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Eastern horoscope for the dragon. Finance horoscope for Dragons. Finance and business

For Dragons, the year 2018 will be full of big surprises. Your life will be like a swing, then sharply take off, then fall back to where it all began. Of course, you are unlikely to like this swing, and you will begin to loudly grumble about the mistress of this annual cycle. However, before blaming the Yellow Earth Dog for anything, analyze your behavior again! Composure has never been your strong point, and the Dog really doesn’t like people who don’t have a clear plan. She can bite them and send them such a “swing” to their share. There is only one piece of advice for you - draw up detailed plans for everything you want to achieve, and then your life will follow a clearly defined track, ceasing to resemble a pendulum.

This advice is especially relevant for men born in the year of the Dragon. If you really want to have a consistently high income, enjoy public respect, or just your the main objective- ride in front of ex-girlfriend driving a prestigious car, you really can’t do without an orderly plan for your future actions. If you are not strong in long-term planning, limit yourself step by step plan, say, just for one seven-day period. The week you spend planned will clearly show you all the benefits of competent time management (at least). At the very least, after it you will refuse to act chaotically. Getting rid of chaos is also recommended for Dragon women in 2018. You will easily find time for both household chores and looking after your magnificent appearance if you stop chatting for many hours about nothing with your friends (the Dog will not approve of such a pastime).

But the Dog will in every possible way support your impulses to make your home more harmonious. For those Dragons who started a family quite a long time ago, it is in 2018 that they should undertake large-scale renovations. Don't worry, this repair won't turn into a severe test for your nervous system, and it won’t be a severe blow to your wallet either. You will carry out the repairs with the support of all close members of your family (some of them will physically help you, and some will become the main investor in this expensive undertaking). In 2018, single dragons will also be able to count on family help (another thing is that this help will not always be appropriate). So, one of your older relatives suddenly decides that they simply have to take an active part in organizing your personal front. With him light hand People of the opposite sex will be invited into your house every now and then, who, it should be noted, will not interest you in the least. It will be much more interesting for you to spend time in the company of your old friends, engaging in exciting leisure activities. In the places where this leisure time will take place (in bars, cafes and other hot spots in your city) you will find objects for one-day affairs.

In 2018, you will generally spend a lot of time, money and effort on all kinds of pleasures. The dog will not forgive you for such extravagance, and you will spend the second half of the year with empty pockets. You can prevent your personal financial crisis if you are more serious about money.

You shouldn't lose sight of so much important point how to advance your career. If you stop a previously started path, this will lead to a rollback (that is, you will not receive the coveted position). You can win it only if you demonstrate your professionalism throughout the year of the Dog and try to establish warm relations with your management.

There is another important point that Dragons should pay increased attention to. At the end of summer, your risk of serious bruises and injuries will increase. Be extremely careful during your holiday, and also control the amount of alcohol (it can lead to bruises and injuries).

Attention, the horoscope for the Dragon for 2018 gives only general idea about the coming 2018, for a more accurate forecast, you should draw up a personal horoscope for 2018 with an individual person’s birth chart.

The year of the reign of the good-natured and fair Pig will be a wonderful stage in life for the Dragon. At this time, you can make real plans and actively implement them. As the Dragon assures, he will be especially successful in the field of career and professional relationships.

The representative of the star sign has an excellent sense of intuition; it is this that should be listened to in unusual and dubious situations. The Dragon is now not recommended to enter into obviously dubious relationships, which for the latter could become the ruin of his life.

The Dragon is very demanding and strict with himself; the eastern horoscope warns that during the duration of this year it is important to find free minutes of time that can be devoted only to one’s own interests and favorite hobby. The personal life of the representative of the stars is developing successfully, this applies to both family signs and singles. Fate has prepared pleasant surprises for lonely Dragons, and in order to receive them, the latter should not refuse new acquaintances. For family Dragons, the year will be a decisive moment; many representatives of the stars will place new emphasis in partnerships, after which the family will become stronger.

Minor problems may occur in zodiac sign with health, but here it is important for the Dragon himself to monitor the correctness of his own lifestyle, so as not to suffer from the development of serious disease processes.

Horoscope for 2019 for the Dragon woman

The main task of lovely ladies is to formalize family relationships in such a way that they bring satisfaction and joy to all household members. The Dragon woman’s horoscope for 2019 will advise you to look at yourself “from the outside.” Perhaps it's time to change your image or change your hairstyle. It is also important to remember that any external changes lead to changes in the soul, so if women are not satisfied with something in their destiny, then the ideal time has come to change something radically.

