home · Measurements · After transplanting the seedlings. We determine the timing of transplanting tomatoes. Useful tips for beginners and experienced gardeners. Transplanting pepper seedlings

After transplanting the seedlings. We determine the timing of transplanting tomatoes. Useful tips for beginners and experienced gardeners. Transplanting pepper seedlings

  • ​Water the prepared soil a little to make it moist. Lightly press the soil with your palm.​
  • ​Tall tomatoes, as well as peppers and eggplants are sown for seedlings at the end of February from the 20th to March 10.​
  • ​In each container with moistened soil, place 3-5 germinated seeds to a depth of no more than 1 cm, then water with a sprayer. Seedling care is standard.
  • ​The second step is to separate the plants. It is safe to use a toothpick. Try to touch the seedlings with your hands as little as possible, especially the leaves. There is no need to completely clear the soil of its roots - this way the plant will better tolerate replanting.​
  • ​If you sowed densely and the seedlings began to form unevenly in strength. In this case, picking will help to sort viable plants at an early stage.​
  • KakProsto.ru

Instructions for transplanting tomato seedlings into the ground

​If you are growing tomato seedlings at home, then all stages of the process are important, from selecting seeds to planting in the ground. However, the most responsible of them, according to qualified gardeners, is considered to be picking tomatoes.​

Disembarkation dates

​To preserve moisture, mulch the ground around the stem with peat.​

  • ​The distance between plants should be 30 cm. They may develop aerial roots, so you need to plant it, sprinkled with soil.​
  • ​There are general time frames for planting vegetables:​
  • Growing tomato seedlings has many subtleties: right choice seeds and their preparation, timely watering, fertilization. Transplanting seedlings into separate containers (diving) - important stage in caring for growing tomatoes. Improperly carried out picking can delay the development of plants for a week or more.​

​the appearance of a black fruit fly, the Drosophila, feeding on plant rot.​
​At a distance of 3 cm from each other, place the seeds on the ground, sprinkle very lightly with soil on top. And pat the plantings again with your palm.​

​Tomatoes that are planned to be transplanted into a greenhouse already in April are planted as seedlings in February on planting days. These are February 13, 14, 15 and 18, 2016.​

Scheme of planting in the ground

​When the plants sprout and grow a little, they need to be thinned out, leaving 2 of the most viable ones in each glass. At the same time, it is recommended not to tear out unsuccessful shoots, but to carefully cut them off.
​Picking may be accompanied by pinching off part of the central root, but at an early stage this root is so small and thin that in 90% of cases it will itself be damaged during the transplantation process, so at this stage shortening the root can be neglected. If you pinch off too much, the tomato will subsequently slow down its growth and will devote all its energy to restoring the root system. This works well when you have overgrown seedlings, but for “kids” it will become an unnecessary brake on their development.​

​It may happen that the soil you used to germinate the seeds contains pathogens, and your young plants will begin to get sick. Then the picking will become surgery to remove infected plants and transplant healthy ones into new soil. With this event you will save the rest of the seedlings and stop the disease at an early stage, because for great harvest Only strong plants are needed.​

  1. ​If this is your first time encountering the term “tomato picking”, then this process means shortening the main (tap) root of plants in order to stimulate the development of a branched root system in seedlings.​
  2. ​When tomatoes fall on permanent place, they need hardening. At home, the gardener carefully monitors the ambient temperature and lighting. After transplanting to open ground, it is impossible to regulate the temperature. It can rise to 30 degrees and fall to zero. The sun will burn all day, and then hide behind the clouds and not appear for a week. The vegetable grower must prepare the plants for such conditions. To do this, 10-12 days before transplanting into the garden, they begin to harden the vegetables, gradually reducing the temperature to 14-16 degrees.​
  3. ​Planting technology:​
  4. ​to the greenhouse - the first half of May;​
  5. ​Tomato seedlings, container for transplanting, soil, spatula, water.​

​The seedlings need to be transplanted to a larger place after 20 days, so that each plant has a space measuring 12 x 12 cm. This space will be enough for another 20 days. 45-day-old seedlings are planted in soil under film or in a polycarbonate greenhouse. When transplanting tomato seedlings, take the plant along with soil cubes so as not to damage the roots.​
​Now water well. And cover the top of the box with seedlings with glass or just a bag to create a greenhouse effect.​

​Early and mid-ripening tomato varieties are sown for seedlings in March, on favorable planting days. In 2016, tomato seedlings are planted on March 13th and 16th. It is possible to plant tomatoes during the waxing moon, which in 2016 lasts from March 10 to 22.​
​As tomato seedlings grow without picking, in order for the root system to form well, you need to gradually pour soil into the container. When picking, we deepened the plant when replanting, but here we use adding soil to the level of the leaves.​

Then we place each plant in a hole in a prepared container. It should be planted with a recess up to the cotyledon leaves themselves - this way you will stimulate the formation of a branched root system. We crush the soil around the plant a little.

