home · Measurements · Why tomato and pepper seedlings grow poorly. Tomato seedlings do not grow: what to do. Video “Tomato seedlings: from germination to picking”

Why tomato and pepper seedlings grow poorly. Tomato seedlings do not grow: what to do. Video “Tomato seedlings: from germination to picking”

Not everyone knows what to do when tomato seedlings grow poorly. The process of growing tomato seedlings at home is quite difficult for those who have not encountered this before or have once tried to do it on their own, but previous attempts were not so successful.

There are several reasons why tomato seedlings do not grow or grow to a certain size and then stop growing. For example, if tomato seedlings grow poorly, then one of the following reasons can be considered:

  • poor quality soil;
  • poor quality seedling care.

Poor quality soil

One of the main and obvious reasons for the above process is that you prepared insufficient quality soil before sowing the seeds.

This does not mean that you need to immediately change the soil in which tomato seedlings are already growing. It will be enough to observe exactly what changes occur with tomatoes during their growth. So, if suddenly the tomatoes begin to acquire a bluish tint or bottom edges the leaves become a little purple, most likely, in this case the earth does not have enough magnesium.

This element is important for the development of the root system of plants. If there is not enough magnesium, then the roots will be very weak, it is difficult for the roots to cope, and the tomato seedlings will not grow. If no measures are taken to enrich the soil with magnesium, you will soon have to say goodbye to hopes for good harvest tomatoes.

Magnesium is quite rare in any substances, so you will have to purchase in advance all special fertilizers that contain this microelement.

In order to enrich the soil with it, it will be enough to dilute a certain amount of powder or granules in a certain amount of water. This proportion depends on what concentration of fertilizer you use. This microelement is no less important for the growth and development of tomatoes during their initial ripening, as well as during the beginning of harvesting. Nitrogen enriches the soil with oxygen and allows both the roots and the plant itself to breathe freely. Thanks to good root development, it becomes possible fast growing

Also, additional symptoms of a lack of nitrogen in the soil are that both the stems of the plant and its leaves become too thin and lethargic.

The lack of nitrogen can be compensated with the help of a special fertilizer called urea. It is usually sold in small packages and in large bags in the form of small granules white. These granules must be dissolved in water. You can use and plain water room temperature, and warm water so that dissolution occurs faster. In this case, the following proportions must be observed - for 1 tbsp. l. urea will need 10 liters of water. You will need to water all the tomatoes with this solution, and watering is done at the root, and not on the leaves of the plants.

After a few days, it will immediately be noticeable that the plants seem to come to life and become brighter and greener. But if you don’t notice any changes, you can conclude that the reason is poor growth seedlings is something else.

Tomato seedlings: from picking to planting (video)

Poor quality seedling care

If you do not find any deficiencies in the composition of the soil, then you will need to find some other reason why the tomato seedlings have stopped growing or are growing slowly. Then you can understand what to do to ensure that the seedlings are good.

The next factor that may influence the fact that plants, having grown to a certain size, stop stretching and expanding their leaves, may be that you are not caring for them correctly. For example, when watering, there may be an insufficient amount of moisture supplied or, conversely, excessive watering. Neither one nor the other is suitable for growing tomatoes, since they are quite fastidious plants that need moisture, but not in the same amount as, for example, it is needed for good growth

cucumbers or peppers.

Once you decide to sow tomatoes, you need to water the soil thoroughly so that it is very moist.

This is due to the fact that plants cannot be watered before they sprout. And even after this point, watering can only begin on the 5th day after the first shoots appear. What to do if you cannot calculate the correct amount of water? It will be necessary to check the condition of the soil every day. on where exactly the tray with seedlings is located. If it is located on the south side and is on a balcony or window, then the soil will dry out quite often. As a result, you will have to water these plants almost every 2-3 days. If your seedlings grow in a dark and cool place, then they will need very infrequent watering.

Thus, in order for seedlings to grow well, it is necessary to pay attention to the soil in which they are planted and in what conditions they will grow further. In order for the seedlings not to be small, but, on the contrary, to be strong, it is necessary to feed them and water them on time, depending on the condition of the soil. Only after this the seedlings develop very well, and after some time you will not have to solve the question of why the seedlings are not growing at home.

