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Main trends. Modern landscape design. Main trends Ease of maintaining your garden plot

In 2016 landscape design involves the use of many new products in this area. Staircases and gazebos are being created in a new way, plants are growing and swimming pools are being installed. Each personal plot acquires not just its own unique face, but becomes a piece of real paradise.

Landscape design of the site in 2016

In the USA, in the state of Oregon, in one of the small towns there is a luxurious dormitory area. Here you can find a huge number of large mansions with non-luxury plots. Some owners ennobled them with their own hands, and some trusted them in the hands of professional designers who created real masterpieces of landscape art.

So, in one of the houses of a successful entrepreneur, designer Dennis Mikah worked. Despite his youth, he has extensive experience in improving modern sites and has not disgraced his name this time either.

He created the beauty that you can see in the photo with his own hands in just a few months. Yes, a small personal paradise was not cheap for the owner, but now he can throw incendiary parties right in his home and just have a pleasant time in the fresh air.

Unique landscape design

The landscape design of this area looks very beautiful at night. The main feature is the open hearth, lined with bricks and decorated with special stone. You can sit around the fire on interesting African-style stump stools.

This great choice for a wonderful cozy friendly party, as well as a small home picnic with your family. The atmosphere is enhanced by two illuminated swimming pools, as well as a potted tree that you can see in the background.

During the day, the magic does not disappear, but takes on slightly different shades. In the magical garden you can find stone fountains with softly rippling water, slender cypress trees, as well as strange plants. Of course, the owner does not have that much time to devote to his garden on his own, and in order to ensure that it does not lose its beauty throughout the year, he hired a gardener.

Gazebo 2016

A gazebo is an important component of landscape design in 2016. It can be ordered separately, or it can be laid out of brick directly on the site. The result will surpass all expectations - you will receive not only perfect place, where you can hide from the rain and enjoy its enchanting music, sitting in a cozy lounge chair or sofa.

If you wish, you can take a swim in a small bathtub directly in the rain, into which water cascades from the adjacent, larger pool. Thanks to this, rain is never a problem here, and you want to enjoy every drop that gently flows down your tanned skin.

Pool 2016

In the evening, the world takes on different colors, thanks to the illumination of each pool and the sea of ​​lights around. Thanks to this, every day in this house turns into a holiday.

The pools are characterized by an ergonomic shape and different depths. The largest is the deepest. For convenience, there are special steps in it. They will help you smoothly enter the water and get even more pleasure from it.

The next pool is not deep. Water flows beautifully into it from a nearby artificial reservoir and you can simply lie down and relax in it, resting after a busy day. Since almost every day is sunny, a small umbrella is placed here to create a cozy shade.

Have you ever thought about what your garden will look like in 2016? Winter - best time to take stock of last season and review various options changes. Usually empty winter Garden allows you to see the actual structure of the space and get a good idea of ​​what you need to do.

In this article you will find out what garden design is in fashion today, study possible ways its improvements and see 35 inspiring photos of garden plots near the house. Enjoy watching!

How to update and create a stylish garden design - landscape ideas 2016

If we talk about the growing trends of recent years, the landscape design of the garden and site has especially begun to develop in the following three directions:

  1. The effect of a “wild” or semi-abandoned garden;
  2. East Asian (Chinese) style and Zen gardens;
  3. Modern minimalist design with clean, straight lines.

Let's look at the features of each of these trends in modern garden design, and also enjoy beautiful photos gardens of recent years.

Garden design with the effect of “abandonment”

This is definitely main trend in landscape design. Allowing different technologies simplify our lives, we nevertheless strive to surround ourselves with natural natural materials and motives. This is probably required by our inner need to have balance and balance in everything.

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So, what does it take to create beautiful design garden in a naturally overgrown style?

First of all, it should be noted that such a design is easiest to create if there is a certain number of mature trees and bushes. The main features of the style - romance and some mystery - are achieved precisely due to the presence of dense vegetation on the site.

The desired effect can also be achieved using tall grass(knee-length and above), randomly planted flowers and other plants, as well as simple, uneven paths between them.

Simply put, this garden design requires the least amount of care and effort. Although this does not mean that he does not require them at all. Sometimes designing alternating levels of tall and short plants so that they appear naturally growing rather than awkward can be even more challenging than creating an orderly garden design.

