home · On a note · Gas wall-mounted boilers navien. Korean gas boilers Navien. Technical characteristics of boilers Navien Smart Tok Coaxial, Navien Prime Coaxial

Gas wall-mounted boilers navien. Korean gas boilers Navien. Technical characteristics of boilers Navien Smart Tok Coaxial, Navien Prime Coaxial

Gas boiler "Navien" - profitable purchase in light of the sharp rise in price of imported heating equipment. Korean heaters are 30-40% cheaper than their European counterparts. At the same time, they are in no way inferior to the “Europeans” in build quality and reliability.

About company

Korea has long been famous for high-quality electronics and household appliances, was no exception and heating equipment. NAVIEN is a giant enterprise specializing in the production of boilers operating on gas and diesel fuel. The components are made in Korea and Japan. Assembly - only in Korean factories. Previously, the company supplied its products to the US and Pacific markets. Since 2007, promotion to European markets began. Today, Navien actively supplies its goods to Russia.

The most common problems

Often the causes of problems are low quality coolant or gas. Error codes help you solve problems. Here are the most common malfunctions that can happen to Korean gas equipment:

  • Overheating.
  • No flame signal.
  • The fan is faulty.
  • Control board failure.
  • Short circuit in the flow sensor circuit.

Error codes

Despite the saturation of electronics, Korean heaters are functional, like any equipment, they can break down. Startup and operation do not always go smoothly - problems may occur during the process, and numbers appear on the display - error codes. The decoding of the codes can be read in the instruction manual. Common problems:

  • Error "01". May occur due to a clogged system or pump malfunction.
  • Error "02". The heating system flow sensor has tripped. There are several reasons:

— air has entered the system;

— the coolant filter at the inlet is clogged;

- there is a leak;

- sensor is broken.

With error “02”, hot water disappears. The water temperature rises sharply and then drops. It is likely that there is an air lock in the hot water system. It appears due to low pressure, poor operation of the circulation pump, or breakdown of the flow controller. In this case, you need to adjust the pressure and bleed air from the system.

  • "03". The flame sensor worked - it “did not see” the fire. Causes:

— low gas pressure;

— the ignition electrodes are dirty;

— poor gas quality;

— the sensor is broken or there is a break in the electrical circuit conducting its signal.

  • "10". Incorrect combustion products are removed. Causes:

— the turbine is broken;

— the pressure sensor is incorrectly connected;

— the chimney is clogged;

— excessive length of the pipe.

It happens that there are no problems with the chimney - perhaps the signal is caused by gusts of wind. Then the reason is in the chimney - it needs to be redone. To temporarily correct the situation, you can remove the air supply hose. But this is done only as a temporary measure.

All Navien modifications are reliable, but the duration of their operation largely depends on how the installation was carried out, how the maintenance is carried out and whether the settings are set correctly.

Differences between Navien and analogues

The Korean manufacturer is among the few that use their own designs. The brand does not produce modified or slightly improved versions - each new modification is worked out to the finest detail. Among the design advantages it is worth noting:

  • Remote control via iOS and Android systems. This is for the SMART TOK series.
  • Modulating burners. Quiet operation depends on them; they are responsible for maintaining a comfortable temperature for humans.
  • Thanks to voice prompts, the operation and configuration of the devices is simplified. If the user is not well informed about how the device works, voice prompts and error codes will help him.
  • Meets our conditions - possible decrease in pressure, voltage surges in electrical networks, pressure drops in gas pipes.
  • Self-diagnosis. The device itself determines its “diseases” and notifies the user about them by displaying an error code on the display.

The Korean manufacturer, taking into account possible risks, created safe and easy-to-use equipment. If you take an interest in the statistics of reviews, it becomes clear that consumers have managed to evaluate the quality of heat exchangers and burners, as well as the uninterrupted operation of Korean heaters. Only 2% of buyers contact service centers, and even then, the problems are usually caused by incorrect connection or operating errors. To prevent the boiler from creating problems, you need to connect it correctly and configure it correctly. It is also important to know how to use gas equipment - for this purpose, instructions are attached to each piece of equipment. The kit also includes a passport and connection diagram.