Even if you have wonderful seedlings, but they have developed too early for planting in the ground (the seeds were sown early, the weather was bad, etc.), then picking can slow down the growth of plants. Overgrown tomato seedlings will be very painful to move to a permanent planting site.​
​Not all vegetables planted as seedlings, without exception, are recommended to be plucked, but in specific case for tomatoes this is necessary process, which, simultaneously with root processing, also includes transplanting vegetables into a separate container, more spacious than the one where the seeds sprouted.​

Subsequently it is lowered even more. In the last 4-6 landing days seedlings should be placed on an open windowsill or balcony. First for 2-3 hours, then for half a day, all day, then for a day, avoiding frost. Such an operation enhances the development of roots, improves the quality of the stem, inhibits overgrowth, and the leaves acquire an intense green color.​

Video “How to plant tomato seedlings”

​Dig a hole at such a depth that the entire vegetable fits there and can be sprinkled;​


​in open ground under a film cover - the third ten days of May;​

When they make a pick

​Replant tomato seedlings when the seedlings have two true leaves: approximately 7-10 days after germination. The timing of planting seedlings is often individual. Sometimes you need to wait a couple of days to allow small tomatoes to get stronger. For seedlings, select plastic pots or cups of yogurt or milk. The approximate dimensions of the pots should be: diameter 8-14 cm, height 10-16 cm. Fill all containers with the same nutritious soil, in which seedlings grow.​
​When growing seedlings in winter greenhouse, install LED lights for greenhouses.​

​Place the box in a warm, dark place.​

​In April there are several auspicious days, when you can plant tomatoes as seedlings, if you have not already done so. In this case, choose sowing of superdeterminate seedlings low-growing varieties and hybrids for open ground, ultra varieties or cherry tomatoes. Better days for planting tomatoes in April on the 8th, 9th and 14th.​

​In the future, you will need to leave only one plant in each pot. If the seedlings turn out to be strong, there is no need to throw away the extra bush - transplant it into a separate container and let it develop further.​

  • Immediately after picking, the tomato bushes need to be watered. Repeated picking of tomato bushes is carried out if there are 2 true leaves in a large container or if there is not enough space - in the same boxes, only with replacement of the soil and a row spacing of at least 15 cm. The process is similar to that described above. Grown tomatoes also go deeper into the ground up to the initial leaves. A tool for forming holes for tomato seedlings.​
  • ​Gardeners recommend using lunar calendar to determine the best time to pick tomato bushes. Now let's directly look at the main process of how to pick tomatoes correctly. Watering tomato seedlings before picking.​
  • ​The first time you can pick tomatoes is when the first 2 leaves have developed well on the plant - usually around 7-10 days after the seeds germinate. Professionals recommend using the lunar calendar when growing and picking tomatoes. The calendar will tell you exactly when to carry out certain procedures.​
  • ​Due to the slow decrease in temperature due to exposure to direct sunlight, the winds are rearranged physiological processes, the plant becomes resistant to unusual and often unfavorable spring conditions. Well-hardened vegetables can easily withstand bad weather and quickly take root.​
  • ​Remove the plant from the pot without disturbing root system;​

How to dive correctly

​in open ground- second ten days of June.​

​Now proceed directly to the transplant. First, make a selection: leave only strong and promising seedlings. Take out the plant with a lump of earth, so it will quickly take root in a new place. Try not to touch the leaves and stem with your hands, even if you are wearing gloves. Make a hole in a new pot and transfer the seedling into it. Immerse the tomato in the ground up to the cotyledon leaves. After transplanting, compact the soil around the seedling. Then perform a kind of hardening procedure: water the plant cold water.​

​At the same time, do not forget that seedlings are already a plant. And you need to treat it like an adult plant; if you give it little light or space, then the tomato seedlings will not grow well. From bad seedlings will not work good plant. It won’t catch up and won’t replenish, it will only pretend, but in reality it won’t give half the harvest.​

​After a couple of days, when the tomato sprouts appear, remove the film and place the box in a bright place.​
​Large, vigorously growing varieties of tomatoes, such as Russian Size, Pink Giant, Bull's Heart, are usually late-ripening, so they need to be planted in the third decade of February.​

​A video about how and when to plant tomato seedlings correctly.​

Although picking is not the most labor-intensive process, some gardeners do without it completely. Growing tomatoes at home without picking is quite possible, and the seedlings turn out no worse than picked ones.​

​The famous vegetable grower Alexander Ganichkin recommends watering the seedlings generously a few hours before the start of the process to make your work easier and to increase the elasticity of the plants. Watering earlier, as just before transplanting, will not be correct. In the first case, the earth will be dry, and the root can be damaged when extracted, and in the second case, clods of earth will stick, and there will be a high probability that the stem will break. Such options are not suitable for us, so we water, wait 2-3 hours and proceed.

