home · Tool · Installation adhesive for insulation. Adhesive for thermal insulation: application features and installation of main elements (110 photos). Alternative bonding methods

Installation adhesive for insulation. Adhesive for thermal insulation: application features and installation of main elements (110 photos). Alternative bonding methods

One of the actively implemented technologies in construction today is the wet facade system. It consists of three main layers - insulation, plaster and decorative covering. To the base thermal insulation material attached using adhesives over the entire surface. Most well-known suppliers of dry materials produce adhesive for insulation. building mixtures. Many of them offer carefully designed arrangement systems wet facades, in which the adhesive composition plays a more complex role than fixing the insulation. It is used as a plaster layer on the front surface of thermal insulation.

Features of adhesive for insulation

When arranging thermal insulation, it is used various insulation: expanded polystyrene, mineral fiber boards, extruded polystyrene foam. The adhesive for insulation must have good adhesion to these materials and to the base. Fix thermal insulation on surfaces made of concrete, aerated concrete, brick. In this regard, manufacturers produce a wide range of products for different types grounds. Distinctive feature The adhesive has high adhesion and elasticity. Important feature The compositions now have good vapor permeability. Thanks to this property, water does not accumulate between the adhesive layer and the base, which, when frozen, can cause peeling of the insulation. The plasticity of the solution is also a basic requirement for the glue, since builders need to perform a large amount of work when insulating the facade, and the composition, which is comfortable to work with, will allow it to withstand the high pace of project implementation without loss of quality.

Selecting adhesive for insulation

Thermal insulation adhesive plays an important role in increasing the service life of a facade insulated using this technology and in reducing repair costs. For this reason, when choosing a dry mixture, preference should be given to products famous manufacturers, characterized by guaranteed high quality. Many offer engineered systems of adhesive, basecoat and decorative finishing. This solution has an important advantage: all elements of the system have optimal vapor permeability relative to each other. This has a positive effect on indoor comfort and the service life of the insulated façade. When choosing, it is imperative to pay attention to the compliance of the glue with the insulation used.

September 6, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and exterior decoration(plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, renovations in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works

Before purchasing facade adhesive for insulation, you need to decide what material you will use to insulate the walls. It may be ready finishing material, such as EXPLETE EPS board (extruded polystyrene foam) or polystyrene foam, which is covered with decorative plaster.

We have to figure all this out, and I will also talk about the materials and place of insulation.

Facade insulation: outside or inside

And yet, why do most craftsmen offer facade, and not internal insulation, isn’t it much more convenient to work from the inside, especially when a new building is being erected? I'm talking about this not because there is a specific instruction that obliges you to install thermal insulation on the outside, but because this is actually common sense.

Although in some situations, internal insulation is the only possible, and therefore the most acceptable.

Pay attention to the figure above - it shows the dew point formation zone. In other words, this is condensation with and without thermal insulation in different positions.

As you understand, condensation forms when warm air collides with a cold surface. And since the atmosphere is saturated with moisture, under certain conditions it turns from steam into water, that is, into dew drops.

If the insulation is located from the inside, then the dew point falls either on the gap between the wall and the insulator, or on the body of the wall. But both are bad, since dampness accumulates on the surface, and conditions for its destruction are created in the wall itself.

In those cases where the insulation is located outside, the wall does not cool to the dew point. Therefore, if you choose the thickness of the insulation in accordance with the coefficient of your region, then this zone will shift to the insulation itself, which is not at all dangerous.

I hope I have convincingly made it clear to you, dear readers, that it makes more sense to insulate rooms from the outside rather than from the inside.

Glue and its purposes

The adhesive can be universal, but it can also be intended specifically for a certain material - for foam plastic, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral basalt wool and reinforcing mesh. When choosing a composition, pay attention to the packaging - there are always instructions for use and preparation instructions.

