home · electrical safety · Chrysanthemum Ball - Crimeaphilia. At the end of October, a chrysanthemum ball will open in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Chrysanthemums in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Chrysanthemum Ball - Crimeaphilia. At the end of October, a chrysanthemum ball will open in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Chrysanthemums in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Flower balls of different sizes and incredible colors surround you on all sides. Unimaginable aromas make your head spin. The gaze is lost in the variety of colors and shapes and it takes time to adapt to the surrounding reality. This is not a fictional description magical world, this is the chrysanthemum ball in Nikitsky botanical garden.

Welcome …

...to the Chrysanthemum Ball

Chrysanthemum is the oldest flower grown by man. This flower culture about 3000 years. “Golden Flower” (translated from Greek “hrysos” - gold and “anthemos” - flower) comes from the east. His native home is China and Japan. Although today, perhaps, it is not entirely correct to call the chrysanthemum a “golden flower”. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, you can see chrysanthemums of any unusual color. This flower is one of the main symbols of Japan. After all, in the minds of local residents it is inextricably linked with the sun. Even the words denoting the concepts “chrysanthemum” and “sun” are depicted with the same hieroglyph and sound the same. In addition, from the 7th century to the present day, the chrysanthemum flower has been the coat of arms of the Japanese imperial house, and is also used as the official coat of arms of the country.

In Europe chrysanthemums for a long time couldn't fit in. This flower was first brought from Japan to England by the Dutch traveler Reede back in 1676. But this event went unnoticed by Europeans. A century later, in 1789, chrysanthemums were again in Europe, they were delivered to Marseille by Captain Pierre Marshall. And only forty years later, in 1829, thanks to the Toulouse gardener Berne, who conducted experiments on the cultivation of chrysanthemums, these flowers became famous.

Every year at the end of October, the Nikitsky Botanical Garden invites everyone to the Chrysanthemum Ball under open air. This year the opening took place on the 26th. Taught by the experience of previous visits to this flower festival, we decided to go to the exhibition on a weekday, October 29, and we were right. There were few visitors. Although, we think that on weekends there was not such a crowd as in previous times. Still, this year Crimea is not spoiled by tourists.

The first ball in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden took place back in 1953. This is already the 61st chrysanthemum exhibition. According to employees, visitors will be able to see about 30 thousand plants of two hundred and fifty varieties. The third part of this huge number of varieties was bred by workers of the Nikitsky Garden.

The exhibition is geographically divided into two parts. The first part, the exhibition part, is located near the main entrance and borders on a large area on which there is a swimming pool and where a monument to Lenin used to stand. Now, in place of the bust of the leader of the world proletariat, Flora, the ancient Roman goddess of flowers, blossoming, spring and field fruits, flaunts in full height. The second part is located a little further, next to the labyrinth and is a flower installation. Many chrysanthemums of various varieties form a certain picture on the ground.

First we went up to the outside balcony administrative building, enclosing one of the sides of the square. From there it opens good view for the first part of the exhibition.

From the balcony of this building there is a good view…

... to the chrysanthemum exhibition

Well, after that we plunged headlong into the sea of ​​flowers. Large and small, “plush” and “sharp”, flat and in the form of huge balls - such a variety of chrysanthemums collected in one place is rarely seen anywhere. I can’t even believe that it was all the same originally. yellow flower, somewhat reminiscent of a chamomile, which, thanks to breeders, has acquired a huge number of shapes, sizes and colors.

For a while you just get lost, you don’t know where to look or what to photograph. We clicked the camera shutter for about an hour, trying to capture as many of these beauties as possible. Of course, we did not photograph all varieties. Firstly, some of the chrysanthemums had not yet blossomed, and secondly, there were a lot of them.

Reflex variety - Queen 2010

Variety "Teddy Bear"

Variety "Ocher Ray"

Variety "Cutie"

We walked until the music stopped playing. In the midst of this floral splendor, on a small paved area, a man masterfully played wine glasses. What would a ball be without music? Maybe he doesn't play every day and we're just lucky.

Chrysanthemums are mainly planted in sections different sizes. Each section has a sign with the name of the variety. Thanks to this, visitors can take part in the election of the Princess and Queen of the Ball or buy their favorite varieties of chrysanthemums.

We also filled out the ballots and threw them into the ballot box. On our side, the Two Tone Pink variety claimed the role of the Princess, and Revert, the Queen. But, unfortunately, other beauties won this year. The “Kiko” chrysanthemum variety was chosen as the Queen of the ball, and the “Cappuccino” variety was chosen as the Princess. Both varieties are mid-late and, at the time of our visit to the exhibition, had not yet flowered. That's why we don't have photos of the winners.

This year the Chrysanthemum Ball in Nikitsky Garden will greet its guests with a flower area of ​​773 square meters!

“The 2017 Chrysanthemum Exhibition is traditionally located in the central part of the Aroboretum of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. This time it is presented symbolically - in the form of an open flower. It is formed thanks to winding paths, framing collectible chrysanthemums, which radiate away from the central round platform. The paths, connecting with each other, form curtains - “petals,” the Garden said.

