home · Measurements · Basalt anchors. Flexible connections bpa, asp. The calculation formula looks like this

Basalt anchors. Flexible connections bpa, asp. The calculation formula looks like this

DEAR BUYERS, PAY ATTENTION! ANCHOR: BPA 180-6-gaz-n, BPA 200-6-gaz-n, BPA 230-6-gaz-n, BPA 250-6-gas-n, BPA 280-6-gaz-n, BPA 300-6-gaz-n, BPA 320-6-gaz-n, BPA 350-6-gaz-n included in warehouse program and are sold individually from our warehouse. All other products are sold in multiples of 500 pieces!

BPA 180-6-gas-n BPA 190-6-gaz-n BPA 200-6-gaz-n BPA 210-6-gaz-n BPA 220-6-gaz-n BPA 230-6-gaz-n BPA 240-6-gaz-n BPA 250-6-gaz-n BPA 260-6-gaz-n BPA 270-6-gaz-n BPA 280-6-gaz-n BPA 290-6-gaz-n BPA 300-6-gaz-n BPA 310-6-gaz-n BPA 320-6-gaz-n BPA 330-6-gaz-n BPA 340-6-gaz-n BPA 350-6-gaz-n
NamePack/piecePrice/piece, rub.
500 14.7

- +

500 15,3

- +

500 15,9

- +

500 16,5

- +

500 17

- +

500 17,7

- +

500 18,3

- +

500 18,9

- +

500 19,3

- +

500 20

- +

500 20,5

- +

500 21,2

- +

500 21,8

- +

500 22,3

- +

500 22,9

- +

500 23,5

- +

500 24,2

- +

500 24,7

- +


Flexible connections for aerated concrete are designed for attaching a facing layer of small-piece material and insulation to a base made of porous material, such as aerated concrete or foam concrete.

Marking features

The marking BPA-300-6-Aerated concrete is deciphered as follows:

  • BPA means “basalt-plastic reinforcement”
  • the number 300 indicates the length of a specific anchor,
  • the number 6 determines the diameter of this rod.


Galen basalt-plastic anchors (also known as flexible connections) for aerated concrete, which have no analogues abroad and in Russia, are an excellent alternative widespread metal elements and can be used for both two-layer (brickwork plus aerated concrete) and three-layer (brickwork, insulation, aerated concrete) structures.

High-quality flexible ties (basalt-plastic anchors) for galen aerated concrete with an anchoring depth of up to 90 mm are characterized by high performance. Indicators such as “breaking stress” in bending and tension are at least 1000 MPa, and the so-called “pull-out” force is at least 2500 N.

How to choose the right one flexible connections for aerated concrete?

Galen specialists offer a simple and convenient formula for quickly selecting the brand of flexible connection for a wall with a ventilated gap, which is required in every specific case: “L = 90 mm + T + 40 mm + 90 mm.” Where L is the required length of the flexible connection, the first 90 mm is the depth of embedding (recommended) of the rod into the load-bearing wall, T is the thickness of the layer of insulating material, 40 mm is the size of the existing air gap, the second 90 mm is the depth of embedding (also recommended) anchor into the cladding layer.

If there is no ventilated gap in the wall, then the formula is as follows: “L = 90 mm + T + 90 mm” with the above notations.


The installed flexible connection, depending on the brand of aerated concrete, has the following indicators:


As practice shows, at least five products must be installed on 1 m2 of surface; however, their exact number is determined at the design stage. Long-lasting basalt-plastic anchors (flexible ties) for galenic aerated concrete provide high-quality connection of parts of enclosing structures and are distinguished by ease of installation, which is carried out using special devices- the so-called “pear” for cleaning channels and the mounting key included in the kit (packed in boxes) upon delivery, in a certain sequence:

  • after hardening, the places for drilling holes for flexible connections are marked on the aerated concrete wall so that the sand-covered extreme elements of the flexible connections reach the mortar joints in the facing layer;
  • holes are made with a depth of up to 100 mm, for which special drills with a diameter of about 10 mm are used;
  • the finished holes are blown with a blower to remove the resulting dust, after which an anchor is placed in them (the anchor sleeve must be completely immersed in the aerated concrete block) and screwed in with a wrench until it stops;
  • A layer of cladding with insulation (if necessary) is being erected in this area.

Advantages of flexible connections for aerated concrete from the Galen company

Domestic basalt plastic anchors represent perfect solution both for construction and for the operation of structures of varying complexity due to high reliability of fastening and reduced cost; thanks to higher temperature uniformity and the elimination of “cold bridges”, as well as low thermal conductivity and simple installation, requiring the minimum number of operations to date. Using strong flexible connections for galen aerated concrete, it is possible to significantly optimize the heat and humidity conditions of a building’s operation, thereby increasing its energy efficiency.

