home · Installation · Mass effect andromeda won't start on windows 10. Where are the Mass Effect: Andromeda saves. No sound or no sound, background noise

Mass effect andromeda won't start on windows 10. Where are the Mass Effect: Andromeda saves. No sound or no sound, background noise

It gives many reasons for complaints: faces are poorly animated, optimization on PC is poor, and bugs are often annoying. But BioWare promises to fix most of these shortcomings soon. In the meantime, we wait - here is a list of what it is quite possible to cope with on your own.

PC version optimization

Andromeda barely produces 60 frames per second at high and ultra settings, even with recommended configurations; most players with GTX 1060-level video cards are forced to settle for a frame rate of no higher than 55 fps. The difference is small, but still not pleasant.

Fortunately, this can be resolved with more fine-tuning. You can learn more about this, but, but in short - lower the quality of the shadows, and performance will noticeably improve.

General measures

This may seem obvious to some, but check that your video card drivers are fresh - some of the loading and performance problems may arise precisely because of outdated software.

Also make sure in the game settings that it is running in full screen mode - windowed and frameless windowed modes consume more resources on your PC.

And one more banal, but not outdated piece of advice. Open the system unit and see if there is a lot of dust in it. You can take a ruler and measure the thickness of the layer - if it is more than two millimeters, then this can no longer be attributed to a statistical error. Dust greatly affects the heating of components, and this, in turn, affects their performance and lifespan.

When cleaning, disconnect your computer from electrical network and open the windows wider - it’s better not to inhale dust. And don’t go into the components with a wet rag - we remove large clumps with a vacuum cleaner (preferably with a brush attachment, so as not to damage anything), then blow them with a hairdryer (preferably near a window and always with cold air), and then go over them with an alcohol wipe. If the computer is more than two years old, it is better to check whether the thermal paste on the processor is dry, but if in doubt, it is better to entrust it to a professional or at least call a friend.

Known solvable bugs

Black screen at startup or when minimizing the window- the problem can be caused by various utility programs like Corsair Utility Engine. Remove them and restart the game.

The process is activated, but the game itself does not start- here, most likely, the antivirus or firewall is to blame. Find it in the folder with installed game this file is ActivationUI.exe (standard C:Program Files (x86)Origin Games Mass Effect AndromedacoreActivationUI.exe) and add it to your security exceptions list.

When the mode is activated HDR picture looks incorrect- A compatible monitor or TV is required to use HDR. If everything matches, simply restart the game. Sometimes Radeon video cards have problems displaying colors in the extended range, try going into the video card settings and checking the HDR section.

It’s hard to hear surrounding sounds- change the sound output mode in the audio settings, perhaps the one you have installed does not correspond to the actual speaker configuration.

The game freezes on the loading screen - this can happen at any time, not only when starting or loading a save. Close the program and go to Origin settings. There, find a way to disable cloud saves, and try to restore the game - something might have gone wrong during installation.

The sound disappears- restart the game.

Rider gets stuck in texture or falls through- take out/put away your weapon, activate the scanner, jump. If it doesn’t work out, you can always use fast travel or just save and load the game in the same place - the character will be freed.

Scripts required for missions do not work- leave the location and return, the animation should activate.

Problems with playing online- reboot the router, turn off the VPN if you have one. In addition, the game uses a peer 2 peer connection in multiplayer. so if your “host” happens to be on the other side of the planet (although matchmaking is usually carried out in one region), the lag due to high ping can't be avoided.

Also, check in settings network connection computer the following ports:

  • TCP: 443, 17503, 17504, 10000-19999, 42210, 42130, 42230
  • UDP: 3659, 10000-19999

Bugs that will be fixed soon

BioWare has promised to release a patch soon that should resolve several common bugs. Here is a list of problems that will definitely be fixed in the update:

  • Video cards in Crossfire provide almost no increase in power
  • PC version does not support Dolby Vision
  • When running on 4:3 screens, the image is stretched unnaturally
  • FPS drops significantly in Storm Canyons location
  • teammates teleport uncontrollably or get stuck in one place
  • Objects in space behave incorrectly and tremble
  • Autosave happens too rarely
  • Main mission scripts don't work
  • If you skip cutscenes too often, the Ryder may become suspended in the air
  • If you zigzag, the rider may get out of control and begin a cycle of random animations
  • Disappearing sound
  • If you create a new character immediately after exiting an existing walkthrough to the menu, some quests and Journal items may be carried over

The update will be released in the coming days.