Why seedlings grow poorly (video)

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Even experienced gardeners very often encounter the problem that tomato seedlings suddenly stop growing. If this happens, then there is no need to panic. It is necessary to find as soon as possible what the reason for such a sudden stop in growth lies, and there may be several of them:

  • Malnutrition,
  • Incorrect picking
  • Poor care
  • Diseases,
  • Pests.

Having figured out why tomato seedlings do not grow, you can begin to eliminate it.

Lack of seedling nutrition. How to eliminate the consequences?

If a plant grows and develops poorly, it most likely does not have enough nutrition. Symptoms of a deficiency of one or another element may be as follows:

With a lack of nitrogen, plants look stunted with thin stems, small pale leaves. The appearance of a red-violet hue on the underside of the leaves indicates a phosphorus deficiency. The lower leaves have turned yellow at the edges and curled, which means there is not enough potassium. The absence of an element such as magnesium is manifested by marbling of the leaves. In these cases, treatment of seedlings consists of carrying out the necessary fertilizing.

If there is a lack of iron, tomato seedlings do not grow because they develop chlorosis. Plant leaves become discolored and turn yellow. If such symptoms are present, immediately stop illuminating the seedlings. In advanced cases, feed and spray with iron-containing preparations.

Wrong pick

Another of the most common reasons for stopping the growth of seedlings is improper picking, namely:

  • The roots are bent.
  • The roots are too severely torn or damaged,
  • When planting, the roots were poorly compressed, which created air cavities next to them,

Errors in care

The growth of seedlings may stop for the following reasons:

  • The flooded seedlings suffocated from lack of oxygen.
  • The soil is not suitable.

In the first case, it is necessary to clean the drainage hole, and if there is none, replant the remaining plants. Secondly, change the soil as soon as possible.

Seedling diseases

Tomato seedlings often do not grow due to disease. The most common diseases that inhibit its growth are:

  • Root and basal rot, which is caused by overwatering of seedlings at low air or soil temperatures. Urgently save the remaining seedlings by transplanting them into fresh soil. Pre-rinse the roots in a solution of phytosporin or magrants.
  • Blackleg – common infection, which develops very quickly in unfavorable conditions.

Symptoms: darkening of the root collar, its softening and death of the plant.

Control measures: the affected seedlings are watered with a weak solution of potassium manganese. Then it hills up and is placed more rarely. The room must be systematically ventilated. However, plants can only be saved at the very first stage of the disease, so inspect the seedlings every day.


The most common pest is spider mite, earwigs or woodlice. Treat the seedlings with fitoverm, actellik or karbofos.

Many gardeners encounter problems when growing tomato seedlings. This could be due to many reasons. Each of them must be dealt with separately.

Causes of poor growth of tomato seedlings

To fix the problem, you need to figure out why it happened. There are many reasons why tomatoes do not grow after picking.

  • Watering the seedlings is not carried out correctly. If watering is carried out strictly according to the rules, it is recommended to check the condition drainage system. It is simply necessary in order to excess liquid came out of the container in which the seedlings grow. This will help maintain soil moisture at the required level.
  • The composition of the soil is incorrect. Gardeners often use soil directly from the garden bed to grow seedlings. Its acidity level may be too high or low. This stops the growth of seedlings.
  • A lot of fertilizers are applied to the soil. Plant growth can be negatively affected not only by a lack of nutritional components, but also by their excess.
  • Infection with fungal or infectious diseases also inhibits the growth of seedlings. Pest damage can not only stop the growth of seedlings, but also completely destroy them.
  • If the picking is carried out incorrectly, the root system of the plant is damaged. Inexperienced gardeners may press the roots incorrectly, which leads to the formation of air cushions.
  • The plants are very densely planted. It is recommended to plant seedlings.

Picking should be carried out no earlier than 10 - 12 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

It is better to use peat pots as a container. They have the property of dissolving in the soil. Thanks to this, when transplanting seedlings, the plants can not be removed from the container without damaging the measles system.