Confidently leading domestic market in the basalt plastic segment building materials Occupying more than half of the market for composite flexible ties in the CIS and Russia, the Russian company Galen is known today as a manufacturer of new generation composite materials that are successfully used in the road industry and power industry, as well as industrial and civil construction - in addition to flexible ties (anchors) for aerated concrete, the range includes, among others, facade dowels, reinforcement and mesh.

Founded more than 14 years ago by inventor engineer V.N. Nikolaev - by the way, in the same 2001, work began on the creation production technology and lines - the Galen company was the first to introduce basalt plastic not only in our country, but also in Eastern and Western Europe, where up to 20% of products are supplied today. The high-tech Galen plant is located in the Chuvash Republic (Cheboksary), but since 2012 the company has production areas also in Belarus (Mogilev); The dealer network in the CIS and Russia consists of more than 40 representatives, a specialized sales division operates fruitfully in England. The “know-how” of the Galen company - basalt-plastic flexible connections for aerated concrete - has brought domestic and European standards of the construction industry to new heights.

In 2005, the Galen company was recognized as the best small enterprise in the Chuvash Republic at the end of the year, and in 2006 CEO(Nikolaev V.N.) was declared the best inventor of Chuvashia in the Industry category. Two years later, the company implemented a Quality Management System for international standards, having received the ISO 9001-2000 certificate, a year later introduced products to the European market using the British BBA certificate (British Board of Agreement), and also (based on the results of 2009) received the title of the best exporter of the Chuvash Republic; in 2010, she won the prize of the International competition “Pultruder of the Year” in Baltimore (USA), and received an ISO 9001-2008 certificate. In 2011, Galen was awarded the status design company RUSNANO, and in 2012 began research and development in the field of energy.

Today, the product range is expanding as well as the geography of supplies; in parallel, promising products are being actively developed for a wider range of industries; Considerable attention is paid to finding partners from abroad.

Flexible connections, the price of which is more than affordable, in contrast to traditional metal analogues, are resistant to corrosion (rust), acids and alkalis (environment concrete mortar), as well as humidity. Therefore, their use simultaneously ensures higher quality and lower cost of construction of buildings (structures), regardless of purpose and degree of complexity.

Basalt plastic is a stable composite material, consisting of basalt fibers and an organic binder; notice, that Earth's crust 30% is made of basalt, so its reserves are practically inexhaustible. Basalt fibers have high strength, three times higher than steel, and low density - the weight of basalt-plastic products, whose service life is up to one hundred years, is four times (!) less, which provides savings during transportation and allows you to significantly increase the height of erected structures. Products made of basalt plastic withstand prolonged exposure without visible changes high temperatures(about 700°C), and are also able to withstand heating up to 1000°C; Due to its lower (about a hundred times compared to metal) thermal conductivity, the thermal efficiency of walls built using it reaches 35%. Thus, basalt plastic today is the optimal building material in terms of price and quality ratio.

Flexible connections for aerated concrete, made from basalt plastic (TU 5714-006-13101102-2009) in accordance with TS 2352-08, fully comply with domestic and European standards of safety, quality and environmental cleanliness, which is confirmed by relevant certificates and guarantees from the manufacturer, Russian company"Galen."

Flexible connections for aerated concrete, buy inexpensively and quickly in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, are widely used for correct and durable connection of cladding made of ceramic bricks or other small-piece material to internal walls made of aerated concrete blocks. Flexible ties (or basalt-plastic anchors) for aerated concrete are used by everyone in great demand, because aerated concrete is one of the most common building materials today, and methods for increasing the energy efficiency of buildings (structures) from artificial stone more relevant than ever. For more than ten years now - both in our country and abroad - the mass consumer has highly valued the durability, low thermal conductivity and strength that easy-to-install flexible galen connections have, which ensure adequate connection of structural elements. High quality And affordable prices Flexible connections for Galen aerated concrete are distinguished from a number of similar products made from conventional materials - metal and fiberglass. Comparatively lighter flexible galen connections made of basalt plastic reduce the load on the foundation, extending the operational life of the building (structure), reducing the final cost estimate and optimizing construction time, and fire resistance and fire safety are confirmed by tests carried out in accordance with GOST 30247.0-94 30247.1-97.

The pages of our website have everything you need to familiarize yourself with and purchase flexible connections for Galen aerated concrete quickly and comfortably - detailed descriptions and photo, specifications and prices, as well as contact information.

