home · Lighting · Fallout shelter room layout options. Rooms in Fallout Shelter, how to use the rooms? Nuclear reactor and generator

Fallout shelter room layout options. Rooms in Fallout Shelter, how to use the rooms? Nuclear reactor and generator

Relatively recently, the project became available to everyone. Of course, it falls a little short of a simulator; it’s more like a kind of mobile village that you can easily and casually play. But even such games cause a lot of various issues, which definitely require an answer.

Fallout Shelter room descriptions

In the strategy, the player is given the functions of a bunker keeper. He must monitor everything that happens there, build new rooms, develop production and everyday life population.

In order to meet the needs of people, the developers have thought through several options for premises. First of all, when starting construction, you need to think about exactly how to plan the placement of rooms, where to install an elevator, and how to evacuate residents in case of an emergency.

As new residents approach the bunker, other types of rooms open up. In general, there are several of them:

  • mining;
  • educational;
  • bedrooms;
  • storage facilities.

Each of them has its own functions. Since resources are very important in the game, production rooms are a must. With their help, they replenish water and food supplies, and also generate electricity. In addition to rooms that provide resources, there are rooms in which medicines are created, as well as radio stations and new potential residents.

Educational – helping to improve people. With their help, new opportunities and skills are opened up, which in turn allows you to speed up and improve the quality of the production process.

If we talk about bedrooms, they are needed to create families. By placing two men and women in such a room, and changing into pajamas, the gamer speeds up the pregnancy process and.

As for, they are necessary to maintain a certain amount of resources, as well as departments where various medications are prepared. In addition to the main warehouse, there is a room in which weapons and other items are stored separately. Such compartments definitely need to be improved, this will make it possible to place more resources and things in them.

Fallout Shelter how to delete a room

If any room is redundant, useless or interferes with further construction, it can be very easily removed. To do this, you just need to remove the room that is interfering with development. Moreover, there are tips in the game that can always come in handy.

Fallout Shelter how to combine rooms

Premises are combined only if they are of the same type and located in a row. In this case, one large room will be automatically created from them. If a standard compartment can accommodate 2 people, then five or six people can easily get along in a combined compartment.

The strategy quickly gained popularity, and this is not surprising. First of all, she excellent quality, unlike other mobile toys, secondly, it was created by Bethesda, and this is already a significant guarantee of success.

The main task of the game is to develop your shelter, so we have prepared this construction guideFallout Shelter , With review And description of the rooms And premises. The first thing you need to know is translation of buildings into Russian, since the game is in English and types, meaning of roomsFallout Shelter .

    Fortified Vault Door (Vault Door) or as it is also called the dressing room. The main function is to hold off attacking raiders and mutants for as long as possible. You can place no more than two sentries who will receive uninvited guests. Of course, these should be the most pumped and equipped people.

Elevator(Elevator) - connecting link between the floors of your bomb shelter. You need to build them two per floor, due to the width of the shelter, and it is also useful in the fight against death claws attacking you.

Living Quarters(Living rooms) V Fallout Shelter perform the function of Warcraft farms and ziggurats, that is, they increase the upper population limit of your shelter for survivors, build as many of them as possible how much do you need on this moment, so as not to overload the Generators, and also, if you place a woman and a man there, after some time they will make sweet love and bring you an addition to the friendly family of the shelter, provided that they are not relatives.

Power Generator (G Generator) is one of the production facilities that brings from 10 to 66 energy per cycle, depending on the level of improvement and magnitude. Electric generator workers need Strength(Force). Like all industrial buildings, it increases the maximum amount of stored resource.

Diner (Dining room) - another one manufacture building for food production. Brings from 8 to 40 food per cycle. Chefs need to pump up Agility.

Water Treatment ( Water treatment station) - also a production facility for water purification. Brings from 8 to 40 clean water per cycle. Skilled workers needed Perception.

Storage Room ) - increases maximum capacity Weapons and Outfits (Weapons and Clothes). Capacity from 10 to 70 items. It's not necessarily here, but maybe someone is.

Medbay (Medical center), Science Lab (L laboratory) - produce Stimpaks and Radaways (Antiradine) respectively. They bring from 1 to 12 units of product per cycle. Requires Intelligence skill to work(Intelligence).