Name of glue Styrofoam Extrud.

expanded polystyrene

Basalt wool Reinforcing mesh Weight (kg)
Creisel 210 LEPSTYR + 25
T-85 SILTEK + + 25
T-87 SILTEK + + 25
Baumit NivoFix + + 25
MOMENT PPP + + + 25
POLIMIN P-19 + + 25
Creisel 220 STYRLEP + + + + 25
BAUMIT DuoContact 25
POLIMIN P-20 + + 25
Kreisel 230 KLEBEMORTEL + 25
POLIMIN P-21 + + + + 25
BAUMIT ProContact + + + 25
BAUMIT StarContact + + + + 25
Creisel 240 GEWEBEKLEBR + 25
Ceresit ST 83 + + 25
Ceresit CT 85 + + 25
Ceresit ST 83 pro + + 25
Ceresit ST 85 pro + + 25
Ceresit ST190 pro + + + + 25
Master THERMO + + 25

Table of application of adhesives

One of the most expensive compounds - BAUMIT Star Contact

In the table, not every adhesive has a + in the “reinforcing mesh” column, indicating that such adhesive can be used to fix the reinforcement, since this is not specified by the manufacturer. But on personal experience I can say that almost all mixtures are capable of holding such a mesh well, and you will not need to choose another brand for this.
The cost of a particular composition depends on its scope, but the highest price is usually from BAUMIT StarContact (in the spring of 2016 it was about 6.3 - 6.5 $).

Facade insulation

Before gluing the foam, extruded polystyrene foam, basalt wool or even self-adhesive insulation, you need to prepare the surface. The fact is that any glue requires adhesion (this is the essence of the process), but if there is dust or loose plaster on the surface, then adhesion will turn into cohesion.

In addition, you will need to seal the cracks and under no circumstances begin insulation if the house is in disrepair (subsidence, cracking, etc.) - all your work will be in vain.

To correctly determine the insulation power, you need to know the factor for your region and for the materials used.

Polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam are glued to the wall according to the principle: the working side of the panel is partially or completely smeared and pressed against the insulation object. This measure cannot be neglected - additional fastening (fungi-dowels) will not be enough.

These are not empty words. I saw with my own eyes how strong wind“dividing” a nine-story building within 3 minutes, since the finishers neglected the glue, or rather, they did not use it enough.

At first, the wind tore off only one corner panel at the eighth floor level, but then strong gusts of wind reached the rest. Since there were many gaps between the foam and the wall, strong air flow I started to get into these cracks and tear off the insulation.

Only the first floor and partly the second were not damaged, since closer to the ground the wind force was less - it was extinguished by the surrounding buildings and trees.

Additional fastening - dowel mushroom

After you glue the panels, secure them additionally with special dowels - their cap is made in the shape of a mushroom. A hole is drilled in the wall using a hammer drill, then a dowel is inserted and a nail from the kit is hammered into it. The depth of immersion into the wall should be at least 5c, so choose the appropriate length of the mushroom.

After installing foam or extrusion, you will need a facing finish (most often, this is decorative plaster) and for this you need to reinforce the insulation. Apply glue to the surface with a notched trowel, straighten it and place the mesh there.

After that, press it with a trowel or grater. After drying, you can begin applying decorative plaster.

For mineral wool They rarely install additional fasteners such as dowels, so the glue must be applied with a comb to the entire surface, as shown in the photo above.

If you still use dowel mushrooms for basalt wool, then the mixture can be applied to it pointwise. The fact is that cotton wool is used for frame finishing, therefore, it will not be subject to heavy loads, since it is protected from the wind.

It should be said that insulated laminated veneer lumber or a solid wooden profile require the same adhesives.

9 myths about insulation

The average person often has the erroneous belief of the following:

  1. Extruded polystyrene foam is more reliable than polystyrene foam? But in terms of thermal conductivity they are very similar. So, the usual PSB-35 misses infrared radiation only 0.002 units more intense than extruded PSB-35. In addition, the extruder is deformed under the influence high temperatures and costs much more.
  2. Mineral wool is cheaper? Yes, but this is only for rolled material, and the slabs will cost you more than polystyrene foam. In addition, the insulating power of mineral wool is less than that of PSB.

