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Fable how to have sex with a girl. Fable: the lost chapters: guides and walkthroughs. Life in Foggy Albion

(subject to choice)

“One day I will return, and then I will wash away all the dirt from myself with your blood. Remember this, Hero,” - Elvira Gray.

Lady Elvira Gray is a character in Fable, Fable: The Lost Chapters (Anniversary) and Fable 2, the seductive, sexy and sneaky mayor of Bowerstone. When she was young, Shadow Jack convinced her to kill her older sister Amanda and take over as mayor. Elvira locked Amanda in their family home. She then sold half the books in the school library to pay for the mansion.

Fable and Fable: TLC (Anniversary)

After the Hero's victory in the Arena, Lady Gray will be waiting for him in the Arena lobby (along with a disgruntled Stormbreaker, who from now on becomes a rival for the newly-crowned Arena champion for attention beautiful woman). Mayor Bowerstone was greatly impressed by your exploits, and her infatuation with the Hero only grew, to the chagrin of Stormbreaker, who was courting her. If you also killed Whisper, Stormbreaker will begin to threaten you, and Gray will express his disdain for "family ties" and "old glory", calling him an "old fool".

Marriage and exposure

In the first part of the game there are two quests related to Lady Grey: "Lady Grey's Invitation" and "The Case of the Gray Sisters" (the latter only in TLC and Anniversary), which you receive around the same time:

  • on the assignment “Invitation to Lady Gray,” the Hero begins to court her, which leads to a wedding;
  • During the quest "The Case of the Gray Sisters" the Hero can solve the mayor's crime and take her place.

Important: in Fable: TLC there is a bug, if it occurs, the Hero will not be able to have sex and interact normally with Gray after marrying her. Its essence is that Lady Gray responds to flirting and gifts with laughter, does not say a word, and while walking changes directions, as if running into invisible walls. Her aura will still turn green when received required quantity gifts and attention, but the player will not be able to tell her to go to bed. This problem seems to occur when the Hero goes through "The Case of the Gray Sisters" without giving her gifts. This is possible due to the fact that in the basement of the Gray house, when she asks the Hero to give the letter, he can agree, fight Thunderbolt, and then get the opportunity to immediately marry Gray without running around for gifts for her.

Tasks and their results

In Fable: TLC (Anniversary), you can start both quests, but after completing "Lady Gray's Invitation" after opening the basement in the Gray house, it is possible to first beat Stormbreaker to get his helmet as a trophy, and then do "The Case of the Gray Sisters" and become the new mayor of Bowerstone.

  • the player can begin the quest "Inviting Lady Gray" (optional). If you do this, Gray will give you several tasks to deliver her useless items of interest. This will all culminate in a duel between Stormbreaker and the Hero, after which the Hero will receive Stormbreaker's helmet as a trophy;
  • the player can also choose whether to start or not start “The Case of the Gray Sisters.” If you do this, you will need to talk to the "eccentric" who is being held in the North Bowerstone prison cell. This will lead to you summoning Gray's spirit in the basement of the Gray house, and she will confirm that she was killed.
  • if you marry Lady Gray, she will take the evidence confirming the murder from the Hero, and you will not be able to expose her;
  • if you don’t marry her, you can tell the sheriff about her criminal affairs and become mayor in her place;
  • if you marry the woman who is near the prison cell with the "eccentric" and helps you in the "Affair of the Sisters", then both quests will end and you will lose access to Bowerstone Mansion;
  • however, if you complete "Lady Gray's Invitation" before the duel, open the basement of the Gray house without touching the evidence, fight Thunderbolt and take his helmet, and then return to the Gray house, bypassing Bowerstone, and take the evidence, you can get both silver keys and make a “moral” choice.

New mayor

At the end of both quests in Fable TLC/Annversary, the Hero will gain access to Bowerstone Manor, where the silver key is located in Lady Gray's bed. In the same room there is a silver chest with the legendary "Katana Hir"yu.

Important: If you're playing the original Fable (without The Lost Chapters), you'll have to complete "Lady Grey's Invitation" to be able to enter the mansion, since "The Case of the Gray Sisters" only appears in TLC.

Executioner's Hill

The area under Executioner's Hill, where the demonic door and silver key are located, will only become accessible if you fight Thunderbolt during the quest "Invitation of Lady Gray".

