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Correct sitting position at a desk. Presentation on "correct seating at a desk." advice on how a child should sit so as not to spoil his posture

Prevention of postural disorders.

When studying at educational institutions, the need to maintain a static posture while sitting at a table (desk) for a long time comes to the fore. Children spend from 4 to 6 hours at the table, and from 6 to 10 hours at school. At the same time, static endurance in children and adolescents is low, and body fatigue develops relatively quickly (this is due to age characteristics motor analyzer). So, in first-graders, after 5-7 minutes, and in second-graders, after 9-10 minutes, contracted muscles pass from a state of tension to a state of relaxation. Outwardly, this manifests itself in a change in posture and motor restlessness.

Standing still is also a difficult task for children. Children (even in junior classes) cannot hold a standing position for more than 5-7 minutes.

A large static load increases even more if the child sits behind furniture of an incorrect design or whose dimensions do not correspond to the length and proportions of the body. In these cases, the child cannot maintain the correct working posture, resulting in poor posture.

Therefore, for the prevention of postural disorders, the following are very important:

  1. Correct selection furniture.
  2. Teaching children how to sit correctly.
  3. Teaching children to hold their body correctly.
  4. Ensure sufficient motor activity, regular shift activities, use physical education minutes.

Selection of furniture.

Furniture must correspond to the height of the child.

Chair must correspond to the proportions of the body and have a back. The back of the chair and the seat must be rigid, profiled (the back is in the shape of the curves of the spine, the seat is profiled in the shape of the buttocks and hips). The depth of the seat should be at least 2/3 - 3/4 of the length of the thigh so that the popliteal areas are not compressed blood vessels and nerves.

The height of the chair seat above the floor should be equal to the length of the seated leg with the foot (from the popliteal cavity) + 5-10 mm for the heel. In this case, the child’s legs should be bent at all joints (hip, knee and ankle) at right angles.

Table is selected in the following way: in a sitting position, the forearms should rest freely on the table top, while the child’s shoulders are not lowered or raised. The table cover should be 2-3 cm above the elbow of the lowered arm. In a standing position, the child should rest his entire palm on the table top, while his shoulders should be positioned symmetrically. parallel to the table top.

If schoolchildren sit at tables higher than their height requires, then incorrect body position and shoulder asymmetry are noted in 44% of cases. When seated at lower tables, shoulder asymmetry is recorded in 70% of students. In addition, in these cases, data were obtained indicating great tension in the muscles of the back and torso, pronounced asymmetry and activity of the spinal and cervical muscles of the right and left half of the body. The same changes are observed when using a chair with a straight back, a seat tilted back, or a shortened seat.

To maintain proper planting and prevent violations, you must follow certain relationship between table and chair:

1). Back distance– the distance (horizontally) from the back of the chair to the edge of the table. It should be equal to the anterior-posterior diameter of the chest + 3-5 cm (for changes in the chest during breathing).

2). Seat distance– the distance (horizontally) between the front edge of the table and the edge of the chair.

The seat distance must be negative, i.e. the edge of the chair should extend 4-5 cm under the table cover.

Zero and especially positive distance does not allow the child to maintain the correct seat at the table. With them, the child leans forward strongly, which increases the load on the muscles of the back and neck and leads to fatigue.

Seat distance:

1 - zero; 2 – negative; 3 – positive.

Backrest distance and seat distance are interdependent indicators. Their correctness can be determined as follows: between the front edge of the table and chest The child's palm (or fist) should pass through.

3). Differentiation– the height of the table above the chair seat. It should allow the person sitting to place their hands freely on the table, without raising or lowering their shoulders. With a large differential, the child raises his shoulders (especially the right one); with a small differential, he bends, hunches, and bows his head low. This leads to an asymmetrical body position and curvature of the spine, and also reduces the distance from the eyes to the table.

The optimal differentiation is determined as follows: the level of the tabletop should be 2-3 cm above the elbow of the lowered arm of a sitting person.

Each child is given a table and chair according to his height. Based on studies of children and adolescents, a height scale with an interval of 15 cm was adopted, on the basis of which standards for educational furniture 6 numbers according to GOST (with corresponding color marking).

Chairs and tables of the same size are marked, i.e. are marked with a certain color. This is necessary so that the child can independently find the table and chair he needs. Each group (class) must have furniture of at least three groups(numbers). Only in this case can each child be provided workplace corresponding to his height.