​Early picking will help each plant develop into a strong bush, but at this stage you should handle the seedlings very carefully, avoiding breaking the stem. The root system of a “baby” is 10 times smaller than that of an “adult” tomato, so the seedlings develop normally in the box for some time. If you did not have time to prepare to transplant each bush into a separate container, then you can use the box again, but maintaining a planting interval of 7-10 cm so that the tomatoes receive enough light and nutrients.​

​Beginner gardeners are faced with the problem of transplanting elongated plants into permanent soil. They require a different transplant than regular ones. Such vegetables should not be planted in holes, but in trenches that need to be dug from north to south with a depth usual for tomatoes. Then the dug trench must be watered. While the ground is moistening, remove the first 4 leaves that are above the ground. Overgrowths should be planted horizontally - roots will soon form on the stems.​

​Lower the seedling into the hole straight or at an angle of 45 degrees if aerial roots have formed on the stem or the plant has outgrown;​
​First of all, they depend on the region of residence, climatic conditions, the area where the tomatoes will grow, the greenhouse is so equipped, the gardener’s ability to quickly respond to temperature changes (for example, during sudden frosts). Remember the main thing - at the slightest frost, the seedlings die. If the temperature stays below 5 degrees for several days, the plants may be sick for a long time. Terrible for tomatoes sunburn And strong wind. If your climate zone characterized by similar synoptic indicators, then the seedlings should be protected from their influence with non-woven covering materials or branches (they need to be stuck around the vegetables). They will provide shade. Only after the heat has subsided can they be opened. ​

Place the pots with transplanted tomatoes in a permanent place. It is desirable that it be sunny. If everything is done correctly, the speed of plant development will hardly slow down. Carefully examine the tomato seedlings a week after transplanting. Most likely she has already adapted and even grown up. In this case, repeat the hardening procedure. If you notice that the seedlings tend to overgrow, harden them with cold water more often. Seedlings should not bloom in pots. This reduces the amount of harvest. Solar hardening of seedlings serves as preparation for transplanting into the ground. First, place the plants under straight lines. Sun rays for 30-60 minutes per day. Then increase this time.​

Good seedlings a tomato is when a plant grows without interference, in an open sunny place, with sufficient warmth, nutrition and moisture. The main rule of seedlings: space and light for every plant! Good seedlings grow wider than they are tall. After a month, the trunk of the tomato seedling should be as thick as a pencil. This is where LED lighting comes to the rescue.​

​Many gardeners follow the same method and sow tomato seeds exactly 4 by 4 in a box of humus soil. After planting the seeds, cover the container with film or glass and place in a warm place. With the appearance of sprouts, after 3-4 days the film is removed and the seedlings are placed on a light windowsill. If the window on which the box with seedlings stands is not south-facing, then place a lamp daylight so that the tomato seedlings receive enough light for development.

​Preparing tomato seeds for planting using my grandmother’s proven method:​

​February and March are the months when we actively start working on tomatoes. Choose best seeds tomatoes, stocking up on soil and pots for seedlings. Let's see what kind of work real gardeners do, and most importantly, how and when to plant tomatoes for seedlings.​

Video “Picking homemade tomatoes”

​Everyone who grows tomatoes using this method claims that the process of plant adaptation when planting in the ground is faster and painless. In this method, compared to in the classic way growing home seedlings, differences arise already at the first stage of sowing seeds.​


When and how to plant tomatoes for seedlings. Secrets of growing tomato seedlings.

We fill the prepared container for transplanting with soil. Ganichkin recommends not using large containers for small plants at once; it is better to take small cups of 100-150 ml. Here the plants can develop without harm for another 2-2.5 weeks, then they will definitely need to be planted again into larger containers. Digging directly into a large container is not recommended due to the fact that a small root system cannot immediately cover the entire volume provided, so various types of fungi can begin to successfully develop in the ground. The process of transplanting into large volumes is no different, so having mastered picking once, you can repeat it without any problems.​

​There are a number of conditions under which picking is recommended:​​In the trench you need to place the roots to the south and the stem to the north. Sprinkle the root system and part of the stem with soil. If it was level, it will lie on the ground. You should not immediately tie it with a peg, as this can break the stem. It is better to place dry sand or sawdust under the leaves. Then you will use them as mulch.​

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2016

  • Water the hole until the soil is thoroughly saturated;
  • ​If you did everything correctly, by the time of planting the seedlings will have at least 7 leaves, the stem length will be 7 mm, and the height will be at least 25 cm. The roots should occupy the entire volume of the planting container. If your plants have such indicators, the time for replanting has come.
  • ​In late May-early June, prepare the greenhouse for planting tomato seedlings. Make holes in the ground at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. The depth of the hole is the height of the pot with seedlings. Just before planting, add a tablespoon of superphosphate to each hole and add water. Once the moisture is absorbed, replant the plants. To prevent them from immediately dying, tie the stems to pegs with narrow strips of fabric. Shade the plants for a couple of days. Immediately water the transplanted tomatoes well and leave it like that for a week. This will cause the roots to grow wider and deeper in search of moisture.​
  • ​How to CORRECTLY PICK TOMATO seedlings. TIPS!​

When to plant seeds of large-fruited tomatoes and tomatoes.