Silver key

To get all the silver keys without cheats, the player must complete all of Lady Gray's assignments for the "Invitation" quest and reach the battle with Thunderbolt. During it you will fall from a cliff on Executioner's Hill. After the fight, go fishing here, then load up and do the opposite quest. However, this exploit is only available in Fable and Fable TLC (a known bug for obtaining an infinite number of keys). You won't be able to do this in Anniversary because the save system has been revised.

Guardian Door on Executioner's Hill

  • The demon door on Executioner's Hill requires defeating Stormbreaker during a duel for Lady Gray.

Door guard of the Gray house

  • The demonic door of the Gray house requires you to marry the lady of the house.

Interesting Facts

  • in Fable TLC (Anniversary) she likes the tattoo" Fire monkey";
  • In Fable TLC (Anniversary), you can gain infinite Force experience by punching Gray after marrying her. At some point she will decide to get a divorce, but she will have all the experience and dowry;
  • in the original Fable you can go through most(but not all) stages related to the task "The Case of the Gray Sisters", however this will not be noted in the character's journal;
  • if you choose to marry Lady Gray in Fable, Fable TLC or Anniversary, you will receive a dowry of 15,000 gold - the largest dowry in the game;
  • in Fable, Fable TLC or Anniversary, she doesn't listen to the "Follow me" command, no matter how many gifts you give her or how much she manages to like you. However, you can have sex with her, but it must happen in her house, and it is also very difficult and time-consuming, since you need to convince her to go to bed with you;
  • If you marry Lady Gray, she will behave eccentrically; if you are too ugly or angry, then she will shout at you not to appear in her presence, then make contemptuous comments about your appearance, and then, in a fit of emotion, tell you how she happy with you and greet you in a bored tone;
  • if you go into Lady Gray's bedroom after marrying her while she is there, she will walk around the room in circles and sometimes bend down to scratch the floor, just like any other wife in the game;
  • During the courtship task, Lady Gray will ask you for a gift, by which she means a black rose. This is the only gift she will agree to accept, and the girl in town who is helping you with advice on winning the mayor's heart will tell you about this preference. However, if you try to give Lady Gray such a rose after the wedding, she will indignantly ask you if it's a joke - just like every other person in the game.

Canon ending

WARNING: There may be spoilers in this section!

In Fable TLC (Anniversary), the Hero of Oakvale has a choice between publicly accusing Lady Gray or destroying evidence of her guilt.

Although the player has the option to marry her, according to official canon as revealed in Fable 2, Lady Gray was convicted of witchcraft and killed by an angry mob, with parts of her body ending up in different parts Albion (the head was placed in a tomb that the former mayor had previously made for herself, bottom part the bodies were taken to a cave in Zulberg (the cave of the hobbs), and the torso was left in the tomb of the Twoblade, in a neighboring coffin).

There is no mention of these events in the first part of the game, but if the Hero becomes mayor, then it is quite possible that the ending described in the sources from Fable 2 did not take place in Bowerstone, which Lady Gray left and fled, but in some other city.

Fable 2

Lady Gray returns to Fable 2 during the Tough Love quest. Her appearance and personality have changed dramatically due to her resurrection half a millennium later. She is much more loving than in life, since she was resurrected using a love elixir, and seems to have lost the desire to manipulate and gain power. She also claims that parts of her body need to be properly sewn on. All this can mean one thing - the resurrection did not completely restore her, but only resurrected the corpse.

Now she is dressed in different clothes, but the gravedigger himself could have changed her clothes.

Quest "Tough Love"


  • Before completing the task, read all the sections below related to possible bugs of this quest.

The quest becomes available when you reach Black Harbor in the story. The quest is that Victor, the gravedigger of Bowerstone Cemetery, is obsessed with Lady Gray and wants to revive her corpse. The hero asks to find three parts of her body. When you give Victor the dismembered pieces, he uses his knowledge to resurrect her and make her fall in love with him (she will fall in love with the first person she sees). In the finale, the Hero can choose one of two things: allow the lonely and head over heels in love gravedigger to marry Lady Gray or take his bride away from him.


If you decide to marry Gray, make sure you get a 5 star quality ring. If you don't have one, and you want to take her as your wife, leave her and run for the ring in residential part Bowerstone Lady will wander through Bowerstone Cemetery. You can also tell her to follow you to a jewelry store and propose to her right there. In any case, it is important to give her the ring quickly, otherwise you will not be able to fulfill your intentions and she will disappear from the game world.