Correct seating of the child at the desk.

Exercising at a table (desk) involves static tension in the muscles of the back, neck, abdomen, and limbs. Children need long time maintain a working posture, and children have low endurance to static forces. Prolonged forced sitting in one position contributes to poor posture. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children how to sit correctly at the table.

Proper seating ensures continued performance during the lesson. Proper fit creates the best physiological and hygienic conditions for a student to work at a desk: normal visual perception, free breathing, normal blood circulation.

The most stable and least tiring is a straight landing with a slight tilt of the body forward. At the same time, to reduce muscle tension, it is important to increase the number of support points. So baby must:

· sit on the entire seat;

· lean your back (lumbosacral part) on the back of the chair;

· forearms – on the table top (the forearms should lie freely on the table top, creating additional support and reducing muscle tension);

· rest your feet on the floor or stand. In this case, the legs are bent at the hip and knee joints at an angle of 90;

· keep your body straight, only slightly tilting your head and torso forward when reading and writing ( optimal angle the inclination in the chest part of the body is 170. A slightly inclined position of the body is more rational than a straightened one; it eases the load on the ligamentous-muscular system and the central nervous system. But the most physiological is considered to be the ability to move from a straight to a slightly inclined position, the ability to freely change the angle of the body and the position of the arms.

· between the body and the edge of the table there should be free space– 4-5 cm (this distance corresponds to the width of the child’s palm or fist). This ensures free breathing, the chest and abdomen are not compressed.

· Shoulders should be at the same level and parallel to the table top;

· The distance from the eyes to the book (notebook) should be at least 30 cm (equal to the length of the forearm and hand with outstretched fingers). This is checked as follows: If you place your hand on your elbow, your eyes should be level thumb hands.

Correct fit is only possible if the furniture matches the child’s height.

Your position at your desk has a huge impact on your posture and overall health. By sitting for 6-8 hours five days a week, you form the habit of holding your body in a certain way. This habit determines your posture not only at your desk, but also in any other place: while driving, during training, while walking, even while sleeping. And if your usual position is not physiological, sooner or later it will cause problems with the spine.

Perhaps, while reading this, you straightened your back and decided now to always sit up straight. It's great, but it won't last long. At first it seems that keeping your back straight is easy and even pleasant, but after a minute or two your lower back begins to ache, so you will very soon return to your normal position.

Why is it so hard to hold your back

When you maintain a certain position for a long time, your body gets used to it. The brain begins to perceive it as natural and comfortable. This is the main difficulty.

Once your brain has learned how to do something a certain way, it is quite difficult to retrain it.

A good example is the habit of writing with one hand. Try switching your pen to your non-dominant hand and you'll feel like an awkward child.

However, although with difficulty, our brain is still able to relearn and. Practice will help you form the habit of correct posture and say goodbye to pain and stiffness after a working day. And the first thing you need to pay attention to is the position of your pelvis on the chair.

Correct pelvic position is the basis of good posture

The position of the pelvis on the chair is of decisive importance for the entire posture as a whole. Your pelvis and spine are like a column of bricks stacked on top of each other. If you place the bottom brick crookedly, all the others will also crookedly.

To position the pelvis correctly, you first need to find the ischial tuberosities. These are two bony protrusions at the bottom of the pelvis.

The structure of the pelvic bones

To find them, sit on a hard surface, place your hands under your buttocks and lower your body weight onto them. You will feel the ischial tuberosities pressing on your hands.

The main rule of good posture is to sit on your ischial tuberosities. Most people sit with their body either behind or in front of their ischial tuberosities.

How to position your pelvis correctly

First of all, you need to feel the correct position of the pelvis. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair, place your feet on the floor, the angle at the knee should be 90 degrees. This is the correct position of the legs.

First, arch your back and hold for a couple of seconds, then arch your back, pushing your chest forward and creating. After this, take the middle position.

On the left - backward pelvic tilt, in the center - forward pelvic tilt, on the right - correct position

If the position is correct, it feels as comfortable as possible (for the first minute). The weight is located on the ischial tuberosities, the back is straight, but maintaining the physiological curves of the spine.

So, you have found the ideal position, but your body has been accustomed to another for years, so as soon as you are distracted, it will immediately return to its usual position. Of course, you can’t do nothing but monitor the position of your pelvis all day, and your lower back will get tired out of habit. Help yourself get used to it - use back support, which will make it easier to form a new pattern.

