home · Installation · What to do to make the orchid bloom a second time. What needs to be done to make your home orchid bloom. Video: applying cytokinin ointment to an orchid bud

What to do to make the orchid bloom a second time. What needs to be done to make your home orchid bloom. Video: applying cytokinin ointment to an orchid bud

Phalaenopsis and dendrobium orchids are considered the most blooming; they are also the most common and are available for free sale. But many novice gardeners have problems with them too - the orchid does not bloom. Most common cause is bad light or non-compliance with the dormant period, and sometimes lack of flowering appears after abuse nitrogen fertilizers. If the plant is overfed, all that remains is to wait until the nitrogen is processed and add phosphorus.

Orchids are light-loving plants; if there is a lack of sunlight, you may never see flowering. In such conditions, only a large mass of foliage grows on the plant dark green. Another reason for delayed flowering may be excess moisture during the period of bud formation for future buds. With excessive watering, dried buds or dried flower stalks with buds are always noticeable on the plant. It is necessary to heavily water and bathe orchids only during the growing season, providing rest as soon as the growing season has come to an end and the formation of buds has begun. The dormant period begins after flowering, in winter, when the lighting is insufficient and the room temperature is low.

Orchids need to be watered heavily only during the growing season. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

Orchids require rest to form new flower stalks. During the dormant period, the plant should develop new bulbs, that is, all its new shoots should become equal to the old ones. During this period, flowers require a slightly cooler room and no watering. In winter, orchids are placed in less heated rooms for this purpose, and in summer it is better to take them out onto the balcony or into the garden. There are orchids that only need lower temperatures at night. During the dormant period, it is not necessary to fertilize the plant. You can know that the dormant period has ended by the appearance of a peduncle on the orchid. If the orchid, despite observing all these points, does not begin to bloom, the conditions of care need to be changed.

To obtain orchid flowers, it can be sprayed with special preparations. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

Some begin to bloom regularly after stressful conditions are created, for example, a sharp rise in temperature. To do this, place the orchid overnight in a room with a temperature not exceeding 18°C, and in the morning move it to a warm place. An abrupt cessation of watering, independent of dormant periods, affects most types of orchids. The cambria plants offered for sale, namely oncidiums, miltonias and hybrids, require reduced watering for the development of bulbs.

The timing of reducing watering for each type of orchid is slightly different, and some react extremely sharply to sudden drought - the growth and development of the peduncle slows down. But general condition the beginning of flowering is the growth of the bulb by at least a third of regular size. In a weakened plant with small bulbs, flowering most often does not occur.

It also happens that orchids long time are in one place, grow and develop, the conditions of their maintenance are unchanged, but flowering occurs spontaneously. The reason is the death of the roots, since the lifespan of a root in a pot is 2-3 years. Can die off at the same time a large number of roots, and flowering will not occur until new ones develop. And to get flowers as quickly as possible, orchids can be sprayed with special preparations, such as “Epin”, “Zircon”, “Bud”, “Tsveten”.

Depends on the experience and ability of the owner to provide the phalaenopsis with the environmental conditions necessary for flowering.

On average, an orchid blooms for about 3 months. Some particularly talented orchid growers manage to extend this period to 5 or even 8 months. Then the plant enters a dormant period and gains strength for new flowering. The flowering and resting cycle of each plant is different, so there is no exact data on when exactly the plant should emerge and decorate the window.

Proper care of the plant can shorten the rest period as much as possible. Phalaenopsis is able to bloom almost all year round by getting enough water, nutrients and light, and by following the correct temperature regime. If we are talking about the first flowering young plant, then you don’t need to wait until 2 years after planting.

Reasons for the absence of buds

What to do if the orchid does not bloom? It is difficult to recreate the conditions in a house or apartment natural habitat phalaenopsis. However regular care according to all the rules, stimulates rich and long-lasting flowering of orchids.

  • excessive or insufficient watering;
  • the flower was purchased at the end of the flowering period;
  • high room temperature;
  • excess salts in the soil;
  • lack of light;
  • excess or lack of feeding;
  • incorrectly selected fertilizers.

Does the plant need to be stimulated?

A prolonged absence of flowering is a sign that the plant is experiencing discomfort.. Bright flowers signal the health of the orchid and proper care for her. If an orchid has not bloomed for a long time, it simply needs to be stimulated.

Problems and their solutions

Proper attention from the owner to the orchid and care at home help stimulate flowering. If a plant does not bloom, there are several reasons.


The most common diseases:

  • bacterial spot– brown spots appear on the leaves;
  • sooty mushrooms promote the formation of black plaque on the leaves;
  • powdery mildew– a disease that manifests itself in the appearance of a white coating;
  • plant rotting when it rots root system and leaves.

