home · Lighting · How to make a knife for the kitchen. Material for making homemade knives. Each product has its own knife

How to make a knife for the kitchen. Material for making homemade knives. Each product has its own knife

Knives are currently popular not only in the kitchen, but also among people who have connected their lives with extreme types of active leisure - fishing, hunting, tourism, etc.

On the market in modern times There are various knives: variable models, different sizes and designs. But none of them can replace a knife that you make yourself.

People often write on the Internet about how to make a knife with your own hands, but you have to try hard to make them.

Knives: types and basic properties

In the photographs of the knife on the Internet, you can see that each product is a creative element created from various mechanisms.

There is a large classification of knives depending on their functionality: combat, tourist, folding (for example, butterfly), knives designed for hunting, multi-tools, bivouac knives, as well as ordinary kitchen knives.

Kitchen knives are bought ready-made, but knives intended for hunting or tourism can easily be made at home yourself.

There are also such knives as survival knives, the main purpose of which is to help one survive in the wild. This option is relevant for tourists and hunters.

The blade of such a knife is usually no more than 12 cm. This length is sufficient for cutting wood, processing game, cleaning fish or other similar actions. Small dimensions make this knife easy to transport.

When making such a knife, you should great attention pay attention to the material intended to create the blade. Steel is often preferred.

Procedure for creating a knife

To obtain positive result When making a knife, you must first sketch out a drawing of the knife. In this case, you can know in advance what exactly you want to achieve in the end.

Instructions on how to make a knife at home include a number of rules.

Making a knife step by step

Cut out the blank for the future knife. Relying on finished drawing, cut out the shape for the knife.

You will need a knife sharpener. With its help, the base is brought to the required shape. And after this you will have a clear blank in your hands, where you can distinguish the places of the handle and blade.

Rough sharpening of knives. At this stage you need to clearly know what your future knife is intended for. If it is made for hunting, fishing or hiking, then it is better to give preference to the blade type of sharpening.

And, if a knife is created to function in the kitchen or in the garden, then a razor type is suitable.

Don't expect perfect sharpening at this stage, as this is just a rough draft intended to determine the future shape.

If the blade is pre-prepared, then you can start working with the handle. To create the handle, the most various materials– this is: wood, plexiglass, bones, thick types of leather, etc.


Having cut out a blank to create a handle, you should check whether it fits comfortably in your hand, as well as its proportionality relative to the blade. The knife handle is secured using the riveting method.

The shape for the foot handle is given using a sharpening machine.

The knife is ground and polished using sandpaper.

The final sharpening of the blade is carried out after sharpening on a sharpener, also using sandpaper.

At the end, the finished knife is polished with velvet cloth or polish.


As you can see, the process of making a knife with your own hands is not that difficult, so everyone can try their hand at this area.

You can also give the future knife the necessary and desired design. Special attention pay attention to the handle during the design process.

Knife design

Because it is by the handle of the knife that others can then judge your creative thinking and status.

Some write their names on the handles of the knife, draw certain patterns and sketches in the form of tattoos.

The simplest knife can be built in an emergency in the forest; the main thing is to find the materials necessary to create it.


You just need to find the cutting part for the knife, and then you should insert it only into the handle, which will be in the form of a piece of wood, rope or leather.

Photo of a knife with your own hands

DIY kitchen knife at home. How to make a kitchen knife with your own hands at home. A kitchen knife is the main tool of a professional chef. It must be strong, sharp and reliable. Real, branded chef knives are quite expensive, their cost can start from $200 to $3000 or more. We'll try to make a knife High Quality, investing only $10, and common hand tools will be used for the work.

Each knife takes a lot of effort to make, so you will need a lot of patience. Author working hand tools, spends approximately 20 hours on each knife.

Of course, no one forbids using a power tool, this will make the work process faster and easier.

Materials and tools.
List of materials:
- a workpiece made of high-carbon steel (such steel can be hardened);
- wooden block or boards (for making handles);
- brass rods (or regular nails for making pins).

