home · On a note · Conclusion of counters on poles in suburban areas. Electricity meter on the street - is it legal to demand that the meter be taken outside? How to install an electricity meter on the street: installation rules

Conclusion of counters on poles in suburban areas. Electricity meter on the street - is it legal to demand that the meter be taken outside? How to install an electricity meter on the street: installation rules

From the presented material, the reader will learn: whether the energy sales company has the right to require the installation of a meter on the street; which device to choose, where and how to mount it, what rules must be observed, is it possible refuse to install the device outside the home.

Installing an electricity meter on the street: what you need to know?

There are certain rules and the subtleties that you need to know before installing the electric meter.

Devices are electronic and induction. The second ones are less accurate, so they are replaced by electronic ones.

Before buying, you need to check the integrity of the seal and clarify the period of its installation.

If a common house appliance is being installed, actions should be coordinated with neighbors.

Install counter can electrician.

Before starting work, you need to request a contract for the provision of services from the power supply company. It contains installation requirements, a set of actions, rights and obligations of the parties.

Forced to take the electricity meter outside: is the requirement legal in Russia, and who benefits from it?

Electricity suppliers demand to install meters on the street for ease of inspection and reading.

In addition, when the air temperature is below zero, the device often does not work in favor of citizens. The error reaches 10% or more. This is in the hands of the sales company. The meters installed in this way fail faster, respectively, the costs of the owners for their replacement, installation and sealing increase.

Consumers are asking: is it legal such a setup?

Conditions of power engineers for mounting devices outdoors illegal!

They go against the following regulations:

1. P. 1.5.27 PUE (rules for electrical installations)

The document says that the meter should be installed in a dry room easily accessible for maintenance with a temperature not lower than zero in winter.

Takeaway outdoors exposes it to atmospheric precipitation and low temperatures.

2. P. 1.5.29 PUE

The permissible mounting height of the meter is in the range from 0.4 to 1.7 m from the floor.

3. Art. 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

The owner is responsible for the safety of his property, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

Putting forward requirements install the appliance outdoors, the utility company makes it impossible for the owner to keep it. Everyone has access to a street electric meter, including hooligans and thieves.

Based on the foregoing, the owner refuse from mounting the device outdoors.

Where is the best place to install an electric meter on the street?

In a cottage or country house, the device can be mounted on a pole, support, building facade.

There are certain standards for mounting the device outdoors and the parameters for attaching the overhead line:

  1. The distance from the mounting post to the input module should be no more than 25 m.
  2. At the lowest point, the height of the branch should be more than 6 m in places of traffic, and above the paths for pedestrians - more than 3.5 m.
  3. The lowest point where cables can be attached to the building must be more than 2.75 m.

Installation the device on the pole is made after receiving permission from the electricity supplier. All work must be carried out by a licensed professional.

The building is connected to the support with a cable. Outside, it is insulated and protected from the influence of adverse weather conditions.

Electrical devices on poles and supports are placed in metal or plastic boxes. The input wires to the room are laid in a metal pipe. To prevent electric shock to a person, all metal constructions connected to the ground loop.

The pole to which it is attached counter, must be securely installed.

When installing a metering device on the facade of a building, the same standards should be observed as when installing it on a support.

The permission of the electricity supplier is required.

Which electric meter to choose for outdoor installation?

There are household counters electricity designed for installation outside the home. They are able to withstand fluctuations in air temperature, while maintaining the accuracy of the readings.

Devices are single and multi-tariff, single or three-phase.

Counters for the street are different power.

Now released devices that work well even at low temperatures.

When buying an installation box, you need to pay attention Special attention for its tightness. Heating is optional.

The moisture-proof box must have a degree of protection of at least IP53-IP54.

Boxing should be chosen taking into account the design of the counter.

There must be a window on the door for taking readings.

As street version most suitable single-phase electric meter- For small house and cottages, or three-phase- for a multi-storey cottage with a swimming pool, sauna, etc.