The long-awaited action role-playing game about intergalactic adventures Mass Effect: Andromeda is available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The optimization of the game cannot be called bad, but if you have any problems, then in this article we will try to help you solve them. Don't despair if you can't launch the game or it's slow for you; perhaps the essence of the problem lies in something unrelated to the power of your system. If Mass Effect: Andromeda does not start, slows down, crashes, Mass Effect: Andromeda errors, black screen, no sound, Mass Effect: Andromeda does not install, multiplayer does not work - we offer you ways to solve these problems.

Minimum system requirements Mass Effect: Andromeda:

  • OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (x64)
  • CPU: quad-core Intel Core i5 3570 | six-core AMD FX-6350
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (2 GB) | AMD Radeon 7850 (2 GB)
  • HDD: 55 GB
  • DirectX Version: 11
  • Sound card: DirectX compatible
  • OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (x64)
  • CPU: quad-core Intel Core i7-4790 | eight-core AMD FX-8350
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (3 GB) | AMD RX 480 (4 GB)
  • HDD: 55 GB
  • DirectX Version: 11
  • Sound card: DirectX compatible

Software update

Before you become hysterical, remember all the dirty words and want to crash your PC, carefully read this article, which contains solutions to the most popular problems. First, update the drivers for your video card:

AMD Radeon .
Download drivers for your video card Nvidia GeForce .

To always be aware of all updates, we advise you to download the program Driver Scanner .

To optimize your computer for the needs of a particular game, we advise you to use the program Razer Game Booster .

Also don't forget about additional software such as DirectX .

Mass Effect: Andromeda won't launch

First, try launching the game not from a shortcut on your desktop, but from the Origin library (on PC) or from the root folder of the game. Make sure that the game installation has been completely completed and all files have been downloaded. In addition, it is better to disable your antivirus software before installation. Some game files may have been deleted or installed incorrectly, so you will need to either check your local files in Origin or reinstall the game.

Mass Effect: Andromeda is slow. Low FPS. Lags. Friezes

Before criticizing the optimization of the game, carefully review the official system requirements of the game (see above). Make sure your system fully complies with them. In addition, if your computer meets the minimum settings, and you play on high graphics settings, then do not be surprised by the low FPS. In this case, you just need to lower the graphic settings in the game.

Also, do not forget about the video card driver. Before the release of Mass Effect Andromeda New drivers have been released for it. Be sure to update them, and after that launch the game. While playing, try to disable all external programs that consume a lot of resources (antivirus, browser, etc.).

Mass Effect: Andromeda crashes to the desktop. Kicks you out of the game

Make sure you have enough free space on your computer random access memory. Often, crashes occur due to hardware mismatch with the game's requirements. In addition, try to clear your RAM before starting Mass Effect: Andromeda by closing external programs that consume a lot of RAM. You can see how much RAM you have used in the Task Manager under “Performance.”

Black screen in Mass Effect: Andromeda

First, try the standard solutions: during a black screen, go to windowed mode (Alt+Enter) and vice versa, restart the computer and start the game again, update the video card driver, update Origin. If all this does not help, most likely your graphics card or processor does not meet the minimum system requirements for the game.

Mass Effect: Andromeda won't install

To install Mass Effect: Andromeda, you must have an active Internet connection. When installing the game, in Origin, make sure you are using latest version client, and install the update if necessary. Sometimes the installation may freeze. In this case, don’t worry, just wait. How quickly the game downloads and installs largely depends on the speed of your Internet.

Make sure your hard drive has more than enough free memory, otherwise the game will not install. Before installation, disable your antivirus, as it may block some processes that interfere with the game.

There is no sound in Mass Effect: Andromeda. The sound stutters. Sound doesn't work

Sometimes the problem may not be with the game itself, but with the sound device. Make sure it is fully functional using other games as an example. Also, update your audio driver. It would be a good idea to check if the sound is turned on in the game settings. Check the integrity of your local files; there may have been some errors during installation.

