home · Lighting · Common bean grass. Bobovnik (Laburnum) planting and care in the Moscow region, propagation. Garden decorations and other uses

Common bean grass. Bobovnik (Laburnum) planting and care in the Moscow region, propagation. Garden decorations and other uses

Bobovnik is ornamental plant, attracting attention with its lush bright yellow long inflorescences. It is no coincidence that people also call it “Golden Rain”. Bobovnik begins to bloom in May and delights with its unusual inflorescences and pleasant aroma emanating from the flowers throughout the month.

Botanical description of Bobovnik

Legume (Laburnum) or Broom belongs to the Legume family. Its homeland is the Caucasus, Crimea, and Central Asia, but with proper care, Bobovnik can grow in temperate climates. This is a deciduous shrub or a low-branched tree, which, depending on conditions, grows from 4 to 9 meters in height, and the crown width is 3-4 meters. Young shoots have dark green color, they are pubescent, drooping.

The leaves of Bobovnik are entire, with a wedge-shaped base. The leaf blades are bare on top, but on the reverse side at the beginning of the growing season they are velvety, silvery in color, and in the summer they acquire a bluish-green hue. The leaves are trifoliate, 3-7 cm long, one leaflet is 3-8 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, elliptic-lanceolate or obovate in shape.

Bobovnik flowers are shaped like a moth. They are bisexual, have 5 yellow petals and a two-lipped calyx. Flowers are collected in long drooping racemes. The length of the inflorescence is 15-25 cm.

The fruit is a bean in which the seeds ripen. One fruit may contain 2-7 dark brown seeds, which ripen in September-October.

Bobovnik grows in one place for about 20 years.

Attention! All parts of the bean plant are poisonous, so it is necessary to plant it in such a way that it is not accessible to small children, as well as pets who may taste the leaves or flowers of the plant. When replanting or pruning, you must use gloves so that the poisonous sap of the plant does not get on your skin.

Types of Bobovnik

Three types of Bobovnik are known:

Alpine bean (Laburnum alpinum)

The peculiarity of this species is that the bush grows up to 12 meters in height. The inflorescences are also large. Their length reaches up to half a meter. Unlike its relatives, this species is quite frost-resistant.

Laburnum Anagyroides

In size it is noticeably inferior to Alpine Bobovnik, but no less beautiful. During flowering it has a delicate scent. Well tolerated winter frosts. Suitable for growing in park areas and gardens. The leaves of Anagyroleaf Bobovnik have a bluish-green tint. They are trifoliate and silky to the touch. The flowers are bright yellow, moth-like, with red streaks on the sail. They are collected in long (up to 30 cm) drooping brushes.

Watereri (Laburnum x Watereri)

A hybrid form created on the basis of the two previous types. It combines all the advantages of Alpine and Anagyroleaf Bobovnik. The shrub is decoratively attractive, blooms beautifully (it can bloom twice during the season), and has a pleasant aroma. The height of the bush is 8 meters.

Planting Bobovnik in open ground

In order for Bobovnik to delight with its lush, unusually beautiful flowering, it is necessary to approach its planting with all responsibility. First of all, you need to choose the right place for growing and prepare the soil.

Since Bobovnik is heat-loving, it must be planted in a sunny, bright area, but at the same time protected from wind and drafts, of which Bobovnik is very afraid. In the shade, the plant will bloom poorly, and the wind can cause a lack of flowering. The soil must be drained, with high content lime

You can grow Bobovnik by seeds, but this will be a long process, or by seedlings, which can be purchased at a specialized store. In this case, soon you will be able to admire the beauty of the bush.

Having chosen the necessary place for growing Bobovnik, a planting hole is prepared. It should be spacious, twice the volume of the container in which the seedling was grown. The bush is carefully removed from the container, the roots are straightened, and the soil is cleared. After this, the plant is placed in landing hole and sprinkled with prepared soil ( garden soil+ compost + a little lime). To young plant If it doesn't break due to the wind, it needs to be tied to a support. The space around the seedling should be sprinkled with mulch and watered.