  1. PSB does not allow walls to “breathe”? This definition does not fall under any GOSTs and SNiPs - here there is simply a fear of education. But even vinyl wallpapers do not allow steam to pass through, so in this case the issue should be resolved not at the level of insulation, but at the level of the room ventilation device.
  2. Doesn't a warm facade increase the temperature in the room? This is certainly true, but it retains about 30% of the microclimate compared to a regular wall. Essentially, you won't be heating the street.
  3. Expanded polystyrene may catch fire? But the wood from which houses are built also burns, and the ignition temperature of PSB is 491°C, while paper is 230°C, and wood is 260°C, that is, the anti-flammability properties of polystyrene foam are 2.1 and 1 higher, 8 times respectively.

  1. PSB has a low service life? I wouldn't say that! Considering the fact that it began to be produced only in the 50s, it was not possible to test this in practice. But at the same time, cyclic tests were carried out with changes in humidity and a temperature difference of ±40°C - the results showed 80 conventional years, you agree, this is a lot.
  2. PSB does not comply with environmental standards and is therefore dangerous? However, it is absolutely non-toxic during operation. The danger arises only when it catches fire - it melts, emitting toxic smoke, just like other plastic building materials.
  3. The second layer of plaster is not necessary - just paint? Of course, paint protects against precipitation and, to some extent, against ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes, but this is not enough. Decorative plaster in the form of a bark beetle or fur coat significantly increases the service life of the insulation. That is, if we take 80 years during cyclic tests on an open SIS, then with additional protection this period will increase.
  4. The type of material does not matter? This statement is not at all true, and manufacturers often hide the negative parameters of insulation for their own benefit.
    • firstly, the type of material, as well as its density, determines the thermal insulation power or ability to transmit cold;
    • secondly, what you will use must comply with State Standards for environmental and fire safety requirements;
    • Therefore, when purchasing a product, ask for a certificate, and if one is missing, then there is a possibility that you are being offered low quality, and perhaps even unhealthy material.


I assure you, you can always insulate the facade own home do it yourself without the involvement of specialists, but this requires certain skills and compliance with the requirements of the product manufacturer. But the skills lie in the ability to hold a trowel and spatula in your hands.

And if you have at least a little practice in finishing works, then you can handle thermal insulation without any problems. In addition, the video in this article will help you understand the topic.

Perhaps you have any ideas, then join the discussion and ask questions.

September 6, 2016

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Thermal insulation is not easy additional measure maintaining comfort in the home and a means of saving individual structures, and regulatory requirement. Therefore, you should approach the organization of insulation responsibly and with knowledge of the nuances of this event. There is a wide range of materials for thermal insulation, but most of them are combined with adhesive installation techniques. Alternative way is fixation on fasteners, but this is rather an exception to the rule. At the same time, the adhesive for insulation itself is presented in a huge assortment, which may well complicate the choice in the eyes of a beginner.

Features of adhesive for thermal insulation

Such compositions have unique combinations of physical and operational properties, even compared to construction adhesive mixtures. This is largely due to the fact that the function of this product coincides with the tasks performed by the insulation itself. In particular, such an adhesive must provide, albeit at a minimum level, the same thermal insulation, vapor permeability, protection from moisture and at the same time be mechanically resistant. As for the immediate task of mechanical retention of the target material, adhesion provided by special modifiers is responsible for it.

At the same time, the adhesive for insulation is environmentally friendly. Since the insulation panels and rolled materials often laid directly in residential premises, this requirement is one of the key ones. The only exceptions are façade products, but even in this segment, manufacturers strive to minimize the content of harmful components, although General requirements to compositions for street use is much higher.