Evil Alignment and Consequences

Lady Gray is scared of evil characters, and even if she is in love with you, she will run away, making the task of marrying her quite difficult. If she runs away, there are a few tips that may make your life easier:

  • Wear the robe of a noble gentleman (not shown in the list of costumes, wear everything separately) or the robe of a noble man (or woman; appears in the list of costumes) and (in both cases) a monk's robe. The former will give you more attractiveness, and the cassock will partially compensate for the lack of kindness. The costumes of a noble gentleman and a noble man (woman) are approximately equal in attractiveness. The lady will be delighted and will not run away;
  • take off all your clothes or put on something crazy and then use the expression "Puppet Show" until Gray stops;
  • give her alcohol until she gets drunk. Being drunk, she will not be able to escape;
  • in the pause menu, fill all the spell slots with Chronos and run after her using this skill. When you get there, use the expression “Puppet Show” and then make an offer.

After the wedding: tips

  • she is invulnerable to attacks, but if you continue to hit her, she will file for divorce;
  • the player can sell it to slave traders, performing the job of "relocating residents";
  • there is some chance that you will catch a sexually transmitted disease from her if you have unprotected sex;
  • it can be sacrificed in the Temple of Darkness;
  • if you use the expression “Come to me” on her, her indicator of love for you will begin to slowly shift towards hatred;
  • you may find it in the cemetery and other parts of Bowerstone, but it's hard to predict. There is a high chance that she will be wandering around the vicinity of the Expression Statue.

After the wedding: notes

  • if the player marries her and they have children, their faces will also have undead features;
  • the children born by her will also have shadows under their eyes;
  • you can take it with you on missions;
  • Lady Gray is one of four unique companions who cannot die (besides Sledgehammer, Garth and Trickster), and the only permanent companion whose health does not even decrease (she cannot be knocked out);
  • the only way to get rid of her is to beat her until she divorces you and disappears forever;
  • if you decide to marry her, turn off security mode and use the Blades spell, fully charged, against her, she will become furious and roar like a demon, but will return to normal when the spell ends;
  • when she accompanies you, she may leave the group (just like in a divorce). In this case, she will not join you until you properly convince her to do so.

Mission bugs


Unfortunately, this particular quest contains a special bug that prevents the player from completing the last part of the quest, since the gravedigger stops responding when you bring him the head. This should be related to the speed with which the Hero approaches Victor (sometimes nothing depends on it either and the bug still occurs):

  • if the Hero runs towards the gravedigger and the door too quickly, it may not close. It is possible to solve this problem by walking to the door and allowing it to close normally, and for the gravedigger to accept the head of the corpse;
  • if the Hero walks too slowly towards the door, it may close (although you can still walk through it), and when you go down the stairs, the gravedigger will ask you to start the task again (which will no longer be possible, since Lady Gray's body parts no longer in the game).

Family nest

  • do not buy the Cemetery Mansion before getting married, otherwise Lady Gray will go to the Old Town and disappear from the game;
  • when you get married, make Cemetery Mansion your home new family, otherwise Gray may disappear after the end of the game. For example, a golden path that should lead to a family will actually lead you to a dead end (similar effects are possible if you make a castle, Clearwood Tower and Serene Farm your home);
  • if you make the Brightwood Tower a home, then the path will lead to the Clearwood to the Wilderness Road, but Lady Gray will not actually be in the location;
  • if Lady Gray is your only wife, move to Fairfax Castle, give birth to a child and wait until the need to complete the quest "Rescue" arises. A "family" path will lead to the wall in Fairfax Gardens;
  • Buy "Sweetheart's House" at the Bowerstone Market and raise its quality to 5 stars. To do this, you need to furnish it with five-star furniture and place it on both the “Slaughter Trophy” and “Shard Shard” trophy boards. Once the house is 5-star, Lady Gray will be happy here and you can house your family here without having to resort to unique buildings. After completing the "Rescue" quest, your wife will still be in Bowerstoneville, and you can move into any of the unique houses you want. Important: All of these actions will make it impossible to rent out Sweetheart's House (unless you sell and buy it again).


  • while in the hobbes' cave, some players cannot dig up the body part they came for;
  • If you collect all Lady Gray's parts and do not return them before completing the game, the quest will start over and remain uncompleted.


  • If you allowed Victor to marry Lady Gray, the people of Albion will ask: “Have you seen the gravedigger’s wife? She looks old and somehow wrong.”. But you yourself will no longer see those about whom they gossip;
  • strange, but sometimes Lady Gray runs or walks like a man;
  • one of her lines in Fable 2: "If you see witchcatchers, shoot them in the head for me.". This is a reference to the people who killed her;
  • At the Box of Secrets store on Knothole Island you can get the Flowing Hair hairstyle card. This is the same hairstyle as the resurrected Lady Gray.

