home · Tool · Calendar thematic planning indoor plants senior group. Plan for an environmental week in the senior group on the topic: “Flowers of the Earth. III. Preparing to understand the topic

Calendar thematic planning indoor plants senior group. Plan for an environmental week in the senior group on the topic: “Flowers of the Earth. III. Preparing to understand the topic

The world of plants is amazing and diverse, and this plays into the hands of a creative teacher. There are so many interesting things you can tell children about the world of plants, conduct exciting experiences and learn about rare, unusual representatives of the flora. According to the “From Birth to School” program, in order to consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about nature, the teacher plans activities throughout the week that will support the cognitive interest of future schoolchildren. Material for conversations with children about amazing plants, types of roots and stems can be found in the appendix to the plan “ Thematic week « Amazing world plants."

Social and communicative development

Children talk about what trees they saw on the way to kindergarten, look at the globe and talk about people of three races, which promotes social and communicative development, as well as games for team building, joint work and solving problematic safety situations.

Cognitive development

In area cognitive development Conversations about the benefits of trees, types of roots and stems, as well as board and printed games on FEMP and environmental education are planned.

Speech development

Speech development occurs through children’s acquaintance with poems and legends about flowers, the exercises “Recognize a plant by description”, “Rhymes”. In games, preschoolers reinforce the ability to divide words into syllables, compose words with a given number of sounds, and perform a sound analysis of a word.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The teacher organizes various sketches on the theme of the week and offers to make irises from napkins. Conversations about sculpture and dance contribute to artistic and aesthetic development. The result of the week is the production of the wall newspaper “Ecoobjective” together with the parents.

Physical development

Preschoolers remember familiar physical exercises “We went into the forest, found a fungus”, “In the meadow” and others, guess riddles about summer holidays and tourism, which contributes to physical development children as well as outdoor games “Forbidden Movement”, “Obstacle Course”, various relay races and self-massage “Summer”.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation “What plants did I see on the way to kindergarten?” Goal: to develop memory and monologue speech, the ability to speak in front of peers.Game "Count - don't make a mistake." Goal: practice counting forward and backward.Exercise “Lay out a diagram of the word” (based on the topic of the week). Goal: to develop the ability to perform sound analysis of a word, to designate the sound with the appropriate chip.Drawing "Summer in the forest." Goal: to develop imagination, a sense of composition, to teach how to convey perspective in a drawing.Physical exercise: “We went into the forest and found mushrooms.” Goal: remember words and movements.
S.r. game "Nerds". Goal: expand knowledge about the professions of adults, consolidate the names of trees and shrubs.Game "Who wins." Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the relationships between animals and plants in nature. Filling out a diary of weather and insect observations.The teacher's story about what types of plant roots there are. Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the diversity of root systems, to teach how to establish the dependence of a plant on the root.Board game "Choose a pattern." Goal: to improve children’s ability to choose a pattern related to a given painting and describe its elements.P.i. "Penguins with a ball." Goal: to teach children to jump to a visual reference on two legs with a ball held between their knees. Relay races at the teacher's choice. Goal: to cultivate a sense of team spirit and the ability to accept defeat with dignity.
2 p.d.Exercise “Forbidden number” (elements of psycho-gymnastics). Goal: learn to overcome motor automatism, develop attention and memory.Conversation about the benefits of trees. Goal: to expand knowledge that everything in nature is interconnected.Reading N. Matveev “The Oak and the Wind.” Purpose: to introduce the work.Constructive-model activity from paper “Trees” (cutting out palms). Goal: to strengthen the ability to hold scissors correctly and carefully cut along the line.Self-massage of the face “Summer”. Goal: remember the exercise.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Watching cartoons about road safety. Goal: to form the foundations safe behavior, remember the traffic rules.Di. "Be on time." Goal: develop a sense of time, learn to regulate your activities in accordance with the time interval.View presentation « Vegetable world north." Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the nature of the northern countries, to enrich their vocabulary.Conversation “What is sculpture.” Goal: to enrich children's knowledge about different types of art.Guessing riddles about summer holidays and tourism. Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the importance of active recreation.
Socially useful work. Goal: to consolidate labor skills, the ability to distribute responsibilities in a team.A themed walk around the territory of the kindergarten. Goal: to consolidate the names of plants on the site, the ability to highlight the structural features of trees, shrubs and flowers.Di. “I’ll start, you continue.” Goal: to train children in using complex sentences.Reading Russian folk tale"Shepherd's pipe" Goal: to continue introducing children to different types dancing.P.i. "Obstacle course." Goal: to improve children’s ability to jump over and crawl under a rope.