In the latter case, the main thing is to correctly connect the device and evenly distribute the load on the network circuits.

Electric meters have a higher accuracy class than induction meters. Indications remain stable at temperature fluctuations throughout the entire period of operation.

When selecting fastening type the device is better to give preference to a DIN rail. She is universal.

Need before buying pay attention to the seal and the date of the last verification. Its prescription should not exceed two years - for single-phase devices and 1 year - for three-phase.

How to install an electricity meter on the street: installation rules

For installation of the electric meter, you can call a specialist.

If the owner of the house knows how to properly install the device, he can do it himself. To do this, you must follow the safety precautions and act according to the scheme below.

Step 1. Application to the energy sales organization

The supplier is preparing Required documents, agreement, assigns a personal account for payments for electricity. The supplier issues technical papers to the consumer.

They indicate:

  1. Counter type.
  2. Input protection machine.
  3. The cross section and footage of the wire.
  4. The name of the installation panel (box).

Step 2 Installing the meter

Having received technical documents, you can mount the device. At self-assembly the necessary materials and elements should be prepared.

Outside the house or on a pole, the YaUR-NG (outdoor distribution box) is fixed. It is equipped with the necessary for attaching email. counter elements.

When installing the device yourself, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Disconnect the power line before starting work.
  2. Installation height should be 0.8-1.7 m.
  3. At temperatures below 5 °, the readings of the device are incorrect. You should think about purchasing a heated electrical panel.
  4. input electrical circuit connects to the circuit breaker and then to the meter.
  5. Necessary protective earth. In case of phase imbalance or short circuit electronics in the house will not be affected.
  6. The output of the counter is connected to the introductory machine.
  7. The meter must be located at a distance of at least a meter from the gas pipeline and water supply line.
  8. Trial start.

Step 3. Application for approval of the device for use

The document is drawn up by the consumer in the office of the energy sales company. It can be sent by registered mail with notification.

The application contains the following information:

  1. Name of the applicant.
  2. Contract (account) number.
  3. Address and phone number of the individual.
  4. Date and signature.

Step 4. Drawing up an act of inspection results and sealing the device

The document is drawn up by the supplier's representative. It informs about the provision of services for the technological connection of the meter, its cost, specifications connections, instrument data and initial readings.

Electricity bills are made from the date specified in the act.

Important! During the initial installation of the electric meter, its sealing is free of charge.

Is it possible to refuse to take the electricity meter outside?

If the owners of the house do not prevent the power engineers from inspecting and taking meter readings, then there is no need to take it outside.

If the purchaser agreement lists the installation site as adjoining territory, the consumer may request that this clause be changed.

In this case, it would be useful to mention the violation of the above laws.

The counter can be anywhere in agreement with sales. These are the requirements of legal acts and they are well known to employees of Mosenergosbyt in particular. "For the market" I answer. And how do you agree - no one will tell anyone here, the question is intimate. IMHO, the requirement to install outside the site at eye level (not necessarily on a support, it's just more convenient on it) is reasonable and civilized in the current conditions. If you have ASKUE, you can mount it anywhere - they usually put it as high as possible on supports, and the vandal will not climb, and it is close to the GBP.
This issue has been completely removed in the neighboring states: Moldova and Ukraine. There the counters were taken out everyone, however, at the expense of power engineers (Italians in Moldova and the same "heirs of the EEC", as in the Russian Federation, in Ukraine). We, like everything else, are trying to hang on the consumer. Again, IMHO - it's arrogant. But my IMHO they don't care. And everyone, as soon as the government does not want to deal with this, decides this issue for himself, unless it is decided by the sales or network company - as in the post above. Incidentally, the case is not rare. I decided - I took it out at my own expense. As long as it hasn't been stolen and is unlikely to be stolen. If they steal it, I'll buy a new one. It's like with car wipers: why would someone steal what everyone has? And not so long ago they filmed it and took it home. The issue is civilizational, and if both sides do not move towards a solution, then it will not be resolved, and we will continue to slurp cabbage soup with bast shoes. However, don't get used to it...

