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Design of X-ray rooms (X-ray project). Rules for equipping an X-ray room X-ray room

Personnel safety when working in x-ray rooms and radiology departments are provided with:

  1. protected from external irradiation by gamma x-rays or beta rays;
  2. preventing contamination of the surface of the body and clothing, as well as the penetration of radioactive substances into the body;
  3. timely removal of ionized air from work areas.

Protection from external radiation. Using sources ionizing radiation(allowed only in special rooms equipped with protective walls, windows and doors. The rooms of X-ray departments and offices are clearly divided depending on the type of work performed.

X-ray room consists of a treatment room, where the apparatus is installed and the actual examination of the patient is carried out; control room, where the control panel is located and workplace x-ray technician; a doctor's office where X-rays are analyzed; darkrooms where films are developed. All functional divisions of the office are separated by barite-concrete protective walls that protect against radiation penetration.

In radiology departments, it is also mandatory to allocate space for storage, treatment rooms, and radiooperating rooms. When working with radiation sources, only personnel directly related to the work are in this room; the rest are located in adjacent rooms behind protective walls and are not exposed to radiation.

Work in X-ray and radiological departments is performed by employees who have special training in occupational safety and health and are able to use special protective equipment: protective screens, aprons, gloves.

To prevent radioactive contamination of the surface of the body and hands, work with open radioactive drugs should be performed in special fume hoods, use special clothing, and avoid splashing solutions of radioactive substances.

For timely removal of ionized air, everything x-ray rooms and radiology departments must be equipped with special supply and exhaust ventilation, which consists of fans and air ducts. The supply system must be equipped with heaters to heat the air in cold period of the year. In radon laboratories, when working with open radioactive substances, ventilation removes not only ionized air, but also small radioactive particles dispersed in the air.

In such cases, in order to prevent contamination of the outside air with radioactive particles, in ventilation system install special filters that trap radioactive aerosols. Exhaust ventilation devices are placed in attics, directly in offices or in separate special rooms. Air exchange in rooms should be at least 5-10 times per hour. The installations are turned on 15 minutes before the start of work, and turned off after the end of the working day. The ventilation system should be systematically monitored for irregularities.

X-ray films

X-ray films are processed in a darkroom, which must be dedicated to the X-ray diagnostic room. After taking pictures, the films are developed by immersing them in a developer solution. The most common developer recipe: 2 g menthol, 8 g hydroquinone, 180 g sodium sulfate, 118 g sodium carbonate (soda), 5 g potassium bromide, water up to 1 liter. Development temperature 18-20°. Films are fixed in special metal frames to prevent them from curling, and are immersed in developer. The distance between the films in the solution must be at least 1 cm. When removing the film from the developer, it is thoroughly washed with running water and placed in the fixing solution for 30 minutes.

It is recommended to use fast acidic fixer (BKF-2) for fixation with the following composition: 260 g of hyposulfite, 50 g of ammonium chloride, 16 g of sodium metabisulfite, up to 1 liter of water. After fixation, the films are washed again with running water for 30 minutes and dried in special drying cabinets at a temperature of 18-20°. Before drying, paper labels are glued to wet films. Gluing occurs to wet photographs without assistance special adhesives due to the coating chemicals on the film itself.

Films should be processed with surgical gloves, since contact with chemicals on the skin of the hands leads to skin diseases. Films are stored in special dry, well-ventilated rooms at an air temperature of 14-22° and relative humidity 50-70%. When storing unused films, it is necessary to check with a dosimeter that there are no radioactive substances in the room or penetration of radiation from neighboring rooms. Radiation of even low intensity can cause films to become exposed.

Radioactive waste

Radioactive waste- ordinary waste from medical institutions (cotton wool, gauze, bandages, feces and urine of patients), which are contaminated with radioactive substances. In medical institutions they are used in open form only short-lived radioactive isotopes J131, P32, Au198, Hg197, Hg203, which after a certain period of time lose their radioactive properties. Solid radioactive waste (cotton wool, gauze, bandages, ampoules of radioactive solutions) should be collected in special collections, and then, after 8 half-lives, they are allowed to be disposed of in a regular landfill. Collections are metal boxes with locking lids that are installed in special rooms.

To avoid accidental release of radioactive waste with general garbage, all garbage must be radiometrically monitored before being removed from the hospital. Liquid radioactive waste (water used to wash contaminated dishes and instruments, urine and sputum of patients, etc.) is prohibited from being discharged into the general sewer system without prior radiometric control. Radiological hospitals are equipped with special settling tanks in the general sewer system, into which liquid radioactive substances are drained. Septic tanks are underground pools located near the hospital. After the decay of radioactive substances occurs, the settling tanks are also emptied from the general sewer system. All contaminated equipment must be decontaminated.

Radioactive drugs

Radioactive drugs- aqueous solutions of various chemical compounds, which include an atom of a radioactive isotope. Typically, a radioactive isotope with a short half-life that loses its radioactive properties relatively quickly is used to label a drug. Radioactive drugs are used mainly for diagnostic purposes and are administered to patients intravenously in an isotonic solution, with the exception of radioactive iodine (see), which is administered orally. In medical practice, hippuran, neohydrin, colloidal solutions, albumin macroaggregate, rose bengal and albumin are most often used as a basis for radioactive drugs.

