home · Lighting · What do the lines on the hands mean? Where and on which hand is the line of the mind, head: photo, meaning. The star and its meaning in different interpretations

What do the lines on the hands mean? Where and on which hand is the line of the mind, head: photo, meaning. The star and its meaning in different interpretations

In this article we will talk about how you can decipher the lines on your hand.

Did you know that in ancient times, lines on the hand were considered a divine imprint? There was an opinion that the person who revealed their secret was able to know someone’s soul. Well, let's try to turn to palmistry.

What do the lines on the right hand mean for women, men, children?

There is an opinion that, like the hemispheres of the brain, different palms have their own functions. So, right is responsible for social activities . It also displays specific events that are related to the future - work, marriage.

IMPORTANT: Looking at your right hand, you can not only draw conclusions about the possible future. Upon careful reading, you will understand how the character of the object of fortune-telling has transformed over the course of life.

What do the lines on the left hand mean for women, men, children?

Left hand fully illustrates heredity. For example, you can calculate the degree of a person’s ambition, his aspirations, and fears. In other words, something that often manifests itself from childhood.

There is an opinion that this hand is under the control of the right hemisphere of the brain. That is, the one that controls emotions, images, relationships. It is believed that it is on this palm that one can see a person's true self.

IMPORTANT: However, left palm may also reflect changes if a person is left-handed.

Where and on which hand is the line of intuition: photo, meaning

This line, which occurs infrequently, describes a semicircle mainly on the left edge of the palm. It is believed that in this case the subconscious is especially developed. This means you should listen to your intuition.

It is rare to see such a sign on right palm. IN such a case it says that a person is doing well rational thinking is developed. It is advisable for him to listen to his sixth sense, but he should not forget about logic.

The owners of the line of intuition often have some kind of talent, are quite capable of making a discovery. They are extremely witty.

Where and on which hand is the line of children: photo, meaning

On the left hand displayed potential number of children. On right same – the real state of affairs. Therefore, you should not be surprised that there may be more marks about heirs on the left palm - not every family will agree to have many children.

IMPORTANT: Most often, it is not easy to see the lines of children, so you can arm yourself with a magnifying glass.

Usually searched next to the marriage line. We wrote about what the latter is and where it is located. Take a closer look: upward lines and will be signs that can tell about children.

Even signs that are difficult to see can be more or less noticeable. In the first case it is worth saying about the boy, in the second – about the girl. However, the length of the lines can also signal the field: a larger one indicates son, small - on daughter.

Where and on which hand is the line of fate, future: photo, meaning

Unusual, but true: many people lack it in principle. But this does not mean at all that their life promises to be boring and meaningless. It’s just that not everyone knows about their purpose from their youth; many can rush from goal to goal.

For the same reason, by the way, the line may appear and disappear. As a rule, these “hide and seek” events occur on the right hand- means the person is in search of myself, reveals something new. On the left the same palm is displayed fate, which is prepared from birth.

IMPORTANT: Drug addicts and criminals often lack this sign.

Clear the ideal line tells that a person is beautiful sees his main life goal. And, importantly, it has the guiding force to achieve it.

Such a line can begin at the wrist, continuing to the middle finger. As for bending, it happens like diagonal, so strictly vertical.

The ideal line of fate is a clear one continuous strip, tending to the middle finger

Where and on which hand is the life line: photo, meaning

It is considered the most important. And, unlike many other lines, it always has the same location - goes around the thumb.

As for the hand, if you are interested in the prediction future, Particular attention should be paid to the right. Of course, this advice applies to those who are right-handed.

Ideally this line is clear, bends the space around well thumb. A person marked in this way has enough vitality to overcome difficulties, open to the world.

IMPORTANT: Contrary to popular misconception, the length of the life line says absolutely nothing about the duration of this very life.

Where and on which hand is the heart line: photo, meaning

It is impossible to ignore it, because palmists consider it the most fateful. From it you can determine emotional component person, find out about his feelings.

There are also isolated cases when the heart line absent. This occurs in people who unable to deeply feel, respect and appreciate others.

In other cases, the mark begins at the very edge of the palm and goes to the index or middle finger. As you probably already understood, information about emotional inclinations you can find out on the left palm, and do predictions about matters of the heart on the right.

Please note that where the line ends:

  • Between the middle and index fingers- in front of you is a person who is easy to communicate, often shows friendliness, and is ready to compromise.

The heart line ending between the middle and index fingers is an attribute of easy-to-communicate people
  • At the index finger– such a person can be called a maximalist
  • At the middle finger- characteristic of egocentrics

  • On the ring finger or even the little finger– such a sign reveals a closed personality who does not like to show emotions at all

Where and on which hand is the wealth line: photo, meaning

You should not enthusiastically rush to look for any specific line of wealth. It's easy does not exist, which is quite symbolic. The fact is that wealth can consist of various things, and not only material ones - for example, health, happiness, intelligence, talents.

IMPORTANT: This is why the so-called wealth line represents only hints, which may indicate a certain source of wealth.

If life line and fate line touch, then the person clearly favors luck. This means that any business he takes on will bring material benefits.

Lines of life and fate coming from one point are a pointer to good luck that will bring money

Take a closer look to the line of the mind. The line emanating from it suggests that the owner of the palm has ability to financial work . Even risky operations will be completed successfully.

Where and on which hand is the love line: photo, meaning

On which hand should one look for this line, popular among the fair sex? It's also called. Preferably on the right, if the purpose of fortune telling is to lift the veil future.

In order to see the desired stripe, you will need to clench your hand into a fist. She will appear on the edge of the palm between the little finger and the heart line.

IMPORTANT: For greater objectivity, it is advisable to compare the lines of both partners if the person contacted already has an object of adoration.

If this band is expressed clearly This means that relationships play a big role for the owner of the hand and have value.

All kinds ramifications are a signal that you will have to disperse. However, these branches may well merge further.

If the lines of love some, then, accordingly, hobbies will replace each other. By the way, the same applies to marriage.