Health problems may appear towards the end of the year. This year you need to be wary of colds and diseases of the pulmonary system. To avoid painful processes, ladies need to travel to hot countries in the summer and thereby help the immune system become stronger and more reliable.

Horoscope for 2019 for the Dragon man

As the Dragon man’s horoscope for 2019 indicates, he will have to devote most of the time that will soon come to his career field. For men, now is a wonderful time when, without much effort, you can “fly up” high on the career ladder. Real estate transactions will be successful, but it is recommended that only specialists handle the paperwork.

Things in business are also “rising” up the mountain, men are predicted to have a big deal from which they will emerge rich. This year you can safely take risks, of course, if they are expected to be justified.

But in relationships with your soulmate, small problems are possible, but this will be the fault of the men themselves, since they devote little time to their beloved ladies. For lonely Dragons, a meeting is foreshadowed with a person who can safely change the latter’s boring life to a stormy and cheerful one.

Horoscope for Dragon for January 2019

The first month of the New Year will be ideal for lonely Dragons; they are given an amazing opportunity to meet their long-awaited future. Representatives of the star sign should not shy away from communicating with diverse personalities, as well as dating new people, since their soulmate may be among them.

The month is very promising for careerists. Despite the fact that half a month here is occupied by weekends and holidays, the Dragon will be able to plan his day in such a way that he is definitely guaranteed a rise up the career ladder.

Dragon Horoscope for February 2019

As the exact eastern (Chinese) horoscope for the Dragon indicates, in February star representatives should more closely monitor their own well-being. February is known for its frequent and cold winds, which become “distributors” of dangerous viruses and colds. If the Dragon leads an incorrect lifestyle, then he risks being attacked by pathogenic processes.

This month is good for strengthening family relations, while representatives of the star sign should become activists in this issue and independently try to introduce novelty into partnerships.

Horoscope for Dragon for March 2019

From the beginning of the spring month, luck and luck “smile” on the Dragons; they now need to set clear plans in front of them and stubbornly seek their resolution. The period is ideal for completing long-planned professional tasks. But now there is no need to strive for any changes, especially of an official nature, since the risk of being deceived increases sharply.

Success for the Dragon is also guaranteed in the love field. If the representative of the zodiac is lonely, then he is recommended to become a little bolder; only in this option will it be possible to achieve the desired love benefits.

Dragon Horoscope for April 2019

In previous months, representatives of the zodiac sign were actively and purposefully striving for something, but in April chinese horoscope for 2019 for the Dragon will advise the latter to relax. It’s good if the star sign manages to take a vacation period from work and go on a foreign or tourist trip. It is not recommended to go on a trip alone; it is advisable to take either a loved one or a faithful comrade with you.

In April, you should be especially careful with material goods, since the Dragon will constantly be “pulled” to buy something unnecessary.

Horoscope for Dragon for May 2019

If the Dragon had a quality rest in the previous April, then in this May he will want to get a lot of new impressions. Lonely representatives can be “dragged” into ambiguous situations, from which they risk emerging as losers. For family representatives of the sign, May also marks a deceptive time; they will want variety and novelty in their relationships. Against the backdrop of such a state of mind, they can commit extraordinary actions that will have a very negative impact on the strength of family relationships.

Dragon Horoscope for June 2019

With the onset of warm days, the Dragon's soul will wish for relaxation and a fun pastime, but now you cannot engage in entertainment. Despite their state of mind, representatives of the zodiac are recommended to concentrate on their work sphere; now there is an excellent chance for significant material enrichment.

Small problems are emerging for the Dragons of a personal nature, but the star representatives themselves will be to blame for this. In order to improve relationships in the family, the latter need to become more flexible and, of course, fair.

Horoscope for Dragon for July 2019

A wonderful month for relaxation and pleasant meetings. If the star representative belongs to the category family man, then he and his loved one need to go on an interesting and exciting journey. Even though such a trip will not last long, it is important that the lovers spend time alone with each other, such romance will strengthen the relationship and fill the souls with a lot of pleasant impressions.

But for lonely signs, it is important to take a closer look at their own surroundings. Very close by is a person who has tender feelings for the Dragon.

Dragon Horoscope for August 2019

In August, as a rule, the weather outside is beautiful. The Dragons need to take advantage of this pleasant circumstance and direct their own efforts to strengthening the immune system. The main task of this month is to take care of your own health. If a representative of the stars is worried about any diseases, then summer is the ideal time to begin their effective treatment.

Family Dragons are advised to think more often about their household members. Perhaps they haven't done it for a long time free time together. It's time to fix everything and spend more time with the children, and also make time for your beloved spouse.

