home · Appliances · The first spring flowers have appeared. The very first spring flowers in the forest. Spring flowers by blooming time

The first spring flowers have appeared. The very first spring flowers in the forest. Spring flowers by blooming time

After a long, gray winter, spring becomes a life-giving breath that quenches the thirst for bright colors. Therefore it is spring flower bed causes the greatest aesthetic delight. But what plants should you fill it with so that it sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow? This article contains spring flowers with photos and names. We will tell you about a variety of spring flowers suitable for border decoration, alpine slides and all types of flower beds.

Such beautiful holiday, like Women's Day, pleases with abundance beautiful flowers, among which, of course, tulips hold the lead. However, this is a greenhouse beauty, because it will not bloom in the garden until May. Considering that in most regions there may be snow before the end of March, it is too early to talk about decorating a flowerbed.

Therefore, you can either grow tulips on the windowsill, or wait a little. After all, it all begins with the April violet, passing the baton to garden tradescantia, lupine, tulips, daffodils and other delicate representatives of the flora.

First of all, I would like to pay attention to low-growing flowers that can weave a huge flower bed. The following will delight you with lush and bright flowering.

During the flowering period, this plant is covered with a huge number of small peduncles, and in the summer it simply decorates the flowerbed with fresh green leaves. If you plant gypsophila in a small pot, it will grow like a lush “standing” bush.

In the flowerbed she spreads herself out as best she can. It is worth noting that she does not like waterlogging and gravitates towards dry, sunny areas.

Lightness, elegance and an unimaginable aroma best characterize this look. The bush reaches 15 cm in height and grows “single”.

Therefore, to decorate a border or a curly path, it is necessary to propagate carnations by seeds or vegetatively divide the bushes, planting them at a short distance.

It attracts not so much with the peduncle, but light leaves and the ability to reproduce quickly. Although it is hardy and can easily tolerate heat, it is best planted in cool, shady areas.

This beautiful graceful flower milky shade can grow up to 50 cm, however, in shady places its height rarely exceeds 25 cm. At the same time, it will delight you with many flower stalks.

If you want to give your flowerbed some personality, you should add several unusual representatives of the beautiful flora there.

It can be large or small. During flowering, the first shoots an arrow up to 1 m high, at the end of which there is a huge purple ball, the structure of which resembles a faded one. The second is a low bush with many graceful pink flower stalks.

Another good choice for decorating a border or “background” of a flower bed. In appearance, this plant very much resembles small wild onions, only the flower is slightly different. By the way, this type often used to create alpine slides.

Admirers of the color purple will not pass by this plant, reminiscent of luxurious bunches of grapes. Lupine or “wolf bean” comes in several varieties, but the most beautiful is still purple. The best “neighbors” for it will be lilies, phlox, and delphiniums.

In fact, this is a colored chamomile, which is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and early flowering. Interestingly, this plant contains pyrethrins - substances that help get rid of bedbugs. Therefore, dried flowers can be spread in the basement or in other places where these insects are found.

This plant is so simple and unpretentious that many for a long time perceived exclusively as a weed. But it soon gained popularity in the design of urban flower beds, which are difficult to care for regularly. Therefore this good plant for decorating an area behind a fence - no one will definitely tear it out, and it looks better than ordinary grass.

Interestingly, this bush blooms in different time- for some in early May, for others only in June. Much depends on the landing site. Although it prefers partial shade, flower stalks appear earlier in the sun.

Of course, all the flowers presented above are beautiful and original in their own way, but they cannot be called independent in terms of design, since not everyone likes them. Most often, they only surround those representatives of the flora whose beauty defies skepticism. Speaking about spring flowers - the leaders, it is worth mentioning daylilies, peonies, irises, tulips and daffodils.

Form a flowerbed according to your preferences, and it will become a magical piece of a fairy tale on your site.

The earliest spring flowers in my garden

It’s an amazing thing - in winter a person rejoices in the white robe of the earth, fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky, strong frost, but as soon as the first month of spring arrives, we suddenly feel how tired we are of the black and white winter picture! The body craves warmth and light, the eyes crave bright colors, and every spring the soul seems to emerge from its shell towards a renewed world that is being reborn to a new life.