​As soon as you have the first shoots of tomato seedlings, do not forget to feed them. Fertilizing should begin as soon as the cotyledon leaves unfurl and the plant switches to root nutrition; you should not wait for the real leaves to appear. Combine fertilizing with watering, that is, instead of water for irrigation, use a weak fertilizer solution. “Uniflor-bud” is suitable for this; if you cannot find such fertilizer, then you can use “Kemira-Lux” or flower food. It is enough to dilute 1 teaspoon per 3-5 liters of water.​

How to plant tomatoes with seedlings.

To plant tomatoes as seedlings at home, soak the tomato seeds in advance. Wrap the seeds in a cloth or bandage and moisten with warm water. Let them lie there for a day.​

  • ​February​
  • ​Tomatoes in this case are sown immediately in separate containers, so you will need a sufficient amount of them, you also need relatively large space to accommodate everything seed material. If you have a heated greenhouse, then this method is perfect. The choice of the desired container is not limited, the main thing is that it has drainage holes. Therefore, it is also worth taking care of the presence of a pallet.​
  • ​First, we dig up the plants from a box with a lump of earth.​
  • ​If your goal is to obtain a powerful root system from grown seedlings, then picking will provide you with this by forming a wide network of lateral roots;​
  • ​After planting on permanent soil, the seedlings are exposed to pests, such as mole crickets. There is such a simple method of protection: the seedlings should be wrapped in clean natural fabric so that the roots and leaves are free. When planting, the top of the fabric should be left above the surface without burying. The mole cricket will not be able to gnaw through the stem, because this is what this insect hunts for. Water and feed vegetables in a timely manner to get the first fruits.​
  • Sprinkle the hole with soil.
  • ​Remember that you can only plant plants in the morning or evening.​

​Fertilize plants only when they are established. For successful development and the formation of tasty fruits requires a sufficient amount of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, potassium sulfate and ash. Never get carried away with minerals nitrogen fertilizers(urea, ammonium nitrate), as well as organic fertilizers- bird droppings, manure. Feed mullein infusion only 2-3 times throughout the entire season.​

In May, the important time comes to transplant seedlings to a permanent place. Experienced gardeners tell us what to pay attention to first.

Planting tomatoes

I add 200-300 g of humus and 5-6 peas of superphosphate into the prepared holes. I pour out 1 liter of water. When it is absorbed, I place the plants, straighten the roots and press tightly with soil.

I deepen the seedlings to the first true leaf (not higher!). After transplanting, I immediately water the tomatoes and always mulch them with dry soil.

Low growing plants early varieties I plant them at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other. I leave 40-45 cm between tall ones.

Since tomatoes definitely need support, even when transplanting, I put a peg in each hole, to which I then tie the plants. Doing this later may damage their roots.

When planting, I bury overgrown tomatoes, first tearing off the lower leaves and leaving no more than seven leaves in the upper part. I plant it obliquely right up to the leaves.

For the first 4-5 days, I water the seedlings a little with water heated in the sun. And after a week I loosen the row spacing to a depth of 5-6 cm.

TIP: For the first time, I build an “umbrella” over the seedlings, which I plant in open ground at the end of May, so that they do not burn in the scorching sun. I drive posts into the ground along the perimeter of the bed (the height depends on the size of the plants), I run a wire along the top of them, and I attach spunbond to it with clothespins.


Fish heads for seedlings

Tomatoes always make me happy with the harvest. Here are a few of my “secrets” when planting seedlings.

At the bottom of deep holes I put a fish head (from frozen, or preferably fresh fish), sprinkle a handful of ash and a little crushed eggshells, sprinkle with soil and plant seedlings.

On both sides of the bush I immediately bury, neck down, two PET bottles with the bottom cut off (about a third of each) - then I pour water into them for irrigation.

I mulch the soil between the bushes with hay, straw or dried grass.

The first time I feed tomatoes is during fruit set, i.e. at the end of flowering. I leave a bucket of mullein in a 60-liter barrel of water for a week, and sometimes I throw in nettle grass in random amounts. To feed, I dilute the infusion with water 1:10, using 1 liter per bush. During the summer I carry out 2-3 such feedings.

I leave 3-4 flowers on each flower branch, cut or tear off the rest. I regularly grow tomatoes for my stepson.

