home · Networks · What is the name of the blue primrose flower? Ten of the best spring flowers for a country flower bed with descriptions and photos. Breeding and caring for primroses

What is the name of the blue primrose flower? Ten of the best spring flowers for a country flower bed with descriptions and photos. Breeding and caring for primroses

Spring is not only a pleasant, but also a long-awaited time of year. This is the time when nature awakens after a long winter sleep. Feeling the first rays of the sun, birds begin to sing, streams gurgle, animals and insects wake up. Primroses peek out from the melting snow - the first spring flowers, having traveled a long way through the frozen ground and cold snow. They are in a hurry to be the first to please others with their flowering.

Spring primroses

There are quite a few primroses in nature, despite the fact that the plants are considered fragile.

There are many species and varieties on the list of the first flowers of spring.

The most famous first flowers:

How to plant in the garden

Spring is a real holiday for gardeners and flower lovers, because you want to quickly put things in order in your flower beds and see the first sprouts of plants. In addition, spring is the time to think about planting new plants.

Primroses are often found not only in forests, clearings, meadows, but also in gardens. They are actively planted by flower fans so that they can admire the beauty in early spring. Many primroses are perennial and do not require special care.

Rules for planting primroses

In order to plant primroses in the garden, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. For planting primroses on summer cottage It is better to give preference to autumn. At this time, young plants will be able to strengthen their roots, but will not germinate until the onset of frost.
  2. Before planting, it is important to dig up the soil, remove weeds and add fertilizer to the soil.
  3. Next, the bulb is planted to a depth several times greater than itself.
  4. After some time, when the ground freezes and there is a constant low temperature outside, the planting site is mulched with dry leaves, peat, and straw.

Primroses are beautiful plants that are not afraid of snow, frost and are in a hurry to please everyone with their appearance. You can meet them in the most various places, and having planted it in your summer cottage, you can admire the flowers every spring.

16 Mar 2016

Every gardener is waiting for them, they are the harbingers of spring, blooming already in March, when the sun melts the snow. Don't think that the list of spring flowers is small; there is a wide range of plants that bloom in March and April. By planting several types of early flowers in the garden, your spring garden will be decorated with flowers when the first greenery has not yet appeared on the trees. Buy planting material for spring flowers; you can study their names, photos, and planting rules further.

The very first spring Flower - blooms when the last snow still lies in shady places on the ground. Snowdrops are a symbol of the onset of spring; small white bells hang like crystal drops on thin green stems. These seemingly delicate flowers are unpretentious. Small galanthus bulbs are planted in August–September; they will take root before frost and will bloom in early spring.

very similar to snowdrop or lily of the valley, only with single white bells. The whiteflower blooms simultaneously with snowdrops and spring flowers, in March-April. Whiteflower bulbs can be planted from July to September. Bury them to a depth of 5 cm in heavy clay soil, 10 cm in light soil. sandy soil. Snowwhites can be placed under trees or shrubs; in early spring, while greenery has not yet appeared on the branches, the first flowers are enough sunlight, and in the summer in the shade they develop well in fertile, moist soil.

Vesennik or erantis will keep company with snow-white snowdrops. Spring flowers are yellow-golden in color, up to 4 cm in diameter, and like the rays of the sun they will illuminate areas in the garden that are still lifeless after winter. The green, dissected leaves of the spring flower die off in June. Erantis prefers to grow in partial shade under the crowns of tall trees in loose, moist soil; these flowers can be found in forests and meadows in spring. Spring spring tubers are planted in September October; they are pre-soaked for a couple of hours so that they come to life and have time to take root in the ground to a stable sub-zero temperature. The first sprouts of spring flowers appear when the last remnants of snow still cover the ground. Opened flowers are not afraid of frost.

Flowers of extraordinary beauty, they are also called snow roses, as they are among the first to bloom in the garden. Hellebores remain decorative throughout the season, and large leaves that have overwintered under the snow green up the flower garden in early spring. Hellebores grow well in partial shade. Plants do not like transplanting, as they develop a powerful rhizome with cord-like roots extending from it. Reproduction of the flower by dividing the bush is carried out in early spring, before new leaves begin to grow. Hellebore seeds are sown in early autumn, before winter, they will germinate in the spring, and the seedlings will bloom only in the third or fourth year of life.

The snowdrops are followed by the blossoms. The Siberian Scylla requires virtually no care. By planting the bulbs of this plant in August-September, this place will be decorated with blue bells every spring. Scylla reproduces by daughter bulbs and self-sowing, forming lush curtains.

also called saffron. They bloom after snowdrops; spring crocuses continue to bloom for up to two weeks. Large-flowered varieties of crocuses bloom a little later; the bulb produces one flower. Natural types of crocuses have smaller flowers, but one plant can produce several flowers and they bloom earlier. Spring crocus bulbs are planted in late summer - early autumn. These flowers look impressive in groups; in one place several bulbs are placed at a distance of up to 10 cm from each other.

Charming liverwort spring flowers appear immediately after the snow melts. Delicate azure flowers decorate the still lifeless earth after winter for a month. The plant can be propagated by dividing the bush in August. The liverwort feels best in shady places under the canopy of trees in fertile, loose soil.

appear in early April. Flowers in different shades of blue, purple and yellow decorate spring flower beds. The reticulated iris, unlike other species, has a bulb; it is often called the bulbous iris, due to the similarity of the shape of the flowers. Iridodictium bulbs are planted in September or October in a sunny location with well-drained soil. The bulbs do not tolerate stagnant water, so it is better to plant them on elevated areas or alpine hills. After flowering and the death of the ground part of the iris bulbs, it is recommended to dig them up and store them warm until autumn, the time of planting.

will decorate the earth in spring with a green carpet of carved leaves and flowers similar to daisies, up to 7 cm in diameter, white, blue or pink color. Anemone grows as a ground cover plant thanks to its long creeping rhizome. This spring flower will develop well in both sunny and partial shade, with well-drained, nutritious soil. The plant does not like prolonged waterlogging of the soil. Anemone can be propagated by dividing the rhizome in autumn or early spring.

- decorative perennial It pleases the eye not only with large leathery leaves, but also with beautiful inflorescences with small bright pink bells. Bergenia leaves overwinter under the snow; in spring they turn purple. As the weather gets warmer, inflorescences appear from the rosette of leaves in the spring and persist until summer. Badan is decorative all year round, this very easy to grow perennial is propagated by dividing the rhizomes in the spring. Bergenia grows well both in partial shade and in sunny places with sufficient soil moisture.

