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When can you open roses in the spring? Spring care for roses in the garden. When to open roses in spring in the Urals

Despite the fact that radishes are everyone’s favorite first spring vegetable, few people grow root crops. This is explained by the complexity of the plant’s agricultural technology and the fact that preparing the soil after radishes for planting other crops is not easy. To simplify the procedure for growing vegetables, they are increasingly being planted in egg cells.

Growing radishes in paper egg cells is becoming increasingly popular. By preferring this method of growing, you can save on seeds and also simplify the care of young plants.

“Saving” is achieved due to the fact that only 1 seed needs to be planted in each hole. In the future, young shoots will not need thinning. In addition, the root crop will grow neat and large.

How to plant radishes in egg cells

In order to sow radishes into egg cells, you need to prepare the tool in advance: sharp knife, planting material, water for irrigation, as well as the cells themselves. In the egg cells you need to cut off the conical top, forming “holes”. This is where the seeds will be placed.

Egg trays are placed on the ground with holes down and pressed lightly. Thus, some earth should be placed in the “hole”. This simple procedure will help the seeds to be located in a specific place, and not spread throughout the entire garden.

If radishes are planted in cells on unprotected soil, then you need to make “staples” from thick wire and use them to secure the trays to the surface and to each other. Such fixation will prevent the wind from spreading the plantings throughout the entire area.

Next, you need to carefully review the seeds, remove debris from them and select the largest ones. Place 1 seed in each hole of the tray. This will help avoid thinning young shoots in the future.

The bed organized in this way must be filled with soil and watered abundantly. Experienced gardeners advise covering the garden bed with sand rather than soil. Why? Causes:

  • when dry, unlike soil, the sand is not crusted over;
  • When harvesting, you can shake it gently and the root vegetables will become clean. Moistened soil is much more difficult to remove from a vegetable.

When the seeds are planted and watered, you just have to wait about a week, and you will be able to observe the germination of the seeds and the active development of sprouts.

A month later, radishes planted in cells will delight you with the first harvest. To lengthen the period of fruit formation, it is worth planting seeds in all “egg” holes at once. It is better to take 5-day breaks between planting seeds. They will help you harvest not the entire harvest at once, but with short breaks.

Many gardeners sow radishes weekly. This helps you enjoy the fresh harvest for a long time: if you collect fruits from one garden bed, they will appear in another.

Another trick is to plant root crop varieties that have different terms maturation.

Growing and care

Growing radishes in egg trays provides the same care for the vegetable as when sowing it in furrows, and consists of 2 main procedures:

  • Watering. Radishes will grow and develop only in constantly moist soil. However, excessive watering is no less harmful to the crop. When planting in unprotected soil, taking into account precipitation, water young shoots better evening. The soil can be moistened a little every day. If it is cold enough outside, the intervals between waterings should be reduced to 3 times weekly.
  • Loosening. Radishes growing in egg trays require periodic loosening of the soil. This is the only way to prevent the formation of a crust on the surface of the soil, which will slow down the development of the vegetable. It is worth loosening the soil after each watering or a little less often. The frequency of the procedure depends on how quickly a crust can form on the ground. The preservation of moisture in the soil is facilitated by mulching it with a layer of humus or peat.

Win cruciferous flea beetle You can use a solution of ash or tobacco dust. It is quite easy to prepare such products: in a bucket of water you need to dissolve a couple of glasses of dust or ash and 50 grams of laundry soap. You can cover young sprouts with agrofibre or sprinkle with celandine and tansy powder (in quantities Matchbox per unit area).

Planting radishes in egg trays- This new method growing root crops. It has a number of advantages, which is why more and more gardeners prefer it.

Video “Planting radishes in egg trays”

From this video you will learn how to properly plant radishes in egg trays.

Among the first vegetables that appear in the garden in spring, red radishes delight with their fresh taste. The crop is an annual, very useful for our body, and every gardener tries to grow it on his plot as early as possible. There are several ways to grow this healthy vegetable, learn about interesting option: planting radishes in cardboard egg boxes. This method is quite new, but has gained recognition among gardeners.
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It is very convenient to sow and grow radishes in this way; in addition, you save costs on planting material, and you will need less care for the seedlings. There will be no need to weed, since only one seed is thrown into the hole, thus there will be no need to weed, as happens simply in the beds. In addition, radishes planted in cells in this way will grow large and juicy. This growing method can be used in both open ground, and in greenhouses, on window sills and in cold greenhouses under film.

Planting radishes in egg cells: basic rules

Before you start sowing, you need to prepare the egg trays. As is known, egg can be the causative agent of a disease such as salmonella, therefore, to avoid infection of the sprouts, the trays are treated with alcohol.