Radio Studio in Fallout Shelter This the most unusual building. The main goal is to attract new survivors from the wasteland to the shelter. But make no mistake, they will come extremely rarely and not every cycle, so the main force reproducing the population will be the current residents. To work on the Radio you need Charisma (Charisma).

Training rooms - such in Fallout Shelter there were quite a few, for exampleroom Armor(Armory room), which serves for training and pumping up residents' skills Perception (Perception), Weight Room (Room with exercise equipment) - Strong (Strength), Athletics Room (Gym) - Agility (Agility), Classroom (Cool room) - Intelligence, Fitness Room - Endurance, Lounge - Charisma, Game Room Game room) - Luck (Luck).

Nuclear Reactor - a similar to an electric generator, only brings more energy from 13 to 85 per cycle.

Garden (Garden) - similar to the dining room brings from 10 to 55 food per cycle

Water Purification ( Water filtration room) - similar to the station brings from 10 to 55 clean water per cycle.

Nuka-Cola Bottler Yader-Cola) - now we have reached the last room. This is the production facility where the game's most famous drink, Nuka Cola, is produced.it brings food and clean water. To work at the factory it is necessary to pump Endurance.

P Arkmaherskaya - added in update 1.4. Here you can change appearance residents of their shelter. Simply point the desired character into the room and choose a hairstyle, facial hair, and color. Depending on the choice, the price of the service will change, as well as the time of the procedure.

The room initially occupies two sections at once.

Costume workshop - here you can produce clothes and armor for your charges. Appeared with version 1.4. Any residents can work in it, the characteristics do not affect production. Initially it occupies three sections at once. Can be upgraded by two levels to produce rare and legendary equipment, respectively.

The Weapon Workshop also appeared in 1.4 and is used for crafting weapons in the game. The characteristics of the workers also do not matter, the size is also three sections and also has two levels of improvement, like the costume workshop.

We reviewed all existing this moment, building Fallout Shelter,list of rooms, As the population in the shelter grows, you will open completely, andWith the release of updates, the list will increase.

How to delete (move) rooms Fallout Shelter

You will learn how to build a building from the tutorial in the game, and this article will help you with its removal. Let me make a reservation right away: you cannot move rooms, you can only destroy them and rebuild them, but there are some nuances in this action. To demolish a building, just click on it and a green arrow will appear in the upper right corner of the screen, click on it, in the window that appears, click on Destroy, then confirm the action and you will even get back a small amount of the money spent on construction (about 10%). Now we know how to remove(destroy)roomFallout Shelter Let's move on to the nuances. The first thing you need to know is that you will never delete a room in which there are people, you must first move them to another room and only then destroy it. Secondly, you cannot delete a room if it is physically impossible to get to the next one. And thirdly, you cannot remove or even build premises during an incident, such as a fire or attack.

How to combine Fallout Shelter rooms

Aboutconnecting roomsFallout Shelter very useful action, after all maximum length (size) affects the quantity and quality of benefits brought to it, for example, the amount of purified water or the speed of pumping a skill. Frequently asked question Fallout Shelter how many rooms can be combined (connect) together and How to do it - just build triple rooms next to each other, more than three rooms combine it won't work, but if they don't connect, it means one of the premises is of a higher level or you are generally building different buildings. Upgrading roomsFallout Shelter happens in the same way as deletion - click on the room, click on the arrow in the top right of the screen and select Upgrade and voila, it’s already more effective, but you can only upgrade to the third level (the number 3 is apparently very significant for developers) and this, perhaps everything you need to know about connecting and improving rooms.

Fallout Shelter is a game that seems simple only at first glance. What's difficult: you build rooms, recruit new residents, and send them to explore the wasteland. But then there was a fire or the death claws attacked and the game was lost. Everyone died. The tips below will help you create the safest and most effective shelter possible.

Room locations in Fallout Shelter

Location is the most important thing, the most important thing. You need to start thinking about this first. First of all, all rooms need to be made isolated, in the form of a chessboard (as in the picture below). What is the point: if an accident occurs in one of the rooms and the residents could not cope with it, the problem will not spread anywhere and the remaining rooms will be intact.