Where and on which hand is the health line: photo, meaning

This line can be located on the left hand, pointing to predisposition to some diseases since childhood. She may be located on the right palms as an imprint of what acquired with time.

IMPORTANT: Often such a line is absent altogether. And this should not only not upset you, but also cause relief. Absence means that you are not at risk of serious illness.

If there is a line, then it represents a strip starting at the wrist. She reaches out from the life line to the little finger.

If this fickle line has clear outline and is not interrupted, then no need to worry. Such a line does not promise serious problems.

And here tortuosity, moles, jerkiness lines are a sign of any problems in the body.

Where and on which hand is the line of luck, success, the Sun: photo, meaning

The line of the Sun is not mandatory, which is why it is not may not appear On the hand. If it exists, then it stretches to the ring finger or from the middle of the palm, or from the wrist.

In general, the line of luck shows how a given person can count on success. Perhaps she charming, talented in one area or another, instantly shakes off troubles.

Short the line gives out a subtle nature, loving art. It is more than likely that such a person is well versed in painting and music. Easy to communicate with him, since the owner of a lucky streak always expresses his thoughts clearly.

IMPORTANT: Having a thrifty nature, such a person is used to spending money carefully. It is largely due to this quality that he is successful.

Master wavy line The sun is also art fan. But despite his charm, he is not without pessimism. If this person overcomes anxiety, success will be guaranteed.

This is what the line of the Sun looks like or, as it is also called, the line of luck and success

Where and on which hand is the line of the mind, head: photo, meaning

But it relates to the main ones and shows How intensively a person uses the intelligence given to him.

Respectively, on the left hand can see potential from birth, A on the right- how a given personality implements. And if on the right palm the mark of the mind is less pronounced, it means that the person is this moment I haven't learned to use my mind to the fullest.

The head line usually begins next to the life line, that is, at the index finger. Sometimes in the area between the index and middle fingers. Further this mark goes down.

IMPORTANT: Beginning palmists are often mistaken in believing that a long and clear line indicates a person of extraordinary intelligence. Rather, it indicates a person who is completely devoted to his work, passionate about his activities. We can safely say that this is a professional.

Where and on which hand is the line of the Guardian Angel, Mars

Refers to infrequently encountered lines. Also called the “second line of life” due to its location - it goes parallel to the life line.

Mark of Mars on the left hand talking about favor of higher powers from the birth of a person. A right palm points to acquisition of protection thanks to some good deeds.

IMPORTANT: Most people do not have a Mars line, and this is natural. Therefore, if you do not find it in yourself, do not rush to think that something is wrong with you.

The Angel line or Mars line in this picture is No. 2, and the life line is No. 1

What does a split line on a hand mean?

Most often bifurcated life line. In this case, it is worth paying attention to what the main stripe looks like after the bifurcation point:

  • If became less noticeable, it means the person is being threatened diseases. Most often found in older people.

IMPORTANT: Young people especially should take care of themselves. Premature examination is likely to help get rid of many problems.

  • If the line does not lose its clarity, This means that attention should be paid to state of mind. Perhaps there is frequent loss of strength. It’s worth taking vacations more often.

It also happens that it splits into two heart line. This means that a person usually calm and purposeful. However can have many heart attachments, despite his outward equanimity.

If we talk about health, then the splitting of the heart line will show that There should be no problems with the cardiac system. She is quite hardy and prepared for various life situations.

A split heart line indicates that this is a calm person.

What do double lines on your hand mean?

In addition to the Mars line, there are other double lines.

For example, a double line may appear next to the line of fate. A sign of fate is a rare occurrence in itself, let alone its double! But he may well appear, and mainly after 35 years.

The fact is that it is after this age that personality is believed to be more or less fully formed. And it is then that a person can be overtaken a crisis, which signifies dissatisfaction with one's life.

IMPORTANT: The double line of fate is a sign that a person is ready to radically change a life that is no longer satisfactory.

Pay attention to which palm the described sign is located on. If on the left- fate can bring surprise, and if on the rightthe chance for change has already presented itself, you just need to look around.

Double line of fate - a harbinger of change

Short life line on both hands: what does it mean?

On both hands, surprisingly, equally short lines promise easy life. A person will be happy and rich throughout his life or a fairly long stage of it.

However, for this happiness, it is likely that you will have to pay with energy weakening and loneliness. Try to get rid of arrogance, pay more attention to the opinions of others - and then you will be able to avoid troubles.

There is a triangle on the hand line: what does it mean?

An extremely good sign. It says that its owner has enough high level intelligence. Such a person knows how to persuade effectively those around you.

Surely he is endowed with other talents. In order to understand which ones exactly, it is worth looking at the line on which or next to which the triangle is located. For example:

  • On the line of the mind– approaches all problems intelligently, always weighs words and actions. Differs in literacy
  • On the line of the heart- lucky with your soulmate. The owner of the triangle in the palm will value his loved one, and this will be mutual.

No matter how hard a person tries to disguise his “I”, body language will always reveal his true nature or tell about the probable future. This type of body language also includes the lines that decorate the palms like thin cobwebs. Who knows: perhaps their interpretation will allow you to look deeper into yourself and those around you?

In the old days, people believed that the lines on human palms were created by the Lord himself, and that if they could decipher this message from above and understand what the lines on the palms of a person’s hands meant, then his fate would cease to be a mystery. His secret thoughts will be revealed, and many troubles can simply be avoided.

But is it a myth or not? It turns out that today there is already a whole science that, thanks to statistical patterns in the coincidence human destinies and pattern human hands proved the truth of this unusual and even mystical relationship, and today we will talk about it.

What is palmistry?

This science began to be called palmistry, or simply fortune telling by hand. Today Palmistry is ancient art predictions based on the lines and hills of the palm, allowing one to judge a person’s character and predict his fate. Palmistry is also one of the currents of the occult science of chirosophy.

Followers of chirosophy claim that information about a person is always available, since his hands are visible. And that life will become much easier if you learn to communicate it correctly.

