home · On a note · What should not be left on the table overnight. Why can't you leave a knife on the table? A knife cannot be left on the table overnight for various reasons.

What should not be left on the table overnight. Why can't you leave a knife on the table? A knife cannot be left on the table overnight for various reasons.

Since ancient times, many beliefs associated with this cutlery have come to us. Much attention pay attention to the knife left on the table.

Leaving a knife on the table means failure

General information about omen

Our ancestors believed that the sign of a knife on the table did not bode well. This belief appeared a long time ago, when human habitation had no doors. Then it was customary not to leave any sharp or dangerous objects in a visible place.

This rule existed for a reason: any stranger could enter the home and use a sharp object for their own purposes or use it against the owners. For safety reasons, all sharp objects were hidden away and never left on a table or other visible place.

The meaning of the sign

Now the need for such security has disappeared, but the sign remains and has acquired new meanings, such as:

  • You cannot leave any objects, including knives, out of place, so as not to anger the brownie. If the house is a mess, he may become angry and harm its inhabitants.
  • A device left on the table is a signal of an upcoming quarrel.
  • Also, a forgotten tableware can promise illness or serious surgery for someone in the household.
  • If there is a knife on the table in the house, it can cause nightmares or bad dreams.

Knife with dirty blade

A knife with a dirty blade, left in a visible place, will attract material losses or robberies in the house. Such an object serves as a magnet for negative energy.

It is very important to keep cutlery used for cutting meat clean. Drops of blood on a knife can bring trouble to all household members.

This could put a woman at risk of loss. loved one. In a man, this can provoke serious financial difficulties business related.

Knife on the table edge

According to older people, leaving a knife standing on its edge is not good. There are several superstitions:

  • to a quarrel and fight with blood;
  • to serious illness;
  • the brownie can touch it or throw it on the floor.


  • If it is regularly left in a visible place in the evening, it maintains a hostile atmosphere in the family. Sometimes incidents may end major quarrels with assault.
  • A forgotten device on a table or bedside table means pain in the abdominal area.
  • And also, a housewife who leaves a sharp object on a tabletop or bedside table will have difficulty falling asleep and will suffer from insomnia.
  • A knife left overnight in a visible place becomes a magnet for serious troubles and illnesses in the house.
  • For a young housewife, this is a harbinger of a quarrel with her mother-in-law.
  • And you also shouldn’t leave a sharp device to the young owner. This may portend scandals with your mother-in-law or father-in-law.

Leaving a knife on the nightstand will lead to stomach pain


There are a huge number of unpleasant signs about knives. To protect your family from adversity and misfortune, you should handle a sharp object with care. It is also impossible to store cutlery in a dirty state.

For convenient storage knives you need to choose affordable and comfortable spot. You can also place a knife stand on the table, which will always be at hand.

The progenitor of the knife appeared in the hands primitive man at the same time with a digging stick, a chopper and a scraper. It’s hard to even imagine how many times since those ancient times our ancestors noticed its dangerous sides and harmful magical influence. On the one hand, this dual item was incredibly useful for hunting, protection from enemies and performing various household tasks. But his other hypostasis could maim and kill, become an instrument of revenge in the hands of an experienced sorcerer or shaman.

Where did the belief come from?

The knife has always attracted close attention from many generations, and as a result, a huge number of signs have been born, mostly with an extremely negative interpretation. There is also a superstition among them that it is strictly not recommended to leave a knife on the table, especially at night.

  • After all, in those days when homes were not protected iron doors And burglar alarm, an attacker could easily get close to a dangerous weapon under cover of darkness and use it against the owner.
  • In addition, a forbidden sharp blade, left unattended, like a magnet attracts foolish children who can be seriously injured.
  • In the darkness of the night a knife can easily be possessed devilry. And then it is generally unknown what to expect from a dark object. What if he stops obeying his owner and starts living his own life?
  • A sharp blade unwisely left on a table overnight can injure a brownie, and then you won’t be able to wait for his support and help. He may become seriously offended by the owners and start doing various small dirty tricks, which will not add coziness and comfort to the home, and will cause you a lot of unnecessary trouble.

