home · Appliances · The history of the invention of the TV briefly. Television: the history of creation and development. History of television in Russia

The history of the invention of the TV briefly. Television: the history of creation and development. History of television in Russia

Television is an integral part of the modern life of mankind and the main source of information for a person of the 20th century, later it was replaced with. With the TV, you can watch a variety of news, shows, movies, sports and much more. Such technical device is in almost every home. But a logical question arises, where did television come from? And who invented it?

The advent of television

Even in ancient times, people tried to convey a certain picture at a distance, which is confirmed by numerous legends and myths. At the same time, the technical platform for such actions appeared only at the end of the 19th century.

The first device for mechanical television was invented in 1884 by Paul Nipkow, a German scientist and inventor. But in 1906, two scientists in the person of Glage and Max Dieckmann officially registered an innovative patent (Brown tube), which could transmit an image at a distance. Already in 1907, Dieckmann showed the first television receiver, the screen of which had twenty lines and a 3-inch diagonal.

Significant progress in this direction was made by the Soviet professor Boris Rosing. In 1907 he not only invented electric way transmission of a standard image, but also personally demonstrated the reception and reproduction of geometric shapes in a static position on the screen. In 1908, Hovhannes Adamyan, an inventor from Armenia, managed to patent a new device that could transmit a signal in two colors.

A huge breakthrough was achieved by Vladimir Zworykin, a devoted student of Rosing. He in 1931 realized an electronic transmitting tube. After that, electronic television began to develop rapidly in the world.

Concerning television broadcasting in color format, it appeared in the United States in 1953 after the creation of the NTSC system. In the same year, color televisions began to appear on the American market, which were very expensive. But gradually they began to fill the homes of residents of the United States, as well as other countries of the world.

When did television appear in Russia

In 1932, the first Soviet television set was assembled at the Komintern plant in Leningrad. This kind of set-top box with a small screen did not have its own radio receiving path, and also needed to be connected to. Then "Comintern" created an improved model - TK-1. New TV already manufactured under an American license. At the same time, television broadcasting in a regular format on the territory of Russia and the USSR began in 1939.

However, all the first TVs were designed for an extremely narrow circle of people. Therefore, in 1940, a simplified model of a television receiver, the 17TN-1, was produced at the Radist plant. This desktop TV was aimed at the mass consumer. By 1959, more than one million television devices various models.

Color TV Rubin.

And here color television in the Soviet Union and Russia began to emerge only in 1958, when the OSCT-2 was installed at Shabolovka. However for a long time color TVs were not available to Russians. Only in 1976 did the mass production of the Soviet models "Rubin-401" and "Rubin-714" begin, which served to establish new era color TV.


Modern models have become an excellent addition to the interior, they embody the most advanced technical ideas - only by the method of obtaining an image, several types of TVs differ: kinescope (with a cathode ray tube), liquid crystal (LCD), plasma and projection. The transition to high-definition television is just around the corner. We are moving further and further away from the “pre-television” era. And when did the era of television begin, and what were they like - the first televisions? In order to answer these questions, we need to go back a century.

On May 22, 1911, Professor of St. Petersburg Technological University Boris Lvovich Rosing in his laboratory received an image geometric figure on the screen of the kinescope designed by him. It was the first television broadcast in the world, although a new "method electrical transmission images" was Rosenberg back in 1907. By 1911, Russian scientists received patents for a television device in England, Germany and the USA. But it took years for television to leave the walls of laboratories. Only on July 3, 1928, the world's first mechanically scanned television set, invented by Vladimir Kuzmich Zworykin, a student of B.L. Rosing, who left Russia for the United States, was sold in the United States. The quality of the picture left much to be desired - only silhouettes and the play of shadows, but, nevertheless, it was possible to distinguish what exactly was being shown.

At the end of 1936, the first electronic television was demonstrated in the United States. And only in 1937 (26 years after Rosing's experience!) in Great Britain (in the USA - in 1939), the production of televisions with a cathode ray tube - a kinescope - finally began.

In the USSR, the first experimental television broadcasting session was held on April 29, 1931, and on November 15, 1934, a television broadcast with sound took place for the first time. The industrial production of television receivers began in 1932 at the Leningrad plant "Comintern". A “TV set for the individual user” was launched into production, developed by the Leningrad engineer A. Ya. Breitbart. It was not even a TV, but a small-sized TV set-top box for a radio. In 1933-1936, more than 3 thousand optical-mechanical TVs of the B-2 brand with a screen size of 3 × 4 cm were produced. In the 30s, several more TV models were produced in small batches, but they were not widely used.

Many Soviet radio amateurs themselves assembled mechanical models of televisions. Finally, in 1938, the production of ATP-1 electronic televisions began at the Alexander Radio Plant (the name was deciphered as follows: “subscriber television receiver No. 1”). It used only 9 lamps, but the image quality was superior to imported counterparts! Already in 1940, mass production of ATP-2 television receivers was planned, but the war began, and

In 1880, independently of each other, the French scientist M. Leblanc and the American V.E. Sawyer formulated the principle of transmitting images at a distance. To implement this idea, a scanning mechanism and an energy converter (light to electrical) were required. mechanical device was invented by P. Nipkow in 1884 and was named after its inventor - the Nipkow disk. In a disk 50 cm in diameter, 30 small one-millimeter holes were made, which were placed evenly in a spiral. With one revolution of the disk, all parts of the image pass through the holes, resulting in a whole picture. The appearance in 1907 of an electronic television receiver was preceded by the invention of K.F. Brown electron tube. In October 1906, the inventor's student, M. Dieckmann, received a patent for a Brown tube as a device for displaying pictures (visual information). At the beginning of 1907, Dieckmann demonstrates the first television receiver, the scanning frequency of which was only 10 frames per second, and the screen size was 3 × 3 cm.