The brand positions its heating equipment as optimal according to the price-quality formula. Navien boilers can be used for heating a private house, apartment, production premises. Their advantages:

  • Resistant to voltage surges. Its surges often lead to equipment failure. The Koreans have foreseen reliable protection– we installed the Switched-Mode Power Supply control chip – it expands the voltage range to 165-300 V.
  • Resistant to low gas pressure. Many modifications refuse to work because of this, but not Navien - they continue to work at the lowest values.
  • Pleasant, ergonomic design.
  • Any Navien boiler is double-circuit. This means that, in addition to heating, its owner receives an addition in the form of hot water supply.
  • A wide range of powers is offered - you can choose an option for any room.
  • Equipment owners can always get professional help in service center. Contact details can be found in the attached documentation.

Are there any disadvantages?

  • The cost is higher compared to Russian analogues.
  • In the event of a breakdown, you have to look for imported components.
  • Need regular maintenance.

But these shortcomings can be disputed. By paying more, you get a reliable device, forgetting about unstable work and other shortcomings inherent in many domestic boilers. The issue with spare parts is also resolved simply - they can be ordered at authorized Navien centers. And finally, regular maintenance - without it, no equipment will last long.

How to turn it on?

You can turn on the device in two ways:

  • Remote control.
  • Using the buttons on the control panel - you just need to press "Power".

After startup, the device begins to operate in the specified mode - which was previously set. To change the settings, you need to use the manual and set the modes correctly. Before starting the device, it is installed, connected to engineering networks, fill the heating system with coolant - keeping an eye on the pressure gauge.

Model overview

Many users initially gave negative feedback about Korean boilers. Reasons: leaks in connections. They had to be eliminated by replacing the gaskets - you need to buy a rather expensive kit. The second flaw was associated with the belated start of the burner - the coolant had time to cool down more than necessary. But the company corrected the shortcomings; today there are practically no such accusations against Navien. The brand produces three types of mounted heaters:

  • atmospheric;
  • condensation;
  • turbocharged.

The consumer can purchase a gas boiler:

  • Single-circuit or double-circuit.
  • Wall or floor. The latter are more bulky and require a separate room.
  • With open or with closed camera combustion.

The widest range in the line mounted models. It is these devices that are in the highest demand among Russian consumers.

Navien Atmo 24AN and others

The atmospheric wall-mounted device Navien Atmo replaced the less successful modification of Ace. It can operate at extremely low fuel pressure - 8 mBar, and water - 0.6 Bar. There are 4 models of different power in the series - 13, 16, 20, 24 kW. The heat exchanger for heating is made of copper. For DHW – made of stainless steel. Automatic control. Available remote control. There is frost protection. Specifications:

  • 24 kW.
  • Heating of water in the heating system is 80 °C.
  • Circuit pressure (maximum) – 3 Bar.
  • Efficiency – 86%.
  • The maximum water temperature in the hot water supply is 60 °C.
  • Weight – 27 kg.
  • Estimated cost 26-27,000 rubles.
  • Heating area – 240 m².

Important! The system can only be filled with water - antifreeze is prohibited.

Deluxe 24K and other turbocharged versions

The line of turbocharged modifications is represented by three Deluxe series(13-40 kW), Prime and Smart TOK (13-35 kW). “Navien Ice Turbo” is an outdated model; it was replaced by Deluxe and Prime devices. Pressurized heaters have a closed firebox, and air is forced into it by a fan. The fan performance is regulated by the controller. To allow air to enter the chamber, a coaxial chimney is installed. Due to forced injection, turbocharged modifications are characterized by increased efficiency.

There are no further differences between the turbocharged and naturally aspirated versions. The equipment is completely similar - expansion tank, pump, additional heat exchanger.

