home · electrical safety · Current consumption formula. Power of household electrical appliances. An example from the life of new settlers

Current consumption formula. Power of household electrical appliances. An example from the life of new settlers

It is useful for every electricity consumer to be able to calculate the load on household sockets installed in a house or apartment. According to regulatory document PEU - rules for electrical installations - each individual apartment has its own input with an electrical panel on which it is installed circuit breaker with current cut-off 25 A.

Cash value calculation. Once your monthly energy consumption has been determined, you can calculate your cash value using the residential rate currently in effect. If the consumption is 350 kWh per month, the user will have to pay the result of the calculation shown in the table.

The greater or lesser power that passes instantly can be judged by the rotation speed of the disk that controls the meter. Please note that if only one radio is connected, the dial will spin very slowly, and if you connect electric burner, the rotation will be much faster. And since the disk is connected to the read indicator, the faster the disk spins, the more the counter will move at the same time, which means higher power consumption. How to measure the power of electrical equipment?

This is the maximum load current of all simultaneously switched on in the house household appliances. The only exception may be a separate input with its own circuit breaker for powering powerful loads of more than 2 kW, for example, a kitchen electric stove.

Energy-intensive household appliances

Today the industry produces powerful household electrical appliances, such as:

According to the above, power is determined by measuring the rotation speed of the counting disk. This measurement allows one to calculate, with a simple mathematical operation, the number of revolutions that the disk will produce in an hour. To determine the potencies in accordance with the speed of rotation of the disc, it is necessary to look in the face of the metropolis for an important number, which represents the relationship that exists between a given energy consumption and the number of turns that the disc makes for this consumption. For periodic measurements, it is convenient to find and record the constant of the installed meter.

  • electric kettles (up to 2 kW);
  • washing machines (up to 3 kW);
  • microwave ovens (up to 2.2 kW);
  • dishwashers (up to 2 kW);
  • meat grinders and food processors (up to 2.2 kW);
  • grills and ovens (up to 2 kW);
  • vacuum cleaners and irons (up to 2 kW),
  • air conditioners and heaters (up to 3 kW).

Therefore, it is important for the consumer to know the capabilities of electrical outlets through which energy is supplied to ensure operation. household devices. In case of overload, you should expect unpleasant phenomena in the form of sparking and burning of contacts, melting of plastic elements and wire insulation, and the appearance of a burning smell.

This number can also be interpreted as the speed of the disk in revolutions per hour at 1 kW of power. Therefore, if the device is determined to cause a speed of 3.5 revolutions per minute, which is half a constant, average power will correspond to half. 1 kW, i.e. 0.5 kW. Of course, this is only true if the appropriate equipment is connected during the measurement.

Can be taken into account important recommendation to determine the rotation speed of various equipment. To avoid simultaneously fixating your attention on the dial and the clock, you should always perform a series of revolutions and measure the exact number of seconds that have passed. If the disk is spinning slowly, it is recommended to make a turn or two, as shown in the example, so as not to take too long to measure. But if the disk rotates quickly, then what happens with the most powerful equipment, such as irons, burners, stoves and heaters, is that it is much more convenient to take a higher number of revolutions.

Types of electrical outlets

All sockets installed in the apartment can be of three types. In old apartments, you can still find 6 A products. New European-style sockets are designed for a current of 10 A or 16 A. The contact elements of powerful products are made of thicker metal, have better spring properties, and provide reliable electrical connection, which means they are more durable in use.

It is important to ensure the accuracy of the time measurement, which is estimated at one second in a conventional clock, since it depends on the accuracy of the value of the received power. Never try to measure seconds inverted in a single turn on high-power equipment, because you will never be able to accurately determine when the disk mark passes and how many seconds have passed.

From this moment we can determine instant powers, which allows us to detect some possible damage equipment. It is important to note that there is equipment that may have different meanings power, for example with burners, blenders or fans with a selector of different intensity or equipment with several components such as a stirrer and centrifuge washing machine. In such cases, separate definitions must be made for each mode of operation or component of equipment.

Often the socket housings are not marked, and it is impossible to determine what current the installation device is designed for. In this case, during the next preventative repair, you need to ask a specialist about this. You should also inquire about the load capacity of the apartment wiring that supplies electrical energy to the sockets. The wire cross-section may not be sufficient to operate a 16-amp product, and this must be taken into account.

It's also interesting to know how much a specific team consumes per month. After determining their power, you need to know or estimate how many hours per month they typically operate, and then multiply that by the power expressed in kilowatts. Estimating one team's hours of work per month should require separate observations or measurements.