Tamara GOLIKOVA, Orsha

I do not recommend planting cucumber and tomato seedlings in the same greenhouse. After all, they different requirements to agricultural technology. Cucumbers need humidity and absence of drafts, tomatoes need dry air and frequent ventilation.

Lyubov KARTAVENKOVA, agronomist

Creating a water buffer

It helps accelerate soil warming and stabilize its temperature. The method is especially good when planting tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, peppers, artichokes - any seedlings that love warmth. I alternate the planted bushes of seedlings with dark, filled ones. hot water 1.5-2 liter PET bottles dug into the ground at the same depth as the plants. At the end, I mulch the bed, place sticks on it and cover it with spunbond. This is how the seedlings get double “heating”; from shelter and from bottles, which at night give off the heat accumulated during the day.

I will say right away that the “water buffer” does not work well against frost without covering material. Once I planted tomatoes and cucumbers, but I couldn’t cover it with spunbond - it was warm those days, and I decided that it would do just fine. And then one night there were frosts, and all the work was in vain. In case of sudden cold weather, you can also throw a film over the spunbond.

Alexander SPITSYN

Cucumbers under supervision

When stable warm weather sets in, I transfer the cucumber seedlings from the house to a film greenhouse: first for 2-3 hours, then increase the time every day. I bring it into the house at night. In May, in the garden bed, stepping back 20 cm from the edges of the bed: I dig a groove 30 cm wide and 30-40 cm deep.

I evenly distribute complex mineral granular fertilizer along the bottom at the rate of 0.5 tbsp. per 1 sq.m, and on top, so that the roots of the cucumbers do not touch it, I pour a 10-15 cm layer of soil. On the day of planting, I water the seedlings well (so that the earthen ball can be easily removed from the cup) and plant the cucumbers every 60-70 cm, filling with soil up to the first true leaf. Around each bush I form a circle for watering with a small elevation in the center. The first days I cover the bed under the arches with film. After a week, I fertilize the cucumbers with mullein solution (1:15).

TIP: I determine high-quality cucumber seedlings by appearance earthen coma: the roots should be barely visible through the soil. In overgrown seedlings (more than 25 days), the roots tightly entwine the entire earthen ball - this takes longer to take root in the garden bed.

Lyudmila LASHUK

Cold water is a disaster for seedlings!

When planting any seedlings, the holes should never be spilled with cold water - only with warm water, otherwise the plants will be stressed. You can heat water like this.

1. Place the barrel in the greenhouse, fill it with water from a hose and use it when it warms up, which will happen soon in the greenhouse.

2. If there is no barrel, you can dig holes in the evening, put fertilizer in them, pour plenty of water from the column and close the greenhouse for the day. By evening the soil will be ready to “receive” seedlings.

Natalya DORONINA, Kaluga

From the glass to the garden bed

Snezhana POZNYAK shares the secret of easily extracting seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower and other crops from cups.

The main point is to remove the plants without damaging the earthen ball. I noticed: dry soil crumbles in your hands, wet soil spreads like mud. I do this: the day before planting, I cover the boxes with film, pour water into them and place cups with seedlings. Water in the right amount It soaks the soil through the holes in the bottom of the cups - and the earthen ball is easily removed. After such soaking, I water the planted plants only after 2-3 days.

The best time for planting seedlings in a permanent place can be determined by the plants themselves: their age and appearance. Look for clues in the table.


Approximate disembarkation time*:

1) in protected ground**

2) in open ground

Approximate age of seedlings at planting

Appearance of seedlings for planting: height, number of leaves

Planting pattern + depth


1) First or second ten days of May

2) First-second ten days of June

45-55 days 45-55 days

Height - 30-35 cm, 7-8 true leaves

50x 50 or 70x 70 cm; deepen 3-5 cm to the cotyledons



50-60 days

60x 60or 70x 70 cm; 2-3 cm deeper than the plants grew in the seedling container


First-second ten days of May

50-70 days

Height - 16-18 cm, 7-9 true leaves

60x 60 or 70x 70 cm; 2-3 cm deeper than in the seedling container

Early cabbage

1) First - second ten days of April

2) Third ten days of April - first ten days of May

50-60 days

Height - 12-15 cm,

7-8 true leaves

40x 30, 60x 30 cm (depending on location); deepen 2-3 cm to the cotyledons

Late cabbage

Second or third ten days of May

35-45 days

Height - 12-15 cm, 4-5 true leaves

70x 30-50 cm; deepen 2-3 cm to the cotyledons


First-second ten days of May

With the coming spring season Vegetable growers are intensively engaged in growing seedlings. Therefore, the question of when to transplant tomato seedlings into pots becomes relevant during the period of seedling formation. To get a high yield, it is recommended to take care of seeds, soil mixture, fertilizers, and pots for seedlings before the start of the season.

