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Child-adult event “I want to build a house. Finger games Simple game rules

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    Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in Tsaritsino


    On July 7, the Moscow Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve celebrated the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. The creative group “Bells of Rus'” was invited to participate in the musical program of the holiday, which delighted the guests of the holiday with the sound of a belfry made of bells and provided everyone with the opportunity to play this instrument.

    Wolfgang Mastnack: "Beautiful Bells"


    On July 6, the exhibition hall “Bells of Rus'” in Sergiev Posad was visited by a group of leading domestic and foreign experts in the field of psychology and music therapy, who got acquainted with the exhibition presented in the exhibition hall and were able to personally verify the beneficial effects of BILOTHERAPY on the human body.

    Meeting of representatives of the tourism industry in Sergiev Posad


    On July 1, a meeting of representatives of the tourism industry of the Moscow and Yaroslavl regions took place, at which the tourism potential of the two regions was presented. One of the key objects of Sergiev Posad is the exhibition hall “Bells of Rus'”. The meeting participants got acquainted with some of the exhibits and heard their magnificent sound.

    Summer Solstice Day 2019


    On June 22 we celebrated one of most important holidays Krugoleta - Summer Solstice Day. This is the most favorable time for carrying out health practices, synchronizing a person’s internal rhythms with the most significant external natural rhythms for a person and correcting life events in the direction desired for oneself.

    Methods of protection from the negative impact of the urban environment


    Modern city residents daily face many negative factors, which leads to an imbalance of vital functions in the body. Within the framework of the International Scientific and Practical Forum, held in Russian Academy Sciences on June 5-6, some methods of active and passive protection were considered.


    Acoustic phenomenon in "Bells of Rus'"


    As a result of the creation of a line of flat bells tuned to the octave image of the sacred sound OM in five octaves, it became possible to create a chord that is amazing in its power and beauty, giving birth to a special acoustic space, staying in which can have a pronounced beneficial effect on human health.

    Sugar-free jam. Honey preparations


    Summer is the time for vitamins: fruits and berries ripen in gardens and forests, tasty and healthy, with healing properties. But how can their properties and vitamins be preserved for the winter, when they are so needed? It is best to make “live jams” with honey. With this approach, all valuable and nutrients product, as well as the honey itself, so the benefits are double.

    Haircut doll. Dancing doll made of herbs


    The haircut doll is a popular doll among the Slavs. Children especially like it, since a properly done haircut can dance. Such toys are made from natural materials: made from grass, hay or straw intertwined with fragrant medicinal herbs - thanks to which playing with them turns into a healing action - into aromatherapy.


    This is my umbrella.
    I walk with him in the rain.
    Let the rain drum.
    I'll stay dry.
    And here is my book.
    I can read it.
    I can give you some pictures
    Show in it.
    This is my ball
    Cheerful, funny.
    I'm leaving him
    Over your head.
    Here's my kitten
    I stroke him
    He purrs
    For me alone.

    I want to build a house
    So that there is a window in it
    So that at home the door was
    So that the pine tree grows nearby
    So that there is a fence around
    The dog guarded the gate
    So that a bug lives on the grass
    A fast spider was running
    It was sunny, it was raining
    So that the tulip blooms in the garden
    So that there is a peephole on the house
    And behind the house there lived a hedgehog.


    Our cat has ten kittens
    Now all the kittens are in pairs
    Two fat, two nimble
    Two long, two tricky
    Two little ones are the most beautiful


    There is a house made of logs in the forest
    There is a window in that house
    Look out that window
    The house is quiet and dark.
    We quietly fist
    Let's knock on this house
    Some animal came out
    “WOOF,” he said and locked the door.
    We raise our fists louder
    Let's knock on this house
    Some animal came out
    “BEE,” he said and locked the door.
    Loud, loud fist
    Let's knock on this house
    Some animal came out
    “MUU,” he said and locked the door.
    Pussy looks out the window
    “MEOW-MEOW,” he says.
    Stop knocking on our house
    Let me get some sleep.


    A flower in a flowerbed grows and blooms.
    Waiting for guests to come over, basking in the sun.
    A bug came running to him to swing.
    The breeze sways and sways.
    A moth came to the flower for juice
    The breeze sways and sways
    A bee flew to a flower for food
    I swayed a little and collected honey
    But then the bee and the moth flew away,
    The bug ran away and the flower remained
    He will stand in the sun basking.
    And the sun will set, our flower will sleep.


    Five funny pigs
    They are standing behind the gate.
    These piglets are waiting
    What will they bring to eat?
    Five funny pigs
    They look through the cracks from below.
    They run back and forth
    Where is the delicious food?
    Five funny pigs
    They knock on the door with their hooves.
    Suddenly this door opened
    You can run out now.
    Five funny pigs
    They squeal loudly with joy.
    Here's the trough, yes, yes, yes
    And it has delicious food.
    Five funny pigs
    They really want to eat
    And in the trough at the same moment
    Jump with your head and feet.


    The little boy went to bed
    On the palm of your hand, like on a bed.
    And when it got cold
    He covered himself with a blanket.
    And he lay there all night.
    And when he got up in the morning,
    He began to raise his brothers,
    To play with them.


    Little caterpillar
    Crawling along a leaf
    Leaf like candy
    Gnawing all day
    Finally got enough
    A cocoon suddenly spun.
    In a cocoon like a doll
    I slept through the winter.
    And in the spring that doll
    Tired of sleeping.
    Turned into a butterfly
    To fly everywhere.


    Here's the left and right
    That's just their name.
    Inseparable girlfriends
    The two always go together.
    Both left and right
    Let's go for a walk alone
    Found a big puddle
    And they began to jump in it.
    All wet and cold
    They can barely walk
    Suddenly left and right
    We met a lion.
    And he opened such a mouth
    And he growls so scary
    That the left one runs home
    And the right one runs.
    We reached the house.
    Look: both are here.
    But they just forgot
    What are their names now?
    Where is the left, where is the right
    You can't figure it out yourself.
    Take a quick look
    And tell them!


    And I have a cup
    And a teapot.
    I'll pour tea into your cup
    Have tea with me.

    Little Katya was smart.
    I found work for all the animals in the room.
    The dog washes the cups with its tongue.
    The mouse picks up crumbs under the table.
    The cat scratches the bench with its claws.
    A pockmarked hen sweeps the floor with its wing.
    Katya cooks porridge for her animals.
    He praises them for their work and spoon feeds them.


    Five ducklings are swimming forward, a duck is waiting for them on the shore,
    but only four ducklings returned to their mother.
    Four ducklings are swimming forward, their mother is waiting on the shore,
    but only three of the ducklings returned to their mother.
    Three ducklings are swimming forward, their mother is waiting on the shore,
    but only two of the ducklings returned to their mother.
    Two ducklings are swimming forward, their mother is waiting on the shore,
    but only the last of the ducklings returned to their mother.
    Here one is swimming forward, his mother is waiting on the shore.
    And immediately, together, five ducklings returned to their mother.


    Five little shells, look at them quickly.
    “Shhh,” the wave said, only three left.
    Three small shells lie in the sea grass
    “Shhh,” the wave said, only two left.
    Two small shells. The wave is running again.
    “Shhh,” the wave said, “one shell.”
    The last shell lies in front of you.
    “Shhh,” the wave said, “there’s not one more.”


    He flew, he flew, and landed on the top of your head. (2p)
    This is a funny little ball.
    This ball wants to play with you.
    He flew, he flew and landed on your nose. (2p)
    This is a funny little ball.
    This ball wants to play with you.
    He flew, he flew and landed on your tummy. (2p)
    This is a funny little ball.
    This ball wants to play with you.
    He flew, he flew and sat down on your legs.
    He jumped at his feet, and then suddenly burst: “Bang!”

    A bunny sits on a hill in a field.
    He warms his ears and moves them.
    The bunny went to the garden to get cabbage.
    The bunny found a cabbage there.

    The clubfooted bear was walking through the forest,
    I chose a place for my den.
    I began to dig the ground under a tall pine tree,
    I dug a den and went to bed.
    Star-snowflakes fell from the sky,
    Snow covered the paths, houses and forest.
    And all winter the wind rustled in that forest.
    And all winter the bear snored under the pine tree.

    The mouse climbed for the first time
    See what time it is.
    Suddenly the clock said: "BOM" -
    The mouse rolled head over heels.
    The mouse climbed in a second time
    See what time it is.
    Suddenly the clock said: "BOM-BOM" -
    The mouse rolled head over heels.
    The mouse climbed for the third time
    See what time it is.
    Suddenly the clock said: "BOM-BOM-BOM" -
    The mouse rolled head over heels.

    We sit in a circle with tambourines,
    We want to talk.
    And to say: “I see you”
    We will knock together - once.
    We want to say hello
    And again we knock.
    “Hello, hello,” we are those words
    We knock once and twice.
    And to say: “It’s time to play”
    And dance together
    Don't say anything
    And knock - one, two, three.