It is best to purchase small seedlings - they quickly adapt to new conditions. Until the bush finally gets stronger, it should be covered for the winter.

Bobovnik begins to bloom in May and delights with its unusual inflorescences and pleasant aroma

Bobovnik is a capricious plant, but if it is provided with proper care, unpleasant moments can be avoided. The main thing is to comply with the following requirements:

Watering. The bean plant does not particularly need watering, so it should not be frequent, only when necessary. In addition, if the soil is waterlogged, this will contribute to rotting of the root system and the development of various fungal diseases.

Feeding. Bobovnik needs nutrients. They can be provided if the soil contains humus, compost, and lime. The plant does not tolerate acidic soil well. It is recommended to feed the bush from the second year of its development. Fertilizers such as superphosphate and potassium fertilizers are good (especially during the flowering phase).

Loosening. When the plant is in the stage active growth, it needs not only nutrients, but also sufficient oxygen access to the root system, and therefore loose soil is a prerequisite. It needs to be loosened at least 2 times a month. Loosening must be done very carefully so as not to damage root system, which is located close to the surface of the earth.

Trimming. So that the bush has beautiful shape, it must be trimmed regularly. This procedure is carried out from late August to late autumn. This will prevent the loss of plant juices. Diseased, dead shoots should be trimmed with pruning shears, not reaching the living tissue of the bush. It is also recommended to remove faded brushes.

Pests. Bobovnik is a poisonous plant; it releases toxic substances that have a detrimental effect on harmful insects, and therefore the plant is resistant to pests.

Diseases. The plant may be affected by powdery mildew. If signs of disease are detected, the bush is sprayed with a fungicide solution.

The main difference between the bean plant and others ornamental trees– large drooping brushes yellow flowers(sometimes they have pink or white shades). Flowering brushes reach half a meter and exude a delicate aroma. At proper care The flowering of the tree begins in late spring and lasts about a month. At the end of flowering, seeds are set. These are quite large beans, with the help of which the tree conquers new territories. Bobovnik reproduces well by self-sowing. In the photo, bean flowers look like a flock of bright, light-winged butterflies. Recommendations for proper cultivation crops and planting dates in open ground will be discussed in detail in this article.

Three varieties of beans

The distribution area of ​​broom in nature is limited to the southern regions of Europe. Growing bean is possible in the Crimea and the Caucasus; the tree is also common in Central Asia.

IN middle lane the bean will need additional shelter for the winter

A cascade of fragrant flowers makes the bean plant a very attractive plant for decorating private gardens and parks. The plant is increasingly being cultivated garden plots. Broom is ideal for planting next to lilac wisteria, different types honeysuckle and hops.

The genus Laburnum (legume family) is notable for its small numbers - only three species of trees are known in cultivation:

Bobovnik: planting and care (follow simple rules)

It should be noted that growing an unpretentious crop is not particularly difficult. When planting laburnum, you need to choose a sunny place with permeable soil. If there is insufficient sunlight, flowering is delayed or does not occur at all.

Important! The plant does not withstand stagnation of water at the roots; it develops well on poor, calcareous soils without excessive addition of organic matter.

When planting broom, protection from the wind should be provided. It is preferable to plant plants in the garden in groups, so they can withstand winter more easily and bloom more profusely. Best time for planting crops - early spring, immediately after the snow melts.

Plant the plant so that it is protected from the wind

To plant laburnum seedlings, holes should be prepared in advance. Fresh humus soil with the addition of lime is added to the bottom of the holes. The seedling is placed in a hole, a support trunk is dug in with it, and it is tied to it. young tree. The tree trunk circle is mulched with bark, peat, moss or a special film to retain moisture.

After flowering, caring for the plant comes down to removing faded flowers and timely watering.