Horoscope for Dragon for September 2019

I really want to know what awaits the Dragon in September 2019 according to the eastern horoscope? With the beginning of September, most of the stars will think about their future. Of course, everyone will want to build their destiny so that it is as happy as possible. To achieve the intended benefits, the Dragon is recommended to become simpler and bolder. Perhaps, with the onset of September, you will need to think about changing career opportunities. If he receives an offer for a change permanent place work, then you can think about it.

As before, it is now forbidden to do harsh and rash actions, all of which can lead to negative consequences.

Dragon Horoscope for October 2019

Representatives of the stars need to devote almost the entire month of October to their careers. Particular care should be taken in relationships with partners. If there is an unpleasant and even two-faced person in the team, then contact with her must be reduced to a minimum.

The month may become somewhat contradictory in terms of financial support. Even if the Dragon works hard, he still will not have enough finances for important needs and essentials. The main reason for “bankruptcy” is the craving for excessive spending.

Horoscope for Dragon for November 2019

Recent events can greatly harm the Dragon's psyche. If he feels the first causes of a nervous breakdown, then he should immediately think about quality and, preferably, long rest. It is not at all necessary to go to distant lands; you can organize a pleasant and relaxing pastime in your homeland.

Another important task of this month is to establish relationships with your loved one. If quarrels and nagging often occur between partners, then they are recommended to sit down alone with each other and have a heart-to-heart discussion.

Dragon Horoscope for December 2019

Before the New Year celebrations, the representative of the stars will have a lot of trouble. Firstly, he will need to earn extra money so that the accumulated financial wealth is enough for gifts for loved ones and for the New Year’s celebration. Secondly, single representatives will need to think about who they will spend the holiday night with. If there is such a person in mind, then the Dragon himself will need to take the first steps towards building a romantic life.

It doesn't hurt to think about your health. Before the New Year's celebrations, the Dragon is recommended to “sit” on a gentle diet and actively engage in physical exercise.

For people born under this star, 2018 will be a period interesting discoveries. You may even have to change your life principles in order to comply with completely new trends in the world.

Therefore, no one will be surprised if the Dragon decides to change his occupation, which will allow him to devote more free time to his family. In addition, with the onset of spring, be prepared for the fact that you will have new acquaintances in your life. They will bring with them not only new emotions, but also interesting hobbies.

The turning point in 2018 will be August - the Dragons will decide to commit a serious act that will radically change their future lives. The stars only advise not to rush to extremes, and always consult with loved ones regarding this or that decision. By adhering to this tactic, you will be able to avoid serious mistakes.

Horoscope for the Dragon woman

In the coming year, Dragon women will face many challenges, but they will pass them with honor. Small nervous outbursts are common to all representatives of the fairer sex, but in 2018 they will sometimes suffer from real nervous hurricanes.

If you have a faithful companion with you, this period will pass almost unnoticed. Lonely female Dragons need to turn to friends for moral support.

Horoscope for the Dragon man

Dragon men are often selfish and believe that they are the center of the Universe. In the coming 2018, you will have to change your habits somewhat and come to the aid of your loved ones at their first call.

Love horoscope for Dragons

Astrologers warn that in 2018 the Dragons will begin to show excessive uncontrollability, which, oddly enough, will lead to the achievement of desired goals in the first months of the year. You'll likely feel attracted to people who are in relationships in the spring.

However, this state, on the contrary, will only encourage the Dragons, making their goal even more desirable. It may happen that the object of your affection agrees to build a couple with you, while breaking his own.

It is worth noting that the Dragons will also be in relationships before this, and some even long-term ones. By the end of the year, some representatives of the Dragon sign will be ready to get married.

Career Horoscope for Dragons

This year can be considered quite successful in terms of self-realization and professional growth. The whole catch is that back in 2016, the Dragons will slowly begin to implement the planned plan and will not finish this good deed in 2018. Mid-year you might want to start entrepreneurial activity, and even decide to take a loan from a bank, taking into account all the associated risks.

Most importantly, try not to lose your composure, because in the summer months your luck will turn away from you for a while and your self-confidence may be shaken. The worst thing is that at the end of summer, Dragons will probably lose their favorite job or a recently opened business.

If such a situation happens, do not despair, but turn to your friends for support, because they are always ready to come to the rescue. Already at the beginning of December, the Dragons will get out of their difficult situation and life will finally sparkle with bright colors.

Finance horoscope for Dragons

Astrologers warn that with the onset of 2018, representatives of this sign will begin to “rack their brains” over where to get a large sum of money. It is these funds that the Dragons will need to open a business. You will agree to any conditions, even crazy interest rates, just to make your main dream come true. In turn, the stars advise applying for financial assistance to acquaintances or friends.

