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How to make artificial icicles with your own hands! DIY LED garland: myth or reality? DIY LED icicle

LED street garlands"Melting Icicles" in Lately have become a very popular New Year's decoration.

The principle of operation of the garland

The jewelry is made as follows. On a long wire there are icicles on which there are white or blue LEDs. When the garland lights up, many lights begin to flicker on it, drops of light roll down the length of the icicles, which creates a melting effect.

Characteristics of the garland

The length of the LED street garland can reach 50 meters. As a rule, the kit includes 10 pieces of 50 cm each, which are connected together in one chain.

Having purchased such jewelry, you will be able to use it very long time. Garlands are resistant to frost, snowfall, strong winds, glaciation.

LED street garlands can be battery-powered or connected to electricity. At the same time, they consume electricity very economically.

The decoration can be used to decorate the interior or objects that are located on the street. In the house, garlands will look very impressive as curtain decoration. On the street they magically appear on the roof and porch of a building.

LED street garlands “Icicle fringe”

The “Fringe” garland will look very impressive hanging from the eaves on the roof of the building. It looks like a curtain with threads different lengths, forming waves. LEDs on a garland can be different sizes or be shaped like balls. Decoration with a shimmering effect looks very festive and unusual.

New Year's LED street garlands are very often used to decorate restaurants, cafes, entertainment complexes, hotels, and shops. They will undoubtedly delight visitors and put them in a festive mood.

How to do artificial icicles with your own hands!

I am sure that many needlewomen and mothers with children are now actively creating their own, handmade and warm Christmas decorations. At this wonderful moment, we all return to childhood, to the wonderful atmosphere of a fairy tale and the expectation of a miracle. In such an atmosphere of happiness and serenity, this spontaneous, unexpected and very simple New Year’s master class was born, which anyone can do.

So, for work we need:

Thermal gun and three rods for it;

Glue "Titan" or similar;

Clear nail polish;

A clean plastic surface (a container lid will do);

Transparent glitter;

And artificial snow.

Transparent glitter is sold in almost any stationery and craft store on the eve of the New Year; For this occasion, you can buy a heat gun and glue from Fix-Price, which are now available literally at every turn; nail polish - the first colorless sticky substance that catches your eye - can be replaced with any glue. A separate matter is artificial snow.

I've been hunting for it for a long time, because I have no time (or laziness...) to do it myself! In fact, it can be made from ordinary isolon, grated on a fine grater. The effect is exactly the same! Okay, enough of the long harnessing - it's time to go fast!

Let's get started. For authenticity, you can open an image of an icicle on the Internet and look at the structural features. We warm up the gun and begin to form icicles at our discretion.

We make the most different shapes: long and thin, double, triple, short - the more varied, the better! When you have completed the icicle, make a loop on top for attaching to the tree.

Here they are, our future beauties:

After the glue has cooled, remove it from the surface by simply picking it up under the edge. The reverse side turns out flat. If desired, you can also fill it with hot glue to create volume on both sides.

Now comes the fun part - decor! We cover the entire icicle, except the upper part where it is fastened, with varnish and sprinkle it thickly with glitter.

While the varnish is drying, turn on the hamster, and collect the spilled glitter back into the jar - there’s no point in letting any good waste go to waste! When everything is dry, take Titan glue (it can be replaced with any, I believe, thick PVA, and other types of thick, bulky glues), apply it to top part icicles where we will glue the snow:

We put it on plastic surface and sprinkle the snow thickly, pressing slightly.

Original garlands are one of the ways to decorate a room that create coziness and Few people know that an LED garland made with their own hands is an easy task. You can independently create an option that suits you and fits perfectly into the interior.

What types of garlands are there?

On store shelves you can find a huge number various options In order not to get lost in all the diversity, you need to know how they work and how they differ. Knowing what a circuit is will help you if you decide to make it yourself.

Types of garlands:

  1. Traditional thread garland.
  2. Mesh garlands.
  3. Curtains.
  4. One of the curtain options is icicle garlands.
  5. Durolite.
  6. Keeplight.
  7. A strobe light will create shimmer.

Now that you have decided on the types of garland you are creating, you need to carefully study the wires and types of power that can be used to create your own garland.

Wire and Power Types

Modern garlands are made using one of three types of wire. Rubber, silicone and PVC materials can be used for this. For outdoor decorations, the first two types of wires are used, since they have increased moisture resistance and are quite resistant to temperature changes. Indoors you can use budget LED Christmas tree garlands with PVC wire.

Based on the type of power supply, two types can be distinguished: autonomous and electric. The former are ideal for decorating facades and places where it is impossible to supply electricity. These outdoor LED garlands operate on batteries. Due to low energy consumption they can work a large number of time. A big plus is mobility; you can easily take them with you to promotions. Electrical ones are plugged into an outlet.

Option 1. Making a garland from an old keyboard

It happens that a garland is needed during the most short time, but there is no money to buy it. Then the master class “LED garland, made by yourself” will come to the rescue. Let's consider the most a budget option reworking old computer office equipment, such as keyboards and mice.

To complete the work you will need:

  • Several unnecessary keyboards (maybe not working ones).
  • Soldering iron.
  • Resistors.
  • Insulating tape.
  • Cambric tubes for heat shrinking.
  • Flux or rosin.

First, you need to remove various unnecessary wires from the keyboard and carefully disconnect the USB cable. In order for a DIY LED garland to be complete, you should look for at least five keyboards. Ask your acquaintances, friends, or go to local forums. Each has at least three led light bulbs, which serve as indicators of command buttons. If there is an unnecessary gaming one in stock, then there will be no price for it, because there are a large number of LEDs collected there. Most interesting option obtained by mixing different light bulbs from various office equipment.


Disassemble the keyboard and remove the small board with the controller. It is to this that the light bulbs will be soldered in the future. It is important to take into account that any LED garland (made by yourself) consists of 12 elements that are connected to resistors in parallel. Considering that a regular USB provides a voltage of 5 volts and a current of 500 mA.

The natural voltage of each element does not exceed 5 volts. If you connect them directly, they will overheat and burn out quickly. The voltage needs to be reduced. This can be done by pairwise soldering of elements. Thus, each of them will demote the other. But this option is not optimal. It is best to use certain tension limits that will not infringe on the riot of colorful lights.

Take the cable and burn a little through the braid on one side. Solder into bare windows. This way you will create an LED garland of the required length with your own hands. Achieve the required shape, length and isolate bare areas. There are wires inside the cable: minus is black, plus is red. Connect the entire structure and start testing outdoor LED garlands.

Option 2. Creating a garland from scratch

If you want to make an interesting garland that will meet the given requirements, then carefully study the picture below. Scheme LED garland will allow you to delve into the process and understand in detail the order of all elements.

In the event that we consider the possibility of emergency regulation of the frequencies of the multivibrator as a consequence of a shift at the ends of all existing transistors, the question arises of the difficulty of replacing field-effect and bipolar transistors. In this case, it is necessary to consider the frequency of switching; if you reduce the period, the LEDs located on the garland will begin to switch very quickly.

Thus, the VT-1 and VT-2 used may be similar to KTZ101 and KTZ15. To determine the supply voltage and its drop in the entire LED chain, you can use transistor R2.