The first flowers of spring in the forest and meadows

The first thawed patches have just appeared in the forest, and life invisible to the eye is already boiling on them - various larvae and insects have woken up in the earth, the earth itself is ready to accept every Living being, every smallest blade of grass. And now, among the islands of porous snow, the boldest flowers begin to appear - snowdrops. We usually call all spring primroses snowdrops, although the true snowdrop - galanthus - is only one of many types spring primroses. This is the very first flower in spring, and it does not grow in all regions. The flower looks like a small white lantern on a thin stem. It can withstand temperatures down to -10 degrees. Only in such cold does it become fragile, like thin glass. But as soon as the sun comes out, galanthus comes to life.

Delicate snowdrops - awakening of nature

The Slavic legend says how one day the old woman Winter decided not to let Spring come to earth. The flowers drooped from fear, one snowdrop was not afraid and opened its petals. The sun saw him, warmed everything on earth with its warmth and cleared the way for the beautiful Spring. Since then, spring and snowdrops have been inseparable.

The first flowers of spring, which in many areas are also called snowdrops, are nothing more than dream grass, corydalis or lumbago. They say that once upon a time the leaves of the lumbago were so large and wide that Satan, who was expelled from paradise, could hide behind them. But the Archangel Michael, discovering his hiding place, threw an arrow at him. And the leaves of the dream grass remained shot through - cut into thin slices. The lumbago also blooms even at sub-zero temperatures. The whole secret of this, it turns out, is in the cup of the flower. She, like a concave mirror, collects into herself solar heat. And the temperature inside the cup is +8 degrees.

What other flowers appear first in spring?

A little later than the snowdrop, the sun-yellow spring adonis, or adonis, blooms. In some areas it is also called starodubka.

In Russian villages, spring is the time when poultry begins to hatch their chicks. At this time, it was strictly forbidden to bring home both adonis and dream grass; it was believed that these flowers could harm future bird offspring.

Spring has come, it's time to bloom. It's time for the air to be filled with spring aromas. Each flower looks at us as if it wants to say something. Perhaps if you listen carefully, you can understand what the flowers are saying?

With the first warm rays of the Sun, in the forest, on thawed patches, the very first spring flowers . One of these spring primroses is the snowdrop.

Snowdrop - amazing flower. At first, the person who meets him in the forest is even a little lost, because there is snow all around, and here is such a spring miracle of nature. Snowdrops are not found everywhere; you can usually see them blooming in February-March.

The snowdrop was once thought to look like three drops of milk hanging down. This is where its Latin name Galanthus comes from, meaning milky white flowers.

IN Slavic legends The snowdrop acts as a brave flower, which was the first not to be afraid of the old woman of winter, who decided not to let spring come to earth. Plucking up courage, it blossomed, the Sun noticed it and decided to warm it and the whole Earth. Here he is, a snowdrop, the very first spring Flower In the woods .

Flowers are generally a joy, and first flowers , and also in the spring , after nature has been in a long hibernation, this is real magic. The earth wakes up, nature comes to life, birdsong is heard here and there, greenery appears and begins to bloom. What other names of the first spring forest flowers can we remember?

Vesennik , in overseas Eranthis (spring+flower), one of the very first spring flowers. It has bright yellow flowers and begins to bloom after the snow melts. Can withstand both spring frosts, and snowfalls.

Anemone (another name for Anemone) is another primrose, found most often in the European part of Russia, Siberia, the Caucasus and the Far East. It spends most of its life underground, in the form of a rhizome. The future flower begins to develop in winter, when it is under a layer of snow. Based on the shape of the petals, one can distinguish chamomile anemone and poppy anemone.

The next first spring flower that I would like to mention is coltsfoot . The flower got its name due to the differences in the surface of the leaf. On one side the leaf is soft and fluffy (mother), and on the other it is hard (stepmother). It usually blooms in April-May. Widely distributed throughout Russia.

Some more spring forest primroses :

Liverwort – bright blue flower, grows along the banks of rivers and lakes, on slopes, and forest edges. Blooms in April.

European hoofweed evergreen, with small black flowers, blooms in late April.

