
  • Layerings. The lower shoot is pressed to the ground and covered with soil. It is advisable to make several cuts on the bark where the roots form. A month later, the shoot is cut off and planted separately.

Rules for planting and care

For a heat-loving bean plant, it is better to choose an open, sunny place. It also develops normally in partial shade. The planting hole should be spacious. It is recommended to pour a thick layer of drainage at its bottom. It is not worth deepening the seedling too much. To prevent young flexible shoots from bending in different directions, they are tied to a strong stick.

The soil for planting should be well-drained and nutritious. Preferred alkaline soils containing lime. The plant does not tolerate soil compaction and stagnant water. To prevent the soil from crusting after watering, its surface is mulched with peat and moss.

Bean plants need to be watered only during periods of prolonged drought. The plant can withstand drought much better than overwatering. It requires the most water during the flowering period.

Feeding will help provide the tree with the necessary microelements during the period of active growth. Organic fertilizers are usually used. Every spring the soil is mulched with compost. Several times a season, a solution of mullein is poured under the root.

Formative pruning of bean plants is rarely carried out. Its drooping shoots, without human intervention, take beautiful shape. In spring, you can remove some of the branches, including frozen shoots. This should be done in moderation, otherwise the laburnum may get sick. After flowering, remove the beans if possible. This increases the attractiveness of the plant and prevents self-seeding.

Most bean branches have a sloping shape. In winter, large amounts of snow can accumulate on them. Under such weight, the branches easily break. To prevent this from happening, part of the snow cover from the branches is shaken off or removed in another way.

In damp weather with frequent stagnation of moisture near the trunk, the bean tree is affected by powdery mildew. The disease is indicated by a grayish coating on the trunk and branches. If such signs are detected, measures should be taken to improve living conditions, as well as treat with a fungicide. Due to its toxicity, the bean plant is not affected by pests.


Bobovnik is an excellent decoration for the garden. Individual trees are planted anywhere on the site as a tapeworm. A gazebo under a spreading crown can serve as a place of privacy and relaxation. Some varieties have vine-like shoots. They can be directed along an arch or other support, creating an amazing cascade or corridor.

Rhododendron, hawthorn, wisteria or mackerel can become neighbors for beans. Bright inflorescences and lush greenery also look good against the background of coniferous plants with dark green or bluish growth.

Many owners of country real estate are trying to plant a bean plant in their garden - the process of planting and caring for this plant, as well as its photos, will be described in our article.

The culture in question came to our country from central Europe. There it grew in a mild Mediterranean climate, but now, thanks to the efforts of breeders, its habitat has expanded significantly.

Bean can also be grown in the garden, but to do this you need to follow certain rules.


Bobovnik is also called laburnum. This perennial shrub less commonly, a tree up to 7 meters in height. Shoots with small specks and brown bark. The tree is distinguished by an oval crown and weeping branches descending downwards.

It begins to bloom in the first ten days of April, at which time bright green trifoliate leaves begin to appear from the buds. In July, the leaves change color to dark green. The leaf blade is oval in shape with a pointed tip and smooth edges; the length of the leaf can reach 25 centimeters.

It is important to know: bean is considered poisonous, the maximum amount harmful substances is found in beans.

Laburnum is an excellent honey plant. During flowering, which lasts for 2-3 weeks, beautiful yellow inflorescences bloom with a sweet, intoxicating aroma. It begins to bloom in mid-May. As a result of pollination, brown beans begin to ripen on the tree. The pods have silky pubescence, their length reaches 8 centimeters. The seeds are flattened, no more than 3 millimeters in size.


Anagyral or golden shower

In nature, there are a limited number of varieties of laburnum, or rather there are only two and one hybrid. Let's look at the known types in more detail:

  • Anagyral or golden shower is a compact bush or tree 6 m in height. Flowering begins in mid-May and continues for 3-4 weeks. The inflorescences are beautiful, yellow, up to 30 centimeters in length.

Note: A feature of the species is considered to be high frost resistance. It has good frost resistance (up to -20 degrees without shelter).

Alpine bean

  • Alpine- This is a tall tree with a spreading crown. The central trunk and main branches are erect, the remaining shoots are drooping. Inflorescences bloom in last decade May, their length ranges from 30 to 45 centimeters. It came to our country from the southern part of Europe, therefore it has limited winter hardiness. Old trees are not afraid of 25 degree frost.
  • Waterera. It was obtained as a result of interspecific crossing of two previous crops. The shoots are erect with drooping tips, the leaves are large. During flowering, this species releases a wonderful aroma, attracting pollinating insects. The hybrid is sensitive to the effects negative temperatures, so it is grown in the southern part of our country.