Character doesn't move in Mass Effect: Andromeda

Switch from combat mode to exploration mode, then make a jump, and then launch the scanner. If the problem is not solved by this method, restart the game itself.

Multiplayer doesn't work in Mass Effect: Andromeda

To begin with, I would like to explain all the subtleties. Firstly, the game's multiplayer does not support proxy servers, so if you use them, disable them. Secondly, for multiplayer, you must have good connection with the Internet. Otherwise, you may either not connect to the online session or experience lags.

There is no Russian language in Mass Effect: Andromeda. How to enable Russian language

Officially, the game is localized into Russian (text only), and therefore it is not necessary to download any localization or something similar. If for some reason you have a different language in the game by default, try changing it in the settings or in Origin. Also, do not forget that if you play in the Western region, then by default you will have a different language set.

Controls not working in Mass Effect: Andromeda

Unlike the previous three games, Mass Effect: Andromeda has official support for gamepads on PC. That is, now you can control your character not only using the keyboard and mouse, but also using a controller. In addition, if you need to quickly switch between gamepads and keyboards, then simply press any button on one of these devices, after which the control will automatically change.

If the controls don't work for you, describe in the comments below what exactly you can't do and what you're playing on - a keyboard or a gamepad (model).

Mass Effect: Andromeda has a bug. Bugs

If any error appears in Mass Effect: Andromeda, please report it in the comments below, indicating its exact name. We will try to help you solve the problem.

If you have not found a suitable solution to your problem related to the game, you can ask us a question in or below in the comments. We will be happy to read it and try to help you! This article will be updated.

Four years have passed since the release of the famous franchise about the adventures of Commander Shepard and Co. - Mass Effect. A series of games that has garnered many critical acclaim and one of the largest fan bases to date. Meet the fourth part of the franchise - Mass Effect: Andromeda

Despite the fact that the release date of Mass Effect: Andromeda is March 21, 2017, Origin Acess subscription holders can now explore the vast expanses of space.
The game did not have an open beta test, so players noted a high number of errors, bugs and freezes in Mass Effect: Andromeda. Some of them already have solutions, while others will be fixed, as is often the case, with a day one patch.

Mass Effect: Andromeda is an independent offshoot in the Mass Effect universe, which takes place long before the end of the famous trilogy, but nevertheless, the game returns a little to its roots. The exploration of the planet on the MAKO all-terrain vehicle, scanning the territory in search of minerals for their further use in pumping, and more, appeared again. The previous parts of the series, according to players, behaved quite consistently in terms of the absence of lags, crashes and freezes, and did not cause significant inconvenience to gamers.

This article outlines the main problems that players encounter when starting or passing Mass Effect: Andromeda.

We advise you to pay attention to the system requirements for new game Mass Effect franchise. The game uses an engine Frostbite Engine 3, on which such games as: Battlefield 1, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Star Wars: Battlefront, therefore the system requirements for Mass Effect: Andromeda appropriate.


CPU: Intel Core i5 3570 or AMD FX-6350
VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GTX 660 2 GB, AMD Radeon 7850 2 GB
DIRECTX: DirectX 11

OS: Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10
CPU: Intel Core i7-4790 or AMD FX-8350
HDD: at least 55 GB of free space
DIRECTX: DirectX 11

And if you are absolutely sure that the game fully meets your criteria, but you encounter any problems that prevent you from completing the game, check out the possible solutions:

Black screen in Mass Effect: Andromeda

  • If when you start the game you get a black screen and nothing happens, then try setting the game to windowed mode with your screen resolution. To do this, go to the library Origin, right-click on Mass Effect: Andromeda, select from the drop-down list "Game Options", and feel free to add the line: -noborder -r:1920×1080
  • If this does not help, then through the search (keyboard shortcut win+r) find the system program "msconfig", go to the section next go to the section « Extra options» and uncheck the box “number of processors and maximum memory”, if it is installed.
  • Another solution is to go to Origin, click on your name and select from the menu "application settings".
    After that, on the tab " additionally" turn off " Origin in-game screen". Next, uncheck the box “ Enable origin in-game screen"
  • If you have installed "Corsair Utility Engine" then try removing it and installing it again.

