home · electrical safety · The air conditioner smelled like a sewer. What causes the smell from the air conditioner and how to eliminate it? The climate system is flowing

The air conditioner smelled like a sewer. What causes the smell from the air conditioner and how to eliminate it? The climate system is flowing

An air conditioner is a device designed to regulate humidity and air temperature, as well as to purify it. These are household appliances that set a comfortable microclimate in a living space.

What an unpleasant surprise it is for owners of an air conditioner when their assistant, instead of purifying the air, begins to spoil it with his “stale breath”!

What independent actions should you take in this case and when can you not do without the help of an experienced air conditioning repairman?

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of an unpleasant odor from an air conditioner that has worked properly for several years is accumulation of mold fungi and bacteria in this device.

Microorganisms settle inside the air conditioner, namely in condensate - water that remains in the air conditioner after its operation is completed and is a suitable (warm and humid) environment for the development of such living creatures.

Mold and fungi smell damp and rotten. If this is what you feel, there are several reasons this problem:

1.The air conditioner is not installed correctly. The water stagnates in it. Solution: Reinstall the device.

2.The air conditioner did not turn on for a long time.

3. Preventative disassembly, cleaning and rinsing of the air conditioner was not carried out on time, that is, it was not given proper care.

Solution in these two cases the same: rinse well inner part device, disinfect with antibacterial agents and dry.

4.Filters have not been replaced for a long time. Solution: change filters.

If uninvited “guests” have settled in your air conditioner, the VseRemont24 master can get rid of them! Call a specialist to your home at any time convenient for you.

Depending on the degree of contamination, the technician will carry out all the necessary job:

  • regular or deep cleaning
  • reinstallation,
  • replacing filters.

Air conditioner diagnostics are free for VseRemont24 clients; the technician will tell you the exact repair price upon arrival, after conducting the diagnostics and determining the scope of work.

However, the accumulation of fungi and bacteria is not the only reason for the unpleasant odor from the air conditioner!

If your air conditioner suddenly burnt smell Most likely, the wiring has burned out somewhere.

Attention! This situation is a fire hazard! Hurry up, unplug the device and call a technician.

If your favorite air conditioner suddenly began to “delight” you sewer smell, there is a problem incorrect installation plum. If the condensate from the air conditioner is not drained into the street, but into the sewer, you need to call a technician to install a siphon or reinstall the air conditioner.

If your air conditioner operates in a mode where air is taken not from the street, but from the living room itself, then the unpleasant odor emanating from it is nothing more than a concentrated the scent of your apartment! The air conditioner picks up and then blows out the odors of low-quality furniture (formaldehyde resins), plastic, synthetics, cigarette smoke, and so on.

In this case, the air conditioner Not repairs are needed, just take care of the cleanliness of the air in your home and install protective filters:

  • photocatalytic (absorbs all odors of organic origin),
  • kakhetin (antibacterial and antiviral),
  • wasabi (fights bacteria, disinfects),
  • plasma ionizer (disinfects, traps dust).

If your air conditioner is brand new, you just installed it, turned it on for the first time and immediately heard an unpleasant odor, most likely it is smell of plastic. Inexpensive models of air conditioners often emit such an aroma during the first few days/weeks of use. All you have to do is wait for a while.

Experience in operating various split systems shows that at least half of users complain of an unpleasant odor from the air conditioner some time after installation. Moreover, for some this period of time can be very short (2-3 weeks), for others it can be a year or more. The same situation can be observed with car coolers: some car enthusiasts notice the appearance of odors almost immediately, while others do not notice them at all. The purpose of our article is to understand where this stench comes from and how to deal with it.

Most of all, this phenomenon surprises those users who recently installed air conditioning. Our people are quite knowledgeable, and therefore many already know that nasty odors are emitted by bacteria, fungi and mold growing inside the device. But such living creatures cannot get there, breed and stink literally 2 weeks after installing the split system! It turns out that the smell from an air conditioner in an apartment can appear for reasons related to improper installation, namely:

  • indoor unit split – systems are attached to the wall “by eye”;
  • the condensate pipeline was connected incorrectly to the sewer outlet;
  • factory defect of antibacterial coating.

To explain these reasons in more detail, we must first understand the nature of the phenomenon itself. The heat exchanger of the indoor unit is much colder than the surrounding air, and when operating in heating mode it is hotter. Upon contact with this air, condensation immediately falls on the surface of the heat exchanger, and its amount is proportional to the fan’s performance. And since condensation is moisture from the air, it contains all the microorganisms that enter the room.

