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Class hours in elementary school on education. Class hour in elementary school with a presentation. A historical journey into the world of technology


Class hour V primary school“From childhood, they teach you to value friendship at school...” (with presentation)

Relevance of the chosen topic:Friendship mutually enriches children: it expands children’s interests, they have a desire to help each other, to experience joy and sorrow together. Therefore, this topic is relevant in elementary school. And the accompanying presentation increases the cognitive interest of students.

Students are involved in preparation for extracurricular activities. Poems were learned with them. The rest of the children independently looked for proverbs and sayings about friendship. The material used was selected taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the class.

Positive emotional charge, communication style, use of gaming moments, use of ICT, familiarization with joint activities, the personal participation of children, the organization of the beginning, the setting of tasks for the lesson contribute to the development of speech, children’s feelings, and the development of positive emotions.

During the lesson you must adhere to the following principles:

  • respect and accept the world of others;
  • treat students with absolute confidence;
  • focus on the child’s positive behavior;
  • avoid value judgments in relation to children;
  • unconditional acceptance of the child.

Subject: “From childhood, they teach you to value friendship at school...”

Target: reveal the essence of the concept of “friendship”, show what qualities a true friend should have, what role friends play in our lives; develop a desire to be friends with others.

Form of work: conversation-reasoning with presentation.


I. Class organization. Emotional mood

There's a song playing V. Shainsky “What they teach at school”

Firmly - firmly be friends,
Treasure friendships from childhood
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Application, 1st slide.

II. Reporting the topic and purpose of the lesson

- Let each of you think and answer the question for yourself: “Do I have a friend?”
-Who do we call a friend? Let's think about this.

III. Conversation about the meaning of the word “friendship”

Students read the poem “Friendship” in roles dressed as heroes.

“What is friendship?” I asked the bird.
- This is when a kite flies with a tit.
I asked the beast: “What is friendship?”
- This is when the hare does not need to be afraid of the fox.
And then she asked the girl: “Friendship – what is it?”
– This is something huge, joyful, big.
This is when the guys all play at once, all together.
This is when boys don’t hurt girls.
Everyone in the world should be friends: animals, birds, and children.

Say the word "friendship."
– What do you remember?
-What am I? What is my friend?
– What would I like to be?
– What kind of person would I like to be?
– How would I not like to see my friend?
– Which character trait do you value most in your friend? And in yourself?

Friendship – close relationships based on mutual trust.
Friend - a person who has a friendship with someone.
Comrade - a person close to someone in views, activities, living conditions; friendly towards someone.

(S.I. Ozhegov “Dictionary of the Russian Language”)

Application, 2nd, 3rd slides.

– What is the meaning, the value of friendship in life?

IV. Reading and discussion of the poem “If the drops weren’t friends”

M. Sadovsky

If the drops weren't friends,
How would puddles live then?
How would the rivers flow?
Where would the ships sail?

If the notes weren't friends,
How would we put the song together?
How can birds sing?
How would the sun rise?

If people weren't friends,
How would we live in the world?
After all, without friendship for a long time
There is nothing in the world!

– Let’s think about the fact that both children and adults need friendship in different life situations.

– What kind of friend can be called a real one?(Completing tasks on the slide)

Application, 4th slide.

V. Proverbs about friendship

Application, 5th slide.

– What proverbs about friendship do you know?

Game “Finish the Proverb”

Application, 6th slide.

Fizminutka (children perform in pairs)

You are a blackbird and I am a blackbird(show)
You have a nose and I have a nose.
You have red cheeks and I have red cheeks,
Your lips are scarlet and my lips are scarlet.
We are two friends, we love each other

VI. Continuing the conversation

- Who are you friends with?
– Are you friends with your parents?
– Should parents be childhood friends? (Ask them about this at home.)
– Do you think it’s possible to keep childhood friends?
– Would you like your friends to be with you throughout your life?
– Do you think you can only be friends with people? Are you friends with animals, nature, books?

VII. Quiz “Who is friends with whom?”

1. Green crocodile Gena and... (Cheburashka)
2. Trusting Pinocchio and... (Malvina)
3. Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and... (Piglet)
4. A boy named Baby and... (Carlson)

– There are many books about friendship. By reading these books, you will also make literary friends.

  • L. Voronkova “Sunny Day” (“Girlfriends Go to School”);
  • A. Gaidar “Timur and his team”;
  • V. Dragunsky “Childhood Friend”, “Deniska’s Stories”;
  • L. Kassil “My dear boys”;
  • N. Nosov “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”;
  • V. Oseev “Three Comrades”, “Rain”, “Vasek Trubachev and his comrades”.

Application, 7th slide.

IX. Feeling and emotional experience of a state of friendliness

– Where does friendship begin?

The song “Smile” sounds (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky).

...From the blue stream
The river begins
Well, friendship begins with a smile.

Application, 8th slide.

X. Mimic gymnastics

– Smile at each other.
– Adopt the facial expression that a friendly person should have.
– What expression should a hostile person have?

Application, 9th slide.

– Can hands help make friends?
– What are our hands like?(Good, evil.)
– Touch each other’s hands. What can you say about them?

Application, 10th slide.

XI. Repetition of the rules of speech etiquette

– Show how to greet a friend, express approval, say goodbye, etc.
What music do you hear when you think and talk about friendship?
– What does friendship “smell” like? (your feelings)
– What does it feel like?
- Does it taste like it?
– What weather would you compare “friendship” to?
– What animals can the word friendship be associated with?
– What colors will you use to “paint” friendship?

XII. Summing up the lesson

Now you are just learning to be friends. And for friendship to be strong, you need to follow the laws. There are many laws of friendship. Here are some of them.

1. One for all and all for one.
2. Respect each other and help each other.
3. Rejoice with your friends.
4. Don't offend your friends and everyone around you.
5. Don’t leave your friends in trouble, don’t let them down, don’t betray them, don’t deceive them, don’t break your promises.
6. Take care of your friends, because it’s easy to lose a friend. An old friend is better than two new ones.

– If you follow these rules, you will become true friends.

Application, 11th slide.

Performing the song “When my friends are with me.”

Where it is difficult for one,
I can handle it together with you!
Where I don’t understand something
I'll deal with my friends!
What is snow to me, what is heat to me,
Why do I care about pouring rain?
When my friends are with me!

- Our class hour has come to an end. Let's stand up and tell each other the words of the famous hero, the kindest and most patient cat Leopold:
- Guys let's be friends!

Slide captions:

From childhood, they teach you to value friendship at school...

“A comrade is a person who is close to someone due to common views, activities, living conditions...” “A friend is someone who is connected with someone by friendship” S.I. Ozhegov Friend, comrade. Who is this?

“close relationships based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.” Friendship

What proverbs about friendship do you know? Explain the proverb

If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but you find him... Friends are found in... Don’t have a hundred rubles, but... An old friend is better... Finish the proverb: A man without friends, what... Friendship is not a mushroom in the forest...

WHO ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH?! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Mimic gymnastics Smile at each other - take on the facial expression that a friendly person should have - the facial expression that a hostile person should have

Can hands help make friends? - Touch each other's hands. What can you say about them? - Shake each other's hands in a friendly manner. What do you feel?

1. One for all and all for one. 2. Respect each other and help each other. 3. Rejoice with your friends. 4. Don't offend your friends and everyone around you. 5. Don’t leave your friends in trouble, don’t let them down, don’t betray them, don’t deceive them, don’t break your promises. 6. Take care of your friends, because it’s easy to lose a friend. An old friend is better than two new ones. Basic laws of friendship:

Guys let's be friends!