All radioactive drugs are packaged in lead containers. The drug passport indicates the volume in milliliters, activity in microcuries and expiration date. The method of using each drug is different. The remains of the unused and expired drug in the container are placed in storage, where they are kept for a full 8 half-lives, after which the drug almost completely loses its radioactive properties. In recent years, short-lived isotopes Tc99 and In113, which are obtained from special generators directly in the hospital, have been increasingly used. The radioactive isotope generator is a long-lived radioactive isotope of tin or molybdenum. The first, during its decay, constantly forms indium, which has a half-life of only 100 minutes, the second - technetium with a half-life of 6 hours.

Accommodation x-ray room and the equipment in it is carried out on the basis of a project carried out by an organization that has a license to operate in the placement of ionizing radiation sources (generating) and in the design of radiation protection equipment.

An X-ray room, unlike other rooms in medical institutions, is not one room, but several rooms (rooms isolated from each other), each of which has its own purpose and corresponds in area to the established regulatory requirements, and also meets all other sanitary and hygienic requirements. We will dwell on the latter in detail.

The X-ray room includes at least 3 isolated rooms, one of which serves as a treatment room (the room in which work is directly carried out using sources of ionizing radiation), the second is a control room (the room in which the equipment that controls the radiation source is located) and the third is an office doctor Depending on the purpose x-ray equipment or specifics of activity medical institution The X-ray room may include a darkroom, a waiting room, a dressing room, a staff room, etc. ( detailed information the types of x-ray rooms are described in the article "").

Appendix 5 to SanPiN establishes the composition and area of ​​X-ray rooms. Thus, based on the information in Appendix 5 to SanPiN, we present below in Table 1 the area of ​​the treatment room with different X-ray machines, in Table 2 the composition and area of ​​the premises of the X-ray diagnostic room, in Table 3 - the composition and area of ​​the premises of the X-ray therapy room.

Table 1

Treatment room area with different x-ray machines

X-ray machine Area, sq. m (not less)
The use of a gurney is provided The use of a gurney is not provided
X-ray diagnostic complex (RDC) with a full set of stands (PSSh, image table, image rack, image stand) 45 40
RDK with PSSh, image stand, image tripod 34 26
RDK with PSSh and universal tripod stand, X-ray diagnostic apparatus with digital image processing 34 26
RDK with PSh, having remote control 24 16
Apparatus for X-ray diagnostics using radiography (image table, image stand, image stand) 16 16
X-ray diagnostic apparatus with a universal tripod stand 24 14
Apparatus for near-distance radiotherapy 24 16
Device for long-distance radiotherapy 24 20
Mammography machine 6
Apparatus for osteodensitometry 8

table 2

Composition and area of ​​the premises of the X-ray diagnostic room

The name of a room Area, sq. m
(no less)
Common areas of the department (office)
Office of the head of the department 12
Staff room 10 (+3.5 sq. m for each additional employee)
Room for viewing results (images) 6
Barium preparation cabin 3
Expected 6
Material 8
Spare parts storeroom 6
Pantry of cleaning supplies 3
Temporary storage room for X-ray film (no more than 100 kg) 6
Staff personal hygiene room 3
Restrooms for staff and patients 3 per cabin
Computer 12
Engineering 12
X-ray room
Fluorography room for mass examinations

- procedural
- dressing room
- expected
— darkroom**
- staff room


Fluorography room for diagnostic images

- procedural
— control room (in the absence of a protective cabin)
— darkroom**
— changing cabin*
— doctor’s office (for devices with digital image processing)


X-ray diagnostic room using fluoroscopy and radiography (1, 2 and 3 r.m.)

- procedural 1
- procedural 2
- control room
— changing cabin*
— darkroom**
- doctor's office

According to the table 1
according to table 1

X-ray diagnostics room for gastrointestinal diseases (1 working day)

- procedural
- control room
— darkroom
- restroom for patients

- doctor's office

According to the table 1

X-ray diagnostic room using radiography and/or tomography (1, 2 and 3 r.m.)

- procedural 1
- control room
— changing cabin*
— darkroom**
- staff room

According to the table 1

Room for X-ray diagnostics of breast diseases using mammography

- procedural
- procedural special methods (if necessary)
— changing cabin*
— darkroom**
- doctor's office


X-ray diagnostic room for diseases of the genitourinary system (urological)

- treatment room with drain
- control room
— darkroom**
— changing cabin with a couch*
- doctor's office

According to the table 1

X-ray diagnostic room (box) of infectious diseases departments

— vestibule at the entrance to the box (gateway at the entrance to the box)
- expected
- waiting room restroom
- procedural
- control room
— darkroom**
- doctor's office

according to table 1

Topometry room (radiation therapy planning)

- procedural
- control room
- cabin for preparing barium
— darkroom**
- doctor's office
- restroom

According to the table 1

X-ray operating unit
1. Diagnostic unit for heart and vascular diseases

- X-ray operating room
- control room
- preoperative
— sterilization*
— temporary room for the patient after the study*
— darkroom**
- doctor's office


2. Block for diagnosing diseases of the lungs and mediastinum

- X-ray operating room
- control room
- preoperative
— sterilization*
— cytological diagnostics*
— darkroom**
— image viewing room*
- doctor's office
- nurses' room*
— staff personal hygiene room*
— dirty linen storage room*