Create protective rooms

In the room located next to the main door, residents with the most high levels and a very powerful weapon. When raiders attack, it is these “fighters” who will settle everything. When the population exceeds 40 people, the death claws will begin to come running, so in subsequent rooms you need to place the strongest inhabitants according to the same principle.

It is best to place small single rooms one after another after the main door. Any enemy attacking from the wasteland will run away from the door to the right, as shown by the red arrow in the picture above. Place one or two villagers in each room. This is necessary in order to have time to use stimulants on the defenders located inside. After all, it is always easier to monitor the health of one or two people than to monitor a large crowd.

Lots of stimulants

The sooner the better, it is imperative to build several medical rooms, because... each new room expands the general limit on possession of stimulants. However, all these rooms can be serviced by 2-3 residents with 100% leveled intelligence (or dressed in robes that give +3 to intelligence). They used acceleration in one room, transferred the residents to another room, and repeated the procedure. And so on in a circle.

And even if there are a lot of stimulants, it is better to save them. If an accident occurs, especially a fire, because... he eats a lot of stimulants, just move the inhabitants to another isolated room. The epidemic in the room will quickly end, and the workers, if you started moving them after the outbreak began, will return to their work.

In general, the principle of serving several rooms with a limited number of residents applies to almost all rooms. This is especially true on initial stages games when there are few residents, especially pumped ones.

All unused rooms are at the very bottom

There are many types of rooms that provide passive benefits without the inhabitants being involved. These are, for example: warehouses, living quarters (very rarely needed), a caretaker’s room. They need to be placed somewhere at the very bottom of the “map”. The principle of “isolated rooms” does not apply to these rooms; you can build next to each other, because there are no inhabitants and the epidemic will not harm anyone.

Build elevators to the very bottom, all the way, and there start filling the space as you like. If fires start in one of these rooms, or the rads will attack. cockroaches, this will not affect the residents above. As it begins, so it will end, and quite quickly.

Training rooms in order

A little history. Character creation system S.P.E.C.I.A.L. was invented a long time ago for Fallout games 1. This is an abbreviation for characteristics (strength, perception, endurance, charm, intelligence, dexterity and luck), but in English of course. These same characteristics are used in Fallout Shelter. That's why there are only 7 training rooms.

So what are we talking about? For ease of access to these rooms and understanding where each one is located, they can be arranged from top to bottom in the order of the letters in the word S.P.E.C.I.A.L. That's basically it, a must have for perfectionists.

These basic tips will help you at least not lose all the inhabitants and not lose. Now you can navigate comfortably and know for sure where everything is. And enemies who come to visit you will not reach below the top level. Of course, there are many more nuances in the game regarding other aspects. Apply the tips described here for Fallout Shelter and complete the other rooms of the shelter at your discretion, the rest is all variable. Good luck!

How to build safe haven in Fallout Shelter updated: June 3, 2017 by: ItsNotMe

Full information about rooms and tips for building a Shelter

The main task of each player in Fallout Shelter is to build a reliable and balanced Shelter. The game itself will give you basic information on this matter in the form of a short tutorial and reference information. Despite this, some nuances are not as obvious as they seem at first glance. From this guide you will learn general tips on construction and detailed information on each specific room.

Construction: general principles

At the moment, there are 25 types of rooms available for construction. The construction menu opens by clicking on the hammer icon in the lower right corner of the screen. The construction of each room has its own price.

At first, you will only be able to add the most necessary premises, the rest will be unlocked as the settler population grows. All rooms, except the elevator, after construction can be upgraded twice for caps - the higher the level, the more caps you will need. After improvement, the room changes its name and receives a bonus to its characteristics depending on its type.

Three rooms of the same level and type can be combined into one if they are located next to each other on the same floor. The combined room receives a production bonus and a discount on improvement - one large room improving is more profitable than three small ones. Try to initially plan the Shelter so as to build rooms of the same type next to each other. Once built, they cannot be moved; they can only be demolished and rebuilt in a new location. After demolition, a small amount of caps will be returned to your account. To build a new floor, attach the new elevator underneath the old one, and clear the nearby soil of stones. Clearing costs several hundred caps.