In July 1907, Professor of the Technological Institute of St. Petersburg B.L. Rosing announced the cathode ray tube he created, which has a magnetic scanning mechanism. The invention was demonstrated to a scientific audience in May 1911. In a Rosing cathode ray tube, image formation occurred as a result of beam deflection using magnetic field. The tube had a beam modulation system according to the brightness of the glow, which was performed by a capacitor. With such a sweep, the number of “lines” increased significantly. In 1908, the Armenian scientist H. Adamyan invented a two-color device that transmits images, which contributed to the emergence of black and white television. In 1918, he demonstrated a machine that displayed a black-and-white picture on a screen. In 1925, he patented a device designed to display color image as a result of mechanical rotation of a disc with 3 holes. Electro-mechanical TVs with a Nipkow mechanical disk, Baird Corporation, founded by Scottish engineer D.L. Bird. This came after his successful demonstration of the moving picture in 1925.

In 1931, a student of B.L. Rosinga - V.K. Zworykin creates an electron tube with a mosaic photocathode - an iconoscope. In 1934 he created an electronic television system, the resolution of which was 240 lines per frame, in 1935 the resolution increased to 343 lines. Thanks to his invention and the prototype of the receiving CRT, created a little later, the beginning of the serial production of electronic television receivers was laid. Until the end of the 20th century, televisions with a cathode ray tube were produced, the design differences of which affected the image quality. The end of the 90s of the last century was marked by the creation of large CRT projection televisions. With the advent of devices with a liquid crystal (LCD) screen at the beginning of the 21st century, the production of televisions of the same name began. Together with the LCD, television receivers with plasma screens saw the light. There were TVs with a display of 80 cm or more (diagonally). Gained great popularity LCD TVs, the matrix of which is made of an array of LEDs. On October 28, 2008, the first laser TV appeared.

It is difficult for us to imagine our life without television. Even if we don't watch it, it is still an essential part of our culture. Meanwhile, this invention is just over 100 years old. Television, the history of the emergence and development of which fits into such a short period by the standards of history, has radically changed our communication, attitude to information, our states and culture.


The history of the invention of television lasts almost 100 years. Unlike radio, which was discovered at the same time by two people in different parts of the world, television is a complex, phased creation technologies. Each country has its own version of the history of the discovery of television, which emphasizes the participation of their scientists in this process. This is explained by the fact that the technology was created by entire teams in the form of solving individual technical problems. In order not to go into technical subtleties, let's name the main engineers involved in this event.

At the origins stands Willoughby Smith, who invented the photoelectric effect in selenium. The next stage of the discovery is associated with the name of the Russian scientist Boris Rosing, who patented the electrical method for transmitting images. P. Nipkov, D. Baird, J. Jenkins, I. Adamyan, L. Theremin also contributed to the discovery, who independently of each other in different countries create transmitters for broadcasting images. The next round of technology development is associated with the advent of electronic television. M. Dickman and G. Glage registered the creation of a tube for transmitting images. But the first patent for the technology, which is still used in televisions today, was received by Boris Rosing in 1907. Further, a whole galaxy of scientists worked on improving the technology. And in 1931, engineer V. Zworykin created an iconoscope, which is considered the first television. Based on this invention, F. Farnsworth creates a kinescope. So the history of the creation of television briefly looks like.

No one is willing to give. The path of development of television broadcasting begins long before television receivers appeared in people's homes, even remotely resembling modern televisions. In many countries of the world, they believe that this invention is their property, and, by the way, they are right, albeit each in their own way.

How TV started

The first step towards the creation of a television receiver was taken by German physicists back in 1887. It was then that the effect of exposure to light and electricity, the photoelectric effect, was analyzed. A little later, in 1905, Russian scientists created a prototype of a photocell and described in detail the principle of its operation. But even at an earlier time, English scientists developed a kind of cathode ray tube, which later became a kinescope.

The transmission of a television signal would not have been possible if the Russian scientist had not invented the radio. And researchers from France have developed and described frame-by-frame scanning of an image and a method for turning it into an electrical signal. The very first kinescope, as such, was made in an American research and production laboratory by an inventor from Russia according to the notes of English scientists.

So, it is simply impossible to name the creator of the TV, since many thinkers, practitioners and craftsmen have put their hand and knowledge to this invention.

First TV

To the broad masses, that is, to the houses ordinary people, televisions came in the 50s of the last century, at least in Russia. They looked like big wooden boxes, their kinescope was very small, and in order to distinguish the image that it gives out, it was necessary to use a special huge magnifying glass.

Mass production of the miraculous device was planned to begin in Europe in 1939-1940, but the outbreak of World War II disrupted these plans. In the USSR, single copies were produced already in 1929, at the same time the first television broadcast was carried out.

Many experts in radio engineering and radio amateurs who had at least some knowledge of the principle of operation of the TV tried to make this device on their own. But few people managed to recreate such a complex “smart box” for that time, as they called it then.

Since those times, television has come a long way, television receivers have changed dramatically, the quality and speed of their work have improved many times over. Few people can already say that they have seen a television with a magnifying glass somewhere other than a museum. But no one can answer the question of who invented the TV.