home · Other · Toilets on airplanes: design features, diagram and operating rules. What do toilets look like in different countries around the world? What does the toilet look like?

Toilets on airplanes: design features, diagram and operating rules. What do toilets look like in different countries around the world? What does the toilet look like?

A designer is a man of art, and art is an inspiration that can overtake a designer even in a place like a toilet room. Of course, at home you are unlikely to allow the implementation of too “slippery” and provocative ideas for the interior design of a toilet room, but in public places, perhaps someone will want to see what can come of it.

1. This toilet in Hong Kong is made of pure gold, and the toilet alone costs $3 million. To avoid scratching the golden floor, you will have to wear shoe covers.

About three tons of gold, 50 million dollars and five years of painstaking work by three hundred people. These are the statistics of the most luxurious toilet in our review. What's even more amazing is that this toilet suite is a display room jewelry in Hong Kong. Hang Fung CEO Lam Sai-wing and Swiss watchmaker Swisshorn decided to build a seven-thousand-square-foot palace to show off their craftsmanship and promote tourism in Hong Kong. They called it the “Golden Palace of Swisshorn”, and everything there really is made of pure gold.

The cost of renting it for one night will be 25 thousand dollars. It seems that the creators launched Midas inside and forced him to touch everything inside, including toiletries. 14-karat toilet, polished gold mirrors... it will be difficult to find a single detail in this toilet that doesn't sparkle. Don't want to pay 25 thousand? Then for three dollars you can do sightseeing tour around the mansion. At these prices, the mansion will recoup its investment in just 399 years. The countdown has begun.

2. In Paris, toilets self-clean after each use. As soon as you exit, a 60-second cleaning cycle begins and the toilet is automatically disinfected.

3. And in London, architect Monica Bonvicini created a one-way mirror toilet, so you can while away the time “doing this”, looking at passers-by.

Venetian designer Monica Bonvicini would have us believe that her nomadic installation, entitled Don't Waste a Second, is a commentary on art fans' reluctance to waste precious seconds of viewing an exhibition. Maybe, but for us, as for anyone walking down the street, it looks like a mirrored silver box. But when you're inside, you can see what's going on in the world through clear glass.

We wouldn't be surprised if you spend the entire time you spend in that booth praying that the one-way mirror actually works. Those who are especially shy will have to choose more traditional ways relieve yourself, for example, in a nearby restaurant. The work debuted as a public toilet in the middle of a street in London in 2003, and in the Kunstkamera in Zurich last summer. It has not yet been decided where the toilet will be displayed next. But if you see a giant silver box in public place, point your finger at her and laugh loudly. This will be a very cruel joke on the one inside.

Luckily, the restroom has a one-way mirror, so passers-by can't see you (at least we hope so).

5. This space toilet with a special vacuum was examined by Prince Charles himself when he visited the Engineering Museum of Innovation in Tokyo.

6. Everyone knows that the Japanese are crazy about video games. Now they are even in toilets! Moreover, there are several games to choose from, but they all have one thing in common: you control... your stream of urine. For example, in the game "Graffiti Eraser" you wash graffiti off the walls with your urine, and in the game "The North Wind and the Sun and Me" the steam from the urine allows you to lift a girl's skirt. Thus, the stronger the pressure, the more the skirt rises. Before getting down to business, the player is asked to choose one of the mini-games. They control the course of the game with a jet - you know what. At the bottom of the urinal there are sensors with the help of which the accuracy (target - blue mark) of the hit and the pressure of the stream are determined. Here is a video from the exhibition:

In one of the games, for example, you need to erase graffiti by watering it from a “hose”:

Another game is called “Blow your skirt with the wind” - the stronger the pressure, the higher the skirt:

At the end of the game you will definitely be told how many milliliters you squeezed out of yourself. All your achievements can be downloaded onto a flash drive and then presented to your friends, so to speak, to compare... jets

7. On the 15th floor of the PPDG penthouse in Guadalajara, there is a toilet located above an open elevator shaft, and the bottom of the toilet is transparent. So to speak, for the thrill of sensations.

8. Compared to the previous toilet, these “eggs” in Hong Kong look rather modest.

9. At the Madarao-Kogen Hotel, again, in Japan, the city of Iiyama, you sit on the toilet, as if on the top of a mountain, ready to ski down at any moment.

10. And although in this toilet in Hong Kong mall you don't play video games, but you might watch a TV show while you're at it.