The branch did not catch my eye, so I did not answer.
Where did you get that by agreement? Can't stand anywhere. Because it's bullshit. Let me explain, as an engineer to an engineer. The VU (ASU) is installed at the entrance to the building - I don’t even want to discuss another option, otherwise what the hell is there to produce something according to some standards (I won’t list the PUE numbers in principle). So, then mount the ASU for yourself at the entrance to the building, install the accounting on the support behind the fence, then connect the wire from the network to the ASU, then the wire from the ASU to the account, then the wire from the accounting to your distribution switchboard in the building.
Then call any electrician and show how to make a process connection.
The trick is (he wrote more than once): my house is in an urban-type settlement, there is a shop behind the fence. The gates and the fence are mashed with paint, the drunken people are sick of it. Supports of overhead lines, telephones, radios were knocked down by cars more than once. I have 220 V, the support has been standing on my site for 40 years, reinforced concrete, numbered. Why am I coming up with all this crap? Put another post behind the fence? Pissing on the side of the road that I landscaped? Sales inspectors come twice a year and easily take readings in the house. So why do you need a dog ("Ivan Vasilich changes his profession")? Not allowed to take statements? When you conclude a contract (marketers), include a clause obliging you to allow for reconciliation a couple of times a year, if not allowed, for example, to count 500 kW per month. Delov then. No, you have to look down. In no way am I belittling your mental capacity, practical knowledge, experience at last.

4.81/5 (47)

Forced to take the electricity meter to the street: is it legal

Placing electricity meters on street poles is the main decision of some energy companies, whose representatives motivate him with more convenient conditions for checking them and taking readings.

Among other things, this is due to the desire of organizations to capitalize on the errors of meters (sometimes reaching up to 10 percent), which fail faster at temperatures below 0 degrees than ordinary home ones. Also, this decision plays into the hands of sales companies, whose services citizens are forced to turn to for repair, installation, resealing and reinstallation of equipment.

Against this background, residents are increasingly asking the question: are such actions of this kind on the part of energy supply companies legal?

The answer is no, by law, organizations are prohibited from forcing their customers to install meters outside the home.

Attention! This measure is contrary to the content of the following legal acts:

  • clause 1.5.27 of the PUE (rules for the installation of electrical installations). This act contains information that meters must be installed exclusively in suitable Maintenance rooms with extremely low levels of humidity and temperatures in winter not below zero degrees. Placing the meter outside the home is fraught with detrimental consequences for the device due to the impact of climatic conditions on it;
  • clause 1.5.27 of the PUE (rules for the installation of electrical installations). This act establishes a kind of ceiling, above which the meter cannot be installed: an acceptable mark varies from 0.4 m to 1.7 m. high level not only goes against the content of this regulation, but also causes great harm individuals, unable, as a result, to normally take readings of the device;
  • clause 1.5.27 of the PUE (rules for the installation of electrical installations). Each owner is responsible for the safety and normal functionality of his property, however, in the context of the company's requirements for placing meters on the street, this obligation is impossible. Any random passer-by can affect performance street meter up to its complete destruction, which is often used by vandals and hooligans.

The company's clients have the right to write an official refusal and demand the right to place an electricity meter at home. However, this right may be revoked if the decision to install the appliance is not home premises was adopted at the general meeting of the SNT.

Who has the right to install a counter on a street pole

Installing an electricity meter on a street pole is a job that any competent worker can handle, but must be used to connect electricity. qualified help representative of the company with the appropriate authority and skills.

Even at the planning stage of the procedure, only the help of a special worker of the power grid should be assumed.

Provided that the metering device was installed outside the home, carried out by employees of the energy company, no claims can be made against the client.

Before this, the relevant documents must be verified, the contents of which indicate the boundary of the division of the balance sheet, together with the conditions for placing a single device.