Important! Removing weeds around the plant should be done with great care. The bean plant has an extensive system of surface roots, which are easily damaged by careless loosening.

Special care should be taken for broom in winter. If the branches are frozen, the flowering of the plant will not be as amazing and beautiful as in the photo. In the central and northern regions of Russia, the bean tree must be covered for the winter. During heavy snowfalls, the branches of the plant break from the heavy weight of the snow, so it is necessary to shake the snow off the branches. In the northern regions, in winter the main trunk of the plant should be insulated, protecting it from frost.

Bean pruning

In the spring, dead branches are cut out from the plant; young plants can be pruned to form a crown.

The main fertilizing is applied under the lagurnum twice a year. In spring the plant is fed nitrogen fertilizers, which stimulates the regrowth of green mass. Before the plants go into dormancy, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are applied.

Successful reproduction

For successful reproduction All known methods are suitable for culture:

  • cuttings;
  • seed method;
  • propagation by layering;
  • graft;
  • dividing the bush.

Bean cuttings

The main method of propagation of broom is by sowing seeds.

Advice! The bean shell is very durable and strong; before sowing, it is sawed off or treated with emery cloth.

Seeds are not subject to long-term storage, they should be sown immediately after harvest. Seeds are placed in pre-prepared furrows, lightly sprinkled with soil. When sowing, the beans are embedded in the soil to a depth of 1 cm. Self-seeding often forms around an adult bush. These seedlings can be used for planting. Flowering in this case will occur in 5-6 years.

Vegetative propagation of the crop by layering occurs according to the classical scheme: a tree branch is bent to the ground, pinned and covered with soil. Within a year, bean cuttings turn into a strong tree, which is planted on permanent place in the spring.

Bean seeds

Propagation of beanweed by cuttings is used for hybrid varieties that better preserve their decorative qualities. Cuttings are cut from the tree, leaving at least 3 live buds on them. Planting is carried out in greenhouses, in light soil, providing the cuttings with uniform watering. Young plants develop very quickly. A year later they are planted in the ground.

Dividing overgrown bushes is suitable for propagating the variety, but adult plants have difficulty withstanding such an operation.

Pests and diseases of beans

In hot and humid weather, bean bushes are often affected by powdery mildew. Powdery plaque appears on the leaves of the plant on both sides, gradually the leaf dries and falls off. Bare bushes are not decorative at all, so at the first signs of the disease it is necessary to treat the plant with special means.

Systemic fungicides for the treatment of powdery mildew are used in the dosage specified by the manufacturer.

Monitor the health of the plant: take measures to prevent diseases

At the first signs of powdery mildew, stop spraying the bean leaves with water.

Pests do not particularly bother the plant. All parts of the bean plant are very poisonous, especially the ripe seeds - they contain greatest number toxic substances.

Advice! When transplanting, pruning, or cutting bean plants, you should use protective gloves, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, being careful not to get the plant juice on the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth.

Bean flowering: video

Bobovnik: photo

Bobovnik is a representative of the Legume family in the form of a deciduous tree. Its homeland is the Mediterranean and Central Europe. Gardeners often call cultivated forms garden bean, but this is not a specific variety, but a general popular name.

The bean plant has dense golden inflorescences, they bloom along with the foliage and look like Sun rays or golden streams of rain that penetrate the branches. Bobovnik is planted in entire alleys in city parks on different continents. By following the rules of care, you can grow beans in your garden.

Description of the bean plant

Bobovnik (laburnum) is a deciduous tree or spreading shrub up to 7 m tall. Light brown mottled bark covers the woody shoots. Often a tree can consist of several trunks. The crown is oval, consisting of cascading weeping branches. In early April, foliage emerges from the oval brown buds.

The branches are quickly covered with trifoliate leaves of bright green color. The leaves have a silvery, sparse pile underneath. The color of the leaves becomes darker and more saturated by mid-summer. The leaf blade is oval with smooth edges and pointed ends, attached to an erect, long petiole. The leaf length is 15-25 cm.