If your relatives cannot help, then when concluding an agreement with the bank, carefully read the terms of the loan and even ask a qualified lawyer to study the documents.

In mid-summer, the Dragons will begin to have problems paying off the loan and even trace litigation. Try to calculate your capabilities so as not to find yourself in a debt hole.

Health horoscope for Dragon

Dragons have a fairly strong immune system and rarely get sick, but with the advent of 2018, their health may decline. Blame it all on the constant nervous tension and depression. Even at the beginning of the period under review, you will exude optimism, but in the summer there will be many more problems and your mood will worsen significantly. Unfortunately, relatives and colleagues will fall under the “hot” hand.

It is likely that the Dragons will decide to seek help from specialists, and this will the right decision. Do not refuse treatment at any rehabilitation center, because the doctors will really help you improve your peace of mind. With the coming of autumn the best option For relaxation there will be a trip to the sea. The end of the year will bring long-awaited peace and improved health to the Dragons.

Horoscope according to Zodiac signs for Dragons

Dragon - Aries

Despite the fact that Aries born in the year of the Dragon are characterized by impulsive and emotional actions, in 2018 they will have to avoid such militant tactics. Not the most the best solution there will be a taking of complexity unceremoniously. The reason for this forecast is that if you disobey, you risk frightening away your luck, both financial and love.

Dragon - Taurus

The main mistake you can make is to forget about your loved ones. But in difficult times they were by your side, helping with advice, and sometimes with deeds... The same rule can be applied to colleagues who have already become like friends to you, constantly helping you out of trouble. Taurus must find a compromise between what is important to them and what is important to others. You will be generously rewarded for your ability to take into account other people's interests.

Dragon - Gemini

In 2018, representatives of this sign must react with lightning speed to various situations, show vigilance and prudence. Throughout the year, fate will present Taurus with many unresolved issues that should be resolved immediately, without accumulating them. In this difficult matter, you should trust only your intuition and do not hesitate to ask friends for help. The only thing to remember is that every decision should bring benefit, not harm.

Dragon - Cancer

A successful and enjoyable year awaits you. In it you will feel the happiness from a career take-off, satisfaction from a salary increase and the peace that your significant other will bring you. In order for Cancers to achieve everything they had previously planned, they must correctly distribute their forces. Don't be absent from work until late at night, otherwise your chosen one or chosen one will decide that a career is more expensive. But you shouldn’t focus only on your family, otherwise you won’t have anything to live for. Cancers must choose a middle ground and try to be on time everywhere.

Dragon - Leo

Respect and popularity - this is what awaits Lviv in the approaching 2018. These people will gather only successful individuals around them, unite them and begin to feed on their energy themselves. Your leadership abilities will be extremely powerful. But in order to feed them, you should find people who will begin to evoke only positive thoughts in you. After all, a peaceful and happy Leo is capable of moving mountains. Eat seafood more often so that your brain activity does not weaken over time.

Dragon - Virgo

Perhaps in 2018 you will discover new types of income for yourself. Of course, it’s better not to pay attention to dubious deals - concentrate on a worthy offer that can generate a stable income. In the second half of the year, astrologers predict meeting profitable people.

Dragon - Libra

This year will be interesting and multifaceted for Libra. You will want to learn a new craft, make new friends and maybe get a new girlfriend or boyfriend. Before making this or that decision, Libra must think everything over carefully, and not be driven by emotions. In case of difficulty, it is better to ask friends for advice - close people will probably be able to tell you how to act in a given situation.

Dragon - Scorpio

Last year you worked hard, practically squeezed out all the juices, so in 2018 give yourself a chance to rest a little. Don't wait until summer - go on your long-awaited trip in the spring. At the same time, do not get involved in household chores, but spend your vacation for yourself. Scorpios need healing and relaxation. So fulfill this request of the body!

Dragon - Sagittarius

Your 2018 will be built on three pillars - determination, efficiency and perseverance. This position will allow Sagittarius to succeed in all areas and even experience pleasant benefits in the form of monetary rewards, good health and meeting a loved one. Those Sagittarius who have tied the knot a long time ago can count on the year passing calmly and without quarrels.

Dragon - Capricorn

What should Capricorns expect from the new year 2018? Astrologers noticed that a lot of entertainment, pleasant surprises and positivity awaited them throughout the entire period under review. This will allow you to realize all your dreams in life, because a positive attitude attracts luck like a magnet. Fate loves satisfied people, so hurry to please her in this regard.

Dragon - Aquarius

Appreciate those people who are close to you. Already with the advent of 2018, Aquarians will understand how wonderful it is when there is a person nearby whom you can rely on in difficult times. Do not spare either money or time for your loved ones. This rule applies to both single Aquarius and “married” people.