Most rooms require the presence of settlers to operate. A small room can accommodate two units, a triple room can accommodate six. For maximum productivity, you need to place workers in accordance with the skills of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system: the higher the required skill, the happier the settler and the faster he works. You can determine the required parameters through the construction menu or by sequentially dragging the unit across different rooms. The higher the number above a specific room, the more useful this employee will bring to it.

All rooms in the game can be divided into three groups:

  1. Production.
  2. Training.
  3. Miscellaneous.

Let's look at the premises of each group in more detail.

Production rooms

Production facilities produce resources necessary for the normal functioning of the Shelter and happy life settlers. Work in such rooms can be accelerated - if you are lucky, you will receive a portion of the resource and some caps ahead of schedule. If the attempt fails, the room will be attacked by radroaches or a fire will occur in it. The success of the acceleration depends on the luck level (L) of the workers. When combining such rooms, they receive +2 production for each added, plus -25% caps for upgrading a double room and -34% for upgrading a triple room

1. Generator and nuclear reactor

  • What do they produce?: energy.
  • Required characteristic: strength (S).
  • Generator upgrade cost
  • Reactor upgrade cost
  • : generator – available from the beginning of the game, reactor – 60 people.
  • Notes: Energy is necessary for the operation of all other rooms of the Vault. How more rooms, the more resource units they spend. When there is a lack of energy, the rooms begin to lose power and stop functioning - first those furthest from the generator or reactor, then all the others. Therefore, the most important and necessary premises must be located in close proximity to generators and reactors. The elevators and doors of the Vault do not require energy.

2. Dining room and garden

  • What do they produce?: food.
  • Required characteristic: agility (A).
  • Dining room improvement cost: Level 2 – 500 caps, Level 3 – 1500.
  • Garden improvement cost: Level 2 – 3000 caps, Level 3 – 9000.
  • in: dining room - available from the beginning of the game, garden - 70 people.
  • Notes: Food is necessary to maintain the health of the settlers. If there is a lack of food, health will drop to 20%, but your charges will not die. But if at this moment the Vault comes under attack, you may lose the entire population. With enough food, health is gradually restored.

3. Water treatment station and water filtration room

  • What do they produce?: water.
  • Required characteristic: perception (P).
  • Processing Station Upgrade Cost: Level 2 – 500 caps, Level 3 – 1500.
  • Cost of upgrading a filtration room: Level 2 – 3000 caps, Level 3 – 9000.
  • Required number of settlers: processing station – available from the beginning of the game, filtration room – 80 people.
  • Notes: pure water needed to rid settlers of radioactive contamination. If there is not enough water, the units' health decreases and the health bar turns red. Same as with food, after recovery required quantity resources, residents themselves will return to normal without the use of stimulants and antiradin.

4. First aid station

  • What produces: stimulants.
  • Required characteristic: intelligence (I).
  • Upgrade cost
  • Required number of settlers in: 14 people.
  • Notes: stimulants are needed to restore the health of residents. Once upgraded, the room increases production, but not capacity - to store more stimulants, build new rooms of this type.

5. Laboratory

  • What produces: antiradin.
  • Required characteristic: intelligence (I).
  • Upgrade cost: Level 2 – 1000 caps, Level 3 – 3000.
  • Required number of settlers: 16 people.
  • Notes: anti-radin is needed to reduce the level of radiation among settlers. Just like the infirmary, an upgraded room does not increase capacity - to store radiant, build more laboratories.

6. Radio studio

  • What produces: increases the level of happiness, attracts new settlers from the Wasteland.
  • Required characteristic: charisma (C).
  • Upgrade cost: Level 2 – 1500 caps, Level 3 – 4500.
  • Required number of settlers: 20 people.
  • Notes: When the line of new arrivals at the Vault door reaches 10 people, the radio studio will stop attracting new residents, but will continue to work to increase happiness. Broadcasting to the Wasteland can be turned off if desired. In addition to settlers, the studio can also attract enemies.