"Cool watch for junior schoolchildren»

Explanatory note

Class hours in primary school are an integral part of the teaching and educational process.

Joint preparation for class hours and conducting them not only unites them, but also teaches them communication, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, and promotes development children's creativity, fantasy, imagination, and at the same time the educational process is underway.

Class hours are held with the invitation of parents; parents are the greatest helpers, and often participants.

When conducting class hours, I try to involve all students in the class. Of course, the content of the holiday depends on what kind of children and parents are in the class, what abilities they have, for each set I select topics necessary for the educational process in this class. I hope the cool clock I developed will help you in your work.

“To educate a person in all respects,

you need to know him in every way"


Much in modern school changes, improves. But the class hour in many schools remained the same - additional time for the class teacher. I propose the development of classroom watches on a specific topic. And I hope they make your job easier.

I hope that the classroom designs I have suggested will assist you in your efforts to educate students.

"In the kingdom of Politeness and Kindness"


– introduce the concept of “politeness”, show how politeness is manifested, show the need to use “polite” words in speech;

– cultivate a culture of communication, develop respect and a friendly attitude towards people;

– develop cognitive interest, broaden the horizons of students.

Equipment: map of the “Kingdom of Politeness and Kindness”, visual material(sun, task cards, emoticons, candies cut out of colored paper, card with polite words).

Progress of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. Introductory conversation

- Good afternoon! Today we will have an unusual class hour, you will tell me yourself what it will be dedicated to.

When we say these words. This is what we sincerely wish for those we meet. Goodness and joy. And our heart opens to sincere and kind people. Dear Guys! Try to comprehend the truth - “the heart will open to good.” Listen to an excerpt from a poem by V. Suslov

Where there is beauty, there is kindness.

Nothing can separate them.

Any bright dream always looks like two friends

And we can’t do without them

Neither on a bright day nor on a rainy day

And if you want to be beautiful

“So today we will visit an unusual kingdom, but you will have to tell me yourself what it is called and where it is located.”

(The topic of the lesson is written on the board, but it is covered with paper)

– In this kingdom, people congratulate each other on good luck, console and calm each other in trouble, give way to elders, help each other,

take care of each other. And in this kingdom, people love to give each other gifts, but not simple ones, but magical ones.

– It’s nice to give gifts and surprises to loved ones: mom, dad, friend,... Do you experience a feeling of joy and satisfaction when you give gifts to people other than your family, or maybe even strangers?

– Can people do nice things for each other without giving anything?

III. Main part: “In the kingdom of politeness and kindness”

1. Conversation about “magic words”

– Maybe someone remembers what word I started today’s lesson with? (Good afternoon.)

– Were you pleased to hear him?

- Why? What do we want to wish a person when we say “good afternoon” to him?

– What other words do you like to hear from other people? (Hello, goodbye, forgive me, please, excuse me, be kind, be kind, be healthy, have a nice journey, good luck, good luck, Good morning, thank you, all the best, Good night, …)

(The teacher posts these words on the board.)

– Do you feel how the class has become warmer and more comfortable from these words?

– Listen to the word “hello”, what other word does it sound like? (health, health.)

– What do we wish for another person when we say “hello” to him? (Health.)

– Is it pleasant for every person when people wish him health?

– What does the word “goodbye” mean? (See you again, see you soon.)

– What do we want to tell a person when we say “goodbye” to him? (That we won’t say goodbye for long and we’ll be glad to see you again)

– So, for what purpose do people say “hello”, “goodbye”, “excuse me”, “please”, etc. to each other?

– What are all these words called? (Polite.)

– Maybe someone guessed the name of our kingdom? (Politeness.)

(The teacher reveals half of the title of the topic for this event.)

- This is only the first half of the name of the kingdom, and the other half of the name

you'll guess a little later.

– You said correctly that the words written on the board are called “polite”.

– What else are they called? (Magical.)

- Why?

– Listen to the poem:

- Hello! –

Having bowed, we said to each other,

Even though we didn’t know each other at all.

Just “hello” because we didn’t say anything else!

Why is there a drop of sunshine in the world?

Why has there been a little more happiness in the world?

Why has life become a little more joyful?

– What was so special that happened between strangers that they had a little more sunshine and joy and happiness? (They wished each other health with a simple word “hello,” and this wish made them feel happier and warmer in their souls.)

– And if we give more of these little droplets – words – to each other, then what will people on earth be like?

– So why are these simple, well-known words called “magic”?

- Who understood what magical gifts Was it discussed at the very beginning of the lesson?

2. Getting to know the meaning of the word “polite”, “polite person”

– Tell me, what do you call a person who uses polite words in his speech? (Polite.)

– But is the frequent use of “polite” words always an indicator of a person’s politeness?

– But listen to this story that happened to one boy during recess:

At a break

During recess, the boys were running around like crazy. And Igor, of course, is the fastest. And, not surprisingly, he rushed into the teacher in a hurry, almost knocking her down. Anna Vasilievna stopped Igor and asked:

– What should I say?

- Hello! – Igor answered.

After these words the guys laughed.

– Why did the guys laugh when they heard Igor’s answer?

– Can Igor be called polite, because he uses polite words in his speech? (No.)

- Why?

– So, in order to be polite, is it enough to use “polite words” in your speech?

– How should they be used? (Right.)

– Now we are in the 21st century, but in the 16th century a polite person was called differently. Maybe some of you know how?

– In the 16th century, a polite person was called “vezha”, which means: like yourself

to lead in a given situation. It is from the word “vezha” that our

the word "Politeness"

– So, what kind of person can be called polite? (Who knows and

knows how to behave in a given situation.)

– Politeness was and is very important quality and obligatory for all people, therefore in the 16th century politeness was taught in school, as now they teach mathematics or grammar.

- But listen to what happened one day in one yard:

I hit my grandfather with a ball

And he shouted: “What do I have to do with it?”

But, having counted to thirty,

He said: “Well, grandfather, I’m sorry!”

– Can we call this boy polite? (No.)

- Why, because he asked his grandfather for forgiveness?

– How would you ask for forgiveness in this situation if you were the boy?

– That’s right, even if you accidentally offended another person or accidentally caused him pain, you must definitely apologize, and apologize in such a way that the person feels better from your words.

Game: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”

    Who among you, waking up early, will say “good morning” cheerfully?

    Tell me, brothers, which of you forgets to wash your face?

    Who always has their bag, books and notebooks in order?

    Which of you is silent like a fish, instead of a kind “thank you”?

    who wants to be polite and doesn’t offend kids?

- But listen to what happened to the other boy.


A huge Goose is running towards me.

I tell myself:

“Don't be afraid!

May be,

that Goose is tame,

He’s running to meet me.”

But Goose looks fierce -

He hisses threateningly.

Will it pinch?

But so be it!

I smiled:

- Hello, Goose!

He nodded his head in response.

And I heard:


- What did Goose want to do? (Pinch the boy.)

- Why didn’t he touch the boy? (The boy greeted him.)

– Can birds and animals understand human speech? (No.)

- So how did Goose realize that the boy said hello to him? (By a friendly look, a kind smile)

- So, if we say polite words with a smile, a kind look,

then even who understands them? (Animals.)

– Therefore, how should we pronounce polite words so that they become “Magic” and are understood not only by people, but also by animals? (Sincerely,

with a smile and warmth.)

It’s probably not for nothing that people say that a polite word is even pleasant

Today I want to tell you another little secret. You know. What

Our land is illuminated by a big sun. Where is it? (In the sky.)

(Lyrical music sounds)

Drawing of the sun.

- That's right, it's in the sky. This sun shines every day, warming us

with its warmth. It gives us a joyful mood, gives life to all living things.