If condensation is not removed, then an unpleasant problem will appear very quickly. sour smell when turning on the air conditioner due to stagnant water. The design of the device provides for the removal of moisture through drainage to the street or to the sewer. When the internal module is mounted on the wall with a slight distortion, and not level, then some part of the musty water always remains inside the bath, because it cannot flow through the drain hole into the drainage.

In cases where the drainage pipe is led into the sewer, a water seal must be installed, in simple words, siphon installed. Such devices in the form of a coil are installed on all plumbing fixtures so that the stench from the pipes does not penetrate into the house. If there is no siphon or it is made by folding the tube into a snake, then it is no longer the air conditioner that stinks in your house, but the sewer. Well, some models of units that have an antibacterial coating can “smell” literally on the second day due to a manufacturing defect in this coating.

About the influence of dust

Air conditioners begin to emit odors most quickly in those rooms where the degree of dust is very high, ventilation is poor, and wet cleaning are rarely produced. For example, houses with a lot of carpets and upholstered furniture, where air exchange is weak or absent. The fact is that almost all split systems drive room air through themselves, cooling or heating it. At the same time, fresh air masses do not come from the street.

As a result of this recirculation, the heat exchanger of the indoor unit and the fan turbine are first covered with dust. Then this plaque is moistened with familiar water, turning into a breeding ground for fungi and mold. For the same reason, the air conditioner in the car stinks, where a large amount of dust is brought in from the feet of the driver and passengers, as well as from luggage. After all, he also takes most air from the car interior and passes it through the heat exchanger.

Dust moistened with condensate favors the growth of bacteria, and they are precisely the source of unpleasant musty odors.

It must be said that over time the unit will release the same aromas that are constantly present in the room. If there is smoking in the room, the air conditioner will begin to smell of tobacco, the kitchen will become saturated with food odors, and so on. But such phenomena are not so noticeable to people living in these conditions.


The bad smell of dampness emitted by the air conditioner due to condensation stagnation can be removed if, if necessary, you do not immediately turn off the device, but switch it to ventilation mode. Then the remaining moisture can be dried with a stream of air, only you first need to rinse the bath and drainage tube.

But the thing is, it won't work for most people. this option, and it is right. Appliances should provide comfort in the home, and not create problems. Therefore, it is recommended to eliminate the distortion of the indoor unit so that condensation does not stagnate in it. The same is with drainage: the siphon must be installed according to all the rules.

Advice. Problems with defective antibacterial coating must be resolved with the seller of this product, requiring its exchange.

If the device has not undergone a cleaning procedure for a long time, then doing it will definitely help with the stench. It is necessary to partially disassemble the block by removing the front plastic panel, and thoroughly rinse the heat exchanger and fan turbine. For this purpose, various detergents are available in aerosol cans and drainage bags. There are also various folk remedies, although they may then smell like vinegar or bleach for some time, the result is satisfactory.

According to reviews, cleaning the air conditioner helps against bacteria using:

  • alcohol or vodka;
  • solution detergent Domestos;
  • solutions of disinfectant medications.

Advice. It is not recommended to use any means to wash the parts of the unit. Don't forget that you will have to breathe this air. It is better to take a specially designed product that has passed a hygienic test.

For the first time, you can also remove odor from your car's air conditioner using a product sold in car dealerships. To do this, you need to start the cooler and ventilation system, and spray the drug directly into the openings of the external and internal air intakes. They are located, respectively, under the windshield wipers and at the feet of the driver and front passenger. If the smell returns, you will have to disassemble and wash the drainage tubes.


The best way to get rid of any "odors" your air conditioner may produce is prevention. Users who regularly clean the filter, fan and heat exchanger of their split system usually do not suffer from stench.

It is also important to maintain order and cleanliness in the house, because the air conditioner is its indicator. Dust floating in the air will certainly fall on its internal surfaces.

How to properly install an air conditioner in an apartment How to clean your air conditioner yourself at home

The causative agent of the unpleasant odor can be bacteria or mold that accumulate inside the device body. This happens because the evaporator, due to the temperature difference between it and environment Condensation always forms. If an air conditioner is used, the condensate is removed using the drainage system, but when the device is turned off for a long time, bacteria begin to multiply in it.

The second reason for the occurrence of an unpleasant odor is the accumulation and concentration of odors from the street. If the air that is already in it is used to cool the area, and not fresh air from the street, then the aromas of cleaning products, tobacco smoke and many others are given back in concentrated form.