  • Using a knife, cut off the tops of the conical ends of the containers - this will be the cell for the seeds, and lay the cut part on the ground, pressing down lightly. A little earth should fall into the hole.
  • If I plant in open ground, then I definitely need to attach the cardboard egg containers to the ground, otherwise they will be blown away by the wind.
  • Seeds for such planting are chosen large, dried, and best of all. early varieties to grow crops faster.
  • In one cell we sow one seed per cell, since sowing gives almost one hundred percent germination.
    The seeds are sprinkled with soil, or preferably sand.
  • After sowing seeds, you need to take care of additional lighting, especially when it comes to winter period. Lighting should be at least 12 hours a day, morning and evening.

As you can see, growing radishes this way is not at all difficult. In three to four weeks it will be possible to harvest. Let's move on in our research: radishes in egg cells: how to plant and harvest a good harvest.

Soil for planting

A lot depends on the quality planting material. You also need to prepare the soil for planting in advance. Although the vegetable is unpretentious, it will grow and give best harvest it will be on sandy, loose soil. It is necessary to take care of the beds in which you plan to plant radishes in the fall. It is best to choose a sunny place and add last year’s humus to the soil, since fresh humus is strictly prohibited for growing this root crop. The soil is dug up and loosened before sowing.

In order to enjoy the tasty and healthy root crop more, we sow it over several weeks. We plant once every five to seven days, this way fresh radishes will constantly grow.

Other ways to sow radishes using egg trays

Plastic containers - those who have grown radishes more than once have come across this method; they are used to form planting holes. They should also be treated with alcohol before use. The trays are simply pressed into the ground, neat little holes are formed, in which it is very convenient to plant radish seeds. Place one seed in the hole and sprinkle with last year's humus. You can cover the holes with film.

In the greenhouse

You can also grow it in greenhouses on racks, using last year’s beds, adding a little ash, sawdust and fresh soil from the garden. The soil layer should be approximately 10 cm, maybe a little more so that the radish root does not reach wooden shelving. The soil is carefully leveled, all excess is removed, and slightly loosened. Cut the bottoms of the cells from the cardboard tray using a stationery knife. The trays are laid out along the entire width and length of the bed, slightly pressing into the ground. This is done so that the soil is in the cells, otherwise the seed may roll under the tray when planting. Sprinkle with soil, or preferably peat, this way you will get rid of excess grass.
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Everyone who has at least a small garden has carrots planted. We add this vegetable to all dishes due to its beneficial properties and taste.

Before planting carrots, you need to study all the nuances of this process.

Properties of carrots

How to properly plant carrots in open ground is of interest to many summer residents because there are often cases when the vegetable becomes distorted or becomes rough and unsuitable for eating in open ground after short time. Because of this, it is forced to be fed to animals. During the planting process, it is important to take into account all the subtleties of planting in open ground: when to plant carrots, how to plant carrots, the choice of seeds and what care they need. You can find out how to plant carrots correctly empirically, or you can follow the advice of farmers who have learned from mistakes.

Carrots are planted in an area in open ground in a short time, where there are no obstacles for sun rays. The shady area is not recommended.

The acidity of the soil where you will sow the seeds should be average. Then the resulting vegetable will have a sweet and pleasant taste. Excessive watering leads to the fact that it becomes large and hard, unsuitable for nutrition. The selected soil is recommended to have a loose structure so that it does not warp. Not acceptable to use fresh manures as a fertilizer material, this also deforms the shape of the vegetable. Rare and scanty watering will dry out the vegetable and deprive it of its sweetness. You shouldn’t pour the vegetable after a long dry period, it will crack. Be sure to thin out the bed so that your planting gains strength and beauty. Pull out unsuitable sprouts carefully, trying not to touch neighboring ones, so as not to distort the seedlings. In order for the soil to be loose, it is mixed with sand so that it breathes. This is done in the fall before the onset of frost in a short time. In spring, the soil and sand are loosened again. Taking care of the structure of the earth and maintaining the acidity of the soil play a primary role.

Carrots can only grow in sunny areas

These factors can be taken into account to ensure a successful landing. How to plant carrots can be found out after preparing the soil for planting.

Sowing carrots can be done in prepared soil:

  • Preparations begin in the fall.
  • An area where cereal crops previously grew is suitable.
  • The soil should be loose. You can achieve this artificially by carefully preparing and fertilizing the soil with peat and rotted manure fertilizer.
  • Be sure to regulate the acidity of the soil, reducing it with ash or lime.
  • In the fall, care is carried out: fertilize and prepare, and in the spring carry out final preparation.