On another twenty curtains with a total area of ​​1100 sq. meters will be presented with small-flowered medium and tall chrysanthemums. In total, 360 varieties were presented at the 2017 exhibition, and about 37,000 chrysanthemums were planted.

“The area of ​​the planning “flower” itself is 773 square meters, it is entirely formed from large-flowered chrysanthemums. Moreover, each “petal” is painted in its own color with transitional shades from light to dark. There are 8 petals in total, accordingly, visitors to the Garden will be able to admire the most widespread color palette, characteristic of chrysanthemums. It includes red, yellow, orange, pink, lilac, crimson, white and ocher with their many shades. The flower presented by our breeders is a secret, because it is made up of 110 varieties of large-flowered chrysanthemums and four hybrid forms,” notes the director of the NBS-NSC, corresponding member.

Also on these clumps are presented another 46 varieties of large-flowered chrysanthemums. Small-flowered chrysanthemums will delight the guests of the Garden with 180 varieties presented, and this year the combination of their colors was chosen according to the principle of contrast.

“On two more sites on the northern side there are new selections of large-flowered (8 varieties) and small-flowered chrysanthemums (33 varieties), as well as new hybrid forms (9 hybrid forms of large-flowered chrysanthemums) and 50 hybrid small-flowered chrysanthemums. This year, chrysanthemums were even “bred” from the usual place of cannas. On the former “canna plot”, border small-flowered chrysanthemums (24 varieties and one hybrid form) are freely arranged in multi-colored stripes, - they announce the event in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Crimea, Yalta, Victoria Saushkina

In the 64th edition of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden (NBS), a wonderful Chrysanthemum Ball started. In 2017, the exhibition presented 37 thousand flower bushes. Most placed in the arboretum in the form of a beautiful open flower, which occupies an area of ​​773 square meters. m.

History of Nikitsky Botanical Garden

The botanical garden was created in early XIX century and is considered one of the oldest research organizations Russian Federation. The Nikitsky Botanical Garden was founded by a famous biologist of that time, whose name was Christian Steven. In order for the garden to be enriched with new plants as quickly as possible, Stephen tried to establish business relations with well-known botanical organizations in Europe, the United States of America and Asia. This made it possible to collect original and unusual exhibitions of species and forms of different crops on the territory of the botanical garden.

It was understood that the creation of the garden would contribute to and accelerate the pace of development of agricultural production in the south of Russia through the introduction of new technologies for its time:

  • introductions;
  • acclimatization;
  • selection;
  • wide distribution of southern fruit, flower, ornamental, new industrial crops, medicinal and other useful plants;
  • research and active study of local plant resources.

3 years after its founding, the garden began to publish the first plant catalogs, where 95 species of apple trees, 58 species of pears, 6 berries and 15 ornamental species were published for sale. After 12 years, founder Steven was able to collect about 459 varieties exotic plants. According to the original layout, it was planned to freely place plants that would be combined with lawns and flower beds.

In 1824, Christian Khristianovich moved to live in Simferopol and decided to transfer the management of the garden into the hands of his assistant Nikolai Andreevich Gartvis, reserving the leadership of this organization. The new manager of the botanical garden devoted his entire life to the institution. For almost 20 years he was its permanent director. Over the years, the garden's collection has been almost doubled. Relationships with various trade organizations who were on the territory Western Europe and the United States. Gartvis was able to put together an excellent display of conifers: giant sequoias from California, cedars, cypresses and pines. Four years later, a special school was set up in the garden to teach practical gardening. Around the same time, magnolias and plane trees took root here.

Current state

The occupation brought significant damage to the NBS by German troops during the war. The military destroyed a huge number of plants. After the end of hostilities, restoration work began in Nikitsky Garden. The head of the institution, having traveled a long way through the cities of Poland and Germany, was able to find and restore the herbarium taken out during the war.

At a time when the institution was part of Ukraine, the herbarium collection located on the territory of the garden was awarded the status of national treasure of Ukraine.

Since the spring of 2014, Crimea has been annexed to Russia. At the same time, in connection with the resolution, the organization “Nikitsky Botanical Garden - Crimean Scientific Center” was created.

The garden hosts exhibitions of roses, tulips, irises, clematis and daylilies. In addition, a luxurious Chrysanthemum Ball takes place every year. We will tell you more about it later in our article.

Nikitsky Botanical Garden: Chrysanthemum Ball

On the southern coast of Crimea, at the end of autumn the “golden time” is already coming to an end. And in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden at the Chrysanthemum Ball there is a demonstration of a real riot of colors, represented by beautiful flowers - chrysanthemums. This year the exhibition includes 360 species of chrysanthemums, 45 of which are new selections.

The Chrysanthemum Ball in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden is the traditional end of the flower year. The open-air exhibition was presented for the first time in 1953. The date of the Chrysanthemum Ball in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in 2017 fell on October 25. The duration of the flower exhibition will take a little more than a month, its closing is planned for the beginning of December. The exhibition is open every day, seven days a week, starting at 8 am. The entrance ticket price for an adult is 300 rubles, for children - 150 rubles.