7. Weapon workshop

  • What produces: Weapon, requires junk to produce.
  • Required characteristic: Depends on the type of weapon being produced. The required parameter is indicated on the recipe.
  • Upgrade cost: Level 2 – 8000 caps, Level 3 – 80000.
  • Required number of settlers: 22 people, 2nd level – 45 people, 3rd level – 75 people.
  • Notes: the constructed room occupies three cells at once. Unlike other production facilities, acceleration cannot be applied in it. The amount of time to create an item depends on the level of the indicator required by the recipe among workers.

8. Costume workshop

  • What produces: costumes, production also requires junk.
  • Required characteristic: depends on the type of suit. The required parameter is indicated on the recipe.
  • Upgrade cost: Level 2 – 12,000 caps, Level 3 – 90,000.
  • Required number of settlers: 32 people, 2nd level – 55 people, 3rd level – 90 people.
  • Notes: Prepare three cells for this room too. Acceleration doesn't work. The amount of time to create an item depends on the level of the indicator required by the recipe among workers.

9. Theme Workshop

  • What produces: themes for changing the design of rooms, drawings and junk will be required for production.
  • Required characteristic: depends on the type of topic.
  • Upgrade cost: Level 2 – 16,000 caps, Level 3 – 120,000.
  • Required number of settlers: 44 people.
  • Notes: to create a theme, you need to find nine fragments of its drawings on quests in the Wasteland (if you can’t find the right fragment for a long time, buy it for Nuka Cola). There are a total of eight themes available. Different types what is required from employees different characteristics: "Brotherhood of Steel" - strength, "Minutemen" - agility, "Underground" - endurance, "Institute" - intelligence.

10. Yader-Cola bottling point

  • What produces: food and water.
  • Required characteristic: endurance (E)
  • Upgrade cost: Level 2 – 7500 caps, Level 3 – 22500.
  • Required number of settlers: 100 people.
  • Notes: Produces two types of resources at the same time.

Training rooms

All S.P.E.C.I.A.L. indicators Each resident can be upgraded to a maximum of 10 units. To do this, it is necessary to build special training rooms. A resident's training can be interrupted and continued at any time. Instant training available for Nuka Cola. The higher the indicator, the longer it will take to get the next level. Upgrading all training rooms costs 1,500 caps for the second level and 4,500 for the third.

All training rooms in Fallout Shelter:

  1. Room with exercise equipment. Increases Strength (S) skill. Requires 24 settlers to open.
  2. Gym. Increases Agility skill (A). Requires 26 settlers to open.
  3. Armory room. Increases perception skill (P). Requires 28 settlers to open.
  4. Cool room. Increases intelligence skill (I). Requires 30 settlers to open.
  5. Fitness room. Increases endurance skill (E). Requires 35 settlers to open.
  6. Living room. Increases the charisma skill (C). Requires 40 settlers to open.
  7. Game room. Increases luck skill (L). Requires 50 settlers to open.
  8. Miscellaneous.

This section contains premises that cannot be classified either in the first or second categories.

Increases the capacity of the Shelter (maximum – 200 settlers). also in living rooms You can seclude loving couples for procreation. The higher the charisma score, the faster residents will find mutual language. Blood relatives will not produce offspring. Also, during raids or incidents, pregnant women, children and pets hide in living rooms. Upgrade cost: 500 caps to level 2 and 1500 to level 3.

4. Pantry

Needed for storing equipment, junk and pets. Available for construction with 12 inhabitants. Upgrade cost: 750 caps to level 2 and 2250 to level 3. The inhabitants in the storeroom do not affect its functioning, but assigning a worker with high stamina to this room will increase his happiness level.

After building this room, you will be able to send groups of settlers on missions. The list of tasks is in the Pip-Boy menu on the right side of the screen. The room is unlocked with 15 inhabitants, upgraded to level 2 for 3500 with 33 inhabitants, to level 3 for 15000 with 55 inhabitants. At level 2 you will be able to complete 2 tasks at the same time, at level 3 - 3.