3. Diagnostic unit for diseases of the urogenital system

- X-ray operating room
- control room
— darkroom**
- doctor's office
— room for preparing contrast agents*
- restroom for patients


4. Diagnostic unit for diseases of the reproductive organs (breast)

- X-ray operating room
- control room
— darkroom**
- doctor's office


X-ray computed tomography room
1. RCT room for head examination

- procedural
- control room
— generator/computer room
— darkroom**
- doctor's office


2. RCT room for routine examination

- procedural
- control room
— generator/computer room
— darkroom**
- doctor's office
- changing cabin
— viewing room


3. RCT room for x-ray surgical studies

- procedural
- preoperative
- control room
— generator/computer room
— darkroom**
- doctor's office
— viewing room
— room for preparing contrast agents
- restroom for patients
- medical staff room
- engineers room


* Not necessary.
** Not needed when using devices for digital radiography and fluorography.

Table 3

Composition and area of ​​premises of the X-ray therapy room

The name of a room Area, sq. m (not less)
1. Close-range radiotherapy room
— procedural with 2-3 emitters 16
— procedural with 1 emitter 12
- control room 9
— doctor’s office (examination room) 10
- expected 6
2. Long-distance radiotherapy room
- procedural 20
- control room 9
— doctor’s office (examination room) 10
- expected 6

The use of premises of a smaller area or a reduced set of premises is possible in cases where the equipment used, the organization of work, the number of personnel, etc. ensure compliance with general hygienic requirements (microclimate, bacterial contamination, sanitary and epidemiological regime, etc.).

According to the hygienic requirements of SanPiN, it is advisable to place x-ray rooms centrally, as part of the x-ray department, at the junction of the hospital and the clinic. X-ray rooms of infectious diseases, tuberculosis and obstetric departments of hospitals and, if necessary, fluorography rooms of emergency departments and outpatient departments can be located separately.

By general rule The X-ray department (office) is not allowed to be located in residential buildings and children's institutions. The exception is X-ray dental rooms (devices), the possibility of placing which in residential buildings is regulated by a special chapter of rules SanPiN, as well as the “Basic sanitary rules ensuring radiation safety (OSPORB-99/2010" SP and Amendment 1 to SP It is not allowed to place dental X-ray machines with a film image receiver in residential buildings.

In dental and X-ray rooms adjacent to residential apartments, it is allowed to place X-ray diagnostic devices with digital image processing, the total rated workload of which does not exceed 40 mA-min/week. (detailed information on this issue is outlined in the article “Placement of X-ray equipment in dental clinic»).

It is allowed to operate X-ray rooms in clinics built into residential buildings if the vertically and horizontally adjacent rooms are not residential. It is also possible to place X-ray rooms in an extension to residential building, as well as in ground floors, if the entrance to the X-ray department (office) is separate from the entrance to the residential building.

As stated in clause 3.3 of SanPiN, an X-ray department serving only a hospital or only a clinic should be located in the end parts of the building. In this case, the department should not be a walk-through. Entrances to the X-ray department for inpatient and outpatient department patients are separate.

Important: by virtue of clause 3.4 of SanPiN, it is not allowed:

  • Place X-ray rooms under rooms where water can leak through the ceiling (swimming pools, showers, restrooms, etc.);
  • Place the X-ray treatment room adjacent to the wards for pregnant women and children.

According to clause 2 of Appendix 7 to SanPiN, the selection of premises included in the X-ray room (department) is carried out by the administration of the medical institution together with the X-ray and radiological department (RRO) (or another organization similar in function to the RRO) of the region and is consistent with institution of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. At the same time, in relation to separate rooms x-ray room medical organization must be observed special requirements, established by SanPiN However, in practice, such coordination of the selected premises with Rospotrebnadzor no longer exists and applications for approval of the placement of the X-ray room are no longer submitted.

A treatment room is a specially equipped room in an X-ray room in which an X-ray emitter is located and X-ray examinations or radiotherapy are carried out.

According to clause 3.11 of SanPiN, the height of the X-ray treatment room must ensure the functioning of technical equipment, for example, ceiling mounting of an X-ray emitter, tripod, television monitor, shadowless lamp, etc. X-ray equipment with ceiling suspension emitter, screen-imaging device or X-ray image intensifier requires a room height of at least 3 m (2.6 meters according to the newer SanPiN The height of the X-ray treatment room in the case of rotational irradiation must be at least 3 m. The width of the doorway in the X-ray diagnostic room, RCT room and cath lab must be at least 1.2 m with a height of 2.0 m, the size of the rest doorways- 0.9×1.8 m.

Requirements for the treatment room area, including depending on X-ray machine, are given in Table 1, 2 and 3 above. At the same time, as stated in clause 3.9, the area of ​​the procedural room can be adjusted in agreement with the body exercising federal sanitary and epidemiological supervision, taking into account the following requirements:

  • The distance from the personnel workplace behind a small protective screen to the walls of the room is at least 1.5 m;
  • The distance from the personnel workplace behind a large protective screen to the walls of the room is at least 0.6 m;
  • The distance from the rotating tripod table or from the imaging table to the walls of the room is at least 1.0 m;
  • The distance from the photo stand to the nearest wall is at least 0.1 m;
  • The distance from the X-ray tube to the viewing window is at least 2 m (for mammography and dental devices - at least 1 m);
  • The technological passage for personnel between elements of stationary equipment is at least 0.8 m;
  • The area where the gurney is placed for the patient is at least 1.5x2 m;
  • Additional space for the technological need to bring a gurney into the treatment room is 6 m2.

