home · Installation · How to treat the garden in the fall. What to spray in the fall: currants, apple trees, strawberries, fruit trees, shrubs, roses. Spraying fruit trees with urea in autumn

How to treat the garden in the fall. What to spray in the fall: currants, apple trees, strawberries, fruit trees, shrubs, roses. Spraying fruit trees with urea in autumn

For this you can use urea (urea), copper or iron sulfate, 3% Bordeaux mixture. But the treatment is carried out not with these four drugs, but preferably with one of them during the period when the foliage has completely fallen, but before the onset of frost.

Autumn treatment of fruit diseases with urea

This is a highly effective granulated fertilizer containing in an assimilable form essential for the growth and development of plants. nutrient nitrogen. Its mass fraction in the fertilizer is 46%. Urea is the most popular spraying agent. It can be used both in autumn and spring. IN autumn period The concentration is taken at the rate of 500-700 grams per 10 liters of water. At the same time, it burns out many fungal diseases, even some pests that try to overwinter on fruit trees.

Treating the garden in the fall with urea is chemical treatment, not fertilizing trees. It is carried out over the entire crown of a tree or berry bush and the adjacent soil around the tree must be sprayed. Almost all pome and stone fruit crops, as well as berry bushes, are sprayed with urea.

Autumn treatment of an orchard with copper sulfate

The drug is considered a fungicide to combat diseases of berries, fruits (pome and stone fruits), and ornamental crops. This is a good preventative against various types fungal diseases on plants. The concentration of copper sulfate is selected depending on the type of plant. So, for spraying apple and pear trees, as well as quince, it is necessary to make a concentration of 100 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. And for stone fruit crops, such as plums, cherries, cherries, as well as peaches and apricots, a different concentration is used - 50-75 g per 10 liters of water. The same concentration is used for spraying berry bushes.

Tree treatment is done after the leaves have completely fallen, carefully treating the branches and trunk of the tree.

Our advice

Due to the poor solubility of iron sulfate in cold water, it is advisable to warm it up. First, it is advisable to dilute the vitriol in a small amount of warm water, and then mix it with the main volume.

Autumn treatment of trees in the garden with iron sulfate

This is a means to combat various garden pests, fungal spores, mosses and lichens. This product is not only used to control diseases and pests, but it can also supplement the iron requirements of fruit trees. This element is especially necessary for apple, pear and plum trees.

On average, the solution concentration is used at the rate of 300 g of vitriol per 10 liters of water. But there are some nuances. For example, for spraying gooseberries, currants, raspberries, use 250 g of vitriol per 10 liters of water, for stone fruits - 300 g of the drug and pome crops (apple and pear) - 500 g per 10 liters of water. Spraying is carried out on bare wood, trunk circle and the earth around the tree.

Bordeaux mixture for treating an orchard in autumn

An effective means of autumn control of pests and diseases is the treatment of fruit trees, shrubs and berries with a 3% Bordeaux mixture. You can prepare the solution yourself: dissolve 300 g of copper sulfate in 5 liters of warm water. In the next 5 liters, dilute 400 g of lime and, stirring constantly, pour the vitriol solution into the lime solution in a thin stream.

You can buy a package of ready-made Bordeaux mixture, only then dilute it in the recommended volume of water.

Bordeaux mixture effectively destroys all types of spots, scab and many other fungal diseases (curl, moniliosis, coccomycosis, clasterosporiasis, etc.). All shoots and trunk are treated.

It must be remembered that treatments are carried out in dry, windless weather. It is important to take measures for personal protection.

Miron DATSKO, Ph.D.
Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation NAAS

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We will describe how trees are sprayed in the fall, what preparations are used and what the deadlines for completing the work are.

This procedure allows you to fight pests and pathogens. It is especially useful for young trees that are not yet able to fully fight diseases and pests.

If you do not carry out the procedure, then the enemies of the trees will have time to penetrate the branches and crown of the trees and overwinter in the fallen leaves and soil. These processes are especially active in warm and long autumn.