Interesting Facts

  • Lady Gray's line about needing to have her leg reattached may be a reference to Sally's words from The Nightmare Before Christmas: "Where your love constantly re-sews itself so as not to lose a limb";
  • since in the original game she will not follow the Hero beyond Lady Jane Gray If you marry her before the end of the game, Lucian will say that he killed your wife (and possibly all the children as well), although Lady Gray is undead.

Site material site, when using site material fable.wikia.com. By Torionel. When copying, please provide a link to the source.

Today we are looking at the game "Fable: Anniversary". The walkthrough will actually not differ much from the original first version of this project. More precisely, it is no different at all, because it is just a re-release with improved graphics and an updated interface. And so in "Fable: Anniversary" complete walkthrough It will take no more time than in the first part.


If this is your first time playing Fable: Anniversary, it will take you a lot of time to complete, but believe me, it will not be wasted. First, we'll cover what every Albion traveler should know.

  • The game features a good and evil system borrowed from the Dungeon & Dragons universe. If you do good deeds, people will be drawn to you. But, having set foot on the path of evil, be prepared for the fact that when you enter the city, the people will begin to run away and hide from you.
  • You can get married, but before that, be sure to get your own home.
  • Your physique will depend on how much you eat. Eventually one of the magical doors will require you to become very fat.
  • As the game progresses you will collect silver keys. They are not spent when opening chests, but they may be required different quantities. Therefore, before moving on to a new story stage, be sure to make sure that you have time to do everything.
  • Some guild quests will require fame to complete. To get it, take the trophies that you receive during the game and display them in different cities. How more people you run around in a minute, the greater will be your glory. Glory for one trophy does not add up in the same city, but only the maximum result of the “race” is taken into account.
  • In this walkthrough, we will deliberately not indicate which actions are bad and which are not. Take your own path.

Well, now you know the basics, so let's go.


Your character's journey begins at early childhood. You grew up without a mother with a father and sister. On the day in which Fable: Anniversary, the passage of which we are reviewing, begins, it is your sister’s birthday. Your father promises to give you money for a gift if you go and do a few good deeds. Now you have to complete your first few quests.

  1. Operation "Return of the Bear". We meet a little girl who has lost her toy. She will ask you to return what was lost. The bear is at little boy, who is accosted by a bully. You have a choice:
    • Help the bully.
    • Drive away the bully. In both cases, you will receive a toy and take it to the girl.
  2. "Treason." You learn that a man is cheating on his wife.
    • Tell the woman.
    • Take a bribe and remain silent (+1 gold).
    • Take a bribe, but still tell (+1 gold).
  3. "Defender". Near the barn, a boy will ask you to guard the barrels.
  • We can break them (we will find 1 gold).
  • We protect.

For each good deed, father will give us 1 gold, plus if we choose option 3 in the second quest, we will receive a bonus coin. We buy chocolate and take it to my sister on the outskirts of the city. Let's watch the video. We won't have much choice.

Chapter 1. Training

Fable: Anniversary, which usually takes a long time to complete and master, gives us a surprise. You were taken to the Hero Academy and began to train. Having woken up in an ordinary morning, we go to the Master, and then courtyard. A series of training quests will follow, in which you will be taught how to use weapons and magic. There are a number of side quests you can take on in the courtyard.

  1. "Marathon". A man stands right at the entrance and boasts that he is the fastest. Challenge him. Speed ​​up and run across the pond to the magic door and then back.
  2. We get a quest from the cook to collect apples. They are all lying around the yard and in the guild forest.
  3. One of the guards will ask you to kill the sparrows that are crap on the territory of the Guild. As a reward you will receive 35 gold.

Having dealt with all the quests, we return to the plot. You will have an exam in all three combat disciplines. By getting grades of 5+ (the subject can be retaken), you will earn respect and be rewarded with valuable items corresponding to the subject (katana, crossbow, jewelry).

Next you will have a training battle with Maze. Follow the directions and everything will work out. If you get too close while archery, he will teleport to another location. This will be followed by a graduation ceremony.

Chapter 2. First tasks

The first thing you will have to do is clear the picnic area of ​​wasps. The quest is taken on the heroes board. It's not very far to go, so we go there on foot. Along the way, at the observation deck, we perform side quest about a beggar.

  • A bully teases an old beggar. You have a choice.
    • Help and drive away the bully.
    • Make fun of the old man.