Suggestion As we already know how to determine the electricity consumption in our homes and the demand for electrical appliances, we should try to do research on the actions that we can take in the home to reduce the total amount we have to pay for electrical service. In this way, we cooperate with our domestic economy and the economy of the country.

How to convert permissible current to power

When a consumer needs to connect many household appliances to one outlet, an extension cord with additional outlets is usually used. The extension cord must have a load current no less than that for which the original outlet is designed. When connecting loads to an extension cord, it is necessary that the total current does not exceed the capacity of the apartment outlet. Installation products are usually characterized by a rated current in amperes, which they are able to provide during long-term operation. Power household electrical appliances, as a rule, is given in watts. The problem arises of converting one unit of measurement into another.

Re active power is not actually consumed in the installation since it does not provide useful work, because its average value is zero. He appears in electrical installation, where there are coils or capacitors, and it is necessary to create magnetic and electric fields in these components.

The electric company measures reactive power using a meter and if certain values ​​are exceeded, it includes a reactive power penalty. Active power is the ability of an electrical installation to convert electrical energy into useful work: mechanical, light, thermal, chemical, etc. this power is actually consumed in the electrical installation. The sum of this active power over time is the active energy that the electric company bills.

The problem is solved using the Joule-Lenz law, which is formulated as follows: power is the product of current and voltage P = I x U. To recalculate permissible current sockets for permissible power, sufficient voltage household network 230 V (or 220 V) multiplied by rated current outlets (6, 10 or 16 amps). Having made the necessary calculations, we obtain the following results.

Apparent power is the vector sum of active and reactive power, as shown in the following figure. At a given voltage, the apparent power is proportional to the current flowing through the electrical installation. Since active power is the one that determines the useful work in the installation, we can consider it fixed. Therefore, the higher the reactive power, the higher the apparent power and therefore higher current flows through the electrical system.

That is, if there is reactive power in an electrical installation, it makes the current flow more than is required for the useful work required. Loss of power of your installations: they are designed for maximum intensity, if there is reactive power, maximum useful power installations decreases. Increases installation losses: increasing the intensity that circulates through the cables, increases losses due to the Joule effect and their heating. Voltage Drop: Increasing the intensity increases the voltage drop, which can harm your processes or equipment.

For a 230 V network:

  • A value of 6 A corresponds to a permissible power of 1380 W.
  • The value of 16 A corresponds to a maximum power of 3680 W.

For mains voltage 220 V:

  • A value of 6 A corresponds to the highest power of 1320 W.
  • A value of 10 A corresponds to a maximum power of 2200 W.
  • A value of 16 A corresponds to the highest power of 3520 W.

Household voltage electrical network, used in your region depends on your country of residence. According to the international agreement IEC 38-83, 175 countries have currently switched to a single 230 V standard, including Russia, Armenia, Ukraine, and Estonia. The old 220 V rating is still used in Belarus, Latvia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Georgia and other countries. Voltage in electrical outlet can be measured by an electrician using a voltmeter.

Transformers are overcharged or underutilized: they are designed for maximum apparent power, so if reactive power were more charged than if it were not there, and it would "work" more for the useful power required.

To avoid these harmful effects, reagent compensation is performed. Since in electrical installations it is usually more reels Rather than capacitors, capacitor banks are often used to compensate for the reactive energy required by installed equipment.

How to convert power consumption into current

The second method involves calculating the total load not in watts, but in amperes. To convert the rating data of a household appliance, given in power units, into consumed current, it is necessary to divide this value by the voltage of the electrical network.

Let's give an example. Let's say an electric kettle consumes 1.8 kW of power, that is, 1800 W. Dividing this value by 230 V, we obtain a rounded value of current consumption of 7.8 A. Another example will allow us to calculate the current consumption of a toaster per 1 kW. Having made similar calculations, we obtain a current of 4.3 A.

The advantages of reactive power compensation are as follows. Increases the power of installed lines and transformers. They reduce energy loss in cables and reduce their heating. Achieve a reduction in overall energy costs. Avoid penalties on your electricity bill.

It also detects capacitor bank failure or failure, thereby avoiding penalties from the power company. Electric or mechanical power means the speed at which work is done. Work is always done when a force causes movement. If used to lift or move weights mechanical force, the work is being done. However, a force that acts without causing motion because the force of a tension spring between two stationary objects does not work.

If the housewife turns on these two devices at the same time in the morning through an extension cord into a 10-amp outlet, then the total current (12.1 A) will exceed the maximum capability of the product, and it will begin to deteriorate. When using a 16-amp outlet, the undesirable situation will not occur.