Spraying is effective not only against adult harmful insects, but also their pupae and laid eggs.

Timing for spraying trees

Autumn spraying fruit trees spends late autumn, when the trees have shed their leaves. If you rush, the leaves will get burned and fall off earlier. Because of this, trees become less resistant to winter cold and to pests and diseases in spring.

It is best to process trees in rainless and windless weather. The temperature should not be below 4 degrees Celsius. If you didn’t have time before winter, or the weather didn’t allow you to do it, you can postpone the procedure to spring. But do it before the buds open.

If the work was carried out immediately before the rain, it will wash away some of the preparations and will be less effective. Therefore, keep an eye on the weather and weather forecasters.

You should be prepared to carry out gardening work if the weather is suitable. As a rule, spraying is carried out in the second half of October.

Spraying rules

Spraying apple trees in the fall, like other crops, should be carried out not only on the branches, but also on the trunk and the ground around it. After all, some pests and diseases overwinter on fallen leaves or in the soil.

Adjust the sprayer so that the solution droplets are small. This will allow you to treat the required area of ​​the garden with a minimum amount of the product.

Try to spray the entire crown of trees, even tall ones. After all, diseases or pests from untreated branches can move to the lower tiers of the tree crown. That is why it is advisable to grow varieties of small height that can be easily trimmed and processed.

If there are any layers, swellings, or signs of damage on the bark, then they need to be scraped off with a metal brush. As a rule, pests hide here for the winter. Next, this place should be treated with drugs.

How to spray apple trees in the fall


Autumn spraying of the garden can be done with a solution of urea (urea). Pour half a kilogram of the substance into a bucket of water and stir thoroughly. Spray branches, wood, and fallen leaves around trunks.

Urea is white granules, almost odorless. It dissolves well in water, especially heated water. This is a very concentrated nitrogen fertilizer.

Urea is an excellent remedy for combating all types of rot, spotting, and is well suited for destroying various infections and viral diseases fruit trees. Also effective against common garden pests (caterpillars, aphids, apple blossom beetle).

Many don't experienced gardeners They don’t know how to treat fruit trees and shrubs in the fall, but there are a number of new preparations or you can resort to well-proven old remedies.

The main treatment of trees against pests is carried out by spraying. Before taking any measures, the gardener should take care of his own safety, namely, protect exposed skin and eyes.

Treating fruit trees with copper sulfate

Copper sulfate copes well with the following diseases on trees and shrubs: scab, leaf spot, black cancer, anthracnose of garden trees, moniliosis, drying out. To obtain a solution of copper sulfate, it is diluted in a ratio of 100 g per ten liter bucket of water. Plantings should be processed in dry weather on a warm day.

Treatment of shrubs with urea in autumn

Urea is a good effective remedy in the fight against various diseases, in particular with monilial burn, purpuric spotting and scab. Urea is diluted in a proportion of 500 g per ten liters of water. If you don’t have time to collect the leaves, you can treat them with the same solution.

Spraying garden plants with urea will be more effective if 50 g of copper sulfate is added to the working solution. This composition works well not only in the fight against infections, but also against harmful insects. Treatment is carried out with a solution of urea and copper sulfate at the beginning of leaf fall. The mixture consumption is 2.5 liters per 10 square meters. m.

Soda + soap

Treatment of shrubs in the fall against pests and diseases can be done using the following solution: 10 liters of water + 350g soda ash+ 35 g of soap. Stir all components until dissolved, after which you can spray trees against most diseases and harmful insects.

At the very beginning, before processing, the most affected or dried branches on the bushes are cut off. The cut areas are cleaned of bark residues, sawdust and sprayed with copper sulfate to prevent bacterial infections from developing, then treated with garden varnish.

Drugs in processing

Treatment of fruit trees in the fall against pests and diseases can be done using finished drugs. It is better to spray after 15/10, choosing a dry, windless day.