Planting on the site

Landing is possible in two ways:

  • using seeds;
  • cuttings.

When using the seed method, grains are sown in loose soil to a depth of 2 cm in containers. To improve germination, grains are placed 45 days before sowing in the refrigerator where the temperature regime-5…+1 degrees.

Before sowing, the seeds are scalded with boiling water, then kept for half an hour in a weak sulfuric acid concentrate. The seeds are sown in small plastic cups. When seedlings appear, the seedlings are moved to larger containers. In the spring, after the snow melts, young plants need to be transplanted into a greenhouse and kept there until stable warm weather arrives.

Advice: in regions with mild climates, seedlings are grown in a greenhouse, then the crops are moved to the garden.

The second method of sowing using pre-harvested cuttings is considered simpler. The vegetative parts taken from the mother plant must have two nodes or one internode. Cuttings are cut in late spring or early summer, after which they are rooted in a shaded area in moist soil.

Planting of grown seedlings is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. choose a well-lit, slightly shaded, windless area in the garden;
  2. We dig a planting hole in such a way that its dimensions are twice the volume of the earthen clod;
  3. We place the seedling in the hole, tightly compress its root system with a mixture of compost and garden soil in equal proportions;
  4. we drive a stick and tie a plant to it;
  5. pour plenty of warm water.

Further care

According to experienced gardeners, caring for bean trees after planting consists of periodic watering and fertilizing, pruning the branches of the bush after flowering.

It is necessary to take care of broom even in the cold season, so long before the arrival of winter it is covered with any non-woven material. During heavy snowfalls, remove snow from the shelter. The trunk also needs to be insulated. With the arrival of spring, frozen branches are cut off, and work is also carried out to form the crown.

Nutrients are added to the soil twice a year. The first time such work is carried out in the spring, saturating the soil with nitrogen (this element stimulates the rapid development of green mass). The second fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers is carried out in the fall.


The most popular method is considered seed propagation. The grains can remain viable for up to three years, but it is better to sow them immediately after harvest.

Keep in mind: in warm regions, seeds can be sown immediately in open ground, in cold areas, pre-growing of seedlings is recommended.

Seedlings do not require special care. As they grow, they are picked and then planted in a permanent place along with a lump of earth. Luburnum obtained from seeds blooms already 4 years after planting.

  • The cutting method involves the use of green shoots, which are cut at the end of summer. They are rooted in partial shade in moist soil. The cuttings are watered with small portions of water, after which they are placed under the cut plastic bottle, which allows you to create Greenhouse effect. Such seedlings need additional shelter for the winter.
  • When propagating using layering, you need to press the lower shoot to the ground and cover it with soil. For better rooting, several cuts are made on the bark. After about a month, the seedling is separated from the mother plant.

Diseases and pests

During prolonged hot or humid weather, powdery mildew may occur. The first symptoms of the disease appear as white plaque on the leaves of the plant. After some time, the leaves dry out and fall off.

Diseased bushes lose their attractiveness, so after the disease appears, the bush should be sprayed with systemic fungicides. The concentration of the drug in the working solution is usually indicated on the packaging.

Gardener's advice: After care operations that involve direct contact of the gardener with the branches of the plant, wear rubber gloves to protect the skin.

When the first symptoms of the disease in question appear, the gardener should stop spraying the leaves. The tree is almost not affected by pests, due to its toxicity. Most of the harmful substances are found in seeds.

Expert growing advice boils down to the following:

  • choose zoned varieties when purchasing seedlings;
  • planting in open ground is carried out in early spring, so they take root better;
  • The bush grows in one place for quite a long time. For its normal development in the first years after planting, the soil taken from the hole is mixed with humus and complex mineral fertilizers.
  • The seedling must be tied to a support, which allows it to withstand strong gusts of wind.

Take note: To obtain abundant flowering, feed the crop at least twice a year. The first feeding is carried out in the spring, the second in the fall.

Planting beans and further care should not cause difficulties even for novice gardeners. Follow the care rules described above, constantly trim the bush and you will achieve beautiful, abundant flowering.

See how the bean blooms in the following video:

The legume (laburnum) is a member of the legume family, but it looks like a deciduous tree. Laburnum is native to central Europe and the Mediterranean coast. The cultivated form of the tree is usually called garden bean. It should be noted that this is not a type of culture, but just its popular name.

