home · Measurements · Additives to mortar for winter masonry. Rules for storing cement in bags in winter. What determines the storage duration?

Additives to mortar for winter masonry. Rules for storing cement in bags in winter. What determines the storage duration?

Cement is the main material without which no construction or renovation work in the house. It is important that its properties meet the declared technical characteristics; the quality of the masonry and concrete depends on this. Material exposed to prolonged storage in unfavorable conditions may lose its properties or simply deteriorate. Especially when you have to store cement in bags in winter, you need to know how to do it correctly.

What needs to be done to preserve cement - rules

It is more advisable to take cement for a specific scope of work shortly before the start of operations. This is due to the fact that the shelf life of cement is limited, since it actively interacts with air and is able to draw moisture from it. Therefore, high-quality packaging of the material for sale requires that the bags have a polyethylene base. If circumstances are such that long-term storage is necessary, you need to follow these rules:

  • The hangar or any other place for storing cement must be protected from large quantity moisture and drafts;
  • The room temperature should not fall below +5 degrees Celsius. Expecting the material to survive in a frozen garage is pointless;
  • Before preservation, bags are checked for defects and irregularities; good ones are additionally wrapped in polyethylene several times;
  • Under the cement, a flooring is arranged from pallets, which are placed on beams so that the distance to the floor is at least 0.3 meters;
  • The building material is stacked horizontally so that the stack height does not exceed two meters;
  • The packed cement is covered on top with a tarpaulin, the sides directed towards air flow, do not cover;
  • You cannot mix bags with cement mixtures of different strength grades in one package wrapped in layers of film;
  • The tightly preserved room is equipped with a ventilation system;
  • Large volumes of material stored in silos must be transferred from one container to another at least once every two weeks.

If the building mixture is not used for 3 months, it is not advisable to use such material for concrete under foundations or structures designed for heavy loads.

What determines the storage duration?

Reasons why the quality of cement may deteriorate even after short term, a lot, not to mention his long-term storage. Everyone knows what's under open air You cannot keep the bags, especially when it is expected to rain. But wet air is as dangerous to the mixture as water. Cement absorbs moisture very well through any packaging. The result of this will be the formation of lumps due to the process of hydration (binding of grains).

It is important to know that the higher the grade of cement, the less able it is to last for a long time. For example, high-quality Portland cement of grade 500, after sixty days of aging in a warehouse, will only meet the characteristics of M400. If the mixture also has a fine-grained fraction, then the degradation process is significantly accelerated. After storing cement of any brand for a year, it can only be used for non-critical structures.

Air, saturated carbon dioxide, deteriorates the properties of the material. Therefore, it is not recommended to store cement for a long time in heavily gassed rooms (boiler rooms, stokers), if there is no proper ventilation there. The same applies to damp warehouse areas and unventilated hangars.

  • For short-term storage, during construction work, bags of material are stored under a canopy or other place protected from rain;
  • If work takes place during damp room, the cement mixture is covered with thick polyethylene film;
  • To store cement in an unheated room in winter, it is advisable to lower it into the basement, where there is always a positive temperature;
  • When preserving a small number of bags in a closed container, you can add granules inside for absorption excess moisture or dry sand;
  • Minor defects in paper containers are eliminated using tape, wrapping it in several layers at the location of the violation;
  • When taking cement with a reserve, preference should be given to lower grades of material;
  • During long-term storage, to avoid caking, packages should be turned over at least once every three months;
  • During the storage period of the building material, periodically check it by touch so that solid lumps and fractions do not form;
  • The bags are collected in stacks in strict accordance with strength grades. Stacks of different brands placed further apart;
  • If hardening occurs construction mixture, on next year it can be crushed and used for non-critical structures;
  • All dry mixtures in soft cement-based containers are stored according to the same principle as ordinary material.

Construction of precast concrete and reinforced concrete structures, as well as construction monolithic structures continues to increase its pace, but often craftsmen have to deal with the rush caused by the approaching end of the construction season. This is explained by the operational characteristics of the cement mortar, one of which is the presence of a liquid phase, which promotes the continuous process of hydration and maturation of the composition. If the temperature drops below 5 degrees, the concrete maturation phase slows down, and if it reaches negative values it stops, which is due to the crystallization of water included in the cement mortar. This leads to destruction of the concrete structure, which becomes unusable. Despite this, most craftsmen with experience in the field monolithic construction, are faced with the need to continue the cycle of concrete work in winter time, in connection with which, they are faced with the question: “How to prolong the liquid phase of concrete, and, consequently, its vital activity. To solve this problem, experts suggest using antifreeze additives into concrete, specifications and the main varieties of which will be discussed in this article.