It was not without reason that the ancient sages advised paying attention to your hands when meeting someone. They believed that there are no seals in a person that cannot be read. There will always be knowledgeable person, who will tell you what the Lord wrote on the palms of your hands.

Successful prophecies of palmists. Data

Let me give you some amazing facts from the history of Palmistry, when the successful prophecies of palmists made on the palm of their hands came true and proved that the lines on the palms mean much more than scientists previously thought.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, palmist Cairo (Luis Jamon) was very popular. He predicted the violent death of Mata Hari, the dramatic fate of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II, and the date of death of Queen Victoria of Great Britain. As it became known later, Cairo predicted the time of the Titanic's crash based on the lines of the palm of the captain of this ocean liner.

Although, in principle, there is almost no esotericism here, it’s just ancient knowledge and statistics, therefore, even in our century, Professor B. Nikityuk, using the papillary meshwork on the palms of a baby, predicted with absolute accuracy how many years this baby would live and changes in vision during his life.

Scientific evidence of palmistry

Based on all the collected scientific knowledge about palmistry, a science appears - chirology, which studies the prophecies of the future from the signs on the palm of the hand. Orthodox science naturally refused to recognize the possibility of a reliable forecast of the future from the patterns of the palm.

But a group of English scientists from a scientific center in Cambridge decided to conduct unusual experiment so that with scientific point vision to prove the possibility of the existence of such a science as chirology. Scientists examined 26 hands of deceased people, who, according to their will, donated them for the experiment.

Moreover, only the hands were transferred; no other data, including biographical ones, were provided to the scientists. The scientists' task was to obtain this data using palmistry. The experiment was a success. Scientists managed to determine life path those who died according to the lines and signs of fate in 25 cases out of 26. The coincidence with the real biography of people was amazing.

Scientific fortune telling on palms

On their palms they examined all the details of life, including marriages, number of children, divorces and social positions. This evidence contributed to the discovery new direction in science – dermatoglyphics. In simple words reasonable and scientifically proven palm fortune telling.

Unlike palmistry, dermatoglyphics studies the patterns of ridged skin on the palms, which are formed in utero and do not change throughout life.

It is believed that our hand is directly connected to the brain, so the lines on the palm seem to be drawn by the body itself, in other words, nature or God.

A certain program of fate is imprinted on the left palm, and on the right palm is the implementation of events planned by fate. For left-handed people it's the opposite. Therefore, it is inappropriate to talk about one hundred percent predetermination here.

You will never be able to find two identical palms. Even one person's hands can be different. Some people have few lines on their palms, while others have many. Each line of the palm carries information about its owner. Most of the patterns on the palm depict our worries and anxieties.

It turns out that the life of a person whose palm has few lines is calm and cloudless, while the life of a person whose palms are dotted with many lines is dreary and monotonous.

What do the lines mean?

Each line on the palm means and is responsible for a specific area that serves it. For example, the life line on the hand is responsible for a person’s life and health, the head line for thoughts, the heart line for spiritual world, the fate line is for career and profession, the Apollo line is for creativity, talents, fame and success, and the Mercury line is for business abilities and health.

Basic lines of Palmistry

Looking at your palms, you will immediately pay attention to the main lines of palmistry, because they stand out in a special way in the unique pattern of your palms. So what do the main lines on the palms of human hands mean?

The heart line is an emotional indicator of a person. It tells us about human interaction with the world and society. This line is the most important. It is the first from the base of the fingers and originates on the edge of the palm, ending at the little finger, as a rule, between the two fingers of the index and thumb, forming a semicircle.

The heart line is divided into spiritual and physical. Physical line has the shape of a semicircle and ends either between the middle and index fingers, or rests on one of them. Owners of the physical heart line never hide their emotions.

Spiritual line heart - straight and crossing the palm, not rounded at the end. Owners of this line do not like to talk about their feelings. They would rather suffer in silence than to make scandals and sort things out. Since this line is responsible for emotions, it is very difficult to meet it without damage.

We all experience emotional experiences throughout our lives. As a result, a string of small islands appears on the heart line. She will tell us when a person experienced these emotions. Often love relationships are the cause of these emotions and then it is not difficult to assume that a person was unhappy in his first marriage, but happy in his second.

As a result, there will be many islands on the heart line in the part closer to the little finger, while the other half will be without damage. If the heart line comes to the middle finger, this person is selfish. When it is smooth, clear and deep, a person will have a happy, satisfying life, a healthy, strong heart.

The line of the mind on the palm in palmistry is responsible for the intellect and thoughts of people. This line is imprinted by thoughts that accompany all stages of a person’s life and their intensity.

An intelligent and highly intelligent person has a long line of mind. It originates slightly above the index finger on the edge of the palm and comes approximately to its center. It is extremely rare that it crosses the palm. The ideal line of the mind is deep and smooth without any special defects. Chains and islands on the line indicate a stage in life when a person thought chaotically and could not concentrate.

Sometimes the line bifurcates at the end. One branch rushes to the sector creativity, and the other remains straight - this is writer's fork. It testifies to the bright, vivid imagination of its owner, who easily gives birth to and realizes his ideas and thoughts.

The line of the mind, curving towards the base of the fingers, will indicate a person with huge monetary and material claims. If a person's line is thin and poorly expressed, he prefers not to think at all. If it is also elongated, then its owner will show himself to be much wittier than he is in life. When the line of the mind is pale and wide, it is difficult for this person to make quick decisions. Simply put, he's slow-witted.
  1. Life line

The life line on the human hand is the first to appear on the palm of the embryo, already in the eighth week of the embryo’s life. Only then does the line of the heart appear, and after the mind.

Fun fact: These lines form on a baby's hand before he begins to show vital activity. Such lines cannot be called folds resulting from the activity of hands (as skeptics claim). Life line comes from the inner edge of the palm between the thumb and index finger and runs around the thumb.