Dragon - Pisces

Since Pisces are creative people, the coming 2018 will give them a chance to show their talent to its full potential. The main thing is not to close yourself off, because shyness is not in harmony with creative personalities. Try to bring more creativity and originality into your life - you will not notice how you get used to this situation. The symbol of 2018 will definitely appreciate such a time and reward it.

Years of birth of representatives of the Dragon sign: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.

Dragon: briefly about the sign

The Dragon has natural strength and magnetism and has a passion for everything unusual and extravagant. The dragon is always full of energy and enthusiasm, so it is often difficult for household members to tolerate its excessive activity. Dragons never have enough; they constantly want more. The Dragon is an idealist who strives to realize all his ambitions, and those who dare to stand in his way can seriously suffer from the red-hot flames of all-destroying anger. The dragon does not tolerate failure; he is always confident in himself and in his superiority. The dragon always gets what he wants, even if he doesn't really need it and doesn't act wisely.

Eastern horoscope for the Dragon for 2018: the main thing

For the Dragon, 2018 is an ideal period to rethink their life values ​​and get their finances in order.

2018 Score for Dragon: 5/10

Motto for the Dragon for 2018:"Be careful!"

Dragon Predictions for 2018

In compatibility tables eastern horoscope The sign of the Dog is opposed to the sign of the Dragon, so for the latter, 2018 promises to be tense, at least harder than 2017. However, the elemental sign - "Earth Yang", the main element of 2018, is in harmony with the stable element of the Dragon, which also belongs to the element - Earth. This combination suggests that in 2018 the Dragon will be able to confidently cope with the problems that it will face, especially if it can foresee them in advance. In 2018, the Dragon needs not only to closely monitor his finances, but also his love. Perhaps events will not develop in the direction you would like, but often you will not be able to change the situation in any way, even with additional efforts. The Dragon must understand how important useful connections and acquaintances are, since they can influence his decisions and choices. Old enemies or rivals from the past may reappear and interfere with your life plans. To get fewer bites from the Yellow Earth Dog, the Dragon must learn to be softer and tame his pride and stubborn nature. Unaccustomed to compromise, the Dragon must understand that sometimes he must show humility, otherwise he may lose much more than he will concede.

Family and love relationships

Throughout most of 2018, the Dragon will face unpleasant situations and encounters that he will regret, but it will be too late. A dragon who is married or has been living with a loved one for a long time will face numerous conflicts and disputes in the family. You may even have to live separately for a while or return to your parents. Dragons in a couple should not overly criticize their partner in order to avoid the “Boomerang effect”, which can lead to a break in the relationship. Betrayal of a loved one or loved one also possible in 2018.

Single and lonely Dragons will avoid love relationship and they will not be able to open their hearts and truly trust anyone. A single dragon may have to face unrequited love, because of which he will be very worried and suffer. It is in the Dragon's interests to lock the doors to his rich inner world and do not let in unfamiliar people and ill-wishers who like to feed themselves with other people’s energy and failures. Obviously, for marriage or the birth of children, the Year of the Dog cannot be called successful for representatives of the Dragon sign. A child born in the year of the Dog will never be able to become close to his mother or father Dragon, so it is better to wait.

Work and social life

IN professional field Also, don't expect great success. It is high time to abandon unnecessary and frozen projects that require a lot of time, financial investments and do not bring profit. In 2018, Dragons need to try to change their views on their profession and really evaluate their ambitions. The Year of the Dog is an ideal time to conduct various studies and develop one of the many hidden talents of the Dragon. In 2018, you can lose money, but at the same time gain a very dear person, and this will happen at the most unexpected moment. Financial investments can be very risky, so it is better to wait until next 2019 to invest. Now is the time to listen to the wise advice of friends and put them into practice. In 2018, the Dragon will still experience positive emotions, for example, when he goes on vacation, and it is recommended to discover new countries. We also advise Dragons to prepare in advance and thoroughly for the trip, and not to grab the first last-minute ticket they come across, in order to avoid fuss, haste and, as a result, a spoiled vacation. Unfortunately, the Dog does not get along with the Dragon in any way, so you will have to be alert and careful throughout not only the entire vacation, but throughout 2018.

Lucky and favorable months for the Dragon in 2018: month of the Dragon (April 2018), month of the Monkey (August 2018), month of the Rooster (September 2018), month of the Rat (December 2018).

Unfavorable months for the Dragon in 2018: Month of the Dog (October 2018).