Antifreeze additives in concrete: main varieties

Antifreeze additives in concrete are Chemical substance in the form of a dry mixture or solution, which, by involving the maximum amount of water in the concrete crystallization process, accelerates the hydration process concrete mixture, promoting the hardening of concrete in conditions of negative temperatures. However, the main purpose of the antifreeze additive is to maintain liquid state concrete mortar and subsequent acceleration of its hydration, which slows down significantly at negative temperatures.

Important! When using antifreeze additives in concrete, it is important to remember that the strength of concrete with antifreeze additives at subzero temperatures does not exceed 30% of the maximum possible design strength; the remaining 70% of the strength of concrete gains during the thawing process. In this regard, structures whose concreting took place in winter period time and should not be subjected to high loads.

According to the chemical basis, they distinguish the following types antifreeze additives in concrete:

  • Antifreeze;
  • Sulfates;
  • Antifreeze accelerator additives.

Let us consider in more detail the characteristics of each presented variety.

  • Antifreeze is an anti-frost additive to concrete that helps reduce the crystallization temperature of the liquid included in the solution, and also increases or slightly reduces the rate of setting of the solution. However, it does not have any effect on the rate of structure formation.
  • Sulfate-based concrete additives are another popular antifreeze component that provides maximum speed formation of a dense solution. Characteristic feature antifreeze additives based on sulfates is the active release of heat, which begins after their addition to the solution and is accompanied by the interaction of the concrete solution with hydration products. Due to the fact that sulfate-based additives are characterized by strong binding to sparingly soluble compounds, they cannot be used to lower the freezing point of the working mixture.
  • At the heart of the action antifreeze additives-accelerators lies in the increase in the degree of solubility of the silicate components of cement, which, when reacting with the products of its hydration, form double and basic salts that reduce the freezing point of the liquid component of the concrete mortar.

Important! Modern complex antifreeze additives for concrete not only regulate the kinetics of its strength gain, but also correct its rheological properties. By lowering the crystallization temperature of the liquid component of the solution, they shorten the time of its initial setting, influencing the hardening of the cement stone and increasing its grade strength.

There are several types of accelerator additives, each of which has a specific set of chemical and operational properties. Let's look at them in more detail.

Potash or calcium carbonate, representing crystalline substance, is a strong anti-frost component, significantly accelerating the process of setting and subsequent hardening of concrete. Like any antifreeze additive, calcium carbonate reduces strength concrete structure, and to reduce this as much as possible Negative influence for construction, experts recommend combining potash with sodium tetraborate or sulfide-yeast mash, the concentration of which should not exceed 30%. Due to the fact that calcium carbonate is potentially dangerous substance, during its operation it is necessary to observe certain safety measures;

Sodium tetraborate, also called brown or sulfate-yeast mash, is a mixture of sodium, calcium, ammonium or lignosulfonic acid salts. Experts recommend adding this substance as an admixture when using calcium carbonate, which helps prevent the loss of strength characteristics of concrete structures after thawing. Otherwise, you can observe not only the appearance of cracks in structures, but also a decrease in their water resistance and frost resistance. Thus, the use of potash as an antifreeze additive without the addition of sodium tetraborate will reduce the strength characteristics of the structure by 20-30%;

Sodium nitrite- crystalline powder used as an anti-frost additive to concrete mortar. Considering that sodium nitrite is a fire hazard poisonous substance, during its operation it is important to observe the maximum permissible concentration of the substance, which is determined empirically and usually does not go beyond 0.1 - 0.42 l/kg of cement mortar, provided that the temperature environment will be from 0 to -25 degrees. At the enterprise, when working with sodium nitrite, the maximum permissible concentration of the substance in the workplace should not exceed 0.005 mg/l. In accordance with the requirements of the Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete, containers used for transportation, storage and production of sodium nitrite must be marked “POISON”. Prohibited sharing sodium nitrite and lignosulfonic acids, since their interaction is accompanied by the formation of poisonous gases;

Sodium formate- white crystalline powder, which also functions as an anti-frost accelerator. In most cases, it is used in conjunction with naphthalene lignosulfonate to improve water-reducing and plasticizing characteristics. Sodium formate is an antifreeze additive in concrete, the consumption of which does not exceed 2-6% of the total mass of cement.