Prime series, like Deluxe Coaxial has a closed firebox and all the usual elements of a turbocharged model. But in Prime there is additional module– weather-compensated automation. Characteristics of 2-circuit wall-mounted boiler Deluxe 24K:

  • Efficiency – 90.5%.
  • 24kW.

auto ignition

  • Maximum heating area 20 m².
  • Natural gas consumption - 2.58 m3/h.
  • Dimensions (WxHxD) – 440x695x265 mm.
  • Weight – 28 kg.

NCN 40KN and other condensing models

The operating principle of a condensing heater is based on the use of both direct and latent heat released during gas combustion. This allows you to achieve high efficiency values ​​- more than 100%. Condensing heaters are represented by Navien NCN and NCB models. Their heat exchangers are made of stainless steel. The equipment is similar to the turbocharged versions. The difference is that the controller’s functions are expanded. For example, he can program work for the next seven days. NCN is represented by 4 boilers 21-40 kW, NCB is also represented by 4 models 24-40 kW. Air is supplied forcedly through a coaxial or separate chimney. For example, the characteristics of NCN 40KN:

  • 40.5 kW.
  • Two circuits. Wall installation.
  • Closed firebox.
  • Auto-ignition.
  • Weighs 38 kg.
  • Efficiency 107.4%.
  • The maximum heating of water in the DHW is 65 °C.

LST 30 KG and other floor models

The brand presents a line of floor-standing boilers of four series - LST, LFA, GA, GST with a capacity of 13-60, 13-40, 11-35 and 35-60 kW, respectively. Each of the presented samples is a universal floor-standing device that can work as natural gas, and on diesel fuel. Floor-standing versions, no less than wall-mounted ones, are full of automation. For example, the characteristics of LST 30 KG:

  • 90% efficiency.
  • Weight – 45 kg.
  • 30 kW.
  • Heated area – 300 m².
  • Auto-ignition.
  • Volatile.

How does Navien Ace TURBO work?

For example, consider the description of the operation of a turbocharged heater. Such a device is not afraid of low fuel pressure or power surges. It will heat any area. At the same time, it heats the water - there is a second circuit. DHW heat exchanger – steel. It is much cheaper than copper analogues. The lack of power - due to the insufficient thermal conductivity of steel - can be compensated for by turbocharging the burner. Such devices easily compete with analogues that have copper heat exchangers.

The turbo heater monitors the temperature of the coolant - if it drops below plus 10 degrees, it turns on circulation pump. It drives water, preventing ice crystals from forming. When the temperature drops below plus 6 degrees, the burner will light up and heat the coolant to +21 degrees.

Turbocharged devices are available in two modifications, the second - with a coaxial chimney “Navien Ice Turbo Coaxial”. It is advantageous to install it in rooms where it is impossible to ensure a normal supply of oxygen. Coaxial chimney takes air from the street.

Korean wall gas Navien boilers popular in Russian Federation for several reasons:

  • Gas fuel is the cheapest fuel that a Russian consumer can afford, therefore, heating bills will not be astronomical.
  • The most important factor in the ongoing popularity of Navien wall-mounted gas boilers is their affordable price. Having similar quality to German brands, Korean models are 30% cheaper!
  • Gas is the most environmentally friendly fuel at the moment (electricity in pure form costs a lot more)! The air near a private house in which a gas boiler is installed is much cleaner than the air that contains waste from the operation of diesel or solid fuel heating boilers.
  • ease of use. The boiler, located on the wall, does not interfere with moving around the room, no need to bend down.

Available Navien boiler models:

  • distinguished by their maximum power, from 13 kW to 40.5,
  • The combustion chamber of boilers is closed,
  • The boiler models available for sale are double-circuit, they have a built-in heat exchanger (metal - stainless steel, blocking corrosion processes), boiling is achieved in a short period of time, up to 85 degrees. The service life of the heat exchanger is very long.
  • The SMPS chip protects the boiler from voltage surges (+/- 32%).
  • Navien wall-mounted gas boilers are not at risk of a drop in room temperature!