  • "Horus" is used to protect trees and bushes.
  • "Skor" is suitable for stone fruit and pome trees. It is also used against scab, clusterosporiasis, leaf curl, and coccomycosis.
  • "Tinovit Jet" helps protect gooseberries, currants, apple trees, and cherry plums from American powdery mildew.
  • “HOM” preparation can be used to treat all plantings on the site. Hom gives good results in the fight against moniliosis, scab, coccomycosis, curl, and clusterosporiasis.
  • "Aktara" uses the drug to eliminate insect pests, including weevils, scale insects, raspberry beetles, and mites.
  • "Karbofos" destroys not only pests, but also their larvae. It is used against codling moths, psyllids, sawflies, spider mite. To neutralize all garden plants, use 90 g of the drug, and for raspberry, gooseberry, and currant bushes, 75 g.

Garden work on processing plantings is carried out after October 20 or from November 1-10. Depending on the region, summer residents should focus on the active shedding of leaves, which is a guide to starting work in the garden.

Like anything fruit tree, loved by pests and, accordingly, susceptible various diseases. We conclude that to obtain good harvest care required. It must be timely and correct, and more than once a year. Treatment in late autumn from various and is effective.

Appointment and timing

Based on observations over many years, experienced gardeners have compiled a calendar, thanks to which anyone can find out when and what kind of processing needs to be done, because the harvest is at stake.

Most of diseases are revealed during fruiting, when fruits that are not fully ripened begin to rot and crumble. That's why autumn processing The apple orchard carries a preventive task: that is, those that did not die in the fall will be destroyed in the spring.

Important! It is strictly prohibited to treat trees during fruit ripening.

The optimal month is November, processing early autumn can lead to yellowing and falling leaves, and even worse - to leaf burns, which in turn can lead to the death of trees from frost.

If the processing is performed correctly, the result will be visible in next year– the garden will delight you with abundant fruiting. Spraying is carried out in dry, windless weather. Before starting this procedure, the tree trunk area must be cleared of leaves and debris.

What to process?

Knowing that autumn treatment is a preventive measure to reduce the disease and proliferation of pests on trees in the spring, and also destroys those who hid in the bark to overwinter, the question arises of what can be used to treat an apple orchard in the fall. Let's look at some of the drugs.


Spraying with this substance can be carried out after up to 50% of the foliage has fallen from the trees. with a concentration of up to 5% (500 grams per 1 liter). For greater effect, we spray in late autumn on bare wood, keeping the solution concentration to 10% (100 grams per 1 liter).

We treat not only the tree, but also the ground around it, using it for two purposes at once: both, and. This concentration of solution cannot be used on leaves - they will get burned and fall off. ahead of schedule, without completely giving it to the tree nutrients, and this can negatively affect resistance to cold weather.

Whitewashing trees with this preparation at all times is not only decorative in nature, but also protects the plant bark from adverse factors:

  • protects against burns when there is no foliage to protect from the sun;
  • protects against temperature fluctuations and, accordingly, helps against cracking of the bark in winter;
  • is a barrier against various pests in winter.

Experienced gardeners recommend whitening trees with lime 3 times a year. White color The whitewash reflects the rays of the sun, and the trunk does not have time to heat up, but this procedure must be performed correctly.

Gardeners recommend whitewashing the entire trunk with lower skeletal branches up to half the length in dry and windless weather so that the lime can adhere and dry on the trunk.

Important! For better adhesion of the finished solution to the tree trunk, it is necessary to add clay, laundry soap, and glue to it.

To perform this process efficiently, it is necessary that:

  • the prepared mixture was not very thick, as there would be lumps, and not very liquid, otherwise the solution would drain from the trunk;
  • color only white – reflection guarantee sunlight;
  • To prevent rain from washing away the whitewash, the presence of glue in the solution is mandatory;
  • for young trees that must be whitened, the concentration of the mixture should be less than for adults;
  • The tree trunk must be cleared of lichens, dead bark must be removed and disinfected with an ash-soap solution.