Important! In addition to the above substances, sodium formate with alcohol, calcium chloride, ammonia water and urea can be used as antifreeze additives at subzero temperatures.

Advantages and disadvantages of antifreeze additives in concrete mortar

Advantages of antifreeze additives in concrete

  • Using antifreeze additives in concrete, you can carry out concrete works on a construction site even in winter;
  • Due to the fact that antifreeze additives increase the degree of adhesion of the components of the solution, they significantly increase the strength of the monolith;
  • Due to the high strength of products made using anti-frost additives in concrete, they can be used for industrial purposes;
  • They have a positive effect on the durability of the mixture, extending the life of the building;
  • Increases plasticizing and stabilizing characteristics cement mixture- the use of concrete with increased plasticity makes it possible to produce structures that will not crack after the working composition hardens;
  • Increases the frost resistance of the concrete mixture. This indicator is especially important for concrete intended for the construction of critical structures, for example, bridge supports. In most cases, it is directly dependent on the density of concrete. Denser grades of concrete are characterized by big amount possible freezing and thawing cycles;
  • Unlike alternative methods increasing the frost resistance of concrete, the use of antifreeze additives is characterized by a relatively low cost;
  • Using anti-frost additives, you will significantly reduce the risk of shrinkage deformations of a concrete monolithic structure;
  • Increasing the moisture resistance of concrete structures by filling the pores with plasticizing substances that prevent the penetration of water;
  • Accelerating the hardening process of the concrete solution is the main point due to which the solution can “not be afraid” of the cold;
  • By choosing an anti-frost additive to concrete, you will reliably protect the reinforcement used from corrosion processes that occur due to the water included in the concrete solution.

Disadvantages of antifreeze additives in concrete

  • In an effort to increase the reliability of the strength characteristics of concrete, it is necessary to increase cement consumption;
  • Some components included in the additives are toxic;
  • In some cases, the declared strength of the concrete is reduced;
  • In the case of using antifreeze additives in concrete, the rate at which the strength characteristics of the concrete structure develops is reduced.

Experts advise adding an anti-frost additive to the concrete solution along with water. It is important to note that it is advisable to do this with the last third of the liquid. It is not recommended to add additives to the dry mixture. After adding an antifreeze additive to the solution, wait a certain period of time during which the components will be evenly distributed.

When carrying out installation activities in conditions of negative temperatures, follow the instructions presented below:

  • If you work in snowy conditions, take care to organize appropriate shelters;
  • The temperature of the solution leaving the mixer should not go beyond the recommended range from +15 to +25 degrees;
  • To prepare the working mixture, experts recommend using heated water;
  • As for heating the aggregates, it is recommended to do it before direct use.

Important! Specialists in construction industry It is recommended to pay attention to SNIP 3.03.01, according to which, in order to achieve the required strength characteristics of the concrete solution, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for the care of concrete in winter. In the process of carrying out these measures, by the time the temperature at which the additive dosage was calculated is reached, it is not recommended to achieve a structural strength exceeding 20% ​​of the declared design strength.

Dosage and consumption of antifreeze additive in concrete

The dosage of the antifreeze additive in concrete, the consumption of which is an extremely variable parameter, is selected taking into account each specific situation through testing in production and laboratory conditions.

The consumption of antifreeze additive depends on the following factors:

  • Ambient temperature under which installation activities will be carried out;
  • Declared brand strength of the cement used;
  • The chemical, mineralogical and material composition of the cement used in the work process, as well as its expected rate of strength gain;
  • The temperature of the solution that it will reach at the exit from the mixer;
  • Conditions for maintaining concrete structures.

Important! When long-term use or storing a solution into which additives have been added, it is necessary to check its homogenization by stirring periodically. Calculation required quantity antifreeze additive is produced taking into account an error of 2%.