We get to the right place and we see people running away. We drive away the wasps and meet our first boss. The fight with the Wasp Queen is not difficult. After it we earn our first trophy.

We go to Bowerstone to meet with Maze. Don't forget to show off your fresh trophy along the way. Fame will still be useful to you. We meet with Maze near the tavern and listen to the news. In this city you have to complete a series of side quests.

  1. Fist fights. Here you will encounter your first fist arena. The battles take place at night. In order to earn the maximum, you will have to knock down 5 opponents (strength and endurance must be pumped up). In each new city, do not forget to attend such events.
  2. One of the most challenging quests in Fable: Anniversary is “The Sick Child.” Completing it will take a little time. Let’s describe it briefly. You will need to collect mushrooms.
  • We buy a fishing rod and go fishing at the Guild of Heroes.
  • In the location where the wasps were killed, we'll make the drug addict girl laugh.
  • One of the most illogical moments in Fable: Anniversary (walkthrough). The blue mushrooms we collected for the initial quest are scattered throughout the world. We must buy the latter from the merchant in Barrow Fields.
  • The fourth mushroom can be obtained after completing the story about the White Werewolf. To do this, we complete a quest with the girl Myra in Oak Valley and watch a short romantic story.
  • Bald. The man on the pier is wooing your daughter. Complete his requests and watch the ending.
  • Sh cola The teacher asks you to collect 25 books to teach the children. 14 pieces are hidden in the Guild of Heroes, 6 in Bowerstone and 5 in Oak Valley.
  • We return to the Guild, level up and see new tasks. Another surprise that the game Fable: Anniversary throws at us. You must complete the quest" Orchard"for one of the parties. There is nothing complicated about this, and the result affects solely the reputation.

    On the way to completing this quest, we stop by Fisher Creek. Here you will be taught the basics of fishing, and after catching the most... big fish, you will receive another trophy and a silver key.

    Chapter 3. The Adventure Continues

    In the guild, two next quests become available to you.

    1. Competition. You and Whisper compete to see who can kill the most monsters. You cannot lose here, the quest will be repeated again and again.
    2. Hobb's Cave. You go to the pink cottage and find out from the old woman that her grandson was kidnapped. We go to the cave and kill everyone there who we can. Having found the grandson, we exchange him for the rescued robber, and then accompany him home.
    • As the game progresses, we will encounter repeating quests. One of them - Merchant accompaniment. Take him to the right place and get a reward.
    • Ghost necklace. In Orchard Farm we receive a quest from the farmer. We go to the cemetery and talk with the ghost. Then, near the lake in Greatwood Lake, we kill the bandit and take the necklace to the farmer.
    • The next story mission - "Escort of traders"- taken from the Guild. We find them in Darkwood. As usual, we kill everyone we meet and clear the bandit camp. During the mission, you will have a choice - kill the one bitten by the werewolf or take it with you. What is good and what is bad is up to you to decide.

    From Darkwood, two new locations with their own stories are available to you - the brothel and the chapel of Skorm.

    • Chapel. Evil in pure form. The priests ask for sacrifices to be brought to them. Bodyguards from nearby villages are best suited. For three you will receive a bow and a new title.
    • Another surprise prepared by "Fable: Anniversary (walkthrough) - "Brothel". Here, for money, you can do the relevant business. Take the quest from "madam". In Bowerstone we find women's clothing. We are looking for a wig in the brothel. We shave. We seduce the owner of the brothel Grop. He talks about how the invoices are kept by the fountain under the willow tree.

    Now you have a choice - become the owner of a brothel or set up a boarding house here. Again, the choice is up to you. But once you become the owner, you can sleep with girls for free, and one of the Demon Doors will require you to have experience in these matters. Decide for yourself.

    Now we can go to Oak Valley, where Maze is waiting for us. After the conversation in the Guild, appear new quest. However, there is no need to rush.

    1. The pirate ghost will give you a quest to find treasure. We dig them up on the beach and take them to his wife. As a reward, they will show us where another silver key is buried.
    2. Kuroball competition. We kick the chickens, trying to get as close to the center of the target as possible. First of all, we are interested in the reward for 150 points - another key.
    3. Murder. You can take a quest to the bandit camp from the guard. It is necessary to hunt down and kill a person.

    Chapter 4. Seer

    So, the next step in passing the game Fable: Anniversary. Having picked up the quest from the guild, we head back to Oak Valley. We walk along the beach and through a cave we find ourselves in a gorge along which guards walk. This begins the next stage, which the walkthrough we offer for the game Fable: Anniversary will help you cope with. The robber camp is an impregnable fortress, which is not easy to get into. It won't be possible to cut through, because then the gates to the camp will be closed. Therefore, we sneak behind the backs of the guards.