Dacha - this word evokes a range of memories, emotions and impressions in everyone. In order for all these thoughts to be more positive, and trips to the dacha more joyful, it is worth paying more attention to flower beds and flower beds. They will delight the whole season with a riot of colors and wonderful aroma. Perennial plants will help make any color fantasies come true. The advantage of perennial flowers is that, having planted them correctly once, you can enjoy the result for several years. The most popular decorative perennials flowering plants are described in this manual. And also, for convenience, all flowers are divided into groups according to their flowering period. Having studied the basic principles of cultivation, you can safely begin to form.

According to the flowering period, ornamental plants are divided into spring, summer, and autumn.

Spring flowers perennials

Flowers that rush to open early in the spring are called early bloomers. There are perennial flowers that bloom in mid-spring, when the sun has warmed the earth and air warmly enough.

Bulbous perennial flowers:

Galanthus (snowdrop)– flowers appear with the first drop and melting of snow. They bloom for about a month (in March). They love sunny places, although they can tolerate a little shade. They are not picky about the soil. They reproduce by bulbs and also by seeds carried by ants. Bulbs are planted in the fall. In the spring, after flowering, you can plant overgrown bushes.

Bulbous perennial flowers for the garden Galanthus (snowdrops)

They have a short growing season, and then the upper part dies off and is not visible until next spring.

Crocuses (Saffron)– bloom together with galanthus, have multi-colored buds:

  • Yellow;
  • Lilac;
  • Blue;
  • Cream, etc.

Photo of crocus flower

Crocuses will become a decoration in flower beds, lawns, flower beds, in containers, under trees and bushes. They bloom in March, as soon as the snow melts from their territory and the sun shines.

Hyacinths- flowers with large, colorful inflorescences. Very gentle, but demanding. To grow them you need to follow several rules:

  • The soil for hyacinths is suitable neutral, consisting of leaf and turf soil;
  • The flower does not like waterlogging;
  • You need a lot of light, but direct sunlight is harmful;
  • The area with hyacinths should be protected from gusts of wind.

Hyacinths, photo of perennial coloring pages

Flowering period: end of March, April, beginning of May (depending on the variety and outside temperature).

  • White – Album variety;
  • From greenish to purple - Fantasy Creation variety - chameleon muscari;
  • Yellow – Golden Fragrance variety.

There are other shades of blue or two-tone muscari. It is better to plant these plants in a group, so they look more impressive. There is no need to cover the bulbs when planting them in the fall; they tolerate cold well and overwinter in open ground.

Daffodils – perennial bulbous plants. There are more than twenty thousand varieties. They are all divided into groups:

  • Large-crowned;
  • Small-crowned;
  • Tubular daffodils;
  • Triandrus;
  • Cyclamenoides;
  • Terry;
  • Jonquiliformes;
  • Tazetta-shaped;
  • Poeticus;
  • With a split crown.

Daffodils bloom in April and May. They love sunny places, but can also withstand partial shade, as long as the soil is breathable and has good drainage. Valued for winter hardiness. It is better to plant in late August or early September. They look good both on alpine hills and along the alley, or in groups in flower beds and flower beds.

Herbaceous perennials:

Primrose (primrose)– about 550 species are known. These perennial flowers come in all sorts of colors. The plant should be planted in the second year of life in the fall, in moist soil, in an area with diffused light. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, so it grows well under trees, especially fruit trees. Based on the shape and arrangement of flowers, five groups of primroses are distinguished:

  • cushion-shaped;
  • umbrella-shaped;
  • tiered;
  • bellflowers;
  • capitate.

Primrose: photo of flowers

IN folk medicine The rhizomes are used for decoctions for coughs, and the leaves are a storehouse of vitamins in the spring; salads are made from them.

Hellebore (hellibus)- an early flowering plant. Blooms in March and April. The flowers are large, depending on the variety:

  • Oriental - has flowers of white and pink colors;
  • Black – lilac flowers;
  • Caucasian – pale – green flowers, sometimes white. Very frost-resistant, does not shed its leaves even in winter. Highly poisonous!
  • Smelly – beautiful green flowers, but an unpleasant smell.

Hellebore (helliborus) is an early flowering plant.

Hellebore, photo of country flowers

It is better to plant under the canopy of trees (it does not like sunny areas); the soil should be moist and rich in humus.

  • Lungwort (pulmonaria)- a shade-loving perennial plant with flowers of different colors on the same stem (pink and blue). The leaves are green with white spots. Blooms in April – May. It is a honey plant and a medicinal plant. Prefers partial shade, coolness, moisture, but not stagnant water. It is unpretentious to the soil. In the sun, the leaves burn and the plant withers.

    Pink lungwort flowers

  • Periwinkle- a plant with climbing and creeping evergreen stems. Blooms in April. The flowers are light blue. Periwinkle is very easy to grow. Loves shady areas wet soil. It is best to plant in April. It is used both on alpine slides and in flower beds. If necessary, you can trim and shape.

    In the photo - periwinkle blooming

  • Bergenia (bergenia)- a low-growing perennial plant with wintering leaves. In spring, it is prone to disease, so it needs to be treated with protective drugs. Bergenia is shade-tolerant, but it is better to plant it in lightly shaded areas, since the flowering period will be later. Blooms in May – April. The flowers are pink, lilac small bells. After dividing the bush, plant it in neutral, garden soils at the end of summer. Sow seeds in spring.

    Photo of Badan in landscape design

  • Anemone (anemone)perennial flower disease resistant and does not require special care. The main thing is to plant in well-fertilized soil. And also, water abundantly in hot weather, and sprinkle with a ball of dry leaves in the winter. Plant in spring by dividing bushes or cuttings. Can be grown from seeds. Anemone blooms with all the rainbow colors from April to October, depending on the variety:

Different colors of anemone flowers

Liverwort (copse)– evergreen forest plant, which takes root well in the new place. Prefers moderate moisture, shade-loving, winter-hardy. Blooms in April – May with blue single flowers. There are garden varieties with double buds, as well as pink, white, and purple colors. Needs fertile soil.

Photo of sandbox flowering

A type of garden sandbox

Lilies of the valley – drought-resistant plant with fragrant white bell-shaped flowers. Loves partial shade; in strong shade there are fewer flowers and more leaves. Loves moist soil, but can withstand drought. The soil must be selected slightly acidic, rich in organic fertilizers. Blooms from late April to mid-summer. Replant by dividing rhizomes in autumn or spring.