Do-it-yourself anti-frost additive to concrete

If the warm days have already passed, but you are suddenly faced with the need to pour a monolithic structure, you cannot do without using an anti-frost additive in concrete. The most preferable option, in this case, would be to purchase antifreeze additives in a specialized store, which is explained by their relative cheapness, low consumption and ability to significantly increase the properties of concrete mortar, subject to minimal negative consequences. If the expected scope of work is small, and you plan to carry out installation activities at a temperature not lower than -10 degrees, this option is the most optimal.

However, if you do not have the opportunity to purchase a ready-made antifreeze additive for concrete, you can easily make it yourself, since the only material you will need during the work process is chlorides (salts). Chloride salts reduce the freezing point of the solution, shorten the time of its initial setting and reduce cement consumption. However, experts are confident that a chloride-based antifreeze additive, manufactured independently, can only be used for unreinforced structures, which is due to corrosion processes developing under the influence of chlorides.

Benefits of a chloride-based antifreeze additive

  • Low cost;
  • No influence on the rate of concrete hardening, due to which the solution can be prepared in advance;
  • No influence on the structure of the cement mortar;
  • Increasing the mobility of particles, thanks to which you can give the cement mortar the desired shape.

Disadvantages of chloride-based antifreeze additives

  • A high level of corrosive activity, as a result of which the antifreeze additive based on chlorides cannot be used for the manufacture of structures whose structure contains metal and reinforcement. The latter will oxidize under the influence of chlorides and peel off from the concrete structure, compromising its integrity.

How does ambient temperature affect chloride consumption?

  • The proportion of chlorides in the finished solution is calculated according to the following scheme:
  • If installation activities are carried out at an average daily temperature of no lower than - 5 degrees, the optimal proportion of chlorides in the finished solution should not exceed 2%;
  • If work is carried out at lower temperatures (-6 to -15 degrees), the optimal proportion of chlorides should be 4% of the total mass of the solution.

Important! In this case, the scheme for gaining the expected strength of the structure when drying at subzero temperatures will look like this:

For the first option, where the salt concentration is 2%:

  • 30% after a week;
  • 80% after a month;
  • The structure will reach 100% strength only after 3 months.

For the second option (salt concentration is 4%), these figures will be 15%, 35%, 50%, respectively.

Important! Despite the fact that salt is an independent antifreeze additive, experts recommend using it in conjunction with calcium chloride, the mass fraction of which, when used at temperatures down to -5 degrees, is 0.5% by weight of the solution, and 2% when used at temperatures from -6 to -15 degrees.

Precautions when working with antifreeze additives

  • When working with antifreeze additives, it is necessary to use protective gloves;
  • In case of contact with exposed skin, wash with soap and water. Avoid contact of the antifreeze additive with your eyes; if this cannot be avoided, rinse your eyes with plenty of water and consult a doctor immediately.
  • Disposal of the additive is carried out in accordance with local regulations, which is explained by the presence of harmful components in antifreeze additives. As a result, it is prohibited to pour the mixture into the soil, water bodies or sewers.

Every person at least once in his life has done construction works. When it comes to purchasing construction products, then people try to purchase the necessary products in advance. However, there are situations when the supply of a product such as cement turns out to be too large. As a result, it is necessary to take a number of measures to ensure its proper storage without disturbing it. quality characteristics. As a rule, people buy building materials in winter, since they are much cheaper at this time of year. Therefore, we will consider the correct storage of cement in winter and how you can preserve it for the next year or two.

What are the technical characteristics of grade 500 cement?

How to save cement until next year

Garage storage

When you have a garage, it is quite possible to store the building material in question there. But this does not mean that it is enough to put it in the garage and forget about it until spring. Then all the quality of the material will be lost, and it will no longer make sense to use it in the spring.

Naturally, it can be very difficult to detect a defect such as a puncture, but anything is possible if you listen to the advice that will now be discussed.

Manufacturers pack the material in paper bags, and sometimes combine paper and plastic packaging. If the bag is a combination bag, then you don’t have to worry about the integrity of the cement. Such a product can be stored for 6-8 months without losing its quality.

You can find out how much cement is in 1 cube of concrete from this

Arrangement of the premises

If you are going to store the bulk mixture for a longer time, you need to properly prepare the room. The bags should be placed on a special flooring. The room where the bags of cement will be located must be dry and well ventilated. If there is no ventilation, moisture will begin to accumulate in the room. To ensure the necessary ventilation, you can use the simplest forced ventilation.