How the bean blooms

By mid-May, dense racemose inflorescences bloom on flexible long peduncles (20-50 cm). The flowers emit a sweet, intoxicating aroma, attracting insects to collect nectar. It blooms very profusely. Yellow flowers have a characteristic shape for the Legume family, resembling moths. One wide petal, covered at the base with reddish strokes, curls over a keeled lip, consisting of lower fused petals. The bean tree blooms from two weeks to 20 days.

After pollination by insects, brown beans covered with silky pubescence will begin to ripen. The beans are up to 8 cm long.

If you decide to have a bean plant in your garden, remember that it is poisonous and it is in fruits that the largest amount of toxins is found. It is not recommended to plant this plant if there are small children in the family: even a couple of seeds eaten by them can be fatal.

How to plant and care for beans

Selecting a location

Choose sunny conditions for the heat-loving bean plant open place. It can develop normally in partial shade. For planting, make a spacious hole. Be sure to place a good thick one at the bottom drainage layer. Do not deepen the seedling too much. Young flexible shoots are best tied to strong support so that they do not lean in different directions and break.

Soil and watering

For this, choose nutritious, well-drained soil. Preferably choose alkaline soil, if the soil is acidic, alkalization will be required (you can add wood ash or a little lime, do this in the fall to prepare the soil for spring). Bobovnik has a negative attitude towards soil compaction and stagnant water. It is better to mulch the soil surface with moss or peat to prevent crust from appearing after watering.

The plant tolerates drought much better than excessive moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to water during periods of prolonged drought. Good watering required at the flowering stage.


During the period of active growth, the tree needs microelements. Use as a top dressing organic fertilizers. In spring, mulch the soil with compost. Several times a season, you can pour mullein solution under the root.


The bean plant practically does not need a forming agent. Even without human intervention, the falling shoots will take on a beautiful shape. You can remove some branches and frozen shoots in the spring. Do this in moderation to prevent your laburnum from getting sick. If possible, remove beans after flowering to prevent self-seeding and increase the tree's attractiveness.

Basically, bean branches are sloping, so in winter period a lot of snow accumulates on them. To prevent them from breaking under such weight, part of the snow mound must be shaken off.


If the weather is damp or the soil is overly moist, powdery mildew can attack the bean tree near the trunk. In this case, a grayish coating will appear on the branches and trunk. If you find such signs, improve the care conditions and treat with a fungicide. Due to its toxicity, the bean plant is not affected by pests.

How to cover a bean tree for the winter

Tender seedlings, the origin of which is unknown, are best protected in frosty winter conditions by covering them in the fall. Young trees are very flexible; they are carefully bent to the ground, covered with spruce branches and a good layer of autumn leaves. Cover the top with lutrasil and press down with stones to prevent it from being blown away by the wind.

Seedlings grown in local nurseries are immediately acclimatized and do not require additional shelter even in the conditions of the Moscow region.

Growing beans from seeds

The bean tree can reproduce by seeds and vegetative way. The seeds are viable for about three years, but it is better to use fresh ones.

  • The seeds do not need to be treated before sowing, but it is better to stratify them (keep them in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks before sowing, preferably mixed with damp soil or in damp gauze, wrapped in a bag).
  • Sow in loose, fertile soil.
  • You can sow laburum before winter, or immediately after a thaw in the spring.
  • The seeding depth is 1-2 cm, the distance between seeds is 10-15 cm.

  • The seedlings will not require special care and will develop well.
  • You can grow boletus from seedlings on a windowsill by sowing in February. The seedlings will need good lighting and moderate watering.
  • Carefully dig up the grown trees with a large ball of earth (or free them from seedling pots) and transplant them to a permanent place of growth.
  • Bean plants grown from seeds will begin to bloom in 4-5 years.