Improper installation of the air conditioner drainage system can also cause odor. If there is no siphon in the drainage design, and the moisture is discharged into the sewer, then all odors from the latter can return to the house. In this case, you cannot do without dismantling the entire system and fixing the problem.

Options for combating unpleasant odor

The most obvious option is to regularly wash and disinfect and conditioner dry. There are also measures that can act as a preventive measure against the appearance of an unpleasant odor:

  • When cleaning, use specialized products for disinfecting air conditioners. This product must be sprayed where air enters the system, and then it will fight pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Most often, chlorhexidine is used for these purposes, which is also used for sterilization. medical instruments. It not only destroys microorganisms, but also remains on for some time. internal surfaces conditioner, thus providing a bactericidal effect.
  • Turn on the fan before the air conditioner turns off. Some models even have a function to turn off the fan after the device itself, which serves as a good prevention of mold.
  • Completely disassemble and clean the device. It is recommended to do this yourself only if you have the necessary skills and tools, otherwise it is better to use the services of a specialist.

Cleaning your air conditioner yourself

First of all, the filters on the inside of the device need to be cleaned. They need to be cleaned at least once a month, and failure to do this can lead to a number of problems. For example, if the filters are dirty, the air will not be cooled enough, the drainage will become clogged, and the radiator and refrigeration system may fail. Moreover, when too large quantities If there is dirt on the filter, cleaning the air conditioner will be problematic.

Cleaning the filter is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Remove the cover of the inner side of the device.
  2. Remove the filter.
  3. Clean it with a vacuum cleaner or rinse it with water if the layer of dirt is too heavy.
  4. Dry the filter thoroughly.
  5. Select the fan mode on the air conditioner, spray the disinfectant where the air enters the system.
  6. Wash or wipe the device's blinds with a damp cloth.
  7. Assemble the air conditioner.

If your model has a disposable filter, then you can simply replace it with a new one.

In addition, it is recommended to regularly clean the heat exchanger. This can be done using a vacuum cleaner or a special steam cleaner. The external unit can also be vacuumed by first removing the protective cover of the device. Remember that timely cleaning of the air conditioner will not only get rid of the unpleasant odor from the device, but will also extend its service life.

The smell from the air conditioner, which cannot be called pleasant, usually appears some time after installing the device. Sometimes he is very strong. This fact prevents you from using the device, causing significant inconvenience. from the air conditioner - a common occurrence in a car. Many car owners suffer from it.

Causes of unpleasant odors from the air conditioner

For the operation of an appliance that is designed to create a comfortable temperature regime, a heat exchanger is provided on its internal block. What is the principle of its operation? During operation of the air conditioner, the temperature of the heat exchanger is significantly lower than the temperature to which the air in the room is heated. Moisture resulting from the formation of condensation is drained into the pan and removed through drainage pipes. There are always various microorganisms and dust in the indoor air. They, in contact with condensate, form a beneficial nutrient medium. After this, microorganisms begin to actively multiply, which causes the smell from the air conditioner.

Condensate can be removed from the device directly into the sewer system. If siphons are not installed, there will also be a smell from the air conditioner in the house. The stench from the sewer system. Sometimes this problem also appears when there is a siphon in which the water has dried up. This is possible during a long break in the operation of the device. After turning on the air conditioner, you should wait a little. Once the condensate fills the siphon, there will be no penetration of unpleasant odors.

There is another reason not to use the device. There is no provision for capturing air from the street. He drives the one in the room around in circles. In the case when there is a source of any aromatic substances in the room (new furniture, synthetics, plastic or plastic), the air conditioner itself becomes a source of these odors.

If you smoke in the car while the device is running, the smell of an ashtray will be in the air. This will happen due to cigarette smoke settling on the heat exchanger. Drainage system The air conditioner can be clogged by flying fluff. In this case, moisture is not removed and is not blown into the cabin. fresh air, and mix it with water.

How to remove odor from air conditioner

Modern devices are equipped with a function that allows you to delay turning off the fan when the device itself is turned off. This allows the heat exchanger to dry, which will prevent the formation of an unpleasant odor. If the air conditioner does not have this function, then you should manually turn on the ventilation mode for a while. If the smell from the air conditioner appears as a result of stagnation of water from improper installation, then it can only be eliminated by altering the drainage system.

We purchase special equipment

If there are microflora on the heat exchanger, the device should be treated with antibacterial agents. To perform such actions in specialized stores you should purchase professional products. They also treat car air conditioners. To eliminate microflora on the heat exchanger, medications intended for disinfection can be used. For example, Lysol. Some air conditioner models are equipped with antibacterial filters. If an unpleasant odor occurs due to pathogenic microflora, they require immediate replacement.