Brickwork is considered one of the most reliable ways to form the frame of a building. However, unlike monolithic panels, it is not characterized by such a high reinforcing ability, since the bond is formed only thanks to cement mortar. Therefore, special flexible connections are used as an additional component to enhance the reinforcing effect. For brickwork, they can be used both to strengthen the structure and as a ventilation element if there is a gap in the connecting device. However, from the point of view thermal insulation properties, the material has its own characteristics.

What is flexible communication?

This is a type of reinforcing element that is used to strengthen a structure or its individual parts. In this case we are talking about brickwork. Most often, this method of reinforcement is recommended for three-layer walls, which have an internal heat insulator in their niche and themselves act as a connecting link for the load-bearing technical and facing layers. In terms of the device, the connection is an elastic rod with a circular cross-section. To eliminate rusting processes, galvanized flexible connections are used for brickwork, as well as basalt models, which in principle are not susceptible to corrosion. An important technical and structural feature of all types of connections is the presence of thickenings at the ends and protruding ribs. These additions increase the adhesive function of the element and give it the characteristics of a real anchor. Sand spraying at the end of the connection gives an even greater coupling effect - it organically enters into the structure of the solution, increasing the strength of the seam.

Features of basalt bonds

The segment of reinforcing elements for brickwork is still relatively young, but strong groups of competing materials have already formed in it. These are basalt, fiberglass and metal products. Moreover basalt bonds are called so only conditionally - in most cases we are talking about basalt-plastic elements with higher performance indicators. How does this variety outperform its competitors? Compared to fiberglass, there are few advantages. Moreover, in terms of technical and physical qualities, there are practically none - except for elasticity, but its significance in increasing the strength of walls is not so high. In turn, fiberglass has a big advantage in the form of hardness and durability, but also a significant disadvantage - such materials are much more expensive. Concerning metal products made of stainless steel, they are also ahead of basalt flexible ties for brickwork in terms of wear resistance and reliability, but their significant drawback in the form of reduced thermal insulation of walls evens the odds. The fact is that metal is a good conductor of cold, so winter time With such equipment, you can count on minimizing thermal energy by approximately 10%.

Main characteristics of products

Manufacturers label connections based on basalt fibers as BPA, that is, basalt-plastic reinforcement. The main performance characteristics relate to the compressive and tensile moduli of elasticity - respectively, on average 30,000 and 50,000 MPa. These are the pressure loads on the reinforcement that the bars can withstand. This is followed by indicators of breaking stress - both during stretching and during bending - from 1000 MPa. As for the dimensional characteristics, the range of indicators in them is much wider. The standard is considered to be an embedment depth of 90 mm to 150 mm. The thickness of flexible ties for brickwork is usually 6 mm.

Benefits of using flexible links

The advantages and overall justification for using flexible connections can be assessed using examples of their immediate operational tasks. Their presence in the structure of a brick wall gives the structure reliability, stability, resistance to seismic vibrations and durability. During operation, flexible connections for brickwork minimize the risk of wall destruction, which often happens with frames made without reinforcement. Again, the use of metal anchors does not always give the same strengthening effect, since the elimination of rusting processes cannot be guaranteed, and as corrosion develops, it reduces the strength of the masonry itself.

Connection installation technique

The technology of integrating basalt rods in itself is not complicated. It is enough to lay the element on a slab with insulation or directly on a layer of mortar with a rod, and then cover it with the same insulator or cement-sand mixture followed by brick. Usually questions arise in general choice placement configurations and number of products. According to experts, optimal installation flexible connections in brickwork are made at the rate of 4 pcs. per 1 m2. If it is also planned to lay a heat insulator, then the step between the elements can be 50 cm. Auxiliary connections are integrated along the perimeter of the openings and in the zones of deformation of the seams. However, oversaturation with rods is also not recommended - foreign bodies in excess have the opposite effect of weakening the structure.

Nuances of reinforcement of monolithic walls

A special approach should be taken when working with monolithic walls on which decoration is planned facing bricks. Holes corresponding to the depth of the mounting dowel are made directly in the monolithic base. The tips of the same hardware are hammered into them until they are completely drowned. A heat insulator plate is pinned onto the freed ends of the connections - it is secured with fixing elements and snaps into place. After this, the flexible connection for the facing brickwork should protrude slightly through the insulation, but be securely fastened. At the moment of laying the brick, the ends of the connection with sand coating should just mate with the mortar.

Manufacturers of flexible reinforcing ties

The undisputed leader in the production of basalt reinforcing bonds on the domestic market is the Galen enterprise. This brand produces products with lengths from 250 to 600 mm, provided with the necessary structural inclusions. It is the flexible Galen connections for brickwork that are characterized by the presence of sand coating, which increases the adhesiveness of the elements. Altech, Rockbar and Protech also produce similar fittings. Products from these brands are more expensive, but do not always provide exceptional performance that matches the price.