Photo of lily of the valley flowers

Brunnera (forget-me-not)– a plant with blue flowers and heart-shaped leaves. Shade-tolerant, light-loving, winter-hardy forget-me-not, needs constant moderate moisture. Suitable garden soil, clay. Blooms from late April to mid-summer. Two types are grown in gardens:

  • Brunner Caucasian
  • Brunnera Sibirskaya

Brunner: photo of flowers in the garden

Perennial flowers blooming in summer

Most garden plants bloom in summer. Starting from May and until August, they delight their owners. Examples of the most common ones are described below. They can be divided into two groups: some are attracted by the beauty of the flowers, while others are attracted by the decorativeness of the leaves.

  • Beautiful flowering summer perennials

Peonies – large beautiful perennial flowers with bright colors. The plant has two life forms: herbaceous and tree-like. For decorative cultivation, the second one is mainly used. The bushes are about a meter high, the flowers are large, bright from white to burgundy. Blooms in May – June. For mass flowering in next year, you should prune the bush immediately after flowering. Peonies are winter-hardy, light-loving, prefer moderate moisture, and do not like stagnant water. Transplant better in autumn– rhizomes. It is worth considering that root system quickly deepens and can reach more than a meter in depth.

Photo of peony flowers blooming

Photo of peony bushes in landscape design

Lupine- an ornamental plant up to a meter tall, with large beautiful inflorescences. Translated from Latin - “wolf”: due to the ability to endure adverse conditions. Loves fertile, slightly acidic soil - this makes the flowers larger and more magnificent. Plant in sunny areas, but can also tolerate partial shade. Winters well. In summer you need to water well at the roots. Blooms from May to mid-summer. Some varieties - from June to August.

Photo of lupine flowering

Yarrow – cultivated wild plant. In nature it is found mainly with white flowers, rarely with pink ones. Decorative species have different flower colors. The four most popular are:

  • Common yarrow - resistant to unfavorable conditions, bushes 50-60 cm high. Many varieties have been bred with bright colors: bright yellow, cherry red, bright red, pink.
  • Meadowsweet - bright yellow inflorescences are very eye-catching in flower beds. Height up to 1 meter;
  • Ptarmika is a bush with a height of up to 70 cm, flowers are cream, double.

Pink millennium flowers

This is a shade-tolerant, light-loving plant. It can easily tolerate both heat, dryness and cold, wintering in open ground. Prefers garden soils. Flowering period: from May to August.

Dicentra – a plant with heart-shaped flowers hanging from an arched stem. Bush height from 30 to 100 cm. Blooms in May - June. Does not like damp soils, otherwise it is not picky about the soil. For more lush flowering, organic fertilizer should be applied. Grows in sunny and semi-shady places. Needs constant hydration.

Photos of perennial dicentra flowers

Photo Dicenters in landscape design

Phloxes– very fragrant and bright flowers. These beautiful plants They love sunny areas, garden soils mixed with sand and clay, and organic fertilizers. They do not like acidic soils; when the pH is less than 6.5, the lower leaves begin to fall off. Can grow in partial shade. The color range is very diverse. Flowering period: from May to August (depending on the variety). It is best to replant by dividing the bush, in August - September.

Photos of phlox flowers

Perennial garden phlox

  • Violet (viola)– ornamental plants with beautiful multi-colored flowers. Many species differ in flowering periods and colors. Some garden species:
  • violet wittrock (pansy);
  • violet capillary;
  • horned violet;
  • Altai violet;
  • fragrant violet.

Garden violets, photo of flowering

These perennial flowers require fertile loamy soil. They love sunny areas, but can tolerate a little shade. They do not like stagnant water; moderate moisture is suitable. Fertilize with mineral fertilizers.

Photos of violets coloring pages

The flowering period depends on the species. Some species bloom in April, some in May, and some in June - July. It is better to plant bushes in the third year, in August. You can sow seeds.

  • Astilbe– shade-loving bushes with paniculate inflorescences. Ideal for planting under trees in humus-rich soil. Avoid overheating the roots; water regularly. Cover exposed rhizomes with a ball of soil. For the winter, additionally cover the plant with covering material. The plant blooms in June – July.

    Photo of astilbe flowering

    After flowering, cut off the flower stalks. For propagation it is easier to use rhizome division in early spring. It can be grown from seeds by budding, but this is a more labor-intensive method.

  • Loosestrife (lysimachia)– tall or creeping herbs with yellow, rarely white, flowers. The flowering period is from May to August, depending on the variety. This is a light-loving plant that can tolerate slight temporary shade. Moist, garden soil with periodic fertilizing is the key to success in growing loosestrife. It reproduces vegetatively, by shoots throughout the spring and summer.

    Photo of loosestrife flowering

  • Gypsophila – bushy plant with small flowers. It loves calcareous soils and is not picky about fertilizers, so it is used to create a beautiful background in general compositions of flower beds, alpine slides, etc. Flowering reaches its greatest density in the third year of life. Blooms all summer. Watering should be regular. Growing from seeds or planting bushes.

    Gypsophila, photo

  • Nivyanik (chamomile)- delicate flowers with strong rhizomes. An unpretentious, light-loving, winter-hardy plant. Loves moderate moisture, garden soils. Blooms from June to August. Propagated by planting bushes and seeds. It grows in one place for 5-7 years, but it is better to replant every three years.

    Garden chamomile or cornflower

  • Pyrethrum– pink chamomile. Shade-tolerant, light-loving plant, likes moderate moisture, constant watering and garden soils. Blooms in July–August. With a lack of lighting, it strongly stretches shoots with flowers. The most common in garden growing pyrethrum pink, hybrid and red. Propagate by dividing the bush or cuttings. You can sow seeds in a greenhouse in May and plant young plants in August.

    Garden flowers: Pyrethrum

  • Delphinium (spur)- a plant with a tall stem and beautiful inflorescences. Can reach 150 cm in height. There are also low-growing varieties. It should be remembered that this is a poisonous plant. Therefore, it is better to just admire them in the flower beds and not let children touch them. Loves light areas, drought-resistant, prefers moderate moisture, root watering. The soil should be rich in organic matter, loamy or sandy loam, neutral acidity. It can be propagated by sowing seeds or dividing the bush in the spring.