Appearance of seedlings

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in the picking process, but in fact, picking should be carried out in compliance certain rules.


The composition of the soil has a direct impact on the growth and development of seedlings. To grow good seedlings, you should never use soil from the beds.

Important! Don't skimp on soil.

The soil should not only have correct composition and structure, but also to be disinfected. To do this, it is thoroughly watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. As a result, the development of pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria in the soil can be prevented. The presence of peat and special fertilizers in the soil will help increase its level of fertility.

If this is not taken care of in advance, the seedlings will develop very slowly. But the situation can be improved. To do this, peat and the necessary fertilizers can be poured onto upper layer soil in the container where the plants grow. After some time, all nutritional components will reach the root system.

Until the seedlings are ready to be transplanted into open ground, it is recommended to fertilize it at least 4 times.

  • For the first time, plants are fertilized immediately after emergence. To do this, you can use a solution of nitrophoska and water. The plant is watered at the root until the soil gets wet.
  • The seedlings are fed the second time after the flower clusters are formed. This can be done using already ready funds, which are sold in retail outlets.
  • After the development of the third cluster of flowers, the plant also needs feeding. Gardeners recommend fertilizing using Ideal fertilizer, which is mixed with nitrophoska and water.
  • The last feeding of plants is carried out 2 weeks after the third. Superphosphate is dissolved in water and applied at the root of the plant.

If tomato seedlings do not grow, what to do? You can use traditional method: Apply chicken manure dissolved in water under the root. This watering is carried out over several days as needed.

Important! If you choose the wrong proportion of the solution, it is possible that the leaves on the plant may turn yellow or completely fall off.

Seedlings also respond well to feeding crushed eggshell filled with warm water. The liquid is infused until it becomes cloudy. Apply no more than a spoonful of the prepared solution under each tomato bush.

Fertilizing with yeast is often used. To prepare the fertilizer, yeast is dissolved in warm water with sugar. After a day, the solution is ready for use.

Important! This solution should not get on the leaf blades or stem. This may cause them to turn yellow.

After the seedlings are planted in the beds, they can be watered with water in which Atlet fertilizer is dissolved. As a result of this, the above-ground part of the plant will slightly slow down its growth and development, but the root system of the tomatoes will grow quite actively.

Watering and growing location

The soil should not be too dry

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing difficult in organizing watering seedlings. It's actually very important point. The soil should not be too dry, but it is also not recommended to be overzealous with watering. This can lead to the development of pathogenic microorganisms or putrefactive processes.

If the soil is still too wet after watering, you can place a dry cloth on its surface. After a while it will absorb excess moisture. You can also gently loosen the surface of the soil in the container. This will promote the evaporation of moisture from it.

Seedlings may grow poorly or slowly if the location for their placement is chosen incorrectly. It is necessary to select a well-lit place, without drafts. Otherwise, the plants may die.

Don't forget about the room temperature either. As soon as the seed material is planted in the ground, the room temperature should not be lower than 25-28 degrees. To create greenhouse conditions, containers can be covered with film. In addition to the fact that it will help support required temperature, the shelter helps retain moisture.

After the shoots appear, the film can be removed, and the temperature in the room must be lowered to 18-20 degrees. Otherwise, the leaves on the plant will probably turn yellow.
After 2 true leaves appear, the seedlings must be hardened off. This will help make her stronger. You can simply open a window for a while or take the boxes out onto the balcony for a while. In this case, the air temperature outside should not be lower than 18-20 degrees. Each time, the hardening time of seedlings increases by 3-5 minutes.

Important! If the seedlings are located under straight lines sun rays, it is possible that the leaves will turn purple or fall off completely.



Often the reason that tomato seedlings do not grow is the development of diseases characteristic of vegetable crops. It is necessary to establish which disease harms the plant and makes it frail.

Fusarium. This disease is caused by a fungus, the spores of which enter the plant from the soil or through contaminated seed material. The disease causes seedling growth to become slow or stop completely. The seedlings become sluggish and may turn yellow or die.