If earlier reinforcement as a mandatory measure was considered only in relation to the foundation, panel structures and floors, today even masonry cannot do without such inclusions. Questions arise only regarding the choice of suitable reinforcement technology. What are the benefits of flexible ties for brickwork made from basalt fibers in this regard? They are characterized by a combination of elasticity, reliability, tensile strength, thermal insulation resistance and an affordable price tag. Under heavy and even extreme loads, such rods will lose to their steel or fiberglass counterparts. But such threats are rare, and in terms of other parameters, basalt fibers demonstrate quite acceptable performance qualities.

When choosing a finish in the form of brick cladding or when constructing another wall, for example in wooden house, we need to tie together all the components of our design, and this is:

  • Bearing wall.
  • Insulation layer.
  • Facing.

Accordingly, we will need constructive solution, which will be played by flexible connections for brickwork.

We connect insulation and cladding to the wall

What it is

A flexible connection is a special corrugated rod, which is available in lengths from 20 to 60 cm. The size depends on the design solution. And we'll talk about this a little lower.

The material is basalt plastic, and the diameter of the product depends on what exactly needs to be bonded.


Like any construction equipment or material, we consider flexible connection from the point of view of its physical and technical indicators.

We can include the following advantages:

  • Complete absence of cold bridges. Thus, our design and all work will be completely sealed and energy-saving.
  • The composition of the product based on basalt and plastic is absolutely resistant to alkaline environment concrete.
  • Durable plastic ties for brickwork can last for decades without deforming at all.
  • Light weight, which plays a significant role, especially considering how often we will use the connection. With a low weight, the cladding design itself is lighter.

Areas of application

Basalt-plastic anchors are used to effectively fasten the wall cladding layer through the insulation material into the load-bearing wall. This ensures the stability and strength of the cladding.

It remains to use an example to consider exactly how we can use this product with our own hands.

This is how we can schematically immediately determine what exactly we will do with the cladding and insulation.

Let's first select the materials we will work with:

  • Insulation for external walls. Let's choose mineral wool in the form of mats. It is quite easy to work with and there is no need for special knowledge.
  • As a cladding we will have a decorative building brick silicate based. This is one of the most common materials, plus it is also quite easy to work with.
  • Cement mortar. Here we need cement, sand, and a special dry mixture for finishing the joints.

Preparing a load-bearing wall

Even if it is completely fresh and the lining must be prepared in a certain way.

  • The wall must be clean. We remove the “snot” of the solution, debris, dust from its surface, remove greasy spots, if they are.
  • Check it for cracks and if there are any, fill them out polyurethane foam or acrylic sealant.
  • We take everything off her metal constructions if available.
  • We prime. This necessary condition for any type of work in general. The base must be primed and treated with an antiseptic.

Preparing the base

While the wall absorbs the primer, we can work on the base for the cladding. It is clear that we will connect the wall and the cladding with basalt-plastic ties, but do not forget that this will add strength to our structure, but will not reduce its pressure on the ground!

The weight of a facing wall can be very large, for example, 100 square meters of cladding can weigh about 20-40 tons, and we can’t do without a base.

The final price of work and materials will increase slightly, but not critically.

For the base, we will choose cement grade M 300, as the most suitable for the foundation, river sand and crushed stone of the middle fraction. In addition, we will need reinforcement with a cross section of 10 mm.

Many experts suggest laying the first rows of cladding on steel angles screwed to the main foundation.
However, the weight of the facing wall may be quite large for this option.
Therefore, a reinforced concrete base looks ideal.

We dig a trench up to 30-40 cm deep and 20-30 cm wide around the entire perimeter of the house, lay the reinforcement and fill it with concrete. Taking into account the removal of the formwork, the foundation will rise 20 cm above the ground surface.

The nuances of installing flexible connections

There is one nuance here related specifically to the installation of flexible connections. You can immediately insert them into the load-bearing wall and then put mineral wool on them, or you can, on the contrary, first attach the insulation, and then, punching through it, install anchors.

In general, there is not much difference; you need to install it depending on the situation. Although for the first experience and with independent work We will first attach the mineral wool and then the anchors.

Suppose, for the construction load-bearing wall, we used double sand-lime brick M 150, and we got a “two brick” wall. Thus, we can easily drill 5-10 cm into the masonry. Accordingly, we select flexible connections of a certain size.

We install basalt connections for the brickwork so that they go in increments of 50 cm horizontally and vertically. You can deviate from this scheme on floors, at corners, above door and window openings.

Laying and joining

Between load-bearing wall and facing we have a minimum distance of 6-10 cm, just enough for installing a slab of mineral wool. We carry out the masonry strictly according to the level and vertical plumb.