For many owners country houses remains topical issue selection of gas boiler equipment. It is important to first pay attention to the manufacturer.

Criterias of choice

The supplier company must establish its product on the market for the relevant products. If you decide to prefer a Navien gas boiler, reviews of which will be presented below, then you should pay attention to a number of parameters, namely equipment power, efficiency, and performance, which is very important when considering such equipment.

Power of Navien brand boilers

"Navien" - gas reviews which you should learn about, has a certain power, which is a set of relevant parameters characteristic of heat consumers. This includes radiators and hot water flow, which is true if the boiler has two circuits. When considering the Navien gas boiler, reviews of which will be useful for you to read before visiting the store, you should consider that dual-circuit models are in greater demand than others in the organization heating system in conditions country house. Quite often, additional branches are attached to such devices to supply outbuildings with heat. This may include garages, baths, saunas or swimming pools. In this case, you will have to select a device that can withstand high loads and has impressive power. This is the only way to ensure simultaneous connection of all heat consumers. If there are only two heat consumers in a country house, namely hot water and heating, then calculations can be made regarding the heating system.

Calculation features

The calculation will be quite simple, but for this you will need to take into account the dimensions of the room, the number of windows and the thermal insulation of the building. Experts say that by 10 square meters building area at standard height ceilings that are three meters or less, 1 kilowatt will be enough. If there are more than two heat consumers, then a more careful calculation will have to be made.

Characteristics of the comfort and efficiency of the boiler manufactured by Navien

The Navien gas boiler, reviews of which you can read in this article, can belong to one of three classifications, so the model can be wall-mounted, floor-mounted or compensation. Floor and wall-mounted boilers are standard equipment that is characterized by the installation location. As for compensation equipment, it can be floor- or wall-mounted. As the main distinctive feature of these models there is a high coefficient useful action, which can reach 100%. Going to thermal energy in such models, not only due to fuel combustion, but also due to the energy released during steam condensation. The latter leaves the boiler along with the combustion products. If you need a Navien gas boiler, reviews of which will allow you to make a choice, then you should pay attention to the operating conditions. Modern products The brand described can be adjusted to any conditions. You must take into account that each category has its own strengths, which determine the effectiveness of operation.

Reviews of Navien's mounted boilers

Consumers choose because they are low cost and easy to install. If the heating system does not require certain serious requirements, then a wall-mounted unit will be the most suitable solution. Buyers note that such models act as mini-boiler rooms, where the manufacturer has installed automation, expansion tank, circulation pump, as well as special sensors that are designed to ensure the safe operation of the equipment. This indicates that the low cost offers an excellent heating device.

Navien gas heating boilers, reviews of which are often very positive, can be installed independently, without the help of specialists. However, you should take into account that the unit has an impressive weight, so to install such a device you will need the help of a second person. The firebox must be connected to gas pipe, and then you should connect cold water, take the pipe to the water supply hot water and connect the heating pipes. Experienced users note that of this equipment there is another undeniable advantage, which is expressed in small sizes. If you hang the boiler on the wall, the space underneath can be used for your own needs.

Characteristics of floor-standing boilers from the manufacturer Navien

Gas heating boilers "Navien", reviews of which are presented in the article, can be floor-standing. As strengths Such devices provide maximum reliability. Modern cast iron floor standing boilers have means of safety and control over the progress of fuel combustion. If we compare with condensation and wall-mounted analogues, they require maintenance and inspection once a year. If we are talking about floor-standing equipment, then such a unit does not require such care. It will be enough to open it once every three years and clean the firebox, which will allow continued operation.

Navien is a large South Korean corporation that specializes in the production of universal, high-quality and reliable gas heating boilers. Wall-mounted and floor-mounted units from this company are distinguished by their functionality, practicality and trouble-free operation.

Technique in the best possible way suitable for organization efficient heating premises of the most various types, including residential buildings, industrial facilities and offices.