Garden var

Garden var - everyone known remedy, which is used for processing large sections from tree branches and for covering wounds to protect them from pathogenic microbes, fungi and loss of tree sap.

It is one of the safest and effective means garden healing: you can buy a ready-made brew in retail outlets, or you can cook it yourself. The advantages of this tool are:

  1. Easy to prepare and apply to the surface.
  2. It hardens well and does not fall off the treated surface.
  3. Retains moisture and prevents wounds from drying out.

The following substances are used as the basis for garden varnish:

  1. Beekeeping products – , .
  2. Fats that are eaten - various vegetable oils, salo.
  3. Mixtures used in agricultural technology – from grapevine, .

Did you know? In order to speed up the healing process of wounds, you need to add heteroauxin tablets crushed into powder to the garden varnish when it is ready in the ratio: per kilogram of mixture one tablet.

Ready-made drugs

In addition to the above substances, they can be protected with special liquids, so anyone can decide how to treat trees in the fall, depending on time and money.

One of the most popular drugs is “Insecticidal drug 30+”. With its help they fight moths and many other pests. The product is pre-diluted in water in a ratio of 1:50 and the resulting solution is treated with the trunk.

Every owner of a summer house or private home needs to prepare for the winter. Your future arrangement of affairs in the spring depends on this preparation. By treating the garden in the fall from various diseases and pests, you direct your efforts more towards cleaning up pests and fighting harmful insects, various microorganisms that cause all kinds of diseases, rodents and the influence of weather conditions.

Treatment of the garden in the fall from pests and possible diseases includes several processes aimed mainly at caring for plants of cultivated crops, namely: cutting off old branches, treating plantings special solutions(spraying with solutions of copper and iron sulfate, urea), whitewashing tree trunks and staking plants for the winter period. Let's consider the above processes in more detail.

Procedure for pruning with garden shears

At the end of the summer period, every smart gardener knows about the need for preventive pruning garden plants in the garden. For correct pruning remove diseased shoots, fatty deposits and branches growing inside the tree. In different climatic regions, autumn can be delayed and the weather can remain consistently warm for quite a long time. In this regard, a large number of tops appear, which also need to be removed.

If the dacha is located in the northern region, then it is not advisable to carry out pruning in autumn and winter - this can significantly damage the plants and lead to freezing of the bark. For the southern regions, such pruning is acceptable and is especially suitable for young seedlings. Pruning young seedlings is a very scrupulous process and only branches that interfere with the growth of others can be pruned.

When pruning, it is important to observe tiering (all branches located below should be thicker than those above) - this will make it possible to obtain fruits of good quality.

Removing old bark from a tree with a metal scraper

The whitewash mixture can be purchased at the store or made yourself.

Preparation of whitewash

To prepare whitewash, mix the following components one by one:

  • 3 kg of lime;
  • 0.5 kg of copper sulfate;
  • 80 grams of casein glue;
  • water is added until the mixture is thick enough to resemble sour cream.


Second preparation option:

  • slaked lime – 2 kg;
  • copper sulfate – 250 g;
  • clay – 1 kg;
  • cow dung.

For whitewashing, you can also use water-based and acrylic paints purchased in stores.

Whitewash effect

Whitewashing trees is useful because, while organizing protective layer tree, you get rid of insect pests and microorganisms that carry various viruses. By whitewashing, you also prevent insects from depositing eggs on the trunks. To carry out more effective whitewashing it is necessary to add vitriol and various types of insecticides to the solution ( a shining example karbofos appears).

To mix the beneficial substances into one consistency, use glue, paint or clay. If a summer cottage open type and there is a risk negative influence mice and hares on a tree trunk, then you can use carbolic acid, adding them in the amount of one spoon to the whitewash mixture.

