home · Installation · Regulations for the personnel selection procedure - registration of employment. Administrative regulations for the provision by the Federal Migration Service of state services for licensing activities related to the provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation

Regulations for the personnel selection procedure - registration of employment. Administrative regulations for the provision by the Federal Migration Service of state services for licensing activities related to the provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation

I bring to the attention of my dear colleagues the “Regulations for screening candidates for employment.”
I believe that it will be useful for HR departments of large enterprises. The use of a fairly clearly formulated procedure and verification technology will certainly contribute to achieving objectivity, reliability and reliability in obtaining information about the business qualities of applicants, and making the right personnel and management decisions.
This document defines the role of this event in the process of hiring personnel, as well as the procedure for interaction between divisions of the organization.


screening candidates for employment


1.1. Regulations for the verification of candidates for employment (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) of Vector LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Company) defines the basic principles, procedure, methodology and timing of the verification individuals applying to enter into labor relations with the Company.

1.2. The application of these Regulations is aimed at:

Ensuring compliance with the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities;

Ensuring compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including in the field labor relations and processing of personal data;

Ensuring the conclusion of labor relations with individuals who are capable of fulfilling their official duties conscientiously, efficiently, within the required time frame, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and internal documents of the Company;

Prevention of entering into labor relations with individuals who may cause property damage or bad influence on the business reputation of the Company: lacking the necessary business qualities; prone to violating labor discipline and committing crimes; having a conflict of interest, including connections with competing companies; having negative character traits and (or) lifestyle; having diseases that prevent them from performing official duties, etc.

1.3. Basic terms and definitions.

Business qualities - the ability of an individual to perform certain labor functions, taking into account his existing professional qualifications (presence of a certain profession, specialty, qualification, etc.) and personal (health status, presence of a certain level of education, work experience in his specialty in a given industry, etc. n.) properties.

Initiator of the check- an authorized employee of the Company who sent a memo regarding the consideration of a candidacy for employment.

Candidate- an individual applying to conclude (or change) an employment relationship with the Company.

Conflict of interest- a situation in which the personal interest (direct or indirect) of an employee affects or may affect the proper performance of job responsibilities and in which a contradiction arises or may arise between the personal interest of the employee and the rights and legitimate interests of the Company, which could lead to harm to the rights and legitimate interests of the Company.

Person conducting the inspection- an employee of the Company's Security Service (hereinafter referred to as the Security Service), who is assigned this area of ​​work.

Personal Interest- the possibility for an employee to receive income in cash or in kind, income in the form of material benefits directly for oneself or persons of close kinship or affinity, as well as for citizens or organizations with which the employee has financial or other obligations.

Personal Information - any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).

Examination - a set of measures to establish the candidate’s business qualities.


2.1. General principles conducting an audit and its place in the hiring process.

2.1.1. The candidate's verification is carried out in the interests of the Company, which acts as an employer in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.1.2. The audit must meet the criteria of completeness, comprehensiveness and objectivity, as well as sufficiency for making a management decision.

2.1.3. The requirements of the person conducting the inspection, presented to him within the powers established by these Regulations, are mandatory for all employees of the Company.

2.1.4. The person conducting the inspection, in the event of a conflict of interest, is obliged to inform the head of the Security Service, who entrusts the inspection to another employee.

2.2. The basis for the inspection is an internal memo regarding the consideration of a candidacy for employment, sent for consideration and approval to the head of the Security Service.

2.3. Timing of the inspection.

2.3.1. The verification of the candidate must be completed within 3 days from the moment the person conducting the verification receives a memo regarding the consideration of the candidacy for employment.

2.3.2. If it is impossible to complete the verification of a candidate within the prescribed period, its period may be extended by the head of the Security Service, which is reported to the initiator of the verification.

2.4. Competence of the Company's employees within the framework of candidate verification.

2.4.1. The head of a structural unit of the Company, in accordance with existing needs, sends an application to the Company’s Personnel Management Department to select a candidate.

2.4.2. Employees of the Company's Human Resources Department:

They search for a candidate among individuals who have applied to the Company regarding employment;

Interact in the search for a candidate with government bodies authorized in the field of labor and employment, as well as recruitment agencies;

Receive information from the Internet information and communication network about the availability of potential candidates with the business qualities required by the Company;

Conduct interview, questionnaire and testing procedures (if necessary, with the involvement of employees of other structural divisions of the Company) with the candidate;

Collect documents necessary for the inspection;

Draw up and send to the head of the Security Service a memo regarding the consideration of a candidacy for employment, attaching copies of the necessary documents, and also provide other information relevant for verification;

The results of consideration of the employment offer are reported to the candidate.

2.4.3. Head of Security Council:

Checks the availability of documents necessary for verification;

In the absence of documents necessary for verification, as well as the absence of the necessary details in them, notify the authorized employee of the Company’s Personnel Management Department;

Personally conducts or instructs the person conducting the verification to carry out interview, questionnaire and testing procedures with a candidate for the position of Security Service officer;

Sends a memo with the necessary documents attached to the person conducting the inspection;

Controls the timeliness, completeness, comprehensiveness and objectivity of the inspection;

Approve with his signature the memo prepared by the person conducting the inspection and send it to the authorized employee of the Company’s Personnel Management Department.

2.4.4. Person conducting the inspection:

Conducts activities within the prescribed period in accordance with the verification methodology established by these Regulations;

Upon completion of the inspection, prepares a draft memo indicating the Candidate’s business qualities, a conclusion on the advisability or inexpediency of establishing an employment relationship with him, which is sent for review and approval to the head of the Security Service;

Carries out accounting and storage of inspection materials.

2.5. Documents provided to begin the verification procedure:

Internal memorandum on consideration of a candidacy for employment;

A copy of the candidate's resume (if available);

A copy of the consent to the processing of the candidate’s personal data;

A copy of the candidate’s application form (for positions in the category “Engineering and technical workers” and positions of Security Service employees);

A copy of the candidate’s passport (all completed pages);

A copy of the candidate’s work book (all completed pages);

Copies of documents on the candidate’s education;

Copies of documents granting the candidate the right to perform certain work depending on the position for which he is applying (driver’s license, tractor driver’s license, certification certificate, etc.);

Certificate of presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution (for positions for which the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes restrictions and prohibitions on the admission of this category of persons or if the candidate has this document);

A copy of the characteristics from the previous place of work, recommendations (if available);

Other documents provided on the candidate’s own initiative that are relevant for verification.

Each of the Company’s employees participating in the verification procedure is obliged, when studying the submitted documents, to pay attention to obvious (not requiring special detection skills) signs of their falsification or discrepancy with actual data, which should be reported to the head of the Security Service and the person conducting the verification.


3.1. The person conducting the verification analyzes and processes information received from the candidate, as well as collects and analyzes data from other open sources.

Data collection is carried out to create a holistic and objective opinion about the candidate, assess the reliability of documents and other information, identify signs of concealment and (or) falsification of information.

Sources of information for verifying a candidate must meet the requirements of legality and objectivity.

3.2. The person conducting the inspection has the right to:

Request from the Company's employees information related to the documents and other information provided for verification;

Request information from government authorities and local government, public associations, institutions and organizations, including places of study and previous work of the candidate;

Conduct an additional or repeat interview with the candidate to clarify information relevant to the verification.

3.3. Main directions of inspection.

3.3.1. Confirmation of the reliability of information about the candidate’s business qualities, including education and work experience in the specialty. In this area, the documents are checked for the presence of the necessary details and their mutual verification, identifying signs of possible forgery. For positions of Security Service employees, positions in the category “Engineering and technical workers”, as well as for positions in the category “Workers” that require special knowledge, skills and approvals, it is mandatory to send requests to educational institutions and other authorized institutions and organizations.

3.3.2. Obtaining information about the presence (absence) of a candidate of a criminal record and (or) the fact of being brought to criminal and administrative liability.

3.3.2. Receiving information about the initiation of enforcement proceedings against a candidate.

3.3.3. The presence (absence) of restrictions and prohibitions on the candidate to occupy certain positions and carry out certain professional activities;

3.3.4. Receiving information about bringing a candidate to disciplinary liability for same place work, place of service or place of study. At the same time, available information on violations committed by employees of companies associated with the Company is analyzed. Attention is also drawn to such facts as the candidate’s lack of permanent work for more than a year; repeated changes of place of work within a period of less than a year; appointment to a lower position; work not according to profession, etc.

3.3.5. Obtaining information about whether the candidate has a conflict of interest, including management or participation in the establishment of other legal entities, registration as an individual entrepreneur, connections in competing companies.

3.3.6. The list of areas of inspection to achieve the goals of completeness, comprehensiveness and objectivity, as well as sufficiency for making a management decision, can be changed in each specific case.


4.1. The results of the audit are of informational and advisory nature for the management of the Company.

4.2. If it is confirmed that the candidate’s business qualities meet the requirements set by the Company, the head of the Security Council agrees on an internal memo regarding the consideration of the candidate for employment. For positions in the category “Engineering and technical workers” and positions of Security Service employees, an additional memorandum is drawn up indicating the business qualities of the candidate established during the verification, as well as a conclusion on the advisability of establishing labor relations with him.

4.3. If facts are identified that impede the candidate’s employment opportunities, the head of the Security Service informs the authorized employee of the Company’s Personnel Management Department about this and returns the received documents. For positions in the category “Engineering and technical workers” and positions of Security Service employees, a memo is drawn up indicating the established business qualities of the candidate, as well as a conclusion about the inappropriateness of establishing labor relations with him.

In accordance with the Regulations on licensing activities related to the provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 8, 2012 N 1022 1, and paragraph 7.18 of the Regulations on the Federal Migration Service, approved by Decree of the Government Russian Federation dated July 13, 2012 N 711 2, - I order:

1. Approve the attached Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services on licensing of activities related to the provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. Recognize as invalid the order of the Federal Migration Service of October 17, 2007 N 269 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Migration Service for the execution of the state function of licensing activities related to the employment of citizens of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation” 3.

Head K. Romodanovsky

1 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 42, Art. 5713.

2 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 30, Art. 4276; 2013, N 9, art. 954.

3 Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 8, 2007, registration N 10439.

Administrative regulations for the provision by the Federal Migration Service of state services for licensing activities related to the provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

Subject of regulation

1. The administrative regulations for the provision by the Federal Migration Service of state services for licensing activities related to the provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation determine the timing and sequence of administrative procedures (actions) of the Federal Migration Service 2 when providing state services for licensing activities, related to the provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation 3.

2. Licensing of activities for the employment of citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation includes:

1) employment abroad of citizens of the Russian Federation, with the exception of employment of citizens of the Russian Federation to work on ships flying the flag of a foreign state 4;

2) employment abroad of citizens of the Russian Federation to work on ships flying the flag of a foreign state 5.

Range of applicants

3. Applicants are legal entities:

3.1. Registered in accordance with the established procedure on the territory of the Russian Federation 6 .

3.2. Those who have a license to provide employment services to citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation 7.

4. An authorized person may act as a representative of the applicant on the basis of documents confirming the granting of appropriate powers to him.

Requirements for the procedure for informing about the provision of public services

5. Information on the procedure for providing public services is posted:

on the official websites of the Federal Migration Service of Russia and territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service of Russia on the Internet information and telecommunications network 8;

in the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)" 9 (www.gosuslugi.ru);

through publication in the media, publication of information materials;

directly on the premises of the authorized division of the Federal Migration Service of Russia and its territorial bodies.

6. The main requirements for information provided to applicants are:


clarity in presentation;

clarity of forms;

convenience and accessibility;


Citizens are informed orally or in writing.

7. Oral information is provided:

upon direct application by the applicant;

via telephone.

Applicants are informed orally during the hours allocated for receiving citizens.

Telephone calls from citizens are accepted in accordance with the work schedule of officials who directly interact with applicants.

8. An authorized official of a unit of the Federal Migration Service of Russia or its territorial body 10 who provides oral information must take all necessary measures to give a complete and prompt answer to the questions posed, including with the involvement of other authorized officials.

9. When the applicant contacts by telephone or directly, the authorized official informs the applicant in detail and in a polite (correct) manner on issues of interest to him.

The response to a telephone call must begin with an introduction and contain information about the name of the territorial body or unit, surname, first name, patronymic and position of the authorized official who received the telephone call.

The conversation time should not exceed 10 minutes.

If the authorized official who received the call is unable to independently answer the questions posed, the telephone call must be redirected (transferred) to another authorized official, or the calling citizen must be provided with a telephone number where all the necessary information can be obtained.

10. Written information is provided in accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” within 30 days from the date of registration of the appeal by sending replies by post or in the form of an electronic message by email or through the official website or the Unified Portal.

11. The following information is posted on information stands, as well as on the official website:

on the procedure for providing public services;

the text of the Administrative Regulations, extracts from legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation containing rules governing the provision of public services;

samples of filling out application forms;

list of documents required for the provision of public services;

grounds for refusal to provide public services;

operating mode;

bank details for payment of state duty;

the amount of state duty for the provision of public services;

location addresses, addresses of the official website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia (www.fms.gov.ru) and its territorial bodies, help desk telephone numbers and addresses Email FMS of Russia and its territorial bodies (Appendix No. 1 to the Administrative Regulations);

telephone numbers for pre-registration.

12. Applicants who have submitted documents to the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the provision of public services are required to be informed by employees:

on possible grounds for refusal to provide public services.

13. General information (about location, work schedule) can be provided using automatic notification tools, carried out around the clock.

14. Consulting is provided on the following issues:

about the location (address) of the licensing authority;

on the rules for filling out an application for the provision of public services;

on the list of documents required for the provision of public services;

on the amount of state duty and bank details;

on the operating hours of the licensing authority;

on the timing of provision of public services;

on the procedure for appealing actions (inaction) of officials of the licensing body and decisions carried out and adopted in the course of providing public services.

Location information, help phones, addresses of official websites on the Internet information and telecommunications network, email addresses of territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service of Russia are given in Appendix No. 1 to the Administrative Regulations.