Central exposition

The original composition “Petal” appeared with the help of winding paths that frame collection chrysanthemums, diverging radially from the main flower bed in the form of a circle. The paths, touching each other, create curtains - eight “petals”. Each is composed of one primary color and its many shades - from light to dark.

Being near the central composition, you can notice the most common color scheme, which is characteristic of chrysanthemums. It represents 8 colors with their different shades: white, yellow, orange, red, crimson, pink, lilac and ocher.

New varieties of flowers

In 2017, the Chrysanthemum Ball delights almost 200 guests, about 50 of which were bred by breeders of the botanical garden. New varieties of flowers will be demonstrated to visitors for the first time. New items from the exhibition - 45 small-flowered and 13 large-flowered hybrid forms - were planted in separate flower beds.

Since 2016, for the first time in the history of the garden, the tradition of assigning original names to new flowers has been introduced. This year, also, any visitor who comes to the botanical garden for the Chrysanthemum Ball can come up with a name for a new flower they like or send their feedback via the Internet.

The exhibition displays various flowers from three parts of the world: America, Asia and Europe. The planted chrysanthemums, according to established custom, will be located in the upper part of the botanical garden in the place where the tulip parade usually takes place in the spring.

Queen and Princess of the Exhibition

Also, according to a custom that began about 10 years ago, at the end of the exposition the queen and princess of the Chrysanthemum Ball 2017 will be announced. This interesting and kind custom has taken root in the institution, and now regulars of the exhibition cannot imagine a flower display without the voting process.

Arrangement of colors

Showcasing the two main glades in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, the Chrysanthemum Ball 2017 surprises visitors with its bright colors, various forms and the rich, warm, chalky aroma of 37,000 different plants.

The collection of flowers represents a fairy-tale, magical land. Butterflies fly and bees fly over dozens of chrysanthemums. The sweet aroma of chrysanthemums has a mesmerizing effect. Fragrant flowers on large area They give guests of the botanical garden high spirits, as well as the joy of wonderful communication and enjoyment of the impeccability of nature.

A trip to the “Chrysanthemum Ball” in Nikita (as Crimeans call the Nikitsky Botanical Garden) is one of the most magical autumn traditions on the peninsula.

The botanical garden was founded back in 1811 by personal decree of the Russian Emperor Alexander I. It is located on the Black Sea coast, near the village of Nikita. The “Chrysanthemum Ball” usually lasts a whole month - from the second half of October to the second half of November, attracting both tourists and Crimeans themselves.

What can you see at the autumn flower ball exhibition?

What is this wonderful event? It’s easy to guess from the name that these delightful late flowers, chrysanthemums, are beginning to bloom in the botanical garden. The beautiful multi-colored buds scattered throughout its territory cannot but please. At the ball the most "dancers" unusual varieties, including those bred by local breeders.

Blooming begins in October - about ten thousand flowers of several hundred species proudly show their beauty to the world. The last warm rays catch large and small buds, yellow and pink, white and blue, red and many others. They will bloom until the first frost, which happens quite late on the South Coast.

The Chrysanthemum Ball is always festively transformed, welcoming thousands of guests - whole families come to admire the wonderful flowers, photo sessions are held against their backdrop, and romantic dates for couples in love are already a tradition.

Ticket price in 2019

This ball is also good because you can come to it without an invitation - just wait until it starts. Depending on the weather, the approximate start date for this unusual event is mid-October. And by mid-November the bright charm fades.

The 66th ball will be held in 2019. In honor of this date, a unique gift has been prepared for guests - a composition of 37 thousand flowers, in which 360 varieties will be presented. For a little over a month, seven days a week, you will be able to admire the flower exhibition, which opens at eight in the morning. The entrance ticket for an adult costs 300 rubles, for a child – 150 rubles.

Contact details

Address: 298648, Russia, Republic of Crimea, Yalta, Nikita town, Nikitsky Botanical Garden
Phone: +7 978 902-63-07

How to get there?

You can get to the garden from Simferopol along the highway to Yalta. The village of Nikita, in the vicinity of which the garden is located, will be on your left. Be careful, don't miss your turn!

If you travel by trolleybus, take number 52 from the railway station (departs every half hour) or from the airport take number 54 (departs once an hour). After getting off at the stop of the same name, cross the highway and go down along the road that leads to Nikita. The second option is to take a minibus and ride it to your destination. After a kilometer on your left you will see the gate to the garden.

Nikitsky Botanical Garden on the map of Crimea

From Sevastopol you can get to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden by minibus No. 29 and trolleybus No. 2 from Avtovokzal.

From Yalta, minibus No. 34 goes there from the “Clothing Market” stop. From the Pionerskaya stop through the city and bus station No. 29. From the Veshchevoy Rynok stop, trolleybus No. 2.

Video 2018