When the first signs of disease are detected, it is necessary to immediately remove the diseased plant from the container where other seedlings are located. In addition, the soil in the pot must be completely replaced or disinfected. To do this, you can use drugs such as Fitolavin, Fitosporin, Bravo or Profit Gold.

Blackleg. The causative agent of the disease is a pathogenic bacterium. When infected, the stem of the plant turns black, and after a while it completely falls off. You can help the seedlings only at the very beginning of infection. The soil is disinfected by using weak solution potassium permanganate.

Black rot. The disease begins to develop when there is an excess of moisture and a lack of heat in the room. In this case, the plant becomes lethargic and its growth stops. It is no longer possible to help such a plant. When the first symptoms of the disease are detected, the infected plant must be immediately destroyed. Healthy bushes need to be transplanted into another container and soil.

To minimize the risk of infection of vegetable crops with diseases, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures. First of all, purchase high-quality seed material. It is better to give preference to varieties that are resistant to diseases and are suitable for growing in open ground.

How to speed up the growth of seedlings

In order for the seedlings to be strong and grow actively, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. Among the most important are the following:

  • the place in which the seedlings are grown should be light and warm;
  • the soil in which you plan to plant the seeds should consist of peat, sand and humus. It should be disinfected in the oven or with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • It is better to water the plants with warm, settled water;
  • if the room is too hot, it is recommended to spray the seedlings with a spray bottle;
  • Before picking, the soil must be thoroughly watered. As a result, transplantation causes less injury to seedlings;
  • After picking, the soil near the root must be compacted well. Otherwise, the measles system may die;
  • After germination, the plants can be watered with a solution of milk and water. This will reduce the risk of developing diseases to a minimum.

Knowing what to do if tomato seedlings do not grow, you can grow healthy and strong seedlings.

The usual story - we spend a long time choosing a bag of seeds, buying it, sowing it, waiting for germination. Everything seems to be wonderful, but suddenly the seedlings begin to weaken and wither. How to help green shoots? Below are some tips on what to do if tomato seedlings are not growing well.

Possible reasons

There are quite a few reasons why seedlings stopped growing and began to wither. These include improper watering, poorly selected soil, and low temperature indoors, and plant diseases. Let's try to establish the correct diagnosis and “cure” tomato seedlings.

Lack of nutrition

Lack of nutrition is the rarest reason why tomato seedlings grow slowly. Nutrients in properly balanced soil are sufficient for growth and development healthy plants. In addition, many gardeners soak the seeds in a Zircon or Epin solution before planting.

But it is possible and necessary to pamper grown plants with “something tasty.” Better to use folk remedies. Here are common recipes that tell you how to feed tomatoes. Crush the shells of three or four eggs, pour into plastic bottle, fill with warm water. Do not screw the cap on the bottle. Leave until the solution becomes cloudy, but no more than five days. After watering, pour the prepared solution over the seedlings with water, at the rate of a teaspoon per plant. Similarly, you can organize feeding with yeast (preferably fresh).

Ten grams of fresh yeast are dissolved in 2 liters of water with a spoon of sugar, left for a day and watered the seedlings after the main watering. Fertilizing should not get on the plant - water the soil. Use for irrigation with rain or melted snow water. Tomato seedlings respond well to such watering. Two weeks before planting in open ground, you can water the seedlings with a solution of the Atlet preparation (according to the instructions). It will slightly slow down the growth of the above-ground part, but will improve the development of the root system.

Errors in watering

Tomato is a plant that loves water. In the absence of regular watering, it turns yellow, withers and dries out. But excess moisture in the soil can lead to similar consequences. Therefore, for tomato seedlings, we use watering as the soil dries. We determine the need for watering by touch, slightly digging our fingers into the soil. If the soil in the container is dry and the tomato has turned yellow, everything is simple - water it. But with overflow it will be more difficult:

  1. Be sure to check if the planting container has a hole for drainage.
  2. Make an additional drainage hole to remove excess water.
  3. Place a dry cloth or piece on the ground toilet paper. Some of the moisture will be absorbed.
  4. Loosen the top layer (for example, with a toothpick) a day or two after watering, when the soil moisture has returned to normal.