An example from the life of new settlers

It was previously understood that the effective electric force is voltage or voltage and that voltage or voltage creates a current, i.e. movement of electrons. A voltage between two points that does not produce a current is like a stationary spring and therefore does not produce work. Whenever a voltage causes electrons to move, work is done by moving electrons from one point to another.

To accomplish the same total amount of work, you can use different time. For example, a certain number of electrons can move from one point to another in a second or an hour, depending on the speed at which they travel; general work will be the same in both cases. If you do everything, the overall work will be the same in both cases. If all the work is done in one second, more electrical energy will be generated into heat or light within a few hours if the total amount of work is done in an hour.

A young family with two children (4.5 years and 5 months) made an exchange and moved to a three-room apartment in a nine-story building built in the 80s from reinforced concrete panels with elevator.

The electrical equipment of the apartment is made without a common grounding circuit and PE conductor. An introductory switchboard is installed at each entrance. From him power cables disperse along the floor panels. On each floor there are 4 apartments from two blocks; right and left with a common corridor. It contains housing panels, which are powered by “aluminum noodles” of 2.5 mm2. The same wires are used for all electrical wiring in the rooms.

Power supplies. The basic unit of power is W, which is equivalent to voltage times current, i.e. the number of coulombs of electrons passing through a point per second. This represents the rate at which you do work to move electrons through the material. This is how the power used in a resistor is determined. The circuit consists of a 15 ohm resistance with a voltage source of 45 volts, a resistance of 3 amperes. The power used can be found by multiplying the voltage by the current.

Power of electrical equipment. When a resistor uses too much power, the rate at which it converts Electric Energy into heat, increases, and the resistance temperature increases. If the temperature increases too much, the material may change its composition, expand, contract, or burn under the heat. For this reason, all electrical equipment states the maximum watts they support. This may be expressed in watts or, often, in terms of maximum voltage and current, which actually indicate the power in watts.

The new owner is a home craftsman who can not only hammer a nail, but also beautifully lay expensive tiles, repair plumbing, connect a washing machine/dishwasher, find faults in the phone and computer, and troubleshoot problems. software. But he is not an electrician, although he has repeatedly changed sockets and switches.

Resistors are also identified in watts, in addition to resistance. There are resistors with equal ohm values, but with different power. How larger size carbon rubber, the greater its power, since there will be more material to easily absorb and transfer heat.

For resistances greater than 2 W, a spiral wire is used. Powerful demonstration in series. To demonstrate that it is possible to determine power by knowing two variable circuits- current, voltage and resistance. After measuring the voltage of each resistor, we apply the power formula.

When checking the electrical wiring, the owner table lamp went through all the sockets and made sure they were in good working order. And I checked the lighting bulbs from the switches: they worked. He calmed down and got busy decorative finishing premises, and the problems began later.

In the fall, before the start of the heating season, heating was required in the children's room. We turned on an oil radiator with a power of 2 kW. At this time the washing machine and Dishwasher, two televisions, a refrigerator with a freezer, a computer, lighting, a radiotelephone and several low-power consumers.

Which each resistor uses is about 6W, and general power is about 8 W. The power consumed by any part of a circuit is measured by a wattmeter, an instrument similar to electrodynamics. The wattmeter has a fixed coil positioned so that it crosses the entire circuit current, while the moving coil is connected in series with a high resistance and only passes a proportional part of the source voltage. The resulting moving coil slope depends on both current and voltage, and can be directly calibrated in watts since power is the product of voltage and current.

There was a burning smell in the rooms electrical insulation. It came especially strongly from the common corridor from the apartment panel. I had to turn off the power supply from the apartment and figure it out: the overall picture from the electrician’s point of view looked depressing.

In the hallway, bathroom and living room there is suspended ceiling made of plasterboard sheets, blocking access to distribution boxes. The bedroom and children's room are covered with expensive ones decorative wallpaper, and the junction boxes are not only hidden under them, but also beautifully plastered. Their approximate location had to be clarified with the neighbors living on the ground floor. Expensive tiles on the walls and permanent fabric suspended ceiling completely block access to the wiring in the kitchen.

I had to contact electricians and technical reference books, analyze the situation. The apartment's aluminum wires were installed under the rated current load created by consumers thirty years ago. In addition, they have already served a decent amount of time:

    aluminum was subjected to bending, stretching, crimping with screws, and in places of deformation its cross-section decreased;

    polyvinyl chloride insulation was rubbed when pulled through the cavities reinforced concrete structures and experienced excessive heating from excessive currents during operation.