    Like kittens, we walk quietly in pairs, in pairs we walk,
    and now we’ll jump together: “Meow-meow,” we’ll sing.
    and now we’ll jump together and sing a song.
    Like kittens, we walk quietly in pairs, in pairs we walk,
    and now we’ll stamp our feet together: “Meow-meow,” we’ll sing.
    and now we’ll stomp together and sing a song.
    Like kittens, we walk quietly in pairs, in pairs we walk,
    and now we’ll turn around: “Meow-meow,” we’ll sing.
    and now we’ll turn around and sing a song.
    Like kittens, we walk quietly in pairs, in pairs we walk,
    and now let’s clap our hands: “Meow-meow,” we’ll sing.
    and now let’s clap our hands and sing a song.


    Comfortable seat and music playing
    The car is driving fast (2p) and the engine is knocking.
    Now we are going faster, the engine is knocking louder.
    Let's go even faster (3r) even faster.
    We turned right, and there was a ditch ahead
    And we are shaking and shaking (3p), but we are moving forward.
    We hit the brakes, and now we’re standing still.
    The cars started honking (3p), we were honking louder than anyone else.
    I'm driving, driving, driving, I'm turning the steering wheel.
    The car (3p) takes me where I want.

    The centipede runs well
    Stomps his feet so hard the floor shakes
    Even if your legs walk all day
    don't get tired, don't get tired.
    The one who came last, let him run forward,
    And the very first thing that pops into my head.

    Neighbors can be pushed, pushed, pushed. (2p)

    You can whisper, whisper, whisper to your neighbors. (2p)
    Neighbors can be hugged, hugged, hugged. (2p)
    Neighbors can be tickled, tickled, tickled. (2p)

    © Zheleznova E.

    Finger gymnastics in verses for children


    I want to build a house
    (Fold your hands like a house and raise them above your head)
    So that there is a window in it,
    (Join the fingers of both hands into a circle)
    So that the house has a door,
    (We connect the palms of our hands together vertically)
    Nearby for a pine tree to grow.
    (We raise one hand up and “spread” our fingers)
    So that there is a fence around
    The dog guarded the gate,
    (We join our hands in a lock and make a circle in front of us)
    It was sunny, it was raining,
    (First, we raise our hands up, fingers “spread”. Then we lower our fingers down, making “shaking” movements)
    And the tulip bloomed in the garden!
    (Put your palms together and slowly open your fingers - “tulip bud”)

    Friends - gardeners

    Thick and big finger
    I went to the garden to pick plums.
    (The palm is gathered into a “fist”. Bend the thumb, straighten it, then bend it halfway. Bend it again, and so on several times)
    Index from the threshold
    Showed him the way.
    (We bend the index finger, then “bend and unbend”)
    The middle finger is the most accurate
    He knocks plums off the branch.
    (We bend the middle finger, “bend and unbend” it. At the same time, you need to try not to bend the index and thumb)
    Nameless picks up
    (We also bend the ring finger, try not to move the previous fingers)
    And the little finger is gentleman
    Throws bones into the ground!
    (Bend the little finger)


    A boat is sailing along the river,
    (Press the lower parts of the palms against each other, the upper parts are open - showing the “ship”)
    He floats from afar
    (Attach horizontally left hand to the eyes - “looking into the distance”)
    There are four very brave sailors on the boat.
    (Show 4 fingers)
    They have ears on top of their heads,
    (Put both palms to your ears)
    They have long tails
    (We connect the fingertips of both hands together and then slowly spread our arms to the sides)
    And only cats are scary to them, only cats and cats!
    (We show two palms open from ourselves, then bend the fingers slightly - we get “claws”)
    At the end of this game you can ask the child:
    -What kind of sailors were on the ship?
    Answer: mice


    I will press two palms,
    And I will sail across the sea.
    (Press both palms together, without connecting your thumbs)
    Two palms, friends, -
    This is my boat.
    (Make wave-like movements with your hands - “the boat floats”)
    I'll raise the sails
    (Hands joined together in a boat shape, raise your thumbs up)
    I'll swim in the blue sea.
    (Continue wave-like movements with your hands - “boat”)
    And on the stormy waves
    Fish swim here and there.
    (Completely connect two palms to each other to imitate fish and again wave-like movements - “fish swim”)


    The mouse snuck into the hole,
    (We make sneaking movements with both handles)
    It was locked with a padlock.
    (Slightly wiggle your crossed fingers)
    She's looking through the hole
    (Make a ring with your fingers)
    The cat is sitting on the fence!
    (We put our hands to our heads like ears and move our fingers)


    (Hand clenched into a fist)
    We shared an orange.
    (Turn your fist left and right)
    There are many of us, but he is alone!
    (With the other hand we extend the fingers folded into a fist, starting with the thumb)
    This slice is for the hedgehog,
    (Extend the index finger)
    This slice is for the siskin,
    (Extend the middle finger)
    This slice is for ducklings
    (We bend the ring finger)
    This slice is for kittens
    (We bend the little finger)
    This slice is for the beaver,
    (Turn the open palm left and right)
    Well, for the wolf - the peel.
    (We show the cleft palate with both hands)
    He is angry with us - trouble!
    (Fold our hands together)
    We hide in the house - here!


    (First, the fingers are folded into a lock. We begin to slowly move them apart)
    Quickly inflate the balloon.
    (The fingertips of both hands touch each other - the ball is inflated)
    He's getting big.
    (Palms touch each other completely)
    Suddenly the balloon burst
    the air has come out -
    (Close fingers together)
    He became thin and thin!

    An owl was flying

    (We wave our hands)
    An owl was flying
    Cheerful head.
    Flew and flew,
    (Place hands on head)
    She sat on her head.
    Sat down, sat down,
    She turned her head
    (We wave our hands again)
    And she flew again.


    (Squat down, hands on your belt, bend to the right)
    Piglet Piglet
    Relax yourself!
    (We get up, straighten up, raise our arms up - stretch)
    Got to my feet
    (We squat down and bend forward, holding our hands straight in front of us)
    And then I sat down,
    Bent over!
    (We get up, do jumping in place. Hands on the belt, do walking in place)
    And he jumped a little
    And he walked on the spot.
    (Squat down, hands on your belt, bend to the left)
    And then he lay down again, -
    But on the left side!


    (At the very beginning the fist is clenched)
    A squirrel sits on a cart
    She sells nuts:
    (Extend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)
    To my little fox sister,
    Sparrow, titmouse,
    To the fat-fifted bear,
    Bunny with a mustache...

    Our family

    (Extend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)
    This big finger -
    This is dad dear.
    Next to dad is our mother.
    Next to my mother is the eldest brother.
    Following him, little sister -
    Sweet girl.
    And the smallest strong guy -
    This is our sweet baby.

    Winter walk

    (Bend your fingers one at a time)
    One two three four five
    (“Walk” along the table with your index and middle fingers)
    We came to the yard for a walk.
    (We “make” a lump with two palms)
    They sculpted a snow woman,
    (Crushing movements with all fingers)
    The birds were fed crumbs,
    (Run the index finger of your right hand along the palm of your left hand)
    Then we rode down the hill,
    (Put your palms on the table, first one side, then the other)
    And they were also lying in the snow.
    (Shake off our palms)
    Everyone came home covered in snow.
    (Moves with an imaginary spoon, hands under cheeks)
    We ate soup and went to bed.


    (Hands are crossed. The fingers of each hand “run” along the forearm and then along the shoulder of the other hand.)
    A spider walked along a branch,
    And the children followed him.
    (Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement - rain.)
    The rain suddenly fell from the sky,
    (Clap your palms on the table/knees.)
    The spiders were washed to the ground.
    (Palms are pressed to each other by the sides, fingers are spread out, we shake our hands - the sun is shining.)
    The sun began to warm up,
    (We do the same movements as at the very beginning.)
    The spider is crawling again
    ("Spiders" crawl on your head.)
    And all the children crawl after him,
    To walk on a branch.


    (Smooth movement right hand sideways-up)
    My birch, birch tree.
    (The same, but with the left hand)
    My curly birch.
    (raise hands up, inhale)
    You are standing there, little birch tree,
    (Lower your hands, exhale)
    In the middle of the valley,
    (raise hands, inhale)
    On you, birch tree,
    (Lower your hands, exhale)
    Leaves are green,
    (Raise hands, inhale)
    Below you, birch tree,
    (Lower your hands, exhale)
    Silk grass,
    (Raise hands, inhale)
    Around you, birch tree,
    (Lower hands, long exhalation)
    Red girls
    Wreaths are made, weaved...


    (Palms are closed, slightly rounded. We perform wave-like movements in the air.)
    Five little fish were playing in the river
    (Hands pressed against each other. Turn them from side to side.)
    There was a large log lying on the sand,
    (The palms are closed and slightly rounded. We perform a “diving” movement with them.)
    And the fish said: “It’s easy to dive here!”
    (Swing with closed palms (negative gesture).)
    The second said: “It’s deep here.”
    (Palms turn to the back of one of the hands - the fish is sleeping.)
    And the third said: “I feel sleepy!”
    (Quickly shake our palms - trembling.)
    The fourth began to freeze a little.
    (The wrists are connected. The palms open and connect - the mouth.)
    And the fifth shouted: “There’s a crocodile here!”
    (Quick wave-like movements with closed palms - they float away.)
    Get out of here so you don't swallow him!"