To consolidate knowledge about the classification of plants;

Introduce students to types of indoor plants;

Give an idea of ​​the importance of indoor plants for humans and the environment;

Teach proper care for indoor plants;

Develop practical skills of students;

Stimulate the development of cognitive abilities;

Cultivate a love for nature and the world around us.

Planned results:

Know about indoor plants and be able to care for them;

Develop an interest in independently searching for material.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, flowers in pots, cluster, drawings of leaves, handouts.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Repetition of what has been learned

We talked about the fact that all natural objects are usually divided into two large groups: living and inanimate nature. Let's check how well you remember the objects alive and inanimate nature.

Guess game

The teacher lists objects of living and inanimate nature. If wildlife objects are named, students should raise their hands.

Words: snow, thunderstorm, flowers, rain, lilies of the valley, wind, tree, snowdrift, animal, fog, grass, cloud, bush.

You are well versed in the topic. What are the differences between living and inanimate phenomena? Highlight the main functions that help determine that you are looking at objects of living nature:

They breathe, reproduce, feed, grow, age, die.

III. Preparing to understand the topic

We talked about plants, about flowers. Remember what flowers you already know? (nasturtium, peonies, roses, chrysanthemums)

These flowers grow on the street, in squares and parks, in flower beds and gardens. They bloom in spring and autumn, delighting us with their aroma, bright colors and beautiful shapes. Do you remember what these plants are called? (floral and decorative)

Some flowers delight us in the forests, meadows and fields. These are lilies of the valley, buttercups, poppies, cornflowers. Others the person grows himself. Who doesn’t know about the beauty of roses, the splendor of dahlias or doesn’t rejoice in the bright colors of peonies.

What are these two groups of colors called? (wild and cultivated)

Task on the interactive board.

Highlight wild flowers in blue and cultivated flowers in green.

Words on the interactive board: rose, peony, chrysanthemum, lily of the valley, thistle, chamomile, poppy, pansy, snowdrop.

IV. Explanation of a new topic

There is also a group of plants that people grow.

Guess the riddle:

They purify the air, create comfort, make the windows green, all year round are blooming.


What do you think they are needed for? houseplants?

Compiling a cluster based on student answers (Plants: decorate a room, heal, purify the air, create comfort)

Flowers in pots with signs are displayed in front of the students.

Look at our indoor flowers. Read the names on the signs. These names are very beautiful, but some are very difficult. We must remember them in order to know how to properly care for them and what benefits these plants bring.

Chlorophytum: cleanses the air of bacteria and absorbs toxins. There is no need to water frequently, but you can add a few tablets to the soil activated carbon to enhance the properties of the plant.

Dracaena: irreplaceable if the floor in the room is covered with linoleum. Dracaena absorbs benzene, which is released from synthetics, and also absorbs exhaust gases entering the room quite well.

Dieffenbachia: loves light, but not direct sunlight. It should not be touched with hands, because the juice of the leaves can cause allergies. Perfectly purifies the air.

Ficus: it is better to place it near windows that overlook the road or industrial enterprises. Cleans the air well, absorbs toxins and harmful substances. In winter, it is better not to water the ficus, but to spray the leaves with a spray bottle.

Geranium: releases substances that have calming and anti-stress properties. It is best to place it in the bedroom. Geranium loves the sun and a lot of water.

Cactus: reduces air ionization and protects against electromagnetic radiation. Loves sun and water.

Aloe: Aloe juice is famous medicinal properties, it disinfects and kills germs.