    After this we find ourselves in the “waiting room”. To get into the camp itself, we simply cut out all living things and remove them from the corpses. At the camp itself you will need a pass. You can buy it for 1000 coins, or you can win it at the tavern.

    After entering the camp and fighting with the leader, we will see a video about the fate of the Seer and you will have the opportunity to kill or pardon the bandit. Decide. In any case, you will receive another trophy.

    After this, we return to the Guild of Heroes to Maze. After the conversation, we receive another task to rescue the archaeologist. Teleport to the Witch Forest. We cut through the bushes until we come across a mountain troll. After winning you will receive a ruby.

    Next important event this stage will be a meeting with Demon door. She will reveal herself only to those who know her name. Let's go to the Temple of Eivo. One of the guys will exchange name information for your ruby. We return to the stones in front of the gate. We hit them in the right order (HITS). After that they will open. We hope our article "Fable: Anniversary" (walkthrough) helped you. The archaeologist will be waiting for you inside. And also a chest that can be locked with 15 keys.

    The next “story” quest tells us about the problems of Knothole Clearing and the White Werewolf. The guards are too frightened by the invasion of creatures, so they do not open the gate. We kill all the evil spirits and go to the headman of the village. After the conversation, we go to the widow, fighting off “White” along the way. Having received an insert into the weapon from the widow, we fight off the next attack. We find out from the headman where the lair is and go there. The final battle will take place near the witch lake.

    Several more third-party quests await us in the local area.

    1. At the Temple of Light, you can donate money and receive a reward for it. 32,000 gold - a good mace, 48,000 - rejuvenation for 6 years, 64,000 - the title "Paladin".
    2. Another rather tricky quest in Fable: Anniversary. Completing it (“The Sword in the Stone” is what it’s called) will take a little time. To pull it out, you need to increase the following indicators (strength +5, health +3, constitution +2). The peculiarity is that without pumping up the characteristics, it is very difficult to get to this point. On the other hand, if you have leveled up, then you will be able to pull out the sword only after you have maxed out the characteristics, but by this moment you will no longer need it.

    A new quest awaits you in the guild. You need to go to the arena and take part in competitions. Stock up on potions and go ahead. At the end you will have another fight with Whisper and Difficult choice. Regardless of it, watch the video and take the trophies.

    Chapter 5. New searches

    We go to the Gray House. There we meet with our sister and find out that our mother is alive and is being held captive by Valet.

    Before you start searching, it would be better to complete a couple of quests. We return to the Knothole Clearing and lift the siege of the robbers from the town. After that, take part in the archery competition and get another trophy.

    At the guild we take on a quest to rescue the archaeologist again. Attention: the quest is for a while, so we quickly go to Bowerstone Jail and, with the help of a couple of guards, begin to clear our way. We reach Prison Path. We will have to kill all the servants of darkness and save the poor researcher in 5 minutes.

    After that we go to the cemetery. Following the prompts, we find out what you need to collect to open the gate full set Nostro armor.

    1. A gravedigger's helmet on the fireplace.
    2. Armor in Lady Fulorn's crypt.
    3. We dig the sword out of one of the graves.
    4. We catch the shield from the pond.

    Having opened the passage, we break through the undead down. We get to the central circle and lure the dead inside. Only there can you defeat them. After this, another mess with rubilov and kroshilov will begin. You have to get to the prison and free your mother... But alas...

    Chapter 6. Escape

    So, here is another Fable: Anniversary location - a prison. The passage assumes that you win the annual race and end up in the boss’s office, who reads poetry to you. We sneak to the stand behind him, read the code, return and open one of the books. We find the key to our cell.

    While escaping, we don’t get involved in battle with the guards until we find our equipment. After this, we return to the torture room and free the mother. There is only one way further - the one you came by. At the very exit the Kraken will attack you. He is easily eliminated with a bow.

    We return to the guild. Another pack of simple tasks awaits you. The most important of them will be "Headhunting". We free the hostage in the location where we were taught fishing, and then go to Lake Velikolesskoe. To save the hostage, we shoot at the robber with a bow, without getting too close.

    After this, you will have a choice - become mayor or accept the invitation. Regardless of what you choose, you will be treated to a short detective story about the relationship between the current mayor and her sister. At the end of the story, you will have a choice - to become the mayor's husband or refuse (by becoming a husband, you will be able to get into a mansion with many "goodies"). If you refused, you can still do it, just by investigating the murder of the mayor's sister.