    The cuckoo was walking

    (We walk along the table with our index and middle fingers straightened, while the remaining fingers are tucked.)
    A cuckoo walked past the market
    (The palms are connected by a “bucket” - a basket.)
    She had a basket
    (We hit the table/knees with closed palms, separate our hands.)
    And the basket hits the floor - boom!
    (We spread our arms to the sides, moving our fingers - flies fly. The number of extended fingers corresponds to the text.)
    Ten (nine, eight) flies flew!


    (One of the hands stands on the table, resting on the elbow, fingers spread out (tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The “beehive” is pressed to the “tree.”)
    A small house on a Christmas tree,
    A house for bees, where are the bees?
    (We look into the "hive".)
    We need to knock on the house,
    (We clench our fists and knock them together.)
    One two three four five.
    I'm knocking, knocking on the tree,
    Where, where are these bees?
    (We knock our fists against each other, alternating hands.)
    They suddenly began to fly out:
    (We spread our hands, spread our fingers and move them, the bees fly.)
    One two three four five!


    (Children join their palms and spread their fingers.)
    Two huge jellyfish
    They stuck belly to belly.
    (Then they tear their palms apart, arching their fingers, while the fingers of the left hand are pressed to the fingers of the right.)
    Let's bend the tentacles stronger -
    This is how we can bend!

    Stay for a while

    Russian game. Hands in front of the chest, palms closed. Little fingers are children, they speak in a thin voice. Ring fingers - mom, speaks in a normal voice. Middle fingers - dad, speaks in a low voice. Index fingers are soldiers and speak in a deep voice. Crossed thumbs - the threshold of the hut.
    (It’s night, everyone is sleeping in the hut. There is a knock.)
    Soldiers: Knock-knock! (Index fingers tap each other.)
    Children: Who's there? (Little fingers tap each other.)
    Soldiers: Two soldiers have come to spend the night! (Tap index fingers.)
    Children: Let's ask mom. Mother! (Little fingers tap.)
    Mom: What are the children? (Nameless people knock.)

    Mom: Ask dad. (Nameless people knock.)
    Children: Dad! (Little fingers tap.)
    Dad: What, children? (Tapping middle fingers.)
    Children: Two soldiers came to spend the night! (Little fingers tap.)
    Dad: Let me in! (Tapping middle fingers.)
    Children: Come in! (Little fingers tap.)
    Soldiers: Oh, what a blessing that they let us spend the night! (The index fingers “dance” making cross movements.)
    Soldiers: Let's go in! (Closed palms turn the fingers to the chest. Then follows a quick half-turn of the hands so that they touch back sides palms.)
    (Arms stretch forward.)

    Palms palms

    (When playing this finger game, you can show your imagination. Perform the movements that the plot of the poem will tell you.)
    We washed our hands with soap.
    We washed our feet with soap.
    That's how nice it is,
    Palms, palms!
    We cooked some porridge
    Stir with a spoon.
    That's how nice it is,
    Palms, palms!

    We made palms
    House for matryoshka.
    That's how nice it is,
    Palms, palms!

    Little Hen Pestrushka
    They crushed the crumbs.
    That's how nice it is,
    Palms, palms!

    Hands clapping
    Legs danced.
    That's how nice it is,
    Palms, palms!

    Palms lay down
    Rest a little.
    That's how nice it is,
    Palms, palms!

    Finger gymnastics


    I want to build a house

    (Fold your hands like a house and raise them above your head)

    So that there is a window in it,

    (Join the fingers of both hands into a circle)

    So that the house has a door,

    (We connect the palms of our hands together vertically)

    Nearby for a pine tree to grow.

    (We raise one hand up and “spread” our fingers)

    So that there is a fence around

    The dog guarded the gate,

    (We join our hands in a lock and make a circle in front of us)

    It was sunny, it was raining,

    (First, we raise our hands up, fingers “spread”. Then we lower our fingers down, making “shaking” movements)

    And the tulip bloomed in the garden!

    (Put your palms together and slowly open your fingers - “tulip bud”)

    Gardening friends

    Thick and big finger

    I went to the garden to pick plums.

    (The palm is gathered into a “fist”. Bend the thumb, straighten it, then bend it halfway. Bend it again, and so on several times)

    Index from the threshold

    Showed him the way.

    (We bend the index finger, then “bend and unbend”)

    The middle finger is the most accurate

    He knocks plums off the branch.

    (We bend the middle finger, “bend and unbend” it. At the same time, you need to try not to bend the index and thumb)

    Nameless picks up

    (We also bend the ring finger, try not to move the previous fingers)

    And the little finger is gentleman

    Throws bones into the ground!

    (Bend the little finger)


    A boat is sailing along the river,

    (Press the lower parts of the palms against each other, the upper parts are open - showing the “ship”)

    He floats from afar

    (We place our left hand horizontally to our eyes - “look into the distance”)

    There are four very brave sailors on the boat.

    (Show 4 fingers)

    They have ears on top of their heads,

    (Put both palms to your ears)

    They have long tails

    (We connect the fingertips of both hands together and then slowly spread our arms to the sides)

    And only cats are scary to them, only cats and cats!

    (We show two palms open from ourselves, then bend the fingers slightly - we get “claws”)

    At the end of this game you can ask the child:

    What kind of sailors were on the ship?

    Answer: mice


    I will press two palms,

    And I will sail across the sea.

    (Press both palms together, without connecting your thumbs)

    Two palms, friends, -

    This is my boat.

    (Make wave-like movements with your hands - “the boat floats”)

    I'll raise the sails

    (Hands joined together in a boat shape, raise your thumbs up)

    I'll swim in the blue sea.

    (Continue wave-like movements with your hands - “boat”)

    And on the stormy waves

    Fish swim here and there.

    (Completely connect two palms to each other to imitate fish and again wave-like movements - “fish swim”)


    The mouse snuck into the hole,

    (We make sneaking movements with both handles)

    It was locked with a padlock.

    (Slightly wiggle your crossed fingers)

    She's looking through the hole

    (Make a ring with your fingers)

    The cat is sitting on the fence!

    (We put our hands to our heads like ears and move our fingers)


    (Hand clenched into a fist)

    We shared an orange.

    (Turn your fist left and right)

    There are many of us, but he is alone!

    (With the other hand we extend the fingers folded into a fist, starting with the thumb)

    This slice is for the hedgehog,

    (Extend the index finger)

    This slice is for the siskin,

    (Extend the middle finger)

    This slice is for ducklings

    (We bend the ring finger)

    This slice is for kittens

    (We bend the little finger)

    This slice is for the beaver,

    (Turn the open palm left and right)

    Well, for the wolf - the peel.

    (We show the cleft palate with both hands)

    He is angry with us - trouble!

    (Fold our hands together)

    We hide in the house - here!


    (First, the fingers are folded into a lock. We begin to slowly move them apart)

    Quickly inflate the balloon.

    (The fingertips of both hands touch each other - the ball is inflated)

    He's getting big.

    (Palms touch each other completely)

    Suddenly the balloon burst

    the air has come out -

    (Close fingers together)

    He became thin and thin!

    An owl was flying

    (We wave our hands)

    An owl was flying

    Cheerful head.

    Flew and flew,

    (Place hands on head)

    She sat on her head.

    Sat down, sat down,

    She turned her head

    (We wave our hands again)

    And she flew again.


    (Squat down, hands on your belt, bend to the right)

    Piglet Piglet

    Relax yourself!

    (We get up, straighten up, raise our hands up - stretch)

    Got to my feet


    (We squat down and bend forward, holding our hands straight in front of us)

    And then I sat down,

    Bent over!

    (We get up, do jumping in place. Hands on the belt, do walking in place)

    And he jumped a little

    And he walked on the spot.

    (Squat down, hands on your belt, bend to the left)

    And then he lay down again, -

    But on the left side!


    (At the very beginning the fist is clenched)

    A squirrel sits on a cart

    She sells nuts:

    (Extend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)

    To my little fox sister,

    Sparrow, titmouse,

    To the fat-fifted bear,

    Bunny with a mustache...

    Our family

    (Extend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

    This big finger -

    This is dad dear.

    Next to dad is our mother.

    Next to my mother is my eldest brother.

    Following him, little sister -

    Sweet girl.

    And the smallest strong guy -

    This is our sweet baby.

    Winter walk

    (Bend your fingers one at a time)

    One two three four five

    (“Walk” along the table with your index and middle fingers)

    We came to the yard for a walk.

    (We “make” a lump with two palms)

    They sculpted a snow woman,

    (Crushing movements with all fingers)

    The birds were fed crumbs,

    (Run the index finger of your right hand along the palm of your left hand)

    Then we rode down the hill,

    (Put your palms on the table, first one side, then the other)

    And they were also lying in the snow.

    (Shake off our palms)

    Everyone came home covered in snow.

    (Moves with an imaginary spoon, hands under cheeks)

    We ate soup and went to bed.


    (Hands are crossed. The fingers of each hand “run” along the forearm and then along the shoulder of the other hand.)

    A spider walked along a branch,

    And the children followed him.

    (Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement - rain.)

    The rain suddenly fell from the sky,

    (Clap your palms on the table/knees.)