In 2018, it wouldn’t hurt for Dragons to get dark glasses so that the kaleidoscope of colorful events that the Dog is going to spin around his formidable charges doesn’t confuse them. Everything will happen! Good and not so good, surprising, routine, predictable, fantastic... Fasten your seat belts, grab the handrails and look forward with hope: the roller coaster that the yellow dog will put you on is about to take off.

General predictions for 2018 for the Dragon

It cannot be said that the Dog disliked the Dragon for some reason. Rather, she will not like some of the methods with which the toothy lizards are accustomed to conducting their business. An assertive, slightly despotic, uncontrollable ward in his aspirations will from time to time cause slight irritation in her, which is why the mistress of the year will teach him a lesson a couple of times. But don’t rush to get upset: these will be purely educational measures, after which the good-natured dog will immediately take pity on the Dragon, caress and elevate him.

So take any click on the nose as a hint to reconsider your behavior and draw conclusions. If you manage to understand where you were wrong, the delighted Dog will immediately dump a bag of prepared gifts on you and make sure that none of them slip past your hands.

The greatest danger for the Dragon this year will be the sphere interpersonal relationships, health and finance. In the first case, the cause of grief will be a close relative who has given the toothy lizards an impressive turn with his rash behavior - and the Dragons will have to decide how to get her out of the way. In the second, you will have to be wary of all kinds of injuries (the idea of ​​learning to snowboard in 2018, skiing or the paraglider will clearly not be the best thing in the Dragon’s life). Well, fate itself will dig the financial hole, scaly and toothy. As you know, you can’t argue with her, but you can come to an agreement. Therefore, those who do not lower their clawed paws, but begin to intensively climb up, in a couple of months will not only restore the shaky financial position, but will also remain profitable.

The main task of the wise sign in 2018 will be to rethink their views on the world, learn to find true values ​​among heaps of shiny but empty Christmas tree tinsel and find spiritual harmony. The matter is not easy, but the Dog will help you cope with it, just give her a chance.

A lot of exciting events await the Dragons in 2018

Love horoscope and family relationships

Not everything is clear here. On the one hand, Dragons, who entered the year as proud loners, risk going through the entire 12 months as bubbly, limiting themselves to casual relationships and frivolous romances for one or two days. On the other hand, it cannot be said that our charming monster experienced serious worries about this. On the contrary, the Dragon will become confident in his irresistibility to the opposite sex and will begin to enjoy life to the fullest, changing partners like signets.

Carefully! The dog will look at these amusements with disapproval and by the fall he will make sure that the loving lizard is left completely alone. The stars advise Dragons to moderate their ardor a little and devote some of their free time to their relatives: you see, warm family evenings will melt the heart of the mistress of the year and she will change her anger to mercy, organizing a meeting with true love for her ward.

Couples in a relationship, regardless of whether they have a stamp in their passport, will enter a deep crisis in the fall. To prevent matters from dividing property, the Dragon will have to curb his temper and become more restrained in expressing emotions. And also come up with a joint activity for yourself and your partner. For example, turn a cluttered loggia into a cozy place for romantic tea parties. Or learn how to weave baskets from wicker. Or go on a journey as savages. By the way, the frantic lizard will be attracted to you this year Western Europe and the distant North. Perhaps the climate there will slightly cool down the excessive ardor of our hero?


All year long, the financial boat of the Dragons will be thrown up and down. At the end of winter, the hardworking Dog will suddenly feel as if her scaly ward is trying to achieve material wealth in roundabout ways, without making the necessary efforts, and she will block the financial flows replenishing the Dragon’s piggy bank. We'll have to tighten our belts, enter austerity mode and prove in practice to the four-legged moralist that even the most royal lizards are not afraid to get their paws dirty with labor. If you are diligent enough, the Dog will quickly admit his mistake and will do everything to reward you for the forced hardships.

You will have to fight seriously for your well-being

The second half of the year will be especially generous with bonuses. Money will literally fall at the dragon's feet! A bonus, a salary increase, an unexpectedly returned old debt that you have already given up on - just have time to line your pockets. In addition, this time is ideal for making large purchases or real estate transactions. Needed new sofa? Consider it already in your living room. Are you planning to change your car? You will easily be able to find exactly the one you dreamed of - not damaged and without a twisted mileage. Are you thinking about moving into your own home? Rest assured, the Dog will find one in which water does not drip from the taps, and cockroaches do not nest under the floor.

However, if the Dragon tries to hide and wait out a difficult period without making serious efforts to correct the situation, he will not have to count on the favor of the furry patroness. And even when the financial crisis is behind us, do not forget: the Dog will vigilantly monitor how its gifts are managed. Avoid stupid spending and gambling, otherwise by autumn an ​​even deeper financial abyss will open under your feet.