DirectX error when launching Mass Effect: Andromeda

This problem is solved by the last method in the previous problem (disabling the Origin in-game overlay)

Mass Effect: Andromeda character doesn't move

If your character you are playing for (Ryder) does not react to your controls and does not move, then try:

  • Jump!
  • Open/close the research scanner
  • Try switching between Exploration and Combat modes

If it doesn't help, save and restart the game

Mass Effect: Andromeda character stuck in textures and can't get out

If this happens, use fast travel to get Ryder out of the trap

How to Increase FPS (Frame Rate) in Mass Effect: Andromeda

Here it should be said that the problem can arise due to hundreds various reasons. First of all, it’s commonplace that your PC may not meet the system requirements. I advise you to check if your computer meets the minimum requirements.
Further banal, but important advice about updating video card drivers. Many people still forget to do this.
And finally turned on vertical sync can also lead to lower frames per second and cause unpleasant sensations when playing.

Mass Effect: Andromeda does not start, but hangs in processes

You may have a firewall or antivirus running that is blocking the executive file "ActivationUI.exe". This file must be launched when starting the game for the first time. Try temporarily disabling your firewall or antivirus or adding the above file to exceptions. By default the file is located in the directory » C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Mass Effect Andromeda\core\ActivationUI.exe»

Multiplayer doesn't connect

Remember that the connection in the new Mass Effect occurs according to the type peer-to-pee r. That is, multiplayer sessions are hosted on players' computers (hosts), so connecting to your lobby host is very important. If you experience connection problems or see errors 10044, 5800, 5801, 5802, 5803, 9001 Try the following standard fixes:

  • Reboot your router
  • If you play on console, make sure you have an active subscription PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold
  • Make sure you have it open NAT
  • If you have them enabled on your computer VPN or proxy, turn them off.

If the problem is still not resolved, then check your ports on the router. The following ports must be open:

  • TCP: 443, 17503, 17504, 10000-19999, 42210, 42130, 42230.
  • UDP: 3659, 10000-19999.

Horrible facial animation in Mass Effect: Andromeda

If you thought that in this part of Mass Effect, facial animation has lost ground to such an extent that now the log seems much more expressive in the presentation of emotions, then you were not mistaken. This problem, unfortunately, cannot be corrected, unless a thematic DLC will be released only in six months, but for now, we can only look into emotionless faces with eyes wide open, looking deep into the abyss. You can read more about why Mass Effect: Andromeda has such unpleasant animation in.

If you have not found your problem, then we kindly ask you to wait a little. The guide will be updated as new information about bug fixes in Mass Effect: Andromeda becomes available.

Many users Mass Effect Andromeda have already appreciated the beauty of the gameplay. However, in addition to the good side, there are also various problems that one has to face both during the game and before it starts, during the installation and configuration process. If it happens that the game Mass Effect Andromeda does not install, does not start, or freezes, slows down, or a black screen appears, or other problems arise during the game, in particular, Mass Effect Andromeda does not save, controls do not work or there is no sound in game, here we will look at the main causes of problems and errors, as well as ways to eliminate them.

Mass Effect Andromeda won't install

Mass Effect Andromeda System Requirements

Before installing Mass Effect Andromeda on your computer, you should check the system requirements provided by the game developers. Remember that for the game to work correctly, at least the minimum requirements must be met. However, in some cases, even minimal settings may not be enough. In this case, you will either have to abandon the game or increase the performance of your computer.

Minimum Featured
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Windows 10 64-bit
CPU: AMD FX-6350 3.90 GHz
Intel Core i5-3570 3.40 GHz
AMD FX-6300 3.50 GHz
Intel i5-2500 3.30 GHz
Video card:

nVidia GeForce GTX 660 2Gb
AMD Radeon HD 7850 2 Gb

nVidia GeForce GTX 1060
AMD Radeon RX 480 3Gb

RAM: 8Gb 16Gb
Free disk space: 55Gb 55Gb

Of course, we won't throw away the game, but preliminary settings Let's work. In this regard, we will check our PC for compliance with the simplest requirements. So if Mass Effect Andromeda won't install, let's see if there is enough free space on your hard drive to install the game. The distribution requires free space on the disk, so a few gigabytes of extra space won't hurt. Also, it should be kept in mind that various games require a significant amount of free space, up to 100 GB and above.