    The spiders were washed to the ground.

    (Palms are pressed to each other by the sides, fingers are spread out, we shake our hands - the sun is shining.)

    The sun began to warm up,

    (We do the same movements as at the very beginning.)

    The spider is crawling again

    ("Spiders" crawl on your head.)

    And all the children crawl after him,

    To walk on a branch.


    (Smooth movement of the right hand to the side and up)

    My birch, birch tree.

    (The same, but with the left hand)

    My curly birch.

    (raise hands up, inhale)

    You are standing there, little birch tree,

    (Lower your hands, exhale)

    In the middle of the valley,

    (raise hands, inhale)

    On you, birch tree,

    (Lower your hands, exhale)

    The leaves are green,

    (Raise hands, inhale)

    Below you, birch tree,

    (Lower your hands, exhale)

    Silk grass,

    (Raise hands, inhale)

    Around you, birch tree,

    (Lower hands, long exhalation)


    (Palms are closed, slightly rounded. We perform wave-like movements in the air.)

    Five little fish were playing in the river

    (Hands pressed against each other. Turn them from side to side.)

    There was a large log lying on the sand,

    (The palms are closed and slightly rounded. We perform a “diving” movement with them.)

    And the fish said: “It’s easy to dive here!”

    (Swing with closed palms (negative gesture).)

    The second said: “It’s deep here.”

    (Palms turn to the back of one of the hands - the fish is sleeping.)

    And the third said: “I feel sleepy!”

    (Quickly shake our palms - trembling.)

    The fourth began to freeze a little.

    (The wrists are connected. The palms open and connect - the mouth.)

    And the fifth shouted: “There’s a crocodile here!”

    (Quick wave-like movements with closed palms - they float away.)

    Get out of here so you don't swallow him!"

    The cuckoo was walking

    (We walk along the table with our index and middle fingers straightened, while the remaining fingers are tucked.)

    A cuckoo walked past the market

    (The palms are connected by a “bucket” - a basket.)

    She had a basket

    (We hit the table/knees with closed palms, separate our hands.)

    And the basket hits the floor - boom!

    (We spread our arms to the sides, moving our fingers - flies fly. The number of extended fingers corresponds to the text.)

    Ten (nine, eight) flies flew!


    (One of the hands stands on the table, resting on the elbow, fingers spread out (tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The “beehive” is pressed to the “tree.”)

    A small house on a Christmas tree,

    A house for bees, where are the bees?

    (We look into the "hive".)

    We need to knock on the house,

    (We clench our fists and knock them together.)

    One two three four five.

    I'm knocking, knocking on the tree,

    Where, where are these bees?

    (We knock our fists against each other, alternating hands.)

    They suddenly began to fly out:

    (We spread our hands, spread our fingers and move them, the bees fly.)

    One two three four five!

    Stay for a while

    Russian game. Hands in front of the chest, palms closed. Little fingers are children, they speak in a thin voice. Ring fingers - mom, speaks in a normal voice. Middle fingers - dad, speaks in a low voice. Index fingers are soldiers and speak in a deep voice. Crossed thumbs - the threshold of the hut.

    (It’s night, everyone is sleeping in the hut. There is a knock.)

    Soldiers: Knock-knock! (Index fingers tap each other.)

    Children: Who's there? (Little fingers tap each other.)

    Soldiers: Two soldiers have come to spend the night! (Tap index fingers.)

    Children: Let's ask mom. Mother! (Little fingers tap.)

    Mom: What are the children? (Nameless people knock.)

    Mom: Ask dad. (Nameless people knock.)

    Children: Dad! (Little fingers tap.)

    Dad: What, children? (Tapping middle fingers.)

    Children: Two soldiers came to spend the night! (Little fingers tap.)

    Dad: Let me in! (Tapping middle fingers.)

    Children: Come in! (Little fingers tap.)

    Soldiers: Oh, what a blessing that they let us spend the night! (The index fingers “dance” making cross movements.)

    Soldiers: Let's go in! (Closed palms turn the fingers towards the chest. Then follows a quick half-turn of the hands so that the backs of the palms touch.)

    (Arms stretch forward.)


    (Children join their palms and spread their fingers.)

    Two huge jellyfish

    They stuck belly to belly.

    (Then they tear their palms apart, arching their fingers, while the fingers of the left hand are pressed to the fingers of the right.)

    Let's bend the tentacles stronger -

    This is how we can bend!

    Palms palms

    (When playing this finger game, you can show your imagination. Perform the movements that the plot of the poem will tell you.)

    We washed our hands with soap.

    We washed our feet with soap.

    That's how nice it is,

    Palms, palms!

    We cooked some porridge

    Stir with a spoon.

    That's how nice it is,

    Palms, palms!

    We made palms

    House for matryoshka.

    That's how nice it is,

    Palms, palms!

    Little Hen Pestrushka

    They crushed the crumbs.

    That's how nice it is,

    Palms, palms!

    Hands clapping

    Legs danced.

    That's how nice it is,

    Palms, palms!

    Palms lay down

    Rest a little.

    That's how nice it is,

    Palms, palms!

    New sneakers

    (Fold the fingers on both hands, one at a time, starting with the thumbs.)

    Like our cat

    Boots on feet.

    Like our pig

    There are boots on my feet.

    And on the dog's paws

    Blue slippers.

    And the kid is small

    Puts on boots.

    And son Vovka

    New sneakers.

    (“Walk” along the table with the index and middle fingers of both hands.)

    Like this, like this

    New sneakers.


    (We throw our hands up one by one)

    Sunshine, sunshine

    (We rock our torso with our hands clasped above our heads)

    Golden bottom!

    (2 times jumping on two legs)

    Burn, burn clearly

    So that it doesn't go out!

    (Running in place)

    A stream ran in the garden,

    (Flap your arms like wings)

    A hundred rooks have flown in,

    (we squat slowly)

    And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,

    (We spread our palms to the sides in the shape of a flower)

    And the flowers grow!


    (Clap your hands, then the right, then the left hand on top.)

    At Malanya's at the old lady's

    (Fold your hands at an angle, show the hut.)

    Lived in a small hut

    (Show seven fingers.)

    Seven sons

    (Outline the eyebrows with your fingers.)

    All without eyebrows

    (Bring your spread palms to your ears.)

    With ears like these,

    (Show a long nose two fingers spread out.)

    With noses like these

    (Draw a long “hussar” mustache with your fingers.)

    With such a mustache,

    (Draw a large circle around your head.)

    With a head like this

    (Show with your hands a large thick beard.)

    With such a beard!

    (Bring the “cup” to your mouth with one hand, and the “spoon” with the other.)

    They didn't drink, didn't eat,

    (Hold your hands near your eyes and bat your fingers like eyelashes.)

    Everyone was looking at Malanya,

    (Children show the hidden actions.)

    And everyone did it like this...


    (Alternately clap your palms and hit your fists against each other.)

    Alyonushka is nimble,

    Alyonushka is fast:

    (Alternately bending the fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb. On both hands.)

    I finished the sundress,

    Knitted a sock

    I washed the scarf,

    I stroked the belt,

    I put on the dress

    (Spread your palms to the sides.)

    And she started singing a song.

    (Clap your palms, hit your fists against each other - 2 times.)

    Ripe everywhere

    She cares!

    WITH Good morning!

    (Stroke your eyes with your index fingers. Make “binoculars” out of your fingers and look into them)

    Good morning, little eyes! You woke up?

    (Stroke your ears with your palms. Place your palms on your ears “Cheburashka”)

    Good morning, ears! You woke up?

    (Stroke first one or the other hand. Clap your hands)

    Good morning, hands! You woke up?

    (Stroking knees. Stomping feet)

    Good morning, legs! You woke up?

    (Raise your hands up, look at the sun/look up)

    Good morning, sun! I woke up! (awoke)


    (Raise your hand, palm straight, fingers closed.)

    The brothers sat in the hut.

    (Move your little finger to the side strictly in the plane of your palm and hold it in this position for 2-3 seconds.)

    The little one wanted to go for a walk

    (The little finger sways slightly, then returns to its original position.)

    It's boring for him to walk alone.

    (Move two fingers pressed to each other to the side: the little finger and the ring finger; hold them in this position for 2-3 seconds.)

    He invites his brother to go for a walk together.

    (The little finger and ring finger sway slightly, then return to their original position.)

    Yes, it’s boring for them to walk together.

    (Move three fingers pressed to each other to the side: little finger, ring finger and middle finger. Hold them in this position for 2-3 seconds.)

    They invite the three of us to go for a walk.

    (The thumb and index fingers are joined at the tips four times.)

    It’s sad for the elders to sit in the hut.

    (All fingers join together in a pinch, the hand relaxes.)

    They call their brothers home to them.

    (When repeating the game, the other hand works. When the movements become familiar, you can try playing with both hands at the same time.)


    (Index and middle fingers Extend your right arm, straighten and connect the rest. On the second line, raise the palm of your left hand vertically upward, fingers spread wide apart; on the third line, raise the palm of your right hand vertically upward, fingers spread wide apart. On the last line - extend the index and middle fingers of the left hand, straighten the rest and connect.)