13. A public toilet in New York whose doors automatically open after 15 minutes. Let's start with the good stuff - these toilets are self-cleaning. Moreover, cleaning is done after each visitor. As soon as you leave the establishment and the doors close, one special mechanism cleans the toilet, another washes the floor. Then all this is dried with a powerful stream of warm air. And in order to ensure that cleaning doesn’t start while you’re still inside, the floor is equipped with sensors that measure weight. Now about the obvious - the establishments are paid, twenty-five cents per nose. Which, in principle, is not that expensive.

And finally, the strangest thing is that the doors will open in fifteen minutes, regardless of what stage you are at. However, three minutes before the end of the allotted time, an alarm begins to sound, which can speed up the process. But if you have “big” plans, we still advise you to look for another establishment, a simpler one. The idea was born in Seattle as a gesture of desperation by city authorities. The fact is that public toilets have become favorite places drug addicts and prostitutes. To ordinary people I had to dodge and look for other places to relieve myself. Unfortunately, the idea didn't work out. Drug addicts and prostitutes adapted perfectly to the new conditions, and the establishments had to be closed as they were not worth the investment. This is the city of Seattle.

13. Bar 89, New York, USA Many New Yorkers know about Bar 89, located in Soho, in addition, it is one of best places where you can “think about the meaning of life.” The toilet stalls in this establishment are made of transparent glass, but as soon as a visitor goes inside and locks himself in, technical magic “freezes” this glass, so others will not see what they are doing inside. Although many are afraid that the amazing technology will not work during their visit and that those around them will film everything on their mobile phones. However, it is unlikely that this will happen, because in all the years the system has never failed. The designer of these booths, Janice Leonard, assures that there will be no failure. In addition to the booths, she designed a curved skylight for the bar.

14. Outdoor toilets Amsterdam. They say that the capital of the Netherlands, Amsterdam, has very kind and open people. If anyone thinks otherwise, we suggest taking a look at the open booths installed on the city streets. Yes, that's right, these are toilets. Who said that a man needs solitude to relieve himself? Let's leave prejudices, as those who installed such toilet stalls left them. Actually, this is it unexpected decision one of the most ancient, but pressing and periodically arising questions would be perfect for those who sometimes on the streets of our cities confuse the walls of houses and pillars with a latrine. Excuse me, what should the ladies do? It looks like the solution this issue is still under development.

But here another problem arises - at night this, of course, is very useful, but during the day the latrines lined up in a row do not look very aesthetically pleasing.

In London, they found a solution that was ingenious in its simplicity and elegance - folding urinals. During the day they remain underground and do not spoil the cityscape, and as soon as the sun disappears behind the horizon and night life begins, they grow like mushrooms after rain.

As soon as night falls on the city, on the streets of London, like mushrooms after rain, toilets begin to “jump” out of the ground, no matter how stupid it may sound! These seemingly strange futuristic objects are none other than public toilets called Urilift. They were invented back in 1999 by the Dutch “toilet enthusiast” Mark Schimmel. Their obvious advantage is saving space. European “popping toilets” are free and anyone can use them. Three people can fit in this “cylinder” at the same time. But the instructions for using such an unusual toilet say nothing about what to do if the “capsule”, together with the visitor, suddenly sinks underground!?

So that they can then tear you away from the seat, warming it up with blowtorch!). You will have to use such an exotic ice accessory if you decide to stay in a unique ice hotel, which is built every year in one of the towns in Sweden. The main beauty of this toilet is that there is never a queue in front of it, as it is unlikely that anyone will occupy it for long!

17. Enjoying the panorama of Hong Kong Felix Restaurant is one of the most expensive in the world. In addition to its excellent cuisine, it is famous for its stunning view from the 30th floor of the skyscraper (the legendary Peninsula Hotel; comment by mixstuff), which visitors can enjoy through huge, almost full-wall windows. Moreover, you can enjoy the panorama of Hong Kong not only while sitting in the hall. Those black things by the window are urinals. Apparently the designer who worked on the project of this restroom decided that VIP visitors to the restaurant would be pleased to imagine that they were peeing on one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Here's something else similar. In Frankfurt there is a toilet room called "Headquarters". Moreover, this toilet room is located in the Commerzbank building. Probably, bank employees are so pressed for time that they even confer in the toilet.

What else interesting did I forget? Give me a hint...