Dream grass – the second name is lumbago, blooms in early April.

Peter's cross – blooms in April.

Goose onion – blooms in late March – early April.

Lungwort – from March to May.

That's all I could find about the very first spring flowers in the forest . If you have any additions, then write, I will be glad!

11 very first spring flowers in the garden


How impatiently we all look forward to spring. How we rejoice at the first warm rays of the sun, the first thawed patches and streams. But the first spring flowers are especially delightful. The appearance of these small but brave harbingers of spring indicates that spring has come finally and irrevocably

1. Galanthus or snowdrop (Galanthus)

2. Hellebore (Helleborus)

The name speaks for itself. Hellebore blooms in the cold. In its native places (in Transcaucasia) it blooms in winter (late February). Thanks to legend, hellebore is sometimes called the “rose of Christ.” It was first found near the stable where Christ was born, and since then, as if in memory of this event, hellebore blooms in the south in winter.

3. Crocus or saffron (Crocus)

Crocuses are the favorite flowers of gardeners and city landscapers. The crocuses are blooming, which means spring has come. The ancient Greeks considered the crocus the flower of the goddess of dawn Aurora, the flower of awakening nature. Exists beautiful legend. One spring day, love happened between the god Zeus and Hera on the river bank. The warmth of their passion awakened the earth, and the clearing was covered with beautiful white and purple flowers crocuses “Closing your eyes, imagine noble saffron, and then you will see everything: the noble blue of the sky, the mysterious yellow moon, the pink dawn and lilac-red twilight,” this is what they said about crocuses in the Ancient East.

4. Scilla or Scilla

As soon as the snow melts, they appear blue flowers woodlands, which many incorrectly, although deservedly, call “snowdrops”. Most species of woodleaf have bright blue flowers. Polyanka flowering plants the garden resembles lakes that reflect the clear spring sky.

5. Lungwort (Pulmonaria)

In the inflorescences of this primrose you can see both pink and dark blue flowers.
There is a legend that the dark blue flowers of lungwort are the flowers of Adam, the first man. And the pink ones are the flowers of Eve, the first woman. Two different colors of flowers on one plant symbolize the unity of opposites.
However, even with scientific point This is easily explained. Anthocyanins, plant pigments in plant cells responsible for the color of petals, change color depending on the acidity of the cell sap. As the acidity of the cell sap decreases, anthocyanins turn blue, and with an increase in acidity they turn pink. Newly bloomed flowers have high acidity of cell sap, which is why they are pink. And as the flowers age, the acidity of their juice decreases, so the anthocyanins gradually turn blue.

6. Narcissus

The name of this flower comes from Greek word"narkao" - to stupefy, to stun, which is probably due to its strong aroma. Many legends are associated with the beautiful daffodil. The Greeks consider it a symbol of cold beauty, narcissism, vanity and selfishness. This is connected with the story of the handsome young man Narcissus and the nymph Echo, who is unrequitedly in love with him. Narcissus, as punishment for neglecting Echo's love, was condemned to love his reflection. According to legend, a narcissus flower grew where the beautiful Greek youth Narcissus, who fell in love with his reflection in the water, died of self-love. In Ancient Persia, poets compared the eyes of their lovers to narcissus flowers. The ancient Romans greeted the victors of battles with yellow daffodils. And now the daffodil is the most beloved flower of the British, to which even the rose is second in popularity in Great Britain.

7. Violet or viola (Viola)

Violet is the favorite flower of many different peoples. Poems and legends are written about her. She is considered a symbol of tenderness, modesty and innocence. There are more than 450 species of violets, distributed throughout to the globe. The earliest of them bloom as soon as the snow melts: Altai, fragrant, hooded, marsh, amazing, tricolor, hill, bringing us joy and spring mood.

8. Anemone or anemone

Anemone or anemone is considered one of the first heralds of spring. After all, many types of anemone, including oak and buttercup, are early spring-flowering plants. And the oak anemone is often called “snowdrop” for its early flowering and the snow-white color of its flower. As soon as the snow melts and the buds of the trees begin to swell, this lovely delicate flower space under the forest canopy. The most delicate petals sway from the slightest breath of wind, which is where the name “anemone” comes from.