How to help your body get used to correct posture

Most often the back office chairs slightly tilted back, especially if the chair is no longer new and is a little loose. On such a chair you will not be able to sit on the ischial tuberosities and at the same time lean on the back.

On the left is a regular chair, on the right is with lumbar support

To avoid breaking the correct position, try a special chair with a bolster in the lumbar area. On such a chair you can correctly position your pelvis and rest your back on the bolster. Due to this, the back muscles will not be overloaded, and you will stop leaning back, shifting the weight from the ischial tuberosities.

However, a good chair can be quite expensive. If you don't plan to spend a lot of money, there is a more affordable alternative - pillows and orthopedic pads.

A pillow with a memory function compresses under the weight of your body and retains its shape. You can place it under your lower back on a chair or car seat and maintain a neutral back position without feeling muscle fatigue. Such pillows can be ordered on AliExpress. The cost is about 500 rubles.

There are more cheap option- chair pad for lumbar support. This lightweight mesh design, which is secured to the chair with ropes, provides good lumbar support and prevents your back from sweating. The cost is about 200 rubles.

Chair pad

Correct your posture while sitting, and you won’t have to spend money on the services of an osteopath or chiropractor.

Both adults and children should remember how to sit correctly at the table. In the case of a child, no correct landing can lead to spinal curvature and other serious consequences. It is worth remembering that for a developing organism, being in an uncomfortable position for a long time is a lot of stress. But for adults, most daily inconveniences are associated with improper sitting at the desk. So, constant pain in the back and neck, headache and visual strain may be associated with a table that is too high or an uncomfortable chair back.

Why do parents need to ensure that their child is seated correctly? With a constant crooked position, the muscles quickly get tired, pain in the spine appears, and scoliosis may develop. Curvature of the spine - in itself serious problem, but it is also worth knowing that children with this disease are more likely to develop bronchitis, gastritis and pneumonia. If your posture is poor, you may experience constipation and bloating.

What does the correct position at the desk mean?

It is worth considering the rule of 3 angles: the knees under the table should form one right angle, the hips and back should form the 2nd angle, and the arms with a bent elbow should form the 3rd angle.

  • Your feet should be firmly on the floor (you can use a small stand). The knees, as we have already said, are bent at a right angle.
  • Your back should be completely straight and fully supported by the back of the chair.
  • Make sure that the child does not lean his chest against the edge of the table.
  • Elbows should not rise too high; for this you need to choose a table of a suitable height.
  • The chair should be height adjustable; otherwise, for a growing child, you will have to buy a height-adjustable chair every year.

How high should the table and chair be?

With a height of 110-119 cm, the table height should be 52 cm, the chair height should be 32 cm;

If you are 120-129 cm tall, the table height should be 57 cm, the chair height should be 35 cm;

If you are 130-139 cm tall, the table height should be 62 cm, the chair height should be 38 cm.

If you have the opportunity to buy an improved model of the worker children's table with a sloping tabletop, this will be a big advantage. The fact is that it is most convenient for a child to draw at an angle of approximately 5°, approximate angle for writing - 15° and for reading about 30°. If the position of the tabletop can be changed for these child actions, the neck and back will be at rest, which means unnecessary stress on the body is eliminated.

A stooped back and incorrect posture are the scourge of all schoolchildren. While sitting at a desk or desk on lumbar region the spine is pressed by the weight of the whole body. This causes fatigue and fatigue, and also leads to poor posture, scoliosis and other diseases. From the first days of school, the child spends quite a lot of time sitting: in class and at home.

In order not to spoil a first-grader’s posture, it is important to monitor the student’s position at the table while preparing homework and studying. In this article we will talk about how to sit at a desk correctly and prevent spinal problems from early childhood.

Why you should worry

Proper seating for a child is necessary not only for aesthetic beauty. A straight back allows you to avoid spinal deformities, muscle corset and problems with internal organs. Shape correct posture child is very important during the period active growth(from 5 to 12 years old). That is, precisely at the time when the baby begins to go to school and learns to sit correctly at the table.

Problems with the spine are not only external, they threaten:

  • increased fatigue;
  • deformation of internal organs;
  • impaired blood flow and breathing;
  • the occurrence of diseases such as intervertebral hernia, muscle adhesions;
  • periodic headaches.

