home · Appliances · Requirements for X-ray rooms. Basic requirements for the premises of the X-ray room and for the placement of X-ray equipment in it. General provisions and scope

Requirements for X-ray rooms. Basic requirements for the premises of the X-ray room and for the placement of X-ray equipment in it. General provisions and scope

The new X-ray Sanpin represents the main normative document, which is aimed at regulating requirements relating to radiation safety in the field of radiology, as well as compliance with sanitary rules in dental clinics.

What is the document?

SanPiN is deciphered verbatim like this: sanitary rules and standards. This document is a vault certain rules, which are presented to x-ray rooms. It regulates sanitary and hygiene requirements regarding the design and use of x-ray rooms, specialized equipment and the implementation of x-ray examinations. Compliance with the rules and regulations specified in the presented document is an indispensable condition for obtaining a license for each clinic.

The rules and regulations presented in the document are intended to comply with and ensure radiation safety of both patients and medical personnel, who works in them during X-ray studies.

SanPiN sets the maximum acceptable standards and radiation dosages, exceeding which can pose a serious threat to human health and life, and therefore is strictly prohibited.

The document also specifies certain requirements for the design of rooms and the rules for operating specialized X-ray equipment.

Cabinet design rules

According to SanPiNA standards, there are certain requirements regarding the design and equipment of dental offices that provide X-ray procedures to the population:

  1. The X-ray department is prohibited from being located in children's institutions or residential buildings. The exception is clinics that are built into residential buildings, where the premises are not considered private property and people do not live on its territory.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to place the X-ray room in areas where there is a possibility of water leakage. That is, if the office is located in a residential building, then rooms such as a bathroom, shower room, and toilet should not be located above it.
  3. If a dental office is intended exclusively to serve a clinic, hospital, or hospital, it should be located at the end of the building.
  4. It is prohibited to locate an X-ray room next to wards intended for children or pregnant women.
  5. The room in which the dental office with the X-ray department is located should not be a walk-through area.

If, during a routine or specialized inspection, specialists of the sanitary and hygienic service discover non-compliance with the requirements regarding the location and equipment in the X-ray room, its activity and operation is terminated

Security measures

Given the fact that radiographic procedures are associated with the risk of excessive radiation exposure, the rules for using specialized equipment and ensuring maximum safety during its operation are considered one of the key ones in modern dentistry.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. The flooring in the office must be made of materials with electrical insulating properties. It is best to give preference ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware.
  2. Walls and ceilings in X-ray room must be covered with materials intended for frequent wet cleaning and disinfection that do not produce light glare.
  3. The procedural room must be protected from direct penetration sun rays. Therefore, according to SanPiN rules, it is equipped with special light-protective devices.
  4. Before entering the room for radiography, there must certainly be a white-red light table with the inscription “Do not enter!”, which will automatically light up in response to the switching on of the anode voltage.
  5. The X-ray machine, according to the requirements of SanPiN, must be located in the office so that its main radiation is aimed towards the wall behind which there is a room with a small number of visitors.
  6. When operating equipment and carrying out procedures of a research, therapeutic or preventive nature, the use of special protective clothing is mandatory.
  7. To use any type of sources ionizing radiation the appropriate permit must be obtained in accordance with SanPiN standards.
  8. Personnel must be specially trained to operate the equipment and strictly follow the rules for its operation.

How to ensure safety?

The SanPiN rules governing the radiographic industry of dentistry were created specifically to protect the population and ensure their maximum safety.

How can these goals be achieved?

  1. Comply with the requirements regulated in the document when equipping the office and conducting procedures.
  2. Use equipment that complies with the established sanitary standards and radiation safety rules.
  3. When performing radiographic procedures, use optimal parameters operation of the equipment, allowing not to exceed the maximum permissible dose of radiation, in accordance with the established requirement.
  4. Strictly control radiation doses to patients and dental office staff.

Compliance with SanPiN rules for x-rays contributes to the most effective and efficient safe operation X-ray rooms and conducting relevant studies.