9. Corydalis (Corydalis)

There are about 320 species of corydalis in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. These are one of the earliest spring flowers, pleasing to the eye after a long winter. Corydalis growth usually begins under the snow, in March. And in April, very cute tassel inflorescences appear. In the forest in early spring The lilac islands of corydalis very beautifully dilute the white seas of oak anemone.

10. Marigold (Caltha)

In the forest, not all the snow has melted yet, but along the roadsides in the lowlands, where the melt water flows, bright yellow marsh marigolds are already blooming. It is impossible not to notice these sunny yellow bouquets framed by varnish-shiny leaves against the backdrop of the bare spring earth around. Marsh marigold is indispensable when creating gardens in a landscape style. There are very beautiful garden forms With double flowers pale yellow and white in color.

11. Liverwort (Hepatica)

People call the liverwort “copperwood” because it does not like open places and grows only in the forest. Blooming liverworts look very elegant; it is impossible to pass by the bright blue lush bouquets. After a long winter, it is especially pleasant to find a bush of flowering liverworts in the forest and saturate your eyes with their touching beauty.

Nothing pleases a gardener more than primroses, which appear one after another on the site. In some places there is still snow, and the lush green plants with cheerful and bright colors, in the best possible way, speaks of the awakening of nature.

Perennial primroses with photos and names

Anemone (Anemone)

Crown Anemone with bright large flowers

Anemone or anemone, so nicknamed for its sensitive attitude to the slightest breath of wind, is one of the first to bloom. The leaves of the garden trees and shrubs have not yet blossomed, but the anemone flowers are already swaying on tall stems.

Early flowering allows you to grow anemones under trees, near bushes, near the walls of buildings, which will protect the plant from the wind.

Buttercup and oak anemone, the most common types of plants that are grown in summer cottages as primroses. Anemones bloom at the end of April, their flowering lasts for two to three weeks. The color of the flowers of the oak forest anemone is white, and the buttercup anemone pleases with yellow flowers.

Similar to the plant described above and tender anemone with blue flowers . The smallest anemone (about 10 cm) is very popular among gardeners.

Crown anemone, a representative of warm regions, therefore requires the creation comfortable conditions for wintering. It requires shelter from the foliage of broad-leaved trees (maple, oak). The flowers of this plant are larger; red and white, purple and pink.

The above-ground part of all anemone species dies after flowering a month later. Therefore there will be correct location next to them there are flowers with more late flowering. With overgrown foliage they will cover the ugliness of withered anemones.

The most affordable and easy way To propagate a flower is to divide the bush into several parts. Without digging up the entire plant, separate a piece of turf and plant it in in the right place. Separated anemone bushes have good survival rate.

Seed propagation involves autumn sowing in the ground, or this is done at home, with preliminary stratification of the planting material. In the first case, flowering will occur in the spring of next year.


Blooming snowdrops

The plant is listed in the Red Book because due to Great love man to his own person, it is practically uprooted from its habitat.

But the gardener has the opportunity to grow it on his own personal plot, and admire its early flowering.

This unpretentious plant may not need replanting for many years, as it has minimum requirements for soil and growing conditions. In addition, these plants do not like their roots being disturbed, but if such a need arises, this should be done together with a piece of turf. No need to release root system from old soil.

Galanthus, another name for snowdrop, grows well in a shady place. Few hours sunlight And wet soil, this is the minimum that the plant needs for it to start flowering. And the cooler the spring weather, the more abundant and longer the snowdrop will bloom.

After flowering, the leaves should be left to wither on their own; during this period, the bulb stores nutrients for full flowering next spring.
About the method of reproduction dividing the bush mentioned above, and propagation by seeds will give results no earlier than in four years.

The following species are most often grown in gardens:

  1. common snowdrop, a low plant with fragrant flowers;
  2. Elvis's snowdrop differs in height (up to 50 cm);
  3. Volkov's snowdrop, originally from Russia. This species has the property of growing very quickly, so the bush needs to be divided every three years.

Flowers of all types are drooping, bell-shaped and white.