List of tools:
- hammer;
- hacksaw for metal;
- files for wood and metal;
- marker, paper;
- epoxy adhesive;
- pliers;
- gloves;
- sandpaper;
- oil for impregnating wood.

Knife making process:
Step one. Selecting the right steel

There is only one thing that affects the quality of a knife - the steel used. So that the blade does not become dull for a long time, and the blade is as thin as possible and cuts everything like a blade, the steel must have a high carbon content. The more of it there is, the stronger the steel will become. Thanks to the large amount of carbon, steel can be hardened; it is carbon that gives rigidity to the metal during hardening.

This type of steel is usually used in tools, such as files, spanners and other. This steel is also commonly used in springs, for example you can use an old car spring. The author used steel 01 and also 1084 for such purposes. Steel 1095 also became quite popular. In principle, you can always buy a ready-made blank from the required steel.

Step two. Cutting out a rough profile
First of all, decide on the shape of the knife. You can take a finished profile from already made knives. You can change the existing profile to your taste. We draw it on the workpiece, and then cut it out with a hacksaw, holding it in a vice. If you have an angle grinder, great, you can cut out the profile using it.

There is one more nuance here: if your workpiece is hardened, then you won’t be able to cut it with a hacksaw. To work with hand tools you will need to loosen the metal. Heat it until red hot, for example, in good coals, and then let it cool on outdoors. After this, the metal should become soft. If this does not happen, it means that the steel was not heated properly.
To avoid damaging the workpiece with the steel lips of the vice, clamp it between two boards or blocks.

Step three. Forming bevels
Bevels are the sharpening angle; the wider the bevel, the smoother and thinner the blade will be, as a result, the knife will cut better. First mark the bevel lines on the blade on both sides, and then draw center line along the blade, as the author did. To draw the center line, you will need a drill of the same diameter as the thickness of the blade.

Now take a file and evenly remove the metal. This is not done quickly with a file, but you have virtually no chance of ruining the workpiece, compared to a grinder. Grind down one edge first, and then the other. After using a coarse file towards the end of the work, use a fine file to remove deep scratches.

Step four. Blade surface grinding
Now you can start sanding the workpiece. The task will be to make the surface absolutely smooth and even, to remove various defects after rough processing. First we use coarse sandpaper, and then finer and finer. Finally, the paper grain size should be 1200 grit. If you wish, after grinding you can polish the metal, but for now there is no point in doing this, since hardening still awaits us, after which the metal will have to be polished again.

Step five. Drilling holes
The handle is attached with two pins; the author uses rivets for them; they are large and look impressive. We drill holes of the required diameter for the selected pins. At a minimum, you will need to make two holes, the rest are optional. Drill carefully, to be sure, clamp the workpiece in a vice. The steel is quite thick, so you can easily break the drill.

Step six. Quenching and tempering
The steel needs to be hardened, so it will become hard and the knife will keep its edge for a long time. For these purposes, you can assemble a simple furnace powered by gas burner. In the simplest case, we take coals, fan them household hair dryer or other air supply. The steel must be heated to a bright red color, however, each type of steel has its own color indication. For check desired temperature find permanent magnet. If the steel is heated properly, the permanent magnet will not be attracted to it. The workpiece must be heated evenly along its entire length.

Next, cool the metal in oil, preferably using vegetable oil. A motor type will also work, but it is not recommended to use mining, as it contains a lot of contaminants, which can lead to damage to the top layer of metal.

Once the metal has completely cooled, handle it very carefully, as the steel is now very brittle. Tempering the metal will make the knife elastic. Thanks to this procedure, we soften the steel a little, and it acquires spring properties. For this procedure you will need a stove, it is important for you to know the temperature, it should be in the range of 200-230oC. We place the workpiece in the oven for an hour and a half, and let it cool along with the oven, do not open the door. That's it, after this you will receive a workpiece of excellent quality.