Insufficient or excessive lighting

Lack of light is another reason why tomato seedlings are slow to form. Tomatoes need lighting at least 12 hours a day. In the evening hours, you need to additionally illuminate the plants. If you rely only on the sun, the seedlings will begin to stretch, become thinner and may die. But at night, when the plants are absorbing nutrients, there is no need to provide additional lighting.

Low but dense tomato seedlings are always better than tall and thin ones.

Bright sunlight also interferes with proper growth. The leaves of the seedlings begin to burn, turn yellow and the plant dies.

Incorrect temperature

Maintaining temperature conditions - important condition to get good planting material. For proper cultivation For tomatoes, a temperature range of 18°C ​​to 22°C is suitable. Fluctuations in temperature upward are, of course, permissible, but for a short period. The limiting temperature at which seedlings dry out and die is 36°C. And if the room temperature remains below 15° C for several days, you will notice that the seedlings have stopped growing. Three “DON’Ts” when growing seedlings:

  1. Do not place a tray with plants close to the radiator.
  2. Do not ventilate so that a stream of cold air hits the seedlings.
  3. Plants should not be placed on an uninsulated windowsill.

Unsuitable soil

The soil for planting seedlings must be prepared in advance. This can be soil purchased in a store with an acidity level of pH in the range of 5.5-6.0 or a planting mixture prepared independently. For homemade mixture take:

  • rotted sifted compost (or humus) - 2 parts;
  • garden soil (from the future garden bed) - 1 part;
  • coarse sand or perlite - 0.25 parts.

This mixture is rich nutrients, and seedlings planted in it will better tolerate subsequent planting in the garden bed. In both cases, the soil must be disinfected.

The easiest way is to buy or prepare a soil mixture in the fall and store it outside or on the loggia for complete freezing.

For seedlings, you should not take acidic, dense soil, which with regular watering becomes even denser and does not allow air to get to the root system. If the reason that tomato seedlings are very weak is poor soil, planting them in high-quality soil will help correct the situation.

Wrong pick

Every gardener knows from past experience how many tomato bushes he can place in his garden bed. Don't sprout too many seeds. The “more is better” method leads to the fact that there will be many seedlings, and they will develop slowly, stretching out and interfering with each other. Ideally, already at the germination stage, you can place the seeds in the ground with spaces between them (1.5 cm by 1.5 cm), and then plant them into separate pots. This way, if a plant gets sick, you won’t have to throw away the entire container. And planting a tomato in a garden bed, done using the transshipment method, will save time on rooting the bush.

If a lot of seeds have sprouted in the tray, select only best plants. They dive when the plant has three formed leaves. Common mistake, which leads to the death of the plant - premature picking. Small frail seedlings will not produce a strong, abundantly fruiting bush.

Check seeds for germination and sow required quantity with an addition of 10-20% in case of force majeure.

Diseases and pests

Tomato seedlings are sick, just like mature plant. Among the common diseases of tomato seedlings are: fusarium, black leg, rot. Fusarium - fungal disease, which affects the plant’s vascular system. Infected tomatoes wilt and turn yellow, starting from the lower leaves. Sometimes they can be saved by replanting them in fresh soil. But more often, the plants die.

The initial purchase of seed material that is resistant to the Fusarium pathogen will help to avoid problems in the future. Blackleg is a disease caused by bacteria. The signs of the disease are described in the name: the stem of the tomato turns black, the plant droops and falls. If a tomato is infected, it cannot be cured. The diseased plant is destroyed. The cause of the disease is clearly a combination of contaminated soil and excess moisture. An excess of moisture combined with a lack of heat leads to rotting of the plant. Typically, rot affects tomatoes at the germination stage. The seeds simply do not germinate and, so to speak, “disappear” from the soil.

How to help seedlings

WITH tomato seedlings, like a child, you need to treat it very delicately. There is no need to “OVER” anything: overfeed, overheat, overcool...