Products for working with foam plastic

The general name of foam plastic hides a whole group of materials, which also includes polystyrene itself. The peculiarity of gluing such panels is the need to ensure high strength clutch. The form factor of the tile insulation itself presents difficulties in terms of performing the adhesive function, so the main focus in the choice is on this property. The laying surface, especially metal, can also complicate the adhesive’s ability to adhere. In this case, you should avoid formulations that include gasoline, acetone and active solvents. These components will not only reduce adhesion, but can also negatively affect the condition of the foam itself.

What should you glue the insulation onto? In addition to high adhesive strength, the presence of such qualities as physical durability, stable hardening rates, resistance to moisture and non-toxicity should be taken into account in the composition.

Products for mineral wool

Mineral wool, in some versions, is also a tile material, but the fibrous structure as such still increases adhesion, unlike polystyrene foam. And yet you should rely on the qualities of the glue, which will ensure its strength and reliability. This will help the structure cope dynamic loads, which are especially dangerous for Therefore, a mechanically resistant and hard adhesive for the insulation is selected.

Alternative bonding methods

As an alternative solution, you can offer products such as PVA, “liquid” nails and polyurethane foam. The first option may well replace specialized tools when it comes to gluing thin panels to a smooth and adhesively favorable substrate indoors. Polyurethane foam will provide impeccable adhesion strength. If mechanical reliability is a top priority, then this option should be preferred. But it should also be kept in mind that polyurethane foam will cause a lot of trouble if you need to dismantle the insulator. “Liquid” nails are also aimed at creating a strong bond, but this glue for gluing insulation can only be used outside residential premises. This is due precisely to the content of toxically harmful components.


Practice shows that the highest quality insulating coatings are formed under conditions when all components of the structure have approximately the same technical and operational properties. Following this principle, we can conclude that polyurethane compositions with polymer additives are more suitable for polystyrene foam.

In this case, what kind of adhesive should be used for mineral wool-based insulation? It is advisable to choose environmentally friendly dry mixtures for this material, in which the content of synthetic elements is minimized. And here it is worth distributing the directions for using the two combinations. Thus, the use of polystyrene foam will be most beneficial as part of the facade decoration, since it itself is not ideal in terms of environmental cleanliness. Conversely, mineral wool can be used in interior decoration premises regardless of their functional purpose.

To insulate buildings, various thermal insulation materials are widely used, such as mineral wool or polystyrene foam boards. But in order to secure them, it is necessary to ensure maximum adhesion density to the insulated surface. Considering the structure of these materials, the use of traditional fasteners such as disc dowels is ineffective, since they are not able to completely eliminate the movement of air under the insulation. That is, the meaning of the work is lost.

The most optimal solution– buy glue for gluing the insulation. These are special compounds that can not only provide reliable mechanical adhesion, but also increase the thermal insulation characteristics of the coating.

What kind of glue is needed for gluing insulation?

When choosing a specific composition, it is advisable to pay attention to the following factors.

  • Purpose.
  • Depending on the insulation you use, you should buy the appropriate type of glue. In particular, mixtures for expanded polystyrene cannot be used for gluing mineral wool and vice versa.

  • Type of base.
  • For solid walls (brick or concrete), fully cured ones are best. mineral compounds, while wood requires a more elastic glue. It is also important to consider mobility load-bearing structure and its evenness.

  • Secondary functions.
  • The adhesive for gluing insulation may additionally have reinforcing properties. By adding special plasticizers, it also plays the role of putty.

  • Frost resistance.
  • For insulation of facades when negative temperatures adhesives should be used with antifreeze additives. They retain their properties down to -10°C.

  • Vapor permeability.
  • A good adhesive should resist the formation of condensation and maintain a healthy, “breathable” indoor microclimate.

  • Speed ​​of strength gain.
  • The installation time of the insulation depends on this characteristic.