    Delphinium, photo coloring book

  • Clematis (clematis)climbing vine with large flowers. Flowering period from June to August. Bright flowers from white to dark purple, there are many varieties. In winter, you need to additionally cover the roots. Trim dried branches in spring for better flowering. Grows in sunny areas, does not like stagnant moisture, water frequently, at the root. Can tolerate temporary shade. The soil should have good drainage, loose, fertile. Near the bush you need to install a support along which the clematis will climb. The distance between neighboring plants should be at least a meter.

    Photo of clematis at the dacha

    It is better to plant bushes in the spring. Plant to a depth of 2-5 cm, sprinkle with sand (protection from getting wet). For planting, it is useful to prepare a mixture of sand, peat and humus in a ratio of 1:1:3.

  • Gentian (Gentiana) – low-growing plant with bell-shaped flowers. It blooms in May – June, and summer varieties from June to August. The color of the flowers is mainly blue and light blue, but there are varieties with white, pink, and yellow bells. Flowers need moisture and a lot of light. The plant will not bloom in the shade. It is better to divide the bushes and plant gentian after flowering. Can be grown from seeds. Suitable for rock gardens, flower beds, and for planting along borders.

    Gentian, photo in landscape design

  • Lily – bulbous perennial plant with fragrant large flowers. Depending on the location of the flower relative to the axis of the stem, lilies are divided into groups:
  • Flowers pointing upward.
  • Flowers directed to the side.
  • Flowers pointing downwards.

Garden lily flower

The flowering period is from June to August, depending on the variety. The color range is very diverse. It is better to plant the bulbs from late August to early October. You can also plant lilies in the spring by dividing the bush or using baby bulbs. For planting, dig a hole 20-25 cm deep in a place sheltered from the wind, in partial shade or in light areas. Good drainage, rotted manure in combination with peat will give excellent results. Regular watering is necessary. Cover for the winter.

Iris (killer whale, cockerels) – rhizomatous plant with bright flowers. Depending on the variety, it blooms from May to August. Prefers garden soils, sunny places. The attitude towards moisture is different, depending on the type:

  • They are moisture-loving and require constant moisture (yellow iris, Kaempfer's iris).
  • Normal moisture (Siberian iris and its varieties).
  • Lovers of well-drained soil (bearded iris and its varieties).

Photo of Iris flower

Various flower colors color palette all kinds of shades. Based on height, they are divided into short, medium and tall. Propagated by dividing the bush in July-August.

Plant in bright areas, or with partial shade. Loves moderate watering, garden soils, winter-hardy, unpretentious. If the place is not windy, then it does not need a garter. Propagated by seeds, sown in the ground or greenhouse, in May. Young plants are planted in the main place in August - September.

climbing rose– a plant with long shoots and lush buds. For abundant flowering from May to August, you need to provide the rose with the appropriate conditions:

  • Proper planting: a well-ventilated place without stagnant water and with good sunlight. The distance to walls and fences, as well as to other plants, should not be closer than 50 cm.
  • Thorough feeding during planting and during flowering. Humus, humus, soil bacteria, phosphorus fertilizers - all this is needed for a riot of rose flowering.
  • Timely pruning.
  • Pest protection and winter shelter.

Photo of weaving a climbing rose

Gladioli- tall, beautiful plants with large inflorescences. More than 10,000 varieties of these flowers are registered. They differ in height, shape and size of the flower, color, flowering period, length of the inflorescence, etc. Gladioli prefer sunny places, but on hot days and at midday they need partial shade. Good drainage, regular watering, loamy or sandy soil will ensure good flowering. Depending on the variety, gladioli bloom from June to September. A special feature of growing these flowers is the constant digging up of corms for the winter.

Lakonos (phytolacca) – a perennial with a large rhizome and a bush height of up to 200 cm. The flowering period falls in July-August, small flowers are collected in inflorescences of a brush, the length of which is about 25 cm. Not only the flowers, but also the fruits of the plant are decorative. Berry brushes purple, look beautiful on bushes. But you can’t eat them, since all parts of the lacquer plant (both the berries and the juice) are poisonous. This is light-loving, but also shade-tolerant plant. Loves moderate moisture, garden soils. It is necessary to plant in areas sheltered from the wind, cut off the stems for the winter and cover with peat or humus. Propagate by dividing rhizomes or seeds, in spring or autumn.

Gazania– decorative herbaceous summer flowering plants. In latitudes with mild, warm climates, it grows as a perennial. In more severe areas, they are dug into pots for the winter and planted in the spring. For good flowering, gazania should be planted in sunny places, watered moderately, and periodically fed with mineral fertilizers. The flowering period is from June to August. Some varieties also bloom in September and before frost. Propagate the plant by sowing seeds in a greenhouse or containers in March. Plant young plants in May.

  • Decorative foliage plants

Khosta – shade-loving, large-leaved perennial. Beautiful leaves are the main advantage of the hosta. It grows in the form of a bush, up to 90 cm high. Based on the color of the leaves, plants are divided into:

  • Solid hostas - leaves with a shade of yellow, blue or green.
  • variegated - leaves with patterns of different colors:
  • with white border;
  • golden border;
  • yellow border;
  • cream border;
  • colored center and green or golden border;
  • tricolor.
  • Varieties - chameleons - change color throughout the season.

Hosta in landscape design

Prefers well-drained loamy, neutral soil. For a beautiful, strong bush, you need to leave it alone for 5 years - do not replant or divide it. It can grow in one place for up to 20 years. Propagation by dividing the bush in the spring, but it can also be done in the summer.

Tenacious- a plant resistant to negative weather conditions. It is unpretentious, takes root well in both light and shaded areas, which is why it got its name. Can grow in wet and dry soils. The dense foliage cover of the tenacious plant can choke out more delicate varieties of plants, so you need to take this into account when planting flowers.

Creeping tenacious - low-growing flowers for the garden

Well suited for decorating alpine hills, planting around trees, borders, and hedges. In addition to decorative leaves, in mass plantings it pleases the eye with bright flowers. Popular types:

  • Creeping tenacious is an evergreen plant, height 7-10 cm. Blooms with blue flowers. The leaves can be colored in a combination of red, green, gray, yellow, and white.
  • Pyramidal tenacious is an evergreen plant, height about 25 cm. Flowers are purple or pink. The leaves are large, green, brown, gray.
  • Geneva plant is a perennial plant with blue flowers. It is covered with villi, for which it received the second name “shaggy”.

You can propagate by dividing the bush throughout the growing season.