15. From the moment the application is received, the applicant has the right to receive information about the progress of the provision of public services by telephone, using the Unified Portal or during a personal appointment.

16. The following schedule is established for the reception of license applicants and licensees by an authorized official of the licensing body:

Days of the week and reception hours

Monday 10.00-17.00

Tuesday 10.00-17.00

Wednesday 10.00-17.00

Thursday 10.00-17.00

Friday 10.00-15.45

Saturday - Day off

Sunday - Day off

If there is a sharp increase in the number of requests from applicants on the issue of licensing activities related to the provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, by decision of the head of the authorized division of the licensing body, the duration of the reception time may be increased, but should not exceed the working day.

II. Standard for the provision of public services

Name of public service

17. State service for licensing activities related to the provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

Name of the federal executive body providing the public service

18. The provision of public services is carried out by the Federal Migration Service of Russia.

19. The Federal Migration Service carries out its activities directly and (or) through its territorial bodies at the district, interregional levels and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation 12.

20. When providing a public service, it is prohibited to require the applicant to carry out actions, including approvals, necessary for obtaining a public service and related to applying to other government bodies and organizations, with the exception of receiving services included in the list of services that are necessary and mandatory for provision of public services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 352 13.

The result of providing a public service

21. The results of the provision of public services are:

making a decision to grant (or refuse to grant) a license to carry out activities for the employment of citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation 14 ;

making a decision on re-registration (refusal to re-register) a license;

making a decision to terminate the license;

providing interested parties with information about a specific license;

issuance of a certified copy or duplicate of a license.

22. Ways to obtain the result of providing a public service:

by personal delivery to the applicant, licensee, license applicant or their authorized representatives;

by post with acknowledgment of receipt;

by sending in the form electronic document.

Duration of provision of public services

23. The licensing authority makes a decision to grant or refuse to grant a license within a period not exceeding 45 working days from the date of receipt for consideration of a properly completed application for a license and the necessary documents attached to it.

24. The decision to reissue a license or to refuse to reissue a license is made within a period not exceeding:

24.1. If the licensee intends to carry out a licensed type of activity at the address of the place of its implementation not specified in the license, or if the licensee intends to make changes to the list of services provided in the license that constitute the licensed type of activity - 30 working days from the date of receipt of a duly executed application for re-issuance of the license and the documents attached to it to the licensing authority.

24.2. In other cases - 10 working days from the date of receipt of a properly completed application and the necessary documents attached to it by the licensing authority.

25. A duplicate license is provided within 3 working days from the date of receipt of a properly completed application for a duplicate license to the licensing authority.

26. The provision of a certified copy of the license is carried out within 3 working days from the date of receipt of a properly completed application for a copy of the license to the licensing authority.

27. The decision to terminate the license is made within 10 working days from the date of receipt by the licensing authority:

27.1. Applications by the licensee to terminate the licensed type of activity.

28. Providing information about a specific license in the form of an extract from the register of licenses or providing a certificate of absence of the requested information - within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application for the provision of such information to the licensing authority.

29. In the cases provided for in paragraph 42 of the Administrative Regulations, the provision of public services is suspended until the reasons that caused the suspension of the provision of public services are eliminated.

List of normative legal acts regulating relations arising in connection with the provision of public services

30. The provision of public services is carried out in accordance with:

Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 “On employment in the Russian Federation” 15;

Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control” 16 ;

Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” 17;

Federal Law No. 99-FZ of May 4, 2011 “On licensing of certain types of activities” 18;

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2009 N 933 “On assigning to the Federal Migration Service the functions of the competent authority provided for by the Convention on the Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers (Convention N 179)” 19 ;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 N 438 “On the Unified State Register of Legal Entities” 20;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 18, 2008 N 628 “On the Regulations on the seafarer’s identity card, the Regulations on the nautical book, the sample and description of the nautical book form” 21;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 2011 N 373 “On the development and approval of administrative regulations for the implementation government functions and administrative regulations for the provision of public services" 22 ;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2011 N 826 “On approval of the standard form of a license” 23;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2011 N 861 “On federal state information systems ensuring the provision of electronic form state and municipal services (execution of functions)" 24 ;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 N 957 “On the organization of licensing of certain types of activities” 25;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2012 N 711 “On issues of the Federal Migration Service” 26;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2012 N 722 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of documents on licensing issues in the form of electronic documents” 27 ;

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 8, 2012 N 1022 “On approval of the Regulations on licensing activities related to the provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation” 28.

An exhaustive list of documents required in accordance with regulatory legal acts to provide public services

31. To obtain a license to carry out employment activities abroad for citizens of the Russian Federation, the license applicant submits the following documents:

31.1. Application for a license (Appendix No. 2 to the Administrative Regulations), which indicates:

3) licensed type of activity (provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation), indicating the services provided, in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Administrative Regulations;

31.2. Copies of the constituent documents of a legal entity, certified by a notary.

31.3. Copies of documents confirming that the applicant has a license owned by him or her by right of ownership or otherwise legally buildings and (or) premises necessary for carrying out licensed activities.

31.4. Copies work records employee of the license applicant and manager of the license applicant.

31.5. A copy of the diploma of higher professional education from the manager of the license applicant.

31.6. List of attached documents (Appendix No. 3 to the Administrative Regulations).

32. To obtain a license to carry out activities for the employment of seafarers abroad, the license applicant submits the following documents:

32.1. Application for a license (Appendix No. 2 to the Administrative Regulations), which indicates:

1) full and abbreviated, if any, name, including the company name, and the organizational and legal form of the legal entity, the address of its location, the addresses of the places of implementation of the licensed type of activity that the license applicant intends to carry out, the state registration number of the record on the creation of the legal entity person, data from a document confirming the fact of entering information about a legal entity into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, indicating the address of the location of the body that carried out state registration, as well as the telephone number and (if available) email address of the legal entity;

2) taxpayer identification number, data from the document on registration of the license applicant with the tax authority;

3) licensed type of activity (provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation) indicating the services provided, in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Administrative Regulations.

4) details of the document confirming the fact of payment of the state duty for the provision of a license, or other information confirming the fact of payment of the state duty;

32.2. Copies of the constituent documents of a legal entity, certified by a notary.

32.3. Copies of documents confirming that the license applicant has buildings and (or) premises necessary for carrying out the licensed activity that he owns by right of ownership or on another legal basis.

32.4. Copies of work records, as well as copies of a nautical record and (or) a certificate of sailing experience confirming the length of service on a sea vessel of the license applicant’s employee and the license applicant’s manager.

32.5. Copies of documents confirming the availability of higher professional education in the field of maritime transport from the employee of the license applicant and the manager of the license applicant.

32.6. List of attached documents (Appendix No. 3 to the Administrative Regulations).

33. To re-issue a license, the licensee submits the following documents:

33.1. Application for renewal of a license (Appendix No. 4 to the Administrative Regulations).

33.2. Original valid license.

34. To obtain a duplicate license, the licensee provides the following documents:

34.1. Application for a duplicate license (Appendix No. 5 to the Administrative Regulations).

34.2. In case of damage to the license, the licensee, in addition to the corresponding application for a duplicate license, attaches the damaged license form.

35. To obtain a copy of the license, the licensee submits an application for a copy of the license (Appendix No. 5 to the Administrative Regulations).

36. Requirements for the preparation of documents submitted to receive public services:

documents (copies of documents) are certified by the signature and seal of the applicant;

application forms specified in this subsection of the Administrative Regulations are filled out in Russian, and the use of abbreviations and abbreviations is not allowed;

Official documents drawn up on the territory of foreign states, copies of which are submitted to receive government services, must be legalized in the prescribed manner, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation;

Each document submitted on paper (a copy of the document), consisting of two or more sheets, is stitched and numbered, about which a certification note is made on the back of the last sheet of the document.

Copies of documents not certified by a notary are submitted with presentation of the original (for documents drawn up in foreign language, a notarized translation into Russian is attached).

An exhaustive list of documents that the applicant has the right to submit to receive public services and that are at the disposal of other government bodies and organizations

37. To make a decision on the provision of a public service, the applicant has the right to submit:

a document confirming payment of the state duty for the provision of public services;

an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (if such rights are registered in the said register);

extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

38. In case of failure to provide the documents specified in paragraph 37 of the Administrative Regulations, the licensing authority requests confirmation of the availability and (or) reliability of such documents from the relevant government bodies by accessing the information resources of these government bodies or through interdepartmental electronic interaction. The period for preparing and sending a response to an interdepartmental request cannot exceed 5 (five) working days from the date of receipt of the interdepartmental request by the state body providing the document and (or) information.

39. Failure by the applicant to provide the documents specified in paragraph 37 of the Administrative Regulations is not grounds for refusing the applicant the provision of a public service.

Prohibition to demand documents and information from the applicant

40. When providing a public service, it is prohibited to require the applicant to submit documents and information or carry out actions, the presentation or implementation of which is not provided for by regulatory legal acts regulating relations arising in connection with the provision of public services, as well as to require the submission of documents and information that are in at the disposal of state bodies, local government bodies in accordance with regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the documents specified in part 6 of article 7 Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services."

An exhaustive list of grounds for refusal to accept documents required for the provision of public services

41. There are no grounds for refusing to accept documents necessary for the provision of public services.

An exhaustive list of grounds for suspension or refusal to provide public services

42. The grounds for suspension of public services are:

failure by the applicant, when applying to the licensing authority, to submit documents (one or more) necessary for the provision of public services;

the application for a license was completed in violation of the requirements established by clauses 31.1 and 32.1 of the Administrative Regulations;

failure to comply with the requirements for paperwork established by paragraph 36 of the Administrative Regulations.

43. The grounds for refusal to provide a public service are:

the presence of unreliable or distorted information in the application submitted by the license applicant (licensee) and (or) documents attached thereto;

non-compliance of the license applicant (licensee) with the licensing requirements specified in paragraphs 71-72 of the Administrative Regulations.

List of services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services, including information about the document (documents) issued by organizations participating in the provision of public services

44. When providing a public service, it is not necessary to receive services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of a public service.

Procedure, amount and grounds for collecting state duty

45. In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, for performing legally significant actions when providing a public service, the applicant must pay a state fee:

45.1. For providing a license - 6,000 rubles 29.

45.2. For re-issuance of a license and (or) annex to it in connection with the introduction of additions to the information about the addresses of the places of implementation of the licensed type of activity and about the services provided as part of the licensed type of activity - 2,600 rubles 30.

45.3. For re-issuance of a license and (or) annex to it in other cases - 600 rubles 31.

45.4. For issuing a duplicate license - 600 rubles.

46. ​​The licensing body is not allowed to charge license applicants and licensees fees for licensing.

The procedure, amount and grounds for charging fees for the provision of services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services, including information on the methodology for calculating the amount of such fees

47. Payment for the provision of services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services is not charged.

Maximum waiting time in line when submitting an application and when receiving the result of providing a public service

48. Waiting time in queue should not exceed:

when the license applicant (licensee) submits documents to an authorized employee - 15 minutes;

when issuing a license - 15 minutes;

when issuing an extract from the register of licenses - 15 minutes.

Deadline and procedure for registering the applicant’s request

on the provision of public services

49. Information about all applicants who submitted an application is entered into the Application Register (Appendix No. 6 of the Administrative Regulations).

50. Received applications are registered in the Application Register on the day they are received.

The maximum duration of the action is 5 minutes.

51. The time for receiving and registering the application and documents required for the provision of public services is no more than 20 minutes.

52. Registration of applications sent using the Unified Portal is carried out in accordance with paragraphs 77-80 of the Administrative Regulations.

Requirements for premises in which public services are provided

to the place of waiting and receiving applicants, placement and design of visual, text and multimedia information about the procedure for providing such a service

53. Premises for the provision of public services are equipped with:

electronic queue management system (if available) technical feasibility);

information stands containing visual and text information;

chairs and tables for paperwork.

54. Premises for the provision of public services, if possible, are located on lower floors buildings.

55. The number of waiting places is determined based on the actual load and the possibilities for their placement in the building.

Waiting areas must be appropriate comfortable conditions for applicants and optimal conditions employees' work.

To serve persons with disabilities health premises are equipped with ramps, special fences and railings that ensure unhindered movement and turning of wheelchairs, tables are placed away from the entrance for unimpeded access and turning of wheelchairs.

56. Waiting areas in line for submitting or receiving documents are equipped with chairs, armchair sections, and benches (banquettes).

Places for filling out documents are equipped with chairs, tables (counters) and are provided with samples of filling out documents and application forms.

57. Reception of applicants is carried out in “hall” type premises, while the premises are divided into parts using partitions in the form of windows (kiosks). If this is not possible, the premises for direct interaction between officials and applicants can be organized in the form of separate workplaces for each receiving official.

58. Windows (offices) for receiving applicants must have information plates (signs) indicating:

window (office) numbers;

last name, first name, patronymic and position of the employee;

reception hours and time of lunch break, technical break.

59. Officials receiving applicants are provided with personal information plates (badges).

60. Each workplace must be equipped personal computer with the ability to access the necessary information resources, as well as printing and scanning technical devices.

When organizing workplaces, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of unhindered entry (exit) of officials from the premises.

Indicators of accessibility and quality of public service provision

61. The main indicator of quality and accessibility is the provision of public services in accordance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The assessment of the quality and accessibility of public services is carried out according to the following indicators:

the degree of awareness of applicants about the procedure for providing public services (availability of information about public services, the ability to choose the method of obtaining information);

the ability for the applicant to choose the form of application for the provision of public services (directly, through the Unified Portal, by mail);

timeliness of provision of public services in accordance with the standard of its provision established by the Administrative Regulations.

Number of interactions between the applicant and officials of the licensing authority:

when submitting documents necessary for the provision of public services directly to the licensing authority - no more than two;

when sending documents necessary for the provision of public services by mail - no more than one;

when sending documents necessary for the provision of public services using information and telecommunication technologies, the applicant does not interact with officials.

The duration of the interaction is no more than 20 minutes.

Other requirements, including those taking into account the specifics of providing public services in multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services and the specifics of providing public services in electronic form

62. Public services are not provided in multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services.

63. When sending an application and accompanying documents in electronic form, a simple electronic signature and an enhanced qualified electronic signature are used.