Peperomia: protects us from colds because it destroys viruses that cause ARVI. It is better to place peperomia in the shady side of the room.

Some indoor plants not only make us happy unusual shape leaves, unusual color. It has been noticed that they extinguish negative emotions. These are begonia, fern and tradescantia.

Flowers and plants are not similar to each other, they differ in shape and color, and each plant, each flower is unique in its own way.

Video presentation on the theme "Waltz of the Flowers":

The presentation clearly demonstrates how each color has its own flower, thereby forming a bouquet and a rainbow of flowers ( literally and figuratively).


Our scarlet flowers
The petals are blooming,
The breeze breathes a little,
The petals are swaying.

Our scarlet flowers
The petals close
Quietly falling asleep
They shake their heads.

V. Consolidation

1) Game "Third Man"

There are a number of words on the board from which you need to eliminate unnecessary ones:

Aloe, calendula, geranium;

Nasturtium, ficus, cactus;

Kalanchoe, peperomia, aster.

2) Game "Find a pair"

3) Game "Find the owner"

The teacher shows drawings of leaves. Students must guess which plant they belong to.

4) Complete the sentence: I love indoor plants because….

VI. Generalization of knowledge

Indoor plants make us happy, make the room cozy, and purify the air in the room. Plants in the house are very beneficial. But you need to properly care for them. What do you think plants like? (Light and water)

Look carefully at the signs near our plants. A light circle means the plant loves light. The shaded circle shows that this plant prefers to grow in the shade. The letter "T" means that the plant is heat-loving. It is better to place it closer to heating sources. The letter "M" means that the plant is frost-resistant. It can easily withstand low temperatures.

Exercise: arrange the flowers in places according to the characteristics of the plants that you have learned about.

Read carefully the instructions on caring for indoor plants.

1) Most flowers should be placed close to the light, but avoid direct sunlight.

2) Water every day in summer, less often in winter.

3) Do not water plants with cold water.

4) When watering, the watering can should be kept low so that the soil does not erode.

5) large smooth leaves are wiped with a damp cloth.

6) You need to loosen the soil after watering, when the soil dries out a little. They only loosen upper layer without touching the roots of the plant.

7) Feeding and replanting are carried out in spring and early autumn.

What mistakes have you made when caring for plants?

VII. Student reflection and assessment

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What other plants would you like to talk about?

What remains unclear?

What task was interesting to do?

VIII. Homework

Draw any indoor plant and prepare short story about him.

1. Speech therapy. Formation of lexico-grammatical means of the language.

Topic: Houseplants. Changes of verbs by tenses, numbers and genders.

Source: We speak correctly. Notes frontal classes II period of study in the senior logo group./O. S. Gomzyak.-M.: Publishing House GNOM and D, 2009.-p.116.

Goal: To clarify and expand children’s ideas about indoor plants and caring for them.

Software tasks:

correctional and educational:

To clarify and expand children’s ideas about indoor plants and caring for them;

Clarify, expand and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic;

Practice changing verbs by tenses, numbers and genders;

correctional and developmental:

Enrich children's speech with words-signs, words-actions;

Develop gross and fine motor skills;

correctional and educational:

To instill in children an interest in indoor plants, hard work and a desire to help adults in caring for them.

Equipment: demonstration material: indoor plants, subject pictures depicting indoor plants, subject pictures depicting various actions for caring for indoor plants, subject picture depicting parts of a flower, ball;

handout: subject pictures depicting indoor plants, subject pictures depicting various actions for caring for indoor plants.

Methods and techniques: examination, conversation, explanation, demonstration, story, clarification, questions, point of interest, analysis, comparison, Practical activities, encouragement.

Previous work: getting to know indoor plants, talking about indoor plants, caring for indoor plants.

Vocabulary work: subject vocabulary: plant, flower; roots, stem, leaves, petals; water, irrigation; begonia, violet, fern, cactus, sansevieria, crassula, ficus; pot, earth, heat, light, air;

dictionary of characteristics: indoor (plant), long, triangular, round, oval, short, wide, narrow, green, striped, blooming, low, tall, thin, thick, curly, smooth, unsmooth, rough, variegated, dark and light -green, spotted, beautiful;

vocabulary of actions: grows, blooms, curls, hangs, decorates, cares for, waters, plants, grows, grows, blossoms, blooms.