You can see how walls are plastered with cement mortar in the video.

When there is no ventilation in the room, two pipes can be taken outside. One should be installed 0.5 m above the floor, the other 0.5 m above the ceiling. Thanks to such measures, it will be possible to ensure excellent air movement, because it is better to spend time arranging ventilation than to later buy new cement.

In addition to arranging your premises, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. You cannot store cement of different brands nearby, because they contain different quantities moisture. Otherwise, you may degrade the quality of the cement.
  2. For those who plan to store the material for more than 6 months, it is necessary to wrap each bag in 2-3 layers of polyethylene. Thanks to such measures, you can additionally protect the product from moisture. Thus, it is possible to preserve the quality of cement even when stored for more than a year.
  3. If you store cement for a long time, then during the preparation of the solution you need to increase the consumption by 1.5 times. For example, if you take 2 kg of fresh product, then in the current situation you will need 3.5 kg.

Is it possible to pour concrete in winter?

Winter cold weather causes serious inconvenience for builders when carrying out activities related to concreting. The water included in the solution turns into ice when cooled, increasing in volume. The monolith loses its strength and becomes covered with a network of cracks. However, pouring concrete in winter is possible thanks to special concreting methods. They are successfully used by professional builders and private craftsmen. Let us consider in detail the specifics of concreting during winter construction.

Concrete work in winter - implementation features

It's hard to name the winter months favorable period for concreting monolithic structures, pouring foundations and forming bored supports. This is due to the crystallization of water. It complicates the hydration process, which results in the formation of strong bonds at the molecular level. When water expands as a result of crystallization, porosity increases, strength characteristics decrease, and cracking of the mass occurs.

To winter concrete was strong, it is necessary to create conditions or additives for its ripening

After concreting, the following processes occur:

  • grasping. The duration of this stage is no more than 24 hours, during which the transition from the liquid state to the solid phase occurs. The strength characteristics are quite low;
  • hardening. This is a long process, as a result of which, over the course of a month, performance characteristics. They depend on the brand of solution, the modifiers introduced, as well as the ambient temperature.

A number of developers are interested in what temperature it is possible to pour concrete in winter. Experts believe that the normal course of setting processes and achieving maximum strength occurs at temperatures from plus 3 to plus 5 degrees Celsius. In this case, the rate of hardening is directly proportional to temperature and increases when using increased grades of Portland cement.

The hydration process during the normal course of the hardening process proceeds as follows:

  • formed on the surface thin layer sodium hydrosilicate;
  • cement grains gradually absorb water, binding all components of the mixture;
  • the outer layers of the massif become more dense when water evaporates from the solution;
  • the hardening process gradually moves into the depth of the massif;
  • the moisture concentration is reduced until operational strength is achieved.

Answering the question at what temperature does concrete freeze, we inform you that the hydration process can only occur at a positive temperature. The formation of ice crystals makes it difficult for the components of the concrete mixture to bind together. During hydration, the solution heats up. This allows concrete work to be carried out during slight cold weather, provided that heat-saving formwork or special mats are used.

First of all, you need to choose the right cement for winter concreting the foundation

When concreting in winter, use various methods, allowing you to change the freezing threshold and reduce the setting time:

  • modifying additives are introduced that reduce the crystallization threshold. Experts individually determine how much salt should be added to concrete in winter, as well as in what proportions to add modifiers;
  • heat the solution using various ways. Choice optimal option heating of the concrete solution is carried out depending on the specifics of the work and the level of costs for implementing the chosen method;
  • Portland cement of higher grades is used in the concrete mortar. Such cement achieves the strength required for operation in a shorter time and intensively absorbs moisture.

Let us dwell in detail on the nuances of pouring concrete in winter.

Expert opinion: Pouring concrete in winter

The most optimal temperature for high-quality setting of concrete without loss of strength characteristics, formation of porosity and cracking in concrete is considered to be up to +3...+5⁰С. To improve the quality of hardening of the concrete mixture when low temperatures high grade Portland cement is used, as well as additional anti-frost additives.