X-ray rooms have been used for quite a long time to diagnose many diseases of the human body. The most common branches of medicine in which X-rays are used are surgery, traumatology, therapy, urology, gastroenterology, dentistry and many other fields cannot do without such an important device. X-ray rooms are opened not only in hospitals, so it is important to know what requirements must be met when placing individual X-ray rooms and whether there is a license for an X-ray room.

All requirements are in the specialized SNiP " Hygienic requirements to the construction and operation of X-ray rooms, devices and the conduct of X-ray examinations.” We will look at them:

The X-ray room can be installed in both residential and non-residential buildings. When placing an office in a residential building, it must have a special finish that will serve to reduce the level of radiation or completely absorb it.

The minimum area of ​​the X-ray room must be at least 6 m2 if a dental sighting device will be used. If an orthopantomograph is installed, a room of more than 8 m2 is required. And if you plan to install several devices, then the area must be calculated taking into account 6 m2 for each device.

When placing the x-ray in multi-storey building One of the main conditions for its placement is the absence of rooms with increased humidity on the floors above. No toilets, bathrooms, etc.

The minimum doorway for entering the X-ray room must be more than 90 cm.

The door must open outward, that is, into the corridor.

There must be a resistor that does not allow all the X-ray equipment in the room to be turned on at the same time, if there are two or more devices.

Everything metal objects in the office, including pipes and radiators, must be protected with protective screens.

The walls of the X-ray room cannot be covered with wallpaper; they must be covered with washable materials.

The floor is covered with tiles or linoleum.

The office must have a sink with cold as well as hot water.

The X-ray room must be equipped with an autonomous hood, which must operate independently of the ventilation of the entire building.

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SanPin provisions define specific requirements for the condition of x-ray and dental rooms, based on concern for the health of patients. They are based on relevant federal laws. In addition to general cleaning and cleaning equipment after use, the rules establish safety parameters for patients and staff.

The rules developed in SanPin apply to all organizations using X-ray installations. Amended new rules were released in 2006. All medical centers must obey them, regardless of who owns them. The rules come into force at the stage of designing a house and are valid during the construction of a medical building, modernization of its parts and operation of offices.

One-time amount of radiation and motivation for radiography

Radiation doses for doctors and patients are subject to restrictions according to SanPin:

  1. A radiologist has no right to receive a radiation dose of more than 20 m3 per 12 months. A dose of 50 m3 is acceptable, but the annual dosage must be maintained.
  2. Women under 45 years of age should not take more than 1 m 3 x-ray per month.
  3. A single dose for the patient being examined should be kept in the amount of no more than 1 m 3 in.

SanPin 2003 says that the patient receiving a dose of X-ray radiation must be justified. Motivation includes:

  • if possible, use other diagnostic methods that do not involve irradiation of the patient;
  • prescribing radiography only for serious indications;
  • least choice dangerous species radiography;
  • an unfavorable outcome of the disease should exceed the risk of an x-ray examination.

The same conditions apply when prescribing x-ray therapy. The benefit from it must be greater than the harm from radiation.

Concern for the safety of the subject

Minimizing harm to patients in SanPin contains the following provisions:

  • examination of the patient in x-ray rooms is carried out on the direction of the doctor;
  • the subject receives all the information about a single dose of X-ray irradiation and its possible negative consequences;
  • X-ray equipment complies with established standards;
  • the optimal dosage for the study is used;
  • X-rays are carried out by specially trained personnel;
  • the office is kept in proper condition;
  • the rules for using the equipment are observed;
  • work is monitored x-ray room.

Responsibility for the consequences of the examination lies with the radiologist. He decides whether x-rays can be taken. If, in his opinion, the referral for an x-ray is not justified, he has the right to refuse the examination.