Plant seedlings begin to be grown 2 months before planting in the ground. Planting material cultivate different ways. Seeds are planted directly into cups or general containers, followed by picking. This event has a beneficial effect on the development of the plant’s root system.

Tomatoes transplanted into separate pots form additional lateral roots. Transplanting tomato seedlings:

  • allows you to reject weak and damaged seedlings;
  • reduces the cost of cultivating seedlings;
  • provides efficient use area of ​​crops and soil.

After picking, the plant needs time to recover, so the negative effect of this event is a later onset of fruiting.

For picking, use a soil mixture, which includes:

  • peat;
  • rotted compost;
  • washed river sand.

The ingredients, taken in equal parts, are mixed and sifted through a coarse sieve to ensure a uniform soil structure. The prepared mixture is steamed or frozen for the purpose of disinfection.

Tomatoes can be replanted in polymer crumbs, which have the ability to swell several times from absorbing moisture. Unlike conventional soil mixture, this material is sterile and does not require preventive treatment.

The roots of the plant can gradually receive water and nutrients. Air access is provided to them. As moisture is released, the granules decrease in size. When picking, it is enough to put 2 tsp under the root of the plant. soaked gel so as not to water the seedlings.

Tomato seedlings are usually replanted 2 times. How younger seedlings, the easier they tolerate picking. This is due to the fact that the root system is not sufficiently developed and is less damaged during the planting process.

The first picking is carried out after emergence, at the stage of formation of 1-3 true leaves. At this stage, small individual cups are used, 8 cm high and 8 cm in diameter. The containers are filled with soil mixture. In them, seedlings will develop within 20 days.

Tomatoes, unlike other crops, love replanting. Roots damaged as a result of this event are quickly restored and a strong root system is formed.

Transplanted plants are placed at a distance of 15 cm from each other. The volume of a small glass allows you to save space on the windowsill and increases water absorption by the roots.

Second plant replanting

If the seedlings are immediately placed in a large container with a soil mixture, then the excess moisture that is not absorbed by the roots of the seedling will begin to sour. This is harmful to the crop, so a larger pot is used for the second picking.

This stage of growing seedlings provides a gradual increase in the feeding area of ​​the root system, which has a positive effect on the formation of seedlings. The seedlings become stronger and the yield increases.

If for some reason there is a fungal or pathogenic agent in the soil viral disease, then replanting helps save the plants by replacing the soil.

The second picking is carried out 3 weeks after the first plant replanting event. Its goal is to slow down the upward growth of tomatoes and the development of the underground part of the seedling.

In larger pots it appears at the roots. extra bed for growth and strengthening of the stem. After the second replanting, the seedlings are watered generously with warm water. Subsequent soil moistening is carried out after 7 days and as the surface layer of soil dries.

Some vegetable growers carry out the hardening procedure using cold water. Its use slows down the growth of the crop and inhibits the formation of a flower cluster when growing seedlings in pots.

The process of replanting tomatoes

Before planting the seedlings in separate containers, carry out abundant watering. This is done 1 day before the pick. Soil that is moistened immediately before replanting will stick big clods to thin roots.

If you try to lift the plant by the root, you can damage the seedling. Dry soil will immediately begin to crumble, exposing the roots. Tomatoes transplanted in the presence of a lump of earth are easier to adapt to new growth conditions.

After picking, seedlings need to be provided good lighting. A lack of lighting delays the onset of fruiting by 7-14 days. In this case, instead of forming flower clusters, leaves are laid.

It is important to follow the watering schedule. Excessive humidity leads to a lack of oxygen and slows down root growth. This leads to a lag in the development of the ground part.

Plants need to be replanted by transshipment. In this case, it is possible not to injure the roots and shorten the adaptation period. To do this, do not water the plants a few days before replanting in order to remove the earthen lump from the container without any obstacles.

A large pot is filled one-third full with soil, the tomato bush is placed along with the soil and the voids around the stem are filled. The plant is watered. In the first days after planting, you need to keep the seedlings in partial shade, preventing direct sunlight.

2 weeks after replanting, the plants are fed with a mixture that consists of the following components:

  • wood ash – 2 tbsp;
  • superphosphate – 1 tbsp.

The mixture is diluted in 10 liters of water and each pot is watered with this solution. Fertilizing is combined with watering so as not to burn the roots of the seedlings. When growing seedlings in pots, do not add soil mixture.

Seedling care

To form strong plants every day containers with seedlings are turned towards window glass the other side. This event ensures uniform growth of seedlings.

Watering of plants is carried out exclusively with settled warm water at the root, avoiding contact with the leaves. To ensure air access to the roots, it is better to place the container with seedlings on a stand.

Some gardeners believe that when replanting tomatoes, the central root should be shortened, which stimulates the development of an additional root system. In fact, when picking, what happens is mechanical damage, so additional shortening loses its meaning.