    The bunny jumps with a sideways view

    Under a tall pine tree.

    Under another pine tree

    Another bunny is jumping.


    (Russian game. Palms are closed in front of the chest, the fingers of the left hand are pressed tightly to the fingers of the right hand.)

    (Little fingers tap each other four times.)

    Mom mom!

    (Tap their index fingers three times.)

    What, what, what?

    (Little fingers tap.)

    The guests are coming!

    (Tap index fingers.)

    So what?

    (The middle and ring fingers cross twice with the same fingers of the other hand, going around them first to the right, sometimes to the left.)

    Hello, hello!

    (Guests kiss: the middle and ring fingers tap the same fingers of the other hand.)

    Smack, smack, smack!


    (Fingers in the lock, slightly shake the “lock” back and forth.)

    There is a lock on the door.

    Who could open it?

    (Twist with a lock.)

    We turned the lock

    (The fingers remain closed, and the palms rub against each other.)

    We twisted the lock

    (The fingers are closed, and the palms are knocking against each other.)

    We knocked the lock

    (Show palms.)

    They knocked and opened it!


    (Wave hands.)

    Arrived to us yesterday

    Striped bee

    (For each insect name, bend one finger.)

    And behind her is a bumblebee

    And a cheerful butterfly,

    Two beetles and a dragonfly

    Like lantern eyes.

    (Wave your palms and place your palms on the table.)

    They buzzed, they flew,

    They fell from fatigue.

    We wrote

    (Clench and unclench your fists rhythmically.)

    We wrote, we wrote, Our fingers were tired.

    You jump, fingers,

    (Extend the index and middle fingers upward, straighten the rest and connect.)

    Like sunbeams.

    (Fingers “jump” on the table.)

    Jump, jump, jump, They galloped onto the meadow.

    (Slight movements of the hands from right to left)

    The wind shakes the grass, tilts it left to right.

    (Wag your finger.)

    Don't be afraid of the wind, bunny,

    (At the last one, wave the fingers of both hands)

    Have fun on the lawn.


    (Embrace right palm left and sway to the rhythm of the poem.)

    Girls and boys are friends in our group.

    (Embrace your left palm with your right and sway it to the rhythm of the poem.)

    You and I will make friends Little fingers.

    (Connect the fingers of both hands, starting with the thumb. Then connect, starting with the little finger.)

    One two three four five.

    Five, four, three, two, one.


    (Alternating clapping hands and hitting fists against each other.)

    One two three four,

    (One palm slides over the other in a circle.)

    We washed the dishes:

    (Fold your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb.)

    Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

    And a big ladle.

    (One palm slides over the other.)

    We washed the dishes

    (Extend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb.)

    We just broke the cup,

    The ladle also fell apart,

    The teapot's nose is broken.

    We broke the spoon a little.

    (Bump your fists together, clap your hands.)

    This is how we helped mom.


    (Imitate the movements of fish with your hands in accordance with the text.)

    The fish are having fun

    In clean, warm water.

    They will shrink, they will unclench,

    They will bury themselves in the sand.


    (For the first lines, connect two palms with a boat and perform wave-like movements with your hands. For the words “I will raise the sails,” raise your straightened palms up. Then imitate the movements of waves and fish.)

    I will press two palms

    And I will sail across the sea.

    Two palms, friends, -

    This is my boat.

    I'll raise the sails

    I'll swim in the blue sea.

    And on the stormy waves

    Fish swim here and there.


    (For each line, connect alternately the fingers of the right and left hands, starting with the little finger. On the last line, show the horns, extending the index fingers and little fingers.)

    Two kittens met: “Meow!”

    Two puppies: "Avav!"

    Two foals: Igogo!",

    Two tiger cubs: "Rrr!"

    Two bulls: "Moo!"

    Look at the horns.

    Five fingers

    (Rhythmically clench and unclench your fists. As you count, alternately bend the fingers on both hands.)

    There are five fingers on my hand

    Five grabbers, five holders.

    To plan and to saw,

    To take and to give.

    It's not hard to count them:

    One two three four five!


    (Move your palms straight up and down, alternately stroking your fingertips, rub your fist against your fist. Clench and unclench your fists.)

    We chop and chop cabbage,

    We salt and salt the cabbage,

    We are three or three cabbage,

    We press and press cabbage.

    We were drawing

    (Smoothly raise your arms in front of you, shake your hands.)

    We painted today

    Our fingers are tired.

    Let's shake our fingers

    Let's start drawing again.


    (Hands clenched into fists, thumbs inside. Then show thumbs and hide them back.)

    Here is my turtle, she lives in a shell.

    She loves her home very much.

    When she wants to eat, she sticks her head out.

    When he wants to sleep, he hides it back.

    Finger boy

    (On the first line, show the thumbs on both hands. Then alternately connect them with the remaining fingers.)

    - Finger-boy, where have you been?

    - I went to the forest with this brother,

    I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

    With this brother ate porridge,

    I sang songs with this brother.


    (Clench your fingers into a fist, then bend them one at a time. On the last line, sharply raise your hands up with your fingers outstretched - the bees have flown away)

    Here is a small hive where the bees hid,

    Nobody will see them.

    Here they appeared from the hive.

    One, two, three, four, five!


    Hide and seek

    (Rhythmically bend and straighten your fingers. Complication: alternately bend the finger on both hands)

    Fingers played hide and seek

    And the heads were removed.

    Like this, like this

    And the heads were removed.

    Cooking porridge

    (Draw circles on your palm with your finger. The name can be replaced with the name of your child)

    Nastya I cooked porridge,

    She fed the children.

    (Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the little finger)

    Gave this one

    Gave this one

    Gave this one

    Gave this one

    (Twitch thumb)

    But she didn’t give it to this.

    (We extend our fingers one at a time. Here you can come up with your own reasons why the last finger didn’t get porridge)

    He didn't mow the hay

    Didn't milk the cow

    I didn't knead the dough

    And he didn’t light the stove.

    My family

    (Alternately bend your fingers, starting with the thumb. When finished, twist your fist)

    This finger is grandpa

    This finger is grandma

    This finger is daddy

    This finger is mommy

    This finger is me

    That's my whole family!


    In this case, the index finger of the right hand performs circular movements along the palm of the left hand:

    - White-sided Magpie

    - I cooked porridge,

    - I fed the kids.

    Then the little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger and thumb are bent in turn.

    - I gave it to this one,

    - I gave it to this one,

    - I gave it to this one,

    - I gave it to this one,

    - I gave it to this one.

    or alternatively:

    - I didn’t give this:

    - You didn’t carry water,

    - I didn’t chop wood,

    - I didn’t cook porridge -

    - You have nothing!

    In this case, the thumb does not bend.


    Place your hands in a lock, intertwining your fingers. While reading the poem, rhythmically swing the “lock”:

    - There is a lock on the door.

    - Who could open it?

    - They knocked

    On this word, rhythmically tap the bases of your palms against each other, without releasing your fingers.

    - Twisted

    Without releasing your fingers, pull one hand towards you, the other away from you, alternating them.

    - Pulled

    Pull the handles in different directions, straightening your fingers, but without releasing the lock completely.

    - And they opened it!

    Suddenly releasing your arms, spread them wide to the sides.

    The poem should not be read very quickly, but clearly and rhythmically so that the baby’s movements coincide with the rhythm. Especially highlight the final “opened”; kids love to demonstrate how wide they opened the lock.


    Raise your arm slightly in front of you so that your relaxed hand is approximately at face level. The fingers are relaxed, hanging down.

    - I pick berries from a branch

    With the fingers of your other hand, stroke each finger from the base to the very tip, as if removing an imaginary berry from it.

    - And I collect it in a basket.

    Place both palms in front of you in a cup.

    - It will be a complete basket.

    Cover one cupped palm with another cupped palm.

    - I'll try a little.

    - I'll eat a little more.

    One folded palm imitates a basket, with the other hand we take out imaginary berries and put them in the mouth.

    - The path to home will be easy!

    Imitating legs, the middle and index fingers on both hands “run away” as far as possible.


    The fingers of both hands are folded in a pinch. The arms move in a wave from the shoulder, depicting diving fish.

    - The fish swam and dived

    - In clean, warm water.

    - They will shrink,

    On the last word, the fingers are clenched very tightly.

    - They will unclench,

    The fingers splay out to the sides.

    - They will bury themselves in the sand.

    With your fingers folded again, you alternately make movements with your hands, as if you were digging up sand.

    Finger boy.

    Squeeze each of the baby’s fingers, as if addressing him: from the index finger to the little finger

    - “Finger-boy, where have you been?

    - I went to the forest with this brother.

    - I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.

    - I sang songs with this brother.

    - With this, I blew the trumpet.

    This finger.

    Invite your child to bend the fingers of his left hand into a fist, then, while listening to the nursery rhyme, straighten them one by one, starting with thumb.

    - This finger is grandpa,

    - this finger is grandma,

    - this finger is mother,

    - this finger is father,

    - Well, this finger is me.

    - That's my whole family.


    In these poems you can bend your fingers, starting with the thumb, then with the little finger, then on the right, then on the left hand.

    - This finger wants to sleep.