64. A simple electronic signature is used when contacting the licensing authority with an application to provide information from the register of licenses and other information about licensing. In other cases, the applicant uses an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

The list of classes of electronic signature means that are allowed when applying for a government service when using an enhanced qualified electronic signature is determined on the basis of an information security threat model approved in agreement with the FSB of Russia.

III. Composition, sequence and timing of administrative procedures for the provision of public services, requirements for the procedure for their implementation, including features of the implementation of administrative procedures in electronic form

List of administrative procedures

65. The provision of public services includes the following administrative procedures:

acceptance, registration and consideration of documents submitted by the applicant, including in electronic form;

granting a license;

provision of a duplicate license and a copy of the license;

renewal of license;

termination of the license at the request of the licensee in connection with the termination of activities related to the provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

provision of information from the license register.

Reception, registration and consideration of documents submitted by the applicant, including in electronic form

66. The basis for starting the provision of a public service is the receipt by the licensing authority from the applicant of an application for the provision, renewal, issuance of a duplicate or copy of the license and documents necessary for the provision of the public service:

on paper with submission of all necessary documents (copies thereof) directly or by registered mail with return receipt requested;

in the form of an electronic document signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

67. An application for a license, renewal of a license, early termination of a license, and, if necessary, the documents attached to it, on the day of their receipt are accepted according to the inventory, a copy of which with a mark on the date of receipt of the specified application and documents is sent (handed) to the applicant license (licensee).

68. The authorized official checks the correctness of filling out the application, checks the completeness and accuracy of the information specified by the license applicant (licensee) in the application and submitted documents.

The authorized official who accepted the application registers it in the Application Register on the day of their receipt. Upon acceptance, the application is assigned a registration number.

The maximum duration of the action is 10 minutes.

69. If the application for a license is drawn up in violation of the requirements established by clauses 31.1 and 32.1 of the Administrative Regulations, and (or) the documents specified in the subsection “An exhaustive list of documents required in accordance with regulatory legal acts for the provision of public services” of the Administrative Regulations are submitted not in full, within three working days from the date of receipt of the application for a license, the authorized official hands over or sends by registered mail with notification of delivery to the license applicant a corresponding notice of the need to eliminate within thirty days the identified violations and (or) submit documents that are missing.

70. An authorized official of the licensing body checks the completeness and accuracy of information about the license applicant (licensee) contained in the application and documents submitted by the license applicant (licensee), as well as the compliance of the license applicant (licensee) with the licensing requirements specified in paragraphs 71-72 of the Administrative regulations.

71. The licensing requirements for employment abroad for citizens of the Russian Federation are:

71.1. Availability of the license applicant (licensee) of buildings and (or) premises necessary for carrying out the licensed type of activity, owned by him or her by right of ownership or on another legal basis.

71.2. The presence on the staff of the license applicant (licensee) of an employee who has entered into an employment contract, has work experience in the field of employment abroad or work experience in the field of promoting employment in the Russian Federation for at least one year, as well as the presence of a manager of the license applicant (licensee) ( head of a structural unit engaged in employment abroad) higher professional education, work experience in the field of employment abroad for at least 2 years or work experience in the field of promoting employment in the Russian Federation for at least 3 years.

72. The licensing requirements for employment of seafarers abroad are:

72.1. Availability of the license applicant (licensee) of buildings and (or) premises necessary for carrying out the licensed type of activity, owned by him or her by right of ownership or on another legal basis.

72.2. The presence on the staff of the license applicant (licensee) of an employee and manager who has a document of higher professional education in the field of maritime transport in accordance with the International Convention on Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers of July 7, 1978, as well as work experience on a sea vessel : for an employee - at least 1 year, for a manager - at least 5 years.

72.3. Ensuring that the licensee familiarizes the citizen of the Russian Federation with the employment contract before signing it and, after signing it, transfers to the citizen of the Russian Federation a second copy of the employment contract in accordance with the requirements of international treaties, the legislation of the state under whose flag the ship on which seafarers are employed sails, and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. Federations in the field of employment.

72.4. Fulfillment by the licensee of the requirements stipulated by subparagraphs “a”, “c” of paragraph 1 of Article 4, paragraphs 1, 2 of Article 5 and paragraphs 2, 3 of Article 6 of the International Labor Organization Convention No. 179 on the Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers of October 22, 1996, in parts:

not imposing on seafarers, directly or indirectly, the payment in whole or in part of any fees or other costs in connection with their employment or provision of work;

compliance, taking into account the right to non-interference in personal life and the need to protect confidentiality, the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" for the processing of personal data of seafarers, including during the collection, storage, selection and transfer such data to third parties;

maintaining a register in respect of all seafarers employed or employed by the licensee, which is open to inspection by the licensing authority;

the seafarers employed by the licensee have the qualifications and documents necessary to perform the relevant functions;

ensuring compliance of employment contracts concluded with seafarers with legislation and collective agreements;

informing seafarers about their rights and responsibilities specified in employment contracts before employment or during the employment process;

ensuring the possibility for seafarers to receive copies of employment contracts concluded with them;

consideration and submission of responses to complaints received regarding the activities of the licensee, and sending to the licensing authority information about unsatisfied complaints, as well as complaints regarding working or living conditions on board ships.

73. The provisions of the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control” 33 are applied to relations related to the implementation of licensing control, taking into account the characteristics of the organization and carrying out inspections established by parts 2-10 of Article 19 of the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 N 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities” 34.

74. When processing personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation, the authorized official is obliged to take the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to it, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution of personal data, as well as from other unlawful actions.

75. Applications for the grant of a license, for re-issuance of a license, for early termination of a license, for obtaining a duplicate or copy of a license, as well as notifications by the licensee to the licensing authority about the elimination of violations of licensing requirements and conditions that entailed the administrative suspension of the licensee’s activities may be submitted in electronic form using information and telecommunication networks common use, including the Internet, including the Unified Portal.

76. The composition and details of the fields to be filled in the electronic application form comply with the requirements for the application established by the Administrative Regulations.

77. When an application is received in the form of an electronic document, the authorized official sends the applicant an electronic message about acceptance of the application no later than the business day following the day the application was submitted.

78. The authorized official receiving applications is responsible for violating the regime of protection, processing and procedure for using information containing the applicant’s personal data in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

79. When an application in electronic form is accepted for consideration, it is printed and certified by the signature of an authorized official, and the entry “Received in electronic form” is written on the application.

80. The application is registered by the authorized official who accepted it in the Application Register (Appendix No. 6 to the Administrative Regulations).

81. Application of the license applicant (licensee) and the documents attached to it, acts of the licensing authority on granting a license, refusing to grant a license, re-issuing a document confirming the availability of a license, renewal or termination of a license, one copy of a document confirming the availability of a license, copies acts of inspections of the license applicant or licensee carried out by the licensing authority and other documents constitute the licensing file of the license applicant or licensee and are subject to storage in the licensing authority.

82. If the interaction between the license applicant (licensee) and the licensing authority was carried out in electronic form, the licensing case is generated in electronic form.

Granting a license

83. The decision of the head of the licensing body to grant a license is formalized by an order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia to grant a license, on the basis of which the relevant information is entered into the license register.

84. Within three working days after signing and registering the license, it is handed over to the license applicant or sent to him by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

85. If the application for a license indicates the need to submit a license in the form of an electronic document, the license is sent to the licensee in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced electronic signature.

86. When a license is issued directly to an authorized representative of the licensee, a receipt of its receipt is issued.

87. Licenses are issued on forms that are strictly accountable documents and counterfeit-proof printed products or in the form of an electronic document.

88. The license shall indicate:

name of the licensing authority;

full and (if any) abbreviated name, including company name, and organizational and legal form of the legal entity, address of its location, addresses of places of implementation of the licensed type of activity, state registration number of the record on the creation of the legal entity;

taxpayer identification number;

licensed type of activity indicating the services provided that constitute the licensed type of activity;

license number and date of registration;

number and date of the order of the licensing authority to grant a license.

89. If there are grounds provided for in paragraph 43 of the Administrative Regulations, a decision is made to refuse to issue a license.

90. An employee of the licensing authority shall, within 3 working days from the date of the decision specified in paragraph 89 of the Administrative Regulations, hand over to the license applicant or send him by registered mail with return receipt requested a notice of refusal to grant a license with a reasoned justification of the reasons for the refusal and with reference to specific provisions of regulatory legal acts that are the basis for such a refusal.

91. If the application for a license indicates the need to provide a license in the form of an electronic document, then a notification of refusal to grant a license by the licensing authority is sent to the applicant in the form of an electronic document.

Providing a duplicate license or copy of a license

92. An administrative procedure is carried out in relation to licensees in the event of loss or damage to a license.

93. Within three working days from the date of receipt by the licensing authority of the documents provided for in paragraph 34 of the Administrative Regulations, the licensing authority draws up a duplicate of the license on the license form with the marks “duplicate” and “the original license is considered invalid” and hands such a duplicate to the licensee or sends it by registered mail by post with acknowledgment of delivery.

94. A copy of the license, certified by the licensing authority, is given to the licensee or sent to him by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery within three working days from the date of receipt of the application for a copy of the license.

95. If the application for a duplicate license or a copy of a license indicates the need to provide a duplicate license or a copy of a license in the form of an electronic document, the licensing authority sends the licensee a duplicate license or a copy of the license in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature.

96. When issuing a duplicate license or a copy of a license directly to the authorized representative of the licensee, a receipt is issued.

97. Information on the issue of a duplicate or refusal to issue a duplicate of a license is entered into the license register on the day the decision is made to issue a duplicate or refuse to issue a license.

Renewal of license

98. The administrative procedure is carried out in relation to the licensee in cases of reorganization of a legal entity in the form of transformation, as well as changes in its name, location address and place of implementation by the legal entity of the licensed type of activity related to the employment of citizens of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation.

99. If the licensee intends to carry out a licensed type of activity at an address not specified in the license, and (or) provide a new service that constitutes a licensed type of activity, the licensee, for re-issuance of the license, submits directly, or sends by registered mail with return receipt requested, an application for re-registration license signed by the head of the permanent executive body of a legal entity or another person authorized to act on behalf of this legal entity, indicating in it information about the new address of the licensed type of activity, information about the presence of buildings owned by the licensee or on another legal basis and (or) premises at the intended location of the licensed type of activity and (or) information about the new service that the licensee intends to provide, as well as the document provided for in clause 33.2 of the Administrative Regulations.

100. Notification of a decision to re-issue a license or to refuse to re-issue a license is sent or handed to the licensee in writing, and is also sent by email within 5 business days from the date of the relevant decision.

101. If the application for renewal of a license indicates the need to provide a license in the form of an electronic document, the licensing authority sends the license in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature, or a notice of refusal to reissue the license.

102. Information on re-registration or refusal to re-register a license is entered into the register of licenses on the day the decision is made to re-register or refuse to re-register a license.

Termination of a license at the request of the licensee in connection with the termination of activities related to the provision of employment services for citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation

103. The license is terminated in the event of:

submission to the licensing authority of an application from the licensee (the legal successor of the licensee - a legal entity) to terminate his activities related to the employment of citizens of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation - from the date of issuance of the order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia on the early termination of the license.

104. A notice of a decision to terminate a license is sent or handed to the licensee within a period not exceeding 10 working days from the date of receipt of the licensee’s application for early termination of the license for consideration.

105. Information about the termination of a license is entered by the licensing authority into the register of licenses on the day the decision is made to terminate the license.

Providing information from the license register

106. Information from the register of licenses is provided if the application contains:

name of the licensee;

location of the licensee;

license numbers.

107. Based on the results of consideration of the application, the authorized official of the licensing body, within 5 working days from the receipt of the request, carries out one of the following actions:

107.1. Preparing a response using information from the license register in accordance with the request.

107.2. Preparation of a letter with a refusal to provide information from the register of licenses, if an authorized official of the licensing body has identified grounds for refusal to provide information from the register of licenses.

108. Information on licensing issues (including information contained in license registers) is open, except for cases where, in the interests of maintaining state or official secrets, free access to such information in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation is limited.

109. Information about a specific license is provided by the licensing authority free of charge within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application for the provision of such information.

110. Information about a specific license is transmitted to applicants or sent to them by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt in the form of an extract from the register of licenses, or a copy of the act of the licensing authority on the decision taken, or a certificate of absence of the requested information, which is issued if there is no information about licenses in the license register or if it is impossible to determine a specific licensee.

111. Information about a specific license can be sent to the applicant upon his request in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature, in the form of an extract from the register of licenses, or a copy of the act of the licensing authority on the decision made, or a certificate of absence of the requested information, which is issued in the absence information about licenses in the license register or if it is impossible to determine a specific licensee.

112. The Federal Migration Service of Russia, to the extent technically possible, creates open and publicly accessible information resources containing information from license registers.

IV. Forms of control over the provision of public services

The procedure for ongoing monitoring of compliance and execution by responsible officials of the provisions of regulations and other normative legal acts establishing requirements for the provision of public services, as well as their decision-making

113. Current control over compliance and execution by employees of the Federal Migration Service of Russia and its territorial bodies of the provisions of the Administrative Regulations and other regulatory legal acts establishing requirements for the provision of public services is carried out by their immediate superiors.

114. Control is carried out by the official responsible for organizing work on the provision of public services, checking compliance by employees with the provisions of the Administrative Regulations.

The frequency of ongoing monitoring is established by order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia or the head of the territorial body of the Federal Migration Service of Russia.

115. The FMS of Russia exercises control over the implementation of the provisions of the Administrative Regulations by the territorial bodies of the FMS of Russia.

The procedure and frequency of scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the completeness and quality of the provision of public services, including the procedure and forms of control over the completeness and quality of the provision of public services

116. Monitoring the completeness and quality of the provision of public services includes conducting inspections, identifying and eliminating violations of the rights of applicants, considering, making decisions and preparing responses to complaints about the actions (inaction) of employees of the Federal Migration Service of Russia and its territorial bodies.