– But it turns out that there is also a little sun. Did you know about this?

- Maybe you can guess where it is?

– Guys, it shines in each of us. This little sun with its warmth warms the people around us and makes them kinder. This sun makes us want to help the sick, the unfortunate,

feel sorry for the one who was offended. And if a person could ignite this within himself

the sun, then he will never harm another person. He will love

and people, and birds, and all living things that exist on our planet Earth. What

is this the sun that is in each of us?

- That's right, this is KINDNESS!

– So what can’t a polite person exist without? (No kindness.)

- So what is the full name of the kingdom through which we traveled today?

(The Kingdom of Politeness and Kindness.)

(The teacher reveals the full title of the topic).

And now we only have to answer one question: where is this kingdom located? The time has come to travel through this kingdom, and when we reach the end, we will find out where it is. Ready? Then let's go!

You will travel in teams. I will offer each team a task that you must complete within a certain time. For a correctly completed task, you will receive a sun or a flower (polite words are written on them). You must paste the received items onto a sheet of paper with a basket so that you get a beautiful applique. The team that produces a lush bouquet wins, and more items received will be pasted. Do you understand everything?

Game “Magic words”.

Teacher: Now let's play.

Game “Don’t make a mistake, please”

I will ask you to complete tasks, but you must complete them only when I call

"Magic word".

Stand up please!

Hands up!

Please clap your hands!


Jump please.

Hands forward.

Please add lines with magic words:

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... /thank you/.

The old stump will turn green when it hears... /good afternoon/.

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... /thank you/.

The boy is polite and developed and says, when meeting, ... /hello/.

When we are scolded for pranks, we say... /sorry, please/.

Game “Attentive guys”.

Teacher: To show care and attention to people, you need to understand the emotional state of people: whether a person is sad or happy, angry or afraid. But a person dresses according to his mood.

Now we will practice determining people's moods.

Please look at these faces. What do they express?

Game "Do you know the rules of etiquette?"

1. Can a boy greet a girl with his hand in his pockets?

2. Is it possible to accept a hand extended for a handshake?

3. If a stranger on the street, having identified himself, greeted you, what should you do?

4. you overtake a friend walking in front of you on the street. Which one of you should say hello first?

5. A girl enters the room where two young men are. Who should say hello in this case?

The earth is surrounded by rays

The earth is surrounded by flowers

Walk by clear laws

Fly high routes

Orbit of love and greetings

Let our whole planet rush

Strive to open at least once

The star of humanity in everyone


Since ancient times, it has been a custom to take off the glove from your right hand when greeting people.

Once upon a time, people fought and fought. The knight, greeting, took off the glove from his right hand, showing that there was no weapon hidden in his palm.

In Japan, when meeting, they bow to each other, folding their hands with their palms facing each other and holding them in front of their chest.

In Tunisia, they bow by raising their right hand to their forehead, then to their lips, then to their heart.

In Tibet - removing the headdress right hand, the left one is placed behind the ear and at the same time sticks out the tongue.

IN Ancient Rome They greet you with the words: “Are you sweating well?” because it is always very hot there.

IN Ancient China greeted with the words: “Have you eaten today?” People there often went hungry.

On the Tango Islands - they stop at a distance, shake their heads, stamp their feet and snap their fingers.

In Russia we greet people in different ways. When meeting, they say “hello” to each other. Relatives and friends can say “hello” to each other. When meeting, young people sometimes use the word “salute” instead of the word “hello.” Other words are also used for greetings. If people are at some distance, they greet with a nod, and drivers raise their hand when they meet.

" Fun mood"

Sing the song “Smile” as it would be sung:

TO competition “Guess the melody”.

Game "Yes, no"

Friendship begins when...

    smile at someone

    protect someone

    if you pick apples from someone else's garden

    sharing toys with someone

    you'll trip someone up

    help make a broken toy

    if you push

    you fight

    calling names

    speak polite words

V. Summary

– Now let’s sum up the results of our competition.

-What do you have in the picture? (Sun.)

-What kind of sun is this? (Kindness.)

– What else does a person need to be happy?

– Children, affection, love, tenderness, a kind word, a kind heart – these are flowers human soul. So let’s not be stingy, let’s generously give them to others every day! And let's start today?

– Look what’s in your basket? (Heart.)

(Children take out a heart from a basket that is glued to a piece of paper. This

the teacher put the heart there in advance and the children had no idea until the

end of the lesson that it lies there.)

- What is it like?

– So, where is the “Kingdom of Politeness and Kindness”? (In our

– To make us a little warmer today, let’s give each other our

warm kind hearts.

(Children give each other a heart that they made at home at the request of


– And I would like to end today’s lesson with these words:

Become a good wizard

Come on, try it!

There is no need for special cunning here.

Understand and fulfill the desires of another -

A pleasure, honestly!

– Let’s become kind wizards for the people around us, give

give them a little joy, happiness and warmth and we ourselves will become happier for it!

VI. Reflection

- And now, guys, I want you to evaluate our lesson. Before

you have three faces - emoticons:

1 – I understood everything, I’m satisfied, I’m ready to continue further;

2 – satisfied, but didn’t understand, I want to know more;

3 – I didn’t understand anything, I’m not happy.

– Attach the candy to the face that matches your mood and your knowledge.

- Thank you, class is over.

Don't stand aside indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

Need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if we help someone, someone

Your kindness, your smile.

Are you happy that the day was not lived in vain?

That you have not lived for years in vain!

I want everyone to laugh

May your dreams always come true.

So that children have joyful dreams,

May it be a good morning,

So that mom doesn't be sad,

So that there is no more war in the world.

World! World! Light!

Peace is joy, it is a friendly greeting!

Circle “From Heart to Heart”

Let's hold hands and say

Let's say goodbye

Wish each other

Be kind, be merciful.

Class hour: “About girls and boys”


    To instill in boys masculinity, independence, respect for girls and women;

    Teach mutual understanding, form an appropriate sexual identity “I am a man”;

    Awaken the desire in boys to cultivate the best qualities in themselves;

    Teach that both boys and girls should be good friends and respect each other; show what good traits girls should cultivate in themselves.

1. Org. moment

“What our world consists of, the oak tree that stands in the field high mountains with gray hair, and more, and more of you with me
From boys and girls, from books and ideas,
And most importantly, and most importantly, from adults and children”

2. Report the topic of the class hour

We start the class hour with this wonderful song. Today we will talk about adults and children, about boys and girls, about how we would like to see both boys and girls, about what they are like in our class.

But first, look at each other, smile, let there be kindness, calmness and joy throughout the class.

3. “Talk about boys”

Guys, tell me with whom do you associate the concepts of strength, masculinity, determination?

Of course with men - our protectors!

There is a picture in front of you, what is it called? (Bogatyrs)

Who are the heroes?

How did the artist depict them?

At all times, heroes lived in Rus', ready to come to the rescue, to protect

And it so happened that the image of a man personified strength, masculinity, intelligence, nobility.

There are so many things in the world that men do. What professions do you know where you can’t do without male help?

Yes, real men build, fly ships and planes, perform scientific discoveries, serve in the army, defending their homeland, and do business. In general, they are business people - real men.

Let's listen to a poem dedicated to boys and called Business Man

Business man.

When the alarm clock rings, he jumps up instantly:
Today is Monday, you have to go to school, student.
He does exercises and washes up to his chest.
Everything is in order in the briefcase, I had breakfast and hit the road.
Mom looks at her son! Neatly dressed -

Arrives right on time, even if you check your watch.
Always ready for a lesson - he knows everything you ask.
Good at any job, everything obeys him,
And if someone asks, he will help him.
Mother looks at her son: His life begins
A real man is a business man.