Rejuvenated – a low, squat or creeping plant with succulent leaves. Planting should be done in sunny areas. Shade is not suitable for succulents. The soil should be poor, rocky, sandy. Fertile garden soil should be diluted with sand and screenings. Juvenile has beautiful leaves with colors ranging from green, gray to brown, brown. It can be propagated by sowing seeds in containers in the spring, or by young bushes throughout the warm period.

Juvenile: plant varieties

Kupena- decorative deciduous plant of the lily of the valley family. The shade-loving plant does not do well in sunny places. Loves moderate moisture, garden soils. The flowers are small, white, inconspicuous. Divided into two groups:

  • Kupena with an erect stem. The leaves are lanceolate, small flowers grow from the axils (whorled, pink, and angustifolia).
  • Kupena with an arched stem. The leaves are oval, small flowers hang from the axils of the leaves (fragrant, fragrant, broad-leaved).

It is best to propagate by dividing the rhizomes at the end of August, but it is also possible by sowing seeds.

Spurge- both an ornamental deciduous and a beautifully flowering plant. This is very various plants, number more than 2000 species. Among the perennial milkweeds, gardeners use the following:

  • cypress spurge;
  • long-horned spurge;
  • Euphorbia multicolor;
  • Euphorbia scaly;
  • fire spurge.

You can choose the appropriate type for a specific area. For example, multicolored euphorbia and cypress grow well in sunny areas. Scaly and long-horned spurges are suitable for shady places. But all these plants require well-drained soil. It should be remembered that the milky juice that exudes from the stems is poisonous. You need to work with gloves. Euphorbia should be pruned in the fall. It is best to plant bushes in the spring by dividing young rhizomes. You can also sow seeds in spring. Capable of self-seeding.

Garden spurge

Ferns – spore plants with large leaves - fronds. Divided into three main groups:

  • Large ferns that grow into thickets. The length of the fronds is more than 50 cm (bracken, onoclea, common ostrich, light scale).
  • Large bushy ferns. The leaves are more than 50 cm long and are intended for single plantings (kochedednik, osmunda, multirow, shield grass).
  • Small ferns with leaves less than 50 cm long. The most famous: adiantum, asplenium, woodsia, gymnocarnium, etc.

All ferns grow in the shade and require constant moisture. The soil should be loose, without manure or compost. Natural soils without any fertilizers are ideal soil for these plants. Plant in spring and late summer. It is better under trees, next to walls and fences, on the north side near the house. Ferns are resistant to diseases and pests.

Garden ferns - shade-loving plants

fescue– perennial cereal grasses. Form a bush from long, hard leaves . They look beautiful both in individual plantings and in flower arrangements.

Tall species (30-70cm):

  • gray fescue;
  • fescue Calle;
  • Myra fescue;
  • glacial fescue
  • Siberian fescue;
  • Welsh fescue.

Low-growing species (15-30cm):

  • forest fescue;
  • sheep fescue;
  • paniculata fescue;
  • Prickly fescue.

Gray fescue

Ideal for alpine hills, as they love rocky, dry, sandy soil and sunny areas. They do not like stagnant moisture, excessive moisture, or fertilizers. Resistant to cold and disease. The disadvantage is the rapid degeneration of the bush. After just a few years, the density of the clumps decreases. Propagate the plant by dividing the bush in the spring. Dry leaves should be removed as they die.

Phalaris (reedwort)– ornamental grass, 90–120 cm high. The leaves are long green with white or cream stripes. Resistant to diseases and pests. It easily tolerates frost, drought, and pruning to a height of 20-40 cm. It can be planted near bodies of water, in the shade, although it loves sunny places. The soil should be loose and moist. This aggressor plant grows quickly and “survives” other, weaker plants. For close proximity to such species, it is necessary to fence metal plates Phalaris bushes, digging them to a depth of 20 cm. It is best to propagate by dividing the bush, but you can also use seeds or cuttings.


Rogersia– an exotic plant with an unpretentious character. Decorative large leaves will delight you until late autumn with different shades, changing them from green in summer to burgundy and red in autumn. Based on the shape of the leaf, they are divided into two groups: with palmate leaves (concochestnut-leaved, podophyllous Rogersia), with pinnate leaves (pinnate and elder-leaved Rogersia). The plant loves partial shade, but with frequent watering, it can also grow in sunny areas.


Suitable soil is loam, fertilizer is humus, compost. During hot periods, you need to water frequently; mulching will help retain moisture. The flowering period occurs in mid-summer. After a month of flowering, you need to cut off the bright panicles and continue to enjoy the beauty of Rogers. It is better to propagate by dividing the bush in the spring. But it is also possible at the end of summer - by leaf cuttings.

Autumn perennial plants for the garden

This group includes least amount plants, since nature is preparing for winter sleep, there are few flower stalks. During this period of time, decorative foliage plants delight the eye with a variety of colors, evergreen plants, as well as those rare flowers that did not have time to bloom in August.

Helenium autumn– a herbaceous plant with a bush height of up to 160 cm. It blooms from late July to October. The flowers are large yellow and red, the middle of the inflorescence is dark. The shoots of helenium are highly branched, each ending in a flower, so the bush has abundant flowering. The rhizome is poorly developed. The plant prefers sunny areas, but can also grow in partial shade. Loose, moist soil is suitable, so good watering is needed on hot days. Propagated in spring from seeds or young shoots. It is better to replant after 3-4 years.

Poskonnik- perennial, blooming from August to October. Plant height is from 100 to 150 cm. Inflorescences are pink or purple. Planted as a single bush or in composition with other flowers. Loves sunny places, but also tolerates partial shade. Grows well in moist soils rich in fertilizers and peat; constant watering is required. In spring, propagate by dividing the bush or sowing seeds. In winter, the above-ground part of the plant must be cut off.


Echinacea purpurea- a medicinal plant with large, beautiful flowers. Flowering period: from July to the end of September. The inflorescence is a basket, has pink or white petals, and the middle is dark brown. It is unpretentious in care: water only during drought; if the soil is good, it does not need fertilizer. Loves sunny places, can tolerate partial shade. For propagation, seeds or separated rhizomes are used. Planting can be done in spring and autumn. The seeds are sown in the fall, but their germination is poor. The rhizomes and aerial parts are used in medicine to prepare immunostimulating tinctures.