    - This finger is jumping into bed!

    - This finger has taken a nap.

    - This finger has already fallen asleep.

    - Fingers stood up. Hooray!

    - IN kindergarten it's time to go.


    The middle and index fingers are bunny ears, the rest are folded together and represent the bunny's face.

    - The bunny is jumping, jumping,

    - Catch him!

    and catches the “bunny” with the other hand (either the child catches it, or the “bunnies” catch each other...)


    - Eight toes -

    - It turned out to be an octopus.

    - How many legs does an octopus have?

    - Lots and lots!

    With all fingers, except the big ones, the child depicts the tentacles of an octopus.


    - On one sliding leg

    - House, head and horns.

    - Give me your fingers here!

    - Those are not fingers - horns.

    We use our fingers to depict the snail's horns.


    - Like our cat

    - Little white legs,

    - Soft paws,

    - Marigolds are scratchy.

    We walk with our “legs” - with our fingers, softly, like a cat.

    - Let's scratch it a little

    - We are not guys, but cats


    - Like our mouse

    - Short legs.

    - The mouse's legs are in a hurry

    - To the cheese crust - and back.

    We use our fingers to depict the mouse's legs.


    - Legs up! Feet down!

    - Sun, sun, swing!

    - The sun and the cloud swayed

    - And Trezorka smiled.

    Using our fingers we depict Trezorka’s legs.


    - The red morning has come,

    - The sun has risen clear.

    - The rays began to shine

    - Make small children happy.

    Fingers straighten one at a time

    - The clouds have arrived

    - The rays hid.

    Fingers hide in a fist


    - Six flashing legs and arms -

    - It's a beetle running away.

    - Where are you going? - but there is no answer.

    - The beetle hid somewhere in the grass.

    We use the fingers of a beetle's paw.


    - “How much dust, how much litter -

    “I won’t get to the door soon,”

    - And sighs heavily

    - Our turtle.

    We move our fingers slowly, as if they were the legs of a turtle.


    - The bear stomps its foot,

    - The bear stomps another one,

    - Wow, what fun!

    - There's a floorboard in the house!

    We stomp with our “feet” - our fingers.

    - In the meantime, Mishka is dancing,

    - We will clap our hands.

    - Together with the trickster fox

    - We'll be spectators too.

    Let's clap our hands.


    - "Goodbye, goodbye,

    - Come back quickly!" -

    - We'll see you off, we'll see you off

    - On the way to the cranes.

    We wave our pen after the birds.

    - We flap our wings:

    - "Goodbye, Masha!

    - We flew south,

    - Remember us, good friend!"

    The palms represent the wings of birds.


    - “What a horned goat!” -

    - The guys make the horns.

    - "These are the horns

    - At the goat Timoshka's!

    - Timofey is not happy to meet -

    - Looks menacingly at the guys.

    - “Go away, I don’t know you:

    “I’ll gore, I’ll gore!”

    The fingers represent goat horns.


    - How does a crayfish grab a fish?

    - Yes, with your claw - like that!

    - He beckons with his claw:

    - “We’ll pinch you!”

    Two fingers represent the movement of a crayfish's claw.


    - “Elephant, give me an orange!” -

    - "Help yourself, parrot!"

    - The elephant is very, very happy,

    - Which one has the biggest nose?

    The finger represents a trunk.


    - “There is an elephant in the zoo.

    - Ears, trunk, it’s gray.

    - He nods his head,

    “It’s like he’s inviting you to visit.”


    - The old man walked along the road

    walk your fingers on the table

    - I found a hornless goat.

    show your horns with your fingers

    - Come on, goat, let's jump,

    tap your fingers on the table

    - We're kicking our legs.

    - And the goat butts,

    show the horns again

    - And the old man swears.

    wag your finger


    - Pussy was shaking the threads

    rotate your hands as if winding a thread around a ball

    - And I sold the balls.

    extend both palms forward

    - What is the price?

    - Three rubles. Buy from me!

    show three fingers, clench your fists, extend both palms again


    - With one hand I tear up the grass,

    perform grasping movements alternately with the left and right hands

    - I also tear with my other hand.

    - I'll feed the horse grass.

    stretch your arms forward

    - That's how many fingers I have!

    and turn your palms up

    Oh, okay.

    - Oh, okay, okay, let's bake some pancakes!

    “We’ll put it on the window and let it cool down.”

    - When it cools down, we’ll eat it and give it to the sparrows.


    - I chop wood with an ax

    imitate the actions of an ax, move your palms up and down together

    - And then I cut with a saw.

    imitate the actions of a saw, move your palms back and forth together

    - I'll take them to grandma,

    show your hands

    - To bake pancakes.

    clap your palms together


    - I'm knocking with a hammer,

    knock your fists together

    - I want to build a house.

    connect the fingertips of both hands

    - I'm building tall house,

    raise your straightened palms up

    - I will live in that house.

    clap your palms


    - We remember the dough with our hands

    clench and unclench your fingers

    - Let's bake a sweet cake

    like kneading dough

    - Lubricate the middle with jam

    circular movements of the palms along the plane of the table

    - And top with sweet cream

    - And coconut crumbs

    - We'll sprinkle the cake a little

    sprinkle the crumbs with the fingers of both hands

    - And then we’ll make tea

    - Invite each other to visit.


    - We are chopping cabbage

    speak rhythmically, show with your hands how we chop cabbage

    - We three three carrots

    show with our hands how we three carrots

    - We salt the cabbage

    fingers with a pinch of salt

    - We mnem the cabbage

    "Crush" the cabbage with your hands

    Let's relax

    - We painted today

    imitate drawing, smoothly raise your hands in front of you

    - Our fingers are tired,

    - Let's shake our fingers,

    shake brushes

    - Let's start drawing again.

    imitate drawing again


    - Girls and boys in our group are friends

    the fingers are joined into a “lock”

    - You and I will make friends little fingers

    rhythmic touching of the same fingers of both hands

    - One two three four five

    alternately touching the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers

    - Start counting again.

    - One two three four five.

    - We've finished counting

    hands down, shake hands

    Let's rest

    - Our fingers stuck out,

    - We stretched, we stretched...

    - And they shook themselves...

    do all these movements

    - They ran along the palm

    The fingers of the other run across the palm of one hand, then vice versa

    - Let's run, let's run,

    - Let's gallop, gallop

    draw these movements

    - And tired. We sat down to rest

    shake your fingers and place your hands on the table or lap

    Hide and seek

    rhythmically bend and straighten all fingers at the same time

    - The fingers played hide and seek

    - And they removed the heads,

    - That's it, that's it,

    - And the heads were removed


    - Rain, rain, water

    Tap the palm of the other with your index finger

    - There will be a loaf of bread,

    form a circle in front of you with your hands

    - There will be rolls, there will be baked goods,

    pat one palm alternately with the other

    - There will be delicious cheesecakes.

    place your thumb and index finger together to form a large circle

    We are building a wall.

    - We are building a wall,

    - Higher, higher,

    We hold our palms straight in front of us (the little finger of each finger looks down, the thumb looks up, inner surface palms facing the chest), alternately place the “lower” palm on the “upper” one, imitating brickwork.

    - We've already reached the roof!

    by the time these words are pronounced, the “wall” should “grow” approximately to the eyes. Made from palms gable roof: skate - touching tips of the middle fingers, slopes - palms and forearms.

    -Whose roof is higher?

    - Higher, higher, higher!

    The folded hands stretch, stretch, stretch upward! Adults, make sure your spine follows the length of your arms! (one girl even stood on a chair so that her roof would be higher!)

    - We cut a window,

    - And a door for the cat,

    - And a hole for the mouse:

    - Pi-pi-pi-pi-pi!

    The called holes are depicted with the thumbs and forefingers: a large quadrangle, an arch, a small round hole. The lines about the mouse are spoken in a thin voice.


    - What kind of bush is this?

    Standing, hands in front of chest in a “lock”

    - What kind of crunch is this?

    The bush has “springed up” and grown – the hands are connected only by the bases of the palms and the tips of the fingers. We turn our palms slightly in the opposite direction and at the same time make a crunch as best we can (throat, tongue, cheeks...) The children really like it!

    - How can I live without a crunch?

    Here our “cabbage” grows and becomes the size of a ring of hands, fingertips connected above the head.

    - What if I am a cabbage?

    - We chop the cabbage, chop it,

    “Chop the cabbage” on the surface of an imaginary table with the edges of your palms. It is enough for children to chop in one place.

    - We salt the cabbage, salt it,

    Both hands are folded with pinch and “salt”.

    - We mnem the cabbage, mnem,

    We clench and unclench our fists

    - And three carrots, three,

    Three palms against each other - to practice, hold them at chest level and press down on your palms with force.

    - Let's mix everything!

    Mix in a horizontal plane.

    - We fill the barrels

    Palm on palm, “crumb” the cabbage, not bending over, but bending and straightening your elbows.

    - We lower it into the cellar.

    In the same position, we bend deeply and place our folded palms on the floor.

    - Eh, delicious cabbage!

    We straighten up and stroke our belly.


    Hands at chest level: one palm is clenched into a fist, the other covers it - this is a snail shell.