Why does mom think that her son is growing up to be a real man, a business man?

How does she feel about her son? What does he appreciate about him?

And now I ask our girls, what kind of boys would they like to see?

    I believe that boys should be smart and businesslike, as in this poem

    The boy must be strong and play sports.

    I like well-mannered guys who will give up their seat on a bus to a woman or girl, who won’t sit at the table before the girl, who will help you get off the bus and put on a coat.

    But I don’t like rude people; a real boy shouldn’t be rude and call him names. Boys should be polite, especially with girls.

    I would like boys to be friends with girls and protect us.

4. The result of the “conversation about boys”

Words appear on the board (intelligence, strength, good manners, politeness, ability to protect)

Boys, you see what girls want you to be.

Our boys are smart and now they will show you how strong they are athletically and we will check who can do push-ups

Competition tasks.

    Push up from the floor

Well done! Real men! Strength is important for a boy, but a man is a future owner who must be able to do a lot: hammer a nail, go to the store, cook a delicious dinner. Listen to the poem called “The Man in the House”

Poem dramatization.

Man in the house.

Dad told me at the airport:
- For four days you will be the man in the house,
Stay with me.
The plane rolled off, dad taxied for takeoff.
I ran into our apartment,
He ordered the light to be turned on in the kitchen, seated the family at the table,
He made the following speech:
“Grandma,” I said sternly, “
You run across the road. Every pedestrian knows:
There is an underground passage.
“You’re grinning inappropriately,” I threatened Katya with my finger, “
That's it, big sister, please wash the dishes.
- Mom, you’re not very good, don’t be sad and don’t be bored.
And you’re leaving, by the way, -
Turn off the gas in the kitchen!

Who does he imitate?

One of the most tedious things in household. Which of our boys helps mom peel potatoes? Let's check it out.

Competition task.

    The longest peel.

Boys, you understand what it should be like a real man?

At what age does one become a real man? What should be done for this?

True friends, courageous and noble people who can always come to the rescue and protect the weak will never disappear from our land; people are strong, brave and noble - real knights!

I believe that our boys are future knights, they are well-mannered, strong, smart, respect girls and women. Girls, give the boys orders - future knights.

Presentation of the Order of the Future Knight

5. Conversation “About girls”

Well, now, let's talk about beauty.

No matter how good our boys are, they cannot live a day without girls.

Among people of all nations and nations, female representatives are loved, surrounded with attention and care. And how many different works are there for girls, girls, women. A woman is always something beautiful and mysterious.

Look, guys, how artists depict women in their canvases.

(Tender, sweet, kind, beautiful)

Let's ask the boys: what do you think a girl should be like, how she should behave?

    You should like everything about a girl, she should be neat and tidy. Dress nicely and do your hair well.

    A girl should be kind, hardworking, help her mother, respect men and boys.

    Every girl is a future housewife, so she must be able to cook, clean, do laundry, and wash dishes.

    I want to see the girl polite, so that she does not scream or utter rude words.

    I would like the girls to be cheerful and kind.

    I like girls who look like princesses. When such a girl is next to me, I want to be like a prince.

(Words are posted on the board: neatness, hard work, politeness, kindness, thrift)

All our girls look like princesses, they deserve to receive the Order of the “Little Princess”

Presentation of orders to girls.

Boys! Look at our girls, how beautiful, kind, cheerful, neat and hardworking they are. On the stand are crafts that the girls made with their own hands.

All male professions are successfully mastered by women too! There are women astronauts, surgeons, pilots, and courageous athletes.

But every woman has the most important purpose, the most important profession - to be... Did you guess it?

Be a mom!
Mom has been with you since the first days,
Her hands are warm.
If mom is with us
Evil will not touch us.
The peace of her high soul,
Affection and play.
Remember your mother's lessons - peace and kindness!

When your mothers were little, they, like all girls, loved to play with dolls. And now we will try to look into the future and see what kind of mothers our girls will turn out to be.

Competition “Come on, mommies!”


    Swaddle the baby. A mother should be able to quickly and beautifully dress her baby.

    “Tender lullaby.” To put your baby to sleep, you need to sing him a lullaby.

Well done, girls and smart girls, and what beauties!

But the boys will tell about it. Each boy received homework- draw a flower with which he associates a classmate and try to explain why the girl is similar to this flower.

(The boys come out and give the flower picture to the girl)

Vika is similar to the “Pansy” flower.

She is just as bright and has mischievous and cheerful eyes. At the same time, she is a modest girl.

Alena, you are like a daisy - very gentle, modest, shy. Just like chamomile, it pleases the eye.

Katya is like a violet. Thoughtful, modest, short, beautiful and smart.

And Masha, it seems to me, is similar to lilacs. Just as bright, with good taste, well-mannered, noble.

Nella looks like a poppy. She is a flirt and loves to stand out from all the girls in some way.

Katya reminds me of a flower - an orchid. This girl is a mystery. She can be cheerful, mischievous, and sometimes she sits and doesn’t approach anyone, thinking about something of her own.

Natasha is a peony. She is bright, curvy, and a little businesslike. She loves to lead so that everyone obeys her. This girl is like a queen!

Arina looks like a sunflower. She is tall and fair. Kindness and warmth emanate from her, like the sun.

Tanya is like a rose. This girl is beautiful, sophisticated, and sometimes not too proud.

Dasha reminds me of a lily of the valley - white, modest, shy, romantic.

Veronica looks like a bell. She has a clear voice, she is cheerful and energetic.

Natasha is like a narcissist. She is just as refined, sophisticated, neat and beautiful.

Dasha is like a chrysanthemum, because she is beautiful, smart and sometimes strict, with character.

Nastya is a cornflower. Modest, cheerful and pretty.

What a beautiful bouquet we got. I really want to wish you happiness and joy. Let smiles always shine on your faces!

Today we talked about boys and girls. There are many different and similar character traits in men and women. The most important thing is to be able to respect each other and get along with each other.

You will study together for many years, and the boys must fulfill their knightly duty, and the girls must appreciate the boys. And when there are friendly relations between you, everyone will feel comfortable and happy in the class.

Let's end our class hour with a wonderful song about friendship.

Song “You, me, you and me”


    Bogdanova O.S., Petrova V.I. “Methodology of educational work in primary school"Moscow 1980

    Romanyuta V.N. “You and your friends” Teaching children to communicate Moscow 2002

Scenario: "Autumn Festival"


It's a sad time, eyes charm,

I am pleased with your farewell beauty,

I love the lush decay of nature,

In crimson and gold, dressed forests.

What time of year did A.S. Pushkin speak so lovingly about? Yes guys, this is said about autumn.

Autumn! How good Golden autumn with its multi-colored outfit - the bright colors of the trees, the wealth of all kinds of fruits, a good harvest of bread and vegetables.

1 student.

Dropped the daisies

White shirts

True sign

That summer is leaving.

Apparently they don’t want

Clever daisies,

So that the autumn rain

Wet my shirts.

2nd student:

Falling leaves wander in the grove

Through the bushes and maples

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

3rd student: Foliage is flying in the air,

The whole earth is covered in yellow leaves.

We are sitting by the window

And we look outside.

The leaves whisper "Let's fly away!"

And they dive into a puddle.

4 student:

Let's make a fan out of leaves,

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves,

Light and playful.

5th student:

And obediently follow the wind

The leaves are flying away

So there's no more summer

Autumn is coming.

Dance of the leaves (music by P.I. Tchaikovsky)

Leading: Look how many leaves we have! But they are not simple, they have riddles.