Echinacea purpurea

Astra perennial– a cold-resistant plant with star flowers. There are spring, summer and autumn varieties. The autumn flowering period is from September to November. Small flowers are densely located on the bush and have a bright, varied color. There are low-growing varieties (height 10 - 50 cm), medium-growing (height 50 - 100 cm) and tall varieties (100 - 160 cm). The following varieties of asters are classified as blooming in autumn:

Unpretentious flowers prefer sunny areas, moderate moisture and garden soils. They reproduce easily: by dividing the bush in the spring or from seeds. Sowing can be done either in open ground or in containers for planting seedlings.

  • flowering time;
  • bush height;
  • bush shape;
  • shape of inflorescences;
  • size of inflorescences.

Photo of garden chrysanthemum

The flowering period may vary depending on the species. Early types of perennials bloom from June to September, later ones - from September to December. The color of the flowers is all shades of red, yellow, white, purple, as well as their combination. For planting, you need to choose sunny places, without stagnant moisture, with good drainage, fertile soil fertilized with organic matter. It is good to water in the heat and during the formation of buds. It is best to propagate chrysanthemums by dividing the bush in the spring. You can also propagate by layering and cuttings.

Thus, for successful cultivation perennial flowers in your flowerbed, you need to know the basic principles of care and propagation of these plants. Now you can decide for yourself which perennial flowers to plant in your dacha so that they bloom all summer, and our photo catalog will help you with this. Also, this manual will help you not to harm the flowers, not to be disappointed in floriculture, and also to create a corner of flower joy on your site, with your own hands.

It’s an amazing thing - in winter a person rejoices in the white robe of the earth, fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky, strong frost, but as soon as the first month of spring arrives, we suddenly feel how tired we are of the black and white winter picture! The body craves warmth and light, the eyes crave bright colors, and every spring the soul seems to emerge from its shell towards a renewed world that is being reborn to a new life.

The first flowers of spring in the forest and meadows

The first thawed patches have just appeared in the forest, and life invisible to the eye is already boiling on them - various larvae and insects have awakened in the earth, the earth itself is ready to accept into its bosom every living creature, every smallest blade of grass. And now, among the islands of porous snow, the boldest flowers begin to appear - snowdrops. We usually call all spring primroses snowdrops, although the true snowdrop - galanthus - is only one of the many types of spring primroses. This is the very first flower in spring, and it does not grow in all regions. The flower looks like a small white lantern on a thin stem. It can withstand temperatures down to -10 degrees. Only in such cold does it become fragile, like thin glass. But as soon as the sun comes out, galanthus comes to life.

Delicate snowdrops - awakening of nature

The Slavic legend says how one day the old woman Winter decided not to let Spring come to earth. The flowers drooped from fear, one snowdrop was not afraid and opened its petals. The sun saw him, warmed everything on earth with its warmth and cleared the way for the beautiful Spring. Since then, spring and snowdrops have been inseparable.

The first flowers of spring, which in many areas are also called snowdrops, are nothing more than dream grass, corydalis or lumbago. They say that once upon a time the leaves of the lumbago were so large and wide that Satan, who was expelled from paradise, could hide behind them. But the Archangel Michael, discovering his hiding place, threw an arrow at him. And the leaves of the dream grass remained shot through - cut into thin slices. The lumbago also blooms even at sub-zero temperatures. The whole secret of this, it turns out, is in the cup of the flower. She, like a concave mirror, collects into herself solar heat. And the temperature inside the cup is +8 degrees.

What other flowers appear first in spring?

A little later than the snowdrop, the sun-yellow spring adonis, or adonis, blooms. In some areas it is also called starodubka.

In Russian villages, spring is the time when poultry begins to hatch their chicks. At this time, it was strictly forbidden to bring home both adonis and dream grass; it was believed that these flowers could harm future bird offspring.

Spring has come, it's time to bloom. It's time for the air to be filled with spring aromas. Each flower looks at us as if it wants to say something. Perhaps if you listen carefully, you can understand what the flowers are saying?

Despite the fact that in almost every garden beautiful, bright varietal flowers and shrubs delight the eye, we cannot pass indifferently past their modest forest relatives. Surrounding ourselves with lush floral splendor, we lose the thread natural harmony. And simple forest flowers give it to us again. This is probably why many of us want to move a “piece of forest” to our site. And it is quite possible to do this, because wild plants, for the most part, are unpretentious. They are well adapted to their natural habitat. They do not need weeding, additional watering, or artificial pollination.

However, when planting forest flowers, one very important factor must be taken into account - their compatibility with new conditions. For example, if a tall bell, accustomed to shady, damp places, is planted in a sunny flowerbed, then in the first year it will become small, and after a year it may not bloom at all. And its neighbors marigold, wintergreen and whitewing can die immediately in such conditions. Also, not everyone tolerates loosening the soil well. Weeds around Lyuba bifolia should not be weeded out, but periodically cut short. But wild-growing bulbous plants are ok with weeding. Some flowers may not have enough space in a cramped flower bed, while others may become very large and difficult to get rid of. Therefore, before planting wild plants on your site, you need to study how they grow in their natural habitat.

Forest plants prefer moist soil with a large proportion of leaf soil. It is necessary to plan their planting so that the chosen location is as close as possible to their natural growing conditions. If the plant becomes larger every year, grows and blooms profusely, then these conditions are suitable for it.

Let's take a closer look at some of the green inhabitants of the forest.

In spring, there is still snow in the forest, and the first leaves and flowers can already be seen in the thawed patches. Represent such residents spring forest, like snowdrops, scilla, muscari, crocuses, lilies of the valley, violets, anemones are not necessary. They are well known to everyone; breeders have bred many decorative varieties these plants. In spring you can also find such forest flowers as dream grass, lungwort, marigold, ivy-shaped budra, fragrant violet, spring primrose, fragrant woodruff and many others. Let's get acquainted with some of the rarer guests of garden plots.


Noble liverwort (Hepatica nobilis)- Ranunculaceae family, small herbaceous perennial (5-15 cm). Flowering occurs in April, the color of the flowers varies from whitish to blue-violet. One flower does not fade for almost a week. The diameter of the corolla is 2-4 cm. The three-lobed leaves, in their shape, vaguely resemble the human liver (hence the name). The leaves remain under the snow all winter (they only fade a little). Numerous fluffy hairs on the bottom of the leaves and on the petioles help to retain heat and survive spring frosts. After flowering, a fruit with seeds about 8 mm in diameter is formed. It is odorless and attracts insects with its pollen. Most often this flower can be found in spruce forests. Therefore, it is suitable for the noble liverwort open place, at which the sun will be with early morning until 2 p.m. The soil needs to be loose, rich in humus. Is medicinal. This plant is often confused with snowdrop and blueberry.