Career and business

As in the case of finances, the first 6 months will become a kind of test of strength for the Dragon. Ambitious lizards aiming for the boss's chair will be given a chance to show their energy and enterprise, but the Dog will not help them conquer new career heights. At least at first. To win the tailed one over to its side, the Dragon needs:

  • improve relationships with colleagues - in the year of the friendly dog, luck will, for the most part, be on the side of team players;
  • make new acquaintances - some of them will have brilliant prospects hidden behind them;
  • be patient.

And then, from July-August, the career of our ambitious monster will move up. And it will even have time to accelerate to a decent speed. The main thing at this time is to carefully monitor the road so as not to fall into a pothole placed on the Dragon’s path by envious people. Unfortunately, many of these will appear in the fall. However, they can also be regarded as a sign of success, because losers are not envied. Perform your duties more carefully so as not to give your enemies a reason to complain to your superiors, and do not share personal information with just anyone.

You will have to endure several serious battles with ill-wishers

In 2018, it is better for Dragons to avoid business trips: the benefits from them will be enormous, and the effort, nerves and time expended will be enormous. Settle down at home and improve your professional skills, you will probably soon receive interesting offer, which it would be a shame to give up. First of all, this applies to artists and, in general, everyone whose work in one way or another requires the presence of creativity.

Predictions for male Dragons

Spectacular and extremely attractive to the opposite sex, the Dragon man will be wildly popular with women in the coming year until August. At this time, you can safely flirt with every young lady making eyes at the “mighty and terrible” lizard, lavish and receive compliments, start affairs and do crazier things in a fit of feelings. But do not forget that the Dog will start all this not for fun, but to help the ward meet his soul mate. So don’t jump around for nothing for six months! Having noticed a princess suitable in spirit and interests, take her by storm and drag her with all possible gallantry to your cave: the hour is uneven, some knight who has jumped out of the ground at the wrong time will take your lady away from you!

If a Dragon man experiences a lull in his personal life, his professional life will begin to move. The changes will be global - right up to changing jobs. Well, if you take this step deliberately, and not in the heat of a quarrel with your boss or succumbing to the call of fellow adventurers, the scaly one will quickly get out onto the path leading to the golden mountain.

In summer, Dragon men should take care of themselves. Give up extreme sports and too active recreation in favor of the sea, walking tours and socializing with friends. To have a good time, you don’t have to storm Elbrus and dive with sharks.

Predictions for women

The beautiful and feminine Dragons will be able to handle anything this year

If the Dragon woman decides to move her career upward in 2018, she will experience dizzying success. New subordinates will perceive our heroine’s appointment favorably, new responsibilities will be easy, and things will roll like clockwork. However, the Dragoness, like no one else, should be wary of secret spiteful critics who will stop at nothing to denigrate her in the eyes of her management and partners. Carefully check all the information that comes to you so as not to follow the lead of provocateurs or take rash steps.

On the love front it will be turbulent: for some - meter-long armfuls of roses and dinner in Venice, for others - scenes of jealousy and loud slams of doors. However, how events develop will, in most cases, depend on the behavior of the Dragoness herself, so sharpen your claws, ladies, and take fate into your graceful but strong dragon paws.

In the fall, be able to find an opportunity to take a couple of weeks of rest and recharge with good impressions. By November-December, the blues will begin to search for you intensely - do everything to ensure that its searches are fruitless.

In the heat of your love search, do not miss a new interesting acquaintance whom the Dog will put in your path. If you behave correctly, over time you will find in him close friend who will lend a shoulder, wipe away tears, and slap the offender in the face when such a need arises. And don’t believe anyone who says that friendship between a man and a woman does not exist!

What will the year be like depending on the element?

Fire, metal, water and other elements will begin to make their own adjustments to the life of Dragons throughout 2018. And all that remains is not to yawn and to make the most of the clues of fate provided to them.

The Fire Dragon (1916, 1976) should firmly remember that the Dog is a sincere creature, and try to be less deceitful. An innocent, but revealed deception will turn a loved one against him, ruin his business reputation and lower the degree of trust among friends. On the other hand, the lizard itself can become a victim of cunning manipulations. Watch what you sign and do not invest in dubious enterprises!

If the Water Dragon (1952) gets rid of his complexes, becomes more decisive and learns to listen to the voice of his heart, he will succeed in all areas of life, from professional to personal. In the middle of the year, unfree representatives of this sign will face minor difficulties in relationships: the other half of the waterfowl lizard suddenly decides to play Othello and will calm down only after her beloved surrounds her with increased attention and care.