Step seven. Sharpening and polishing
After hardening, the steel will have a lot of contamination, such as scale, burnt oil, and so on. This whole thing needs to be cleaned up. Take fine sandpaper and soak it in WD-40 or ordinary water and polish the surface. Once the metal is clean, you can polish it. You can use GOI paste and other substances.

After polishing, sharpen the blade. This can be done with very fine sandpaper, you can use sharpening stones, but Japanese water stone is best; it comes in different grain sizes. Moisten the sharpening stone with water, this allows it to self-clean and sharpens metal well. Quality knife should cut paper easily.

Step eight. Pen
Before finishing the handle with wood, seal the blade masking tape, wrap it with electrical tape or secure it in some other way so as not to cut yourself. The handle covers are made from wooden planks or a block, which is sawn into two halves. We cut the workpieces to required sizes, drill holes and then assemble on pins. After making sure that everything is assembled correctly, glue the blanks using epoxy glue and clamp the handle with a clamp until it dries completely.

When the glue has dried, take a wood file and form the profile of the handle, this is not difficult to do. It is easier to carry out such work on a grindstone with a coarse-grained stone. Well, then we take sandpaper and make the handle absolutely smooth. You can polish it if you wish.

Finally, we use wood impregnation, otherwise it will instantly crack from water. will come to the rescue linseed oil. Oil can be mixed with beeswax, heating them in a water bath. Apply the resulting “ointment” to the wood and let it absorb. Finally, polish the surface.

As a result, we have an excellent kitchen knife that you can be envious of!

This is a petty, a slicer, a chef, and even a knife for cutting bread. But still, most people have only a couple of knives in the kitchen, and they usually use one. In this article we will talk about what knives are needed in the kitchen for your convenience, and also share secrets on using knives. These rules will help you enjoy the cooking process more and prolong the life of your knives. We have prepared 10 simple rules by use kitchen knives.

Each product has its own knife

A chef's knife is definitely a must have in your arsenal, and it will bear the maximum load. However, ideally it is better to have the optimal chef's trio for any kitchen - a large chef, a medium utility knife and a paring knife. Instead of a universal one, there may be, for example, a boning knife, which is convenient for cutting up poultry. It’s worth adding a bread knife to your collection, which will save your table from extra crumbs. It's better to cut frozen food special knife so as not to dull your main knife. For thin and beautiful slicing, a slicer is best suited.

Find your perfect knife

It's about the shape, the size, and even the material. Which handle fits better in the hand - wooden or marble, or maybe even made of micarta? Which chef do you prefer: classic guyo or Japanese santoku? Do you like longer knives or, on the contrary, do you like shorter ones? As for steel, it’s a little more complicated - you can only rely on your own experience. The main rule in this issue- so that you personally feel comfortable working with a knife.

Take care of storing your knives in advance.

It is important that knives are stored correctly. Whether it's a desk drawer, a magnetic holder or a stand. Everyone has their own preferences. But knives must be stored correctly so that they do not deteriorate, become dull or break. And, of course, so that all the knives are at hand and easy to get out. It is best to use magnetic holders, as their design allows the knife to dry as quickly as possible after wiping. In addition, the metal and plastic from which the stands are made are materials that do not absorb moisture and are not prone to mold. Magnetic stands also ensure minimal contact cutting edge with a surface that prevents the blade from becoming dull.

Proper Use

The point is that knives need care, no matter what materials they are made from. Do not wash in dishwasher, do not leave them in the sink, do not forget them wet, do not cut everything with kitchen knives. It is recommended to wash knives by hand and at a water temperature that is comfortable for your hands. From hot water the blade dulls much faster. The same thing happens when using a dishwasher.

Cut only on the board

It would seem a simple rule. But it’s also worth mentioning. It is best to cut on either a wooden or bamboo board, or, even better, on an antibacterial plastic board. Last option The good thing is that it is not susceptible to the accumulation of food particles and does not crack from moisture.