General information

The main difference between laburnum and other decorative tree crops is the large inflorescences of yellow, pink, lilac and white, collected in hanging clusters. The brushes reach up to 50 centimeters in length and when flowering they emit a very pleasant aroma, similar to acacia.

If you properly care for the crop, it will delight the gardener abundant flowering, the period of which will occur at the end of May and lasts until the end of June. When the bean flower fades, fruits in the form of small pods with beans begin to set in place of the inflorescences, thanks to which the tree can reproduce by self-sowing.

Growing this amazing crop is quite simple, the main thing is to take into account all the tips experienced gardeners and an exotic bean plant will definitely appear on your site, which will delight you with its lush flowering, filling the air with an extraordinary aroma.

Bean varieties and types

– can be represented either by a compact bush or by a tree up to 6 meters in height. It has large light green three-fingered leaf blades. Laburnum begins to bloom at the end of May and ends in mid-June. The inflorescences have the shape of long racemes yellow color emitting a pleasant aroma.

– in the wild, the tree grows in mountainous areas. Its height can reach up to 6 meters. The inflorescences are large, long, racemose, golden in color and have a delicate, acacia-like aroma.

Flowering time lasts from late spring to early summer. The leaf blades of this bean variety are medium in size, slightly pubescent below and have a dark green tint. The tree is winter-hardy and tolerates temperatures down to minus 20 degrees.

– in nature, the tree grows up to 12 meters in height. It has a bush-like crown and large, light green trifoliate leaf blades. Laburnum has large, long racemose inflorescences of bright yellow color, reminiscent of acacia. This bean variety is frost-resistant, although in cold winters the branches of the tree may freeze. Therefore it needs shelter.

– is a perennial deciduous tree with a spreading oval crown and a height of up to 7 meters. Often the bean tree has several trunks. Trifoliate leaf blades have oval shape and light green color, which darkens with the onset of summer. The bean blooms from May to June, with large long inflorescences of golden, pink, white or lilac hue.

It is a shrub with a compact crown. It has trifoliate oval leaf blades of a green hue. The tree blooms in spring for two weeks. It has large, long, racemose bright pink inflorescences with a delicate pleasant aroma and extraordinary decorative value.

- is a tree reaching a height of 2 meters with a spreading, loose crown and several trunks. The leaf blades of the bean are trifoliate with slight pubescence on the inside, light green in color.

Laburnum blooms from late spring to early summer. The inflorescences of the tree are racemose and reach a length of 30 centimeters. They have a rich purple hue and a pleasant aroma, vaguely reminiscent of acacia.

– grows naturally in the mountainous areas of Switzerland and Germany. Laburnum reaches ten meters and looks like a bush-like tree with an elongated crown. In Russia, since the plant often freezes, it has the shape of a bush and will grow only up to 3 meters. The leaf blades of the tree are long, trifoliate, smooth, light green color. The bean inflorescences are large, racemose, long and bright yellow.

– the tree is a hybrid of anagyrofolia and alpine bean. It reaches a height of 1 to 3 meters. The leaves are large, long, trifoliate and light green in color. The bean tree blooms from late spring to early summer. Its inflorescences are bright yellow and racemose in shape. They also have extraordinary decorative characteristics and an intense pleasant aroma.

Bobovnik planting and care in the Moscow region

Bobovnik is a crop for which the choice of planting site is not too critical, so it can be planted anywhere garden plot. To plant a shrub, you should choose a lighted place, since due to a lack of light, the crop will stop growing and developing, and flowers will stop appearing on it, or there will be very few of them, and the inflorescences will lose their brightness.

Bobovnik can grow on depleted limestone, so there is no need to frequently fertilize during the growing season. To plant shrubs, it is better to choose a place protected from drafts and wind. Because root system The tree does not tolerate stagnant moisture; the soil must be loose and well-drained.

To plant a bean tree, you should select several seedlings at once. Together, it will be easier for them to endure the winter, and their massive flowering will create a picture in the garden of simply extraordinary beauty.

Young trees need to be planted in early spring, when the snow has melted and the ground has warmed up well. For planting, you should prepare a planting hole in advance by digging it to a depth of 50 centimeters. At its bottom it is necessary to pour a layer of expanded clay, fresh humus and lime. The bush should then be placed in the hole along with a support to which it should be tied. This is necessary in order to young tree did not break under strong gusts of wind.

After it is placed in the planting hole, it is covered with garden soil, and the space around the trunk is mulched with a thick layer of a mixture of bark, sawdust, moss, straw and peat. When mulching is complete, the tree needs to be watered and the soil lightly compacted.