If the house is privately owned, the boundary of the balance sheet does not run at home, but on the street. At the same time, only existing documents can indicate the location of the counter. The procedure is possible only with the consent of the owner of private property.

Where is the best place to install an electric meter on the street

Installation of an electricity meter on a support, pole and / or facade of a building is appropriate on the territory of a cottage or country property.

Notice! Here is a list of conditional norms for placing a meter on the street and the parameters for attaching a suspension line:

  • 25 meters or less - this should be the distance from the incoming module mounting post. In places of constant movement Vehicle the lowest attachment point should be located at a height of 6 meters, above the footpaths - three meters;
  • 2.75 m or more - this should be the height of the lowest place where the wires are attached to the building.

Without the appropriate permission from the energy supplier company, the placement of the meter is strictly prohibited. In this case, the work must be carried out by a specialist who has a genuine license.

The connection is made by attaching wires from the building to the support site. Malware Protection external factors provided with external insulation.

Boxes serving as cases for energy reading devices must be made of metal or plastic materials. The pipe through which they must pass electric wires, must also be made of metal. In order to reduce the likelihood of electric shock to a person, a metal structure is connected to a ground loop.

Please note! The location of the meter must be a post securely fixed in place. Setting the counter to front part the building provides for the same standards for the implementation of the procedure as when attaching to a classic support. A mandatory aspect is the appropriate permission from the representatives of the organization.

Which electric meter to choose

On the shelves of stores you can find special Appliances energy metering, designed to be placed on street supports. Due to other work criteria, they are not subject to temperature fluctuations, which eliminates the possibility of any error.

They are both single- and three-phase, single- and multi-tariff, street meters have different degrees of power.

Attention! Our qualified lawyers will assist you free of charge and around the clock on any issues.

Without calculating the power of all electrical appliances, it is impossible to determine the power of a particular meter. If the total power is less than 10 kW, you need to choose a meter with a capacity of about 60 A, more - more than 100 A, class not lower than 2.0.

Today, there is an active production of equipment that can withstand low temperatures.

When purchasing an installation box, do not forget to pay attention to the degree of its tightness, while the presence of heating is not mandatory.

The moisture-proof box must have a degree of protection of at least IP53-IP54.

It should not be forgotten that there is a connection between the shape of the box and the design of the device.

Normal reading is not possible without a window on the door.

The single phase meter will become ideal option subject to placement on the street on the territory of a summer cottage complex or a small house, three-phase meter more suitable for a building with many luxurious frills.

The last point involves the competent connection and distribution of electricity in all areas. Electric meters have a great advantage over induction meters due to their higher accuracy. At the same time, the meter readings remain at the same level throughout the entire time the device is used.

When choosing the type of device mounting, it is better to give preference to a DIN rail because of its versatility. The presence of a seal and the date of verification should be decisive factors for making a decision to purchase a meter. If no more than two years have passed since the last inspection of the device for single-phase and one year for three-phase, then the purchase of such equipment does not promise problems in the future.

Watch the video. Residents are being forced to take meters outside:

Rules for the installation of electrical installations (PUE)

In the absence of such a border (as on the lands of SNT), it should be located near the garden plot. This measure will help reduce the possibility of electricity theft by unreliable customers.

Step-by-step instructions for installing an electric meter

First of all, for the successful placement of the meter, you need to call a qualified specialist.

Step 1. Applying to the energy company

There is preparation necessary documentation, agreements, an invoice is assigned for energy costs. After that, the client receives a package of technical documents.

Attention! The content must include:

  • counter type;
  • input protection machine;
  • section and footage of the wire;
  • name of the installation panel (box).

Step 2. Mounting the meter

After completing the documentation procedure, the consumer can proceed with the installation of the equipment. It is recommended to stock up in advance necessary materials and auxiliary tools.

You need to take an outdoor distribution box and fix it on a street pole or other support, you can find everything you need for a successful meter installation in it.