Sharpen in a timely manner

In fact, this is one of the most important rules. The knife should always be sharp and ready for use. The only thing is that you shouldn’t do this with ordinary sharpeners. And with Masahiro knives this is generally strictly prohibited due to their asymmetric sharpening. Ideally, it is better to sharpen the knife after each use so that it is always in working condition. New Japanese kitchen knives can keep a factory sharpening for a couple of years, or even longer. It is not necessary to sharpen them before the first sharpening.

Don't cut yourself

This rule primarily applies to small knives that we are used to peeling apples, potatoes, etc. Apples, for example, are often cut with a knife towards themselves. This way you can cut your palm. But for real sharp knife You can cause yourself much more serious injuries, if a knife slips, for example. Be careful - your children will need your gentle hands.

Do not knock cut foods off the board with the cutting edge.

It would seem that this is understandable, because in this way the knife quickly becomes dull, and even chips may appear. But often we do just that in a hurry. To throw chopped food into a pan or salad bowl, simply turn the knife with the butt facing the board, and that’s it.

Rule to cut quickly and safely

To follow this rule, you just need to accustom yourself to correctly hold the hand with which we hold the cut product. It's very simple - group your fingers towards your thumb, as if holding a thin tube. Thus, with the bend of your index and middle finger you will touch the triggers of the knife, and the chance of cutting yourself will tend to zero.

Hold the knife correctly

Chefs all over the world didn’t just come up with this idea various techniques working with a knife for speed and safety. The correct grip of a knife, especially guyto and santoku, is to use only two fingers - the thumb and index or middle finger. The hand is placed on top of the knife on the butt and handle. The “extra fingers” rest against the heel of the knife, and the two “working” fingers provide the necessary pressure on the product. With this method, you don’t even need to move the knife much to cut, just slightly lift its back part, resting the tip of the cutting edge on the board.

Separately, I would like to remind you that Japanese knives traditionally have incredible sharpness. If you've never used it before Japanese knives in your kitchen, handle them with extreme caution!

One of the main elements of working in the kitchen is a kitchen knife. It would seem, what could be simpler? But not every housewife knows what they are and why to use one or another type.

Especially for you, we have prepared a selection of the main types of kitchen knives and their purposes with photos and brief characteristics. Let's try to figure out which of them are really needed in the kitchen, and which ones will be useful only occasionally and will simply take up extra space.

Main types of kitchen knives

Despite all the diversity, three knives are rightfully considered the main chef's troika, without which the cooking process seems extremely complex and labor-intensive. Let's take a closer look at each of the knives.

Chef's knife. Universal tool, which can replace most other knives - except, perhaps, a bread knife. However, many chefs make do with only them - a matter of technique. A fairly large, heavy knife, despite its size, is easy to use. Shredding vegetables, slicing meat, peeling fruit... All this can be easily done with a chef's knife.

A wide blade, eighteen to twenty-five centimeters long, should be perfectly sharpened and quite durable. Durability is essential for handling frozen foods.

Considering that the highest demands have always been placed on the quality of this knife, we have prepared for you.

Another important component of the “big three” is a bread knife with a serrated blade. The length of such a knife is about twenty-one centimeters. His characteristic feature- a blade similar to a hacksaw, processed using the serrated sharpening method. The specially serrated blade easily cuts the bread pulp, but does not crumble it.

The last required tool is a small one. paring knife, with a blade of about seven to eight centimeters. Its small size allows you to hold it comfortably in your hand and thoroughly peel potatoes, zucchini and other vegetables or fruits - something that is difficult to handle with larger knives.

Popular types of knives

Of course, these are not all types of knives for use in the kitchen. If you go to a specialty chef's store, the variety of knives will amaze you. We suggest studying in more detail those of them that can become a successful addition to the main chef's troika.