She is an indicator of love of life. The level and quality of life of people leave their mark on this line. Using it we determine the strength and endurance of its owner. To the question: “How to determine the date of death using the life line?” You can answer: “This is impossible.” Throughout life, the length of this line changes due to the influence various factors at her. A string of islands on the life line represents human illnesses that arise as a result of a poor emotional background.

The line of fate cannot be seen on every palm. This line is rare. It is directed vertically upward from the middle of the base of the palm, and crossing it, comes to the middle finger, and the starting point can be at different heights from the base. When it is visible on a person’s hand, it means that in a predetermined period of time he will be destined to realize his dream, to make a fateful decision.

The line of fate can be used to judge the success of its owner in achieving various goals. Individuals who have it always commit right choice, accept correct solution, they are accompanied by insane success, luck and luck. Failures and troubles seem to recede before them. Fortune is the faithful companion of such a person. When gray days come into their lives, a hint seems to come from above.

Secondary lines

In addition to the main lines, we will dwell on some minor lines. These lines can appear and disappear throughout our lives. And they are usually influenced by the body’s emotional reaction to certain situations, tension nervous system our body. After all, there are much more lines on the hands of a nervous person than on the hands of a balanced and calm person.
  1. Mercury line (health)

The line responsible for human health is the line of Mercury. It starts at the base of the little finger and is directed down to the beginning of the palm, crossing it. If such a line exists, such a person needs to urgently consult a doctor. By its structure one can judge the presence of diseases.

For example: if the line with breaks is heterogeneous, then its owner knows how to hide his emotions, he is used to experiencing everything within himself. As a result of such experiences, he may develop a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. When the line is short, this person carefully monitors his health and leads healthy image life. If there is no such line, the person is incredibly lucky to have good health and high resistance to stress.

  1. Line of the Sun (Apollo)

The line of the Sun, in other words, the line of Apollo on the hand in scientific palmistry is the line of fame, charm and charm. The owner of this line will definitely achieve incredible success in his career. This line is parallel to the line of fate. The ideal line of the Sun is the one that starts at the wrist and comes to the ring finger, but it is extremely rare. More often, the line of the Sun is not long, it begins at the line of the mind, and comes to the ring finger.

  1. Ring of Saturn

The ring of Saturn encircles middle finger thin line. This is usually a single line. It also comes from several short lines overlapping each other. The ring of Saturn is very rare and is considered a bad sign. The owner of this sign is an extremely insecure person, suffering from eternal doubts and fear.


The structure of the lines can tell how strong the factors in a person’s life are that influence these lines. Ideally, the lines on the hand are clear, clearly visible, deep and without defects. As a rule, defects on the hands and injuries give us signs. Here are some of them.

  1. Dots or spots on lines

Sometimes there are specks or dots on the lines. These damages indicate an obstacle blocking forward movement. A recurring problem is a series of dots on a line.

  1. Squares and grids

Squares on the hand in palmistry are an excellent sign telling us about patronage from above. They meet around a break in the line. The square symbolizes that a person is under the protection of higher powers and will easily get out of a difficult situation. The lattice, on the contrary, is a negative sign. Her presence will tell you that the person is not thinking correctly, he is not able to adequately assess the current situation, and as a result, a waste of energy.

Crosses on the palm represent change. They can carry both a good and a negative character. As a rule, the sign is distinct and is not the result of crossing lines. Islands are ovals or small mounds on a line and mean a waste of energy. The islets date back to periods of uncertainty and despair.
  1. Triangles

Triangles are a very rare sign and have a direct connection with human intelligence. They will tell us about the insight of their owner.

So, being able to read and knowing what the palms of our hands mean, we can say a lot about the person with whom we have to build family relationships, collaborate, start a business, and just communicate. Surely you are already looking at your palms in search of main and secondary lines, as well as signs on them. Agree, it’s interesting and almost everything matches. Perhaps right now you can answer questions that have long interested you.

Well, if that doesn’t work out, contact a professional palmist, or follow my next articles about the great and wise science of palmistry, for example, next time I’ll even talk about...

Palmistry is the science that studies the lines on the hand. There are 4 main bands (life, heart, mind, fate), with which you can analyze a person’s past and make a forecast for the future.

Lines and hills on the hand

Hand selection

The meaning of the lines on the hand, as well as the choice of hand for fortune telling, is important in palmistry. The lines on the palm may not match and will show pictures of the future incorrectly. In palmistry, a distinction is made between passive and active (leading) hands, which in professional language are called inactive and dominant.

Passive hand

For left-handers, the passive hand is the right, for right-handers, the left. Fortune telling by the passive hand is carried out with the aim of reading about the true purpose of a person, his inclinations.

The lines of the hand reflect the character, skills and talents with which a person was born, and in what areas success awaits him.

Fortune telling by the passive hand makes it possible to:

  • find out the number of children and marriages;
  • see years of life;
  • predict health problems;
  • predict business success;
  • suggest how to build relationships with family, loved ones, friends, etc.

The lines on the passive hand show what a person’s character could be like if not for the influence of society, parents, and peers. This allows you to analyze the model of behavior, type of thinking, and natural qualities of the individual.

Active hand

For right-handers, the active hand is the right, for left-handers it is the left. You need to read the lines on your hand regularly, because... they can change depending on a person’s activities (habits, skills, problems overcome).

Using the active hand is convenient to look at a person’s life in real time. This allows you to see:

  • future;
  • difficulties that shaped character;
  • paths to success;
  • current model of behavior and thinking.

Hand lines help predict health situations, interpersonal relationships, work or business, make it possible to see special areas of activity in which a person is most developed and which she should pay attention to for self-improvement.

The dominant hand allows you to find out where a person made a mistake and what choice he made in a certain situation. Characterizes the conscious position of the individual.


Palmistry with explanations has the main task of helping a person make a forecast for the future. This will require a detailed analysis of the past and innate characteristics of the adult personality (fortune telling by the passive hand), and its current position (fortune telling by the active hand). Such information allows you to give advice on how and what to change in order to achieve greater success.