Mass Effect Andromeda installation is blocked by antivirus program

Often, anti-virus programs, in the fight against viruses, protecting our computer from external threats, block numerous processes performed by the operating system for security purposes. Sometimes such security is so strong that the antivirus begins to block access not only to viruses, but also suspends some normal processes, perhaps by mistake, considering them potentially vulnerable. Hence the conclusion: disable your antivirus while installing Mass Effect Andromeda.

Cleaning your computer and rebooting

Sometimes, a simple system reboot can immediately solve many problems that arise both during the installation of games and their subsequent operation. The same applies to various programs and applications. There are many reasons, as already mentioned: the computer is filled with various kinds of garbage, including an overflow of the system cache, the maximum permissible number of simultaneously running processes, among which, perhaps, some are frozen and are not running, but the load on the system is not bad at all. In this case, .

Internet access

Some game clients, during the installation process, require access to the Internet, providing access to the installation or update server. In this case, it is necessary make sure the Internet is working.

Mass Effect Andromeda won't launch

Before you look for reasons why Mass Effect Andromeda won't launch, you need to make sure that the installation of the game itself was successful. Otherwise, if during the installation process on the computer any failures or errors were observed, but at the same time the game was installed, it is still impossible to guarantee the subsequent launch and operation of the game with maximum accuracy. If the game starts, you're lucky. However, what will happen next is unknown.

Reinstalling the game

Surely, many gamers have encountered a situation or, as you might call it, a cause or effect associated with reinstalling a game. That is, if the game installed normally, but does not want to start, reinstalling it can fix the problem. It is unknown what this is connected with, perhaps the antivirus or firewall “ate” some files or something else during installation, but after installing the game again, it becomes fully functional. Thus, delete the game and install it again, paying attention to every detail of the installation. Perhaps at some point the installation program will ask for some files, etc.

Searching for information by error text

Another option, it is not described in this article, but as such little secret, which everyone knows about, we’ll add that an error when starting Mass Effect Andromeda is usually accompanied by a corresponding system message. So, in this case, it would be true enter the text of such an error in the search, as a result of which you will receive the most detailed answer, and, moreover, concerning this specific error. This is how you will accurately determine the cause and, as a result, find a solution.

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Run Mass Effect Andromeda as Administrator

As an alternative, you can run the game as an administrator. That is, in our case, so that run Mass Effect Andromeda as administrator, you need to right-click on the game shortcut and select Run as administrator. If this method helps solve the problem so that the error does not occur later, set run as administrator by default for this game. To do this, open the Shortcut Properties, in the Compatibility tab, check the box Run this program as administrator.

Game compatibility issue

Another obstacle to launching Mass Effect Andromeda may be the game's incompatibility with your operating system. In this case, still there, in the Shortcut Properties, you need to add a checkbox Run the program in compatibility mode for:, and select the desired OS from the drop-down list.

Availability of .NET Framework libraries

Also, a very serious problem with launching Mass Effect Andromeda is the lack of the .NET Framework library installed on the computer, which ensures the launch and maintains the functionality of almost all programs and applications, including games. This is a prerequisite and Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that there are different versions.NET Framework libraries, and therefore the presence of any one of them on the computer cannot sufficiently guarantee correct work games.

Availability of DirectX

And, of course, perhaps the most important condition, a requirement that is necessary for absolutely all games, including Mass Effect Andromeda, installed DirectX. Without it, no game will work. Currently, almost all distributions that in one way or another require DirectX installed already include this set. Typically, DirectX is automatically installed with the game. However, if it is missing, you need to download and install it. It is not necessary to do this before installing the game, you can do it after installation, but installing DirectX on your computer is a must.