Perhaps first on this list should be utility knife, which is found in almost every home. Blade classic shape usually reaches fifteen centimeters. This knife is suitable for both meat and vegetables. It is easy to use and does not require special skills.
However, such a knife will not cope with soft or, on the contrary, too hard products.

Few people know that the potato peeler found in almost every home is actually also a type of knife. A vegetable peeler, to use the official terminology, thanks to two blades facing each other, is very convenient for peeling vegetables and fruits. Floating blades provide additional ergonomics - the hand from such a knife gets tired much less than if you were trying to peel potatoes or apples with a regular knife.

Another useful knife - kitchen hatchet. A wide square blade up to eighteen centimeters long is indispensable for chopping meat. Due to its high strength, it allows you to easily cut through large pieces of meat, including frozen ones.

Its peculiarity is also interesting: if most knives need to cut along the product, such a hatchet should be lowered deeper.

Important: if you decide to purchase a kitchen hatchet, pay attention to the handle! It should be comfortable and not slip in your hand - otherwise you may get injured.

For a non-professional home kitchen, it would be a good idea to purchase a small sandwich knife with a slightly rounded blade shape. Who among us doesn’t like to make a couple of sandwiches for breakfast or for evening tea?

The unique shape of such a knife will allow you to conveniently spread butter and other soft foods on bread: pates, processed cheese, soft cottage cheese or mousse, jam...

A wide eight-centimeter-long blade will make it much easier for you to prepare sandwiches.

A fillet knife with a narrow and long blade of twenty centimeters is also useful in the kitchen. The shape of the knife and the raised tip make it easy to fillet the fish, separate the fillet from the bone, and cut the meat into thin slices. But be careful: this knife is not suitable for hard foods, so avoid cutting frozen meat or fish.

The Japanese santoku knife is not very popular here. Oddly enough, this convenient wide twenty-centimeter knife is not very famous. But the Americans have long appreciated it - many professional chefs switching from chef's knives to santoku. And in almost every home you can find such a model.

Thanks to the lowered tip, the knife is more ergonomic than its chef counterpart. It is convenient for chopping or shredding meat. The tip allows you to delicately cut even the most capricious products, including bread.

Another less popular knife will come in handy for many cheese lovers. That's what it's called - cheese. It is better to use it for soft varieties - a universal or chef’s knife can handle hard ones. The grooves or holes on the knife blade allow you to cut soft cheese without deforming or sticking. A nice bonus is that there is often a small fork at the tip of such a knife to carefully transfer the cheese to a plate.

Unusual knives

If you really love to cook and are not afraid of experiments and unconventional dishes, you should be interested in the following types knives. They are not used that often home kitchen, however, they can make life much easier for an enthusiastic cook.

For lovers of stuffed vegetables, it will undoubtedly come in handy knife for cutting out the cavity. Oval shape The blade looks unusual, but once you pick it up, you will understand how convenient it is. The pointed edge allows you to quickly remove the pulp from zucchini, eggplant and other vegetables. If you wish, you can even prepare pieces of meat for stuffing - but for this it will be more convenient to slightly freeze them.

Another one interesting model- cucumber knife. However, with its help you can quickly cut any food into thin, neat slices. hard vegetables or fruit. Seven parallel blades ensure a clear and precise line, so your plate of fruit or vegetable slices will look perfect.

The so-called chopping knife is also interesting to use. The semicircular blade is crowned with two handles. It is recommended to work with it with both hands. This knife is suitable for cooking chopped steaks and quick shredding large quantity meat or vegetables and so on.

The knife is often used in professional kitchens, but amateurs are wary of it. And in vain. Yes, working with chopped meat requires certain skills - but after spending a couple of hours training, you will notice how much easier it has become to work with chopped products.

Popularity Japanese cuisine could not but affect the market kitchen appliances Russia. If you love sushi bars, why not try making their menu at home? A kitchen sashimi knife, thanks to its flexible long blade (about twenty centimeters), will allow you to cut salmon and any other fish into thin, almost transparent slices. Your sushi will look perfect!