In accordance with clause 3.30 of SanPiN, in the treatment room, in addition to the procedure room for fluorography and the X-ray operating room, it is provided for the installation of a sink with a supply of cold and hot water. In a procedural room designed for urological studies, a viduar should be installed.

In the treatment room for the study of children, the presence of toys (washed in a soap and soda solution and disinfected) and distracting design is allowed.

Important: Placement in procedural equipment, which is not included in the project, as well as carrying out work not related to x-ray examinations.

Follow us

Fast and high quality X-ray design office and any other room with a source of ionizing radiation. From small x-ray room with a visiograph in the dental clinic to the radiology departments.

The specialists of our organization have accumulated extensive experience in implementing x-ray projects. Facing different situations, we can offer optimal solution, providing security and a reasonable budget, both on x-ray project, and on , dentistry project and other objects.
It must also be remembered that (), construction, manufacturing technological equipment and radiation protection equipment x-ray room or others production premises carried out by organizations that have special permissions(licenses) issued by authorized bodies.

If you need to develop, x-ray project dental office , CT placement project, MRI or projects on placement of x-ray machines in other premises, contact us and our specialists will help you find a highly functional technical solution.

We will help you

- develop the best planning and technological solutions for placement of X-ray machines;
- formulate a medical-technical (technical) task. It is worth noting that any design of x-ray rooms must be carried out according to technical or medical-technical specifications;
- pick up required composition X-ray protection equipment for personnel and patients (including inpatients);
- develop or change (if necessary) architectural, technological, structural and engineering solutions in compliance with all standards regarding electrical, ventilation, x-ray radiation and other engineering communications.

Stages of designing x-ray rooms

- You send us a request for x-ray room project By e-mail or call by phone;
- Provide a floor plan and the name of the equipment or at least its type: dental x-ray machine, orthopantomograph, diagnostic x-ray for 2 workstations, computed tomograph, scanner, etc.;
- We send you the MTZ or technical specifications partially prepared by us for x-ray room project and agreement. We agree, sign;
- Our specialists go out to inspect the site and collect initial documentation for design (our specialist will tell you about this in more detail). Initial data can be transferred to us without the visit of our specialist, as part of working with MTZ or TK. This is relevant for standard projects or projects involving the replacement of equipment or renovation of premises;
- We are developing project documentation x-ray room project, we will coordinate it with the Scientific and Production Center for Medical Radiology, Moscow (for customers from Moscow) or the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the Moscow Region MONIKI (for customers from the Moscow region) and transfer it to you. For other cities, you perform this action yourself, and we provide technical support.

What is included in the X-ray room project?

In the specialized section of the Technological part of the project ( x-ray project) for any of the premises where it is produced placement of x-ray machines, either dental office x-ray project, x-ray room project any other medical institution, X-ray equipment placement project in production and even X-ray design premises in transport hubs communications includes:

I. Medical technical task . The document is the basis for X-ray room design;

II. Explanatory note:
- 1. General data and compliance requirements X-ray equipment placement project regulatory framework;
- 2. Initial data for design;
- 3. Technological solutions:
- a. Requirements for technological equipment and compliance design standards;
- b. Radiation safety calculation parameters;
- c. Climate requirements x-ray room
- d. Lighting requirements in x-ray room;
- e. Requirements for water supply and sewerage in x-ray room ;
- f. Power Requirements x-ray rooms(composition of x-ray premises);
- g. Requirements to fire safety;
- h. Waste disposal requirements;
- i. Requirements for the organization of x-ray examinations;
- j. Measures to prevent radiation accidents;
- k. Requirements for decommissioning an X-ray machine;
- 4. Conclusions.

III. Office plan with the arrangement of technological equipment as part of the X-ray rooms (rooms);

IV. Table for calculating the required additional protection of enclosing structures;

V. Conditional diagram re-grounding circuit

VI. Plan for arrangement of cable channels and concrete foundations as necessary, depending on the X-ray machine;

VII. List of finishing of X-ray rooms;

VIII. Hardware Specification.

Need to know

Carrying out X-ray examinations, as in medicine (for example, in x-ray in dentistry), and in production, industrial and transport institutions ( flaw detection and inspection of cargo and passengers using beam inspection installations) is carried out only if there is sanitary-epidemiological report on the compliance of working conditions with sources of ionizing radiation with sanitary rules.
Therefore, project development placement of X-ray machines- this is only the beginning of the path to conducting x-ray studies. What follows is a huge amount of work associated with the preparation and execution of documents necessary to obtain sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for working with sources of ionizing radiation, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for carrying out a certain type of activity, and in some cases (for example, in veterinary medicine), also receiving licenses to carry out activities using a source of ionizing radiation.


If you need to obtain a sanitary-epidemiological certificate for x-ray room, to work with sources of ionizing radiation or license for medical types activities, then we can help you.

If you need to carry out organization work additional Protection based x-ray room project, then you can entrust this work to us.

Qualitative x-ray room project this is the key to comfortable work for your staff.