Purple or Cercis is also a member of the Legume family. It can be grown when planted and cared for in open ground without much hassle, if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations in this article.

Watering the bean tree

Since laburnum is a drought-resistant crop, mature trees should only be watered during severe drought.

Young seedlings are watered once a week, and more often in the absence of rain.

Soil for beans

To plant you need to choose nutrient soil with good drainage. It is best if the soil is alkaline. Acidic soil will need to be mixed with ash or lime, doing this in the fall, so that planting can be done in the spring.

Laburnum does not like compacted soil and stagnant moisture, for this reason the soil must be well breathable, and top layer There should be no crust left in the soil after watering. Mulching the tree trunk circle will help avoid this.

Bean transplant

Replanting the shrub is undesirable, as it does not tolerate it very well. However, if necessary, it must be done very carefully so as not to damage the root system.

For this purpose, the bean should be dug up together with a digger and transferred to a new planting hole, after adding compost to it to ensure better rooting.

After replanting, the tree must be watered and mulched. trunk circle. Replanting should be done in the fall, after leaf fall.

Fertilizers for beans

During the growing season, the tree should be fed, introducing microelements into the soil. Organic is best suited for this purpose.

In the spring you need to carry out compost mulching. Also, several times during the season, the bush can be fertilized with a solution of cow manure.

Bean flowering

Flowering time occurs at the end of spring - beginning of summer and lasts for a month. Bean inflorescences have the form of thick, large and long racemes, bright yellow, white, pink and lilac in color with a persistent pleasant aroma.

The shrub blooms profusely and attracts insects. In place of faded inflorescences, small dark brown pods with beans are formed, which ripen by the beginning of autumn.

Bean pruning

Formative pruning of the tree does not need to be carried out, since it itself becomes decorative; over time, its branches will take on a beautiful flowing shape.

In the spring, you can remove some of the frozen branches, but this must be done sparingly so that the tree does not get sick. Bean pods should be removed immediately after ripening to avoid self-seeding and improve the decorative qualities of the tree.

Since the branches of the tree have a sloping shape, in winter a large amount of snow sticks to them, and so that they do not break under its weight, they must be carefully shaken off from time to time.

Bobovnik shelter for the winter

If the seedlings were purchased from a nursery, then they will not need additional shelter, since the young trees have already been acclimatized. If they were grown independently, then it is better to protect them by covering them in the fall.

Since young animals are very fragile, they should be bent to the ground carefully. After the branches are bent, the bush must be covered with spruce branches and a thick layer of dry foliage. To prevent them from being blown away by the wind, lutrasil is placed on top of the shelter and pressed down with stones.

Growing beans from seeds

The bean plant is propagated by seed and vegetative methods. When choosing seed method For propagation, it is better to choose freshly collected seed material.

Some gardeners do not treat seeds before sowing, but it is still better to stratify them. To do this, take the beans, mix them with damp soil or put them in damp gauze. Then they need to be wrapped in plastic and put in the refrigerator for two weeks. After the expiration date, the seeds can be sown.

To sow seed, it is necessary to prepare loose, fertile soil. Sowing can be done in late autumn or spring, after the ground has warmed up. Seeds should be planted in open ground to a depth of 2 centimeters, leaving a distance of 15 centimeters between them.

Seedlings do not require special care and will germinate on their own. You can also grow laburnum on a windowsill by sowing the beans in February. To grow, the young bean will need light and moderate soil moisture. When the young shrubs grow up, they should be moved along with a soil manager to a plot in the garden, where they will grow. Trees grown by seed begin to bloom only after five years.

Bean propagation by vegetative means is considered simpler and more successful. To preserve their unique characteristics, it is best to propagate all varietal plants using this method.

Bean propagation

Vegetative propagation refers to the following methods presented:

  • Cuttings - for getting planting material in August, young branches should be cut and rooted on the site in loose soil in partial shade. After planting, the cuttings need to be covered plastic bottles before the formation of the root system. Watering future bean trees should be done carefully. In the first year of life, young shrubs need to be covered for the winter.
  • Graft — varietal cuttings should be grafted onto species-specific rootstocks. The grafting site must be chosen close to the ground.
  • By layering — to propagate in this way, you need to bend the lower branch to the ground and sprinkle it with soil. In the place where the roots should appear, you need to make several cuts on the bark. After about 30-35 days, the first roots will begin to appear; when they grow enough, the branch can be cut off and planted in open ground.