The advantage of a romantic wild garden is the presence of secluded places that are perfect for rest and relaxation. Consider placing a wooden bench, a wrought iron table with chairs, a wicker arch, a gazebo, etc. in such a garden.

An additional decoration for an “abandoned” garden can be: large stones, antique vases and other objects that allegedly ended up here by chance.

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By the way, the latest features of this garden design - stones, ancient look and places for relaxation - strongly resonate with Chinese style and Zen gardens. It's time to get to know them!

East Asian garden design (new photos)

An integral part of Zen gardens are open gazebos for relaxation, the presence of bodies of water (ponds, streams), inspiring abstractions or stone figures and the absence bright colors. Looking at the photos of garden plots in chinese style, you will notice that they are dominated by green color plants. You can see red, pink, white and other flowers less often, but in general the composition always remains calm and self-possessed. The second most popular garden design in 2016 is perfect for people with hard work and simply those who know how and love to draw strength from Mother Nature.

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Garden landscape design in the style of modern minimalism

Along with the inspiring, nature-inspired styles described above, last years Minimalist garden design, characterized by orderliness and clear lines, began to rapidly develop. You will love this style for its interesting geometric shapes flower beds and plantings, well-groomed paths, lush green lawn and abundance open space, which can sometimes be as inspiring as the spirit of Zen. Cleanliness and order around us is the key to the same within us!

How do you like it? Be sure to tell us in the comments which style of these three you liked the most! Well, finally, let's look at various options and ideas for improving your garden this year.

We create a garden design with our own hands

In addition to leading fashion trends, when planning the landscape design of your garden plot, you should also take into account your experience over previous seasons. To make sure you don't miss anything, use our list of question tips:

  1. Do all plants grow in in the right place? Perhaps some should be transplanted into the shade, or vice versa in the sun? Also get rid of plants that did not take root well, required complex care, or spoiled the garden design and your mood last year.
  2. Are you tired of the look of your flower beds? Would you like to try something new? color combination, which will better suit the design of the facade of the house and your state of mind?

3. How do you feel about an empty garden in winter? Evergreens conifers are firmly in fashion, so why not plant them in your garden and enjoy them all year round?

4. Is it time to add some shade or some fruit tree to your garden relaxation corner? Or maybe there’s a beautiful fluffy bush missing near the porch? Empty spaces in the garden can sometimes be very annoying.

5. What condition are yours? garden paths and the fence? Maybe it’s worth updating them or decorating them, for example, with climbing plants?

6. Is the irrigation system efficient? If not, then this needs to be corrected even before the plants begin to wake up and move away from winter.

7. What could make your life easier? For example, home garden It’s better to break it closer to the entrance to the house or garden barbecue. You can also organize a simple covered storage for tools in the garden, so as not to carry them all the time from the garage and back. What about garden lighting? Maybe it’s worth adding path lighting or hanging cute lanterns on tree branches? Think about what you were missing last summer and how you can add it to your garden.

Follow the release of new articles on Dekorin, because soon we will publish interesting materials with DIY garden design ideas!

Planning a garden design in winter - best ideas and photos for 2016 updated: January 20, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko

Not only interior design is in fashion in 2016, but also landscape design.

Each site requires special attention, care, we strive to create comfort not only in the house, but also in our summer cottage.

To make the design of your site beautiful and cozy, you should adhere to fashion trends 2016.

In 2016, a bright and unusual garden is in fashion.

So, for example, plant bright, beautiful flowers, which will attract the attention of others with their unusual beauty, for example roses, they will create beauty in the garden.

Don't forget about lilies, phlox, irises and many other flowers.

In 2016, popular various flowering shrubs, it will look beautiful on your site if you plant petunia.

Beautiful design of borders has always been in fashion, and this year is not spared.

In 2016, the decorative vegetable garden is gaining popularity.

If you don't want to study bright colors, then beautifully decorate a small vegetable garden on your site. It will be very beautiful if you plant small flowers or shrubs along with the vegetables.

Black color in design has always been particularly popular, and even now, it has not gone out of fashion for many years. It will be beautiful if you have it on your own garden plot place black furniture or decorative lanterns. They will decorate the area and give it a special coziness.

If you don't like black, then give preference to other dark tones and shades.

In 2016, it is very fashionable to plant flowers in pots; it is even more beautiful if these pots are decorated with decorative multi-colored stones.