If the toilet room is small (hello “Khrushchev” and panel houses), this does not mean that it does not require unusual design finds. Quite the contrary - the interior design of a small toilet should be worked out in detail taking into account the rest of the interior in the house or apartment and, of course, with the main functional purpose this room. The right interior small toilets will visually enlarge the limited space.

Interior ideas for a separate toilet

In our understanding, the bathroom and toilet are one, even if they are separated by a wall. That is why in the tiny area of ​​the toilet the same Decoration Materials, the same colors, the same shapes, textures and techniques for decorating the water supply and sewer risers as in the adjacent bathroom. The interiors of the toilet and bathroom are twins, the separation of which can spoil the overall impression of the entire house.

Separate bath and toilet - photo example of rooms designed in the same style:

To create a harmonious interior of the toilet room you need:

  • replace old communications with new PVC pipes;
  • hide sewer risers under finishing materials and water pipes(for this you should use simple designs made of plasterboard, which can be easily disassembled in case of an emergency);
  • install new plumbing (if the toilet is wall-hung, then it can be installed immediately - before finishing the walls, floor model installed on the new floor);
  • lay down flooring, tiles and then cover the walls and ceiling;
  • install small lamps (any large chandelier will instantly reduce an already small room).

Small toilet - how to visually increase the space?

Having decided on the general concept of the toilet (and it should be combined with the style of the house and the bathroom in particular), you can begin the renovation.

How to create an illusion free space, in the immediate vicinity of floors, walls, ceilings and doors, read on.

I would like to talk about deep black color, rich blue, but, in our case, we will talk, of course, about light shades- about warm and cold pastels.

Delicate, as if washed out by water, pastel shades are especially good in the interiors of small toilet rooms.

Ultramarine, mint, lilac, turquoise and delicate rose will visually fill the interior of the toilet with coolness and emphasize texture feature every accessory in the room.

You can enliven a pastel interior with the help of color accents, for example, a bright graphic panel or an intricately shaped lamp on one of the walls.

Another well-known technique is soft contrast.

My only wish is that the interior of the toilet is pastel colors don’t give off a cheap “scoop” look, don’t lay square tiles in the toilet, just paint the walls these colors. It will be elegant and fresh, we promise!

If you want to make the interior of a flat and lifeless toilet brighter and more interesting, then under no circumstances use tiles of the same color in the decoration of the toilet.

Remember, the smaller the space, the bolder the color combination should be.

Creating accent areas. Tile pastel color almost the entire surface of the toilet room, and finish the wall behind the toilet with a different, brighter color.

or like this...

As for new trends in toilet design, today it is more than relevant to decorate these rooms in a somewhat pretentious style, something like Rocco, Baroque or Renaissance.

For those who are scared by the prospect of sitting on a bathroom with gold trim, we offer a photo of a toilet decorated in eco-style - both original and modern.

Interested in the color of the toilet according to Feng Shui? Then for walls, plumbing and accessories it is better to use soft, blue, white and green shades that go well with the elements of water.

One of the most risky and complex options design for a small bathroom is a black and white toilet interior.

There can be no mistakes here, since the line between despondency and luxury, melancholy and solemnity is too thin.

Of course, quantity white in a small toilet room must exceed the amount of black. In this case, an option in which the lower parts of the wall are tiled with black tiles, while the ceiling, floor and upper parts of the wall remain light, will look great.

If you decide to paint the walls with a plain washable paint, don’t be lazy and decorate one of them with wall decorations: unusual drawings, photographs, simple paintings or stickers.

Or so...

What materials to use in the design of a tiny toilet?

Concerning classic materials- ceramic tiles, plastic panels and multi-colored mosaics, then so much has already been said and written about them...

Yes, they are easy to clean, withstand chlorine-containing cleaning agents and do not absorb unpleasant odors.

Unlike wallpaper, which is too sensitive to moisture, tiles and panels practically do not become dirty and always look clean.

But really, in our high-tech age, haven’t some interesting new products in toilet and bathroom interior design? Toilets are not decorated with tiles alone!

Not one, not two, but hundreds of new ideas appeared, but ceramic tile(oh, there’s nowhere to hide from her, not even in the toilet!), as they say, “rules.”

What is there to argue about, a competent design of tiles in the toilet is a win-win option, with the help of which you can not only maintain perfect cleanliness in the bathroom, but also practically double its area.