Corydalis (Corydalis)- family Dymyanaceae, herbaceous plant 10-20 cm high. Leaves are dissected. Inflorescences are a dense brush. The flowers are sometimes white, but more often red-lilac or light purple. Flowering continues from April to June. Tuberous plant. Grows in mixed forests. Very resistant to frost, as well as pests and diseases. Prefers slightly acidic humus soils. It multiplies quickly and does not like stagnant water. Has many types.

Chistyak spring

Spring guillemot (Ficaria)- Ranunculaceae family, low perennial (10-30 cm). The hoof-shaped lacquer leaves are emerald green. The flowers are small bright yellow glossy stars. One of the first to bloom together with snowdrops. Looks like a small bouquet. It looks bright and delightful against the backdrop of the still bare earth. But it multiplies very quickly and can become a weed. By the time the seeds ripen, it becomes poisonous. Medicinal plant.

Summer flowers

In summer, flowers in the forest surprise with their diversity. These are gentian, cornflower, wild bergenia, Veronica officinalis, bluebells, forget-me-nots, cornflowers, lunaria, common sorrel, wild poppy and many others. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Fireweed or fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium L.)- Onagricaceae family. The stem of fireweed is erect with lanceolate leaves, growing from 50 cm to 2 m. The inflorescence is a brush of large pinkish-crimson flowers that bloom gradually from bottom to top. Flowering occurs in the second half of summer and lasts approximately 30 days. Grows in forests, on the edges, fires, clearings, and slopes of ravines. Unpretentious, frost-resistant. The rhizome grows very strongly, so it needs to be thinned out before the seeds ripen. Amazing honey plant. It has a lot of useful medicinal properties.

Kupena or Solomon's seal (Polygonatum multiflorum)- Liliaceae family, a herbaceous plant with a curved stem 60-70 cm. Oval leaves (10-12 cm) are located on the stem in symmetrical pairs. The axillary flowers are whitish-cream in shape and resemble elongated bells up to 1.5 cm. They have practically no smell. Kupena vaguely resembles a large lily of the valley. Blooms in early June. Then, in place of the flowers, black berries are formed. Every year the shoot dies. Kupena is unpretentious, but does not like dry places. The wild plant can be propagated locally by dividing the rhizome. Poisonous. Has medicinal properties. Grows in deciduous-spruce forests.

Blue or azure cyanosis (Polemónium caeruleum)- family Sinyukhova. The stem is erect, from 40 cm to 1 m. The leaves are oblong, imparipinnate. Blooms in June-July. The inflorescence is a panicle of beautiful blue flowers. After flowering, the plant does not look decorative; it is recommended to cut it off immediately. After cutting, it quickly recovers and becomes attractive again. Blueberry is winter-hardy and unpretentious, but loves low-lying areas where it is close groundwater. In nature it grows in forest-steppe zones in damp places. Has medicinal properties.


Meadowsweet or meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)- family Rosaceae, has an erect stem reaching two meters. The large, dark green, three-lobed leaves are pubescent underneath. When rubbed, they emit a characteristic cucumber smell. The inflorescence is an erect panicle of many small white-pink or pale yellow flowers. Blooms in mid-summer. Has a very strong aroma. The thick, creeping rhizome forms new shoots by August. Meadowsweet is a cold-resistant and moisture-loving plant. Distributed in forests and forest-steppes, in damp places. Excellent honey plant. It is a medicinal plant.

Among spring primroses, the leading position is occupied, without a doubt, by bulbous flowers. And this is well deserved. After all…

Autumn flowers

In the autumn forest, which is full of bright colors, the flowers become less flashy and not so noticeable; they also bloom in the fall, but in a special way, more modestly. What flowers can be found in the forest in autumn? These are mainly summer autumn flowers that continue to bloom, gentian, meadow greenweed, cornflower, clover, cinquefoil, oak grass, tsmin, umbrella hawkweed, autumn kulbab, black cohosh and others.

At the beginning of autumn in the forest we are pleased with the flowers of oregano, goldenrod, bellflower, and violets saying goodbye to summer.

Oregano or oregano (Origanum vulgaris L.)- Lamiaceae family, small perennial (30 to 80 cm). Small two-lipped flowers are collected in oval spikelets, which are collected into panicles at the end of the branches. The color of the flowers is pinkish-purple, less often white. Blooms all summer and early autumn. In August the seeds begin to ripen. The plant is cold-resistant, undemanding, but does not grow well in heavy acidic soils. Light-loving. Very widespread. It grows in the steppes, in clearings and forest edges, on the slopes of ravines. Loves pine and aspen forest areas. It has a strong pleasant aroma and bitter-spicy taste. It is a medicinal plant and is used in cooking as a spice. It is used in the design of mixborders, rockeries, and ridges.


Common goldenrod or goldenrod (Compositae)- family Asteraceae, perennial with reddish stems from 40 cm to 1 m. Oblong-oval leaves with small teeth along the edge. Paniculate inflorescences are collected from baskets, which, in turn, consist of small yellow flowers. From the second half of summer until the end of September they bloom. It grows in forests, on the slopes of ravines, on forest edges, clearings, and clearings. Unpretentious. Sometimes requires a garter. If you want to avoid self-seeding, you should cut it off immediately after flowering. Goldenrod is also suitable for flower beds and mixed borders.

Twisted bell

Twisted or assembled bell (Campanula glomerata L.)- family Campanulaceae, perennial up to half a meter high. It has lanceolate wide leaves. The capitate inflorescences resemble small bouquets consisting of small blue-violet bells (sometimes white). Blooms all summer and early autumn. Unpretentious. It grows on the edges and clearings in the forest, as well as among bushes. Medicinal plant. In landscape design they are used for planting under trees, in gardens, natural gardens and for cutting.