    In the guild you can take on a number of simple killing and escort quests. Nothing complicated.

    Chapter 7. Betrayal

    We are sent to the Crooked Coast. To get there, you have to find the Ancient Portal and fill it with energy by killing the carrion. We wander a little along the coast when the guild contacts us. We return and see the scene of the mother's abduction. After that, we take the book and complete the quest with the next video.

    With the book we find the Master. He asks us to return to the coast. We go through the enemies and find Maze. From a short dialogue we learn about his betrayal. This is another joke that the Fable: Anniversary game walkthrough throws at us. “The fight with Maezl” (Maze) will not require super skills from you. Just hit as usual.

    After the battle, using a teleport, we will automatically be transported to the desired location, where we will be brought up to date. Jack is going to activate 4 key points.

    We will have to break through crowds of enemies to him, but always to no avail.

    We return to the Guild and find out that it has been destroyed. After talking with the mentor, we go to the Temple of Doom, where the final battle with Jack awaits us.

    1. First, we fight with melee weapons, breaking through the defense with “powerful” blows.
    2. We spend the second half of the battle using a bow or magic.

    Chapter 8. A year later

    In the original part, this plot appears in the addition Fable: The Lost chapters. The passage is almost linear and not very difficult. You start in a cemetery, near your mother's grave. After this, go to the academy to meet with your mentor.

    He will send us to the prophets. The path to them opens from the observation deck and was previously closed. We solve a simple puzzle and get the item we need. After this, if you have abandoned the sword of Eternity, go to the mentor. He will tell us that we need to check Maze's tower. We check the racks and with a new clue we go into the yard. We read the sign at the empty tombstone.

    We teleport to the Crooked Coast and light the beacon. After this we will be transported to a snowy island. After many dialogues, we go to the Necropolis. Using the mini-map as a guide, we check all the “green” dots in search of signs. We return to the Oracle in the city. He will send us for several souls.

    1. The soul of a winner. Let's go to the Arena. Along the way we meet Grom. You can kill him and get a soul, or go to the “slaughterhouse” itself and get a soul after four rounds.
    2. Mother's soul. We go to the mother’s grave in Oak Valley and save her from the ghosts tormenting her soul.
    3. The oldest soul.
    • You can kill the Guild mentor.
    • Kill the ghost of Nostro on the ancient path where we made our way to the Knave's prison.

    Next we face the final battle. Before you is Jack in his new guise. And this is where all the skills that you have acquired throughout your time playing Fable: Anniversary will come in handy. This is also where Fable: The Lost chapters ends, the passage of which was described in the last chapter.


    If you can't play Fable: Anniversary normally, cheats will be your salvation. There are no codes included in the game as such, but you can download special trainers. Some of them may not work with the licensed version, some are only suitable for certain versions. But rest assured: you will definitely be able to find something suitable. For example, a multifunctional trainer Fable Anniversary: (+18) (MrAntiFun). It allows you to manage most numerical values in the game (hp, mp, money, items). Passing the game Fable: Anniversary will be much easier with it.

    The family is the unit of society, the basis of the future. Despite the danger threatening Albion, there is always room for bright thoughts. No one in the kingdom dares to be despondent and despair when the figure of a new ruler looms behind the people, ready to overthrow his brother-oppressor from the throne and save the world from the Master of Shadows. On the way to the throne, the Hero will be occupied not only with global issues. At some point it will be time to think about family, children and friends. Fable 3 is able to please everyone: straight people and minorities. There is no place for notorious perverts here: children are inviolable, you cannot even take them by the hands (except your own). But even for “those people” there is something to their liking. You can always have a “group party” with several people, as long as there are willing people. Getting to know the person you like usually begins with one of three available actions. Depending on a person’s character, mood and attitude, what he hears and sees can be perceived differently. Good is usually answered with good. It is important not to overpress the [E] key in the dialogue, otherwise the effect of the actions will be reduced.