The most critical place turned out to be: where the neutral conductors were assembled. For these purposes it was used installation site in two parts. The first half received zero from the floor panel, and the second half collected all the other wires.

Between the platforms there was a jumper made of the same aluminum wire. The entire load of the apartment passed through it, like the incoming wire. The metal survived, but the insulation burned out over more than 2/3 of the length, starting from the first platform: the miscellaneous effects created by the screw clamps had an effect.

The insulation of the wire from the floor panel also began to melt, but not so intensely. The fire did not have time to occur - the electricity was turned off in time and the wires were allowed to cool.

On this moment in this apartment:

    the defective jumper was replaced with a copper one capable of withstanding heavy loads;

    The new owners were explained the rules for using electrical appliances and their attention was drawn to the inadmissibility of simultaneously turning on powerful electricity consumers.

After a long conversation, the home master:

    seriously took up the study of electrical engineering and electrical installation rules: he plans to replace the electrical wiring with a more powerful one new scheme with a RE-conductor and collects money for the upcoming work;

    contacted the housing and communal services regarding the transfer of the building to the power supply scheme according to TN-C-S system, but is not satisfied with the answer that this work is still planned: he is looking for alternative options for the apartment located on the fourth floor.

Rules for choosing electrical wiring

To avoid such mistakes for safe use With electricity, you need to know the rules for choosing electrical wiring. It is designed to withstand long-term current loads that arise when connecting consumers.

The more devices are plugged into sockets, the higher the load on the electrical circuit. In every specific case this value varies, but the maximum value is used to select the metal and wire cross-section.

In order to determine the maximum power consumption, it is recommended to make a table for all electrical receivers. Information should be taken from technical documentation or nameplates located on the device housing.

As an example, a table might have next view(although numerical values ​​may vary).

Name of electrical device Power in watts
Fridge 300
LCD TV 140
Ordinary vacuum cleaner 900
Vacuum cleaner washing 2000
Electric heated floor 1100 per 10 sq.m.
Boiler 2000-10000
Electric stove 1000
Desktop computer 400-500
Laptop 60
Washing machine 2500
Dishwasher 2500
Incandescent light bulb 60-100 (multiply by quantity)
Energy saving light bulb 10-15 (multiply by quantity)
Electric kettle 1000
Multicooker 1000
Microwave 2000
Iron 1700
Electric drill 400-1500
Hairdryer 600-2000

The list can be continued, but it will not be possible to provide for all possible purchases. Therefore, they make a small reserve of power, although it should be understood that all of the listed devices do not work at the same time.

The final information is summarized, but taking into account the creation of consumption groups by room. The results are entered into the prepared table.

Based on the calculations, a hierarchy is created electrical diagram apartments, in which not only wires are included, but also are selected taking into account the principle of selectivity protective devices, control devices, automation.

To determine the current load in the wire of each group, calculations are carried out using the formulas shown in the figure. For single-phase 220 V and three-phase 380 V circuits they differ by 1.732.

In these formulas, the index “P” denotes the received power electrical appliances for each group with a network voltage of 220 or 380 volts

The coefficient of simultaneous operation “CI” approximately takes into account the part of the disconnected devices, and cos φ with such an approximate estimate can be equated to unity: assuming that only the active component of power is consumed. Inductive and capacitive load, as well as transition processes when included, we neglect.

After determining the current values, you should refer to the PUE tables to select the material and cross-section of the conductor. They take into account operating conditions that create additional cooling/heating of the metal.

Table for selecting wire and cable cores based on current and transmitted power (click on the picture to enlarge):

It is likely that the current calculated from the power of consumers will not coincide with the table value. In this case, you should choose the larger of the two options in terms of value and select a section based on it.

Installation errors

Working with electrical wires, some electricians commit serious violations of existing rules:

    the metal cores are often excessively compressed, scratches and cuts are made with a fitter’s knife, which are difficult to notice with the eye, but over time they lead to a break

    insulation is subject to abrasion by drawing, cutting or exposure solar radiation.

Influence sun rays on polyvinyl chloride insulation electrical wires

Cables and wires can work reliably and for a long time: several decades, subject to technology. But the picture below shows the effect of solar radiation on a wire that was working on outdoors without any protection only 5 years. You cannot create such conditions for electrical appliances.

Concluding this article, I would like to turn to experienced electricians with a request: supplement the material with your recommendations from practical work. This will help home handyman who is interested in replacing the wiring in his apartment, do such work more efficiently.