Rules for placing x-ray units and establishing their functioning

There are strict requirements for the installation of X-ray machines in new centers in SanPin:

  • the devices cannot be placed in residential buildings;
  • It is recommended to organize special x-ray departments;
  • X-ray rooms are installed at the end of the houses of medical centers or hospitals;
  • at the top (on the next floor) there should be no rooms with the possibility of water leakage;
  • X-rays should not be adjacent to the children's department and rooms for expectant mothers;
  • cabinets should be used only for their intended purpose, there should be no other equipment there;
  • The gaps between the radiologist's table, the protective screen, the X-ray machine, walls and windows are strictly regulated.

The floor covering in the radiography room must be antistatic and prevent sparks. It adapts to frequent washing With detergents. The walls are being finished matte materials so that there is no glare. The window is equipped with light protection. The X-ray installation is installed so that the beam of rays falls on the main wall.

X-ray machine

The wall partitions of the darkroom are finished with a tiled apron. When using static x-ray installations, it is recommended to organize work in two rooms - the control room and the examination room. A window is provided from the control room to the examination room for visual communication with the patient. The installation is located in the examination room, and in the control room there is a remote control and a screen.

Temperature and air exchange requirements

The temperature in the X-ray room according to SanPin is allowed to range from 18 to 22 degrees. Air extraction occurs once every 60 minutes. The influx of fresh air into the examination room occurs once every 20 minutes, in the control room - once every half hour. The intensity of lighting in the department is also regulated.

Concern for the safety of medical workers

Employees of the radiographic department are provided with radiation protection items. Employees over 17 years of age can conduct radiation examinations. Radiographers and technicians must undergo an annual physical examination. Expectant mothers at all stages and women breastfeeding a baby are not allowed to work with emitting equipment.

Operating conditions for dental offices with an X-ray machine

The room intended for x-rays in a dental clinic according to SanPin must have a minimum size of 8 m 2. In 60 minutes, old air is extracted three times and oxygen is supplied twice. The room temperature is allowed within 18 - 20 degrees. The equipment is registered with the Ministry of Health. The question of whether radiography can be performed is resolved simply - the clinic must have a licensing permit. Radiation protection items must be present in the office. Radiography is performed by a certified specialist.

After the end of the appointment time, all devices in the radiography room are turned off. The technician performs wet cleaning– wipes wall coverings, washes the floors. Trained personnel conduct disinfection measures with an X-ray machine and component materials.

Once a month it is necessary to carry out general cleaning with a 2% solution. acetic acid. General cleaning and the usual one cannot be carried out in the morning before the start of patients’ appointments - only in the evening.

The developed operating conditions for the radiography room ensure the safety of patients and staff. They cannot be neglected.

X-ray department (office) not allowed placed in residential buildings and child care institutions. The exception is X-ray dental rooms (devices). Allowed to operate X-ray rooms in clinics built into residential buildings, if the vertically and horizontally adjacent rooms are not residential. It is allowed to place X-ray rooms in an extension to residential building, as well as in the basement floors, while the entrance to the X-ray department (office) must be separate from the entrance to the residential building.

It is advisable to place X-ray rooms centrally, as part of the X-ray department, at the junction of the hospital and the clinic. X-ray rooms of infectious diseases, tuberculosis and obstetric departments of hospitals and, if necessary, fluorography rooms of emergency departments and outpatient departments are located separately.

An X-ray department serving only a hospital or only a clinic should be located in the end parts of the building. The department should not be walk-through. Entrances to the X-ray department for inpatient and outpatient department patients are separate.

The composition and area of ​​the general and special rooms of the X-ray room vary depending on the type and number of X-ray machines (from 16 to 45 sq.m.).

The surfaces of the walls and ceilings in the treatment room and control room should be smooth, easy to clean and allow wet cleaning. Finishing materials must have a sanitary and epidemiological certificate allowing their use in residential and public buildings.

The X-ray machine is placed in such a way that the primary beam of radiation is directed towards main wall, behind which there is a less visited room. The direct beam of radiation should not be directed towards the viewing window (control room, protective screen).