Fortune telling depends on the age and gender of the person. If this is a child, teenager or youth under 21, then the non-dominant hand is taken into account. Then the lines on the hand help to understand in which area of ​​life a person will achieve success and be as productive as possible.

Some palmists believe that for men, the lines on the palm of their left hand are responsible for the past. Then the right one displays what he acquired during his life. For women it's the opposite.

It happens that there are no symbols or lines on the active palm, but they are present on the inactive palm. This sometimes happens with streaks of marriage and children. This means that the person did not take advantage of the opportunities that were initially provided to him or used them for other purposes.

There may be lines on the dominant hand and their absence on the passive hand. Possible interpretations in this situation:

  • new qualities were revealed in oneself;
  • active work on developing new talents and skills;
  • improving previous knowledge and skills;
  • achieving success in a certain area.

Fortune telling on both hands is especially important if a person is at a crossroads and does not know what to do best.

Analysis of the lines on 2 palms will help you make the right or most profitable choice.

Another advantage is the ability to warn the individual about future obstacles and difficulties.

Main lines

In palmistry, there are 4 main and 7 additional lines on the palms. Fortune telling is performed on both hands, so you need to know what the lines on the palm of your right and left hands mean.

They say that each person can have at least three lines (very rarely two). These include the following lines:

  • life;
  • heads;
  • hearts (may not exist).

The fourth stripe is the line of fate, which may be absent. It is often absent in young children on the non-dominant palm, but usually over time (by age 12) it appears on the active hand.

It starts from the thumb and moves down to the wrist in the form of a hyperbola. Shows the general well-being, mental, physical, emotional health of a person. Reflects major changes in life: changes in thinking, behavior, habits, work area, relationships.

Important: the length of the life line is not an indicator of the number of maximum possible years lived!

This is a display of vital energy, its reserves, and methods of renewal. The life line may indicate the need to constantly replenish important resources and prosperity in something.

By the sign on the life line you can determine the age of the person at which a significant event will occur

The life trait can be deciphered as follows:

  • close to the thumb - to constant fatigue, lack of energy and strength;
  • sinuous form - an energetic, active, cheerful person, constantly on the move;
  • long and convex - life will be lived happily and cheerfully;
  • far from the thumb, short and almost straight - a person is under the influence of other people, is easily manipulated, is dissatisfied with something, does not live the way he wants;
  • in the shape of a circle - an indicator of fortitude and enthusiasm, inner freedom, self-confidence;
  • far from the thumb, direct - a person who is cautious in communication, carefully chooses the people in his environment, and practically does not let anyone close to him; break in the line - there will be a drastic change in life that will affect everything significant areas activities.

There are several signs on the life line:

  • short transverse stripe - non-acceptance of oneself, interference in achieving goals, resistance with the public;
  • vertical line - long-term external influence;
  • a cross in the middle of the line of life - a sharp loss of vital energy;
  • sign of a ring or circle - a tendency to eye diseases. If it is pronounced, then it will be difficult to cure such diseases;

island - physical losses or hereditary health problems.

Located between the index finger and little finger, located horizontally. Evidence:

  • about emotional stability;
  • about romantic prospects;
  • about success and happiness in marriage; psychological state of a person;
  • about problems with the cardiovascular system.

Additionally, along the line of the heart, one can determine the creative abilities of a person and his emotional level.

Main characteristics:

  • Starting below the index finger - the person will be successful in love relationships.
  • Will love passionately and enjoy being in a relationship.
  • He prefers to establish a long-lasting connection if his other half is really attractive to him.
  • Starts under the middle finger - reflects selfishness in love and relationships. A person with such a heart line is capable of an arranged marriage, because... For him, personal gain in something is more important.
  • The beginning in the middle is an indication of excessive falling in love. Love at first sight, suffering for a loved one, strong feelings during quarrels are the main characteristics of a person with this heart trait.

Additional descriptions of the heart line:

  • short and direct - a person is unromantic and does not like excessive displays of affection addressed to him;
  • long and crooked - it’s easy to express your emotions, please your soulmate, do something nice for others;
  • wavy stripe - a large number of relationships or marriages, lovers;
  • located parallel to the line of the head - the ability to control emotions and not show one’s weaknesses.

The following signs may appear on the heart stripe:

  • circle - depressive thoughts, bad mood regarding love relationships, problems in finding a loved one;
  • breakup - emotional breakup, unsuccessful romantic relationships;
  • many small stripes - emotional trauma, painful relationships;
  • cross - serious problems with heart;
  • lattice - inability to maintain a love relationship for a long time, easy falling in love with others;
  • island - mental suffering, experiences.

Line of mind (head)

It starts near the thumb and has a horizontal direction. It is located under the heart line and often touches the life line at the beginning.

The trait of mind shows:

  • ability to learn;
  • type of thinking;
  • memory features;
  • level of intelligence;
  • thirst for new knowledge, reading;
  • giftedness;
  • dominant cerebral hemisphere;
  • implementation in science and creativity;
  • problems with the head, blood vessels in the head area.

Basic meanings of the line on the hand:

  • The short answer is that the physical is more important than the mental.
  • Curved - creative, extraordinary person. Characterized by the presence original ideas, hates routine work, but respects physical labor.
  • Long, separated from the life line - shows enthusiasm for life. Such a person loves to travel and rarely stays in one place for a long time.
  • Wavy - problems with concentration. A person cannot fix his attention on one thing for a long time. Wants to engage in self-development large quantities different spheres.
  • Expressive and long - clear, strategic, focused thinking.
  • A good manager, leader and organizer.
  • Direct - a person evaluates life realistically, without any illusions. Has a realistic mindset.
  • Circles - emotional decline as a result of a break in the thinking pattern.
  • Cross - changeability in thoughts, a sharp change in points of view on problems under the influence of society or the environment. If there are many crosses, then the person is characterized by frequent spontaneous decision-making.
  • Island - clarity of mind.

Line of fate

Starts at the wrist and extends vertically toward the middle finger. Usually absent in antisocial individuals (drug addicts, homeless people, criminals). Also, the absence of a life line indicates that a person will never strive for a single or global goal. He will be satisfied real deal business But life can be bright, interesting and eventful.