If you haven't decided with garden fence, then it will be stylish if you make it translucent. Such a fence will not block the plants; you will see how new buds bloom in the garden.

From natural plants you can make a high border. This season it is fashionable to make small paths on your site that can be hidden different plants, for example - daisies.

From climbing roses you can create something unusually beautiful, for example, beautifully decorate a gazebo or a transparent fence. You can decorate your home with roses.

In 2016, round sculptures are fashionable; it will be beautiful if the bushes are cut into small balls.

A round pool with a waterfall will add comfort and beauty to your site.

Brightness, bright lighting, it's all the rage in 2016.

In 2016, stone products are in fashion. You can make a stone border or a stone path.

To choose a design for your site, you need one that is suitable for your site, a design that you will like most and will delight with its beauty.

In 2016 in fashion various crafts With your own hands from wood, plastic, you can make flower beds from wood for your site.

It doesn’t stand still, this applies to absolutely everything, clothes, phones, cars and so on. The article is devoted modern trends in country and cottage landscaping in 2016.

As is known from the history of gardening and landscape construction, the style of garden design was unique in each country, with a specific set of landscape elements. Each style of landscaping has its own personality. Some things go out of fashion, some always go out of style. Nowadays, people have significantly expanded the art of landscape design. What seemed unreal 100 years ago is now absolutely normal.

In order to know what is fashionable and in demand, we bring to your attention:

Top 7 fashionable trends in country landscaping:

1. Ecologically friendly gardens or eco garden

Particularly popular are natural materials in the garden. Of course, this is primarily stone and wood. Plastic flowerpots and polystone figurines fade into the background.

In order not to disturb the flora and fauna of the garden, weed control is carried out through mechanical action, as well as the use of organic matter. Organic mulch - The best way destruction of annual weeds. In order for this technique to work, the beds in the ornamental garden need to be mulched every year. These events are held in autumn period. The best way to control perennial weeds is to use mechanical method their removal. Pulling out their root system using garden tools.

Ecologically friendly garden- the success of your good health and positive mood, because you will be able to spend many times more time in the garden. Some cases, of course, require chemical intervention, without this there is no way.

Order an environmentally friendly garden You can from our company. We have extensive experience in creation of anti-allergenic and environmentally friendly gardens.

2. Saving water resources

Often people began to think about such a problem as saving water. After all, if you calculate the amount of water wasted per year, you get quite large volumes. IN Western countries, many landscape designers began to adhere to this principle. A large number of gardens are built with a predominance of only drought-resistant plants that require less watering.

Services of landscape studio LENOTR-PARK

In addition to this, water intakes are installed that collect rainwater. With the help of filters, it is cleaned, it settles and then is used by an automatic watering system. In Russia this is still very rarely practiced.

3. Using exotic plants in garden design

Often this technique can be found in the decoration of verandas, gazebos, at the entrance areas of the house with plants, and so on. Application exotic plants in tubs and decorative flowerpots will significantly color the palette of your garden. In winter they will feel good at home and will perfectly enliven your interior.

4. New Year's lighting

IN lately there is an increase in demand for. Illumination of the Christmas tree, as well as other beautifully structured trees in the garden, will create a festive mood at any time of the year.

5. Use of a biofilter in the construction of decorative ponds

The role of a filter in such reservoirs is played by ornamental aquatic plants. The device has a number of features. Water divided into several segments or bowls, but is a single whole. The first segment is the body of water itself, the second is a specially designated place for aquatic plants. As a rule, space for plants is allocated along the edges. Also, such a reservoir can be built according to the cascade principle, in the upper bowl there is a biofilter made of plants, in the lower bowl there is a reservoir.

6. Merging landscaping styles

At the moment in great demand enjoys mixing garden styles. Let's say this could be a garden in english style, which includes zones in which elements of English are present landscape style, or Japanese garden, in combination with hi-tech.

If you merge correctly, the result will be very original garden design. is very multifaceted, each person has his own specific set of elements with the help of which the garden will be developed and created. Garden design in Moscow from LENOTR-PARK will exceed all your expectations.

Such gardens have become widespread in Germany, England, Poland and many other Western countries. Now they are actively winning the sympathy of Russian gardeners. Its idea is that the garden or its plot consists only of perennial herbaceous plants. Such a garden requires minimal maintenance, but in order for the picture of the garden to be clearly visible, large areas are required.