Students dressed as leaves ask riddles.

1 student:

She dies in the fall

And comes to life again in the spring

Cows without her are in trouble,

She is their main food.


2nd student:

No arms, no legs,

There's a knock on the door

Asks to go to the hut


3rd student:

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves


4 student:

Who beats and taps on the roof all night

And mumbles, and sings, lulls you to sleep?


5th student:

Sits - turns green,

It falls and turns yellow,

He lies there and turns black.


Leading: Well done children, you guessed the riddles correctly.

6th student:

Glorious autumn! Healthy vigorous

The air invigorates tired forces.

7th student:

The ice is not strong on the icy river,

Like melting sugar lies

8th student:

Near the forest, as in soft bed,

You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!

9th student:

The leaves have not yet faded,

Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

All: Glorious autumn! Come and visit us! (Autumn enters to the music of the waltz)

Autumn: Hello guys! I heard a lot of good things about myself. Today I came to visit you not alone. There are 12 months in a year, and three of them are autumn. Meet them, friends! (includes SEPTEMBER)


I am the first.

Clear September morning

The villages are grinding bread,

Birds are flying across the seas,

And the school opened.

Children from the audience say folk signs and proverbs about September.


September - first month of autumn

September is departure time.

In September - one berry and even then a bitter rowan.

September is a magician of color.

September is the time of golden autumn.

September: In September, autumn either caresses you with the warm sun, as if playing with summer, or reminds you with fine cold rain that winter is coming.


I see: on the horizon

A cloud flies across the sky

I'll quickly open my umbrella,

It will protect from rain.

I’ll hide everyone, everyone, everyone under an umbrella,

How could it be otherwise?

The presenter opens his umbrella and music sounds. Children perform the dance "Raindrops". Entering the second month of autumn - OCTOBER


And I am the month of the first snow, the first cold weather.

Between the thinning tops

Blue appeared.

Made a noise at the edges

Bright yellow foliage

I walk silently. Small cracks

A fallen off branch,

And, wagging its tail, the squirrel

The light one makes a jump.

The spruce tree has become more noticeable in the forest,

Protects dense shade.

He pulled his hat on one side.

Children from the audience say folk signs and proverbs about October.


Before the approaching cold weather, birds hurry to the south.

October will cover the earth: sometimes with leaves, sometimes with snow.

In October the leaf does not stay on the tree.

October to the music of Tchaikovsky:

The last flocks are flying over the fields

The last leaves in the forest are flying away.

And the sun, barely breaking through the clouds,

The last non-heating ray drops.

The last autumn month is coming out - NOVEMBER.


The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often,

The day was getting shorter

Mysterious forest canopy

She stripped herself naked with a sad noise.

Fog lay over the fields,

Noisy caravan of geese

Stretched to the south: approaching

Quite a boring time

It was already November outside the yard.

Children remember folk signs and proverbs about November.


November is the last calendar month of autumn.

November is the gate of winter.

In November, winter and autumn are fought.

Father, October is cold, and November has chilled him too.

The presenter addresses the months: Welcome to our holiday!


Autumn harvests fruits

There is a lot of joy for people after all their hard work.

Children enter in costumes (watermelon, cabbage, two carrots, onion, cucumber, parsley, sunflower, corn).


Your harvest is good

Born thickly.

Scene "Merry vegetable garden".

10th student:

Bloomed over the meadows

The fogs hid.

Well, the sun is right here

It bakes the beds,

Looks like the fruits are growing,

Is everything okay here...

Leading: Here is a button walking towards us -

Sugar watermelon,

Hands on hips

Round, thick-cheeked.

Watermelon: I, friends, am not proud for nothing:

From above I am green, hard,

But inside -

Merry dawn.

Don't accidentally break it -

I'll splash some red sweet juice.

Children: Don't boast, Watermelon,

Don't be proud, Watermelon!

Maybe you still

Doesn't taste good.

We'll visit you again soon,

And let's try

And let's taste it!

Leading: Look -

Here's a head of cabbage

Here's a cabbage

A hundred clothes and a turban,

And it’s not empty inside!

Kachan: I, friends, am a cabbage pumpkin

Extraordinarily delicious

I turned white from the top of my head,

I'm already quite ripe.

At least cook it

At least salt it

Do as you please

I'm crispy and fresh -

Cut with a knife and eat!

Children: Young head of cabbage,

Dear head of cabbage,

Don't bother - you

We'll put it in a vat,

And we’ll salt it for good,

And let's cook cabbage soup,

Let's serve it on the table

Let's treat our friends.

Leading: Look at the two friends

For red new clothes...

Wider circle!

Wider circle

Two carrots are dancing. (Tanya carrots)

Carrots: We are smart and slim

And, of course, everyone needs...

We are dear and loved to everyone.

If only my teeth were sharper

No, not just any eater

We are tough carrots.

Children: You carrots are delicious

You carrots are juicy,

You, dear carrots,

We will eat until spring.

In the yard and at the table

Let's have a sweet treat, let's crack it!

Leading: Do you hear?

Bold Bow

And he says

Why are you

You are a dear friend

Are you choking with laughter?

Onion: I'm not a carrot

No, I'm mean!

You should try onions -

Tears will flow like a river,

And in the garden there is the most evil one!

Children: Don’t be angry, Luchok,

Don't worry, Luchok,

We all love onions

Get into the potty.

The soup will be tastier

And the salad is spicy

We like you -

Get up quickly!

Leading: What a great guy this is

And who is his girlfriend?

This is a fat cucumber

And thin parsley.

Cucumber: I, excellent cucumber -

I'm finally tired of

Lay on black bed!

What can you say about her?

Isn't that right, ugly girl?

Misha's is longer!

Neither give nor take -


Children: Don't be angry Cucumber

Don't scold, Cucumber!

We'll put you in a basket,

Well done, why are you girlfriend

Did you find something bad?

Isn't it time for you and Petrushka

Leading: But, staring at the clouds,

The sunflower is coming...


You're not being condescending

Are you looking at the garden?

Sunflower: I didn't fly high

I don't turn my nose up...

You think it's easy for me

Feed a flock of crows?

The crows scurry about in the cottage,

They peck without a break...

Where will they get the seeds?

These kids?

Children: Don’t suffer, sunflower,

Don't be bored, sunflower,

Give us your seeds

Black, sweet, full.

We are glad to help you

Can you hear the gluttons?

Away from Sunflower

Fly away, thieves!

Leading: Here, groaning from the load,

Corn is coming to us,

What do you want, worker?

Corn: I need pouring rain -

The merciless heat exhausted me.


Children: Long-legged rain

Go on all roads!

Leading: Drop, drop,

Drip - drip - drip...

Who is not wet

Who is not weak

Join the round dance!

Happy vegetable garden!

Vegetables dance with them Autumn and Autumn Months

Autumn: To be healthy, strong,

Gotta love vegetables

Everything, without exception.

There is no doubt about it.

And lastly, I want to know which of you is the most observant?

Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog)

Who has a cheek instead of a bag? (Chipmunk)

The leaves of which trees turn red in autumn? (aspen, rowan, bird cherry)

Which animal gives birth to babies during leaf fall? What are they called?

(Hare, deciduous)


Why are there mushrooms on the Christmas tree?

Do they sit astride branches?

Not in a basket, not on a shelf,

Not in the moss, not under a leaf -

At the trunk and among the branches

They are put on the knots.

Who arranged them so cleverly?

Who cleaned the dirt off the mushrooms?


This is Belkin's pantry,

This is Belkin's summer gathering!