The line of fate determines a person’s dependence on external factors. Indicates the degree of luck, success in unforeseen circumstances, and the ability to get out of difficult situations.

Decoding the main variations of the fate line:

  • Abruptly interrupted and changes direction - the personality is exposed to external forces. Activities, health, and success depend on the environment.
  • It has its beginning in the line of life - man is the creator of his life. Not influenced by the environment, rarely changes his point of view regarding any problems.
  • Connects with the strip of life in the middle - at some crucial moment the person will be able to give up his interests for the benefit of others.
  • Crosses the line of life - the support of relatives is important for a person. Thanks to her, he will be able to achieve his goals and achieve maximum self-realization.
  • Signs rarely appear on the fate line. Usually these are intersections that are located at the end of the lane - a person will often be in front of difficult choice. Another interpretation is that he will have many factors influencing his final, important decision.

Other lines

Sometimes analysis of 4 main lines on the palm is not enough to predict the future. Then, to specify the information, additional features are considered.

Belt of Venus

Located under the thumb. It has the shape of a hill. Used to find out more about a person's love relationship. Shows how dissolute the partner is and whether he is capable of betrayal. From the picture you can find out about the number of lovers and the requirements for choosing a companion.

The Venus Belt may reflect the inability to start a family or build a serious relationship.

Usually the belt of Venus is only worn by women.

Located above the heart line. Starts from the rib and ends near the little finger.

From it you can judge:

  • relationships with other partners;
  • experience in family life;
  • unhappy love;
  • building serious relationships;
  • frivolity of the partner, etc.

They say that there can be several lines of marriage. If they are on the passive hand, then the person expects from 2 to 5 marriages. The number of traits is equal to the number of marriages. If they are not there, then the individual is destined to be lonely or have only frivolous relationships. This does not mean that a person cannot be in a civil marriage.

Marriage for convenience and without love is reflected in the form of a very thin strip. Relationships based only on sex are not shown in the marriage line.

If there is a fork or a split at the end of the marriage line, the union will be fragile and will quickly break. The separation will be on the initiative of the owner of this sign. If the split is located at the beginning of the strip, you should expect a wedding with a person with whom you already had a relationship before, but for some reason ended in separation.

Children's line

There are several locations for the line of children in different directions palmistry.

Indian palmists claim that it is located under the thumb. It has the shape of a ring or circle. The number of islands is equal to the number of children. If there are many traits, then there will be many different mothers and fathers.

European palmists believe that the line of children is located between the little finger and the line of the heart. If the stripes come from different lines, then there will be many children from different marriages. In this situation, it is important not to confuse the baby’s features with marriage streaks and signs indicating family problems.

Fortune telling is often done using the lines of children, which are located perpendicular to the marriage lines and are located directly above them. Then the number of stripes is equal to the number of children.

You can find out the gender of the baby by looking at the baby's lines. If the line is long, the child will be a boy, if the line is short, the child will be a girl. A wide and thick stripe means a strong male baby, a thin and narrow line means the birth of a girl. If the line is slanted, there will be a boy, if it is straight, it will be a girl.

It originates on the Mount of Mercury (under the little finger) and goes down to the wrist parallel to the line of the Sun. Good sign, if this feature is not in the palm of your hand, the person does not have health problems.

Health Trait Features:

  • The line is rarely straight. Usually has a textured structure, i.e. located in small stripes. This means that the person will have serious health problems, but will be able to overcome them.
  • Sometimes the health bar touches and merges with the Mercury line. This indicates psychosomatic problems or difficulties in personality development. If the trait is weakly expressed (thin, shallow), then this can be eliminated. If it is clearly visible, then a person is unlikely to improve his mental or emotional health.
  • Crosses the line of the heart and head. Indicates that a person is developing some kind of disease (they will not necessarily be associated with the cardiovascular system or organs in the head area).
  • If there is a lattice on the health line, then the person will die from a serious illness (usually cancer).

Travel line

It is located at the very bottom of the palm, near the wrist. Located perpendicular to the wrist bracelet.

Shows people who are destined to travel throughout their lives. Usually has the shape of a flat straight line, which indicates happy, eventful trips full of positive emotions.

Another meaning is that it shows people who are destined to change their place of residence frequently. There is a hash mark or a cross on the strip - the change is associated with negative impact other people. The ring sign indicates the need to move due to external factors (unsuitable climate, poor environmental situation, crisis).

A long and deep line - a person faces a journey, after which important changes in life will occur. Often they are associated with a business trip or other forced travel.

Line of Fame

Located parallel to the line of fate. Directed towards the index finger. Allows you to find out whether a person will be successful in show business, creativity, acting or sports. If it is not there, the person is not destined to become famous.

A strong line of fame indicates strong success. If it is interrupted, then popularity will be short-lived (this line often appears among musicians). A crooked or tortuous line is a difficult and long path to success.

There is a noticeable ring on the streak of fame - someone will appear in a person’s life who wants to interfere with his popularity. The cross is a certain moment of calm in the career of a creative person.

Line of intuition

Another name is the Isis line. It originates in the Mount of the Moon and tends to the Mount of Mercury. Often runs parallel to the health line.


  • Direct - well-developed intuition. Such a person, when making decisions, is guided by his own feelings and only then by reason.
  • Subtle - a person can easily control his subconscious, but only after training.
  • Solid - presence of hypnotic skills.
  • Thick - loss of intuitive feelings. To prevent this from happening, a person needs to develop in this direction.
  • An island or ring indicates possible psychic abilities. For them to manifest themselves, self-development is needed.


Lines on the hands in palmistry are the main tool for fortune telling. They display in detail all the significant information about a person, and their interpretation allows you to analyze the past and make a forecast for the future. The most important stripes are considered to be the traits of the head (mind), fate, health, and heart.

The lines on the hands of each person are individual. And often beginners have to deal with various difficulties in position and on the hand. Palmistry with explanations for beginners will help you not to get confused in decoding. Here are the answers to the main questions that concern amateurs and professionals.