Dmitry Orlov

Pouring concrete in winter - the advantages of winter concreting

Carrying out work in subzero temperatures has certain advantages:

  • allows for pouring on loose soils. It is problematic to carry out excavation work on such soils during the warm period, since the soil crumbles. Increasing the hardness of the soil during freezing makes it easier to carry out work;

For mixing in winter, use hot water and heated backfill. Cement cannot be heated

  • significantly reduces estimated cost works This is achieved by reducing the cost building materials in winter. Thanks to seasonal discounts, costs can be much lower;
  • ensures reduction of construction time. In case of unfavorable natural conditions builders are forced to work more quickly, which allows construction to be carried out at an accelerated pace.

In addition, situations are possible when the construction site is in a cold climatic zone, And winter concreting is the only possible solution.

Is it possible to pour concrete in winter - problematic issues

A number of developers believe that it is advisable to refrain from winter concreting and complete the entire volume of work with the onset of warm months.

They are guided by the following considerations:

  • purchasing purchased material containing will increase costs;
  • Creation special conditions installation and the use of heating methods will entail additional costs;
  • the reduced length of the winter day will require additional funding related to site lighting and thermal insulation of cabins;
  • the use of complex heating methods will require the involvement of specialists and the use of special equipment;
  • with a significant decrease in temperature, it will take more time to gain operational strength;
  • The slightest deviation from proven technology and sudden changes in weather conditions are the causes of increased fragility.

When mixing the solution in winter, the order of laying the components changes: water is poured in, crushed stone and sand are poured into it

Having analyzed the complex of problematic issues, we can conclude that there is a high probability of obtaining low-quality concrete and a sharp increase in the overall level of costs.

Winter concreting methods used

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


When performing concrete work in winter, the following methods are used:

  • increasing the temperature of the concrete mixture through the use of preheated water;
  • introducing plasticizing additives and modifiers that significantly reduce the freezing threshold of water;
  • increase in solution temperature special methods electric and infrared heating.

Let us dwell in detail on the features of each technical technique.

Pouring concrete in winter at home

This method involves heating the mixture in various ways:

  • adding to solution hot water, heated to 70–80 degrees Celsius;
  • introducing filler preheated with a heat gun;
  • heating the concrete solution in a mixer heated from the side.

Using a heated mixture - simplest method, used for winter filling. Conditions for using this technology:

  • performing minor amounts of work;
  • concreting in domestic conditions;
  • slight cooling at night.

Another way to pour concrete at subzero temperatures is to use chemicals

To achieve the required effect, the following rules must be observed:

  • use Portland cement grade M400 and higher;
  • introduce plasticizers that accelerate the hardening process;
  • do not exceed maximum permissible temperature heating water.


  1. Pour water heated to 80 degrees Celsius into the concrete mixer.
  2. Fill with filler and sand, observing the required ratios.
  3. Enter Portland cement, used as a binder.
  4. Add special additives that accelerate the hardening of the solution.
  5. Mix the ingredients to the required consistency and pour.

After concreting, the material should be compacted with a vibrator and protected from cooling with heat-insulating material.

Is it possible to add salt to concrete in winter and modifying additives?

The introduction of special plasticizers makes it possible to reduce the level of water freezing. In this case, hydration will be carried out according to standard scheme, despite the low ambient temperature.

The most common additive that increases the “frost resistance” of concrete and accelerates its hardening is calcium chloride.

Along with ready-made compounds, which can be purchased in stores, use the following ingredients:

  • calcium chloride:
  • potash;
  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium nitrate.

A number of developers add salt (sodium chloride), which slightly reduces the freezing threshold, but does not guarantee the preservation of the properties of concrete. Experts recommend using industrially produced modifiers and not experimenting with available additives.

Is it possible to pour concrete in winter using technically complex methods?

In the construction industry, the following progressive methods are used for winter concreting:

  • installation of insulating sheathing, which acts as a thermos and is built around the formwork;
  • laying a heating cable that connects to the transformer and heats the array;
  • using electrodes inserted into concrete to which voltage is applied for heating;
  • warming up infrared heaters, which have a directed effect on the concrete mass;
  • induction heating of the array, during which the magnetic field is converted into thermal energy.

The use of these technical methods requires preliminary calculations, the use of special equipment and high qualifications.


When deciding whether to lay concrete in winter, you should carefully analyze how the pouring process will be carried out, as well as assess the overall level of costs. If possible, it is worth moving winter concreting to the warmer period of the year.