Inspections of the completeness and quality of the provision of public services are carried out on a planned basis or on behalf of the head of the Federal Migration Service of Russia.

During the inspection, all issues related to the provision of public services (comprehensive inspections) or individual issues (thematic inspections) can be considered. The inspection can also be carried out based on a specific application from the licensee (license applicant).

117. If violations of the rights of applicants are revealed based on the results of inspections of the perpetrators, officials are held accountable established by law Russian Federation order

If necessary, orders are issued by the Federal Migration Service of Russia and (or) its territorial bodies with instructions obliging them to eliminate violations of the Administrative Regulations and regulatory legal acts governing the provision of public services.

Responsibility of officials of the Federal Migration Service of Russia and its territorial bodies

118. The responsibilities of employees of the Federal Migration Service of Russia and its territorial bodies for the implementation of the Administrative Regulations are enshrined in their job descriptions(regulations).

119. If violations of the rights of citizens and legal entities are identified, based on the results of inspections, measures are taken against the perpetrators in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Provisions characterizing the requirements for the procedure and forms of public control over the provision of public services, including from citizens and their associations

120. Citizens, their associations and organizations have the right to receive information about the procedure for providing public services, as well as to send comments and suggestions to improve the quality and accessibility of public services.

121. Participates in monitoring the quality and availability of public services Public Council at the Federal Migration Service and public advisory councils at the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service of Russia.

V. Pre-trial (out-of-court) procedure for appealing decisions and actions (inaction) of the federal executive body providing public services, as well as its officials

Information for the applicant about his right to pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal of actions (inaction) and decisions taken (implemented) during the provision of public services

122. In accordance with Articles 11.1, 11.2 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services,” the applicant has the right to appeal the decision and (or) action (inaction) of the Federal Migration Service of Russia or its territorial body, and also officials of the Federal Migration Service of Russia or its territorial body responsible for the implementation of administrative procedures related to the provision of public services.

Subject of the complaint

123. The applicant may file a complaint, including in the following cases:

violation of the deadline for registering an application for the provision of a public service;

violation of the deadline for the provision of public services;

requesting from the applicant documents not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Administrative Regulations;

refusal to accept documents, the provision of which is provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Administrative Regulations, from the applicant;

refusal to provide a public service, if the grounds for refusal are not provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them;

refusal to provide a public service or cancellation of the result of the provision of a public service, if the applicant disagrees with the decision;

requesting from the applicant, when providing a public service, a fee not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

State authorities and officials authorized to consider the complaint to whom the complaint may be sent

124. The complaint is submitted in writing to the head of the Federal Migration Service of Russia or the head (head) of its territorial body.

Procedure for filing and consideration of a complaint

125. A complaint can be sent by mail, via e-mail using the official website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia or the official websites of its territorial bodies on the Internet information and telecommunications network, "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)", and can also be accepted upon direct application by the applicant.

126. The complaint must contain:

the name of the body providing the public service, an official of the body providing the public service, or a civil servant whose decisions and actions (inaction) are being appealed;

name, information about the location of the applicant of the legal entity, as well as contact telephone number(s), email address(es) (if available) and postal address to which the response should be sent to the applicant;

information about the appealed decisions and actions (inaction) of the body providing the public service, an official of the body providing the public service, or a civil servant;

arguments on the basis of which the applicant does not agree with the decision and action (inaction) of the body providing the public service, an official of the body providing the public service, or a civil servant.

127. The applicant may submit documents (if available) confirming the applicant’s arguments, or copies thereof.

128. An official with authority to consider complaints has the right to leave a complaint unanswered in the following cases:

a) the presence in the complaint of obscene or offensive language, threats to the life, health and property of the official, as well as members of his family;

Time limits for consideration of a complaint

129. A complaint received by the Federal Migration Service of Russia or its territorial body is subject to consideration by an official authorized to consider complaints within 15 working days from the date of its registration, and in the event of an appeal against the refusal to accept documents from the applicant or to correct typographical errors and errors or in case of appeal against violation of the established deadline for such corrections - within 5 working days from the date of its registration.

130. If, during or as a result of consideration of a complaint, signs of an administrative offense or crime are established, the official empowered to consider complaints immediately forwards the available materials to the prosecutor's office.

List of grounds for suspending consideration of a complaint in the event

if the possibility of suspension is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation

131. There are no grounds for suspending the consideration of the complaint.

Result of the complaint consideration

132. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, one of the following decisions is made:

1) satisfy the complaint, including in the form of canceling the decision, correcting typos and errors in the documents issued as a result of the provision of public services, returning to the applicant Money, the collection of which is not provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as in other forms;

2) refuse to satisfy the complaint.

The procedure for informing the applicant about the results of consideration of the complaint

133. Not later in the day, following the day of the decision specified in paragraph 132 of these Administrative Regulations, the applicant is sent a reasoned response in writing and, at the request of the applicant, in electronic form on the results of consideration of the complaint.

Procedure for appealing a decision on a complaint

134. If the applicant is not satisfied with the decision made during the consideration of the complaint, the applicant has the right to appeal to the Federal Migration Service of Russia in accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation.”

The applicant’s right to receive information and documents,

necessary to substantiate and consider the complaint

135. The applicant has the right to receive from the Federal Migration Service of Russia or its territorial body the information and documents necessary to substantiate and consider the complaint.

Ways to inform applicants about the procedure for filing and considering a complaint

136. Information on the procedure for filing and consideration of a complaint is posted on the official website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, the official websites of its territorial bodies on the information and telecommunications network Internet, the Unified Portal, and can also be communicated to the applicant by officials of the Federal Migration Service of Russia or its territorial body in personal contact using postal, telephone, e-mail.

11 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, No. 19, Art. 2060; 2010, N 27, art. 3410; N 31, Art. 4196.

12 Clause 3 of the Regulations on the Federal Migration Service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2012 N 711.

13 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 20, Art. 2829; 2012, N 14, art. 1655; N 36, art. 4922.

15 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 5, Art. 346; 1996, N 17, art. 1915; 1997, N 51; 1998, N 30, art. 3613; 1999, N 18, art. 2211; N 29, art. 3696; N 47, art. 5613; 2000, N 33, art. 3348; 2001, N 53, art. 5024; 2002, N 30, art. 3033; 2003, N 2, art. 160.167; 2004, N 35, art. 3607; 2006, N 1, art. 10; 2007, N 43, art. 5084; 2008, N 30, art. 3616; N 52, art. 6242; 2009, N 23, art. 2761; N 30, art. 3739; N 52, art. 6441, 6443; 2010, N 30, art. 3993; N 31, Art. 4196; 2011, N 27, art. 3880; N 29, art. 4296; N 49, art. 7039; 2012, N 31, art. 4322; N 53, art. 7653.

16 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 52, Art. 6249; 2009, N 18, art. 2140; N 29, art. 3601; N 48, art. 5711; N 52, art. 6441; 2010, N 17, art. 1988; N 18, art. 2142; N 31, Art. 4160, 4193, 4196; N 32, art. 4298; 2011, N 1, art. 20; N 17, art. 2310; N 23, Art. 3263; N 27, art. 3880; N 30, art. 4590; N 48, art. 6728; 2012, N 19, art. 2281; N 26, art. 3446; N 31, Art. 4320.4322; N 47, art. 6402.

17 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 31, Art. 4179; 2011, N 15, art. 2038; N 27, art. 3873, Art. 3880; N 29, art. 4291; N 30, art. 4587; N 49, art. 7061; 2012, N 31, art. 4322.

18 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 19, Art. 2716; N 30, art. 4590; N 43, art. 5971; N 48, art. 6728; 2012, N 26, art. 3446, N 31, art. 4322; 2013, N 9, art. 874.

19 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, No. 33, Art. 4070.

20 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 26, Art. 2585; N 46, art. 4597; 2003, N 33, art. 3270; N 43, art. 4238; 2004, N 10, art. 864; 2005, N 51, art. 5546; 2006, N 49, art. 5220; 2007, N 34, art. 4237; N 32, art. 4146; 2008, N 50, art. 5958; 2012, N 1, art. 136. Next - "Unified State Register of Legal Entities".

21 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 34, Art. 3937; 2009, N 23, art. 2821.

22 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 22, Art. 3169; N 35, art. 5092; 2012, N 28, art. 3908; N 36, art. 4903; N 50, art. 7070.

23 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 42, Art. 5924.

24 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 44, Art. 6274; 2011, N 49, art. 7284.

25 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 17, Art. 1965; N 36, art. 4916; N 37, art. 5002; N 39, art. 5267.

26 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 30, Art. 4276; 2013, N 9, art. 954.

27 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 30, Art. 4285.

28 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 42, Art. 5713. Hereinafter - “Regulations on licensing”.

29 In accordance with subparagraph 92 of paragraph 1 of Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

30 In accordance with subparagraph 92 of paragraph 1 of Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

31 In accordance with subparagraph 92 of paragraph 1 of Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

32 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, No. 48, Art. 5716; N 52, art. 6439; 2010, N 27, art. 3407; N 31, Art. 4173, 4196; N 49, art. 6409; 2011, N 23, art. 3263; N 31, Art. 4701.

33 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 52, Art. 6249; 2009, N 18, art. 2140; N 29, art. 3601; N 48, art. 5711; N 52, art. 6441; 2010, N 17, art. 1988; N 18, art. 2142; N 31, Art. 4160, 4193, 4196; N 32, art. 4298; 2011, N 1, art. 20; N 17, art. 2310; N 23, Art. 3263; N 27, art. 3880; N 30, art. 4590; N 48, art. 6728; 2012, N 19, art. 2281; N 26, art. 3446; N 31, Art. 4320, 4322; N 47, art. 6402.

34 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 19, Art. 2716; N 30, art. 4590; N 43, art. 5971; N 48, art. 6728; 2012, N 26, art. 3446, N 31, art. 4322; 2013, N 9, art. 874.

35 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, No. 19, Art. 2060; 2010, N 27, art. 3410; N 31, Art. 4196.

On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services of the city of Moscow “Organization of temporary employment”

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” decides:

1. Approve the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services of the city of Moscow "Organization of temporary employment" (appendix).

2. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development L.M. Pechatnikov.

Mayor of Moscow

S.S. Sobyanin


to the Government resolution




1. General Provisions

1.1. This Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services of the city of Moscow "Organization of temporary employment" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) establishes the composition, sequence and timing of administrative procedures (actions) and (or) decision-making for the provision of public services carried out at the request (application) of an individual.

1.2. Administrative procedures and (or) actions established by these Regulations are carried out using the Basic Register of information necessary for the provision of public services in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Basic Register), in accordance with the Unified Requirements for the provision of public services in the city of Moscow, established (hereinafter referred to as - Uniform requirements).

1.3. When sending a request (application) for the provision of a public service by post, using fax or electronically, including using the Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Portal), applicants are given the opportunity to pre-register.

2. Standard for the provision of public services

2.1. Name of public service

2.2. Legal grounds for provision

public services

The provision of public services is carried out in accordance with:

2.2.1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

2.2.2. Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 “On employment in the Russian Federation”.

2.2.3. By order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation N 58n dated February 12, 2013 "On approval of the federal state standard of public services for organizing temporary employment of minor citizens aged 14 to 18 years in their free time from study, unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work, unemployed citizens aged from 18 to 20 years old from among graduates of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, looking for work for the first time."

2.2.4. Law of the city of Moscow dated October 1, 2008 N 46 “On employment in the city of Moscow”.

2.2.5. Resolution of the Moscow Government "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for organizing temporary employment of youth from among graduates of institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education (youth practice) and the Regulations on the procedure for organizing temporary employment of the population in the city of Moscow."

2.2.6. Resolution of the Moscow Government "On approval of regulations on the procedure for providing additional social and material support to unemployed citizens and other categories of citizens."

2.3. Name of the city executive authority

Moscow, providing public services,

government institutions of the city of Moscow and other organizations,

participating in the provision of the service

The powers to provide public services are exercised by state government institutions and employment centers administrative districts of the city of Moscow (hereinafter - GKU TsZN AO of the city of Moscow).

2.4. Applicants

2.4.1. The following individuals may act as applicants (hereinafter referred to as applicants): Minors aged 14 to 18 years, registered for search purposes suitable job. Citizens experiencing difficulties in finding suitable work, recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner (hereinafter referred to as unemployed citizens), including: disabled people; released from institutions serving a sentence of imprisonment; persons of pre-retirement age (two years before the age that gives the right to receive an old-age labor pension, including an early assigned old-age labor pension); refugees and internally displaced persons; discharged from military service and members of their families; single and large parents raising minor children and disabled children; exposed to radiation as a result of Chernobyl and other radiation accidents and disasters; pregnant women and women raising minors and disabled children; spouses, if they are both declared unemployed; persons without a fixed place of residence, who have lost the right to use living space in the city of Moscow and do not have registration at their place of residence, as well as unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 years with a secondary education professional education and job seekers for the first time. Students of professional educational organizations and educational organizations higher education in their free time, registered in order to find a suitable job. Citizens under the age of 30 from among graduates of professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education, registered in order to find a suitable job.

2.4.2. The possibility of pre-registration for the provision of public services through the Portal is provided only to users registered on the Portal after receiving an individual access code to the subsystem " Personal Area" Portal.

To receive an individual access code, applicants enter the following information into the Portal information system: last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant, insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person in the personalized accounting system of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (SNILS), email address and contact telephone number.

2.5. Documents required to provide

public services

2.5.1. The provision of public services is carried out on the basis of the following documents: Application for the provision of a public service (hereinafter referred to as the request) or agreement with the proposal for the provision of a public service issued by the State Budgetary Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow as part of the provision of other public services (hereinafter referred to as agreement with the proposal).

The request is made in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Regulations.

Consent with the proposal is formalized in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Regulations. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a document replacing it; an identity document of a foreign citizen, a stateless person, upon a personal visit to the State Public Institution Central Zn AO of the city of Moscow. An individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, issued in the prescribed manner and containing a conclusion on the recommended nature and working conditions (for applicants belonging to the category of disabled people, upon a personal visit to the State Public Institution of the Central Public Health Center of the AO of Moscow).