    - Snail-snail,

    - Open the gate,

    - leave the house,

    - Let's get to know each other!

    When the quatrain is read, we quickly push the fist “out” - now the fist is not hidden, but lies on the forearm of the other hand, but the wrist behind the fist is tightly covered by the palm of the other hand.

    - Snail-snail,

    - Stick out your horns

    - I'll give you some pie!

    Unclench two fingers of your fist. It’s better if you open your little and ring fingers – the “snail” will look more like it. If your child unclenches, for example, his index and middle fingers, or even all his fingers, do not correct them.

    - Snail-snail, let's go for a walk!

    The snail does nothing with these words - it listens to you and decides what to answer (not for long).

    - They crawled, crawled, crawled...

    The “snail” crawls along the forearm, then along the shoulder. Naturally, she cannot drag the “shell” with her; the “shell” has quietly disappeared.

    - Oh! It's ticklish! I'll go to another snail!

    (When repeated - goodbye, snails!)

    “Horns” tickle the ear or neck. You repeat the same thing, hands change roles.


    - Caterpillar, caterpillar,

    The palm of one hand “crawls” like a caterpillar, folding and unbending, along inside another hand from shoulder joint to the tip of your fingers. (Not vice versa, because the caterpillar crawled onto a blade of grass from the ground!)

    - Butterfly's daughter,

    "crawls" back toward the shoulder along the outside of the arm

    - It crawls along the blades of grass,

    We do the same, changing hands: “from root to top”

    - Eats leaves:

    And back on the other side.

    - Am!

    Place your palms together in front of you. With every word “Am!” one palm slides upward over the other palm and “bites” the straight fingers of the other palm with all fingers except the thumb. Then the palms change roles.

    - Am!

    - Am!

    - Am!

    - Am!

    - I ate

    We stop, our folded palms relax...

    - I wanted to sleep.

    one clenches into a fist, the other covers it - holds the fist like an apple.

    - Awoke -

    Gradually straighten your palms...

    - Turned into a butterfly!

    We cross our arms at the wrists, our palms are now butterfly wings.

    - It flew, it flew, it flew!

    We wave our “wings” (wrists or forearms crossed, left palm waves near the right shoulder and vice versa). You can gradually straighten your elbows so that the butterfly flies up or into the distance.

    The water cycle in nature.

    - Drip-drip, drip-drip, drip-drip - the rain is dripping, drip-drip, drip-drip, drip-drip.

    We drum our fingers on the head, shoulders, whatever.

    - Glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug - the streams are running, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug.

    We run either alternately with the fingers of one hand over the other from shoulder to palm, or with the fingers of both hands along the legs

    - Zhur-zhur, zhur-zhur, zhur-zhur - the river flows, zhur-zhur, zhur-zhur, zhur-zhur.

    Palm on palm, fingers intertwined, this is a river that flows in the direction from us - if the streams ran along the hands, then at waist level, if along the legs - above the floor, while we ourselves squat or bend one leg, depending on where the river runs.

    - And it flows into the big, big, big sea...

    We spread our arms wide to the sides, describing a large circle with them, on the third word “big” we move our hands back, on the word “falls” we press our hands to our chest.

    - And steam rises from the sea in the heat,

    We draw spirals of steam in the air from bottom to top. If you had to sit down at the previous stages, stand up and stretch your arms up.

    - It flies to the sky and turns into clouds. And the rain comes from the clouds.

    The cloud is represented by hands clasped above the head.

    - Drip-drip


    The given exercises at first glance are quite primitive, but, firstly, they are designed for children from six months to two years. And secondly, it is precisely such simple rhymes that are easier for children to remember and give them a lot of pleasure.

    Exercises to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

    1. Palms on the table (count “one-two” with fingers apart and together.)

    2. Palm-fist-rib (on the count of “one-two-three”).

    3. Fingers shake hands (on the count of “one-two-three-four-five” the fingers of both hands are connected: thumb to thumb, index to index, etc.)

    4. Little man (the index and middle fingers of the right and then the left hand run across the table).

    5. Children run a race (movements are the same as in the fourth exercise, but perform both hands at the same time).

    6. Goat (extend the index finger and little finger of the right hand, then the left hand).

    7. Little goats (the same exercise, but performed simultaneously with the fingers of both hands).

    8. Glasses (form two circles from the thumb and index fingers of both hands, connect them).

    9. Hares (extend the index and middle fingers upward, connect the little finger, thumb and ring fingers).

    10. Trees (raise both hands with palms facing you, fingers spread wide).

    1. The Fox and the Hare (the fox “sneaks” - all fingers slowly walk forward on the table; the hare “runs away” - the fingers quickly move backward.)

    2. Spider (fingers bent, slowly moving across the table).

    3. Butterfly (put your palms together with the backs of your hands and wave your fingers tightly clenched together).

    4. Count to four (the thumb is connected alternately with all the others).

    5. Flag (thumb extended upward, rest together).

    6. Birds (alternately the thumb is connected to the rest).

    7. Nest (join both hands in the form of a bowl, clasp fingers tightly).

    8. Flower (same as in the previous exercise, but the fingers are separated).

    9. Plant roots (press the roots-hands with their backs to each other, lower your fingers down).

    10. Bee (rotate the index finger of the right and then the left hand around).

    11. Bees (the same exercise is performed with both hands).

    12. Boat (point the ends of the fingers forward, press your hands with your palms to each other, slightly opening them).

    13. Rays of sunshine (cross your fingers, raise your hands up, spread your fingers).

    14. Passengers (fingers crossed down, backs of hands up, thumbs up.)

    Finger gymnastics in verse And finger games not only affect the development of speech, but their beauty is that they instantly switch the baby’s attention from whims or nervousness to bodily sensations - and calm them down. This is a great activity when there are more children (for example, on the road or in line).

    The influence of manual (manual) actions on the development of the human brain was known back in the 2nd century BC in China.

    Experts argued that games involving hands and fingers, such as our “White-sided Magpie,” help to find harmony in the body-mind tandem and keep the brain systems in excellent condition. Based on similar reasoning, the Japanese doctor Namikoshi Tokujiro created a healing technique for influencing the hands. He argued that the fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the central nervous system person. There are many acupuncture points on the hands, by massaging which you can influence the internal organs reflexively associated with them. In terms of saturation of acupuncture zones, the hand is not inferior to the ear and foot. For example, massaging the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain; the index finger has a positive effect on the stomach, the middle finger has a positive effect on the intestines, the ring finger has a positive effect on the liver and kidneys, and the little finger has a positive effect on the heart. And if you also diversify finger gymnastics with FINGER THEATER, then this will give you a lot of positive emotions!

    Simple rules games

    1. Try to involve all fingers in the games (especially the ring and little fingers - they are the laziest).
    2. Be sure to alternate three types of movements:

    How else to activate your fingers

    1. Give a newspaper, sheets of paper - let him vomit (just be careful not to put these “bites” in his mouth).
    2. Thread large buttons onto a strong thread and let them sort through them.
    3. Give wooden beads, abacus, pyramids.
    4. Draw faces on the plastic plugs and place them on your fingers. You will get a finger theater.

    This is only a small fraction of the games and activities that can captivate a child and...

    Several exercises finger gymnastics for children in verse!


    I want to build a house
    (Fold your hands like a house and raise them above your head)
    So that there is a window in it,
    (Join the fingers of both hands into a circle)
    So that the house has a door,
    (We connect the palms of our hands together vertically)
    Nearby for a pine tree to grow.
    (We raise one hand up and “spread” our fingers)
    So that there is a fence around
    The dog guarded the gate,
    (We join our hands in a lock and make a circle in front of us)
    It was sunny, it was raining,
    (First, we raise our hands up, fingers “spread”. Then we lower our fingers down, making “shaking” movements)
    And the tulip bloomed in the garden!
    (Put your palms together and slowly open your fingers - “tulip bud”)

    Friends - gardeners

    Thick and big finger
    I went to the garden to pick plums.
    (The palm is gathered into a “fist”. Bend the thumb, straighten it, then bend it halfway. Bend it again, and so on several times)
    Index from the threshold
    Showed him the way.
    (We bend the index finger, then “bend and unbend”)
    The middle finger is the most accurate
    He knocks plums off the branch.
    (We bend the middle finger, “bend and unbend” it. At the same time, you need to try not to bend the index and thumb)
    Nameless picks up
    (We also bend the ring finger, try not to move the previous fingers)
    And the little finger is gentleman
    Throws bones into the ground!
    (Bend the little finger)


    A boat is sailing along the river,
    (Press the lower parts of the palms against each other, the upper parts are open - showing the “ship”)
    He floats from afar
    (We place our left hand horizontally to our eyes - “look into the distance”)
    There are four very brave sailors on the boat.
    (Show 4 fingers)
    They have ears on top of their heads,
    (Put both palms to your ears)
    They have long tails
    (We connect the fingertips of both hands together and then slowly spread our arms to the sides)
    And only cats are scary to them, only cats and cats!
    (We show two palms open from ourselves, then bend the fingers slightly - we get “claws”)
    At the end of this game you can ask the child:
    -What kind of sailors were on the ship?
    Answer: mice