What consequences should you expect?

Sometimes there is a lot left on the table after a meal different dishes and cutlery. But even the most careless housewife will collect all the knives, listening to the prompts of the inner voice that whispers that otherwise disaster may happen.

  • The most common interpretation guarantees constant quarrels in a family where it is not customary to remove a sharp blade from the table. Moreover, conflicts may not be limited to a purely verbal battle, but often turn into real assault with the result in the form of bruises, contusions and even fractures.
  • A knife forgotten at night will collect everything negative energy, and in the morning it will cause holes in the body’s protective aura. The evil spirits will immediately take advantage of the loss of resistance and give the household members severe cramps in the stomach, and maybe even worse illnesses.
  • Another belief says that a blade forgotten on the table in the evening will cause a short and restless sleep with unpleasant and even scary visions.
  • If a brownie accidentally gets injured by a carelessly left knife, his anger will cause you problems for a long time. Small but essential things will constantly get lost. The shelf life of products will surprisingly decrease, and they will spoil right on the shelves of the refrigerator, despite low temperature. The faucets in the bathroom and kitchen will begin to leak, the radiators will leak, and the sewer will become clogged. You never know what a bad little guy can come up with!

Anything can happen in everyday life, even the most careful housewife can be so tired during the day that she may not clear the dishes from the table at night, leaving this work until the morning. But the knife is probably somehow intuitively simple; you always want to remove it from the table.

Perhaps the sight of such a knife is associated with the appearance of a bladed weapon and causes some discomfort, or perhaps it is some kind of internal conviction like “you need to put the knife away - out of harm’s way.”

A knife left on the table overnight can cause a whole host of problems.

The knife was probably the first tool that was invented by man. Therefore, many different signs are associated with it. They may differ slightly in interpretation among different nationalities, but, in general, they talk about the same thing.

One of the main signs that is associated with a kitchen knife is precisely the fact that you should not leave it at night without putting it back in its place. The knife must be put back in its place, even if it is a stand standing on the same table.

A kitchen knife should always be under the supervision of its owners and never fall into the wrong hands. If it ends up in the hands of an ill-wisher, trouble cannot be avoided, so such things should be taken seriously.

A knife cannot be left on the table overnight for various reasons.

There is a lot of folk wisdom about leaving a kitchen knife on the table overnight:

· if a family often leaves a kitchen knife unattended on the table at night, in such a family frequent quarrels, disputes and assaults cannot be avoided. The father of the family will go wild, beating the mistress, and their children will continually slap the younger ones on the head;

· if you forget a knife on the table, children will have a stomach ache in the morning;

· a knife forgotten on the table - to insomnia and short, restless sleep in the morning;

· if an “unclean” person takes possession of the knife, the consequences for the owners and their children can be the most unpredictable;

· there is even an opinion that a brownie can kill with a thrown knife. Although this entity is known to be peaceful, it guards the house. But apparently he doesn’t like disorder;

· if a brownie accidentally gets hurt with a knife thrown at night, he will be very offended by his owners. He will no longer be their guard, but on the contrary, he will begin to do mischief, which will cause a lot of problems;

· the habit of leaving a kitchen knife on the table at night will ultimately lead not only to big problems, but it will also bring on diseases. Diseases will overcome all members of such a family.

The interpretation of the omen about throwing a knife overnight is, of course, very bad. But it’s better to always remember this and not allow anything like this to happen. You need to make it a rule, no matter how it is, that the knife should be removed from the table at night. Just like checking at night to see if it's closed. Entrance door and whether the lights are turned off. And then everything will be fine.

Anything can happen in everyday life, even the most careful housewife can be so tired during the day that she may not clear the dishes from the table at night, leaving this work until the morning. But the knife is probably somehow intuitively simple; you always want to remove it from the table.

Perhaps the sight of such a knife is associated with the appearance of a bladed weapon and causes some discomfort, or perhaps it is some kind of internal conviction like “you need to put the knife away - out of harm’s way.”