The control panel for X-ray machines is located in the control room.

To ensure the possibility of monitoring the patient's condition, an observation window and a speakerphone intercom are provided. It is permitted to use television and other video systems to monitor the patient.

To the number main physical and technical factors, which determine not only the radiation dose, but also the quality of the X-ray image, include:

    skin-focal distance;

    irradiation area;

    primary beam filtration;

    voltage applied to the X-ray tube;


    quality of X-ray film, intensifying screens and transillumination screen;

    X-ray image processing technology;

    the presence of a screening grid.

The amount of radiation exposure also depends on the characteristics of the patient’s body (the thickness of the tissue being examined and the depth of the location of the organs being examined).

Let's take a closer look at some of the listed patterns.

Skin-focal distance – the distance between the X-ray tube and the patient’s skin. Its increase is accompanied sharp decrease surface exposure dose (inversely proportional to the square of the distance). However, this also sharply reduces the output dose of radiation and, accordingly, the quality of the image on the film (screen) deteriorates. In addition, the irradiation area increases, which may be accompanied by an increase in the dose load on the gonads. Therefore, the skin focal length must be standardized for various types research and, as a rule, do not exceed 100 cm (except in individual cases).

Irradiation field area . With increasing size of the irradiation field increases not only the radiation exposure to the patient's skin, but also the gonadal dose. As the irradiation area increases, image quality deteriorates (its contrast decreases and blurriness increases) and scattered radiation in the patient’s body increases. Thus, to reduce radiation exposure and improve image quality, it is necessary to limit the irradiation area to a value that ensures the diagnostic significance of the study.

Filtration of the primary radiation beam . The beam of radiation emitted by the X-ray tube (i.e., the primary beam) has a continuous spectrum that contains radiation of various wavelengths, both short (hard X-rays) and long (soft X-rays). Predominantly hard radiation takes part in the formation of the final image. Soft radiation is predominantly scattered in the patient’s tissues, increasing its dose load, and at the same time deteriorating the image quality. Therefore, the long-wavelength component of the primary beam should be filtered, for which a filter made of aluminum or copper (2–4 mm thick) is installed at the output of the X-ray tube.

Voltage , supplied to the X-ray tube. Promotion it leads to decrease radiation exposure. This happens primarily due to the beneficially changing ratio between the input and output doses. In addition, the radiation becomes more “hard”, the current supplied to the tube decreases and the skin-focal distance increases. The image quality also improves. The voltage value is standardized for various types of research and changes only depending on the thickness and density of the transilluminated object.

Exposition is the amount of electricity passed through R-the handset during the shooting. Expressed in milliamps per second (mAs). Increase exposure leads to increase radiation exposure of patients. The choice of exposure is determined by many factors, the main of which are the thickness of the object, the radiation sensitivity of the X-ray film, the presence of a screening grating, the thickness of the filters, the amount of voltage used, etc.

The use of protective devices (screens) to protect radiation-sensitive organs has a great influence on the formation of radiation exposure in patients.

Recently, the sanitary and hygienic requirements for dental clinics have been significantly changed. In the basic law regulating the activities medical institutions (SANPIN there is a whole section ( Sanitary and hygienic requirements for dental medical organizations ), dedicated to dental medical institutions.
Any medical professional can easily read the requirements for dental clinics and select a room suitable for this dental clinic for one or more chairs. As a rule, this is exactly what everyone does. It is also not difficult to prepare the premises without developing some sections of the design documentation, for example VC, AR, EOM, etc.

We want to focus your attention on the development x-ray room project or as it is also called x-ray project. X-ray design office and all further work with sources of ionizing radiation in dentistry is regulated Sanitary rules and norms SANPIN It also establishes standards and requirements for lighting, ventilation, room area, handling of X-ray equipment, etc.