Scilla is a bulbous perennial that covers the ground with low plants with blue star-shaped flowers. It is the density of planting that achieves the effect of a blue carpet, which looks simply amazing against the backdrop of a gray, uncomfortable garden.

Siberian Scilla most common among gardeners as a primrose used for early decoration garden plot. Due to the fact that the plant is hardy and does not require special care, it can grow in its designated bed for up to 5 years. But not to weaken it decorative qualities The minimum norms of fertilizing should still be applied. And they must consist of a complex containing phosphorus and potassium and nitrogen.

Increasing the area occupied by bluegrass will not require much time and expense. It is enough to separate part of the flower along with the soil, without resorting to completely removing the plant, and transplant it to a new place.

The plants are well adapted; with the arrival of next spring, there will be a new island on the site, reflecting the blue of the sky.
Scilla is also grown from baby bulbs, which quickly ripen and are suitable for forming a full-fledged plant at the age of three.

Reproduction often occurs by self-seeding, so single plantings of scilla can become dense thickets.

Tulips are quite widely used by gardeners to create flower beds, flower beds, and are grown specifically for cutting. And primroses include simple early tulips, as well as double early tulips.

This group of plants has a small height of 25-40 cm, but due to their early flowering they can often be found in early May on summer cottage. And they were planted for one purpose: to give the garden charm and bright colors. Especially when most of The area is not yet covered with lush spring greenery.

Tulip is a moisture-loving plant, so in dry spring they need watering. They can be combined with fertilizing; they are added in early spring. nitrogen fertilizers, and during budding and after flowering, phosphorus and potassium additives are used.

After the tulip flower has faded, its calyx should be cut off. leaving the peduncle, it and the remaining leaves will help the bulb stock up on the necessary nutrients for a safe winter and early flowering next spring.

Flowers that are used to decorate the garden, and early bloomers are among them, can be left in the ground for several years. In this case, autumn planting of flowers should be carried out to a depth of 25 cm, and more densely, and the soil around should be decorated with evergreen perennials. This will create a more picturesque spring flower garden.

Another beautiful perennial, from the bulbous family, which belongs to the primroses. Blooming at the end of April, it looks great in a small flower garden consisting of early flowering perennials.

The flowering periods of hyacinth are divided into three categories:

  • early blooming,
  • medium flowering,
  • late blooming.

Although it should be noted that the difference between the beginning of flowering of the first category and the last does not exceed 10 days.

The inflorescences of early hyacinths are usually blue in color. Next come pink, white, red flowers. The parade of colors will be completed by plants with yellow and orange caps of inflorescences.

The cooler the spring weather, the longer the hyacinth blooms. If at t +10°C it can be three weeks, then with its increase the flowering period will be reduced by a week.

The flower also has requirements for the composition of the soil. The soil must be fertile, neutral and have good structure and drainage properties. Even a slight stagnation of water in the area where the bulbs are located can lead to their death.

The ground underneath autumn planting hyacinths begin to be processed in advance, introducing organic and mineral fertilizers. The addition of humus, ready-made compost, sand, wood ash.

Planting of hyacinth bulbs begins at the end of September. Large specimens are deepened by 15-20 cm, and for small ones 8-12 cm will be enough. The distance between the bulbs themselves should be 10-15 cm and 5-8 cm, respectively.

The method of planting bulbs in sand is also practiced. Sand is poured into the groove. A layer of 2-3 cm will allow you to fix the bulbs in it, pour more sand on top, and fill the remaining height of the groove with earth. This method will prevent rotting of the bulbs, protect them from infections in the soil, and increase the drainage capacity of the soil.

With the onset of cold weather, mulch the plantings.

Spring maintenance work begins with removing the mulch layer and carefully loosening the resulting crust on the surface and applying fertilizer.

  1. After the sprouts appear, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizer follows.
  2. During the budding period, the complex mineral fertilizers will help the plant produce a strong and bright flower.
  3. Third, mineral supplement, will allow the bulb to make a reserve necessary elements and safely endure the winter cold.

Narcissus is a bulbous, perennial, early flowering plant.

The height of the plant stem is from 5 cm. ( dwarf species) up to 50 cm, which ends in a white or yellow flower.