We recess the free end of the basalt anchor into the masonry; this does not even change the thickness of the seam. Be sure to leave first and last rows masonry ventilation passages, air should circulate freely between the wall and the cladding.


Now we can be sure that plastic anchors will last throughout the life of the cladding and will perfectly strengthen and bind load-bearing structure and brickwork. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

Flexible glass composite connectionscan serve as an excellent replacement for conventional steel anchors, as well as reinforcement; they are used to connect the load-bearing wall of a building with the internal cladding layer and thermal insulation. Flexible fiberglass connections make it possible to improve the quality and strength of construction projects, increase the thermal efficiency of building walls by up to 35% and reduce construction costs, as well as solve the problem of “cold bridges”. On our website you canbuy flexible connections.

Flexible connections are produced using the technology of manufacturing composite reinforcement and are used in three-layer brick walls, in the manufacture of prefabricated three-layer reinforced concrete panels of the “Sandwich” type, as well as walls of buildings made of other materials, reinforced concrete monolithic structures with insulation and cladding. On our website you can also findflexible connections made of fiberglass and basalt plastic, alsoflexible connections for masonry.

We offer our clients flexible communications own production made of glass composite material of three main types:

1. Flexible connections for brickwork, gas silicate blocks, ceramic heat blocks, stone, monolithic construction and panel housing construction, without creating an air gap between the insulation and the inner wall:

Flexible connection GSSC-4-250
D4mm / length 250mm
Cardboard box 700 pcs.

Flexible connection GSSC-4-300
D4mm / length 300mm
Cardboard box 700 pcs.

Flexible connection GSSC-4-350
D4mm / length 350mm
Cardboard box 700 pcs.

Flexible connection GSSC-4-400
D4mm / length 400mm
Cardboard box 700 pcs.

Flexible connection GSSC-4-450
D4mm / length 450mm
Cardboard box 700 pcs.

Flexible connection GSSC-6-250
D6mm / length 250mm
Cardboard box 500 pcs.

Flexible connection GSSC-6-300
D6mm / length 300mm
Cardboard box 500 pcs.

Flexible connection GSSC-6-350
D6mm / length 350mm
Cardboard box 500 pcs.

Flexible connection GSSC-6-400
D6mm / length 400mm
Cardboard box 500 pcs.

Flexible connection GSSC-6-450
D6mm / length 450mm
Cardboard box 500 pcs.

2. Flexible connections for brickwork, gas silicate blocks, ceramic heat blocks, stone, monolithic construction and panel housing construction, with an air gap between the insulation and the inner wall:

According to SNiP, flexible connections must be designed from corrosion-resistant steels, or steels that are protected from corrosion or polymer materials.

As polymer materials use composite fiberglass or basalt plastic flexible connections.

This SNiP confirms that it is unsafe to use non-corrosion-resistant reinforcement, for example, reinforcement made of wire or ferrous metal as flexible connections, since they are subject to corrosion, and this leads to collapse facing walls and significantly affects the safety of the building.

Advantages of flexible connections made of composite materials:

1. Low thermal conductivity.

The thermal conductivity of metal is 56 W/m2 x °C, and that of fiberglass is 0.45 W/m2 x °C, so fiberglass is 100 times less thermally conductive, flexible connections will help solve the problem of “cold bridges” that form on metal elements in designs.

2. High corrosion and chemical resistance.

Fiberglass is resistant to the aggressive influence of the alkaline environment of concrete, it does not rust.

3. Low density.

Flexible basalt connections 3.7 times lighter than metal ones, thereby reducing the load on the foundation of the building.

4. Strength and durability.

The products of our plant retain their physical and mechanical properties in alkaline and warm-humid environments, and it is much stronger than metal.

5. Economic feasibility.

Flexible connections made from fiberglass are 3-5 times more affordable than those made from conventional materials. Price of flexible connections listed on our website.

6. Fire safety.

Tests that were carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 30247.0-94 30247.1-97 established that the fire resistance limit of panels with flexible connections made of fiberglass is at least 140 minutes.

The advantages are obvious, and if you decide buy flexible connections, then you can do this on our website.

The recommendations below apply to the construction of three-layer brick walls or walls made of other materials, monolithic walls with brick cladding for buildings up to 40 meters high. The recommendations describe the use of composite flexible ties; other elements of the three-layer structure are designed and constructed in accordance with current standards. Now widely used flexible connections in Moscow, and in other regions of the country.

Fiberglass reinforcement, as well as flexible fiberglass connections used for the construction of walls made of three-layer brick or other materials, and monolithic walls made of reinforced concrete with brick cladding.