SK Olimp LLC offers services for the design of turnkey X-ray medical rooms in Moscow. Our specialists will do everything necessary work for the creation and commissioning of an X-ray room, including the preparation of a full package of documents and obtaining licenses, opinions and permits.

Find out the cost of the service - send a request for the project

What is included in the design services for medical x-ray rooms?

Creating an X-ray room begins with choosing a room and an X-ray machine. At this stage, it is already necessary to know some of the features that will later be presented by Rospotrebnadzor when putting the X-ray room into operation and obtaining a sanitary-epidemiological certificate (SEZ).

The next step is to design an X-ray room with mandatory calculation of X-ray protection. Our company carries out the development of a technological project for an X-ray room, both as part of the comprehensive preparation of a turnkey X-ray room, and as a separate independent service. More information about designing an x-ray room can be found

Designing an X-ray room begins with an examination of the building's structural elements and existing internal engineering systems. Then a package of documents is created, which includes text and graphic parts consisting of:

  1. Explanatory note.
  2. Technological part (with provision of calculations of protection from sources of ionizing radiation and radiation safety). Perform radiation protection calculations in accordance with current standards (SanPiN
  3. Architectural and construction solutions.
  4. Constructive and space-planning solutions.
  5. Estimate documentation.
  6. Information about engineering equipment, about engineering support networks, list of engineering activities:
  • subsection “Power supply system”;
  • subsection “Water supply and sanitation system”;
  • subsection “Heating, ventilation”;
  • subsection “Communication networks”;
  • subsection "Automation".

Based on the design of the X-ray room, all subsequent repair and construction work is carried out, including the installation of X-ray protective structures and elements. SK OLIMP LLC offers a full range of construction, repair and installation work, including the creation of X-ray protection on the basis of a technological design agreed upon by the RRO and the availability of a license for the placement of sources of ionizing radiation (IRS), design and manufacture of radiation protection equipment for IRS (License No.

What data and requirements are taken into account when designing X-ray rooms?

Design documentation for medical rooms with X-ray equipment is developed in accordance with Government Decree No. 87 dated February 16, 2008 and letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 2009 No. 19088-sk/08; RMD 11-08-2009. The composition and area of ​​the premises are designed based on the results of measurement work and surveys (including inspection of water supply and water-hardening systems, ventilation, heating power supply) taking into account the planned functional purpose premises and parameters specified by the equipment manufacturer, and the requirements of SanPin, SNiP 31-06-2009, SNiP 21-01-97, SP, SanPin, TSN 31- 330-2005, SP 31-110-2003, SNiP, SanPiN, PUE. The project must take into account the requirements of the Manual for the design of healthcare institutions, SanPiN, SNiP 41-01-2003. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390 “On the fire safety regime” and other current regulatory documents.

The planning decision for the refurbishment of premises is carried out in accordance with the standards technical regulations, SaNPiN, taking into account the location of the room for the installation of an x-ray machine.

Sections of the working documentation for architectural-planning and architectural-construction solutions are developed taking into account the state load-bearing structures buildings in accordance with the current rules for the operation of premises.

The procedure for commissioning X-ray rooms

  • 1 Our company carries out on a turnkey basis the entire range of design, repair and construction works, followed by commissioning and obtaining a SEZ. In cases where there are activities that involve not only the use medical equipment for personal purposes, we provide a service for support and obtaining a Rospotrebnadzor License for sources of ionizing radiation. More information
    The procedure for commissioning X-ray rooms is regulated by SanPiN, as well as SP, SanPiN According to SanPiN, the documented commissioning process is as follows:
  • 2

    Purchasing an X-ray machine and obtaining documents provided by the equipment manufacturer:

    • Sanitary and epidemiological report on the X-ray machine;
    • Registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Russia for an x-ray machine (certified copy);
    • Operational documentation to the X-ray machine.

    You should be aware that not all types of dental X-ray machines can be used in clinics located in residential buildings. This depends on the purpose of the device, its workload and the nominal value of the anode voltage. Restrictions on these parameters are specified in SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the design and operation of X-ray rooms, devices and the conduct of X-ray examinations.”

  • 3

    Obtaining an institution's license for medical activities.

  • 4

    It is necessary to take into account that there are several options for placing the X-ray machine:

    • in a separate room, the area of ​​which must be at least 6 m2;
    • in the dental office near the dental chair. In this case, the area of ​​the office must be at least 14 m2;
    • 2 X-ray machines in one room - the room area must be at least 12 m2.

    The room where the X-ray machine will be placed will be called an X-ray room.

  • 7

    Obtaining a ventilation inspection report. Based on the availability of the necessary SRO approvals (Certificate No. 01012.01-2014-5032272285-P-178), we carry out this type works

  • 8

    Obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological certificate (SEZ) for the X-ray room project.

    Obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological certificate for the installation of an X-ray machine is mandatory. Based Federal Law dated 01/09/96 No. 3-FZ "On Radiation Safety of the Population" and Federal Law dated 03/30/99 No. 52-FZ "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" without permission from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service to install X-ray equipment, the office is closed, and the owner is subject to administrative liability in the form of a fine.

  • 9

    Obtaining an act to hide the work. The document provides Building company, which put the facility into operation.