After transplanting a tomato, it is important to maintain temperature regime for 3 days at +22°C in daytime and +16°C at night. 12 days after transplanting, the seedlings are fed with an aqueous solution of complex fertilizers.

From the first days, plants are hardened. At an air temperature of +12°C, seedlings can be taken outside in the afternoon.

Once the tomato seedlings have strengthened, they can be removed at any time. Formed seedlings, ready for transplanting, must have strong stems, roots and leaves.

​​​Almost every gardener grows tomatoes on his plot. In Russia, this vegetable is very popular due to its taste qualities and irreplaceable benefits. Tomatoes are used for making pickles, for freezing, in the form of tomato juice, and also fresh or stewed. Tomatoes love warmth, so they are most often grown in greenhouses.

When to transplant tomatoes into a greenhouse: growing conditions

Before growing and transplanting tomato seedlings into a greenhouse, it is necessary to find out under what conditions tomatoes will produce a rich and high-quality harvest. These conditions are necessary both for seedlings and for already mature tomatoes in the greenhouse.

  • Tomatoes love warmth. Only with sufficient heat can you count on a large number of fruits. When deciding when to transplant tomatoes into a greenhouse, the temperature factor must be taken into account. It should be no less than 20 degrees during the day, and no less than 10 degrees at night. Extreme heat is also undesirable (no higher than 30 degrees). This optimal conditions for growing tomatoes. If it is still cold outside, the greenhouse needs to be heated additionally, not forgetting the soil temperature.
  • Sufficient light is equally important. Tomatoes love light, but not bright light and not direct sunlight that damages the leaves, but diffused soft light. If there is not enough light during the day, special lamps need to be installed in the greenhouse for additional illumination.
  • Humidity levels must be maintained. Tomatoes love average humidity up to 60% air humidity and up to 80% in the soil. Timely watering is necessary, but you should not overdo it. Overmoistening leads to fungal diseases, root rotting, slow growth, and falling leaves and flowers. The tomatoes themselves will make it clear that there is too much moisture: the leaves and stems darken, the petals fall off.
  • Tomatoes, like any other plant, need fresh air. Both the roots and the above-ground part need oxygen. Therefore, the greenhouse needs to be regularly ventilated, leave vents, and open it when the air outside warms up. Loosening is necessary for the root system to breathe. It helps to avoid the formation of a crust on the soil, which does not allow moisture and oxygen to pass through.
  • Tomatoes need feeding. Must be regularly added to the soil mineral fertilizers. You can buy complex fertilizers or alternate them as they grow.

To determine when you can transplant tomatoes into a greenhouse, you need to take into account the temperature factor. If you have an indoor greenhouse with a heater and lamps, timing is not of fundamental importance. However, if the greenhouse is not equipped, it is better to transplant in May.

How to transplant tomato seedlings into a greenhouse: growing seedlings

Tomato seedlings intended for cultivation in greenhouse conditions must be strong and healthy. They strive to grow it in reserve, so that they can then select the strongest seedlings.

First you need to determine when the tomatoes are transplanted into the greenhouse. Seeds for seedlings begin to be sown approximately 2 months before the planned planting. If the transplant is scheduled for May, then the seedlings are planted in March.

To grow seedlings, you need to purchase seeds. You can collect and dry them yourself, selecting the ripest and healthiest fruits of the varieties you like, or purchase them in a specialized store. In any case, the seeds must be tested before planting.

I place the seeds in salted water. Those seeds that fall to the bottom of the cup are suitable for growing. Those that float up are empty, they are collected and thrown away.

To prevent infections, the seeds can be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Some gardeners want to increase the cold resistance of tomatoes, so they harden the seeds separately before planting. They are placed in a damp cloth bag and stored at a temperature of 0 degrees for a day, then at a temperature of 15 degrees. In this way, the seed storage conditions are alternated.

After you have prepared the seeds, you need to prepare the soil. Soil can also be purchased at the store. If necessary, it can also be disinfected by heating it in the oven or microwave to get rid of possible fungal spores and other pathogens.

Ready and slightly wet soil plant seeds and cover it with film to create a greenhouse effect. As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is opened so that the sprouts do not rot from humidity, and the boxes with seedlings themselves are placed in a warm, bright place.

Before transplanting tomato seedlings into a greenhouse, they can be hardened off by periodically taking them out into the fresh air. At first, the seedlings need to be watered regularly, while avoiding overwatering. Infrequent but abundant watering is desirable so that the soil near the roots is well saturated with moisture.

If the seedlings do not grow fast enough, they are fed with mineral fertilizers or a solution of bird droppings.

When to transplant tomato seedlings into a greenhouse: timing and rules of transplantation

Transplanting tomato seedlings into the ground is a fairly simple procedure. The biggest difficulty lies in preparing the soil and the greenhouse itself. If you prepare correctly, there will be no problems with transplanting and growing tomatoes.