Therefore, it is important to explain to your child how to sit at the table correctly from the very first school days. Developed posture at a desk prevents the development of spinal curvature, helps improve performance, and has a positive effect on the stimulation of mental activity and attention.

The correct position of the student at the desk

In most modern educational institutions All desks are the same type, they are not designed for differences in height among children. The ideal option would be to install transformable tables in your child’s classroom, which can easily be adjusted to the body type of each student. In any case, when explaining to a child how to sit at a desk at school correctly, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • knees are bent and form a right angle;
  • the neck is straight, not stretched forward or tilted down;
  • elbows are completely located on the table surface;
  • the angle of the back and hips is 90 degrees;
  • legs stand on the floor or support with the entire surface of the feet;
  • the back is straight, but not tense, touching the back of the chair;
  • distance from work surface to the eyes is within 30-35 cm.

When working at a desk, the baby should lean on five points: arms, legs, buttocks. Also preventative measure There will be a periodic change of the child’s place in the classroom in relation to the board.

Features of organizing a workspace at home

To prepare homework, the child must have a comfortable study space. It is worth choosing a table and chair that will be adjusted to the baby’s height. Make sure that when writing, the gap between your body and the edge of the desk is the width of your palm or a child’s fist. When working at a computer, it is important that the distance from the eyes to the monitor is at least 50 cm, and that the gaze is directed to the center or 2/3 of the height of the screen.

You should also remember about the correct placement of the light source above the table. How better lighting, those smaller for the child you will have to bend over to the table. It is best to place the lamp on the left if the baby is right-handed, and vice versa. To keep the load on the spine to a minimum, you should give the child a rest every 45 minutes of sitting. During a break, it is useful to do simple physical exercise, warm up. This will allow the student to take a break from mental stress.

The hostess is the first to enter a room with a set table, stands behind her chair and recommends their seats to the guests, making sure that a man sits next to the woman. It is not at all necessary to seat husband and wife next to each other.

The hostess sits down at the table first and invites the others to sit down. The women sit down first, and the men help them sit down. To do this, the man takes the chair standing to the right of his chair by the back and moves it away from the table, turning it slightly with its back towards him. The woman walks to her seat and waits for a chair to be pulled up for her, without bending her legs. The man carefully moves a chair to her feet, saying “please” or “please sit down,” and only after the woman sits down does he sit down himself.

At the table, the man gives preferential attention to the woman sitting to his right. He offers her to pour a drink, serve this or that dish, and engages her in conversation.
You have to sit at the table, especially at a holiday table, for quite a long time - from 1 to 2 hours, and sometimes longer. Therefore, from the very beginning we advise you to choose the most comfortable, non-tiring and at the same time beautiful pose. According to etiquette, it is recommended to sit on a chair so as to occupy the seat of the chair as completely as possible, lightly touching the back of the chair with your back. You need to sit straight, but freely, without tension, at a distance from the edge of the table not exceeding the width of four fingers of your palm.

It is better to bend your knees at a right angle, and your feet should be parallel to each other.

Hands should be kept on your knees or on the armrests of chairs before eating or during breaks between meals. While eating, you should always keep your elbows lightly, without tension, pressed to your body, while trying to work with your hands smoothly, without touching your neighbors.

As you know, the elbow right hand when cutting off a piece of meat, for example, and the left elbow, when raising the fork to the mouth, involuntarily tends to tear away from the body. If you do not learn to keep your elbows, as they say, “to yourself,” that is, slightly pressed to your body, then you will inevitably disturb your neighbors both to the right and to the left, which, of course, will not give them the slightest pleasure.

It must be said that learning to keep your elbows “to yourself” is quite difficult, but after some training it is quite possible.

Etiquette does not recommend placing your elbows on the table, or even resting your chin or cheeks on your palms. In any case, such a pose very eloquently in body language indicates complete indifference, and sometimes simply disrespect for everyone present at the table.

It is not recommended to keep your legs on top of each other or stretch them under the table. In the first case, you can quickly get tired, and in the second, you can offend your neighbors, which, of course, is unacceptable.
You cannot sit on the edge of a chair, swing on it (as if on a rocking chair), put your hands on the backs of neighboring chairs, or sit waddling, so as not to seem immodest, cheeky, or poorly mannered.