The main indicators of fiberglass reinforcement and flexible connections that were produced on its basis with a diameter of 6 mm:

Breaking tensile stress - 1000 MPa,

Tensile modulus of elasticity - 50000MPa,

Thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.45 W/m2×°C.

In order to ensure adhesion with mortar Flexible fiberglass ties are made with anchor hooks at the end, in the form of a thickening, or with periodic corrugation along the entire length.

For brick wall minimum depth for embedding flexible ties in a mortar joint interior wall- 90 mm, and maximum - 150 mm, outer wall- 90 mm, for a monolithic lined wall, sealing in load-bearing layer to the depth of the dowel, and in the facing - 90 mm

To be able to install air gap Between the outer layer of the wall and the insulation, a flexible connection made of fiberglass must be equipped with a fixing pressure washer made of polyamide.

The number of flexible connections per 1m2 of a blank wall is at least 4 pieces.

When insulating a brick wall with a mineral wool slab, the pitch of flexible ties is 500-600 mm vertically and 500 mm horizontally (see Fig. 6).

When insulating a brick wall with polyurethane foam and polystyrene foam, step composite connections vertically will be equal to the height of the slab, but not more than 1000 mm, horizontal step - 250 mm, but not more than a step at the rate of 4 pieces per square meter.

When insulating monolithic walls made of reinforced concrete and producing reinforced concrete products, the spacing of ties vertically and horizontally is 500 mm.

Additionally, connections are installed along the perimeter of the opening, at expansion joints, at parapets with a pitch of 300 mm, and in the corners of the building in accordance with Fig. 1,2,3,4.

It is recommended to lay brickwork with thermal insulation made of polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam in the following sequence: see Fig. 7:

  1. They put outer layer to the next level of connections.
  2. A heat-insulating layer is installed; its top should be higher than the outer layer by approximately the height of one row of bricks.
  3. Lay the inner layer to the level of the next connections.
  4. Installation of flexible connections through the heat-insulating layer, if the horizontal seam of the inner and outer layers do not coincide, then on the inner layer they are installed in a vertical seam with careful sealing of the seam with cement mortar.

Brick wall with thermal insulation from mineral wool board must be placed in the following sequence, see Fig. 8:

  1. Place the outer layer up to the next level of flexible connections.
  2. Lay the inner layer to the level of the next flexible connections.
  3. Install a thermal insulation layer.
  4. Flexible connections are laid on the insulation board; if the horizontal seam of the inner and outer layers in which the connections are installed do not coincide, then in the inner layer the flexible connections are installed in a vertical seam with careful sealing of the seams with cement mortar.
  5. Lay one row of bricks in the inner and outer layers.

When erecting monolithic walls followed by brick cladding, installation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. It is necessary to drill a hole in the monolith to the depth of the dowel, into which the connections are driven until the dowel tip is completely wedged.
  2. An insulation board is pinned onto the free ends of the ties, and it is secured with clamps on a latch or with a mechanical fastener.
  3. Next, the facing layer is laid; the leg of the clamp should rest against the outermost brick, since it has a length corresponding to the width of the air gap.
  4. The free end of the flexible connection with the sand anchor is embedded in the mortar joint.

You can find all the information regarding composite reinforcement on our website, also listed here price of flexible connections.