Diseases and pests

Since bean is a poisonous crop, pests avoid it. However, he may be affected by a disease such as powdery mildew . It begins to develop when the soil is waterlogged or during prolonged rainy weather.

You can notice the appearance of powdery mildew on the trunk, which will begin to become covered with a gray coating. In the advanced stage, the disease also affects the leaves. When the first signs of powdery mildew appear, the bean plant should be sprayed with a solution of the fungicide “Topsin M 500 SC”, according to the instructions on the package.

Another problem that worries laburnum owners is the lack of flowering. So, why doesn’t the bean flower bloom? There may be many reasons for this, such as an incorrectly chosen place for planting, too dense soil, lack of nutrients, lack of winter shelter and frosting of branches, diseases.

However, most often the absence of luxurious racemose inflorescences is due to the fact that the tree does not have enough light. By transplanting it to a sunny area, you can solve this problem once and for all.


Bobovnik is a real miracle with extraordinary decorative characteristics. It will decorate the garden plot no matter where it is planted. Most often, bean trees are planted next to gazebos or along arched structures, forming an unusual corridor that turns into a real fairy-tale place when the trees are in bloom, from which you won’t be able to take your eyes off.

Laburnum is easy to care for, so even a novice gardener can “make friends” with the luxurious tree. Follow all the tips described above, and your garden will definitely be decorated with a luxurious bean tree that will delight you for a whole month with abundant flowering and a pleasant aroma.

Bobovnik, planting and caring for which is not very labor-intensive, is popularly called “Golden Rain”. This is a perennial weeping shrub with large bright yellow inflorescences that hang down in beautiful long racemes (the photo conveys the beauty of these flowers). Belongs to the legume family. There are plants with pink, white, red and purple inflorescences, sometimes with spines.

Three types of this plant are known: anagyrofolia, alpine, waterera.

Bean flowers are collected in racemes up to 20 cm long, and hybrid species- up to half a meter. The bush looks very similar to acacia. The main branches are straight, light brown or gray-green in color with shoots hanging down. The bean plant is light-loving, quite unpretentious to the soil and poisonous. The branches, leaves, flowers and seeds are poisonous. It blooms from mid-May to mid-June at the same time as the trifoliate leaves open. By the end of summer, fragrant and honey-bearing flowers are replaced by fruits with shiny seeds inside.

The fruits are bean pods, similar to acacia fruits, up to 8 cm long. It is recommended to cut them off immediately better flowering plants next year. A young bean blooms 3 years after germination. The branches of the bush grow 30 cm per year. The homeland of the bean plant is Southern and Central Europe, Asia, as well as the Crimea, where it can spread independently. It was brought to Russia in the 19th century. It is usually a shrub, although it can also be a tree up to 7 m tall. There are creeping forms of it. The bean plant is used for the production of souvenirs, some of its parts are used in medicine to create anti-smoking products.

Bean varieties

Pink bean is resistant to most types of diseases and pests.

Three types of this plant are known:

  • anagyrofolia;
  • Alpine;
  • vaterera.

Anagyrofolia, or common bean, is the most common natural species. Compact tree height from 2 to 3 m (sometimes up to 7 m). The plant began to be cultivated starting from the 16th century. It is planted both in single specimens and in living corridors, where it more closely resembles a liana. A heat-loving, winter-hardy plant, it can withstand temperatures from -23 to +26 ° C. It has light brown hanging branches and dark green leaves, smooth on the outside and with a fluffy cover on the inside. Based on the common bean plant, breeders developed three varieties: weeping, golden and autumn. The most famous varieties:

  1. Pink bean is a shrub with a compact, loose crown. It is the first to bloom in the spring, and thanks to its resistance to most types of diseases and pests, it retains decorative look until the first frost. The flowering period is short (only up to 2 weeks). It blooms with abundant pink flowers (up to 2 cm in diameter) covering the entire bush; they open at the same time as the foliage. This is a scarlet or pink corolla, an irregular bell-shaped cup. The fruits are velvety, light yellow in color with dry drupes.
  2. Red garden bean is a bush about half a meter tall. Blooms numerous bright pink or scarlet flowers. The variety is most often used for hedges and landscaping.
  3. The Golden Rain bean grows in the foothills of Germany and Switzerland. In its native places it grows as a ten-meter bush-like tree. In Russia, due to frequent frostbite, it grows as a bush not exceeding 3 m. Light green leaves grow up to 7 cm in length. The flowers are bright yellow, collected in racemes up to half a meter long. It differs from other species in its completely smooth leaves and pronounced growth, with an elongated crown. The most frost-resistant variety.
  4. Norwegian bobwhite is another representative of this species. Homeland - south and center of Europe. Does not tolerate frost well. It blooms with yellow, purple and red flowers at the same time. It is a hybrid of bean and broom.