A knife left on the table overnight can cause a whole host of problems.

The knife was probably the first tool that was invented by man. Therefore, many different signs are associated with it. They may differ slightly in interpretation among different nationalities, but, in general, they talk about the same thing.

One of the main signs that is associated with a kitchen knife is precisely the fact that you should not leave it at night without putting it back in its place. The knife must be put back in its place, even if it is a stand standing on the same table.

A kitchen knife should always be under the supervision of its owners and never fall into the wrong hands. If it ends up in the hands of an ill-wisher, trouble cannot be avoided, so such things should be taken seriously.

A knife cannot be left on the table overnight for various reasons.

There is a lot of folk wisdom about leaving a kitchen knife on the table overnight:

· if a family often leaves a kitchen knife unattended on the table at night, in such a family frequent quarrels, disputes and assaults cannot be avoided. The father of the family will go wild, beating the mistress, and their children will continually slap the younger ones on the head;

· if you forget a knife on the table, children will have a stomach ache in the morning;

· a knife forgotten on the table - to insomnia and short, restless sleep in the morning;

· if an “unclean” person takes possession of the knife, the consequences for the owners and their children can be the most unpredictable;

· there is even an opinion that a brownie can kill with a thrown knife. Although this entity is known to be peaceful, it guards the house. But apparently he doesn’t like disorder;

· if a brownie accidentally gets hurt with a knife thrown at night, he will be very offended by his owners. He will no longer be their guard, but on the contrary, he will begin to do mischief, which will cause a lot of problems;

· the habit of leaving a kitchen knife on the table at night will, in the end, not only lead to big problems, but will also lead to illness. Diseases will overcome all members of such a family.

The interpretation of the omen about throwing a knife overnight is, of course, very bad. But it’s better to always remember this and not allow anything like this to happen. You need to make it a rule, no matter how it is, that the knife should be removed from the table at night. Just like at night they check whether the front door is closed and the lights are turned off. And then everything will be fine.

– The knife is a symbol of my faith!

- What faith?

– The belief that it is more convenient to cut sausage with a knife than to break it with your hands!

From the Internet

A knife is an almost universal tool, but at the same time it is extremely ancient, having, one might say, gone through fire and water. And the rules for interacting with a knife developed a long time ago; some relate to the safety of the owner, some relate to the safety of the product itself, and some even relate to myths and very ambiguous signs.

Part one: safety precautions

  • It is not advisable to work with a knife if the blade is pointed in your direction. This is mainly how they cut or peel hard and small-sized food products, cucumbers, radishes, etc.: they hold what they are cutting and use a knife to “feed” from below towards you. This, admittedly, is quite convenient, but unsafe. It is all the more undesirable to cut, for example, bread by weight, again making the cut towards you; and cutting tape, electrical tape, and rope in this way is generally prohibited. Particularly dangerous is cutting on thumb", when a small object being cut is supported with the thumb on the side opposite to the blade.
  • Do not use dull knives. The same rule applies to scissors, although they are safer. This is an indisputable rule for knives: when working with a dull knife, we put more effort, as a result of which the knife often slips and causes damage to the person using it.
  • You cannot catch a falling knife in flight. It is unlikely that the injury will be serious, even if you grab the blade and squeeze it, but in this case cuts are guaranteed.
  • You cannot leave a knife in disarray on the table, between foods, or in foods. If the knife is not in place, you can accidentally grab it along with other objects and cut yourself.
  • Do not leave a knife on the edge of a table, shelf, etc. Compliance with this rule is especially critical in a home where there are children.
  • Do not leave the knife on the table in the “blade up” position. On this score there is even folk sign, the meaning of which does not need to be explained.

Part two: safety of the knife itself

The most detailed part of our material, where we will tell you what not to do if you do not want to destroy your knife. These recommendations apply to steel and ceramic appliances, kitchen and hunting knives, fixings and folding knives, that is, absolutely all products.