    I will press two palms,
    And I will sail across the sea.
    (Press both palms together, without connecting your thumbs)
    Two palms, friends, -
    This is my boat.
    (Make wave-like movements with your hands - “the boat floats”)
    I'll raise the sails
    (Hands joined together in a boat shape, raise your thumbs up)
    I'll swim in the blue sea.
    (Continue wave-like movements with your hands - “boat”)
    And on the stormy waves
    Fish swim here and there.
    (Completely connect two palms to each other to imitate fish and again wave-like movements - “fish swim”)


    The mouse snuck into the hole,
    (We make sneaking movements with both handles)
    It was locked with a padlock.
    (Slightly wiggle your crossed fingers)
    She's looking through the hole
    (Make a ring with your fingers)
    The cat is sitting on the fence!
    (We put our hands to our heads like ears and move our fingers)


    (Hand clenched into a fist)
    We shared an orange.
    (Turn your fist left and right)
    There are many of us, but he is alone!
    (With the other hand we extend the fingers folded into a fist, starting with the thumb)
    This slice is for the hedgehog,
    (Extend the index finger)
    This slice is for the siskin,
    (Extend the middle finger)
    This slice is for ducklings
    (We bend the ring finger)
    This slice is for kittens
    (We bend the little finger)
    This slice is for the beaver,
    (Turn the open palm left and right)
    Well, for the wolf - the peel.
    (We show the cleft palate with both hands)
    He is angry with us - trouble!
    (Fold our hands together)
    We hide in the house - here!


    (First, the fingers are folded into a lock. We begin to slowly move them apart)
    Quickly inflate the balloon.
    (The fingertips of both hands touch each other - the ball is inflated)
    He's getting big.
    (Palms touch each other completely)
    Suddenly the balloon burst
    the air has come out -
    (Close fingers together)
    He became thin and thin!

    An owl was flying

    (We wave our hands)
    An owl was flying
    Cheerful head.
    Flew and flew,
    (Place hands on head)
    She sat on her head.
    Sat down, sat down,
    She turned her head
    (We wave our hands again)
    And she flew again.


    (Squat down, hands on your belt, bend to the right)
    Piglet Piglet
    Relax yourself!
    (We get up, straighten up, raise our hands up - stretch)
    Got to my feet
    (We squat down and bend forward, holding our hands straight in front of us)
    And then I sat down,
    Bent over!
    (We get up, do jumping in place. Hands on the belt, do walking in place)
    And he jumped a little
    And he walked on the spot.
    (Squat down, hands on your belt, bend to the left)
    And then he lay down again, -
    But on the left side!


    (At the very beginning the fist is clenched)
    A squirrel sits on a cart
    She sells nuts:
    (Extend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)
    To my little fox sister,
    Sparrow, titmouse,
    To the fat-fifted bear,
    Bunny with a mustache...

    Our family

    (Extend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)
    This big finger -
    This is dad dear.
    Next to dad is our mother.
    Next to my mother is my eldest brother.
    Following him, little sister -
    Sweet girl.
    And the smallest strong guy -
    This is our sweet baby.

    Winter walk

    (Bend your fingers one at a time)
    One two three four five
    (“Walk” along the table with your index and middle fingers)
    We came to the yard for a walk.
    (We “make” a lump with two palms)
    They sculpted a snow woman,
    (Crushing movements with all fingers)
    The birds were fed crumbs,
    (Run the index finger of your right hand along the palm of your left hand)
    Then we rode down the hill,
    (Put your palms on the table, first one side, then the other)
    And they were also lying in the snow.
    (Shake off our palms)
    Everyone came home covered in snow.
    (Moves with an imaginary spoon, hands under cheeks)
    We ate soup and went to bed.


    (Hands are crossed. The fingers of each hand “run” along the forearm and then along the shoulder of the other hand.)
    A spider walked along a branch,
    And the children followed him.
    (Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement - rain.)
    The rain suddenly fell from the sky,
    (Clap your palms on the table/knees.)
    The spiders were washed to the ground.
    (Palms are pressed to each other by the sides, fingers are spread out, we shake our hands - the sun is shining.)
    The sun began to warm up,
    (We do the same movements as at the very beginning.)
    The spider is crawling again
    ("Spiders" crawl on your head.)
    And all the children crawl after him,
    To walk on a branch.


    (Smooth movement of the right hand to the side and up)
    My birch, birch tree.
    (The same, but with the left hand)
    My curly birch.
    (raise hands up, inhale)
    You are standing there, little birch tree,
    (Lower your hands, exhale)
    In the middle of the valley,
    (raise hands, inhale)
    On you, birch tree,
    (Lower your hands, exhale)
    The leaves are green,
    (Raise hands, inhale)
    Below you, birch tree,
    (Lower your hands, exhale)
    Silk grass,
    (Raise hands, inhale)
    Around you, birch tree,
    (Lower hands, long exhalation)
    Red girls
    Wreaths are made, weaved...


    (Palms are closed, slightly rounded. We perform wave-like movements in the air.)
    Five little fish were playing in the river
    (Hands pressed against each other. Turn them from side to side.)
    There was a large log lying on the sand,
    (The palms are closed and slightly rounded. We perform a “diving” movement with them.)
    And the fish said: “It’s easy to dive here!”
    (Swing with closed palms (negative gesture).)
    The second said: “It’s deep here.”
    (Palms turn to the back of one of the hands - the fish is sleeping.)
    And the third said: “I feel sleepy!”
    (Quickly shake our palms - trembling.)
    The fourth began to freeze a little.
    (The wrists are connected. The palms open and connect - the mouth.)
    And the fifth shouted: “There’s a crocodile here!”
    (Quick wave-like movements with closed palms - they float away.)
    Get out of here so you don't swallow him!"

    The cuckoo was walking

    (We walk along the table with our index and middle fingers straightened, while the remaining fingers are tucked.)
    A cuckoo walked past the market
    (The palms are connected by a “bucket” - a basket.)
    She had a basket
    (We hit the table/knees with closed palms, separate our hands.)
    And the basket hits the floor - boom!
    (We spread our arms to the sides, moving our fingers - flies fly. The number of extended fingers corresponds to the text.)
    Ten (nine, eight) flies flew!


    (One of the hands stands on the table, resting on the elbow, fingers spread out (tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The “beehive” is pressed to the “tree.”)
    A small house on a Christmas tree,
    A house for bees, where are the bees?
    (We look into the "hive".)
    We need to knock on the house,
    (We clench our fists and knock them together.)
    One two three four five.
    I'm knocking, knocking on the tree,
    Where, where are these bees?
    (We knock our fists against each other, alternating hands.)
    They suddenly began to fly out:
    (We spread our hands, spread our fingers and move them, the bees fly.)
    One two three four five!

    Stay for a while

    Russian game. Hands in front of the chest, palms closed. Little fingers are children, they speak in a thin voice. Ring fingers - mom, speaks in a normal voice. Middle fingers - dad, speaks in a low voice. Index fingers are soldiers and speak in a deep voice. Crossed thumbs - the threshold of the hut.
    (It’s night, everyone is sleeping in the hut. There is a knock.)
    Soldiers: Knock-knock! (Index fingers tap each other.)
    Children: Who's there? (Little fingers tap each other.)
    Soldiers: Two soldiers have come to spend the night! (Tap index fingers.)
    Children: Let's ask mom. Mother! (Little fingers tap.)
    Mom: What are the children? (Nameless people knock.)

    Mom: Ask dad. (Nameless people knock.)
    Children: Dad! (Little fingers tap.)
    Dad: What, children? (Tapping middle fingers.)
    Children: Two soldiers came to spend the night! (Little fingers tap.)
    Dad: Let me in! (Tapping middle fingers.)
    Children: Come in! (Little fingers tap.)
    Soldiers: Oh, what a blessing that they let us spend the night! (The index fingers “dance” making cross movements.)
    Soldiers: Let's go in! (Closed palms turn the fingers towards the chest. Then follows a quick half-turn of the hands so that the backs of the palms touch.)
    (Arms stretch forward.)


    (Children join their palms and spread their fingers.)
    Two huge jellyfish
    They stuck belly to belly.
    (Then they tear their palms apart, arching their fingers, while the fingers of the left hand are pressed to the fingers of the right.)
    Let's bend the tentacles stronger -
    This is how we can bend!

    Palms palms

    (When playing this finger game, you can show your imagination. Perform the movements that the plot of the poem will tell you.)
    We washed our hands with soap.
    We washed our feet with soap.
    That's how nice it is,
    Palms, palms!
    We cooked some porridge
    Stir with a spoon.
    That's how nice it is,
    Palms, palms!

    We made palms
    House for matryoshka.
    That's how nice it is,
    Palms, palms!

    Little Hen Pestrushka
    They crushed the crumbs.
    That's how nice it is,
    Palms, palms!

    Hands clapping
    Legs danced.
    That's how nice it is,
    Palms, palms!

    Palms lay down
    Rest a little.
    That's how nice it is,
    Palms, palms!

    We hope these few exercises finger gymnastics for children in verse will help your child start chatting incessantly at one year 😉

    P.S. If you liked our selection of finger games, also pay attention to the selection and.