You can order glue for gluing any type of insulation in the Bau-store online store. Our catalog presents only high-quality building materials from the world's leading manufacturers at the most attractive prices. For each composition, its main characteristics are indicated: glue consumption for gluing insulation, performance properties, drying time, etc. Wholesale customers are provided with discounts.

Thermal insulation of residential premises is a very important and responsible procedure, because all the shortcomings of insulation will become noticeable with the arrival of the first frost. A properly insulated home will allow you to feel comfortable and cosy even in the coldest winter months, and you can save a lot on heating costs. Modern adhesive for thermal insulation allows you to easily install any insulation, significantly facilitating and speeding up the insulation process.

Nowadays, a variety of adhesive compositions are produced for the installation of heat insulators. And the main task home handyman is not only the choice of high-quality insulation material, but also reliable adhesive for it. This is what we will talk about in this article.

Adhesive compositions for heat insulators

High-quality adhesive for heat-insulating boards should not only preserve all the insulating properties of the material, but also improve them somewhat, ensuring reliable and high-quality fixation to external or internal walls building. For each type of thermal insulation, you should select your own adhesive composition, which allows you to fulfill the tasks assigned to it as effectively as possible.

Choosing glue for insulation

  1. Polyurethane glue. Ideal for mineral wool or polystyrene foam - the most popular ones insulation materials modernity. The main advantage of this glue is its excellent compatibility with any building materials, so it is often used to create plaster facades.
    This adhesive composition exists in two versions:
    • Elastic.
    • Hard.

Both types are suitable for installing a heat insulator and can be used over a wide range of temperatures.

  1. Cement glue.

It is a gray powder sold in bags. It consists of the following components: fractionated sand, cement, synthetic resins, as well as a number special additives, increasing the quality of the composition.

Most often, this glue is used for installation ceramic tiles on the floor or walls, but it is often used to mount various heat-insulating materials.

The main advantage of the composition is that it can be used in a very wide range of works, not only thermal insulation, but also repair. The disadvantage of this glue is that it is absolutely unsuitable for work on external thermal insulation.

Cement adhesive is able to provide a durable and reliable connection even in places where there are increased loads. Thanks to the excellent adhesive properties given adhesive composition there is no need to cover the entire surface of the insulation board.

Adhesive based insulation

Adhesive-based thermal insulation is presented because the adhesive side is clearly not enough to securely fasten a heavy insulation board. Such heat insulators are most often used in combination with mineral wool or foam plastic, since in essence they are only reflectors of IR rays.

By the way, many experts believe that large heat losses in the room occur precisely as a result of infrared rays, and therefore the use of insulation with a foil layer is the right step, especially since the price of such materials is low.

Because the mineral wool slabs do not tolerate moisture well, then foil should be used as a waterproofing layer.

Installation of insulation using adhesives

Now let's talk about thermal insulation. This procedure does not cause any particular difficulties, and you can perform all its stages yourself.

In order to avoid installation errors, home craftsmen are offered the following instructions:

  1. Preparatory stage.

You should clean the facade of the building from the old layer of plaster or any other layer of cladding. Dirt should be removed from the surface and large uneven areas should be primed.

Small potholes on the walls can be left untouched, since during the installation of insulation you can cover them with adhesive.

  1. We lay insulation boards.
    It is advisable to use mineral wool as insulation.
    • Apply glue to the heat insulation board.
    • Stepping back 5 cm from the ground, press the slab tightly against the wall. For evenness, use a level.
    • The slabs should be fastened with a “banding”, that is, like brickwork.

  1. Construction of a reinforcing layer.
    • Covering the insulation base layer plaster, about 4 cm thick.
    • Without letting it dry, we embed the reinforcing mesh into it.
    • We apply a leveling layer of plaster on top of the mesh.

  • The last layer should be painted on the facade.


Modern adhesive for thermal insulation not only significantly speeds up and facilitates the insulation process, but also allows for much greater efficiency in carrying out this work.

In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.