It is distinguished by its unpretentious disposition, both in relation to the soil on which it grows and to the light level. It can grow well and develop on sandy soil. Loams are also suitable for growing daffodils. But a minimum amount of the fertilizer complex must still be added to the soil before planting.

Choosing a place to plant a flower is not difficult: sunny or shaded. You should know that if you choose the second option, flowering will last longer.

Planting bulbs in open ground Produced in September, taking into account that plants need about three weeks to form a root system. Otherwise, the bulbs will be squeezed out from the depths to the surface of the earth, which will lead to their freezing.

Dividing a bush that already exists in a summer cottage can be done during the period when the narcissus leaves begin to fade.

  1. Having dug up the bush, you need to select the baby bulbs and discard the sick and damaged ones.
  2. Transplant the bushes you like to a new place, cutting off the above-ground part.
  3. It is better to leave a small stump so as not to lose the planting.


Unpretentious herbaceous perennial, which with its bright, varied colors will enliven any corner of the summer cottage.

Preferring shady places, primrose develops safely and blooms under the crowns garden trees and nearby ornamental shrubs.

The flowers begin to appear in the first days of May and the plant will receive a sufficient amount of heat and light, because the leaves on the trees have not yet blossomed in full force. And on hot days, the foliage will protect the flower from scorching rays.

The soil for planting flowers should be loose, fertilized, without stagnant water. This will save the gardener from having to apply fertilizer every year.

After 3-4 years, it is advisable to replant the primrose bush. The gardener will have the opportunity to increase plantings, and the plant itself will again be provided with a supply of nutrients for several years to come.

The time of replanting is not critical, but it is better to do it when the plant has flowered.

  • The flower is dug up and the roots are washed to determine how best to carry out the division.
  • Each separated bush should have its own growing point with two or three leaves and a good bunch of roots.
  • After transplantation, the plant should be watered and shaded for several days.


Primroses that withstand any spring changes in weather conditions.

For abundant and lush flowering Crocuses need good lighting. And since they appear practically from under the snow, it is possible to grow them close fruit trees and ornamental shrubs. There is no foliage on the trees yet, and the flower will be fully provided with sunlight.

Crocuses are not picky about soil, but it is necessary to add a small complex of nitrogen and mineral fertilizers to the soil before planting.

Even more important event is to improve the soil structure. It must be moisture permeable. Good drainage will eliminate stagnant water, otherwise the bulb will rot and die.

Crocuses are propagated by bulbous children, which are formed next to the uterine corm. Overgrown plantings of flowers are dug up every 3-4 years, the bulbs are sorted by size, air-dried, but under a canopy. With the arrival of autumn, they are planted in newly properly prepared soil. Usually the timing of this work falls on the third ten days of September.


Muscari, low ornamental plant with a blue inflorescence similar to a bunch of grapes. The bulbous perennial, to which muscari belongs, can be grown in any corner of the summer cottage.

The flower is light-loving, but you can grow it in tree trunk circles fruit trees, since flowering will complete before the foliage creates shade over it.

A flower can grow in one place for many years. This involves high-quality soil treatment before planting:

  • application of mineral and organic fertilizers,
  • improving soil structure.

This will allow the plant to develop without lacking nutrients. Ensuring good soil permeability will protect the bulb from rotting.

The same result can be achieved by pouring coarse sand into the holes for planting flowers. In addition, the lack of contact with the soil will protect planting material from infections that may be in the ground.

For spring flowering, the plant needs enough moisture, which is formed from melting snow. Subsequently, after the leaves die, annuals will probably be planted in this place, and moisture will flow to the bulbs from their watering.

The flower is propagated by bulblets. After the plant bloomed, the leaves turned yellow and dried out, and the flower entered the dormant phase. During this period, the plant can be dug up and young bulbs can be selected. But this work can be done at another time convenient for the gardener. This will not harm the plant.

The flower is a very winter-hardy plant. Caring for it is simple: loosening and weeding are the main types of work.


Imperial hazel grouse

Hazel grouse is not a capricious perennial. The original plant, with drooping flowers, makes the gardener want to grow it in his summer cottage.

The first thing to consider when purchasing planting material is their vulnerability. Bulbs do not have outer covering, and any mechanical damage can cause various types of diseases.