The main condition for the growth of tomatoes is comfortable conditions. This needs to be taken care of in the winter. If the apartment is cool and the weather is cloudy, build a mini-greenhouse, placing it not on the windowsill, but on a free table. The greenhouse can be heated and illuminated with one or two lamps, positioning them so that the heat of the lamps does not burn the plants. It will not be possible to restore very weak, frail sprouts by watering them with the “magic mixture”. It’s better not to waste time and nerves, throw away the spoiled seedlings and plant new ones instead. If you follow the basic rules of temperature and watering, the seeds will germinate within a week.

It is difficult to grow a lot of seedlings in apartment conditions. Here we need to rely not on quantity, but on quality. Buy in store quality seeds, plant each plant in a separate pot and grow a good harvest.

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​Tomato seedlings begin to stretch out greatly when they stand in a place where there is not enough light or, for example, light only from one side. The seedlings need to be placed in a place where they are illuminated evenly and in sufficient quantity, but if they are stretched out, then when planting such seedlings, they need to be planted lying down, leaving only the leaves above the ground, and planted so that the roots are directed to the south. ​

​And yet they don’t have enough light, even though it’s on the balcony, which means they need to ventilate the balcony more often to lower the temperature, and I would replace watering with complementary foods... this happens when the soil is VERY poor in microelements.​

​Maybe the land there was different. in any case, feed 2 more times. Do not overfill.​

She now needs nitrogen. Feed with complex fertilizer Start. The name of the fertilizer can be different, the main thing is that it says Start.​

​Feed with a yeast solution - you will see the result 3-4 days after feeding. for a 3-liter jar of water 100 g. yeast, 50 gr. sugar - leave for a couple of days in a warm place. i.e. you will get mash. take 100 ml. of this mash into a bucket of water and pour a liter under each bush. The tomatoes will begin to grow by leaps and bounds.​

​2) Pour boiling water over the boxes or soak them in potassium permanganate.​


Why don't tomato seedlings grow? How to save planting material?

Lack of nutrients


​When seedlings are transferred together with a clod of earth, this problem rarely arises. To prevent the formation of air cavities, the soil around the plants is carefully compacted in layers.​

Treatment is the application of fertilizers with the appropriate composition. Why do tomatoes turn yellow? Chlorosis, which develops due to a lack of iron, is to blame. It is urgent to remove the seedlings from the light and apply iron-containing fertilizers on the leaves.​

​Two weeks before planting, tomatoes must begin to be hardened by placing them on a balcony or under an open window. First for 2-3 hours then for the whole day. The hardening temperature should not fall below 8-10 degrees C.​

​When growing such a wonderful crop as tomatoes, gardeners face a number of difficulties, the most common problem is that tomato seedlings do not grow.​

Bury the long stem in the ground, nothing will happen. It's better than tomatoes that have fallen for good. However, for the future, remember that tomatoes need more light than cucumbers, for example. We usually grew tomatoes under lamps (we are talking about seedlings), then the stem turns out thick, without a lamp there is not enough light. Or you need to somehow conveniently place them on the windowsill.​

Did you buy it ready-made? Now, whenever you water, add soluble fertilizer, better than Kemiru, now it is a loose, pink Terrace-Lux.​

Unsuccessful pick

Yes, it’s strange, BUT the rest of your seedlings are also not ice - they are very elongated, the internodes are large, pale, you should have held them back (watered them with an athlete). I generally refrain from feeding seedlings.​

​Same problem. I have never used any chemicals. But now “Energen” had to be used. Although they also say everything is natural, but... I’ll plant it in the ground and only then will I take up mullein. Better fertilizer I haven't met!​


​3) Disinfect and dry the seeds.​

Develops during overflow, low temperature environment and substrate. Diseased seedlings cannot be saved. Needs to be replanted quickly healthy seedlings into new soil. Before transplanting, treat the roots with potassium permanganate.