6. Hairdresser

The room is needed to change the appearance of the inhabitants. Occupies 2 cells at once. Unlocks at 50 residents, upgrades to level 2 for 50,000. At the first level, you can only edit hair color and hairstyle, at the second you can also edit facial features and accessories. Acceleration cannot be applied, but the higher the settler’s charisma and the higher the overall level of happiness, the faster the process will go.

Olesya Klimchuk

The essence of the game Fallout Shelter from the world famous Bethesda is to develop an underground shelter called “Vault-Tec” right in the middle of an endless wasteland, repel attacks and make sure that everyone does not die, but also remains in good health and happy. All this is seasoned with healthy irony and humor, as well as characters from the well-known game Fallout. Dress your charges, arm them. Give them a little fun, sex and rock and roll, and they will give birth to healthy offspring that can cope with all dangers. We will tell you the secrets and tricks of Fallout Shelter and write a small guide for beginners. All you have to do is stick to tactics and follow the advice, and then all the inhabitants of your dungeon will survive.

  • There should always be water in the shelter, keep an eye on it. Without water, radioactive contamination will begin and then everyone will feel bad.
  • When releasing one of the residents to hunt in the wasteland, hand over: 20 Stimpaks and 10 radx.
  • To make money in Fallout Shelter, use rush. To do this, you need to have enough water and weapons on the inhabitants of your shelter. Protect your shelter from cockroaches.
  • Bring the best couples together. Always. An important note - men in the park must have charisma, the higher the better. Remember that pregnancy takes 3 hours. The child grows in the same 3 hours.
  • It is advisable to build a radio for 1-2 cells as a replacement for childbearing.
  • Must be built industrial premises for 3 fields, and training fields for 1 cell.
  • Remember to constantly train someone for production.
  • Simple armor and weapons for your villagers are found in the wastelands. The good ones are mostly through lunch boxes.
  • You cannot turn off the room. You can only sell it.
  • Parameter Good luck affects the chance and size of the reward for producing water/energy/food, so you need to pump up L (luck) first. It also affects the degree of coolness of a trip to the wasteland, or more precisely, the objects found there.
  • If you build rooms in a checkerboard pattern, cockroaches, rats, and fires will not spread to adjacent rooms. This is useful especially for survival mode.
  • Immediately after collecting a resource from a room, activate acceleration. This is not needed for additional resources, but for leveling up the people in the room. It’s not scary if the acceleration fails, people will still get the experience.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L - Fallout Shelter role-playing system

  • Strength: Reduces the timer when working in a power plant
  • Perception: Increased chance of winning in battle
  • Endurance: affects health points (inside and outside the shelter)
  • Charisma: Reduces the time it takes for girls to get pregnant. Also gives a chance to make friends with enemies outside (gain experience, zero damage).
  • Intelligence: Affects timers for medicine production (Stims and Radaway)
  • Agility: Affects the cooking timer
  • Luck: Affects the number of things collected outside, the number of caps when the job is finished.

Some tips for beginners on building a shelter in Fallout Shelter

The width of the “pit” for the shelter is ideal for building each floor (except the first) in the configuration “three-room premises (A) - elevator (1) - three-room premises (B) - elevator (2) - two-room premises (C)” . Probably not without reason. It makes sense to build in this configuration. “Three-room premises” in the previous paragraph is a three-room premises. Not three rooms different rooms. Strategically, there is no point in building a room if you don't want to grow it to the maximum (at that location).

The only difference between the first floor is that the vault door is two-room (and, strangely enough, can accommodate two people, not four), and the elevator (1) will start immediately after it.

If you don’t know yet, then, despite the fact that there is a mountain above you, and, it would seem, it would also be possible to build something in it, the second floor, the third - no, you cannot build anything upward. First floor - from front door- and from there it’s only downwards.

Building three-room versions of premises is more profitable than upgrading. Of course, provided that you have people to work in it. If there are no people, it is urgently time for your non-pregnant ladies to relax in living quarters/apartments...In the end, you will have many floors and many rooms. Very good way To make it easier for yourself to navigate through them is to build rooms in vertical pairs (for example, a Garden and another Garden underneath it). This does not apply to training rooms - you won’t need so many of them. To the production of stimpacks/radpacks and radio stations - perhaps, too.