How to propagate bean grass vegetatively

Vegetative methods of propagation are the most successful. Varietal plants are recommended to be propagated vegetatively in order to preserve their unique differences. You can use the following methods:

  • Cuttings: in July-August, cut young shoots, root in loose soil in partial shade. Cover the cuttings with a cap until roots form and water carefully. Such plants will need shelter for the winter in the first year of life.
  • Grafting: varietal cuttings must be grafted onto a specific rootstock. Place the grafting site almost close to the ground.
  • Layerings: bend the lower shoot to the ground and cover with soil. In the place where the roots should appear, it is recommended to make several cuts on the bark. After about a month, roots will appear; the shoot can be cut off and planted separately.

Types of bean with photos and names

The bean genus consists of only two species, one hybrid tree and several varieties.

Laburnum anagyroides

It is also called “golden shower”. It is a bush or multi-stemmed tree about 6 m high. The inflorescences are about 30 cm long. Flowering will begin in May and last about a month. Able to withstand frost down to -20°C.

Alpine bean Laburnum alpinum

Tree up to 12 m high, spreading, oblong crown. Old branches and trunk are erect, the edges of the shoots droop. Yellow inflorescences 30-45 cm long bloom by the end of May. The plant itself can withstand temperatures down to -25°C, but the ends of the branches may freeze. The plant is common in southern Europe.

Decorative varieties are:

  • Pendula - with long, drooping shoots;
  • Aurea - in spring, young foliage has a golden tint, but gradually it acquires a rich green color;
  • Quercifolia – leaves of incised shape similar to oak leaves;
  • Automnale - bestows flowering not only in spring, but also in autumn.

Waterer's bean Laburnum x watereri (hybrid)

Laburnum x watereri ‘Vossii’ photo

Obtained as a result of crossing two previous species. It is a bush or tree 1-3 m high. Old erect shoots complete the drooping shoots. The leaves are petiolate and reach a length of 50 cm. The flowers exude an intense, pleasant aroma. Mainly grown in southern regions, because the plant is sensitive to frost.

Bobovnik in garden design

Bobovnik will become a real “golden” decoration of your garden. Plant individual trees individually in any area of ​​the garden. The gazebo, located under the spreading crown, will become an even more comfortable place to relax. Long liana-like shoots can be directed along the arch and other supports, creating a magical cascade or corridor.

The bean tree is suitable for proximity to, hawthorn, wisteria or. Lush greenery and bright inflorescences will stand out against the background coniferous plants dark green or bluish tones.

A plant that attracts gardeners and fits perfectly into any garden. - garden bean. In addition to the fact that there are interruptions in flowering, growing bean plants is a pleasure, since the plant is not capricious, develops quickly and recovers just as quickly. About, why doesn't the bean flower bloom? , as well as how to make garden beans bloom, you will learn in today’s article.

Features of growing garden bean?

The peculiarities of growing garden bean in general, and specifically the planting location, influence whether it will bloom. Bobovnik is grown mainly in warm countries. The plant is found in regions such as the Caucasus, Crimea, as well as in Central Asia, and is popular in Ukraine and the Baltic countries.

Land for planting beans:

  • High quality soil mixture ingredients;
  • Water permeable;
  • Not prone to moisture accumulation;
  • Poor/limed soil;

The location of the bean plant in the garden is determined by more than half of the future flowering of the plant.

Place for planting beans in the garden:

  • Sunny place;
  • Open landing area;
  • Protected from wind/draft;
  • Semi-shaded area;
  • Planting on the south side of the house/any buildings;

Lack of lighting has a negative impact on garden bean: firstly, the plant develops slowly and intermittently, and secondly, in an unlit area its leaves fall off or there is weak flowering.

The reasons why bean plants do not bloom in the garden can be varied. Of course, based on the data provided, suspicion immediately arises that the planting site was chosen incorrectly, but there are other criteria that affect the flowering of garden bean.