The eternal competitor of sushi is pizza. Fans of hot flatbreads with cheese are familiar with trying to cut a hot product fresh out of the oven. The cheese stretches unsightly and sometimes falls along with the filling... To avoid such troubles, purchase round pizza knife. The rotating blade with fine teeth allows you to quickly cut pizza into neat, aesthetic slices.

Of course, we could not describe all types of knives - experts number up to two hundred. However, we hope that the selection will help you decide on the necessary minimum, which will greatly facilitate the cooking process and make work in the kitchen quick and enjoyable.

We all want to have a good kitchen knife in the kitchen, if only because our wife, our most beloved person, works with it.

It’s impossible to count how many of them there are on the market, and there are different companies, and the style and materials and shape that you can choose from are dizzying. Pricing policy also varies greatly from very affordable prices to simply cosmic. Below are knives from 200 to 25,000 rubles.

Usually you take a knife in your hand and think: the handle is made of beautiful pieces of wood, the blade shines like a mirror, and at the same time “everything is wrong, guys...”. I wanted to put it together into a knot.
All ideas are aimed at two qualities that I see as the main ones in the kitchen: cutting and wear resistance, and the purpose of the knife is supposed to be universal - slicing vegetables, gastronomy, bread.

The first consideration is about what most affects the cut - flattening (the bevels of the knife from the butt, not the working part of the knife to the tip). There is no need for flattening more than 0.2 in the kitchen for vegetables and bread. If the owner’s hands are clumsy, we’ll do 0.25-0.3. All the other dozens on the carts are bricks tied to a bicycle. If you’re going to spend your time and consumables making a knife, is it worth making it identical to the Tramontina?

In my opinion, no. It should be made much better! U Tramontin top series mixing is about 0.4. It cuts, it doesn’t always make you happy, and the steel is like plasticine, give it to your mother-in-law and let her suffer, 35 rubles is not a pity.

The knife should delight in falling into food. Let's draw conclusions. Let's look to the East. In general, I have not met Europeans thinner than ~0.4 - from Arkos to Zwiling.

Second consideration. Wedge on the butt. I know it's crap. I understand when beginners don’t do it. I don’t understand when people with experience don’t want to take this obvious step in geometry. I remember again Tramontina, but what is it - almost any knife with a saucepan name in the supermarket is more expensive than 500 rubles. already worthy of receiving a tapering butt. With us, this is not always the case.
Moreover, for some reason many people bring experience from the outdoors into the kitchen, and knives with a blade of 4 mm or so appear in the kitchen. For what? If this is not a chef with a length of >200 mm and a width of >40, why this pointless work of splitting and pushing apart the product. To simply cut, with minimal costs forces, on average 1.5 mm is enough. The handle has more, the tip significantly less. And here any extra half a millimeter works against the cut. Unless they are justified by other things, for example, in large forms - chief, santoku, some weight of the blade is needed for inertia in the “cutting” mode. And on a station wagon up to 15 cm long, the weight is in any case insufficient for an inertial cannon, so the extra thickness of the butt works against us.
In general, don’t be afraid of transverse flexibility, be afraid of oak rigidity. If the knife is intended mainly for a woman, you can safely remove up to half a millimeter from the butt.

Third. Become. I will limit myself to the method of exclusion. The common opinion is “40X13 is just right for the kitchen” - well, why are you positioning the kitchen so low? 40X13 and its brothers in the form of molybdenum-vanadium stainless look at us in any supermarket. But shouldn't a handmade knife have to be better? Is it really pleasant to munch on it after a kilogram of chopped vegetables? When we have a lot of other, much better pieces of hardware. I don’t recommend specific brands, I’m constantly testing them myself.

I believe that the kitchen, like no other knife area, deserves the best. After all, only here knives work every day. The choice is simple. There are only two ways:

1. He will buy a good one, but for a far from affordable price.

2. Make a knife yourself, especially since this site has all the information you need for this. Success and good luck)))