​Mistakes in care can explain why tomatoes wither, become smaller and do not grow.​

Tomato seedlings stop growing after picking because

Improper care

​If the seedlings do not develop, then most likely they lack nutrients. How to recognize a deficiency of a particular substance and eliminate the consequences?​

​Tomato seedlings require compliance with certain conditions, for example, compliance with a special temperature regime. Immediately after the appearance of the first shoots, the boxes with seedlings are put into a cool place for a week; during the day the temperature should be 16-18 degrees C, at night - 13-15 degrees C.

In general, the first sign that your seedlings do not have enough light is the stretching of the stem. Therefore, you need to think about this in advance. But, if the entire stem is very elongated, then when picking tomatoes it can be deepened, thereby strengthening root system tomatoes.​

I agree with Valentina. . .too much land. grow roots.​

​reduce the air temperature. . .give more light. . you can spray with zircon.. it seems to me the soil is poor

The seedlings got sick

​make a bigger pot

​And what about Nakuya? let it grow as it should

​4) Plant tomatoes sparingly so that they grow freely without crowding each other.​

​Black leg.​

​1. The seedlings were flooded, so the roots were deprived of oxygen and suffocated.​

​The plant was moved carelessly and the roots were severely damaged.​

​With nitrogen deficiency, tomato seedlings are stunted; the stem becomes thinner; the leaves become smaller and turn pale.

​Then the temperature can be increased to 20 degrees C during the day and 16 degrees C at night. Specified temperature regime observed until the third true leaf appears on the tomato (approximately 30-35 days). During this time, the seedlings are watered 3 times at the root, the third time watering is carried out on the day of the picking, an hour before it starts. The recommended water temperature for irrigation should be 20 degrees C.​

It’s okay - most likely there was too much light or that type of tomato was planted. I constantly bury the stem when diving: it becomes thicker. And let the roots stick to themselves - you’re not going to tear them off!​

​for this size, a tablespoon is enough...​


​grows slowly, and where, in a greenhouse or o. g., then feed with urea or any manure, just keep the proportions!​

​If you have already planted seedlings in a greenhouse, then they need time to adapt and take root. Create comfortable conditions - the difference between night and day temperatures.​

​5) Water the seedlings abundantly, but rarely. The substrate inside must remain moist, and the surface layer must have time to dry.​

A fungal disease that affects weak seedlings. The development of blackleg is promoted by waterlogging of the soil, dense planting, lack of lighting, and heat. When the disease occurs, the base of the stem turns black, softens and becomes thinner. The seedlings die.


My tomato seedlings are growing very slowly. what should I do to make it grow faster?

Lera Lastochka

​You urgently need to clean the drainage holes at the bottom of the box, try to loosen the top layer of soil with a thin wooden stick (if the seedlings are still very small and sit close to each other, it is better not to do this). If there is no drainage in the container, healthy specimens are transplanted.


Before picking, the soil must be thoroughly watered. When the water is absorbed, dig up each tomato with a small spatula or finger and transfer it to a new place along with a lump of earth. The root system is practically not affected by such picking.​

Joe Fraser

With a lack of phosphorus down side leaves turn red-violet.​


​After two true leaves appear, the seedlings must be sprayed daily (in the morning) with low-fat milk (1 glass per liter of water), this procedure is the prevention of viral diseases.​

Galina Alieva

​If the seedlings begin to fall, tie up the support and wait for warm weather. then simply plant the seedlings at an angle, new roots will begin to grow from the pimples on the stem and the seedlings will take root very well. True, it is difficult to obtain a very good harvest from overgrown seedlings. unless you compensate for this with more thorough care...


​I planted tomato seedlings and already need to dive, but they have stretched out so much that I don’t know how to plant them now - if you bury a long stem in the ground, I’m afraid that the roots will bury themselves in the bottom of the pot..​

Valentina Timofeeva

​If you’re not too lazy, try replanting again - most likely it’s the soil or you’ve overfed it (are they yellowish, are they burnt?)​

svetlana faynleyb

​feed, maybe the soil is bad or the container

Yulia Sokolova

​And I think this is good, she shouldn’t grow now. and expand the root system. The temperature is specially reduced in nurseries. Am I wrong?​

coconut kikoskin

​6) To prevent rotting of the root collar, you can add a little sand to the box with seedlings.​

Marina Filippova

​You can save the plant only at the very beginning of the disease - water it with potassium permanganate, dive more rarely, loosen the soil.​

Elena Gubaidullina

​2. The substrate did not suit the tomatoes.​


The roots of the tomatoes are bent.