Name of product Unit change Price 50 Price 150 Price 450 Price 1000 Price 3000
Flexible Galen ties made of basalt plastic for brickwork
BPA-300-6-2P PC. 6,17 5,98 5,98 5,86 5,86 5,80
BPA-350-6-2P PC. 6,89 6,68 6,68 6,55 6,55 6,48
BPA-400-6-2P PC. 8,16 7,92 7,92 7,75 7,75 7,67
BPA-450-6-2P PC. 8,94 8,67 8,67 8,49 8,49 8,40
BPA-500-6-2P PC. 9,68 9,39 9,39 9,20 9,20 9,10
BPA-600-6-2P PC. 11,30 10,96 10,96 10,74 10,74 10,62
BPA-700-6-2P PC. 13,69 13,28 13,28 13,01 13,01 12,87
Retainer PC. 1,68 1,63 1,63 1,60 1,60 1,58
Flexible Galen ties made of basalt plastic for thermally efficient blocks and three-layer sandwich panels, ∅ 4 mm
BPA-250-2P PC. 2,95 2,86 2,86 2,80 2,80 2,77
BPA-300-2P PC. 3,44 3,34 3,34 3,27 3,27 3,23
BPA-350-2P PC. 3,84 3,72 3,72 3,65 3,65 3,61
BPA-400-2P PC. 4,56 4,42 4,42 4,33 4,33 4,29
BPA-450-2P PC. 4,99 4,84 4,84 4,74 4,74 4,69
Flexible Galen ties made of basalt plastic for thermally efficient blocks and three-layer sandwich panels, ∅ 7.5 mm
BPA-250-2P PC. 7,06 6,85 6,85 6,71 6,71 6,64
BPA-300-2P PC. 8,47 8,22 8,22 8,05 8,05 7,96
BPA-350-2P PC. 10,05 9,75 9,75 9,55 9,55 9,45
BPA-400-2P PC. 11,55 11,20 11,20 10,97 10,97 10,86
BPA-450-2P PC. 12,75 12,37 12,37 12,11 12,11 11,99
Flexible Galen ties made of basalt plastic for insulation and cladding of a monolithic wall with bricks
BPA-150-6-1P PC. 4,62 4,48 4,48 4,39 4,39 4,34
BPA-200-6-1P PC. 5,12 4,97 4,97 4,86 4,86 4,81
BPA-250-6-1P PC. 6,16 5,98 5,98 5,85 5,85 5,79
BPA-300-6-1P PC. 7,13 6,92 6,92 6,77 6,77 6,70
BPA-350-6-1P PC. 7,70 7,47 7,47 7,32 7,32 7,24
Retainer PC. 1,68 1,63 1,63 1,60 1,60 1,58
Construction dowel Galen
SPD-110-6 PC. 4,70 4,56 4,56 4,47 4,47 4,42
SPD-160-6 PC. 5,39 5,23 5,23 5,12 5,12 5,07
SPD-180-6 PC. 5,63 5,46 5,46 5,35 5,35 5,29
SPD-210-6 PC. 6,15 5,97 5,97 5,84 5,84 5,78
SPD-250-6 PC. 6,68 6,48 6,48 6,35 6,35 6,28
SPD-300-6 PC. 7,54 7,31 7,31 7,16 7,16 7,09
Drive-in façade dowel "Thermosave"
SD-160-10 PC. 4,00 3,88 3,88 3,80 3,80 3,76

Basalt-plastic reinforcement

Name of product Unit change Retail price per unit, rub. Price 500 Price 1000
Flexible connections ∅4 mm with two sand anchors, BPA 4-2P
157648 | 200 mm PC. 3,10 3,05 3,00
118350 | 250 mm PC. 3,50 3,40 3,20
118351 | 300 mm PC. 4,00 3,95 3,90
118352 | 350 mm PC. 4,50 4,47 4,45
118353 | 400 mm PC. 5,88 5,82 5,77
118354 | 450 mm PC. 6,50 6,40 6,35
Flexible connections ∅6 mm for aerated concrete
Basalt plastic anchors for aerated concrete
157908 | 180 mm PC. 10,80 10,60 10,50
167678 | 190 mm PC. 11,20 11,00 10,90
157907 | 200 mm PC. 11,50 11,40 11,30
175310 | 210 mm PC. 12,00 11,85 11,75
157914 | 220 mm PC. 12,40 12,20 12,10
170401 | 230 mm PC. 12,90 12,70 12,60
157909 | 250 mm PC. 13,70 13,50 13,40
157913 | 270 mm PC. 14,50 14,30 14,20
157910 | 300 mm PC. 15,70 15,50 15,40
157912 | 320 mm PC. 16,70 16,50 16,40
157911 | 350 mm PC. 18,00 17,90 17,70
Flexible connections ∅6 mm with two sand anchors, BPA 6-2P
168978 | 120 mm PC. 3,41 3,35 3,30
156621 | 150 mm PC. 4,70 4,65 4,60
126357 | 200 mm PC. 6,40 6,30 6,20
118355 | 250 mm PC. 7,65 7,55 7,45
155321 | 280 mm PC. 8,45 8,35 8,25
118356 | 300 mm 9,00 8,90 8,80
158199 | 330 mm PC. 9,80 9,70 9,60
118357 | 350 mm PC. 10,40 10,30 10,20
168705 | 370 mm PC. 11,00 10,80 10,70
175328 | 380 mm PC. 11,90 11,80 11,60
118358 | 400 mm PC. 12,00 11,80 11,60
118359 | 450 mm PC. 13,50 13,40 13,20
118360 | 500 mm PC. 15,00 14,70 14,50
118361 | 550 mm PC. 16,40 16,20 16,00
118362 | 600 mm PC. 17,90 17,60 17,30
158184 | 750 mm PC. 19,30 19,00 18,80
Flexible connections ∅6 mm with dowel and sand anchor, BPA 6-1P
118363 | 150 mm PC. 5,70 5,55 5,50
118364 | 200 mm PC. 7,10 7,00 6,90
118365 | 250 mm PC. 8,50 8,40 8,30
152728 | 280 mm PC. 9,40 9,20 9,10
118366 | 300 mm PC. 9,90 9,80 9,70
148920 | 310 mm without dowel PC. 10,20 10,00 9,90
118367 | 350 mm PC. 11,50 11,40 11,20
159147 | 380 mm PC. 12,20 12,00 11,90
133635 | 400 mm PC. 12,70 12,6 12,50
157921 | 450 mm PC. 14,40 14,30 14,10
Flexible connections ∅7.5 mm with two sand anchors, BPA 7.5-2P
118368 | 250 mm PC. 8,55 8,40 8,24
118369 | 300 mm PC. 10,26 10,18 9,97
157041 | 320 mm PC. 10,60 10,39 10,18
118370 | 350 mm PC. 12,18 12,02 11,86
118371 | 400 mm PC. 14,00 13,80 13,65
118372 | 450 mm PC. 15,46 15,33 15,12
155737 | 600 mm PC. 18,07 17,95 17,85
156286 | 700 mm PC. 21,00 20,47 20,26