  • 10

    Registration of documents that are generated in the process of obtaining a SEZ:

    • Technical certificate to the X-ray room;
    • Instructions for labor protection, including requirements for radiation safety, for the prevention and elimination of radiation accidents;
    • Control and technical log for the X-ray machine;
    • Order on classifying working persons as personnel of groups “A” and “B”;
    • Order on the appointment of persons responsible for radiation safety, accounting and storage of X-ray machines, industrial radiation control;
    • Document on personnel training on radiation safety;
    • Conclusion of the medical commission on the passage of preliminary and periodic medical examinations by group “A” personnel;
    • On-the-job training log;
    • Cards for recording individual radiation doses of personnel;
    • Documents confirming the recording of individual radiation doses to patients.

    The X-ray room is accepted into operation by a commission consisting of representatives medical institution and the X-ray and radiological department, specialists of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

    The sanitary-epidemiological certificate is a permit to operate an X-ray room.

SanPin describes Medical and dental X-ray units

X-ray equipment

Price, rubles

1. X-ray fluorography apparatus with a luminescent screen and optical image transfer, film and digital

2. Low-dose X-ray fluorography device with a scanning line of detectors and digital image processing

3. Low-dose X-ray fluorography device with URI, CCD matrix and digital image processing

4. X-ray diagnostic device with digital information processing

5. X-ray diagnostic complex with a full set of stands (1st, 2nd and 3rd workstations)

6. X-ray apparatus for fluoroscopy (1st workplace - rotary table-tripod PSS)

7. X-ray apparatus for radiography (2nd and 3rd workstations - imaging table and imaging stand)

8. Angiographic complex

9. X-ray computed tomograph

10. Surgical mobile device with URI

11. Ward X-ray machine

12. X-ray urological table

13. X-ray machine for lithotripsy

on request

14. Mammography X-ray machine

15. X-ray machine for planning radiation therapy (simulator)

on request

16. Apparatus for close-range radiotherapy

on request

17. Device for long-distance radiotherapy

on request

18. Osteodensitometer for the whole body

on request

19. Osteodensitometer for limbs

on request

20. Bone densitometer for the whole body and its parts using a wide beam of radiation and a two-dimensional digital detector

on request

Dental units

The use of X-ray machines and carrying out work not specified in the sanitary and epidemiological report is not allowed.

Estimated cost of services for putting an X-ray room into operation (development of a placement project, licensing activities in the field of using radiation sources)

Name of service


Standard (basic) project for an x-ray room with one x-ray machine

from 30,000 rub.

Project for an x-ray room with 2 or more x-ray machines in one room

+50% of the base price for each x-ray machine

Approval of the project by the authorized body* or Expert opinion on the project for the placement of inspection equipment**

from 10,000 rub.

Construction and installation works for the Republic of Belarus (based on the agreed project)


Technical report of the electrical laboratory (contains protocols of all tests and measurements of the electrical network and equipment)

from 15,000 rub.

Ventilation inspection report with calculation of the level of air exchange in the room

from 15,000 rub.

Protocols for taking parameters by the radiation monitoring laboratory

from 20,000 rub.

Expert opinion on activities in the field of using radiation sources (EZ).

from 60,000 rub.

Sanitary and epidemiological report (SEZ) for medical activities

(additional comprehensive service)

from 80,000 rub.

License for medical activities

(additional comprehensive service)

from 80,000 rub.

State fee for granting a license for medical activities>

(additional comprehensive service)

7,500 rub.

Additionally, specialized services provided by our CA:

Advanced training of your specialists in the following programs: “Radiation Safety”, “Radiation Control” and others

from 7,000 rub. / person

* - authorized body: Moscow - MORRO, Moscow region - MONIKI, Regions - relevant regional X-ray radiological departments (RRO) or other organizations similar in functions to the regional RRO.

** - inspection body - FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" on a territorial basis (at the location of the X-ray room.

The cost of design, testing and measurement services is calculated individually based on a preliminary assessment of the room configuration, and depends on the amount of X-ray equipment to be placed, as well as the type, power and security of this equipment.

The cost of services for obtaining licenses, certificates and opinions is calculated individually, based on the availability of a basic package of documents, the desired deadlines and the complexity of the tasks .

The X-ray room must have:

  • Stationary means of protection for the treatment room and control room, providing attenuation of ionizing radiation (walls, floors, ceilings, protective doors, observation windows, screens, etc.);
  • Precautionary measures to prevent scattered radiation from entering other rooms;
  • Bactericidal installations for air disinfection;
  • Closed decorative panels for radiators, providing free air convection and convenience wet cleaning;
  • Autonomous supply and exhaust system ventilation;
  • Light board (signal) “Do not enter!” white and red at the entrance to the treatment room at a height of 1.6-1.8 m from the floor or above the door, automatically lights up.

According to SanPiN (Appendix No. 7), to obtain Expert opinion(EZ) and a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion (SEZ) for the project and for carrying out activities in x-ray diagnostics, the Technological project for the x-ray room must be agreed upon by the Scientific and Practical Center of Medradiology (city radiology department (GORRO+) and Rospotrebnadzor.

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations

SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the design and operation of X-ray rooms, devices and the conduct of X-ray examinations”

The placement of the X-ray room and equipment in it is carried out on the basis of a project completed by an organization that has a license to operate in the placement of ionizing radiation sources (generating) and the design of radiation protection equipment.