A pet of the water element needs to learn to be more persistent and firmer

In the spring, love will sprout in the hearts of the Wooden Dragons (1904, 1964). If this happens to a lonely lizard, you can completely surrender to the new feeling, not caring about the possible difference in age or social status. But for ringed Dragons, the affair will backfire! It’s better to focus your efforts on bringing the novelty that both of you so lack into your relationship with your current partner.

The Earth Dragon (1928, 1988) will have a successful year in all respects. A dog born under the sign of the same element will forget about its usual impartiality and will shamelessly play along with the “countryman”. The main thing for such a Dragon is to find a healthy balance between career and personal life, so as not to overstrain yourself trying to be on time everywhere. Those who are thinking about offspring have every chance of meeting a stork in 2018. Buy baby vests and design a nursery!

The Metal Dragon (1940, 2000) will have to rattle a lot of iron in clashes with competitors, but in the end he will win back a comfortable cave with European-quality renovation and golden mountains. Just don’t forget to take off your armor when returning home - your significant other may not appreciate your fighting spirit and go looking for someone with a softer disposition.

Forecast for 12 zodiac signs

Let all Dragons belong to a single scaly and fire-breathing tribe, each of them is born under their own Zodiac sign. And when making forecasts for the year, this must be taken into account.


The Aries Dragon has worked well under the leadership of the lively Rooster and therefore has every right to rest. Before calling knights to battle, kidnapping beauties and planning other fateful changes, take a time out and relax thoroughly.


A rich emotional life awaits the Taurus Dragon. Meetings, acquaintances, friendship, love, adventures - a fire-breathing bull can expect anything but a gray, dull routine. The only thing is that we will have to make sure that this flurry of events does not knock our hero off his feet and drag him away to God knows where.


The Gemini Dragon, with its usual duality, will want opposite things: exciting adventures and peace. You'll have to listen to the voice of the more boring half of your soul and play less pranks - love or financial scams may not end very well for the lizard.

For the Gemini Dragon, the most important thing is harmony with oneself


In 2018, the Dragon-Cancer will face several difficult situations, which will have to be resolved to the utmost. Look for support from your family and friends and remember: sooner or later the clouds will clear and the sun will come out from behind them.

a lion

Dragon-Leo will be tempted to have an affair at work. You shouldn't do this if you don't want your professional reputation to suffer damage! And even more so, you should keep your feelings in check if you are not free. Believe me, the love intoxication will dissipate sooner or later, and the other half may never forgive.


Female Virgo Dragons will be finely tuned to love and will certainly find it - this year they will literally radiate femininity and charm. But men born under the combination of these signs will chase a long ruble and may end up left without money and without relationships.


The Libra Dragon, under the auspices of the Dog, will find enviable harmony in the family. But in the business sphere there will sometimes be incredible confusion! Arm yourself with the scales that your sign has so successfully provided you with, and regularly put emotions and feelings on one bowl, and on the other cold calculation. When you manage to bring them into balance, the troubles will stop.


The Scorpio Dragon will spend a significant part of the year in a love frenzy, but all his hasty romances will not end in anything. If a double-tailed sign wants a serious relationship, he will have to pay close attention to his inner content. Engage in self-improvement, and your soulmate will find you.


The Sagittarius Dragon will not go wrong by being completely immersed in the worries of arranging his personal life. Lonely lizards will meet a worthy partner, married ones will strengthen their marriage, and some will be welcomed into the family.


The Capricorn Dragon will have no time for serious achievements throughout the first half of the year. The end of winter will lead to a loss of strength, spring will turn your head, summer will relax you with warmth and the promise of a quick vacation... But the brave lizard will meet autumn fully armed and will be able to make an important decision that circumstances will require of him.


The Aquarius Dragon will unexpectedly discover abilities in himself that he had not previously suspected, which will allow him to significantly advance in his career or even change his field of activity. Don't be afraid of changes, but introduce them into your life wisely so as not to mess things up.


The Pisces Dragon will decide to pay more attention to the family and will be absolutely right - the other half will blossom, loved ones will adore the scaly relative, the children will turn into a model of obedience. But try not to lose sight of your affairs, otherwise by autumn they may be in a deplorable state.

Video: eastern horoscope 2018 for the Dragon

Many Dragons in 2018 will have to shed a lot of sweat to prove to the Dog that they are worthy of all the blessings of life. But sooner or later, the furry ruler of the coming 12 months will realize how wrong she was in suspecting the Dragon of dishonesty, and will begin to apologize, showering him with her favors. Don't give up and be persistent, even if things don't go smoothly at first. Luck will certainly find you.