Violet tricolor

Tricolor violet or pansy (Viola tricolor L.) and field violet (V. arvensis Murr.)- Violet family, annual and biennial herbaceous plants with an erect, slightly ribbed stem 10-45 cm. The leaves, jagged along the edges, are ovoid in shape. The flowers are single, irregular, consisting of 5 petals, located on a long stalk. The tricolor violet has a long corolla. The upper two petals are purple or dark blue, the two lateral ones are the same color, only lighter, and the lower large petal with a spur is light yellow (maybe with a purple edge). But the field violet has a short corolla and smaller flowers. They also differ in color. The field violet has white upper petals, and the middle and lower petals are bright yellow. Violets bloom from May to early October. It is found everywhere on the edges and clearings of the forest, in forest belts, and also along roads. Violet is undemanding and frost-resistant. Prefers neutral soils. Doesn't like fertilizer with fresh manure! Caring for wild violets is the same as caring for its decorative varieties. It is a medicinal plant.

But there are flowers in the forest that bloom in autumn, these are autumn colchicums. The name itself suggests that it blooms at the wrong time, unlike all its bulbous counterparts. He confused spring with autumn.

Autumn colchicum

Colchicum autumnale (Colhicum autumnale)- Liliaceae family, bulbous plant about 10 cm. The aboveground stem is erect, rounded. Three or four wide-lanceolate leaves are collected in a rosette around the fruit; in mid-summer they die, and with the onset of cold weather large flowers up to 25 cm, similar to crocuses, appear. Flower color ranges from white to purple. Blooms in the first half of autumn. In nature, it is found in wet flooded meadows, along rivers and streams. Colchicum - unpretentious plant. In the fall, it will be able to decorate the area, and it will stand in a vase for about 5 days. You just need to remember that the entire plant is poisonous. You need to wear gloves and take precautions when working with it.

Non-flowering forest plants

Walking through the forest, you suddenly catch your eye on a plant that doesn’t stand out for its flowering, but still has some special appeal. After all, not only the delicate charm of forest flowers, but also beautiful or unusual leaves make wild plants very decorative.

Cuff (Alchemilla)- family Rosaceae, creeping perennial (15-60 cm). The cuff has unremarkable flowers, they are small, collected in inflorescences, false umbrellas, of an inexpressive greenish-yellow hue. Blooms from May to late summer. But the main advantage of this plant is its leaves. They are light green, rounded, fan-shaped, pubescent, with slightly concave lobes. Thanks to the pubescence, dew droplets linger on the leaves. In the light of the first rays of the morning sun it looks simply amazing! The plant is unpretentious, but loves moist soil. It self-sows well, so it is necessary to immediately cut off dry flower stalks. It successfully coexists with tall plants (bells, delphiniums, etc.). Small ones should not be planted near the cuff. low growing plants(more about which you can find out), growing, it can simply close them. The cuff is good on alpine slides and as a curb. In the wild it is found in ravines, forest edges, banks of reservoirs and wet meadows.

Ferns and horsetails will give your garden a unique, pristine atmosphere. These ancient representatives of the plant world have interesting and lush foliage. There are many species of them growing in our forests.

Kochedyzhnik (Athyrium)- This genus includes approximately 200 species of ferns. There are 12 species found in our area. These are large ferns up to 1 m, growing mainly in forests. Leaves with short petioles, pinnately dissected, covered with brownish scales. Very widespread in humid forests and can form entire thickets. Reproduces intensively by spores. Considered poisonous. It likes moist, shady places and is often planted near artificial ponds.

Common bracken (Pteridium oquilinum)- a perennial fern plant up to 1 meter high, branch width with leaves up to 70 cm. Cirrus or pinnately cut, lanceolate leaves are blunt at the ends, located on long petioles, dense. They have a peculiar smell. It does not grow as a bush, the leaves are arranged singly and are connected underground by a rhizome. Reproduces by spores. It grows most often in oak and pine forests. Unpretentious. It is considered poisonous, although it is used as food by the peoples of the Far East.

Horsetail- a herbaceous perennial spore plant that has an interesting texture. It has hard branched green segmented shoots 30-60 cm and cone-like spore-bearing spikelets. Often found in forests and swampy areas. Some types of horsetails are used in landscape design.

Forest shrubs

There are quite a few in our forests beautiful bushes, you just have to take a closer look. Here the hazel has hung its beautiful long catkins, wild species of willow are greeting spring with fluffy “seals”, wolf's bast, euonymus, honeysuckle, dogwood, brittle buckthorn, and privet are delighting with flowers and decorative fruits. Beautiful and useful black elderberry, hawthorn and blackthorn. You can't count them all.

Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra)- This shrub is found everywhere in the wild. Its height is 6-10 m, the leaves are large and slightly shiny. In May it is covered with fragrant whitish-cream umbels of inflorescences. And as autumn approaches, the flower umbrellas turn into clusters of black berries. This unpretentious shrub causes trouble on the site due to its active reproduction. However, this is not a reason to refuse this nice and very useful medicinal plant.


Hawthorn (Crataegus)- tall bush, Rosaceae family. Has many types. This plant remains decorative for almost the entire warm season. At first the bush pleases the eye with beautiful white flowers, and in the fall it bursts into red-orange clusters. healthy berries. The color of the fruit can range from light orange to black. A very undemanding and strong plant. Beautiful in hedges, thorny branches will make such a barrier impassable. It also looks decorative alone on the edges.

Thorn or blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.)- branched thorny shrub from 1.5 to 4 m, from the Rosaceae family. Oblong-oval leaves with toothed edges. In the spring it is covered with small white five-petaled flowers, and in the fall in their place black and bluish fruits appear, reminiscent of small cream. Sweet and sour in taste, they have a slight tartness. Medicinal plant. In the wild it grows in the forest-steppe zone. Unpretentious.

Forest plants in landscape design

We can “invite” many forest guests to our garden plot. Growing in harsh wild conditions, in well-kept garden they can reveal all their potential. It is best, of course, to use plants from your area.

Some forest flowers are suitable for a Moorish lawn: cornflower, bluebells, wild poppy, forget-me-nots. In a shady area you can plant ferns, horsetail, and rosemary; they will give this part of the garden a touch of mystery and peace.

Liverworts will decorate rocky hills in a group with small bulbous primroses. Marigold, fireweed, and meadowsweet will look great on the shore of an artificial reservoir. Blueberry will decorate any flower bed. Oregano can be used for mixborders and borders.

Most shrubs are suitable for creating hedges and perform well when planted alone. The cuff will make a wonderful border.

Nowadays, such a trend in landscape design as “natural garden” or “eco-style garden” is coming into fashion. The basis of this style is the recreation of garden plot corner of wild nature. Of course, everything should be done as naturally as possible. For this purpose they are used wonderful plants our forests, which are in perfect harmony with the inner world of man.