Rockmesh composite mesh

Name of product Unit change Package Retail price per unit, rub. Price 50 Price 100
167869 | 0.3m x 2.0m sq.m in a pack 50 cards = 30m 2 150,00 148,00 145,00
162846 | 0.35m x 2.0m sq.m 150,00 148,00 145,00
170071 | 0.38m x 2.0m sq.m 150,00 148,00 145,00
173304 | 0.4m x 2.0m sq.m 150,00 148,00 145,00
162091 | 0.5m x 2.0m sq.m in a pack 50 cards = 50m 2 150,00 148,00 145,00
Masonry mesh Rokmesh 50x50mm, in cards
173358 | 0.5m x 10.0m sq.m 150,00 148,00 145,00
172038 | 0.6m x 10.0m sq.m 150,00 148,00 145,00
175312 | 2.0m x 50.0m sq.m 150,00 148,00 145,00

Thermosave façade dowel

Name of product Unit change Retail price per unit, rub. Price 500 Price 1000 Price 1500
SD 160-10 (pack of 500 pcs)
140786 4,83 4,73 4,67 4,62

Facade dowel Galen

Name of product Unit change Retail price per unit, rub. Price 500 Price 1000
Drive-in dowel SPD 6x60
140790 | 100mm 6,10 6,00 5,95
140788 | 110mm 6,40 6,30 6,25
140791 | 120mm 6,70 6,60 6,55
140793 | 140mm 7,00 6,90 6,80
140789 | 160mm 7,50 7,40 7,30
140796 | 180mm 7,80 7,70 7,60
140797 | 200mm 8,20 8,10 80
140795 | 250mm 9,50 9,40 9,30
140792 | 300mm 10,80 10,60 10,50
140794 | 350mm 12,00 11,90 11,80
167756 | 440mm 13,80 13,60 13,50

Fasteners for flexible connections

Mine support

IN Lately Galen flexible ties, which are composite-type products designed for installation in a single wall structure, are becoming increasingly popular in construction. The Galen company radically revised the characteristics of this product and, instead of the notorious reinforcement, began to produce them from basalt plastic, based on smooth surface which sand is applied in a zoned manner.

Application of flexible Galen ties made of basalt plastic

The Galen production company launches flexible type connections on the market of building materials, various types, which are used for the following purposes:

  • to give integrity to the structure from a brick cladding layer and an aerated concrete internal wall. Flexible connections for aerated concrete Galen with an anchor are suitable for this screw type, which is well retained in the gas block;
  • fastening the load-bearing rough wall with facing material during the construction of three-layer brickwork with insulation located inside, as well as the production of multilayer blocks. For this, rods are used round section with thickening at the ends obtained by a layer of sand;
  • installation of insulation on monolithic walls buildings, where connections connect them to the cladding through insulation. In this case, use rods coated with sand on one side and a dowel sleeve on the other.

Depending on the purpose, Galen basalt-plastic flexible ties can vary in length and have different diameters.

Advantages of flexible Galen connections

This product, presented by Galen, is much more economical than metal analogues, thanks to the basalt component, and in addition, it has a number of advantages:

  • absolute resistance to corrosion processes and the effects of acids inherent in fiberglass products;
  • the strength of products made from basalt plastic is close to carbon fiber;
  • do not lose their performance characteristics at temperatures within the range of -50°C – +120°C;
  • light weight, which is 9 times less than that of similar metal products;
  • high rates of stretching and compression, like plastic products.

In addition, flexible Galen connections made of basalt plastic are environmentally friendly and safe due to unique material, which also has low thermal conductivity.

The company "TSK" offers to buy flexible connections of the Galen brand in Moscow for the construction of buildings from different material and insulation external walls. If you find it difficult to make a choice on your own, the company’s specialists will help you choose necessary materials, optimally suited for your facility.