Where to begin

Very often the lines on the right and left hands do not match or are present only on one palm. Also in palmistry there are main and additional lines that will help you understand where to start with the interpretation. Palmists advise starting the interpretation with the main lines and hills. But first you need to decide how to choose the right hand for fortune telling.

Palmistry: which hand to use to tell fortunes

Usually fortune tellers choose the most active hand for fortune telling. For right-handers it is on the right, for left-handers it is on the left. However, some ancient sources write that fate must be determined with both hands, and there is an explanation for this. The left hand shows what cannot be changed, that is, fate, the right hand shows what depends on the person himself. On the left hand is the past, on the right is the future. However, for beginners, palmistry prescribes the following regarding which hand to use to tell fortunes - choose the one that the person most often uses when carrying out any actions. The right one is also active in those with two hands - those who, by virtue of nature or profession, can equally perform actions with both hands. There are many such people among musicians, dancers, conductors and many others.

It is best to tell fortunes using your right hand, as it shows what you can change. But, if you are left-handed, it is better to offer a prediction based on your left hand.

Palmistry: main lines

Life line starts from the extension of the index finger and goes down, creating a circle in the palm. Pay attention to its length, clarity, breaks, intersections. For some people it is duplicated.

A clear and long life line means good health, long life and the absence of various dangers, disasters and diseases that threaten human existence. Poorly outlined, it shows the fragility of a person, his instability to life’s difficulties and problems. If it is long, then, despite poor health, the person will live a very long time. A broken line can mean an accident, coma or mental illness, as well as sudden changes in lifestyle to “before” and “after”.

Another line, which is considered one of the main ones, is heart line. It begins under the hill at the base of the little finger and shows the sensual and emotional state of a person. For people who are accustomed to living by reason, it is usually short and does not determine a person’s life. A long and clear heart line shows a very emotional person, capable of unreasonable actions, illogical decisions and even stupidity. If it is crossed by small lines, then a person’s life will be full of stress, shock and anxiety. An island on this line or a cutting break indicates a risk of stroke.

The next main symbol is the line of the mind. It shows the human mind, his thinking. Well-drawn means a clear mind, that a person in life is guided by reason and not by feelings (especially if the line of the heart is intermittent and inaccurately expressed). A sharp break in the line of the mind means the danger of a stroke or head injury. Also, a split line of the mind means madness in old age or the fact that at one moment a reasonable person will commit madness under the influence of life circumstances.

Palmistry interprets the main lines in detail, since they are considered the most important, providing information about the main guidelines of a person’s life.

Signs of wealth on the hand: palmistry

At the base of the ring finger there is the Mount of the Sun or Apollo. There are several lines on it that indicate the presence of luck and wealth. However, there are other signs that indicate a person’s material achievements. These include:

The so-called “Wealth Triangle”. If the line of fate crosses the line of the mind in the palm and there is another line to the line of the heart, forming a closed triangle, this means the person’s wealth.

The line of fate crosses the line of life at the base - the person will be rich.

The head line crosses the Mount of Mercury - you can earn a lot with your abilities.

If there are other signs of wealth and financial luck on the hand that palmistry gives precise interpretations. However, they need to be explained in conjunction with other signs and lines.

Palmistry bracelets on the wrist: meaning

Most often they show the continuation of the life line. Palmistry explains that bracelets on the right or left wrist reflect the level of health of a person, his years of life and capabilities. Some interpretation books write that their number means children. Convex bracelets show boys, concave or straight bracelets show girls.

Palmistry: triangle on the palm

They are rarely found on the palm. However, most often they show a person’s success, except for the triangle of death, located at the intersection of the line of life, fate and mind. Pyramids on the Mount of Venus mean the number of children in a marriage, as well as happiness with a pronounced fate line.

In addition, palmistry interprets the triangle on each palm as a sign of a special mission, destiny. Its presence on the life line can mean a high point.

Palmistry: line of the Sun

Shows a person’s bright talent and his stellar future. It is located on the edge of the palm and crosses the line of the heart. It means that a person has a rare talent and will be successful. Also, palmistry interprets the line of Apollo or the Sun at the intersection with the vertical of fate as a sign of higher destiny and a rare gift, calling. However, its absence does not mean that a person will not have luck. It’s just that some lines are not indicated on the palm - this is an indicator that a person is led not by fate, but by himself. And in the absence of the Sun line, he will be able to achieve success through his own efforts.

Palmistry also notes line of intuition. Forms an arc from the Mount of Mercury to the base of the palm. Not all people have it. It can show a person’s rare gift of premonition, the ability to guess events and circumstances, as well as his talent in mysticism, psychology, and psychiatry.

Palmistry: marriage line

It is located on the edge of the palm and consists of one or more lines. It means the number of marriages, and in some interpretations – children. However, if it is not in the palm of your hand, do not worry - palmistry considers the line of marriage and marriage to be auxiliary. Its absence does not mean celibacy or that you will not have children. It's just that in some cases marriage will not play a decisive role in your life. In some books, the interpretation of marriage lines means the number of children out of wedlock. If the lines of marriage or marriage cross the Mount of Mercury or the line of the mind, then the marriage in your life will be of convenience. At the intersection with the line of fate or heart, the marriage line means a desired child, and also a union of love. If the marriage line bifurcates, then a divorce will soon await you. mutual consent. Crossing may mean an accident or a sudden departure of a husband or wife from the family.

In palmistry, the marriage lines of a husband and wife on their right hands are interpreted. If they do not match, then this means the birth of children out of wedlock or the re-creation of a family by one of them.

Palmistry with explanations for beginners advises starting fortune telling with the main lines and hills. Then you can get a lot of interesting and educational things.

Palmistry (also known as palmistry and chirology) is practiced throughout the world. It originates in Indian astrology and gypsy fortune telling.
The purpose is to determine the character or future of a person by studying the palms of the hands.