An X-ray room, unlike other rooms in medical institutions, is not one room, but several rooms (rooms isolated from each other), each of which has its own purpose and in area meets the established regulatory requirements, and also meets all other sanitary and hygienic requirements. We will dwell on the latter in detail.

The X-ray room includes at least 3 isolated rooms, one of which serves as a treatment room (the room in which work is directly carried out using sources of ionizing radiation), the second is a control room (the room in which the equipment that controls the radiation source is located) and the third is an office doctor Depending on the purpose of the X-ray equipment or the specifics of the medical institution, the X-ray room may include a darkroom, a waiting room, a undressing cabin, a staff room, etc. (detailed information about the types of X-ray rooms is presented in the article “”).

Appendix 5 to SanPiN establishes the composition and area of ​​X-ray rooms. Thus, based on the information in Appendix 5 to SanPiN, we present below in Table 1 the area of ​​the treatment room with different X-ray machines, in Table 2 the composition and area of ​​the premises of the X-ray diagnostic room, in Table 3 - the composition and area of ​​the premises of the X-ray therapy room.

Table 1

Treatment room area with different x-ray machines

X-ray machine Area, sq. m (not less)
The use of a gurney is provided The use of a gurney is not provided
X-ray diagnostic complex (RDC) with a full set of stands (PSSh, image table, image rack, image stand) 45 40
RDK with PSSh, image stand, image tripod 34 26
RDK with PSSh and universal tripod stand, X-ray diagnostic apparatus with digital image processing 34 26
RDK with PSSh, having remote control 24 16
Apparatus for X-ray diagnostics using radiography (image table, image stand, image stand) 16 16
X-ray diagnostic apparatus with a universal tripod stand 24 14
Apparatus for near-distance radiotherapy 24 16
Device for long-distance radiotherapy 24 20
Mammography machine 6
Apparatus for osteodensitometry 8

table 2

Composition and area of ​​the premises of the X-ray diagnostic room

The name of a room Area, sq. m
(no less)
Common areas of the department (office)
Office of the head of the department 12
Staff room 10 (+3.5 sq. m for each additional employee)
Room for viewing results (images) 6
Barium preparation cabin 3
Expected 6
Material 8
Spare parts storeroom 6
Pantry of cleaning supplies 3
Temporary storage room for X-ray film (no more than 100 kg) 6
Staff personal hygiene room 3
Restrooms for staff and patients 3 per cabin
Computer 12
Engineering 12
X-ray room
Fluorography room for mass examinations

- procedural
- dressing room
- expected
— darkroom**
- staff room


Fluorography room for diagnostic images

- procedural
— control room (in the absence of a protective cabin)
— darkroom**
— changing cabin*
— doctor’s office (for devices with digital image processing)


X-ray diagnostic room using fluoroscopy and radiography (1, 2 and 3 r.m.)

- procedural 1
- procedural 2
- control room
— changing cabin*
— darkroom**
- doctor's office

According to the table 1
according to table 1

X-ray diagnostics room for gastrointestinal diseases (1 working day)

- procedural
- control room
— darkroom
- restroom for patients

- doctor's office

According to the table 1

X-ray diagnostic room using radiography and/or tomography (1, 2 and 3 r.m.)

- procedural 1
- control room
— changing cabin*
— darkroom**
- staff room

According to the table 1

Room for X-ray diagnostics of breast diseases using mammography

- procedural
- procedural special methods (if necessary)
— changing cabin*
— darkroom**
- doctor's office


X-ray diagnostic room for diseases of the genitourinary system (urological)

- treatment room with drain
- control room
— darkroom**
— changing cabin with a couch*
- doctor's office

According to the table 1

X-ray diagnostic room (box) of infectious diseases departments

— vestibule at the entrance to the box (gateway at the entrance to the box)
- expected
- waiting room restroom
- procedural
- control room
— darkroom**
- doctor's office

according to table 1

Topometry room (radiation therapy planning)

- procedural
- control room
- cabin for preparing barium
— darkroom**
- doctor's office
- restroom

According to the table 1

X-ray operating unit
1. Diagnostic unit for heart and vascular diseases

- X-ray operating room
- control room
- preoperative
— sterilization*
— temporary room for the patient after the study*
— darkroom**
- doctor's office


2. Block for diagnosing diseases of the lungs and mediastinum

- X-ray operating room
- control room
- preoperative
— sterilization*
— cytological diagnostics*
— darkroom**
— image viewing room*
- doctor's office
- nurses' room*
— staff personal hygiene room*
— dirty linen storage room*


3. Diagnostic unit for diseases of the urogenital system

- X-ray operating room
- control room
— darkroom**
- doctor's office
— room for preparing contrast agents*
- restroom for patients


4. Diagnostic unit for diseases of the reproductive organs (breast)

- X-ray operating room
- control room
— darkroom**
- doctor's office


X-ray computed tomography room
1. RCT room for head examination

- procedural
- control room
— generator/computer room
— darkroom**
- doctor's office


2. RCT room for routine examination

- procedural
- control room
— generator/computer room
— darkroom**
- doctor's office
- changing cabin
— viewing room


3. RCT room for x-ray surgical studies

- procedural
- preoperative
- control room
— generator/computer room
— darkroom**
- doctor's office
— viewing room
— room for preparing contrast agents
- restroom for patients
- medical staff room
- engineers room


* Not necessary.
** Not needed when using devices for digital radiography and fluorography.