    The hero is initially laconic and tense; new movements and lines, available for purchase in exchange for Guild Seals while advancing along the Path to Power, help him loosen up and hang his tongue. You can find out what a potential spouse or friend is like during a dialogue by pressing the key. Gradually, the intensity of passions will grow and in the end everything can develop into a strong friendship or end in sex, depending on your orientation (you can have sex with both men and women, gender does not matter). True, until this moment you have to buy a ring, a house and have a wedding, which can take place in three different places: on city streets, on a bridge or in front of a landmark. In Fable 3, only prostitutes of various stripes “give” for money at any time. To do this, just lead your chosen one by the hand to the bed ([Q] key) and select required action. An unexpected surprise after a pleasant time can be the birth of a child. Children never reach adolescence and youth, and their main passion forever remains toys. Condoms, sold by vendors in department stores such as those in the Old Quarter of New Bowerland, can help prevent unwanted pregnancies. Not in Fable 3 large families, the maximum number of children is two, but multiple marriages without divorce are allowed.

    The reasons for the fading of feelings are indifference - when the Hero pays little attention to his soulmate or friend; stinginess - when the Hero allocates little money to support the family (the level of income, as well as the possibility of divorce, is controlled through a global map when choosing a house); rude attitude - when the Hero often uses threats and ridicule in dialogue. Cheating can also destroy a marriage. In this case, the offended spouse, after what he has seen, will collect his money and go to file for divorce, not wanting to listen to explanations and justifications. Everything is simple, just like in life. In case of divorce, income from the sale of marital property is divided equally. If family members have an urgent matter (they want sex or give a gift), then an icon with a heart (key) appears in the lower left part of the screen. You should respond quickly to the call only in bad relationships in order to avoid divorce. The level of relationships is shown by a multi-colored scale under the character's name: red - things are bad, green - everything is good. In the event of the death of a spouse or the occurrence of force majeure, children are delivered to the New Bowerstone City shelter, from where they can be taken home through the adoption procedure. The teacher has the right to refuse if the Hero is lonely.

    It all depends on the player's choice.



    Please forgive me for the quality, it's just that everything on YouTube is really bad these days. Hi all! My name is Grill, I present to your attention my walkthrough of the games...

    The opportunity to start a family is one of the “tricks” of the series Fable. In the second part it received significant development. IN Fable 2 you can get married (get married) and have children, you can create same-sex marriages, cheat on your spouse, have two or more wives - in a word, be active sex life. Divorce can occur either at the initiative of the player or at the initiative of his spouse. In addition, you can become widowed after the death of your partner. As in real life over time, the likelihood of divorce becomes less and less, spouses are also connected by children they have together.

    Character appearance

    IN Fable 2 A character's appearance directly depends on his actions. Changes in appearance will occur due to two interrelated scales - good/evil and purity/depravity.

    Whether your character is “good” or “evil” will depend appearance The hero, in the same way, the appearance will change depending on the depravity of the character. “Good” players will be able to admire their Hero with smooth skin and light hair, while “evil” players will see a flabby, pale face with dark hair. Very kind heroes will see an angelic halo above their heads, and the worst heroes will grow huge horns. The appearance of “pure” characters will not change and will remain clear and clear until the end of the game. A corrupted character will eventually acquire ugly facial features and clouds of flies begin to fly around him. Although often these two scales are not interrelated, the game allows the “good” player to be corrupted, and the “evil” player to be pristine.

    In addition, the Hero can gain weight or lose weight - this depends on the foods that the character will consume: fruits and vegetables allow the player to remain slim, and excessive consumption of alcohol, pies or meat dishes will cause the Hero to get fat.

    The distribution of skills also affects the character's appearance. Strong player will look pumped up, agile will look taller, and magicians will eventually have glowing blue patterns on their bodies.

    The color of his eyes also depends on the character’s experience; if he does more evil, then the color becomes red, and if he does good, then yellow.

    Story line

    IN Fable 2 Compared to its predecessor, the game world has grown approximately tenfold. Peter Molyneux said the passage was clear storyline It will take 12 hours to complete all the quests and search all the corners; the player will need at least a hundred hours. Peter Molyneux also stated that in order to buy all the items available in Albion, the player will need at least one hundred million gold.


    Throughout the game, the character's main companion becomes a dog, whom the player meets while still in childhood. The dog can be taught how to fight enemies and how to find valuable things. A dog can be a great help in a difficult battle with an enemy. The dog's appearance will depend on the appearance of the character himself, and the dog will change along with the Hero throughout the game. Initially, the dog is a mongrel, but its breed can be changed by purchasing dog elixirs such as Laika and Dalmatian.


    As in the first part, in Fable 2 The action takes place in the world of Albion. Despite the fact that there are fewer locations in the second part than in the first, they have been significantly expanded. The Witchwood and Hooked Shore, as well as the Northern Wastes, are now inaccessible to the player. The game also contains many references to the land of Samarkand, but no one has ever been able to visit it. A general list of locations is presented below.