About an incorrectly chosen landing site and insufficient lighting It has already been said earlier - we suggest that you read the first part of the article, but other reasons for the lack of flowering of the bean tree need to be considered in more detail.

As mentioned earlier, garden bean prefers planting in poor soil mixture. As for the pH level, then increased acidity soil - is not among the preferences of the garden bean, but well-limed soil has a beneficial effect on flowering.

The bean tree does not bloom if it is flooded. The plant can withstand prolonged drought without problems, but the soil trunk circle definitely necessary mulch . For mulching, for example, compost is suitable, which performs two functions simultaneously: it retains moisture and saturates it with nutrients.

In winter, from the area where the garden bean grows, regularly removing snow. A similar procedure is carried out if precipitation remains on the branches - they can break under the weight of snow and cause damage to the future flowering of the bean tree, depriving it of fruitful branches.

Diseases of bean grass

Plant affected by powdery mildew when the weather is humid and warm. To treat bean diseases, they resort to a multi-stage plan, which begins with prevention. After mandatory protection or during the onset of the disease, the leaves and soil are treated fungicides , helping to overcome powdery mildew on the site and return to the previous beautiful bloom bobovnik

Many gardeners and simply owners of garden plots are wondering what plants are best to grow in their garden in order to decorate the garden, and spend less on it, and invest a little work. There are many plants to offer, but the bean plant is not only ideal for decorating a garden and yard. Where can I get it and how to care for it? Let's try to figure it out together.

Description of appearance

This small deciduous tree or shrub has trifoliate leaves, smooth above and slightly velvety below, and belongs to the legume family.

The plant sometimes grows up to 7 m in height. It has a funnel-shaped, loose crown and sometimes several trunks, somewhat reminiscent of broom. The trunks are grayish-green or light brown in color, wrinkled in appearance.
The perennial blooms in the spring, when there is no longer any danger of frost. This is around May. Its bright yellow inflorescences, composed of moth-type flowers, sometimes reach up to 50 cm, and the bean tree sometimes blooms for about a month. Long brushes resemble golden threads of rain. It is for this similarity that the bean plant (laburnum) received the name: “golden rain”. When it blooms, everything in the yard looks festive, and the delicate aroma of flowers adds romance to the garden. After flowering, graceful linear bean pods with fruits are formed. The Latin name laburnum means trefoil bean.


The main feature of the plant is that, despite its beauty, it is absolutely unpretentious, but it can still be difficult to grow. Bobovnik is an excellent honey plant. After flowering, it is advisable to cut off the branches of the inflorescences. Such actions improve decorative look trees. In addition, after such pruning it blooms better for next spring.
The bean plant is cultivated in the southern regions of the Crimea, Central Asia, the Caucasus, southern Ukraine and Europe, from where it came to us. In the north and in temperate latitudes it grows rarely, develops difficultly, and often freezes out completely or partially. Because in northern latitudes it is usually grown in botanical gardens or greenhouses.


There are several types of golden shower: anagyrofolia, alpine, norwegian and hybrid.
Bobovnik anagyrofolia is a tree up to 7 m tall, and sometimes higher. This type of bean is the most popular. The inflorescences, as a rule, are about 30 cm long. About ten varieties of this plant have been bred. There are plants:

  • with weeping branches;
  • with leaves emerging from golden-hued buds that turn green in summer;
  • shrub with loose branches and red bell-shaped flowers;
  • with pink flowers on racemes and light leaves;
  • with leaves similar to oak in shape and color.

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Alpine bean species can reach a height of 12 meters, and during flowering its brushes can be up to 45-50 cm. It usually grows in the southern regions. The plant form is predominantly shrubby. The flowers do not have a characteristic aroma. Its seeds are bare, and the leaves on the stems have light shade. The perennial is more resistant to frost and freezes less often.

Norwegian golden shower It blooms with yellow, bright red or brown flowers that have almost no scent. It refers to hybrid varieties. Its leaves are more distinguished by lighter shades.