Mass Effect Andromeda freezes

Video card problem in Mass Effect Andromeda

The cause of many computer games, including Mass Effect Andromeda, freezing is the video card not meeting its minimum requirements. For gamers, the video card is the main tool, the main success or disappointment. If your weak video card, then no updates, no drivers, and the like will help you. To achieve maximum effect and enjoy the game, A reasonable remedy would be to think about purchasing a more modern, stronger video card. The disadvantage of this method can be significant financial investments, since high-quality graphics and gaming at maximum settings are not cheap, and buying a good video card can cost a pretty penny.

Installing and updating the video card driver

But don't despair. In order for the game to run more or less well on the computer, you can solve the problem even with a regular average video card; you can configure it, and also check all the necessary computer parameters to ensure a comfortable game. If your video card is more or less modern, then It is mandatory to have the latest drivers. Fortunately, you can download and install them completely free of charge from the manufacturer’s official website. After installing the drivers, as a rule, if you have an AMD or nVidia video card, then along with them special software is downloaded, which is installed on the computer, and thanks to which you can control various game settings.

Mass Effect Andromeda slows down

Let's return to the problems described above, related, so to speak, to poor installation of the game. If there were any problems, it is quite possible that the game will often cause slowdowns, lags and other errors in the future.

Mass Effect Andromeda slows down due to unnecessary processes

If the game Mass Effect Andromeda slows down, you can also check the operating system load. Any game itself requires significant resources to play and work correctly. Mass Effect Andromeda is no exception. If in this moment, in addition to the game, there are other processes running on the system, you need to check them and determine how important they are at the moment. As quick solution, close all unnecessary processes and leave only the most necessary ones. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise you can close everything in the world so that the computer itself simply stops.

Computer news, reviews, solutions to problems with the computer, computer games, drivers and devices and other computer programs." title="programs, drivers, problems with the computer, games" target="_blank">Компьютерная помощь, драйверы, программы, игры!}

Mass Effect Andromeda slows down due to weak internet

Another point is Internet access. If the game requires good high-speed Internet, then of course the problem is obvious and, in principle, understandable. Therefore, it is worth thinking about purchasing a more powerful tariff. But there are situations when even with good internet, Mass Effect Andromeda is slow. For example, at a certain moment an update of an application on the computer began, let alone if movies were downloaded along with the game. Or maybe you watched a video, for example about passing Mass Effect Andromeda, and played the game at the same time!? Thus, anything will slow down here. Decide one thing: either a movie or a game. And if you need both, then at a minimum the computer must have "thermonuclear" properties. Do you understand what we mean!?

Mass Effect Andromeda how to increase fps

Setting up graphics in Mass Effect Andromeda

High fps or fps is something that is so often lacking in the game. If you are one of such users, then Using maximum graphic settings can greatly affect the FPS of the game and cause various lags, slowdowns, and freezes. On the other hand, If you lower the graphics settings as much as possible, you can significantly increase FPS. By the way, you can control graphics settings not only in the game itself, but also in software your video card.

Video card overclocking tools

To significantly increase fps Mass Effect Andromeda Many users use overclocking tools. There are a lot of them on the Internet and it won’t be difficult to find them. For example, to overclock an nVidia video card, you can use the MSI Afterburner utility.

Low FPS due to overheating

Low FPS in Mass Effect Andromeda maybe because of CPU overheating, and the video card itself. The above remedies can eliminate this problem, thanks to which you can, for example, set the cooler speed to maximum.

Mass Effect Andromeda black screen

If it happened that Mass Effect Andromeda displays black screen, there is a problem, again, with the video card. Check the availability of drivers, namely, whether they are the latest ones. If the manufacturer has produced more than new version, don’t be lazy to waste time - update your video card driver.

Mass Effect Andromeda crashes

If the game Mass Effect Andromeda crashes to desktop, in this case it is worth checking the correct installation of both the game itself and updates, patches, etc. Perhaps the previous update itself contains certain errors. There is little that depends on the gamer; all questions are up to the game developers. If it is possible to reinstall the received updates, do so. In the worst case, reinstall the game itself.