What do we have to do:

  1. Remove all affected areas of the plant.
  2. Apply special drug, created to treat a specific type of disease.
  3. If the plant begins to rot, you need to cut off all the damaged areas, change the substrate and pot, and replant the orchid.


The most common pests of orchids: thrips, scale insects, mealybugs, whiteflies, aphids, mites. Pests live both on the leaves and in the substrate. The pest affects not only the frequency and duration of flowering, but also general state plants.

How to detect the presence of a pest:

To destroy pests you need:

  1. wash the plant thoroughly with water and laundry soap;
  2. Treat the substrate, plant and roots with a solution of a broad-spectrum insecticide, repeat after a week.

How to properly care?

Phalaenopsis is an unpretentious orchid, but it is sensitive to living conditions and care.:

  • If the plant is in a too dark place, or in a place with a lot of direct sunlight, you should not expect flowering. The orchid should be in a place with enough, but not too much bright lighting. If it is impossible to move the pot from a place with abundant sunlight, it is enough to darken the window a little with special paper or foil.
  • It is necessary to water the plant properly - no more than once every 4 days and only in the morning.
  • The room should not be too hot and humid - such conditions provoke rotting.
  • Do not replant the plant or rearrange the pot unless absolutely necessary.
  • Frequent fertilization does not benefit this plant. It is necessary to apply fertilizing only in the spring-summer period once every 2 weeks.

How to wake up from sleep?

Phalaenopsis is not the best capricious plant, so waking up an orchid is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. There are two main ways to force an orchid to wake up from sleep: with the help of artificial drought or with the help of temperature changes. Both methods give the plant a “shake-up” and encourage active flowering. The choice of method is at the discretion of the owner.

Important: Stimulation is possible only if the plant is completely healthy, but for some reason refuses to bloom. If the orchid has only recently bloomed, is very young or is sick, such experiments are not recommended.

Artificial drought

This method will help you plant an orchid to start blooming at any time of the year and at any stable room temperature (not higher than 30°C). The flower awakening process will take from 1 to 2 months.


Temperature difference

This method of stimulation is suitable for most orchids. Let's look at its features:

  • IN spring time When the night temperature is around 16°C, the plant should be moved to the balcony closer to the open window.
  • If it is possible to protect the orchid from direct sunlight, you can keep it on the balcony all day, but if this is not possible, take it out only at night.
  • During the day, phalaenopsis will be warm, at night – cool. As a result of such changes, the plant gains strength to develop the peduncle, grow leaves and roots. Usually 10-15 days are enough for stimulation.

The temperature difference method can also be used in summer and autumn, but it is in spring that the greatest results can be achieved. If the plant does not receive proper care, stimulating flowering will not give good and lasting results.

How to grow an orchid peduncle? How to make an orchid bloom? Read what you need to re-bloom an orchid at home?

Let's start with the fact that you can make an orchid bloom and do it very simply. You can drive out the flower stalk yourself. We will help by giving advice and guidance on care techniques.

What needs to be done to make the orchid bloom again:

  1. Remove damaged parts, if any.
  2. Process the places of cuts and formation of buds.
  3. Caring for a home orchid using the forcing principle.

Why doesn't the orchid bloom?

An orchid may not bloom if the microclimate is not conducive to bud formation, or diseases develop.

Conditions for flowering: diffuse lighting, moderate room temperature, high humidity air and poor watering. Next, we’ll talk about 2 ways to drive out the peduncle and activate flowering.

Diseases: non-infectious rot on the roots due to waterlogging or temperature changes, fungal disease - damage by spores, pests on the roots. To treat orchid diseases, use fungicides and acaricides.

Preparation for forcing

Having eliminated the reasons that interfere with the formation of flower stalks, we select methods on how to expel the orchid. First option arrange a temperature difference. First, transfer to conditions at +6 ° C, then return to temperature conditions +20°C. At the same time, there should be no excessive moisture of the roots.

Second option How to expel an orchid is more common, but is introduced if the roots are completely healthy and the flower has not been stressed or recently sick. By alternating drying and watering, you can make the orchid bloom. To begin, lower the pot and the pot into water, remove and leave for 2 hours so that the water drains. Then dry to the ground and repeat the procedure.

How to treat an orchid to make it bloom again?

Options suitable for a sick or recently stressed orchid are treatment succinic acid, cytokinin paste and microelements. This also includes anti-stress drugs such as Epin, Fitosporin (a wider spectrum of action, including medicinal functions), as well as Kornevin, for the formation of new roots if they are cut.