In any case, they need disinfection before planting. weak solution ordinary potassium permanganate.

Just like most perennials, hazel grouse grows in one place for several years without transplanting. And this must be taken into account when preparing the soil for planting. Adding organic matter in the form of humus or ready-made compost, substrates that improve access to moisture and air will help the plant quickly get used to its new location.

After flowering, which occurs in the second half of May, the plant still looks decorative for some time, but by the end of June the stem begins to fade. Exactly this best time to increase plantings of hazel grouse.

The bulbs are carefully dug out, washed, disinfected in a manganese solution and dried well. Existing bulbs are also planted in the fall, in September. Typically, hazel grouse begins to bloom when the size of the bulb reaches 5 cm in diameter.

So it turns out that growing hazel grouse is not difficult, but it does require patience.

Dicentra is also called "broken heart"

A charming plant with many heart-shaped flowers entices the gardener to purchase the flower.

Enough unpretentious perennial regarding the choice of landing site. It will bloom in both sun and shade.

The difference is that on open place Flowering will occur earlier, but will be shorter. In the shade, the plant develops more powerfully and the flowering period increases.

Dicentra has a root system that is located close to the surface of the earth; this requires good drainage, otherwise the fragile roots will suffer from stagnant water. This will inevitably lead to their rotting and, as a rule, the death of the plant. The fragility of the roots requires careful handling of the flower during planting.

The flower is grown on fertile soils, with the addition of ready-made compost, humus, and wood ash.

Propagated by dividing the bush, which can be carried out both in spring and autumn. In spring, this work is carried out as early as possible so that it does not harm flowering.

Autumn transplantation is less painful for the flower. After the plant withers, it is dug up and the rhizome is cut into several components. Planted in fertilized holes, covered with fertile soil. It should be watered abundantly; dicentra is moisture-loving.


Forget-me-not Alpine Indigo

Forget-me-nots are herbaceous perennial, with gentle blue flowers, prefers shaded areas with moist soil.

The soil where forget-me-nots will grow should not be overfed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. This will lead to the growth of the green mass of the plant and weaken its decorative qualities.

Forget-me-nots are grown from seeds. At the summer cottage, in June, they prepare a garden bed. Add nitrophoska (30 g per 1 sq. m.), add half a bucket of humus, carefully dig everything up, level it and water it. Seeds are scattered along small grooves. Sprinkled thin layer sand, compacted.

To retain moisture and create optimal conditions For germination, the bed is covered with film. By the end of the second week, it is necessary to check the crops; when shoots appear, the cover is removed. The seedlings need to be thinned out.

In the first year, the forget-me-not forms a small bush, and will bloom the following spring in May. By then she should be planted on permanent place. Spring care care for the flower consists of watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. In the fall, a nitrogen-containing composition should be added to them.

Despite its tenderness and apparent fragility, forget-me-not is a rather aggressive plant. If its growth is left to chance, it will quickly take over territories that do not belong to it.

Lungwort - Pulmonaria villarsae

Lungwort – short rhizomatous perennial, the main advantage of which is unpretentiousness in terms of lighting. It can grow even in dense shade.

But partial shade is preferable for her.

The soil for lungwort needs to be slightly acidic and rich in humus. Can grow in one place for about 25 years. But the flower needs thinning, so dividing the bush once every 4 years will solve the problem not only with planting density, but will also provide the summer resident with planting material.

Among gardeners, lungwort is valued not only for its bell flowers and its shade tolerance, but also for decorative foliage. Light or dark green leaves are covered with white spots and specks over the entire surface. In addition, they have the property of changing their color, in which case the specks merge with the color of the leaf.

Caring for the plant is not difficult, keeping the soil moist (but not excessively), one-time fertilizing with a set of mineral fertilizers and autumn pruning stems. Although the removal of stems can be left until the spring.

Primroses in the garden: video

No matter how many flowers are planted on the site, the gardener will always have a desire to buy something new. And this is natural - the beauty of fresh flowers pleases.

And primroses are especially pleasing in early spring, when the snow has just melted and there is almost no greenery - and the bright islands delicate flowers have already awakened.