Hybrid view broom is no different from the first two species, except for one thing: it always blooms twice - in spring and autumn. Among the hybrids, the Waterera variety also stands out , which was created in botanical garden, does not winter well, and therefore requires shelter from frost. Often after cold winter more than half of the plant freezes. Clusters of inflorescences, sometimes reaching 50 centimeters or more, emit a wonderful aroma. It grows poorly in the northern regions of Russia. For example, in the Moscow region, the plant does not grow more than 1 meter in height. Blooms in May. The fruits have a silky edge. Does not reproduce by seeds.

Soil for laburnum

The land where the golden shower is planted may be well fertilized, or it may be poor in lime. The main requirement for it: the soil should not be too moist. Because clay soils, poorly permeable to moisture, plants are not suitable for planting.

Landing location

Laburnum grows best in sunny places, but can develop normally in a semi-shaded place. The place intended for the plant should be well protected from the north wind.

In insufficient light, the plant blooms poorly and loses leaves.


Plants are planted in early spring, when the buds have not yet fully opened. Make a hole for planting twice as spacious as the lump of earth on the roots and mix the soil in the hole and the soil with which the tree will be filled with compost. Laburnum roots are doused with water. The roots are carefully straightened. A pole is placed in the hole, to which the trunk is tied, and the roots are filled in the hole. After planting the bean tree, the soil is lightly compacted and watered.

Features of cultivation

Laburnum is very heat-loving. It tolerates temperatures not lower than -26 C, so in severe frosts the plant can freeze. Young shoots are especially affected, but in severe frosts, old trunks often suffer as well. Therefore, plants in areas where frosts often occur must be protected from wind, snow and cold.
Growing it beautiful plant doesn't require a lot of hassle, but is average climatic zone this is difficult due to frequent frosts.
Despite its unpretentiousness, gardeners prefer to grow beans from seeds and plant them in calcium-rich soils or slightly acidic loam.
You shouldn't water it too often, but the soil needs to be loosened. You just need to remember that this perennial has roots close to the surface, so you need to be careful when loosening.
The roots must be covered for the winter, preferably with agro-canvas or a dense layer of peat or compost. In young plants, it is advisable to cover the stems, even where severe frosts can not be.
To strengthen the roots you need to mulch.

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The plant is easily propagated by seeds that ripen in the fall. Its seeds are quite large. They are sown immediately after harvest or in late autumn in loose soil. The depth of planting seeds should be approximately no more than a centimeter. Seeds sprout in early spring. But you can sow seeds in the spring if for some reason they were not planted. This can be done after the soil has thawed.
The bushes that grow from them bloom only at 5-6 years of age. But only anagyroid or alpine bean tree reproduces in this way. But hybrids do not reproduce in this way.

Is it possible to propagate the plant in other ways? Certainly. Gardeners often propagate golden rain by layering. In this case, the tree branch is tilted towards the ground and covered with earth, pressing down the branch. After a year, the twig becomes a small tree that has put down roots and branches.
This method of reproduction is not always suitable for hybrid species. They retain their qualities better when propagated by cuttings. Cuttings are cut in the spring so that there are three or more buds on a branch; the cuttings are stuck into loose soil in greenhouses or in pots. Planted branches should be watered evenly, but not too intensely. Cuttings are accepted quite quickly and the germination rate is almost one hundred percent.
You can also propagate the plant by dividing the bush, but this is possible for shrubby forms of the bean plant. This division is done in the autumn season before the winter cold sets in.


Golden shower is quite capricious to care for; there are many nuances that require attention. This is first and foremost climatic conditions: there should be no severe frosts. Blooms ideally only in the subtropics.
In winter, you need to cover the roots with several layers of agricultural canvas or peat, especially those plants that have not reached 4 years of age. Fallen snow should not lie on the branches; it must be shaken off.