Notice! Independent fastening of the reading device requires compliance with the following rules:

  • de-energizing electricity before starting the work process;
  • from 0.8 m to 1.7 m the height of the counter should vary;
  • if at temperatures below 5 degrees the meter readings do not correspond to reality, the client is advised to purchase a special shield to protect against temperature fluctuations;
  • the input electrical circuit is connected to the circuit breaker, and then to the meter;
  • protective earthing is mandatory for installation. In case of phase imbalance or short circuit, the electronics in the house are not affected negatively;
  • connection is made to the introductory device;
  • the meter must be located at a distance of at least a meter from the gas pipeline and water supply line;
  • perform a test run.

Step 3. Submission of an application for the commissioning of the device

The documentation is drawn up with the direct participation of the client in the office of the energy company.
There is an option to send registered letter with appropriate notice.

This should include the following information:

  • passport data of the consumer;
  • account number (contract);
  • consumer contact details;
  • client's signature and date of execution.

Step 4. Fixing the fact of checking the device and its subsequent sealing

Documentation is handled by the agent of the company. The content of the act reflects information about the service for accommodation and technical processing device to the client. The date entered in the protocol is considered the starting point for subsequent payment.

Please note that during the first installation of the device, the sealing process proceeds free of charge.

ATTENTION! View the completed sample application for commissioning an electric meter:

Who pays for installation

In Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 No. 442 “On the functioning of retail markets electrical energy, full and (or) partial restriction of the mode of consumption of electrical energy "in paragraph 1.8. it is stated that “... actions to put metering devices into operation, to install seals and (or) signs of visual control upon completion of the procedure for putting the metering device into operation, to take and provide readings of metering devices are performed by them without charging a fee for their completion, unless otherwise not expressly stated in this document.

In our SNT, the board is forcing summer residents to hang on street poles electric meters. Asserts that such a decision was made at the general meeting. But they held this meeting in secret, and there were about ten people at it. Now some gardeners have paid for meters (and a lot!), And some refuse - after all, they are already in the houses. For example, we come only a few times a season and pay regularly. Why do we need another counter?

Vladimir, Ryazan region

Yuri Volokhov, lawyer and summer resident, answers:

You write that you are coming to garden plot only a few times per season. And, as you can understand, pay for electricity no more often than you visit the country. And if, for example, you don’t come in winter, then for autumn months don't pay right away. So, you pay for electricity by no means regularly.

Meanwhile, SNT is required to pay for electricity on a monthly basis. The fact is that the power supply company supplies electricity to the border of the SNT, where it is installed total counter, on which the calculation is carried out. The total also includes consumption at the facilities. common use, and unaccounted for (often stolen) electricity, and technical losses. And if individual gardeners also pay for electricity from time to time, then SNT falls into difficult situation– it is necessary to find funds to pay for electricity from other sources.

This is one of the reasons that prompts the leadership of the horticultural association to oblige gardeners to install additional electricity meters outside the houses. After all, it is much easier to control the consumption of electricity and the timeliness of payment for this public service. And of course, to check if members of the SNT are stealing electricity. So a similar solution general meeting members of the SNT may well be justified. And if it is adopted by a majority vote (if there is a quorum), then all gardeners are obliged to comply with it.

Another thing is if the general meeting of members of the SNT was held in violation of the requirements of the law. But, as can be seen from the letter, the author does not have accurate information about how many members of the association were present at the meeting and, accordingly, whether the decisions taken at it are legal. You can deal with this only on the spot by viewing the minutes of the meeting. And, if violations are revealed, you can appeal the actions of the board in court. The court has the right to recognize the decisions of the general meeting of members of the SNT as invalid and cancel them.

Is it possible to get out of SNT and what does it threaten?