Table 3

Composition and area of ​​premises of the X-ray therapy room

The name of a room Area, sq. m (not less)
1. Close-range radiotherapy room
— procedural with 2-3 emitters 16
— procedural with 1 emitter 12
- control room 9
— doctor’s office (examination room) 10
- expected 6
2. Long-distance radiotherapy room
- procedural 20
- control room 9
— doctor’s office (examination room) 10
- expected 6

The use of premises of a smaller area or a reduced set of premises is possible in cases where the equipment used, the organization of work, the number of personnel, etc. ensure compliance with general hygienic requirements (microclimate, bacterial contamination, sanitary and epidemiological regime, etc.).

According to the hygienic requirements of SanPiN, it is advisable to place x-ray rooms centrally, as part of the x-ray department, at the junction of the hospital and the clinic. X-ray rooms of infectious diseases, tuberculosis and obstetric departments of hospitals and, if necessary, fluorography rooms of emergency departments and outpatient departments can be located separately.

As a general rule, the X-ray department (office) is not allowed to be located in residential buildings and children's institutions. The exception is X-ray dental rooms (devices), the possibility of placing which in residential buildings is regulated by a special chapter of rules SanPiN, as well as the “Basic sanitary rules for ensuring radiation safety (OSPORB-99/2010” SP and Amendment 1 to SP It is not allowed to place dental X-ray machines with a film image receiver in residential buildings.

In dental and X-ray dental offices adjacent to residential apartments, it is allowed to place X-ray diagnostic devices with digital image processing, the total nominal workload of which does not exceed 40 mA-min/week. (detailed information on this issue is presented in the article “Placement of X-ray equipment in a dental clinic”).

It is allowed to operate X-ray rooms in clinics built into residential buildings if the vertically and horizontally adjacent rooms are not residential. It is also allowed to place X-ray rooms in an extension to a residential building, as well as in the basement, if the entrance to the X-ray department (room) is separate from the entrance to the residential building.

As stated in clause 3.3 of SanPiN, an X-ray department serving only a hospital or only a clinic should be located in the end parts of the building. In this case, the department should not be a walk-through. Entrances to the X-ray department for inpatient and outpatient department patients are separate.

Important: by virtue of clause 3.4 of SanPiN, it is not allowed:

  • Place X-ray rooms under rooms where water can leak through the ceiling (swimming pools, showers, restrooms, etc.);
  • Place the X-ray treatment room adjacent to the wards for pregnant women and children.

According to clause 2 of Appendix 7 to SanPiN, the selection of premises included in the X-ray room (department) is carried out by the administration of the medical institution together with the X-ray and radiological department (RRO) (or another organization similar in function to the RRO) of the region and is consistent with institution of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. In this case, in relation to individual rooms of the X-ray room, the medical organization must comply with the special requirements established by SanPiN However, in practice, such coordination of the selected premises with Rospotrebnadzor no longer exists and applications for approval of the placement of the X-ray room are no longer submitted.

A treatment room is a specially equipped room in an X-ray room in which an X-ray emitter is located and X-ray examinations or radiotherapy are carried out.

According to clause 3.11 of SanPiN, the height of the X-ray treatment room must ensure the functioning of technical equipment, for example, ceiling mounting of an X-ray emitter, tripod, television monitor, shadowless lamp, etc. X-ray equipment with a ceiling suspension of the emitter, screen-imaging device or X-ray image intensifier requires a room height of at least 3 m (2.6 meters according to newer SanPiN The height of the X-ray treatment room in the case of rotational irradiation must be at least 3 m. The width of the doorway in the X-ray diagnostic room, RCT room and cath lab must be at least 1.2 m with a height of 2.0 m, the size of other doorways is 0.9 ×1.8 m.

Requirements for the treatment room area, including depending on the X-ray machine, are given in Tables 1, 2 and 3 above. At the same time, as stated in clause 3.9, the area of ​​the procedural room can be adjusted in agreement with the body exercising federal sanitary and epidemiological supervision, taking into account the following requirements:

  • The distance from the personnel workplace behind a small protective screen to the walls of the room is at least 1.5 m;
  • The distance from the personnel workplace behind a large protective screen to the walls of the room is at least 0.6 m;
  • The distance from the rotating tripod table or from the imaging table to the walls of the room is at least 1.0 m;
  • The distance from the photo stand to the nearest wall is at least 0.1 m;
  • The distance from the X-ray tube to the viewing window is at least 2 m (for mammography and dental devices - at least 1 m);
  • The technological passage for personnel between elements of stationary equipment is at least 0.8 m;
  • The area where the gurney is placed for the patient is at least 1.5x2 m;
  • Additional space for the technological need to bring a gurney into the treatment room is 6 m2.

In accordance with clause 3.30 of SanPiN, in the treatment room, in addition to the procedure room for fluorography and the X-ray operating room, a sink with a supply of cold and hot water is provided. In a procedural room designed for urological studies, a viduar should be installed.

In the treatment room for the study of children, the presence of toys (washed in a soap and soda solution and disinfected) and distracting design is allowed.

Important: It is not allowed to place equipment in the treatment room that is not included in the project, as well as to carry out work that is not related to x-ray examinations.

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