On the Internet you can find a lot of information on how to transplant tomatoes into a greenhouse, and videos on this topic.

There are a number of rules for planting mature seedlings in a greenhouse. They allow you to avoid the death of seedlings and get a rich harvest.

  • Tomato seedlings are planted in closed ground, that is, in a regular greenhouse, no earlier than May. When you can transplant tomato seedlings into a greenhouse, which dates of the month to choose, you need to decide according to the weather. If May is not warm, planting can be postponed until the end of the month. It is important to take into account that there should no longer be night frosts on the soil, otherwise the seedlings may die even in greenhouse conditions.
  • You cannot plant tomatoes in the same place for several years in a row. It is best to alternate planting cucumbers and tomatoes, but not potatoes.
  • Before planting, you need to prepare the soil. First, the soil is carefully dug up to a depth of at least 20 cm. Then mineral fertilizers are applied, and the soil is dug up again. You can also apply fertilizers to the holes when planting.
  • Tomatoes are planted in rows. There should be a distance of at least 60 cm between the rows. When planting, you need to take into account the location of the light. All tomatoes should be well lit so that one plant does not shade another. In rows, the distance between bushes should be at least 30 cm, depending on the variety.
  • The seedlings go deeper into the holes no more than 20 cm. If the seedlings are too tall, the stem is lightly sprinkled with earth.
  • As they grow, tomato bushes may bend to the ground, so they need to be tied to stakes.
  • When planting, you need to carefully inspect the plants and remove all yellowed leaves. Tomatoes are planted in moist soil. You can use holes for disinfection weak solution potassium permanganate.
  • When replanting, you cannot use a large amount of nitrogenous fertilizers, since then all the growth will go into the tops and not the fruits.

How to properly transplant tomato seedlings into a greenhouse: caring for greenhouse seedlings

In addition to how to properly transplant tomatoes into a greenhouse, you need to know how to care for them afterwards. Immediately after planting, the tomatoes begin to hurt, so they require special care.

In a greenhouse, it is not recommended to water tomatoes too often. On open ground the water evaporates faster, but in the greenhouse with abundant rain watering the air humidity increases, the tomatoes will begin to hurt even more. It is best to water tomatoes in the first half of the day along the grooves without irrigating the foliage. Watering should be plentiful to nourish the roots.

Before transplanting the tomatoes into the greenhouse, fertilizers were already applied to the soil, so it is not recommended to overdo it with fertilizing.

After watering, the soil at the roots needs to be loosened. This way, the water will not quickly evaporate or linger on the surface, and air will also flow to the roots.

As the seedlings grow, it is necessary to remove the yellowed lower leaves. This procedure helps to strengthen the roots and more actively ripen the fruit.

When the tomatoes bloom, you need to start feeding them. During this period, it is necessary to reduce the amount of phosphates and increase the amount of nitrogen fertilizers.

The weakest bushes can be fed with organic fertilizers such as manure and bird droppings.

Tomatoes are self-pollinating plants. Once the flowers appear, they need to be shaken regularly to get the pollen onto the pistil. At this time, tomatoes need fresh air, so the greenhouse must be constantly ventilated, but not heated. Excess heat will negatively affect fruit ripening. Daytime temperatures of 24-28 degrees are sufficient for active growth and fruiting.

It is necessary to plant tomatoes. This is the removal of additional branches growing from the leaf axils, that is, stepchildren. They take a lot of nutrients and slow down the ripening of fruits.

In order to get a tomato harvest as early as possible even before starting summer season Agrotechnical procedures should be taken care of. For example, such as preparing soil mixtures, selecting, processing and soaking seeds, purchasing fertilizers and pots for tomato seedlings.

Tomato seeds are sown two months before planting seedlings in the ground. The most in a simple way is sowing large quantity seeds in boxes. They grow them there before the appearance of the first two true leaves. During the first seven days, after germination, the home temperature should be maintained at about eighteen degrees during the day and around fifteen at night. Then it can be raised a couple of degrees. This regime is maintained as long as the seedlings grow in the boxes. This will take approximately thirty days.

During this period, seedlings need to be watered two to three times. This watering regime will prevent the seedlings from stretching out during low light periods. When all the seedlings appear, do the first watering, and then water the seedlings again a week later. The last time the seedlings are watered is three hours before they are picked. The water temperature should be twenty degrees.

Some tips for caring for seedlings:

Second transplant of tomato seedlings

The second picking of seedlings is necessary to ensure that the plants do not stretch and develop a good root system. Large pots have a lot of air and water does not stagnate there. And if some plants are affected by the disease, then thanks to picking, Can save healthy sprouts. After all, the causative agent of the disease may be in the soil.

When should seedlings be transplanted into a greenhouse and into open ground?