The most decisive step in planting is preparing the soil in the fall, how you approach this issue and get such a harvest. By cultivating the soil in the fall, you will prepare the soil for growing carrots in the fall. Caring for the vegetable is not difficult; it will quickly produce a harvest if watering and fertilizers are done correctly.

To obtain good harvest carrots, the soil should be prepared in the fall

Landing in the ground

When the soil is prepared, carrots can be planted with seeds. There are two types of actions on how to sow carrots for summer residents:

  1. planting seeds in the ground;
  2. pre-soaking the seeds.

Soaked seeds produce better seedlings and a greater likelihood of a successful event than planting seeds directly in open ground. Carrot seeds are very small in size, which makes planting difficult. How to sow carrots with seeds, preferably mixed with sand so that the seeds do not stick together. The seeds are planted glued to adhesive tape, having previously placed the seeds at the same distance.

Having prepared a thick solution using starch, it is mixed with carrot seeds and poured through a watering can into the prepared cells. When preparing the cells, take into account the distance between each seed and the rows. Planting carrots in spring is the most right time for an event.

Planting carrots in egg boxes is an original and effective method

Planting carrots in the spring is completed by covering the seeds with a film, preventing excessive dryness and excessive moisture. On the fourteenth day, the first seedlings will appear. The plant should be protected from cold so that the vegetable grows roots in the cells. You can choose when to sow carrots based on the climate and the forecast for spring. The main thing is that the weather does not predict excessive cold.

Care after we have figured out how to plant carrots is carried out with no less care. Sowing carrots is carried out in compliance with strict watering or fertilization. It is especially important to control the rate of watering in open ground. Planting seeds is quick.

When watering, several factors can be taken into account at once: insufficient watering will not allow the root to grow, excessive watering will cause its excessive growth and hardening. We have figured out how to plant carrots, now you can decide what kind of care is needed. Planting seeds in cells correctly allows you to quickly obtain seedlings.

It seems like an ordinary vegetable that everyone grows in their gardens, but it turns out there are so many subtleties with it. There are common cases when the vegetable turns out to be knotty and crooked. It would seem like an ordinary vegetable, but it turns out that this is caused by improper care.

Proper care will provide you with a generous harvest and beautiful and sweet shoots. There are many nuances in the care provided, the main thing is to take everything into account and follow it so that unnecessary problems do not arise in caring for the vegetable.

Experienced summer residents are quite resourceful people. This is clearly visible in the arrangement of the site and the technologies used. Many summer residents are ready to try new methods of planting seedlings in order to obtain a sufficient amount of vegetables. The method of planting radishes in egg cells has been practiced for quite some time and final result makes gardeners happy.

Before sowing radishes, the bottom of the egg trays is cut off, and then the form is pressed tightly to the ground

Planting radishes in egg cells in greenhouses e

Growing radishes in egg cells in a greenhouse is a simple method that even novice summer residents can master. According to gardeners, this method of planting saves time and effort, and the harvest will certainly be rich. The technology has a number of advantages, namely:

  • caring for crops comes down to regular watering;
  • when planted in egg trays, radishes do not go into the tops;
  • the fruits grow correct form, same size;
  • no need to loosen the soil;
  • weeds do not sprout and do not choke the radishes.

Summer residents who have grown radishes in cassettes once will continue to practice this method of planting seeds. Root vegetables grow beautiful, tasty, juicy, have the same size and attractive shape. If you decide to master this technology, we suggest using this step-by-step guide:

  1. Buy now. It is worth giving preference to seeds that have been disinfected against common diseases. When using your own seeds, it is worth treating them with the drug “Fitosporin”. According to reviews from summer residents, large seeds germinate better and faster.
  2. It is better to germinate the seeds before planting. To do this, they are placed in damp cotton wool or a cloth. Planting begins after small shoots appear.
  3. Prepare the area for planting. Radishes grow well in loose, light soil, and the area itself should be well lit.
  4. The bottom of the egg trays is cut off, as shown in the photo.
  5. The form is pressed tightly to the ground so that it penetrates into each cell. The cassettes need to be secured using wire or available materials.
  6. One radish seed is placed in each cell and sprinkled with sand.
  7. Irrigate the garden bed with water from a spray bottle.

Now the summer resident only needs to irrigate the plantings daily so that the first shoots appear in a few days. When growing radishes using this technology in a greenhouse, it is necessary to supplement the plants with light after the first shoots appear. The lamps are turned on in the morning and evening so that the daylight hours are 12 hours.

Radishes can be planted in a heated greenhouse all year round. If the room is not heated, then the end of March - beginning of April is the best time to sow seeds. It is believed that optimal temperature in the greenhouse should be +15-18 degrees. According to reviews, radishes tolerate low temperatures at night well, so there is no need to worry about this.