Gas boiler Navien

As a rule, boilers from the Navien production group are equipment that uses in great demand among domestic consumers. There are many reasons for this, but the main ones remain affordable prices, reliability and readiness of devices for operation in domestic conditions.

Navien heating equipment – ​​universal, reliable, durable

Purchasing modern gas boilers heating Navien, every domestic consumer can effectively and quickly get rid of many problems. This equipment is specially designed in such a way that it can work normally even with power fluctuations in the network, up to 30%.

This is a very positive aspect of the units, because such interference is not uncommon in the domestic power grid.

Navien gas boilers always work flawlessly, with high quality and high efficiency for a long time. Drops are extremely rare, even when pressure drops occur in plumbing systems.

Even if the network pressure is 0.1 bar, heating boilers will allow you to receive hot water, to provide it with a residential building or other facility.

The presence of 2 heat exchangers is an advantage

Main distinguishing feature, which all gas engines have mounted boilers Navien heating system consists in having two heat exchangers at once. Such devices are made of stainless steel, and therefore stand out for their high quality, corrosion resistance and durability.

In addition, the cost of the boilers is quite low, which sets them apart from all competitors’ offers.

The system of two heat exchange circuits is distinguished by its resistance to contamination by all kinds of small particles and scale. In addition, the equipment has a high level of productivity and low costs for repair work.

Turbocharging: increasing gas combustion efficiency

Each boiler from the Korean corporation NAVIEN is equipped with a modern and efficient pressurized air supply system. Thanks to the presence of such equipment, it is possible to increase the efficiency of gas combustion, thus increasing efficiency indicators.

The air supply is adjusted using special automatic systems(APS pressure sensor).

It should be noted that the turbocharging system of boilers significantly increases the productivity of the units and brings the amount of heat transfer between devices with steel heat exchangers to those with copper ones. At the same time, the cost of the equipment is much lower, and there are practically no problems with it.

NAVIEN – balanced boilers

The South Korean manufacturer is meticulous in the design and manufacturing process of heating boilers. Such attention to detail allows you to quickly and efficiently prepare the most balanced gas-air mixture, from which you can obtain the greatest amount of heat.

The presence of such a system gives NAVIEN boilers a lot of advantages:

  • Increased power of fans installed in the equipment;
  • The optimal amount of gas and air entering the combustion chamber of the boiler;
  • Reduced CO and NO emissions due to complete combustion of the mixture;
  • Minimum levels of residual oxygen.

With their compact size and due to the use of innovative technological solutions, Navien gas heating boilers consume much less fuel, producing required quantity warmth.

Navien boilers: main advantages of heating equipment

Each Navien gas heating boiler – a real masterpiece engineering thought. The price for these is very low, which makes them stand out among the offers available on domestic market.

In addition, it should be noted that the installation of the equipment can be done even with your own hands, because its design is simple and does not require any special knowledge.

Compared to analogues presented on the domestic market, Navien gas mounted heating boilers have many advantages:

  1. High-quality automation from the world's leading manufacturers;
  2. Availability of SMPT protection chips that can reduce the impact of vibrations in electrical network for equipment operation;
  3. Full adaptation to domestic operating conditions, the ability to work at extremely low gas pressure (about 4 mbar) and water (0.1 mbar);
  4. High-quality assembly directly at Korean factories;
  5. A compact and convenient control panel is included with the equipment.

NAVIEN is an excellent choice for any domestic facility, be it Vacation home, cottage, office or industrial enterprise. Thanks to its unique qualities, the equipment perfectly withstands any operating conditions and functions normally with reduced gas and water pressure in the system.

Main variations of NAVIEN boilers

The Korean manufacturer NAVIEN offers a wide variety of heating boilers on the domestic market. As you can see in the photo (and many videos) from the company’s official website, they are constantly expanding the lineup techniques really create unique solutions, which are perfect for installation on any site.