Mass Effect Andromeda won't save

Probably the most common cause, according to which Mass Effect Andromeda won't save, is incorrect path to save game. What does it mean? This means only one thing - many games refuse to work with Cyrillic. If the folder on your computer with game saves has Cyrillic characters in its path, then Mass Effect Andromeda may give an error when saving. Simply put, use the path to the folder for saving Mass Effect Andromeda, only in Latin, without Russian words.

Most problems with saving Mass Effect Andromeda occur due to the game's incompatibility with the operating system. This fact is most characteristic operating system Windows 7, but perhaps others.

Mass Effect Andromeda controls not working

Keyboard or joystick problem

If in Mass Effect Andromeda controls not working, there are many reasons. For example, if the control buttons do not respond at all, there may be a problem with the controller or keyboard. Check the connection and, if necessary, restart the device. Sometimes, a game restart is required to complete this procedure.

Sticky keys in game

Often, a problem with controlling Mass Effect Andromeda can occur due to sticky keys. When several buttons are pressed simultaneously, the system reacts to this in a unique way. What conclusion can be drawn from this? Use joysticks to play.

Incorrect control settings

At the same time, the control problem may lie in the control settings of Mass Effect Andromeda. Carefully check the control keys and, if necessary, replace them with the ones you need.

Incorrect keyboard layout

Alternatively, you can change keyboard layout. You can do this with a keyboard shortcut Shift + Alt. The fact is that For some reason, controls in some games only work on the English keyboard or vice versa. Experiment.

Mass Effect Andromeda no sound

Adjusting Volume Settings

There is one interesting point: if at all, it is understandable, but there are situations when the sound on the computer works, but, for example, in some application, for example in a browser or game, there is no sound. The thing is that in the settings sound card The appropriate parameters have not been set. Simply put, if in Mass Effect Andromeda no sound, necessary Open Volume Options and check all available settings, Special attention, while paying attention to our game.

Adjusting sound in Mass Effect Andromeda

If there is no such application in the volume settings, but there is still no sound in Mass Effect Andromeda, go to the settings of the game itself. Most likely, the main audio device has been disabled or changed somewhere. And further. Very often, and occurs in almost everyone - The game's sound settings have gone wrong or playback devices not defined. In order to solve the problem, restart the game, and if there is a desire and a little time, for greater confidence, restart the system. In many cases this method helps.

These are some of the things you can do and look out for when you're having problems with Mass Effect Andromeda. Perhaps something was left unsaid, something was said wrong. If you have any questions about the game, please ask them in the comments. Or, if you have already encountered various kinds of problems and were able to solve them, please share. Perhaps someone is having a similar problem right now, and your solution will help fix the situation. Good luck and have a good game!

The development team at BioWare has put a lot of effort into eliminating all the bugs in their Mass Effect product, but, alas, not everything remains flawless. Unfortunately, the optimized version also produces a lot of errors, no matter how hard the developers try.

In the event that you encounter bugs during the game, Mass Effect crashes or does not start, our guide will tell you what to do in most known cases.

Almost all errors that users encounter have been discovered a long time ago - everything has been done so that everyone can fix them on their own. Manufacturers also periodically release patches that fix one or another common error. Also keep in mind that you need to be a confident PC user in order to fix errors yourself. Otherwise, if you have no idea what you’re doing, it’s better to invite a person who will understand at least something about setting up a PC.

Mass Effect: Andromeda has a lot of bugs

Mass Effect won't launch or install

Mass Effect Error Number One: Direct X Install Critical Error Fix

This error occurs in some parts of the game series, for example, in the third. If you install Mass Effect using Origin, you run the risk of not being able to install DirectX. As a result, a message will be displayed stating that a Direct X Internal Critical Error has occurred. In order to solve it, you should go to drive C, then to Program Files (x86). There, select the Origin Games folder, then in Mass Effect 3 - __Installer. In this folder, select directx, there find redist, in which you should delete: DSETUP.dll, dsetup32.dll, DXSETUP.exe. After this, the error is eliminated.

The second error also occurs while playing the third part of Mass Effect

Its name is VC++ Runtime Distributable Package Not Installed Error. To resolve it, you should first download the latest version of Microsoft C++, to do this, use the installation directory in Mass Effect 3. You can go to the official Microsoft website, and then download Microsoft C++ 2010 x64.