Don't believe me? Then try using a technique in the toilet room that is often used by experienced designers - tiling the toilet with tiles with a non-contrast imitation of a textured material: fabric, sand, natural stone etc. or use 3D panels.

What should be the shape and size of ceramic (tile) tiles in a small toilet?

For tiny toilets, rectangular tiles are preferable small size. A well-balanced, successful option is a combination of walls covered with small square tiles and a mosaic floor.

But you shouldn’t use tiles with a complex polygonal shape - such a design will visually reduce and fragment the already modest area.

How to lay tiles in the interior of a small toilet?

A method that definitely will not take away the volume of the room is joint to joint.

Lighting in the toilet

You can turn a cramped standard toilet into a stylish and comfortable room by properly organizing the lighting. The light in a small toilet should not hit the eyes and be too bright; it is much better if the backlight is diffused and soft. Waterproof spotlights and halogen lamps give an interesting effect.

Which toilet is better to choose for a small toilet room?

According to the installation method, toilets are:

  • floor (traditional option);

  • built-in (they are distinguished by elegance and significantly save space);

  • with a closed eco-system (a sink is installed on top of the toilet, the water from which is purified and goes into the cistern).

Optimize small space in the toilet room, you can place a small cabinet on high legs behind the toilet. This decision will allow you to store intimate things in the toilet that you would like to keep here.

A cistern with a sink is the ideal solution

A small toilet, repaired irresponsibly, usually looks depressing.

Show some imagination! Just don't overdo it, like in the photo below)

Interior of a small toilet - photo of design ideas

“To some extent, the cleanliness and comfort of toilet stalls is a reflection of the level of civilization of any country (Najib Tun Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia)”

Perhaps the oldest toilet (its age is 4.5 thousand years) was discovered on the territory of the Mohenjo-Daro fortress (modern Pakistan). It is a brick structure with a seat connected to an underground sewer system. There were also similar premises in China, Egypt and Ancient Rome.

According to one version, the first flush toilet appeared on the island of Crete long before the beginning of our era. It looked like a stone toilet seat, to which, using complex system pipes supplied water.

Let's see what the toilets look like in different parts peace.

1. This is a regular school in Belgium. Everything is civilized here: for 230 students and 20 teachers there are 22 toilets. (Photo by Tim Dirven):

2. Haiti. "I don't have closed toilet. My toilet is a hole in the ground next to my house.” (Photo by Shiho Fukada):

3. Bangladesh. (Photo by GMB Akash):

4. India, Uttar Pradesh. Here many people do not have a toilet in their home and go to an open field. (Photo by Atul Loke):

5. And this is civilized Australia. But local artists have their own quirks. For example, the toilet and bath are not in the house, but outside it. Although there are no special problems - the house is surrounded by wild bushes and trees. (Photo by Warren Clarke):

6. Ghana. This madam lives in a rented room with her husband and four children. There is no toilet at home, you have to go to a public one. (Photo by Nyani Quarmyne):

7. England also has its quirks. Here, for example, is a composting toilet. (Photo by Steve Forrest):

8. Public toilet in Thailand. (Photo by Patrick Brown):

9. Mozambique. A public toilet where 30 people from different families go. (Photo by James Oatway):

10. Favelas (slums) in Brazil. The water is turned on here on Thursdays and Sundays, get out as you wish. (Photo by Eduardo Martino):

11. Public toilet in a department store in Japan. Here you can charge your phone, watch TV, and even have a foot massage. (Photo by Noriko Hayashi):

12. In contrast: public toilet in Ethiopia. (Photo by Petterik Wiggers):

13. South Africa. Bad, but yours. (Photo by Eric Miller):

14. Zambia. (Photo by James Oatway):

15. Big house gypsies from Romania. The bathroom is as much as 20 meters away. (Photo by Petrut Calinescu):

16. Madagascar. (Photo by Frederic Courbet):

17. Kenya. (Photo by Frederic Courbet).

Airplane toilets are very... important detail comfort, especially on long flights. Let's figure out exactly how they work and how to use them correctly.

Are there toilets on planes?

Of course, even the smallest passenger Airbus has a toilet. This is a necessity for a comfortable flight of passengers to their destination. The restroom is equipped with sewerage and water, which is needed for personal hygiene. The toilet itself is quite small in size. It contains a toilet, sink, waste bin toilet paper and other hygiene products, and some also have boards for changing babies. Special children's mini-tables recline and are fixed if necessary. In some modern types airplanes also have restrooms for the disabled.