  • Succinic acid: 1 tablet per glass of warm water to treat leaves. Basically, they perform the function of restoring the orchid, but indirectly stimulate the formation of buds.
  • Cytokinin paste: necessary for the orchid to bloom again. Apply 1 bead on the edge of a toothpick to the area where the bud/bud develops.
  • Microelements: Chelates, minerals with an expanded composition - any options that are suitable for fertilizing orchids. from purchasing funds look out for "Foley" and "Mr. Color" for orchids. Apply 2 times less than indicated on the package.

Microclimate for forcing orchids:

  1. Place in an area with diffused lighting. Focus on shading rather than active lighting.
  2. Humidify the air at a temperature of +20-22° C up to 80%.
  3. Dry the substrate in the orchid pot at least halfway.
  4. Treat with pastes and solutions + feed.

↓ Write in the comments what do you think needs to be done to make the orchid bloom again?

A bright tropical beauty - the phalaenopsis orchid - is one of the most exotic plants that decorate our homes.

And flower growers love orchids not only because their flowers are delightfully beautiful, although, of course, it is the exquisite beauty of orchids that makes them so desirable for growing at home. Over the past decade, this flower has become extremely popular.

As surprising as this may sound. The orchid is quite unpretentious, and caring for it is not at all difficult. It does not require frequent watering and grows as if in the sun. and on shaded windows, does not require frequent replanting and large volume pots.

And only one problem upsets fans of this beautiful flower— how to make an orchid bloom at home?

This is a real mystery for many orchid lovers. And the question is what to do if the orchid does not produce a peduncle, does not bloom, but the leaves grow, and why the orchids do not bloom. constantly heard from flower growers.

Let's figure it out.

It is not at all necessary that your orchid does not bloom. because you did not provide her with adequate care.

Any flower, be it a simple dandelion or a luxurious rose, blooms in its own time. And this simple rule also applies to orchids. Perhaps her time simply has not come yet.

The orchid blooms no earlier than it reaches the age of one and a half years. And just by this time it has 6-8 leaves.

Moreover, if suddenly your orchid for some reason decided to release a peduncle before it forms required quantity leaves, many gardeners recommend stopping such attempts. Otherwise the plant will be weakened early flowering, and may even die.

Proper care of orchids

If your adult flower, which has already formed a sufficient number of leaves, does not produce a peduncle. Perhaps you are not caring for it correctly.

There are only three typical mistakes:

  • incorrect temperature;
  • improper watering;
  • incorrect lighting.

All these factors, both individually and all together, play a huge role in the flowering of orchids.


Temperature for an orchid plays no less important role than watering, moisturizing, the right light, ventilation, etc.

Phalaenopsis orchids, despite their origin, categorically do not like overheating. Even the most heat-loving variety will not tolerate temperature increases above 32 -35 degrees. The orchid will simply stop growing and burns will appear on the leaves. and if exposed to this temperature for a long time, the flower will simply die from overheating.

Undoubtedly. There is no need to expose orchids to frost, cold air It won’t add health to the flower either. However, the orchid will definitely feel better in a cool place. than under the scorching rays of the sun. An orchid is not a cactus after all.


For about two weeks after purchasing a phalaenopsis orchid, it is better not to water it at all. Let the flower come to its senses after a change in conditions. It is best to place your beauty separately from other plants, shade it from direct sunlight, do not touch it, do not fertilize it or water it.

At the same time, take a closer look at the leaves to see if there are any signs of infection on them, or signs of flower pests.

After the quarantine period has expired, you can start watering.

Orchid roots generally do not tolerate stagnant moisture, so there should not be a lot of water. This applies to absolutely all types of orchids, and not just the most beloved and most common phalaenopsis orchid.

There are two ways to water orchids.

At the first time, the orchid is simply given a shower. The flower along with the leaves is shed with warm water very generously, while not allowing the water to stagnate in the flower pot.

To do this, several holes are made in a plastic transparent pot. Moreover, they can be made not only in the bottom of the pot, but also in its walls. Orchid roots need more than just light. but also in the influx of fresh air - in nature, the roots of orchids do not go deep into the ground. They slide either along trees or rocks, holding on to them. Orchid roots are called “aerial”.

Therefore, the holes in the pot are very important - through them the Fresh air, and they prevent excess water from accumulating near the roots.

The second way is that flower pots Place the plants in a container. filled with water (so-called bottom watering). The flower itself absorbs the amount of water that is needed. and at the same time the soil never dries out, which is also very important. However. overdrying the soil is less scary than flooding it. The roots of orchids will withstand drought, just as they can withstand it in natural conditions. But the swamp will definitely destroy them.


Proper light for orchids to bloom and grow is a fundamental factor. And when setting light, gardeners make one of the most common mistakes, believing that since an orchid is a tropical flower that grows in hot and humid climates, it simply loves straight, bright Sun rays(and plenty of watering). And if you put it on a south window and water it all the time, then literally the next day the orchid will begin to produce flower stalks.