Among the most basic models of boiler equipment from the South Korean concern are:

  • Wall-mounted gas heating boilers Navien
    Available in two variations - Ace TURBO And Ace ATMO. The difference between these two groups of boilers is that NAVIEN Ace TURBO are positioned as fully adapted equipment for working in conditions of unstable fuel supply and voltage.
    For this purpose, the devices are equipped with the SMPS system. In addition, boilers in this series are protected from freezing, and their burners are equipped with a turbocharging system.

As for NAVIEN series Ace ATMO, then these are quite traditional atmospheric boilers that will become great solution problems with heating private houses. The equipment has all the same qualities as the Ace TURBO, but lacks a turbocharging system.

  • Floor-standing gas boilers NAVIEN
    This technique is ideal for installation and provision of heat and hot water. Compact, convenient and easy to use and install (instructions are included with each unit), the boilers are reliable and operate efficiently in any conditions.
    The power of the equipment, depending on the model, can range from 11-34 kW.
  • Condensing boilers NAVIEN NCN
    NCN heating equipment from NAVIEN is distinguished by its increased power (19.6-37.9 kW), low fuel consumption and operating efficiency.
    High boiler efficiency (up to 108%) is achieved through the use of heat recovery, which is released during condensation of water vapor.
    It is very profitable and practical solution, due to which gas is saved and the heating temperature of the coolant increases.

Modern NAVIEN NCN condensing boilers are equipped with a heat exchanger original design, they have a system for preliminary formation of a combustible mixture, and also use modulating burners with wide capabilities.

And the protection system for such equipment is excellent; there are built-in devices that prevent the coolant from freezing.

NAVIEN – innovation in action

Navien gas heating boilers are innovative units that use only the most modern technological solutions.

  1. Availability of such modern technology allows you to make the process of operating equipment simpler, increase productivity and eliminate the occurrence of unexpected problems.

Advice. If you want to have an ultra-economical heating system, install a condensing boiler and thermostatic valves on the radiators. This will allow you to save up to 30%.

  1. In addition, all information about the operation of the equipment is displayed on the display, and control is carried out literally at an intuitive level.

  1. Navien boilers – universal technology, in which all qualities are unique and inimitable. This is innovative equipment, the use of which can be organized both to heat the house and to provide it with an uninterrupted supply of hot water.
  2. It is possible to use a timer to set boiler operating modes and perform high-quality preheating of water. Remote controller remote control significantly simplifies the boiler maintenance procedure and allows for quick adjustment of operating modes.
  3. Depending on the temperature or weather conditions, boilers from the South Korean company can operate manually or even in automatic mode. This is very convenient, because in this case you can safely exclude the occurrence of even the smallest errors during the operation of the equipment.
  4. Gas heating units from NAVIEN can be safely called excellent choice for use as the main or any other object.
  5. This technique is universal, it can work on main lines and even on balloons. liquefied gas. In order to switch the unit from one operating mode to another, you simply need to change some components in the boiler (usually the burners).

Installation of NAVIEN boilers is a simple and straightforward procedure. Due to the fact that each unit is supplied detailed instructions, installation work You can do it yourself or by contacting specialists from specialized companies.

The only point that must be remembered before starting work on installing equipment is the need for a rational choice of a gas removal system.

As a rule, for the operation of NAVIEN boilers of various modifications, an inexpensive but at the same time effective coaxial pipeline can be used. The installation is like this exhaust system can be produced both vertically and horizontally for a total area of ​​up to 110 meters.

To this day, an autonomous heating system that runs on gas remains popular. Residents of country houses and plots use such devices very actively. This can be said about apartment owners in multi-storey buildings. This is due to the fact that modern devices Gas heating systems have many positive features; they are easy to use, install, and operate. By visiting the store, you can get acquainted with a large assortment of similar products, but the most popular today is the Navien boiler. Malfunctions can occur during its operation, as with any other equipment. However, you can try to solve the problems yourself by using the error code that is indicated on the interactive panel.