2.5.2. The list of documents required to provide public services is exhaustive.

2.6. Services necessary and mandatory to provide

public services

There are no services necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services.

2.7. Duration of provision of public services

2.7.1. The public service is provided on the day of the applicant’s personal visit to the State Public Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow.

2.7.2. The total period for providing public services cannot exceed:

2.7.3. When you first contact the State Public Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow - 20 minutes.

2.7.4. For subsequent calls to the State Public Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow - 15 minutes.

2.7.5. The period for the provision of public services begins to be calculated from the moment of registration in the State Budgetary Institution of the Center for Public Service of the City of Moscow of the documents submitted by the applicant necessary for the provision of the public service.

2.8. Refusal to accept documents required

to provide public services

There are no grounds for refusing to accept documents necessary for the provision of public services.

2.9. Suspension of the provision of public services

There are no grounds for suspending the provision of public services.

2.10. Refusal to provide public services

2.10.1. The grounds for refusal to provide public services are: Presentation by the applicant of an incomplete set of documents specified in paragraph 2.5.1 of these Regulations. Application for the provision of a public service by an applicant who is not a recipient of a public service in accordance with section 2.4 of these Regulations. An applicant’s application for a public service to an executive authority or organization that does not provide the public service required by the applicant. Non-compliance of the submitted request and documents with the requirements established by legal acts of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the city of Moscow, Uniform Requirements, and these Regulations. The applicant’s refusal of the proposed temporary employment options. Lack of temporary employment options suitable for the applicant in the vacancy database.

2.10.2. The list of grounds for refusal to provide a public service is exhaustive.

2.10.3. The decision to refuse to provide a public service is drawn up in accordance with Appendix 3 to these Regulations, signed by an authorized official of the State Budgetary Institution of the Public Service Center of the City of Moscow and issued personally to the applicant indicating the reasons for the refusal on the day the decision is made.

2.11. The result of providing a public service

2.11.1. The result of providing a public service is the issuance of:

A referral for temporary employment is issued in accordance with Appendix 4 to these Regulations. Decisions to refuse to provide public services.

The decision to refuse to provide a public service is drawn up in accordance with Appendix 3 to these Regulations.

2.11.2. A document and (or) information confirming the provision of a public service (refusal to provide a public service) is issued personally to the applicant in the form of a paper document.

2.11.3. Information about the final result of the provision of public services is entered into the Basic Register in the following composition: Applicant (SNILS). Number and date of referral to participate in temporary employment. Name and address of the location of the organization providing a workplace for temporary employment.

2.11.4. Entering information about the final result of the provision of a public service into the Basic Register does not deprive the applicant of the right to receive the specified result in the form of a document on paper.

2.12. Payment for the provision of public services.

Payment for the provision of services that are necessary

and mandatory for the provision of public services

The provision of public services is free of charge.

2.13. Availability and quality indicators

public services

The accessibility and quality of public services are characterized by the following indicators:

1) the waiting time in line when applicants apply in person to the State Budgetary Institution of the Central Public Health Center of the City of Moscow - no more than 15 minutes;

2) the waiting time in line in case of prior agreement on the date and time of the applicant’s application is no more than 5 minutes.

2.14. Procedure for informing about provision

public services

Information about the provision of public services is posted on information stands in the premises of the State Budgetary Institution of the Public Service Center of the City of Moscow, providing public services, on the Portal, on the official website, and on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

3. Composition, sequence and deadlines

administrative procedures, order requirements

their implementation, features of the implementation of administrative

procedures in electronic form

3.1. Composition and sequence of administrative procedures

3.1.1. Reception (receipt) and registration of requests and other documents necessary for the provision of public services.

3.1.2. Processing of documents (information) necessary for the provision of public services.

3.1.3. Formation of the result of the provision of a public service with the entry of information about the final result of the provision of a public service into the Basic Register.

3.1.4. Issuance (sending) to the applicant of documents confirming the provision of public services (refusal to provide public services).

3.2. Acceptance (receipt) and registration of requests and other

documents required to provide

public services

3.2.1. The basis for pre-registration for the provision of public services (hereinafter referred to as pre-registration) is the applicant’s request:

By mail;

By email;

By fax;

By phone;

Using the Portal.

3.2.2. The applicants specified in clauses, and of these Regulations can apply for a preliminary registration to any State Public Institution of the Central Public Health Center of the Moscow Region.

The applicants specified in paragraph of these Regulations, for preliminary registration, apply to the State Budgetary Institution of the Central Employment Service of the AO of the city of Moscow, in which they are duly registered as unemployed citizens.

3.2.3. Information about the email address, telephone and fax numbers by which pre-registration can be made is posted on information stands in the premises of the State Public Institution Central Zn AO of Moscow, the official website, and on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

3.2.4. The official responsible for the preliminary registration is an authorized official of the State Budgetary Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the official responsible for the preliminary registration).

3.2.5. Official responsible for pre-registration: Ensures that the applicant's request is recorded in the preliminary recording log. Agrees with the applicant on the date and time of a personal visit to the State Budgetary Institution of the Center for Significance of the JSC of the city of Moscow for the provision of public services using telephone or electronic communications, including the information and telecommunications network Internet, postal services no later than the next working day from the date of registration of the application. If the applicant could not be contacted by telephone, he enters into the software and hardware complex containing the register of individuals - recipients of government services in the field of employment (hereinafter referred to as the register of recipients of public services), information about the impossibility of making a preliminary registration, sends a letter to the applicant by e-mail using the Portal or transmits a notification to specialists of the State Budgetary Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow to inform the applicant during his next visit to the State Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow in order to select a suitable job.

3.2.6. The maximum period for agreeing on a date and time with the applicant is: For a personal visit - one business day. By phone - no more than 10 minutes. When applying by mail, email, fax or through the Portal - no more than two working days.

3.2.7. The result of the preliminary appointment is the agreement of the date and time of reception of the applicant by the State Budgetary Institution of the Center for the Provision of Public Services of the City of Moscow for the provision of public services.

3.2.8. The basis for starting an administrative procedure is the receipt from a citizen of a request and other documents necessary for the provision of public services: On a first-come, first-served basis during a personal visit to the State Budgetary Institution of the Central Public Health Center of Moscow. In case of pre-registration for the provision of public services at the appointed time and date for the provision of public services.

3.2.9. The applicants specified in paragraphs, and of these Regulations apply for the provision of public services to any State Budgetary Institution of the Public Service Center of the City of Moscow.

The applicants specified in paragraph of these Regulations apply for the provision of public services to the State Public Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow, in which they are duly registered as unemployed citizens.

3.2.10. The official responsible for the implementation of the administrative procedure is the authorized official of the State Budgetary Institution TsZN JSC of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the official responsible for receiving documents).

3.2.11. Official responsible for receiving documents: Receives and registers requests and other documents necessary for the provision of public services in accordance with the Unified Requirements. Forms a set of documents submitted by the applicant necessary for the provision of public services (hereinafter referred to as the set of documents). Hands over a set of documents to the authorized official of the State Budgetary Institution TsZN JSC of the city of Moscow, responsible for processing the documents.

3.2.12. The maximum time for completing an administrative procedure is three minutes.

3.2.13. The result of the administrative procedure is the transfer of a set of documents to the official of the State Budgetary Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow, responsible for processing the documents.

3.3. Processing of documents (information) required

to provide public services

3.3.1. The basis for starting the administrative procedure is the receipt by the official of the State Budgetary Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow, responsible for the implementation of the administrative procedure, of a set of documents from the official responsible for receiving documents, as well as the personal presence of the applicant.

3.3.2. The official responsible for the implementation of the administrative procedure is the official of the State Budgetary Institution of the Center for Significance of the JSC of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the official responsible for processing documents).

3.3.3. Official responsible for document processing: Checks a set of documents for compliance with the requirements for the content and execution of such documents by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow. Informs the applicant about:

The procedure, conditions and terms of temporary employment;

The procedure and conditions for providing the applicant with financial support during the period of temporary employment, established by the legal act of the city of Moscow. Enters information about the applicant into the software and hardware complex containing the register of recipients of public services. Conducts a selection of temporary employment options for the applicant using a software and hardware complex containing a register of recipients of public services and information about available jobs created on the basis of agreements on the organization of temporary employment concluded between the State Budgetary Institution of the Central Employment Service of the City of Moscow and the employer.

3.3.4. If there are temporary employment options that meet the search criteria - wishes for working conditions ( wage, working hours, location, nature of work, position, profession (specialty), employer requirements for the employee’s candidacy), official responsible for processing documents: Offers the applicant temporary employment options. Coordinates temporary employment options with the applicant. Coordinates the applicant's candidacy with the employer. Prepares a draft referral for temporary employment.

At the same time, no more than two directions can be prepared for participation in temporary work. If the applicant disagrees with the proposed temporary employment option, draws up a draft decision to refuse the temporary employment option. Transfers the draft referral for temporary employment (decision to refuse to provide a public service) to the official responsible for forming the result of the provision of a public service.

3.3.5. The maximum period for completing the administrative procedure is 10 minutes (for subsequent requests - 5 minutes).

3.3.6. The result of the administrative procedure is the transfer of a draft referral for temporary employment (decision to refuse to provide a public service) to the official responsible for the formation of the result of the provision of a public service.

3.4. Formation of the result of providing state

services with entering information about the final result of the service

to Base Register

3.4.1. The basis for starting the administrative procedure is the receipt by the official responsible for the implementation of the administrative procedure of a draft referral for temporary employment (decision to refuse to provide a public service).

3.4.2. The official responsible for the implementation of the administrative procedure is an official of the State Budgetary Institution of the Public Service Center of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the official responsible for the formation of the result of the provision of public services).

3.4.3. The official responsible for the formation of the result of the provision of public services: Reviews and signs a draft referral for temporary employment (decision to refuse to provide a public service) in accordance with the Unified Requirements. Enters information about the public service provided into the Basic Register. Transfers the referral for temporary employment (decision to refuse to provide a public service) to the official responsible for issuing documents.

3.4.4. The maximum time for completing an administrative procedure is 4 minutes.

3.4.5. The result of the administrative procedure is the transfer of a referral for temporary employment (a decision to refuse to provide a public service) to the official responsible for issuing documents.

3.5. Issuance (sending) of documents to the applicant

and (or) information confirming the provision

public service (refusal to provide

public service)

3.5.1. The basis for starting the administrative procedure is the receipt of a referral for temporary employment (decision to refuse to provide a public service) by the official of the State Budgetary Institution of the Central Employment Agency of the City of Moscow, responsible for the implementation of the administrative procedure.

3.5.2. The official responsible for the implementation of the administrative procedure is the official of the State Budgetary Institution of the Center for Significance of the JSC of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the official responsible for issuing documents).

3.5.3. Official responsible for issuing documents: Issues a referral to the applicant for temporary employment (decision to refuse to provide a public service). Receives the applicant’s signature on receipt of a referral for temporary employment (decision to refuse to provide a public service). Notifies the applicant of the need to visit the employer within three days after receiving a referral for temporary employment and providing the State Budgetary Institution of the Central Employment Center of the AO of the city of Moscow at the next appearance with information about the results of the interview with the employer, the referral issued for temporary employment, with the employer’s mark, and a copy of the fixed-term employment contract in the case his conclusions.

3.5.4. The maximum time for completing an administrative procedure is three minutes.

3.5.5. The result of the administrative procedure is the issuance of a referral to the applicant for temporary employment (a decision to refuse to provide a public service).

4. Forms of control over execution

administrative regulations

4.1. Control over the implementation of these Regulations is carried out by the State Public Institution TsZN JSC of the city of Moscow, and the Main Control Directorate of the city of Moscow in the forms established.

4.2. Current control over compliance and execution by responsible officials of the State Budgetary Institution TsZN AO of the city of Moscow with the provisions of these Regulations and other regulatory legal acts establishing requirements for the provision of public services, as well as their decision-making, is carried out by the head of the State Institution TsZN AO AO of the city of Moscow and officials authorized by him.

4.3. The list of officials exercising current control is established by the legal acts of the State Budgetary Institution of the Central Public Health Center of the City of Moscow.

5. Pre-trial (out-of-court) procedure for appealing decisions

and actions (inaction) of the State Public Institution TsZN JSC of the city of Moscow,

officials of the State Public Institution TsZN JSC of the city of Moscow

The applicant may report a violation of his rights and legitimate interests, unlawful decisions, actions (inaction) of the State Budgetary Institution of the Central Bank of the City of Moscow, providing a public service, officials of the State Budgetary Institution of the Public Service of the City of Moscow, providing a public service, violation of the provisions of these Regulations, inappropriate behavior or violation work ethics to the State Budgetary Institution of the Public Service Center of the City of Moscow, which provides public services, or by phone numbers, postal addresses, email addresses posted on the website, on the Internet information and telecommunications network, the Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow in the manner established by legal acts Russian Federation, legal acts of the city of Moscow.