Everything is exactly the opposite. We have already talked about abundant watering, and as for direct sunlight. then from their influence the orchid practically “burns”. The first "Sos" can be obtained from the leaves - the leaves turn yellowish. or they develop a brown tint. This is a direct indication that there is too much light.

Healthy orchid leaves are smooth, glossy, and bright green. If the leaves begin to darken, it means there is not enough light. If they become wrinkled, the plant does not have enough moisture. Phalaenopsis orchid in particular. loves dim lighting and diffused light. Therefore, it is best if it receives morning or, conversely, evening sunlight. On a south window the flower will not feel well.

Another interesting observation is that after the orchid blooms, it no longer needs the sun, and it can even be placed in the hallway, where daylight absent. Light is required precisely for the formation of flower stalks.

What to do to make an orchid bloom at home

The ten-day quarantine has passed, and a phalaenopsis orchid in a transparent pot with holes has settled on your windowsill. In the morning it is illuminated by the rays of the still cool sun, a transparent pot with holes stands in a bath of warm water. The leaves are smooth and beautiful. bright green. But there is no peduncle. Why? What should you do to make an orchid bloom?

Try to dramatically change the conditions of her care. For example, create a temperature contrast. For example, take your orchid out onto the balcony at night (this, of course, should not be done in January). In April-May, it is much cooler on the balcony at night than in the room during the day, and even on a sunny window. Send the flower to spend the night in a cool room.

Try keeping it without water for some time, not just limiting, but completely stopping watering. And keep an eye on the leaves - if they are wrinkled, the experiment must be ended!

You can try a hot shower. Naturally, it should not be boiling water, but water up to 40 degrees. Pouring a flower hot water it takes about a minute.

All these methods will wake up your orchid, and it will definitely release a flower stalk.

Signs of an orchid blooming

First, the orchid produces a peduncle - a long, thick green stem. It can be fixed in the position you like - vertically, horizontally, in an arc. you just need to place a support next to the peduncle the desired shape, and secure the stem with clamps.

The length of the peduncle can reach several tens of centimeters. The orchid will be able to release it for several weeks.

At the same time, an orchid can begin to bloom at any time of the year, there are no patterns in this.

There may be more than one peduncle. some orchids at good care produce two, three, and even four peduncles.

On each of them there are small dense buds that gradually bloom. turning into beautiful flowers.

Orchids bloom abundantly and for a long time, individual species bloom for up to 5 months.

After the orchid has bloomed, there is no need to remove the peduncle itself, although it does not look very beautiful. Often new buds begin to form on it.

The peduncle should be trimmed after it has completely dried out and turned yellow.

Strong healthy leaves.


The roots are normally green and clean, no dark ones. A lot of aerial roots. A clear, clean pot free of green algae.

How to make a phalaenopsis orchid bloom at home?

Let's talk about how to stimulate flowering using various methods.


Do not change location during budding period

Changes in lighting have a negative effect on the orchid. The plant has to rebuild the cellular structure of tissues, adapt previously poorly illuminated parts to intensive photosynthesis.

The resources necessary for flowering remain scarce, and flowering will be delayed until better times.

If you constantly twist and rearrange the pot, you may not wait for this joyful event. Special attention should be paid to seasonal changes in natural light.

Transparent pot

Orchids are unique plants that have aerial roots. These shoots have the ability to absorb moisture directly from the air, despite their thick, gangly appearance.

The main distinctive ability of such roots - they participate in photosynthesis just like the leaves, it’s not for nothing that they are the same color.

Of course, stores now offer such an assortment of flowers in all the colors of the rainbow that it’s a shame to plant an orchid in an unremarkable transparent container. But that’s exactly what she needs!

The best pot for phalaenopsis is transparent.

Attention! If plants of other families receive nutrients only from leaves, then this unique among flowers produces chlorophyll, literally, with its entire body. An opaque pot will immediately deprive the orchid of half its nutrients.

Additional lighting in autumn-winter period

in winter hypothermia should be avoided, so a cold window sill is not the best place For tender plant. A stand is needed so that there is an air gap between the cold surface and the roots of the plant.

For optimal lighting rational use of economical LED phytolamps, which will provide plant cells with light in the red and blue spectrum. This is the light that is best suited for photosynthesis.

Day and night temperature difference (as in nature)

In a tropical forest the difference between day and night temperatures is about 5 degrees Celsius. It is precisely this difference that can provoke the beginning of the growth of peduncles in phalaenopsis.


The use of chemicals for stimulation

succinic acid

The state of full physical flowering of a plant can be compared to the state of happiness and joy in a person.

Agree, it’s strange to ask the question: “How to make a person become happy?” Methods of influencing the plant should only gently push it to flower, There is no place for violence in this matter.

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