Most common problems

The Navien boiler, the malfunctions of which almost every user can fix, sometimes breaks down during operation, like any other equipment. This is due to the fact that low quality coolant may be used. In order for the consumer to be able to determine the cause and make a decision, Navien brand boilers display an error code. Below are examples of problems that occur most frequently:

  • overheat;
  • lack of flame signal;
  • open circuit in the temperature sensor;
  • circuit damage;
  • problems with the fan;
  • short circuit of the flow sensor;
  • disruption of the system;
  • control board malfunction.

You may experience problems with equipment overheating, as well as false fire messages.


If you purchased a Navien boiler and malfunctions may occur during its operation, then you, like every user, need to know the main error codes and troubleshooting options. Some owners immediately contact a service workshop and do the right thing, since only in this case will the equipment be covered by the warranty when repairing the device.

If you see error 01 on the display, you should know that this malfunction is the most common. It is expressed in a decrease in heating flow or blockage. The same error code occurs when the circulation pump fails.

Decide this problem you can by following these steps. It is important to check the filter in the heating system for air pockets; if necessary, they should be vented. The technician needs to make sure that the pump is working properly and the coil resistance is closed. It is necessary to take care of the functionality of the impeller; it should not be damaged, and you can find it in the circulation pump.

Error number 02

The Navien boiler, the faults of which are displayed on the display, may encounter an error, which is indicated by the numbers 02. If the double-circuit equipment produces such a code, then warm water may flow from the hot tap for a few seconds, then cold water flows, and on the remote control the water temperature rises to maximum, then this parameter drops sharply. In this case, everything may be fine with heating, but the reasons for the error that occur are sometimes a lack of water or an airy system.

In some cases, you may notice that it works, but does not have the ability to gain the necessary momentum. Sometimes with error 02, users note that the impeller has mechanical damage. Sometimes the flow sensor in the coolant system does not work, and the heating distribution valve is closed.

Options for eliminating error 02

The Navien gas boiler, malfunctions of which can be an unpleasant surprise for the user, sometimes displays error 02. In this case, the technician should adjust the pressure, ridding the system of excess air, and also analyzing the resistance of the pump coil. The impeller should be checked for damage, as in the case described above. The resistance of the flow sensor needs to be checked for short circuit, open the distribution valve, and then disassemble the sensor housing, which will allow you to clean the flag. The Navien gas boiler, malfunctions of which led to error message 02 on the display, most likely encountered an air lock problem. In this case, the water is in the circuit, heating up, but after air enters, the temperature drops sharply, it reaches a critical point, which is why error 02 appears on the display.

Error 10 occurs

Error 10 is issued when the fan malfunctions; it may be bent, and in some cases the air pressure sensor tubes are incorrectly connected. They should lead to the fan volutes. Sometimes error 10 is indicated by a clogged chimney or strong gusts of wind.

Ways to solve the problem

The Navien wall-mounted gas boiler, malfunctions of which can be indicated by the number 10, must be repaired, which sometimes involves replacing the fan. If necessary, a technician should clean the chimney. You should make sure that the connection of the tubes leading to it is carried out correctly. They must have a bend.

The occurrence of noise

Sometimes users notice that a double-circuit boiler begins to make noise when turned on, but no error appears on the display. The pressure in the heating circuit can be 1.5 atm, and the solution to the problem is to use a high-quality coolant that will not lead to damage to the heat exchanger. If you still encounter this problem, the heat exchanger must be removed and cleaned, replacing it with a new one if necessary.

Error 011

Malfunctions of the Navien Ice boiler are sometimes accompanied by an error message in the form 011. It indicates that the coolant is full. If you purchased equipment designed for the European market, then such an error may occur, but with adapted boilers it is not possible.


“Navien” - boilers whose fault codes were listed above are characterized by reliability, ease of operation and installation, as well as versatility and safety. These quality characteristics more often force consumers to choose such devices to provide housing with hot water and install a heating system.