How it works?

Many people wonder how the toilet on an airplane works. As a rule, these are dry closets, all waste from which is collected in special tanks. The volume of these tanks can vary - from 115 to 270 liters. In order to bad smell does not spread throughout the cabin, special chemicals are added to this container that disinfect the water and eliminate stench. The waste cargo remains on the aircraft throughout the flight. Some people think that after flushing, all sewage goes to open space, however, this is a misconception. The tank or reservoir, which is gradually filled, is then removed, transported and disposed of.

What problems might arise?

Sometimes airplane toilets break down. The main cause of trouble is the human factor. Someone, unknowingly, on purpose or accidentally, may drop something into the toilet. If this thing turns out to be large, then aircraft technicians have a lot of work. After all, this is not home plumbing that can be quickly dealt with and the issue resolved in a few minutes. This is a serious system, the slightest malfunction of which puts it out of action for a long period of time. Therefore, in the toilets there are signs in large letters stating that you need to be extremely careful, and there is a trash container for used diapers and feminine hygiene products, which you are strongly advised to use.

When the plane arrives at its destination, a car with a large corrugated hose pulls up without slowing down. It is connected to the opening of the tank, in which waste was collected throughout the flight. At this point, an unpleasant problem may also arise. If the connection is incorrect or poor-quality, the hose may break and the entire contents will simply flow onto airport workers. Another problem can arise if something sticks to the walls of the tank or reservoir. In this case, a serious flushing of the entire system will be required. Therefore, before you put anything prohibited in the toilet, remember, on the plane. And think how much trouble and inconvenience this can cause.

Terms of use

If you are flying for the first time and do not yet know how the toilet on the plane works, do not hesitate to ask the flight attendants about it. They will tell you how to properly use a toilet at height:

  • The door opens by pressing the handle located directly below the Lavatory sign.
  • If the toilet is already occupied by someone, the sign is highlighted in red. If free and available - green.
  • How does the toilet work on an airplane? A little different from what we are used to. Therefore, you can visit it only during the flight after gaining altitude. It is strictly prohibited to use it during takeoff and landing. Also, if you are advised to take your seats, for example in case of turbulence, you should leave the toilet immediately.
  • It is recommended to visit restrooms on airplanes 10 minutes before eating and drinking or 15 minutes after eating.
  • It is forbidden to throw paper, pads and other hygiene products into the toilet itself. For this purpose, special bins are installed in each toilet.
  • Some toilets are equipped with a special folding board for changing small children. Which airplane toilets have it, check with the flight attendant, especially if you are traveling with a small child.
  • Since waste is flushed using a directed powerful jet of air, before this procedure it is necessary to check whether the toilet lid is lowered.
  • Smoking is prohibited in the toilet, as there is a special fire alarm, which triggers even at the slightest smoke.

Where does the noise come from when draining?

Some passengers may feel that when the water in the airplane toilet is flushed, a characteristic noise is heard, similar to a short-term depressurization in the cabin. However, this is only an illusion, since the waste is not thrown out into the air at all, but is sent to a special sealed tank. In addition, drainage with water is not performed due to the fact that it is extremely uneconomical. Therefore, waste products are removed by a powerful directed air flow, which is why a sound similar to depressurization occurs.

Where are the toilets located on different brands of planes?

In various Airbuses, the restrooms are located in different places. Their quantity also differs:

  1. The popular Boeing 737, as well as the TU-154 and A-320, have a total of three toilets. One of them is located at the entrance to the plane, the other two are at the tail.
  2. The huge Boeing 767 has as many as five toilets. Two of them are in economy class. There is one at the beginning of the business zone. Two more are in the passage between them.
  3. Toilets on Boeing 747 type aircraft are located two at the end and at the beginning of the Airbus. Four are in the middle and three more on the second deck. There are eleven of them in total.

A little history

In various countries, when designing toilets on military aircraft, sewerage and water supply systems were invented. Moreover, in most of these aircraft There are no restrooms in the USSR and the Russian Federation. For small needs, each crew member has a special urinal that is hermetically sealed. At the same time, there is “largely” nowhere to go. Some military transport aircraft still use regular buckets and plastic bottles. Now you know almost everything about how the toilet on an airplane works and what the rules are for using it. Fly with pleasure!