    The knife must not be used for other purposes. For example, if we are talking about a ceramic kitchen knife that does an excellent job of slicing greens, then it should not be used to cut frozen meat or any other hard foods, pry off tight lids, or use it as a screwdriver. An ordinary kitchen knife with a relatively thin blade is not designed for opening tin cans, even empirically you found out that he is still capable of doing this job. Sooner or later she will hopelessly ruin cutting edge, which will no longer be a perfectly straight line.

  • Do not leave the knife dirty and/or wet. After each use, the knife should be at least rinsed or washed with liquid dish detergent and then wiped dry. Even divers’ knives with stainless steel blades are treated with clean water after a dive. fresh water(so-called desalination). It is better to evaporate moisture that has got into the hinge of a folding knife using a hairdryer.
  • You cannot store knives in bulk in the same drawer with other cutlery. Impacts on steel cause microscopic chips to form on the cutting edge. Ideal for storage kitchen knives V drawer a special tray with holders, or on the wall. Remember hygiene - stands should be designed to be cleanable.

  • You cannot store knives in leather sheaths for a long time (weeks, months). Especially with blades made of carbon steel and handles made of materials of natural origin - wood, bone, horn. Various types of leather are used for tanning leather. chemical substances, adversely affecting the components of the knife, especially if the skin is wet. It must be removed from there and stored in oiled paper or cloth. Caring for sheaths is similar to caring for shoes: dry away from heating devices, clean outside and inside, do not store in light.

  • Knives must not be left in areas with high humidity: swimming pools, bathrooms. Make it a habit to remove all knives from your pockets and belts if you are undressing for a swim and can leave your clothes in the same area.
  • You can't sharpen knives against each other, but editing is possible. Straightening the edge of one knife against the butt of another is widely practiced by chefs. This works, however, only with cutting edges that have a thin approach.
  • To sharpen a knife, use either by special means, or contact a professional. Sharpening is done only suitable tool. Household sharpeners are not suitable for this: too high speeds can “set fire” to the cutting edge. “General craftsmen” like to use them in ordinary metal repairs, but you shouldn’t resort to their services either: look for a specialist in sharpening cutting tools.
  • It is not advisable to sharpen knives if you do not have enough experience. It is better to have ceramic knives sharpened by a craftsman, and sharpen steel knives only with a suitable tool that corresponds to the degree of wear of the leads.
  • It is not advisable to store an unused knife without preservative lubricant. If you plan to put the knife away for a long time, for example, it was bought as a gift and will not be needed soon, treat it with a preservation lubricant. This is especially true for folding knives and knives with carbon steel blades.

Part three: signs

This will be a very small review part, and, rather, of a cultural and educational nature, rather than of a recommendatory nature. True, not a single ancient sign arose just like that, each of them had practical roots, and if your experience suggests that you need to pay attention to them, why not?

  • You cannot give knives as gifts. It is believed that this will lead to trouble (sometimes they even talk about a knife in the body of the person to whom the gift was given!), and such a belief exists not only in Russia, but also in some European countries. The Mongols have a similar concept about this - since the time of Genghis Khan, they have not accepted such gifts. But in Japan, for example, they have an extremely positive attitude towards donated knives: they even use the same hieroglyphs for the concepts of “cutting a path to happiness” and “cutting”. And such gifts really bring the Japanese, if not luck, then certainly pleasure from the gift itself. Well, then, what about such a widespread custom, even in our country, as the presentation of award weapons, including bladed weapons?.. So this popular belief is completely ambiguous.
  • You should not leave a knife on the table, especially at night. This prohibition has very practical roots - a knife left in plain sight attracted the attention of children, which sometimes led to trouble. Such a reasonable prohibition at some point lost its original meaning and acquired a sacred meaning, although its “base” is quite obvious.
  • You cannot pick up found knives. The “superstitious” side of the issue lies in the negative energy of such magic item, like a knife, but quite ordinary and very reasonable - simply in the fact that other people’s piercing and cutting objects can be dirty, contaminated, etc. They can also have a “criminal” past. But these reasons were probably once insufficient, resulting in an explanation for the mystics.