You can uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 on your PC, as well as any other Microsoft programs that you have. After that, go to drive C, find the Program Files (x86) folder. There select the Origin Games folder, then in Mass Effect 3 -__Installer. After that, follow the vc path, after vc2008sp1 and into redist. There delete vcredist. After that, on drive C, in the same folder where you are, drop the Microsoft C++ pack. After this, the problem of Mass Effect not starting should not arise.

One of the common problems is that in Mass Effect there is an installation window where the installation takes forever. To solve this problem, you should go to regeditor, then follow the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SOFTWARE, Wow 6432Node, EA Games, and finally Mass Effect. Open this folder and go to GDFBinary. There, add Install Dir to the value. After that, copy this text and add it to the path C:\Program Files\Origin Games\Mass Effect (the installation path may differ). As a result, you will get this: ab (Default) REG_SZ (not installed); ab GDFBinary REG_SZ C:\Program Files\Origin Games\Mass Effect \GDFBinary_en_US.dll; ab Install Dir REG_SZ C:\Program Files\Origin Games\Mass Effect. Finally, restart your computer.

If Mass Effect does not start and the error Mass Effect 3: Failed to Initialize The Physics System pops up, this means that there are problems with the physics in the game. Fam should clean up the physics drivers and then update them. If everything happens again, then you should copy PhysXCore.dll and paste it into \Mass Effect 3\Binaries\Win32\.

If Mass Effect is slow, there is a way to check its performance. If it is low, you need to increase it - this often happens when using a laptop for gaming. You should open the nvidia control panel, then go to “3d settings”, and then “manage 3d settings”. After that, go to the program settings, find mass effect, and then change to high performance nvidia processor.

If during the loading process of Mass Effect it is interrupted and the AWC.Dll Exe Loader error is displayed, then you should contact a Bioware moderator. Often this error appears in the second and third parts of the game.

Mass Effect crashes

Sometimes the game may crash to the desktop. It’s clear that you want to eliminate this error, which is interfering with normal progress. To do this, you need to go to the toolbar, where you click on quality and then select Performance.

If you also have a low frame rate and the picture freezes, then you should pay attention to the video card driver. After all, Mass Effect often slows down precisely because you need to update the driver. In order to do this, you need to go into Nvidia settings, then go into 3D control, select Program Settings, and then go to the “Add” line. At the same time, enter the game folder, and then follow the path “Mass Effect \Binaries\Win32” and select “MassEffect.exe”. After that, select the “preferred graphics processor of this computer” column, and then apply “NVIDIA High-Performance Processor”

After this, reboot

If the Origin mode in Mass Effect does not start, then you need to check if the Internet is working. You can also turn off your antivirus program.

If Mass Effect crashes during startup, turn off Origin. If a Black Screen occurs during the process, you can lower the resolution level, update the driver, activate software compatibility mode, or use launch via an exe file or config.exe.

If Mass Effect does not load, you can also try selecting MassEffect through the task manager, and then selecting Set Affinity. Then change the cores to two.

It also happens when Mass Effect crashes and loads very slowly, then you need to remove the checkbox from the Enable Origin In-game item in the game settings.

You can fix all errors in the game yourself

Other errors

  • Sometimes there is a small problem with the fact that your hero seems to get stuck. To do this, you should restart the game, logging in next time through a previously saved option.
  • If you are in multiplayer mode Mass games Effect voice chat does not turn on, you should double-check the microphone connection using the Tab button or reinstall the toy on your PC. Also, if your microphone icon is blinking red, you should update the driver. Alternatively, you can restart your PC.
  • But if using hotkeys does not work in multiplayer mode, then you should re-enter Mass Effect, and then select another hero in the lobby.
  • But if Mass Effect is slow and you have problems using the chat, then you should restart your PC.
  • Errors in textures may occur during the game. Then you should update the driver.
  • If you get disconnected during the process, then you should look for less complex toys.
  • If you encounter an error while searching for friends in multiplayer mode, then it is not your fault - the developers did not work the search properly.
  • If during the game the hero stops moving, you can try to make a jump and go for cover.

We hope our tips helped resolve all the issues and now the Mass Effect error will no longer occur.