Annex 1

to the Administrative Regulations

provision of state

services of the city of Moscow "Organization

temporary employment"

Information about the applicant: To whom the document is addressed: ________________________ __________________________ (Last name, first name, patronymic) (GKU TsZN JSC of the city of Moscow) SNILS __________________ __________________________ Identification document (position) __________________________ ________________________ (full name of the official) (type of document) ________________________ (series, number ) ________________________ (by whom, when issued) Residence address ________________________ Contact information tel. ___________________ email mail ______________ Application for the provision of the state service of the city of Moscow "Organization of temporary employment" I, ___________________________________________________________________, (last name, first name, patronymic (last - if available) of the citizen) ask to provide me with the state service "Organization of temporary employment", since I belong to one of the following categories of citizens: - minor citizens aged 14 to 18 years; - unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work; - unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 years, with secondary vocational education and looking for work for the first time; - students of professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education in their free time from study and during the holidays; - citizens under the age of 30 from among graduates of professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education (underline as appropriate). The applicant's wishes for a vacancy for temporary employment: ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Notified of the transfer of my personal data to the Employer when sent to temporary employment by the State Budgetary Institution of the Center for Employment of the JSC of the City of Moscow. "___" __________ 20__ ______________________ (signature of the citizen) Application accepted: _____________ __________________________________ (signature) (signature transcript, full name of the official authorized to accept the application)

III. Composition, sequence and timing of administrative procedures (actions), requirements for the order of their implementation, including features of the implementation of administrative procedures (actions) in electronic form

27. The provision of public services includes the following administrative procedures (actions):

assignment and calculation of unemployment benefits;

reduction in unemployment benefits;

suspension of unemployment benefits;

the onset of a period during which unemployment benefits are not paid;

extension of the unemployment benefit payment period;

increasing the duration of the unemployment benefit payment period;

assignment and calculation of unemployment benefits in the second payment period;

termination of unemployment benefits;

appointment and accrual of scholarships during the period of vocational training in the direction of the employment service;

reduction in the amount of the scholarship;

suspension of scholarship payments;

termination of scholarship payments;

assignment and accrual of financial assistance in connection with the expiration of the established period for payment of unemployment benefits;

appointment and accrual of financial assistance during the period of vocational training in the direction of the employment service;

termination of payment of financial assistance due to the expiration of the established period for payment of unemployment benefits;

termination of payment of financial assistance during the period of vocational training in the direction of the employment service;

cancellation of the decision to suspend, terminate, reduce and reduce the amount of social benefits, as well as the period during which public services are not provided, increase the duration and extend the period of payment of unemployment benefits;

reimbursement of expenses of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation associated with the assignment of pensions to unemployed citizens at the proposal of the employment service authorities for the period before the age that gives the right to establish an old-age insurance pension, including an early-assigned old-age insurance pension.

Administrative procedures for the appointment and calculation of unemployment benefits

28. The basis for starting the provision of a public service in the form of unemployment benefits is a decision to recognize a citizen as unemployed in the prescribed manner * (20), issued by order of the employment center.

29. An employee makes a decision to assign an unemployment benefit to an unemployed citizen after receiving from the employee who performs the function of registering citizens as unemployed, the personal file of the recipient of public services containing an order recognizing the citizen as unemployed.

30. The employee explains to the unemployed citizen the provisions of the Employment Law regarding the implementation of social payments and informs that:

1) a citizen has the right to receive unemployment benefits from a credit organization and post offices;

2) transfer of unemployment benefits through a credit organization is possible only after the employment center receives information about a personal account opened by a citizen with a credit organization.

31. The employee sets the parameters for searching information about an unemployed citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

32. The employee determines, in accordance with the Employment Law, the amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits to an unemployed citizen.

33. The employee forms a draft order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits in accordance with Appendix No. 3

34. The employee submits a draft order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits to an unemployed citizen for signature by the director of the employment center.

35. The director of the employment center signs an order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits to an unemployed citizen.

36. The employee introduces the unemployed citizen (against signature) with the order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits.

37. The employee attaches the order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

38. The employee fills out in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, a form for registering the recipient of social payments in the form of unemployment benefits and financial assistance in connection with the expiration of the established period for payment of unemployment benefits in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to the Administrative Regulations, *( 21) prints it out and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

39. The employee calculates the amount of unemployment benefits and accrues unemployment benefits for the actual number of days of unemployment from the date the citizen is recognized as unemployed.

40. The employee enters information about the amount of unemployment benefits for the actual number of days of unemployment into the registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

41. The employee forms a statement for the payment of unemployment benefits.

A statement for the payment of unemployment benefits is generated at least twice a month both for one unemployed citizen and for a group of unemployed citizens at branches of credit institutions and post offices.

42. The employee prints out a statement for the payment of unemployment benefits in triplicate and forms it on electronic media.

43. The employee submits a statement for the payment of unemployment benefits in triplicate for signature to the director of the employment center.

44. The director of the employment center signs three copies of the statement for the payment of unemployment benefits.

45. The employee draws up a payment order in the established number of copies.

46. ​​The employee submits the payment order in the established number of copies for signature to the director of the employment center.

47. The director of the employment center signs the established number of copies of the payment order.

48. The employee sends the established number of copies of the payment order, one copy of the statement on paper and electronic media to the territorial body of the Federal Treasury.

49. The employee sends one copy of the statement on paper and electronic media to the branch of the credit institution or to the post office.

50. The employee attaches the third copy of the statement, the payment order received from the territorial body of the Federal Treasury, in accordance with the nomenclature of cases, to the financial and economic documentation of the employment center.

51. The employee subsequently accrues unemployment benefits to the unemployed citizen after receiving from the employee who performs the function of registering citizens as unemployed, the personal file of the recipient of public services, containing information about the unemployed citizen’s re-registration within the time frame established by the employment center.

52. The employee carries out a sequence of administrative procedures upon subsequent accrual of unemployment benefits to an unemployed citizen in accordance with paragraphs 41-50

53. The employee carries out administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 29-36

paragraphs 37-50

Administrative procedures for reducing unemployment benefits

54. The basis for reducing the amount of unemployment benefits by 25 percent for a period of up to one month is *(22):

1) failure of an unemployed citizen to appear without good reason for an employment interview with an employer within three days from the date of referral by the employment center;

2) refusal of an unemployed citizen, without good reason, to appear at the employment center to receive a referral to work (study).*(23)

55. The employee decides to reduce the amount of unemployment benefits by 25 percent for a period of up to one month, after receiving from the employee performing the function of registering citizens as unemployed a personal file of the recipient of public services containing information confirming the grounds specified in paragraph 54 Administrative regulations.

56. The employee explains to the unemployed citizen the provisions of the Law on Employment regarding the reduction in the amount of unemployment benefits by 25 percent for a period of up to one month.

57. The employee sets the parameters for searching information about an unemployed citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

58. The employee determines the period during which the amount of unemployment benefits is reduced by 25 percent.

59. The employee draws up a draft order to reduce the amount of unemployment benefits by 25 percent in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to the Administrative Regulations.

60. The employee submits a draft order to reduce the amount of unemployment benefits by 25 percent for signature to the director of the employment center.

61. The director of the employment center signs an order to reduce the amount of unemployment benefits by 25 percent.

62. The employee introduces the unemployed citizen (against signature) with the order to reduce the amount of unemployment benefits by 25 percent.

63. The employee attaches the order to reduce the amount of unemployment benefits by 25 percent to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

64. The employee fills out a registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

65. The employee calculates the amount of unemployment benefits and accrues unemployment benefits for the actual number of days the amount of unemployment benefits is reduced by 25 percent.

66. The employee enters information about the amount of unemployment benefits for the actual number of days of reducing the amount of unemployment benefits by 25 percent into the registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment of individuals - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the recipient’s personal file government services.

67. The employee prepares a statement for the payment of unemployment benefits in accordance with paragraphs 41-50 of the Administrative Regulations.

68. The employee carries out administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 55-62 of the Administrative Regulations in the presence of an unemployed citizen.

The implementation of administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 63-67 of the Administrative Regulations does not require the mandatory presence of an unemployed citizen.

Administrative procedures for suspending unemployment benefits

69. The basis for suspension of the provision of public services in the form of unemployment benefits is the decision to suspend the payment of unemployment benefits in the cases specified in paragraph 16 of the Administrative Regulations.

70. The employee decides to suspend the payment of unemployment benefits for up to three months after receiving from the employee performing the function of registering citizens as unemployed a personal file of the recipient of public services containing information confirming the grounds specified in paragraph 16 of the Administrative Regulations.

71. The employee explains to the unemployed citizen the provisions of the Employment Law regarding the suspension of unemployment benefits.

72. The employee sets parameters for searching information about an unemployed citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

73. The employee determines the period for which the payment of unemployment benefits is suspended.

74. The employee forms a draft order to suspend the payment of unemployment benefits in accordance with Appendix No. 6 to the Administrative Regulations.

75. The employee submits a draft order to suspend the payment of unemployment benefits to the director of the employment center for signature.

76. The director of the employment center signs an order to suspend the payment of unemployment benefits.

77. The employee introduces the unemployed citizen (against signature) with the order to suspend the payment of unemployment benefits.

78. The employee attaches the order to suspend the payment of unemployment benefits to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

79. The employee fills out the registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

80. The employee accrues unemployment benefits for the actual number of days of unemployment until the day from which its payment is suspended.

81. The employee enters information about the amount of unemployment benefits for the actual number of days of unemployment until the day from which its payment is suspended into the registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to his personal the case of the recipient of public services.

82. The employee compiles a statement for the payment of unemployment benefits in accordance with paragraphs 41-50 of the Administrative Regulations.

83. The employee carries out administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 70-77 of the Administrative Regulations in the presence of an unemployed citizen.

The employee sends an unemployed citizen a postal notice of the suspension of unemployment benefits if it is not possible for the unemployed citizen to personally familiarize himself with the order to suspend the payment of unemployment benefits.

The implementation of administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 78-82 of the Administrative Regulations does not require the mandatory presence of an unemployed citizen.

Administrative procedures upon the arrival of a period during which unemployment benefits are not paid

84. The basis for non-payment of unemployment benefits is the occurrence of the periods specified in paragraph 22 of the Administrative Regulations.

85. The employee decides on the commencement of a period during which the payment of unemployment benefits is not made after receiving from the employee performing the function of registering citizens as unemployed a personal file of the recipient of public services containing information about the grounds for the period during which the payment of benefits unemployment is not provided.

86. The employee explains to the unemployed citizen the provisions of the Employment Law regarding the periods during which unemployment benefits are not paid.

87. The employee sets parameters for searching information about an unemployed citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

88. The employee determines the period during which unemployment benefits are not paid.

89. The employee draws up a draft order on the beginning of the period during which payment of unemployment benefits is not made, in accordance with Appendix No. 7 to the Administrative Regulations.

90. The employee submits a draft order on the commencement of a period during which unemployment benefits are not paid for signature by the director of the employment center.

91. The director of the employment center signs an order establishing a period during which unemployment benefits are not paid.

92. The employee introduces the unemployed citizen (against signature) with the order about the beginning of the period during which unemployment benefits will not be paid.

93. The employee attaches the order about the beginning of the period during which the payment of unemployment benefits is not made to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

94. The employee fills out a registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

95. The employee calculates unemployment benefits for the actual number of days of unemployment until the day from which unemployment benefits are not paid.

96. The employee enters information about the amount of unemployment benefits for the actual number of days of unemployment until the day from which payment of unemployment benefits is not made into the registration card form in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of individuals - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

97. The employee prepares a statement for the payment of unemployment benefits in accordance with paragraphs 41-50 of the Administrative Regulations.

98. The employee carries out administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 85-92 of the Administrative Regulations in the presence of an unemployed citizen.

The implementation of administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 93-97 of the Administrative Regulations does not require the mandatory presence of an unemployed citizen.

Administrative procedures for extending the unemployment benefit period

99. The basis for extending the period of provision of a public service in the form of unemployment benefits is the existence of a period during which the provision of public services in the form of unemployment benefits was not provided. *(24)

100. The employee decides to extend the period of payment of unemployment benefits after receiving from the employee performing the function of registering citizens as unemployed a personal file of the recipient of public services containing information about the period during which the payment of unemployment benefits was not made.

101. The employee explains to the unemployed citizen the provisions of the Employment Law establishing that the period during which unemployment benefits were not paid does not count towards the total period of unemployment benefits and extends it.

102. The employee sets parameters for searching information about an unemployed citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

103. The employee determines the amount of unemployment benefits and the period for which the period of payment of unemployment benefits is extended.

104. The employee forms a draft order to extend the period of payment of unemployment benefits in accordance with Appendix No. 8 to the Administrative Regulations.

105. The employee submits a draft order to extend the period of payment of unemployment benefits to the director of the employment center for signature.

106. The director of the employment center signs an order to extend the period of payment of unemployment benefits.

107. The employee introduces the unemployed citizen (against signature) with the order to extend the period of payment of unemployment benefits.

108. The employee attaches the order to extend the period of payment of unemployment benefits to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

109. The employee fills out a registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

110. The employee carries out administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 100-107 of the Administrative Regulations in the presence of an unemployed citizen.

The implementation of administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 108-109 of the Administrative Regulations does not require the mandatory presence of an unemployed citizen.

Administrative procedures for increasing the duration of the unemployment benefit payment period in the first payment period

111. The basis for increasing the duration of the period of provision of public services in the first period of payment of unemployment benefits is the presence of an insurance period exceeding the insurance period of 25 and 20 years for those under the age of 60 years for men and 55 years for women, respectively, as well as the required length of service for relevant types of work, giving an unemployed citizen the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension provided for by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”.

112. The employee decides to increase the duration of the period of payment of unemployment benefits after receiving from the employee, who performs the function of registering citizens as unemployed, the personal file of the recipient of public services, containing an extract from the individual personal account of the insured person, confirming the existence of an insurance period exceeding the insurance period lasting 25 and 20 years for men and women, respectively.*(25)

An employee, if there is a citizen’s application in the personal file of the recipient of public services with a request for assistance in obtaining information about the existence of insurance experience, sends a request to the employment center * (26) to obtain an extract about the insurance experience as part of an interdepartmental exchange to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

113. The employee explains to the unemployed citizen the provisions of the Employment Law regarding increasing the duration of the period for paying unemployment benefits beyond the established 12 months by two weeks for each year of work.

114. The employee sets the parameters for searching information about an unemployed citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

115. The employee determines the amount of unemployment benefit and the period by which the duration of the unemployment benefit payment period is increased.

116. The employee draws up a draft order to increase the duration of the period for payment of unemployment benefits, the amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits in accordance with Appendix No. 9 to the Administrative Regulations.

117. The employee submits a draft order to increase the duration of the period for payment of unemployment benefits, the amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits for signature by the director of the employment center.

118. The director of the employment center signs an order to increase the duration of the period for payment of unemployment benefits, the amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits.

119. The employee introduces the unemployed citizen (against signature) with the order to increase the duration of the period for paying unemployment benefits, the amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits.