Alpine bean is a more persistent species than common bean. This is a tall (up to 10 m) tree with a dome-shaped crown. Differs from anagyrofolia in lighter foliage, small, odorless flowers and bare beans. Blooms at the end of June.

Waterera bean is a hybrid created from alpine and anagyrofolia. It is distinguished by long dark green leaves, large clusters of flowers (up to half a meter long), pubescent and with a wonderful aroma. It does not tolerate winter well, and therefore in Moscow it reaches no more than a meter in height.

Buying beans and planting

You should buy beans in October or early spring, before the leaves bloom. The sprout should either be with a lump of earth, or in a flowerpot or container that replaces it. You should not buy large plants with blossoming foliage: they take root very poorly.

This plant prefers loose and well-drained soil with added lime, but grows well in rocky and sandy soils. Does not tolerate acidic soil. Planting should be done in early spring. A seedling and a support stick are placed in the dug hole, water is poured, humus, compost and lime are added, they are buried and compacted. The size of the hole should be 2 times larger than the lump of earth with the roots of the plant.

The trunk is tied to a pole, and around the trunk the soil is mulched with compost. Plant beans in sunny, open, wind-protected places. Grows well in partial shade. In the shade, the leaves darken and crumble, and in the wind the bean may not bloom at all.

Bean propagation

Anagyrophyllum bean is resistant to frost and drought.

The plant reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. Seeds are sown before winter in loosened soil to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. Before planting, they must be scalded with boiling water, kept in a sulfuric acid solution for half an hour, or simply rubbed on the skin with sandpaper. To increase cold resistance, seeds can be stratified in the refrigerator, but not longer than 1.5 months. Shoots appear in early spring. You can plant the seeds in October: first - in boxes, after germination, transplant them into pots, and in the spring - into open ground. Seeds can be planted in the spring, as soon as the snow melts, under glass.

For vegetative propagation In the spring, tilt the twig and sprinkle it with soil. TO next year When the branch sprouts roots and several bushes, they are separated from the main plant and planted in the ground in a permanent place. Hybrid plants are propagated only by cuttings and grafting.

The cuttings are cut in the summer and planted in a greenhouse.

If there is no greenhouse, you can use a regular three-liter jar or a cut-off bottle. The planted cuttings should simply be covered until the leaves appear.

In the northern regions, beans should be grown from seeds, as they become more cold-resistant.

Bobovnik care

Since the bean tree does not tolerate frost well, it is recommended to cover the roots of the plant for the winter with dense agrofibre, especially for bushes that have not reached three years old. After a snowfall, you need to shake the snow off the branches to prevent them from breaking. In spring, dried, damaged and very old branches are pruned. Only young plants can be trimmed decoratively, as old ones do not tolerate heavy pruning very well. Common bobwhite It’s better not to prune at all, cutting only the fruits to the brown, woody part of the branches, without touching it in any way.

Weeding must be done extremely carefully, since the roots are very close to the surface. Water only in particularly dry summers. Feeds in early spring nitrogen fertilizers, and in late autumn - phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. It is useful to add lime to the soil, and even better, ash.

Due to its toxicity, the plant has almost no pests. In warm and humid weather, bean plants can be threatened by powdery mildew and aphids. With powdery mildew, the leaves of the plant become covered with a whitish coating on both sides. Biological fungicides are used to control pests.

All procedures with beans should be carried out with extreme caution; after work, be sure to wash your hands, and it is best to work with gloves to avoid poisoning. If you have small children, then you cannot breed the plant, since just two eaten seeds can be fatal.

Bobovnik is characterized by resistance to smoke and gaseous environments, and therefore will ideal option for landscaping an industrial complex.

“Golden Rain” looks great in combination with heather, coniferous trees, dark green spaces.

Steppe almonds are called bobovnik. This is a small bush of the rose family with straight, spreading branches, up to half a meter in height, growing in Europe and Asia, mainly in the steppes. Very frost-resistant type. The branches are shortened, the flowers are bright pink. Blooms in early spring. Almond oil extracted from the seeds is used in medicine and cooking. Under no circumstances should it be confused with garden bean, as these are completely different plants.