Project of an x-ray room in dentistry

Nowadays, in almost every dental clinic exists x-ray room(s). Depending on the scale of the clinic, the number of medical services they provide, bandwidth, X-ray machines can be located either in separate room, and directly in treatment rooms. True, this does not apply to everyone x-ray units. For example, dental units can be located directly in treatment rooms, while the area of ​​the treatment room does not increase, but orthopantomographs do not. They require a separate room.

If you decide to equip your dental clinic x-ray, then you must definitely understand that placement of x-ray machines directly to treatment room may not always be the best solution, and sometimes even simply unacceptable. Only dental units can be placed directly in the treatment room. But, if you have more than one dental chair in your office, then most likely you will have to organize X-ray protective partitions to prevent exposure of one of two patients simultaneously in this X-ray treatment room. The pursuit of saving space will lead to clutter in the procedural x-ray room, and is unlikely to create coziness, tranquility and a comfortable stay for both patients and staff. And as already mentioned, placing an orthopantomograph in an office with dental chairs is simply unacceptable.

We can list endlessly the requirements for X-ray rooms in dentistry, including requirements for the design of x-ray rooms, To placement of X-ray machines, citing various excerpts from SANPIN, but The best decision ask a question X-ray room design to us.

X-ray room project - scope of work

IN x-ray project includes:
- inspection of the premises / set of premises (if necessary);
- development of medical and technical specifications for x-ray room project;
- development of the x-ray room project- specialized section of the Technological part of the project documentation, Technological solutions (TX);
- approval by the State Budgetary Institution Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Radiology of the Moscow City Health Department (for Moscow institutions) or in the State Budgetary Institution of the Moscow Region MONIKI named after. M. F. Vladimirsky (for institutions of the Moscow region).

If you are interested, we are ready to assist in obtaining and Sanitary and epidemiological report on the type of activity radiology.

What is included in a dental x-ray project?

B (specialized section of the Technological part of the project) for X-ray rooms in dentistry includes:

I. Medical and technical specifications for the development of a project for an x-ray room in a dental clinic(document base for x-ray room design);

II. Explanatory note:
- 1. General information and requirements for compliance with the design of an x-ray room in dentistry regulatory framework;
- 2. Initial data for design;
- 3. Technological solutions:
- a. Requirements to technological equipment and compliance with standards;
- b. Radiation safety calculation parameters;
- c. Climate requirements separate x-ray room or treatment room with x-ray;
- d. Lighting requirements in x-ray room;
- e. Requirements for water supply and sewerage in X-ray of the procedure room;
- f. Power requirements for x-ray equipment ;
-g. Fire safety requirements;
- h. Waste disposal requirements;
- i. Requirements for the organization of x-ray examinations;
- j. Measures to prevent radiation accidents;
- k. Requirements for decommissioning an X-ray machine;
- 4. Conclusions.

III. Office plan with arrangement of technological equipment;

IV. Table for calculating the required additional protection enclosing structures;

V. Conditional diagram re-grounding circuit

VI. Plan for arrangement of cable channels and concrete foundations as necessary, depending on the X-ray machine;

VII. List of finishing of dental X-ray rooms;

VIII. Hardware Specification.

X-ray room project for dentistry, cost of work

Specified cost for development x-ray project dental office does not depend, as many do, on the number of X-ray machines in one room and already includes all the necessary approvals.

Price for designing x-ray rooms (x-ray project)

Price for x-ray room project at the dental clinic fixed. Do you want to place it in one room? one or two dental x-ray units? Contact me, this will be one x-ray project, because there is only one room, and the indicated price will not change.

The result of our work is an agreed project for an x-ray room

As a result of our work, you will receive a developed and agreed project documentation (x-ray project) for the placement of sources of ionizing radiation that you will need to obtain Sanitary and epidemiological certificate for work with sources of ionizing radiation and for the type of activity radiology.

Additional/related services

If you are interested or necessary, we are ready to:
- develop other sections of project documentation;
- provide assistance in obtaining a Sanitary and Epidemiological Certificate for working with sources of ionizing radiation and a Sanitary and Epidemiological Certificate for the type of activity - radiology.