120. The employee attaches the order to increase the duration of the period for payment of unemployment benefits, the amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

121. The employee fills out the registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

122. The employee calculates unemployment benefits for the actual number of days of unemployment from the date of the last re-registration of the citizen as unemployed.

123. The employee enters information about the amount of unemployment benefits for the actual number of days of unemployment from the date of the last re-registration of a citizen as unemployed in the registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, displays it on a printing device and attaches it to his personal file recipient of government services.

124. The employee compiles a statement for the payment of unemployment benefits in accordance with paragraphs 41-50 of the Administrative Regulations.

125. The employee carries out administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 112-119 of the Administrative Regulations in the presence of an unemployed citizen.

The implementation of administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 120-124 of the Administrative Regulations does not require the mandatory presence of an unemployed citizen.

Administrative procedures for assignment and accrual assignment and accrual of unemployment benefits in the second payment period#

126. The basis for starting the provision of public services in the second period of payment of unemployment benefits is the citizen’s lack of employment after the expiration of the first period of payment of unemployment benefits.

127. The employee makes a decision to establish an unemployment benefit for an unemployed citizen in the second payment period after receiving from the employee of the employment center, which carries out the function of registering citizens as unemployed, the personal file of the recipient of public services.

128. The employee explains to the unemployed citizen the provisions of the Employment Law regarding the payment of unemployment benefits in the second payment period.

129. The employee sets the parameters for searching information about an unemployed citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

130. The employee determines, in accordance with the Employment Law, the amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits.

131. The employee draws up a draft order establishing the amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits in the second payment period in accordance with Appendix No. 10 to the Administrative Regulations.

132. The employee submits a draft order establishing the amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits in the second payment period to the director of the employment center for signature.

133. The director of the employment center signs an order establishing the amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits in the second payment period.

134. The employee introduces the unemployed citizen (against signature) with the order establishing the amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits in the second payment period.

135. The employee attaches the order establishing the amount and timing of payment of unemployment benefits in the second payment period to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

136. The employee fills out a registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

137. The employee carries out administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 127-134 of the Administrative Regulations in the presence of an unemployed citizen.

The implementation of administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 135-135 of the Administrative Regulations does not require the mandatory presence of an unemployed citizen.

Administrative procedures for termination of unemployment benefits

138. The basis for termination of the provision of a public service in the form of unemployment benefits is a decision to remove a citizen from registration as unemployed, issued by order of the employment center.

139. An employee makes a decision to terminate the provision of a public service in the form of unemployment benefits after receiving from the employee performing the function of registering citizens as unemployed a personal file of the recipient of public services containing an order to remove the citizen from registration as unemployed.

140. The employee explains to the unemployed citizen the provisions of the Employment Law regarding the termination of unemployment benefits.

141. The employee forms a draft order to terminate the payment of unemployment benefits in accordance with Appendix No. 11 to the Administrative Regulations.

142. The employee submits a draft order to terminate the payment of unemployment benefits to the director of the employment center for signature.

143. The director of the employment center signs an order to terminate the payment of unemployment benefits.

144. The employee introduces the unemployed citizen (against signature) with the order to terminate the payment of unemployment benefits.

145. The employee attaches the order to terminate the payment of unemployment benefits to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

146. The employee fills out the registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

147. The employee calculates unemployment benefits for the actual number of days of unemployment from the date of the last re-registration of the citizen as unemployed.

148. The employee enters information about the amount of unemployment benefits for the actual number of days of unemployment from the date of the last re-registration of a citizen as unemployed in the registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, prints it on a printing device and attaches it to his personal file recipient of government services.

149. The employee compiles a statement for the payment of unemployment benefits in accordance with paragraphs 41-50 of the Administrative Regulations.

150. The employee carries out administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 139-144 of the Administrative Regulations in the presence of an unemployed citizen.

The employee sends an unemployed citizen a postal notice of termination of payment of unemployment benefits if it is not possible for the unemployed citizen to personally familiarize himself with the order to terminate payment of unemployment benefits.

The implementation of administrative procedures in accordance with paragraphs 145-149 of the Administrative Regulations does not require the mandatory presence of an unemployed citizen.

Administrative procedures for the appointment and accrual of scholarships during the period of vocational training in the direction of the employment service authorities

151. The basis for starting the provision of public services for the implementation of social payments in the form of a scholarship is an order educational institution on the enrollment of a citizen for vocational training in the direction of the employment service authorities.

152. The employee makes a decision on the appointment of a scholarship after receiving from the employee, who performs the function of providing state services for vocational training of unemployed citizens, the personal file of the recipient of public services, containing an order from the educational institution to enroll the citizen in vocational training in the direction of the employment service authorities.

153. The employee explains to the citizen the norms of the Law on Employment regarding the appointment of a scholarship during the period of vocational training in the direction of the employment service authorities and informs that the scholarship will be transferred to a previously opened personal account with a credit institution or to a post office.

154. The employee sets parameters for searching information about a citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

155. The employee determines the amount and terms of payment of the scholarship during the period of vocational training as directed by the employment service authorities.

156. The employee draws up a draft order on the appointment, amount and terms of payment of the scholarship in accordance with Appendix No. 12 to the Administrative Regulations.

157. The employee submits a draft order on the appointment, amount and terms of payment of the scholarship to the director of the employment center for signature.

158. The director of the employment center signs the order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of the scholarship.

159. The employee introduces the citizen (against signature) with the order on the appointment, amount and terms of payment of the scholarship.

160. The employee attaches the order on the appointment, amount and terms of payment of unemployment benefits to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

161. The employee fills out in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, a form for registering the recipient of social payments in the form of scholarships and financial assistance during the period of vocational training in the direction of the employment center * (27) in accordance with Appendix No. 13 to the Administrative Regulations, displays it on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

162. The employee calculates the amount of the scholarship and accrues the scholarship for the actual number of days of training from the date of commencement of training after receiving from the employee performing the function of providing public services for vocational training of unemployed citizens, the personal file of the recipient of public services containing the documents specified in subparagraphs 3. 4 clause 12 of the Administrative Regulations.

163. The employee enters information about the amount of the scholarship for the actual number of days of study into the form of the scholarship recipient's registration card in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of government services.

164. The employee prepares a statement for the payment of the stipend. A statement for the payment of scholarships is generated at least once a month both for one citizen and for a group of citizens undergoing vocational training in the direction of the employment service, at branches of credit organizations and post offices.

165. The employee carries out administrative procedures regarding the formation of statements and payment orders for the payment of scholarships in accordance with paragraphs 41-50 of the Administrative Regulations.

166. The employee subsequently accrues a scholarship to the citizen after receiving from the employee performing the function of providing state services for vocational training of unemployed citizens, the personal file of the recipient of state services containing the documents specified in subparagraphs 3, 4 of paragraph 12 of the Administrative Regulations.

The employee carries out a sequence of administrative procedures for the subsequent accrual of the scholarship in accordance with paragraphs 162-164 of the Administrative Regulations.

167. The implementation of administrative procedures for the provision of public services in the form of a scholarship in accordance with paragraphs 152-159 of the Administrative Regulations is carried out in the presence of a citizen.

Implementation of administrative procedures for the provision of public services in the form of scholarships in accordance with paragraphs 160-164

Administrative procedures for reducing the amount of the scholarship

168. The grounds for reducing the amount of the scholarship by 25 percent for a period of one month are the poor academic performance of a citizen undergoing vocational training in the direction of the employment service.

169. The employee decides to reduce the amount of the scholarship by 25 percent for a period of one month after receiving from the employee performing the function of providing state services for vocational training for unemployed citizens, the personal file of the recipient of public services containing a certificate from the educational institution about the academic performance of the citizen undergoing vocational training in the direction of the employment service authorities.

170. The employee sets parameters for searching information about a citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

171. The employee draws up a draft order to reduce the amount of the scholarship in accordance with Appendix No. 14 to the Administrative Regulations.

172. The employee submits a draft order to reduce the amount of the scholarship to the director of the employment center for signature.

173. The director of the employment center signs an order to reduce the amount of the scholarship.

174. The employee sends a postal notification to the citizen about the reduction in the amount of the scholarship.

175. The employee attaches the order to reduce the amount of the scholarship to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

176. The employee fills out the scholarship recipient registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

177. The employee calculates the amount of the scholarship and accrues the scholarship for the actual number of days of study, taking into account a reduction in the amount of the scholarship by 25 percent.

178. The employee enters information about the amount of the scholarship for the actual number of days of study into the form of the scholarship recipient's registration card in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of government services.

179. The employee carries out administrative procedures regarding the formation of statements and payment orders for the payment of scholarships in accordance with paragraphs 41-50 of the Administrative Regulations.

180. The implementation of administrative procedures when reducing the amount of a scholarship in accordance with paragraphs 169-179 of the Administrative Regulations does not require the mandatory presence of a citizen.

Administrative procedures for suspending scholarship payments

181. The grounds for suspension of the provision of a public service in the form of a scholarship for a period of up to one month are irregular attendance of classes without a good reason by a citizen undergoing vocational training on the direction of the employment service.

182. The employee makes a decision on the period of suspension of the payment of the scholarship after receiving from the employee, who performs the function of providing state services for vocational training of unemployed citizens, the personal file of the recipient of public services, containing a certificate from the educational institution about attendance of classes by a citizen undergoing vocational training in the direction of the employment service authorities .

183. The employee sets parameters for searching information about a citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

184. The employee draws up a draft order to suspend the payment of the scholarship in accordance with Appendix No. 15 to the Administrative Regulations.

185. The employee submits a draft order to suspend the payment of the scholarship to the director of the employment center for signature.

186. The director of the employment center signs an order to suspend the payment of the scholarship.

187. The employee sends a postal notice to the citizen about the suspension of the payment of the scholarship.

188. The employee attaches the order to suspend the payment of the scholarship to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

189. The employee fills out the scholarship recipient registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

190. The employee enters information about the suspension of the payment of the scholarship into the form of the scholarship recipient's registration card in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

191. The implementation of administrative procedures when suspending the provision of a public service in the form of a scholarship in accordance with paragraphs 182-190 of the Administrative Regulations does not require the mandatory presence of a citizen.

Administrative procedures for termination of scholarship payments

192. The basis for termination of the provision of a public service in the form of a scholarship is the decision to terminate the payment of the scholarship on the grounds specified in paragraph 19 of the Administrative Regulations.

193. The employee makes a decision to terminate the provision of a public service in the form of a scholarship after receiving from the employee performing the function of providing the public service for vocational training of unemployed citizens a personal file of the recipient of public services containing information confirming the grounds specified in paragraph 19 of the Administrative Regulations.

194. The employee sets parameters for searching information about a citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

195. The employee forms a draft order to terminate the payment of the scholarship in accordance with Appendix No. 16 to the Administrative Regulations.

196. The employee submits a draft order to terminate the payment of the scholarship to the director of the employment center for signature.

197. The director of the employment center signs an order to terminate the payment of the scholarship.

198. The employee sends a postal notice to the citizen about the termination of the scholarship payment.

199. The employee attaches the order to terminate the payment of the scholarship to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

200. The employee fills out the scholarship recipient registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

201. The employee enters information about the termination of the scholarship payment into the form of the scholarship recipient's registration card in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

202. The employee calculates the scholarship for the actual number of days of training.

203. The employee enters information about the amount of the scholarship for the actual number of days of study into the form of the scholarship recipient's registration card in the register of recipients of public services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

204. The employee carries out administrative procedures regarding the formation of statements and payment orders for the payment of scholarships in accordance with paragraphs 41-50 of the Administrative Regulations.

205. The implementation of administrative procedures upon termination of scholarship payments in accordance with paragraphs 193-204 of the Administrative Regulations does not require the mandatory presence of a citizen.

Administrative procedures for the appointment and accrual of financial assistance in connection with the expiration of the established period for payment of unemployment benefits

206. The basis for starting the provision of public services in the form of financial assistance to an unemployed citizen who has lost the right to unemployment benefits due to the expiration of the established period for its payment is the decision of the employment center to assign payment of financial assistance.

207. An employee makes a decision to assign financial assistance to an unemployed citizen after receiving from the employee performing the function of registering citizens as unemployed a personal file of the recipient of public services containing information about the expiration of the unemployment benefit payment period.

208. The employee explains to the unemployed citizen the norms of the Employment Law regarding the provision of material assistance to unemployed citizens who have lost the right to unemployment benefits due to the expiration of the established period for its payment, and informs the unemployed citizen that the transfer of material assistance will be carried out to an open source. previously a personal account with a credit institution or post office.

209. The employee sets the parameters for searching information about an unemployed citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

210. The employee determines the amount and timing of the provision of public services in the form of financial assistance to an unemployed citizen who has lost the right to unemployment benefits due to the expiration of the established period for its payment.

211. The employee draws up a draft order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of financial assistance in accordance with Appendix No. 17 to the Administrative Regulations.

212. The employee submits a draft order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of financial assistance to the director of the employment center for signature.

213. The director of the employment center signs an order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of financial assistance.

214. The employee introduces the unemployed citizen (against signature) with the order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of financial assistance.

215. The employee attaches the order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of financial assistance to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

216. The employee fills out the registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

217. The employee accrues financial assistance for the actual number of days of unemployment from the date of the end of the unemployment benefit payment period.

218. The employee enters information about the amount of financial assistance for the actual number of days of unemployment into the registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, displays it on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

219. The employee prepares a statement for the payment of financial assistance. A statement for the payment of financial assistance is generated at least once a month, both for one unemployed citizen and for a group of unemployed citizens, at branches of credit institutions and post offices.

220. The employee carries out administrative procedures regarding the formation of statements and payment orders for the payment of financial assistance in accordance with paragraphs 41-50 of the Administrative Regulations.

221. The employee subsequently accrues financial assistance to the unemployed citizen after receiving from the employee who performs the function of registering citizens as unemployed, the personal file of the recipient of public services, containing information about the re-registration of the unemployed citizen within the time frame established by the employment center.

222. The employee carries out a sequence of administrative procedures for the subsequent accrual of financial assistance to an unemployed citizen in accordance with paragraphs 217-220 of the Administrative Regulations.