Construction Materials

Additives to mortar for bricklaying - features of work in winter

From the author: Hello, our dear readers! Today we will talk about additives to mortar for bricklaying in winter. Where did this topic even come from? It’s just that right now some of my friends are suddenly ready for a construction project that has been put off for a long time.

Of course to New Year's holidays Many people have a desire to finish what they started or create something new, so that during the winter holidays they can calmly enjoy the work of their hands, and not waste the long-awaited weekend on hard work.

This is all understandable, but in the case of construction, difficulties may arise. Particularly when it comes to low temperature conditions. Moreover, these difficulties sometimes do not manifest themselves immediately, but later, in spring or summer, when it gets warm. Let's first look at what exactly winter styling is fraught with, and then see how you can competently avoid all these troubles.

Features of winter masonry

First of all, let's remember what it consists of masonry mortar. It usually includes: cement, sand, water. In order for the bricks to be properly bonded to each other, thereby giving the masonry strength, the mortar must dry well. When it's warm outside, there are no problems with this.

But what happens to the components of the newly laid masonry mortar when the ambient temperature drops below zero? With cement and sand - nothing, but water turns into ice.

Of course, as long as it’s freezing outside, everything will be fine. But as soon as the thaw begins, the water will begin to thaw. And then we will have two unpleasant consequences at once:

  • shrinkage. Frozen water, as we know, is more voluminous than liquid water. Therefore, as it thaws, the thickness of the masonry mortar will decrease. Therefore, the rows should go down. Moreover, this happens rather unevenly. As a result, the structure will not only be lower than planned, but will also bend, become unstable and unreliable;
  • deterioration in the quality of the solution. Even after the thawed composition dries, it will no longer be as strong as it should be.

As you can see, in conditions of negative temperatures it is not advisable to put a regular solution. I was convinced of this on personal experience. In ancient times, when there was no talk of a construction career, I decided.

It was December, and I decided not to bother with the theory of construction. In general, in order not to bore you with details, I’ll go straight to the result: my lovingly folded fence in the spring took on the very intricate shape of a dragon’s back.

But before I had time to rejoice at my involuntary sculptor’s art, the entire structure fell - first partially, and then completely. It’s good that it was just a fence and not a residential building.

However, we often see the process of professional winter, and nothing subsequently collapses. How does this work? Let's turn to the developments and experience of people who have been involved in this business for many years.

There are three options for how to successfully deal with the problem:

  • adding to solution special additives, which make it possible for the solution to harden even at low temperatures;
  • artificial heating of the masonry during work and hardening of the solution;
  • special freezing method.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, all of the above methods can solve our problem. Let's look at each of them in detail.


The easiest way is to modify the masonry mortar so that it does not lose its properties at low temperatures. This method is the least expensive and does not require any unnecessary movements; the entire masonry process is carried out as usual.

So what should you add to the solution? In our country professional builders For this purpose, technical sodium and calcium formates, potassium carbonate, technical sodium nitrite and calcium chloride are most often used.

Any of these substances gives the desired result. But the choice of solution is also quite important: you need to take a brand no lower than 50 C. Let's take a closer look at what effect we get in the case of correct selection of all means.

The main function of antifreeze additives is to give the solution the opportunity to quickly harden even at subzero temperatures. True, not just any - column outdoor thermometer should show above -15°C.

The effect of accelerated hardening is achieved due to the hydration of cement, while maximally involving most of water. To put it simply, the freezing point of the composition decreases, which allows you to achieve the desired result. But there are some caveats.

Firstly, immediately after construction, the strength of the structure will not be what it was planned, but two-thirds less. It will reach the required indicator only after the whole thing freezes and then thaws. This factor must be taken into account and not place premature heavy loads on the structure.

Secondly, you should definitely take into account the humidity level where you are building the masonry. Too high a value will cause efflorescence to form on the bricks. Therefore, this option is not suitable for the construction of, for example, baths.

In addition, antifreeze additives themselves, in particular sodium chloride or calcium, can increase the humidity in the room. For this reason, they are not used in the construction of residential buildings.

Before preparing the solution, you should pay attention to the instructions from the manufacturer of the mixture with additives. There, the proportions of additionally added substances must be indicated, and for the construction of which buildings this product is suitable.