    Which bird hatches its chicks in the rain? (swan)

    Which bird flies the highest? (eagle)

And now I will reward you in the autumn way.

Autumn distributes fruits.

Children invite autumn to the festive table. During the festive feast, games, contests, and competitions are held, in the organization of which parents actively participate.

    1) competition for the best bouquet.

    2) Whose salad is better?

    3) Skillful housewife (children peel potatoes)

    4) Application from dry leaves

    5) Song competition (who knows more songs, where the names of flowers appear)

    6) Group game"Flower - seven-flowered." (Each team opens a piece of paper and completes the task that is written on the back).

The prizes for each competition are special: crafts from natural material, from vegetables, fruits.

Family celebration

« In the world of fairy tales"


    1. Organization of family leisure.

    2. Uniting the children's team and the team of parents.

    3. Instilling interest in the book and curiosity; take good care of the book.

    4. Expanding the horizons of children and parents

Fairy-tale characters in the script: Shapoklyak, Pinocchio, Malvina, Cheburashka, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Baba Yaga, Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Vasilisa the Wise, Old Woman



    costumes for all fairy tale characters.

  • basket of pies

  • box

    Golden Key


    Barbie dolls

    illustrations for fairy tales


Good afternoon Today we will take a journey into the world of fairy tales. You will meet your favorite fairy-tale characters, take part in fun competitions

In this room today

Miracles await.

Do you hear? They come alive here

(Malvina appears)


We must believe in miracles!

And then a fairy tale will come to you.

Capturing you into a magical world,

Into the world of serious adventures,

Where evil fights good.

In this world without fear

Follow the truth firmly.

And friendship will be the reward,

Loyalty, celebration and love.

Song "Book World"

Music and lyrics by S. Buldakov

1. The book world is open day and night!

Open the door to this fairy tale.

Open page by page

And you will know the world in the best colors

2. In the book you will meet mountains higher than the sky

And you will find a treasure underground,

You will find friends from different fairy tales,

It’s more fun with them, I won’t lie.


And a fairy-tale hero with a golden key will help you open the door to the book world.

(Pinocchio appears)


I'm made of logs

To the delight of the kids,

My precious key

Will open doors to you.


Who is this?

Today we will meet the heroes of fairy tales. You just need to say magic words: snip.) snap, snurre, purre, basilure!

Children repeat


Well done! Now guess the riddle:

Neither a tiger nor a fox,

Neither a kitten nor a puppy,

Neither the wolf cub. not a groundhog

But filmed for film

And everyone has known for a long time

This cute little face

And it's called...

(Cheburashka appears)

Cheburashka: sings:

I was once strange toy nameless,

Which no one will approach in the store.

Now I'm Cheburashka, every mongrel is mine

When we meet, he immediately gives his paw.

I was unlucky at first, and this happened often:

Nobody came to my birthday party.

Now I’m together with Gena, and he’s extraordinary -

He is the best crocodile in the world.

What work is this character from?

Why was this hero called that?

And here is another heroine from the work of E. Uspensky.

A very nasty old woman.

Everything is bad for her, everything is wrong!

Annoying as a fly.

Who is this?

(Shapoklyak comes out)


I'm an old woman, no matter what!

Both smart and young!

My rat is with me

Named Lariska!

You, of course, found out

Shapoklyak old lady I am

For a whole year I watched

How are you living, friends!

Even though you studied for two years,

But we learned nothing.

The third time, guys, gathered

It’s still too early for you to get there!

The Minister of Education sent me with a task:

Check here, sniff there

And give you all two marks!

I'll conduct the exam

Whatever you don’t know, I’ll find it!

I'll prove that your efforts were in vain!

It would be better if we stayed in the second one!

First test for you! Solve the crossword puzzle

    1. Who kidnapped Thumbelina? (Toad)

    2. In which fairy tale was the princess driven by a dog? ("Flint")

    3. What was the name of the very little heroine? (Thumbelina)

    4. What was the name of the girl who saved her named brother? (Gerda)

    5. Who was punished for coveting the Swineherd’s toys?


    6. Who turned into sea ​​foam because of love for the prince? (Mermaid)

    7.The bird that the Ugly Duckling turned into? (Swan)

    8.What prevented the princess from sleeping on a soft bed? (Pea)

Well, you've passed the first test. Now the task is more difficult.

Fairytale clothes

Which fairy tale character does this clothing belong to?

1. The kindest and most fearless person wore a doctorate white robe, a white cap and glasses on his nose? (Aibolit)

2. Whose suit was stuffed with straw? (Scarecrow - Volkov)

3. Who was the owner of frog skin? (Vasilisa the Beautiful)

4. What was the name of the tailor who cut and glued a brown paper jacket and bright green pants? (Papa Carlo)

5. Which fairy-tale character loved bright colors and therefore wore canary yellow trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie? (Dunno)

And you completed this task. The last task is for your attention!

Who has read the fairy tale "Cap"?

Oops, maybe I got it wrong. What about the fairy tale "The Fox and the Poppy"?

- "Golden Chop"?

- “The ball is a bird”?

- "Kosobok"?

- “The Tsar is a Singer”?

- “A regiment and seven kids”?

Oh, I'm tired, guys.

It's a little difficult for me to study.

And of course, continue.

Discover the secrets of knowledge

And read more books!

Goodbye, I'm going to report on your successes. (leaves)


And this heroine runs to her grandmother.

He wants to treat her to pies.

(Little Red Riding Hood appears and sings)

1. If it's long, long, long

If it's long along the path,

If it's long along the path

Stomp, jump and run,

Then, perhaps, then, of course,

That's probably true, true,

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,

You can come to Africa


Ah, in Africa the mountains are so high!

Ah, in Africa, rivers are this wide1

A-ah, slopes, mountains, mountains,

A-a, gullies, rivers, crayfish,

2. Well, of course, well, of course,

If you're so lazy

If you're so shy

Stay at home, don't go out!

You don't need roads for anything,

Slopes, mountains, mountains,

Gullies, rivers, crayfish -

Take care of your hands and feet!


Why do you need mountains this high?

Why do you need rivers this high?

A-ah, slopes, mountains, mountains,

A-a, gullies, rivers, crayfish,

Oh, and a green parrot! - 2 rub.


Who wrote the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood?

Here's another fairy-tale heroine

And I washed it for my stepmother,

And sorted out the peas

At night by candlelight,

And she slept on the stove.

As beautiful as the sun!

Who is this?

(Cinderella comes out)

1. At least believe it, at least check it,

But yesterday I dreamed

Like a prince, he rushed to me

On a silver horse.

And the dancers greeted us,

Drummer and trumpeter

Forty-eight conductors

And one gray-haired violinist.

2. At least believe it, at least check it,

It was a wonderful ball!

And the artist on the cuff

He drew my portrait.

And the famous sage said,

That there is no one sweeter than me!

The composer sang songs to me

And the poet read poetry!

3. At least believe it, at least check it,

I was spinning like a top

And that's probably why

Lost my shoe

And when my dream melted away,

Like night clouds

They stood on my window

Two crystal slippers.


Who gave us a wonderful fairy tale?

Meet the next heroine!

A small maiden.

And she herself is all stately.

And her braid is black

Yes, so good!

Dress of malachite color,

There are red ribbons in the braid.

Eyes like emeralds

Magical, wonderful!

(The Mistress of the Copper Mountain appears)


Who wrote about me?

What other hero is most often found in his tales?

What stone did Pavel Petrovich Bazhov sing about?

Who got this box? (Tanya)

I wonder what these heroines like to do? Probably, like all girls, you like to play with dolls?

I guess?


You are absolutely right. Only our girls' dolls are modern. They adore the Barbie doll and will sing about it.