If you are a beginner palmist or just want to entertain your friends, we advise you to read this article to be able to form a general impression of a person based on his hand.

Select a hand. In palmistry it is believed that:

Among women right hand shows what you were born with, and the left one shows what you have accumulated throughout your life.
For men it’s the opposite. The left hand shows what you were born with, and the right hand shows what you have accumulated throughout your life.
In addition, the dominant hand can tell about the present/past, and the non-dominant hand can tell about the future.
Exist various schools thoughts on this issue. Some say that left hand shows potential and probability rather than a guaranteed future. The difference between the hands can also mean that the person is about to take some steps that will change their life.

Identify four main lines. They may be intermittent or short, but they are definitely present in everyone.

Heart line. Head line. Life line. Fate line (not everyone has it).
Let's find out how to read each of them correctly.

Heart line.

The heart line indicates the strength of the subject’s emotional state, speaks about the individual’s abilities, how she can love and express her feelings.
The end of the heart line between the fingers indicates balance of feelings and mind.
You can also see islands on the heart line - these are problems relating to the heart as an organ. But the line mainly expresses feelings, and shows the quality with which all a person’s attachments are associated, that is, relationships and various kinds of experiences.
Near the heart line in the neighborhood you can often find the Ring of Venus - this is a line that enhances the meaning of the heart line on the hand.

Head line.

The head line shows us a person's state of mind and tells us how a person can apply their intelligence in life and get the most benefit from it.
If the line of the head is straight and strong, quite long and extends onto a clearly defined tubercle of Mars, this indicates the person’s ability to intensively defend his point of view and opinion.
It is worth noting the fact that a person with a head line spaced at long distance from the life line, it is common to make mistakes: this is a sign of impulsiveness.
The head line displays events related to a person’s mental achievements, which are displayed in the form of branches ascending upward, as well as psychological problems, expressed by branches of opposite meanings, which will make it possible to warn a person about consequences that may harm human health.

Life line.

The life line is an indicator of health, vitality and endurance. With its help, you can determine the main events relating to a person’s personal life, as well as see everything related to health and well-being.
A long life line, if it is clearly outlined and has a uniform depth, promises good health, helps to overcome difficulties, as it rewards the owner with the power of resistance to life’s adversities and illnesses, and predicts the possibility of a long and fruitful life.
A red line indicates that a person is susceptible to nervous breakdowns, and also speaks of the owner’s enhanced vital energy, sometimes so strong that outbursts of aggression and cruelty can occur.
If a wide, blurred line is observed, this indicates poor physical shape and a tendency to illness, characterizing the personality as subject to external influence.
Many people with a short life line live happily ever after, since the line can subsequently grow if the person is promptly prompted. It is possible, for example, that an abandoned bad habit will have a positive effect on poor health and improve the situation.

Line of fate.

The line of fate is quite complex, since there can be several lines of fate, and besides, the line of fate can begin with different parts hands.
This is the main line that reflects a person's career, indicating how he will follow through life. Here we will see all the main events, all the changes and inclinations in his life.
The line exactly characterizes what happens in a person’s life, all achievements and failures. Pay attention to line breaks, breaks and intersections, this can mean big troubles.

Determine your hand type.

Each type is associated with certain character traits. The length of the palm is measured from the wrist to the extreme phalanx of the fingers.

The main interpretations are:

Earth: wide square palms and fingers, thick rough skin, ruddy color; The length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers.
Unshakable values ​​and energy (sometimes stubborn).
Practicality and responsibility, sometimes materialism.
He works with his hands and loves to make things.
Air: square or rectangular palms with long fingers and sometimes protruding knuckles, low thumbs and dry skin; The length of the palm is less than the length of the fingers.
Sociability, talkativeness and wit.
Can be shallow, angry and cold in communication.
Feels confident in the realm of the spiritual and intangible. He does everything his own way.
Water: long, sometimes oval shape palms with long, flexible, conical fingers; The length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers, but less than the width at the widest part of the palm.
Creative, insightful and responsive.
Can be moody, emotional and withdrawn.
Acts calmly and intuitively.
Fire: square or rectangular palm, ruddy or pink skin and short fingers; The length of the palm is longer than the length of the fingers.
Spontaneity, enthusiasm and optimism.
Sometimes selfishness, impulsiveness and insensitivity.
Acts boldly and instinctively.

These are fleshy bumps on the palm of the hand. To see them better, squeeze your hand slightly. Which hillock is the largest?
Lush filled Mount of Venus(located under the thumb) denotes a nature that loves pleasure, a person who quickly falls in love and is just as quickly disappointed. The weak development of this tubercle indicates the absence of a constant need for sexual relations.
Mount of Jupiter located under the index finger. This is a hillock of ambition, pride, nobility and love, expresses the desire to control people. The absence of this bump is a sign of a lazy person without any ambitions or aspirations.
Below the middle finger is the Mount of Saturn. With the great development of the hillock, we see a vengeful, courageous and superstitious person, thoughtful and capable of recluse. An undeveloped Mount of Saturn is an indicator of superficiality and disorganization.
Mount of the Sun located under the ring finger. It testifies to the ability to be creative and means a spiritually developed, “inspired” person who lives not only in the material world. If the tubercle is weak or absent, it shows the opposite qualities - incapacity for the arts and lack of imagination.
Mount of Mercury located under the little finger. If it is convex, then why does the owner love to chat incessantly? Flat means the opposite - shyness.

Now estimate the size of your hand and fingers.

Hand size proportional to other parts of the body, is a sign of constancy and balance of character. In other cases, the hand belongs to an unstable, fickle person, prone to bad habits and actions.
Remember: hand size should be measured in proportion to the body. Naturally, a two-meter tall guy has bigger arms than a four-year-old child.
Long fingers can be a sign of anxiety, and their owner is usually well-mannered, good-looking and gentle in character. Short fingers indicate that the person is impatient, very sexy and creative.
Long nails mean that a person is good at keeping a secret. Short ones are a sign of a critical and sarcastic personality. Long nails are a sign of charm and diplomacy.