What about tomato seedlings?

Evgenia Taratutina

Lack of potassium is manifested by marginal yellowing of the leaves and their curling.


​On the 12th day after picking, the seedlings are fed with nitrophoska (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). Watering is carried out sparingly as the soil dries.

Bells Time

​And slightly reduce the temperature and watering, then the seedlings will begin to grow more slowly.​


​Seedlings usually become stretched due to lack of light and excessive heat. When picking, you can plant by deepening the stem of the plant. New roots will grow on it and the plant will be stronger and thicker. Tomatoes generally produce roots well. Even if the stepson is buried in damp soil or simply placed in water, it will give roots and grow into a full-fledged plant. Later it will be possible to harden the seedlings so that they no longer grow higher.

Just like that Questions

Why is she so skinny? Lower the temperature, increase the light. Do not fill!​


​It depends where: if you are still at home, then the plants may simply not have enough depth in the container or the soil may be unlucky, for example, too dense. Once upon a time it was the same with seedlings, I began to transplant them into a greenhouse, but the roots of the tomatoes only went 5 centimeters deep, and then it was solid stone, not soil, although I watered and loosened them regularly. After transplanting into the ground, the seedlings quickly began to grow. If the tomatoes have already been planted in the garden, then they need to be fed.

[I Am Your Legend]™

​A little Plutonium-239!​

Valentina Timofeeva

​7) Place seedlings on well-lit window sills, ventilate the room more often.​

Lariska rat

​It is best to prevent seedling diseases.​
We water it correctly, feed it on time, the place is chosen well, but the seedlings still don’t grow. The soil is most likely not suitable for it. In this case, you will have to change the soil.

Nina Zubova

The root system of tomatoes is long. Therefore, when picking, you need to make a deep hole so that the roots fit freely in it.​
​In the absence of magnesium in the substrate, the leaves become “marbled.”​

What should you do if the tomato seedlings are very elongated?

If, under the specified conditions, the tomato seedlings do not grow or grow slowly, then the tomatoes can be fed with a growth stimulant, for example, sodium humate. The solution is diluted to a consistency reminiscent of tea in color and the tomatoes are fed 1 cup per plant.


​To be honest, I’m not a big professional in this matter, I only recently got my dacha. True, my grandfather had 3 dachas, but I was little and don’t remember anything about the seedlings. If the tomato seedlings are very elongated, then this is not a problem. We'll fix everything. Good advice and please read the recommendations here.​


​Usually the cause of tomato seedlings stretching is a lack of light and heat. I illuminate my seedlings, especially at the beginning of growth, with a lamp in the morning and evening daylight. To reduce the temperature in the apartment, close the radiators central heating newspapers, rags, keep the windows slightly open, take the seedlings out to the balcony for a day at positive air temperatures. If you have space in the box where you grow seedlings, then add soil. When picking, the plants can be deepened by pinching the central root by a third; more lateral roots are formed. There is a drug called ATHLET that can be used to treat outgrown seedlings.​


​I think that the seedlings were planted into a volume of soil that was too large for them, this is the same as they recommend planting a room. flowers, gradually transplanted into pots of a slightly larger volume than they grew in; if planted immediately in a large one, then the root does not have time to master the entire lump of earth, the earth turns sour and the flower does not grow or dies completely


​Apparently transplanted into cold ground and immediately into a cool place. I once had eggplants sitting for a month and then they just started growing. Now I'm keeping an eye on this.​


​I fed my seedlings with liquid vermicompost and now they are unrecognizable...​



​1) Before sowing, calcine the soil mixture and spill it with a solution of potassium manganese.​

Most often the growth of tomatoes is stopped by the following diseases:

cherry blossom

​The roots are poorly compressed, which is why air cavities have formed around them.​