Song "Barbie is my dream"

(Words and music by E. Sergeeva)

1.Where did this miracle come from?

The girls are just going crazy.

People are talking about this doll everywhere.

Well, look, here she is!


Barbie is not a toy!

Barbie is my friend!

Barbie is delight and beauty!

Barbie is my dream!

2. Her eyes shine with a wonderful light,

She calls me to the magical world.

And I know that she will understand me.

3. And may we become more mature over the years,

We won't forget Barbie's friend.

Her smile has become sweeter for us,

It will help bring back childhood again.


I liked your dolls. They are somewhat similar to me. And I liked you. Let's play the game "Birds". When will I name the one who flies. you must raise your hands and show how they fly, and shout: “They are flying!” And if they don’t fly, keep silent.

Are ducks flying?







Thanks for playing. I would like to stay with you more...


Come in, Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Welcome. And we welcome the following guest:

Everyone, just a minute!

I want to start a fairy tale.

The name of this fairy tale is

Hurry up and guess.

Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba

In a clearing by the river.

And Grandfather and Baba loved

With sour cream... (koloboks)

I baked a bun

Golden-sided and ruddy,

He rolled out of the house

On an unfamiliar road.

I didn’t tremble before the wolf,

Ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

Still got caught... (Kolobok)

I didn’t come to visit you with empty handed. She brought pies. And with what - find out for yourself. Guess the puzzles.

hedgehogs - u + e = vetch = ?

black - y + o + plum - a = ?

I also brought telegrams. Who are they from?

"Happy birthday to Eeyore."

“I will, I will wash my face in the mornings and evenings!”

"The fox took over my house and kicked me out."

"Thank you, swallow, for the wonderful rescue!"


Thank you, grandma, for the pies and telegrams! Passes. Please.

Another grandmother is rushing towards us.

The whole world knows Grandma.

She is only three hundred years old.

There, on unknown paths,

Her house is on chicken legs.

(Baba Yaga appears)

Baba Yaga:

Fairytale element.

I have a document.

I fly on my broom,

And I scare the kids

Is it because of the heat? for the blizzard,

Everyone scolds me. hag.

And there is no more harm in me,

Than in a chamomile in a meadow.

Baron ... (Munchausen)

Ilya Muromets)

Boy... (from a finger)

Ali - ... (Baba)

Koschei the Deathless)

Mouse... (King)

Sivka - ... (Burka)

Old man... (Hottabych)

Brownie... (Kuzya)

Dr. Aibolit)

Dad... (Carlo)

Signor... (Tomato)

Tiny... (Khavroshechka)

Crocodile Gena)

Sister... (Alyonushka)

Well done! Helped me. Do you like to play? Let's play the game "Echo". Who knows how the echo answers the question it is asked? Here's an example. I ask the echo: "What time is it now?" What will it answer me?

Right. "An hour - an hour." Or maybe the echo will answer: “It’s 11:15 am?”

Of course not. So, I think you understand the rules of the game. Let's start playing. I only ask you to accompany your friendly answers with the same friendly clapping of your hands. Begin!

Get ready kids! -Ra - Ra!

The game begins! - Ra-ra!

Don't spare your hands! - Lei - lei!

What time is it? - It's an hour!

What time will it be in an hour? - It's an hour!

That's not true, there will be two! - Two - two!

Think, think, head! - Wow!

How does the rooster crow in the village? - Wow - wow!

Yes, not an owl, but a rooster? - Wow - wow!

Are you sure. what's wrong? - So-so!

But in reality, how? - How how!

What is two and two? - Two - two!

My head is spinning! - Wow!

Is it an ear or a nose? (shows ear) - Nose - nose!

Or maybe a load of hay? - Cart - cart!

Is it an elbow or an eye? (shows his elbow) - Eye - eye!

Are you always good? - Yes Yes!

Or only sometimes? - Yes Yes!

Are you tired of answering? - Chat - chat!

I give you permission to remain silent!


Thank you, Baba Yaga, for such a game!.. Be our guest. And we meet another fairy-tale heroine

She knew how to work beautifully and deftly.

She showed skill in any matter.

She danced like a white swan.

Who was this craftswoman?

(Vasilisa the Wise enters)


Hello, dear guys and guests! I also prepared a task for you.

We are holding an "Auction". How many of you know more fairy tales in which each other helps each other? The one who names the fairy tale last is the winner.



Well done boys. Always help each other. Fairy tales teach this too. Read them.

Script Lead:

Thank you, Vasilisa the Wise! I think that our children will always be friendly, loving fairy tales and will be frequent guests of the magical city where our best friends live - books.



What is all this noise and commotion?

Is the music loud?

Finally in the library

It became cooler than disco


No, this won't happen!

And you don’t need to compose!

Silence lurks here

And there is always order here!


The reader is in a hurry on a hot day,

Of course he is sure:

In the library for him

They built a swimming pool.


No, this won't happen!

And you don’t need to compose!

You're fantasizing in vain...

Never be like this!


I don't go to physical education

I'd better take the book.

Until the bell rings for recess

I'll look at all the pictures.


No, this won't happen!

And you don’t need to compose!

Don't look at the pictures

Better yet, read that book!


And in the reading room suddenly

And they forced me to play.


No, this won't happen!

And you don’t need to compose!

Computers installed

For Internet readers.


Instead of books they give out

"Eskimo" on a stick.

Count how much you ate

And they will write it down on the card.


No, this won't happen!

And you don’t need to compose!

They don't serve "Eskimo" there.

But they only give out books.


Pills and potion

The pharmacist will sell it to you

Textbooks and books

Will give you... (librarian)

Our guest is the Mistress of the Book Kingdom!


Guys, I am very glad to meet you! Almost all the guys in your class are active readers. I hope that your friendship with the book will grow stronger and last a lifetime. I have prepared book riddles for you:

If you wrote a book,

So you are a writer.

And if you read the book,

That means you... (writer)

To make the hole less noticeable,

A patch is sewn onto the pants.

For the book you need... (bookmark)

Everything I took from the library

Even an old copy

They'll write it down for you anyway

To the library... (form)

One after another exactly in a row

The cards stand together.

To help anyone,

There is... (catalog)

Like a loader on the platform,

Taking on your luggage,

Stands and holds hundreds of books

Metal... (rack)

He can't live without books

Each book is treasured.

He is both sweet and dear to the heart,

Everyone calls him... (book lover)


All the kids in your class are real book lovers. Therefore, it will be easy for you to recognize fairy tales from the illustrations.

"Find out the fairy tale"


Our wonderful holiday ends here. I hope that not only children, but also adults, just like me, experienced moments of joy and happiness from meeting with magical world fairy tales, and, maybe, at least for a minute, imagined themselves as children. After all, you have to believe in miracles!


We will grow up and become different.

And maybe among the worries

We will stop believing fairy tales,

But the fairy tale will come to us again.


And we will greet her with a smile.

Let him live with us again!

And this fairy tale to our children

We will tell you again in good time.

Song "Fairy tales walk around the world"

Words by M. Plyatskovsky Music by E. Ptichkin

1. Fairy tales travel around the world,

Harnessing the night into a carriage,

Fairy tales live in glades.

They wander around in the fogs at dawn.

And the prince will love Snow White,

And Koshchei’s greed will destroy him.

Let the evil do cunning tricks,

But good still wins.

2. Fairy tales are with me everywhere,

I will never forget them.

It's worth closing my eyelashes,

In a moment Sivka - Burka will dream.

And the fairy will rescue Cinderella,

Gorynych will no longer be the Snake.

Let the evil do cunning tricks,

But good still wins.