1. Organizational moment. Didactic exercise “Choose and name a flower.”

2.Message about the topic of the lesson.

3. The story “Flowers”.

4. Examination and conversation “Indoor plants”.

5. Didactic game “Name whose.”

6. Didactic game “Yesterday – Today – Tomorrow”.

7. Didactic game “Name the related words.”

8. Finger gymnastics"Flowers".

9. Physical exercise “Flowers”.

10. Didactic game “Name the parts.”

11. Didactic game “One - many.”

12. Didactic game “Say the other way around.”

13. Practical activity “Caring for flowers” ​​(with voicing your actions).

14.Result. Assessment of children's activities.

Organization: MBDOU kindergarten No. 5

Locality: Republic of Tatarstan, Agryz

Environmental week plan in senior group on the topic: “Flowers of the Earth”

Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading” fiction", "Artistic creativity"

Goal: introduction to diversity flowering plants, their connection with the environment.

Formation of a consciously correct attitude towards representatives of the plant world.

Objectives: To deepen children's knowledge about flowers and their diversity.

Learn to compare plants, draw conclusions based on comparison.

Exercise in the classification of flowers, consolidate the concepts: indoor, garden, meadow, forest flowers.

Strengthen the ability to reflect received impressions in drawings and creative works.

Develop a caring attitude towards flowers, develop a desire to care for flowers.

To cultivate a love for beauty, the beauty of the world around us.


Conversation “Flowers are the beauty of the earth”

Goal: to arouse children’s interest in the world around them, the desire to become a friend of nature, develop children’s speech, and activate attention and memory.

Labor: “Water the flower beds”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to water plants on the site, help adults, develop a desire to care for plants, and aesthetic pleasure from admiring fresh flowers.

Word games: “I was born a gardener”, “Describe the flower”, “Riddle and we will guess”

Goal: develop the ability to describe plants and find them by description.

Conversation: “Dandelion and meadow plants”

Goal: to cultivate a caring attitude towards dandelions and wildflowers, to consolidate knowledge about the structure of flowers, their names, to develop children’s powers of observation and speech.

Lepka: “We went to the meadow”

Goal: to encourage children to use accessible modeling techniques to transform the features of fairy-tale images of flowers, to develop the imagination of children.

Dandelion observation.

Goal: to develop a caring attitude towards dandelion as a medicinal plant.

Mini entertainment : "Living Flowerbed", "Find Your Place"

Purpose: to amuse, amuse children, bring joy from joint activities, fix the name of the colors.

Conversation: “The Red Book is a danger signal.”

Goal: to develop children’s understanding of the purpose of the Red Book, to develop a caring attitude towards endangered plant species.

Handmade: “Flowers”

Goal: to consolidate the knowledge and skills of making flowers from natural materials.

Outdoor games: “Flowers and wind”, “Sun and rain”.

Goal: to develop the ability to act on a signal, restrain oneself, expressively perform movements, develop imagination.

Mini-entertainment: “Evening of riddles and guesses”

Goal: to develop thinking abilities.

Children's stories about flower beds at home, how they and their parents take care of flowers, in what cases they give flowers at home.

Goal: clarify knowledge about colors, develop speech.

Labor: “Weeding flower beds and loosening the soil.”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to determine the need to care for flowers, to cultivate the ability to work carefully, and to take a responsible attitude towards helping a living creature.

Learning poems about flowers .

Goal: to help children remember poems, develop interest in literature, develop speech and attention.

Didactic games: “Run to the named plant”

Goal: learn to quickly find a flower.

"Get to know the plant"

Goal: find a plant according to the description.

"The fourth is odd."

Purpose: highlight the extra word, explain your choice.

"Journey to the kingdom of flowers."

Goal: consolidate knowledge about flowers, continue to teach children to describe plants, noting the differences and similarities between them, develop speech, thinking, desire to observe and care for them.