– In accordance with clause 9 of part 1 of article 19 federal law dated 15.04.1998 No. 66? FZ “On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens”, a member of a horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit association has the right to voluntarily withdraw from such a partnership. At the same time, the use engineering networks, roads, other property of SNT and its operation will be carried out on the basis of an agreement on the procedure for using the specified property, which is concluded directly with the dacha association.

Thus, in the event of a member withdrawing from the SNT, an agreement is concluded with him on the procedure for using common property, and other members of the CNT will not have the right to prohibit him from using running water, electricity or other infrastructure.

How to go through the process of leaving the partnership? In accordance with paragraph 1 of part 1 of Art. 21 of the Federal Law of April 15, 1998 No. 66? FZ “On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens”, issues related to the admission of citizens to members of the SNT and exclusion from it fall within the exclusive competence of the general meeting of members of the horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit associations (meetings of authorized persons). The management of the current activities of the partnership is carried out by the board (Article 22 of the said law).

Thus, a gardener who wants to terminate his membership in the SNT must apply to the board with a corresponding application. Then your question will be considered at the next general meeting of the partnership.

Andrey Yurtin, lawyer.

For the purpose of rational and effective use energy resources, electricity metering devices are used, which allow you to control the volume of electricity consumption. The installation of the metering device is carried out in accordance with the generally established rules:

  • first, it is required to obtain technical specifications for the design and installation of the metering unit;
  • further prepared project documentation and estimate;
  • project approval;
  • assembly of the metering unit according to the prepared project;
  • installation of the metering device and its connection to the mains;
  • carrying out commissioning and commissioning of the facility.
Our company has all the necessary permits for the installation of metering devices, therefore, after installation, the object without fail receives an operating permit from the energy supply company.


The point of commercial electricity metering is used to work on overhead lines transmission lines to ensure commercial metering of electrical energy. PKU can be installed:

    at the border of the network's balance sheet when connecting new consumption points;

    as part of ASKUE for accounting and transmission of meter readings to the control room;

    as a control point for illegal theft of electricity.

The installation of a commercial metering point provides for the installation of a high-voltage measuring cabinet, a connecting cable, a metering and data transmission cabinet, as well as surge arresters. The used high-voltage cabinets have a hermetically sealed case made of solid metal with doors. Bushings are mounted in the roof of the cabinet, to which the main circuit is connected.

Installation of a pipe rack

The installation of a pipe rack under the meter is carried out in strict compliance with the rules and regulations of the controlling state companies. During installation, the issued technical conditions for connecting the site to the power grid are taken into account.

Installation of the pipe rack is carried out in several stages and provides for:

    installation of a mast-support of a pipe rack, electric meter and automatics;

    connection input cable electrical networks to the electrical panel;

    connection and sealing of the counter;

    laying a cable from a pipe rack to a residential building on the site.

Installation work can be performed at any time of the year as soon as possible. After the facility is put into operation, we guarantee the safety and reliability of its operation.

Electricity metering in SNT

By default, SNT provides one system metering of consumed electricity. To eliminate the risks of overpayments, as an option, it is possible to switch to individual electricity metering, which in SNT can be done by removing a pipe stand with an individual electricity meter.

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, connecting the site to the power grid and installing electricity meters in SNT for users who are not members horticultural partnership follows a simplified pattern. For such users, at the time of applying for specifications and connection of the site to the power supply, the provision of an agreement on the use of property and the general infrastructure of the partnership is not required.

Transformer connection electric meter

The electricity meter is connected through transformers according to the schemes of indirect or semi-indirect connection. The semi-indirect type connection scheme provides for connecting the meter to the network using a current transformer. This connection option is used for industrial facilities with a mains voltage of 0.4 kV. The indirect type connection scheme is used for larger enterprises where high-voltage equipment is used with a voltage of electrical network more than 1 kV. In this case, the meter is connected to the network through voltage and current transformers.

The installation of the electric meter is carried out with strict observance of the PUE, taking into account the features of the type of meter, the object where the installation will be carried out, the voltage class and, accordingly, the scheme for connecting it to the network.