Unpleasant smell from the air conditioner in the apartment you can feel it almost immediately after its installation. This smell is so unpleasant that you simply don’t want to use the air conditioner anymore, and all the advantages of this device are reduced to zero. Moreover, there are both harms and benefits of an air conditioner, and if bacteria live in the air, which is the cause of the bad smell, then what benefits can we even talk about:

In addition, the smell can also bother car owners, since they also have air conditioning, which works almost the same as at home. There is no need to be nervous about this and return the device back to the store; first you need to figure out what is causing the odors.

Causes of odors

If different reasons, due to which the split system may smell bad. One of them is visible in the picture. This device is only 3-5 years old and has been cleaned several times during that time.

  1. Bacteria and fungi have accumulated in the air conditioner. Bacteria may be contained in condensate that is discharged outside. Sometimes they cause an unpleasant odor, and to get rid of it you need to install a siphon. You should not install a siphon in the form of a winding pipe, otherwise the air conditioner may begin to leak due to stagnation of condensate in this pipe.
  2. Odors have accumulated in the room. In some modes, the air conditioner takes air not from the street, but from the apartment (for example, when heating). If there is an unpleasant smell in the apartment, then the air conditioner will also produce it. Therefore, you need to ensure that there are no odors in the apartment, pay attention to new furniture, synthetics, plastic and plastic, for example furniture, contain formaldehyde salts and an unpleasant odor may come from it. There are even cases where plastic melts in low-quality air conditioners (in heating mode), as a result of which people in the house smell a corresponding odor.
  3. The air conditioner has not been used for a long time. If the air conditioner has not been used for a long time, and after turning it on, an unpleasant smell begins, then this is all due to the fact that the water in the siphon has dried up. In this case, you should wait until the condenser is filled with the required volume of water. If the smell does not go away, then you should contact the repair. The fact is that the air conditioner is not capable of generating baratria, it takes wet air from the room and conducts it through itself, and this contributes to the appearance and proliferation of various microbes and mold, and dampness will also form in the apartment, which has a very bad effect on human health. IN service center Clean the indoor unit and treat the evaporator with a steam generator. This procedure is best carried out once a year, and it does not matter whether there is an unpleasant odor from the air conditioner. If everything is fine this year, then next year everything may affect it. Therefore, before the start of the season, you should take the air conditioner to a service center and ask them to clean the unit and treat the evaporator.
  4. The drain is clogged. In winter, when the air conditioner is not used, the drainage can rot and, accordingly, bacteria appear there. You can feel this the first time you turn it on. If the smell does not go away over time, then it is necessary to clean the indoor unit and disinfect it.
  5. Recalled filters. This is another reason for unpleasant odors in the apartment when the air conditioner is running. The operating instructions for the device should indicate after what time the filter needs to be changed.

How to remove odor from your air conditioner at home

Filters and coatings

Today, there are many models that themselves eliminate bacteria and fight unpleasant odors or reduce their occurrence. There are several types of filters that are used for these air conditioners, and we will now look at them.

  1. Photocatalytic. These types of filters are standard, and they are installed in every air conditioner.
  2. Catechin. Catechin is found in plant leaves, and it has the property of disinfection. The first electrostatic filters coated with catechin began to be produced by Panasonic. They work quite simply, viruses stick to a healthy cell with the help of their spikes, and to prevent this from happening, they use catechin - it will begin to envelop those same viruses, preventing them from infecting healthy cells. This filter has been tested and it turns out that 98% of the viruses that pass through it are not dangerous.
  3. Wasabi. This is Japanese horseradish, from which a substance is obtained that is used to kill bacteria. The Japanese company General Fujitsu began producing air conditioners with a wasabi horseradish filter.
  4. Plasma ionizer. Such a filter is made of metal plates, and between them there is a very high voltage from two thousand volts or more. If bacteria get between the plates, then they simply disappear, and if larger particles of dust get in, then it becomes electrified and remains on the surface. metal plates. This is one of the most effective filters and does not need to be constantly changed during further operation.

An unpleasant odor during air conditioner operation can be caused by various reasons and it is not necessary to change the filter. It is best if you contact the service department, they will properly carry out a complete disinfection and replace the filter if necessary. But, first of all, you need to clarify the reason; it is quite possible that you can do without a service department. If the air conditioner is completely new, then it is most likely a defect or the device is made of low-quality plastic.

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