223. paragraphs 207-214

The implementation of administrative procedures in the provision of public services in the form of financial assistance in accordance with paragraphs 211-220 of the Administrative Regulations does not require the mandatory presence of an unemployed citizen.

Administrative procedures for the appointment and accrual of financial assistance during the period of vocational training in the direction of the employment service authorities

224. The basis for starting the provision of public services in the form of financial assistance to a citizen during the period of vocational training in the direction of the employment service authorities is the decision of the employment center to assign payment of financial assistance.

225. An employee makes a decision to assign financial assistance to a citizen after receiving from the employee performing the function of providing state services for vocational training of unemployed citizens a personal file of the recipient of public services containing information about the amount of the scholarship, academic performance and attendance at classes during the period of the citizen’s vocational training.

226. The employee explains to the citizen the norms of the Employment Law regarding the provision of material assistance to citizens during the period of vocational training and informs the citizen that the transfer of material assistance will be carried out together with the scholarship due to him to the personal account he previously opened with a credit organization or to the post office communications.

227. The employee sets parameters for searching information about a citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

228. The employee determines the amount and timing of the provision of public services in the form of financial assistance to a citizen during the period of vocational training.

229. The employee draws up a draft order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of financial assistance in accordance with Appendix No. 18 to the Administrative Regulations.

230. The employee submits a draft order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of financial assistance to the director of the employment center for signature.

231. The director of the employment center signs an order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of financial assistance.

232. The employee introduces the citizen (against signature) with the order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of financial assistance.

233. The employee attaches the order on the appointment, amount and timing of payment of financial assistance to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

234. The employee fills out the scholarship recipient registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

235. The employee accrues financial assistance for the actual number of days of training.

236. The employee enters information about the amount of financial assistance for the actual number of days of study in the form of the scholarship recipient's registration card in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, displays it on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

237. The employee attaches information about the calculation of the amount of financial assistance for the actual number of days of study to the statement for the payment of the scholarship.

238. The employee carries out administrative procedures regarding the formation of statements and payment orders for the payment of financial assistance in accordance with paragraphs 41-50 of the Administrative Regulations.

239. The employee subsequently accrues financial assistance to the citizen after receiving the personal file of the recipient of public services from the employee performing the function of providing state services for vocational training of unemployed citizens.

240. The employee carries out a sequence of administrative procedures for the subsequent accrual of financial assistance to an unemployed citizen in accordance with paragraphs 234-238 of the Administrative Regulations.

241. The implementation of administrative procedures when providing public services in the form of financial assistance in accordance with paragraphs 225-232 of the Administrative Regulations is carried out in the presence of an unemployed citizen.

The implementation of administrative procedures in the provision of public services in the form of financial assistance in accordance with paragraphs 223-240 of the Administrative Regulations does not require the mandatory presence of a citizen.

Administrative procedures for termination of payment of financial assistance due to the expiration of the established period for payment of unemployment benefits

242. The grounds for termination of the provision of public services in the form of financial assistance in connection with the expiration of the established period for payment of unemployment benefits are:

1) expiration of the period for providing financial assistance;

2) deregistration of a citizen as an unemployed person;

3) death of an unemployed citizen.

243. The employee makes a decision to terminate the provision of public services in the form of financial assistance after receiving from the employee performing the function of registering citizens as unemployed a personal file of the recipient of public services containing information confirming the grounds specified in paragraph 242 of the Administrative Regulations.

244. The employee sets parameters for searching information about an unemployed citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

245. The employee forms a draft order to terminate the payment of financial assistance to Appendix No. 19 to the Administrative Regulations.

246. The employee submits a draft order to terminate the payment of financial assistance to the director of the employment center for signature.

247. The director of the employment center signs an order to terminate the payment of financial assistance.

248. The employee introduces the unemployed citizen (against signature) with the order to terminate the payment of financial assistance.

249. The employee attaches the order to terminate the payment of financial assistance to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

250. The employee fills out the registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

251. The employee accrues financial assistance for the actual number of days of unemployment from the date of the last re-registration of the citizen as unemployed.

252. The employee enters information about the amount of financial assistance into the registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

253. The employee prepares a statement for the payment of financial assistance in accordance with paragraphs 41-50 of the Administrative Regulations.

254. The implementation of administrative procedures upon termination of the provision of public services in the form of financial assistance in accordance with paragraphs 243-248 of the Administrative Regulations is carried out in the presence of an unemployed citizen.

The employee sends a postal notice to the unemployed citizen of the termination of the provision of a state service in the form of financial assistance in the absence of the opportunity for the unemployed citizen to personally familiarize himself with the order to terminate the payment of financial assistance.

The implementation of administrative procedures upon termination of the provision of public services in the form of financial assistance in accordance with paragraphs 249-253 of the Administrative Regulations does not require the mandatory presence of an unemployed citizen.

Administrative procedures for termination of payment of financial assistance during the period of vocational training in the direction of the employment service authorities

255. The grounds for termination of the provision of public services in the form of financial assistance during the period of vocational training in the direction of the employment service authorities are:

1) expiration of the period for payment of financial assistance;

2) unauthorized termination by a citizen of vocational training;

3) expiration of the citizen’s professional training period;

4) death of a citizen during the period of vocational training.

256. The employee makes a decision to terminate the provision of public services in the form of financial assistance after receiving from the employee performing the function of providing public services for vocational training of unemployed citizens a personal file of the recipient of public services containing information confirming the grounds specified in paragraph 255 of the Administrative Regulations.

257. The employee sets parameters for searching information about a citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

258. The employee forms a draft order to terminate the payment of financial assistance to Appendix No. 20 to the Administrative Regulations.

259. The employee submits a draft order to terminate the payment of financial assistance to the director of the employment center for signature.

260. The director of the employment center signs an order to terminate the payment of financial assistance.

261. The employee sends a postal notification to the citizen about the termination of payment of financial assistance.

262. The employee attaches the order to terminate the payment of financial assistance to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

263. The employee fills out a scholarship recipient registration card form in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

264. The employee enters information about the termination of payment of financial assistance into the form of the scholarship recipient's registration card in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

265. The employee accrues financial assistance for the actual number of days of training.

266. The employee enters information about the amount of financial assistance for the actual number of days of study into the form of the scholarship recipient's registration card in the register of recipients of state services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of state services.

267. The employee attaches information about the calculation of the amount of financial assistance for the actual number of days of study to the statement for the payment of the scholarship. Administrative procedures for canceling a decision to suspend, terminate, reduce and reduce the amount of social benefits, as well as about the period during which the state is not provided services, increasing the duration and extending the period of payment of unemployment benefits

270. The basis for canceling a decision to suspend, terminate the provision of public services, reduce and reduce the amount of social benefits, as well as the period during which the provision of public services is not provided, increase the duration and extend the period of payment of unemployment benefits to an unemployed citizen is the presentation of a document to the employee , confirming the presence of good reasons * (28) and allowing you to reconsider a previously made decision.

271. The employee makes a decision to cancel the decision to suspend, terminate the provision of public services, reduce and reduce the amount of social benefits, as well as the period during which public services are not provided, increase the duration and extend the period of payment of unemployment benefits to an unemployed citizen after receiving from an employee of the employment center performing the function of registering citizens as unemployed, the personal file of the recipient of public services.

272. The employee sets the parameters for searching information about an unemployed citizen in the register of recipients of government services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, and finds the appropriate form of registration documentation.

273. The employee enters in the form of the accounting documentation in in electronic format information about the decision taken to cancel the decision to suspend, terminate the provision of public services, reduce and reduce the amount of social benefits, as well as the period during which the provision of public services is not carried out, increasing the duration and extending the period of payment of unemployment benefits to an unemployed citizen.

274. The employee informs the unemployed citizen about the decision made.

275. The employee draws up a draft order to cancel the decision to suspend, terminate the provision of public services, reduce and reduce the amount of social benefits, as well as the period during which public services are not provided, increase the duration and extend the period of payment of unemployment benefits to an unemployed citizen, the amount and timing of social payments in accordance with Appendix No. 21 to the Administrative Regulations.

276. The employee submits a draft order to cancel the decision to suspend, terminate the provision of public services, reduce and reduce the amount of social benefits, as well as the period during which the provision of public services is not carried out, to an unemployed citizen, the amount and timing of payment of social benefits for signature by the director employment center.

277. The director of the employment center signs an order to cancel the decision to suspend, terminate the provision of public services, reduce and reduce the amount of social benefits, as well as the period during which the provision of public services is not provided to an unemployed citizen, the amount and timing of the payment of social benefits.

278. The employee familiarizes the unemployed citizen (against signature) with the order to cancel the decision to suspend, terminate the provision of public services, reduce and reduce the amount of social benefits, as well as the period during which the provision of public services is not carried out, increase the duration and extend the payment period unemployment benefits for an unemployed citizen, the amount and timing of payment of social benefits.

279. The employee attaches the order to cancel the decision to suspend, terminate the provision of public services, reduce and reduce the amount of social benefits, as well as the period during which the provision of public services is not carried out, to the unemployed citizen, the amount and timing of payment of social benefits to the personal file of the recipient government services.

280. The employee fills out the registration card form or the scholarship recipient registration card form in the register of recipients of public services in the field of employment - individuals, prints it out and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

281. The employee accrues unemployment benefits for the actual number of days of unemployment, scholarships for the actual number of days of training, financial assistance for the actual number of days of unemployment or training.

282. The employee enters information about the amount of unemployment benefits for the actual number of days of unemployment, scholarships for the actual number of days of training, financial assistance for the actual number of days of unemployment or training in the form of the registration card or the form of the registration card of the scholarship recipient in the register of recipients of public services in the field of employment of the population - individuals, displays it on a printing device and attaches it to the personal file of the recipient of public services.

283. The employee compiles a statement for the payment of unemployment benefits in accordance with paragraphs 41-50 of the Administrative Regulations or a statement for the payment of scholarships in accordance with paragraphs 164-165 of the Administrative Regulations.

284. Implementation of administrative procedures when canceling a decision to suspend, terminate the provision of public services, reduce and reduce the amount of social benefits, as well as the period during which public services are not provided, increasing the duration and extending the period of payment of unemployment benefits to an unemployed citizen in accordance with paragraphs 271-278 of the Administrative Regulations requires the mandatory presence of an unemployed citizen.

Carrying out administrative procedures when canceling a decision to suspend, terminate the provision of public services, reduce and reduce the amount of social benefits, as well as the period during which public services are not provided, increasing the duration and extending the period of payment of unemployment benefits to an unemployed citizen in accordance with paragraphs 279-283 of the Administrative Regulations does not require the mandatory presence of an unemployed citizen.

Administrative procedures for reimbursement of expenses of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation associated with the assignment of pensions to unemployed citizens at the proposal of the employment service authorities for the period before the age that gives the right to establish an old-age insurance pension, including an early assigned old-age insurance pension

285. An employee upon receipt from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of documents confirming the costs associated with the assignment of pensions to unemployed citizens at the proposal of the employment service authorities for the period before the age that gives the right to establish Administrative procedures for reimbursement of expenses of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation associated with assigning a pension to unemployed citizens at the proposal of the employment service for the period before the age that gives the right to establish an old-age insurance pension, including an early-assigned old-age insurance pension for old age, including an early-assigned old-age insurance Administrative procedures for reimbursement of expenses of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation related to the assignment of pensions to unemployed citizens at the proposal of the employment service authorities for the period before reaching the age that gives the right to establish an old-age insurance pension, including an early-assigned old-age insurance pension in old age, draws up a payment order in the established number of copies.

286. The employee submits the payment order in the established number of copies to the director of the employment center for signature.

287. The director of the employment center signs the established number of copies of the payment order.

288. The employee sends the established number of copies of the payment order on paper and electronic media to the territorial body of the Federal Treasury.

289. The employee attaches the payment order received from the territorial body of the Federal Treasury, in accordance with the nomenclature of cases, to the financial and economic documentation of the employment center.

Deadlines for the execution of administrative procedures when providing public services

290. Public service in the form of:

1) unemployment benefits - provided monthly at least twice a month, subject to the unemployed re-registration within the time frame established by the employment center, but no more than twice a month; *(29)

2) scholarships during the period of vocational training - provided to a citizen undergoing vocational training in the direction of the employment service authorities, monthly, subject to academic performance and regular attendance at classes; *(30)

3) financial assistance - provided to an unemployed citizen who has lost the right to unemployment benefits due to the expiration of the established period for its payment, on a monthly basis, subject to the unemployed re-registration within the time limits established by the employment center; for a citizen during the period of vocational training in the direction of the employment service - monthly, subject to academic performance and regular attendance at classes.*(31)

291. The maximum period for completing administrative procedures (actions) upon termination or suspension of the provision of public services in the form of unemployment benefits, scholarships during the period of vocational training; upon the onset of a period during which the provision of public services in the form of unemployment benefits is not provided; with an increase in the duration of the period of provision of public services in the first period of payment of unemployment benefits; upon termination of the provision of public services in the form of financial assistance by the employee - no more than 30 minutes.

292. The maximum period for completing administrative procedures (actions) for the provision of public services in the form of unemployment benefits, scholarships, financial assistance; when providing a public service in the form of unemployment benefits in the second (6-month) payment period; when extending the period of provision of public services in the form of unemployment benefits; when the amount of unemployment benefits is reduced; when the amount of the scholarship is reduced; when canceling decisions on suspension, termination of the provision of public services, reduction and reduction of the amount of social payments, as well as on the period during which the provision of public services is not carried out, increasing the duration and extending the period of payment of unemployment benefits - no more than 30 minutes.

293. The maximum period for completing administrative procedures (actions) when providing public services for the implementation of social payments to unemployed citizens by the director of the employment center is no more than 20 minutes.

294. The maximum period for completing administrative procedures (actions) when providing public services for the implementation of social payments to unemployed citizens related to the preparation of payment documents and interaction with the territorial body of the Federal Treasury is no more than 120 minutes.

Features of performing administrative procedures (actions) in electronic form

295. Administrative procedures (actions) when providing public services to citizens in electronic form are not carried out.