How easy is it to navigate the training rooms? And build them one under the other, in the order of the letters of the word SPECIAL.

What to build in column A, what - in column B, what - in column C (with two-room premises)?

As the game progresses, instead of the Power Generator, it will be possible to build a more expensive, but more efficient Nuclear Reactor; instead of Water Treatment - Water Purification; instead of Diner - a more efficient Garden. Therefore, it is logical to plan that you will demolish all these premises at some point in order to free up space for more advanced options.

For the same reasons, perhaps try not to upgrade the Power Generator/Water Treatment/Diner. And you won’t mind the money when you demolish it; and the drawdown of this resource in the period from demolition to the construction of an advanced version will be less noticeable.

You can only demolish a room on one of the sides (left or right) of which there is nothing! Due to the factors described above, it makes sense to build production premises (Power/Water/Diner) in column A, because to the left of them there will always be empty , and they can always be demolished; in column B - living quarters, training rooms, production of steampacks/radpacks, radio station; Column C contains warehouses and possibly small branches of training halls. By the time you unlock Nuclear Reactor/Water Purification/Garden, Column B will be able to build those as well.

Have you thought about what to train Endurance for? (well, except for increasing survivability in incidents and in the desert) The warehouse is marked with the letter E, and you can send people with high Endurance there... but this, in general, does not give anything. Well, besides the fact that there will be someone to put out the fire or drive away the cockroaches. Warehouses work great without people. But people with pumped up Endurance will work in... Nuka-Cola Bottler. Of course, Nuka-Cola Bottler will not replace Gardens and Water Purifications, but extra resources won't hurt; again, diversification.

Several hacks and cheats for Fallout Shelter

Quests like “dress 10 people” or “give 5 people weapons” can be completed in a couple of minutes if you already have a sufficient amount of clothes or weapons (even if they have already been worn/given to someone). It doesn’t matter whether this clothing (weapon) was put on someone before this quest or not - the quest counter only records the fact that some specific clothes have already been worn as part of this quest or not! Has such a quest begun? - ok, you look for a dressed person, take off his clothes, put them back on (the counter increases), and look for the next person.

Quests like “5 people went into the desert” are also no more difficult. After all, no one forces us to travel there for a long time, the main thing is that they leave, right? OK; you throw a person into the desert, the counter increases, you immediately call it back, repeat.

Since you already know how the elevators will go, here you go cunning: For the cost of one elevator section, you can build two - where you want it and (automatically) right underneath it! For example, if you have just completed a three-room space in Column B; the room underneath is not yet three-room (!); you are going to build elevator 2 to the right of this room; there is no elevator under it yet (no stones interfere with its construction, but you cannot build it yet, because there is not a three-room space there yet). If you build elevator section 2 in such a place, another section will be built right below it!

Have high-level “name” heroes come to you? At first, since they are usually of a good level, they can be thrown into the “hot spots” in production; but in the end they will most likely be the best dwellers. Although between outings it would be nice to pump them up to the maximum.

Its essence is that you can set a new time on your phone. Let's say you started the miner for 5 hours. OK. We set the time on the phone to 5 o'clock, launch the game - the resident is already standing at the gate, ready to hand over the loot. Cool, right? There is one unpleasant little thing: on Android this bug works over time, but no matter how much I try on the iPhone, it doesn’t work.

The lunchbox bug is simpler. It allows you to receive lunchboxes almost without stopping. Naturally - this will enrich you in the game. So, how to become rich in Fallout Shelter without special effort? This is quite easy to do at the beginning of the game. To do this, you need to wait for two of three tasks to be available:

  1. Give a suit to 1 resident (Equip 1 Dweller with an Out fit);
  2. Sell ​​1 Weapon or Outfit;
  3. Give weapons to 1 resident ( Equip 1 Dweller with a Weapon).

IMPORTANT! Don't do these tasks. You only need to complete the third (not these) task. Then it is guaranteed that for completing the third task you will receive a lunchbox. Okay, I was joking about the guaranteed one, but 1 of the two tasks is true. Of course, this will slow you down a little in completing tasks, but this way you will definitely collect a lot of lunchboxes.

Another way to get free lunchboxes is to follow the official account