Drawing on the asphalt: “My favorite flower”

Goal: to encourage children to convey the beauty of flowers in drawing available means and expressiveness, encourage initiative and independence.

Game-conversation: “If you were a medicinal (garden, meadow, indoor) flower”

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about flowers, their characteristics, to develop imagination, and the ability to conduct a dialogue on behalf of the flower.

Oath of a young friend of nature

1. I promise to protect nature, to be its friend and defender.

2. In nature I will behave quietly and modestly, I will not destroy plants without reason.

3. I will take care of the cleanliness of the environment.

Used Books:

1. “Organization of children’s activities during a walk” senior group, T.G. Kobzeva, I.A. Kholodova, G.S. Aleksandrova;

2. “Artistic and labor activity with children 5-6 years old”, E.A. Galtseva;

3. “From autumn to summer”, L.A. Vladimirskaya;

4. “Visual activities in kindergarten with children 5-6 years old,” I.A. Lykova.

Morning gathering.

Introducing children to the theme of the week"Indoor Plants": Why did the flower wilt?

Situational conversation “Do you need to talk to plants?”

Reading fiction

Fable by L. Tolstoy “The Jackdaw Wanted to Drink.”

Individual work

(Artem Loshk., Artem Lis) Count the toys on the Christmas tree. (Up to 5).

Five-minute speech therapy session:

Finger gymnastics “Gnomes - laundresses”.

Di "Parts of a flower"

Motor activity

Morning exercises “Zimushka - winter”.

Round dance game "Yasha" and "Masha".

Work assignments.Dining room duty (arrange cutlery correctly).

Walk 1

Tit watching.

Goal: Continue calling

interest in birds. Continue to introduce the tit, its habits, habitat, features appearance. Develop dialogical speech. Foster a love for the nature of your native land.

Individual work

(Artem L., Bogdan). Repeat the tongue twister.

S/R game "Cafe"

Outdoor game "We are funny guys"

Goal: Increase motor activity, act quickly on the teacher’s signal.

Work order. Removing snow from the site.


Gymnastics after sleep. Path of Health.

C\P game "Flower Shop"

Walk 2

"Frosty Wind"

Goal: To identify and expand children's understanding of the properties of air. Cultivate interest in inanimate phenomena.

Ind. Job (Arina. Andrey). Let's count to 5.

Motor activity P/n "The Bird and the Cat"

Morning gathering.

We continue the conversation about the topic of the week: “How to care for indoor flowers?”

DI “Which flower is the leaf from?”

Five-minute speech therapy session:

Articulation gymnastics,

Exercise “What’s missing?”

Reading fiction:

Poem “In our group on the window”

Situational conversation. If you take out indoor flower outside in winter, what will happen to him?

Finger gymnastics"Walk" .

Di “Find the extra” (generalization).

Motor activity

Morning exercises “We are growing”

Round dance game "Sparrow"

Work assignments.Dining room duty (arrange cutlery correctly, arrange and lay out napkins beautifully).

Walk 1

Cat observation.


Strengthen the idea of characteristic features cats.

Individual work

(Denis, Dima). Geometric figures on snow.

Outdoor game "Cat and Mice"

Goal: Learn to run easily without bumping into each other.

Work order. Removing snow from the area.


Gymnastics after sleep.

Breathing exercises “Let’s warm our hands.”

Health path.

Communication activities

D\I “Hide the flower”

Learn to use prepositionson, with, in, with, from, under, for.

Individual work

Veronica "Sail", "Snake"

Dima Ch. “Pie”, “Bridge”

Artem Loshk. “Accordion”, “Cup”.

Walk 2

Watching spring weather

Goal: Continue to form an idea of ​​the seasonal phenomenon - snow melting (where does it melt faster?)

Ind. Job (Denis, Ulyana). We walk and count to 5.

Goal: Development of mathematical abilities.

Motor activitywith take-out material at the request of the children.

P/n “The mice dance in a circle,” “Who is taller?” Goal: Learn to jump easily, play, strictly follow the rules.