Pests that appear during the ripening period can be a huge source of all kinds of diseases in your garden. In order not to succumb to the effects of the poison, chemical treatment of plantings in the period before harvesting is prohibited.

Treating the garden with urea

After completing all work in the garden or on summer cottage, trees and shrubs can be specially treated with urea solution (5%). Autumn treatment of the garden with urea is necessary to protect plants from scab. Plant branches, their trunks, as well as the soil underneath them can be processed.

Spraying plants with urea. Mandatory availability protective equipment(respirator, gloves, safety glasses and clothing)

One of the constituent elements of urea is urea, which promotes vegetation processes, which leads to the saturation of plants with nitrogen. Spraying can have a negative effect only if a particular plant is not sufficiently adapted to the cold. To prevent the consequences of negative climatic influences, spraying with urea is carried out a month before the onset of cold weather.

When worrying about the safety of your garden plants, don’t forget about yours. Before starting the process, make sure you have a respirator, gloves, work clothes and glasses.

Spraying should be carried out in calm weather in order to prevent the spread of pesticides to places undesirable for treatment.

Treatment with copper sulfate solution

Treating the garden with copper sulfate is done to prevent the appearance of fruit rot, scab and powdery mildew. In order to improve the characteristics of the solution, lime is added to it, resulting in the so-called Bordeaux mixture.

Bordeaux mixture

Why spraying should be carried out in the fall, the answer is very simple - due to the low temperature, the concentration of the solution can be increased to 3%. If spraying with such a concentration of solution was carried out in the spring, there would be a risk of damage or destruction of leaves.

Today, Brodos mixture can be purchased at almost any hardware store. If this is not possible for you for some reason, then you can make it yourself. It is necessary to add 30 grams of copper sulfate to 20 liters of water and dilute with 400 grams of slaked lime.

A fairly good equivalent would be a Burgundy mixture. The only difference is the addition of 250 grams of soda ash instead of lime. To ensure that the solution adheres better to the bark of sprayed plants, soap is added to it. It is prohibited to add soap to Bordeaux mixture - this can lead to the formation of lumps.

Treating the garden with copper sulfate is usually carried out after work has been completed (whitewashing, pruning, etc.). In the middle climatic conditions The most suitable month for spraying is November. If carried out earlier, this may result in chemical burns of the leaves.

Treatment with iron sulfate

If the plantings are old and they are bothered by problems such as the presence of moss and lichen, then autumn garden treatment iron sulfate a concentration of 5-7% will help get rid of them. The main difference between autumn treatment with iron sulfate and treatment with Bordeaux mixture is that the addition of lime is prohibited.

The effect of treatment with iron sulfate is significantly less than that of previous methods, but it also has its advantages - this is the saturation of trees with iron, and a distinctive effect on oxidation processes.

For the prevention and treatment of certain plant diseases, it is used together with other chemicals for complex therapy of plantings. Insecticides can be added to the solution to repel unwanted pests.

In addition to the above operations, autumn garden treatment includes an equally important procedure - tying up trees. All garden trees with the onset of frost, they are tied with raspberry or spruce branches, and in their absence - with ordinary roofing material or a metal mesh.

Wrapping wood with film

Soil is poured under the resulting structure so that rodents do not harm the tree. The strapping allows you to protect the bark from the harsh influence of sunlight after winter period which may cause burns. With the onset of winter and in the presence of snow, the latter is poured onto tree trunks.

If you are notified of the presence of rodents in your summer cottage, then autumn treatment of the garden from pests involves the installation of traps, traps and poisoned baits. When falling out large quantity snow precipitation, they are compacted around the tree for greater thermal balance.

After the frost has subsided, around April, all strapping structures are removed. To do this, the weather forecast is analyzed in advance and cloudy days are selected. This is done to better adapt the bark to the influence of ultraviolet radiation emitted by sunlight.

All of the above activities are important for the organization autumn preparation and will protect your soil and plantings from unwanted diseases, climatic influences and increase overall fertility and yield.