"Mom's Holiday"

Target: - To promote the development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren;

Promote teamwork between children and parents;

Form a culture of behavior during extracurricular activities;

Form the concept of the meaning of a calendar date.


To the music, girls and boys go on stage and dance a waltz.

Leading: The curtain is open and that means

That today the holiday has begun.

1Girl. And we must add, he

Dedicated to our dear mothers.

2Child: Spring is walking through the yards,
In the rays of warmth and light.
Today is the holiday of our mothers,
And we are pleased with this.

3Child: Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers!

This is the best holiday

He comes to us in the spring.

4Child: This is a holiday of obedience,

Congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration -

Holiday of the most best words!

5Child: The winter cold is still raging -

The eighth is just a day of spring -

But entirely with golden flowers

All the streets are already full.

6 Child: For us, this is not an idle day,

Men have a hundred worries:

Spring first holiday

Walking through the streets.

7 Child: In a fluffy yellow dress

He entered every house.

Figure eight on the asphalt

The student brings it out.

8 Child: There is a mimosa on the table,
On a nice spring day.
May all mothers on earth
They don't know grief.

9 Child: Our 1st grade is happy to congratulate you,
All mothers on the whole planet.
They say “thank you” to mom
Both adults and children!

10 Child: Our mothers, grandmothers and aunts,
It’s good that on this day and hour,
You are not at work, not at work,
Not in the kitchen at home, but, on the contrary,
In this room, look at us!

11 Child: We love you very, very, very much,
Infinitely is not a secret;
However, to put it briefly:
There was no one more beloved than you, and no!

There should be a holiday in the house.

Slava and Zhenya are thinking

What should I give my mother?

Zhenya I would buy her some chocolates

I just didn’t save any money.

Glory I would cook her dinner

I washed the floor, watered the flowers,

It's just me mother's son,

It's a pity that I'm not a daughter.

Zhenya I would mom early in the morning

He brought two buckets of water. (Shudders)

But I'm afraid to go to the pump,

After all, it's freezing outside.

Glory I would like a puppy for our mother,

On this holiday I gave it.

Well, what if my mother tells me,

So that I can keep an eye on him myself?

I'll get tired of walking with him,

It's better not to take risks.

Zhenya I would like a shelf in the kitchen

make it for our mother.

I just don't know how to board

I neither plan nor saw.

Glory I would like her on this fine day

I wove a bracelet from beads.

There are beads, and fishing line too,

Only there are no desires.

Zhenya. What should we do?

Glory. What should we do?

In chorus What should we give mom?

12 Child: I keep walking, I keep thinking, I look

What will I give my mother today?

Maybe draw a flower,

Or maybe I should wash my clothes.

No, I’d rather sing her a song

I love my mother so much.

Children sing a song for mothers

On this holiday

sunny and bright,

accept, accept,

Moms, gifts!

(Children give their mothers their gifts)

Leading. Mother! What a great word! A mother gives life to her child. The mother is worried and sad so that her child is healthy and happy. Mother is a window to the world! She helps the child understand the beauty of the world. Mom has the kindest, most affectionate heart, the most tender, most caring hands that can do everything. Love never fades in her heart!

In the world kind words

Lives a lot.

But kinder than everyone else

And one thing is more tender:

Of two syllables

A simple word "mom".

And there are no words

More dear than it!

Dear mothers! (I approach a vase with a paper flower) This is a magical flower. Having torn a petal from it, each mother will receive as a gift a concert number from our program and the title “Miss...” But before touching the flower, you need to say the magic words.

Fly - fly, petal,

Through joy and delight.

Just touch your hand -

Give our mother a gift!

Guys, do you remember the magic words? Who can repeat them?

A child who correctly repeats the magic words becomes a participant competition "Politeness"

Rudeness is always disgusting!

Expletive and scream

Detrimental to humans

If he's used to this.

You have to be polite, kind,

To be close again and again

Bloomed and did not fade

Only friendship and love!

Let's start the competition -

The test of education!

    Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word... (thank you)

    The old stump will turn green

when he hears... (good afternoon)

    Even if the mood is terrible,

When you meet, don’t forget to say... (hello)

    If you can't eat anymore,

we'll tell mom... (thank you)

    When we are scolded for our pranks,

Let's say...(excuse me, please)

    If you want to interrupt the conversation,

We must first say... (sorry)

    In any country when parting,

Whoever is polite will say... (goodbye)

Medal "Miss Politeness" awarded to the mother of the winning child.


Our beloved mothers

Happy Women's Day!

It's fun for them today

We'll sing a song.

(Song "Small Country")

Competition "Tenderness" Mothers and children are invited to the stage

Are you ready to continue?

So that's great! I'm very happy!

Come up with a kind word

For mothers now it’s more necessary.

The guys choose affectionate epithets for the word mom.

Medal "Miss Tenderness"

Mom tears a petal from a flower, and the children perform a concert in her honor.


So that mom doesn't get bored

From household worries

We will dance an oriental dance

Let the music just call.

(East Dance)

Well, our competition continues.

And the next competition begins for you.

Competition "Graceful Marigolds"

Children paint their mothers' nails. The Miss Graceful Marigolds medal is awarded to the mother of the winning child.

Mom tears a petal from a flower, and the children perform a concert in her honor.


And now it's time for us

Sing ditties for our mothers (Ditty songs performed by a group of children)

Sometimes we ourselves are in difficulty:

So what can you do with your hair?

How to comb your hair, what to tie it with?

Could you give me some advice?

Competition “Beauty is a terrible force”

Children tie bows for their mothers and grandmothers.

Medal "Miss Beauty" awarded to the mother of the winning child.

Mom tears a petal from a flower, and the children perform a concert in her honor.


Spring streams are babbling

They run down the slopes,

And in our hall there is a song

Children sing for their mothers.

("Song of the Baby Mammoth")

Many of your nights have passed without sleep,

There are countless worries and worries!

I bow to you, dear mother,

For the fact that you exist in the world.

For kindness, care, golden hands,

For your maternal advice.

We all wish you together:

Live, dear, for many years!

Quiz for moms

1. What kind of down are the famous Orenburg shawls made from: sheep, chicken, goat? (Goat fluff. "Miss COMFORT")

2. What is the name of the pie with curd filling? (Cheesecake. "Miss CARE")

3. Explain the meaning of the phrase “knock your socks off.” (Sit back "Miss SMART"

4. What do you call a person who does miracles? (Wizard. "Miss Magic")

5. Even ladies in the cat family have it. What? (Mustache. "Miss Kindness")

6. Delicious mystery. The little butter wheel is edible. (Bagel "Miss Tea Party"

7. When it’s the first time, it’s sometimes lumpy, but then it’s delicious, especially with honey. What is this? (Crap. "Miss Smack")

8. What is the name of the big round bread? (Loaf "Miss Hospitality")

9. Which vegetable resembles a space plate? (Squash "Miss Hostess")

10. Name the most vegetable fairy tale. (“Adventure “Cipollino”

"Miss Storyteller")

Mom tears a petal from a flower, and the children perform a concert in her honor.


A student plays a musical instrument.

Leading: Today the number is 8

More important than all others.

Let's congratulate

Dear girls.

The sun is beautiful in the sky,
The birds are singing merrily.
They wish you joy,
And they send greetings to spring!

Boy 1. We are all dressed up today,
The boots are on fire.
Congratulations on Women's Day,
We gathered as if for a parade!

Boy 2. All shirts are ironed
All pants are ironed.
Today we walked around the puddles.
And we didn’t fight.

Boy 3. We didn't walk upside down
Don't lie on the floor
We didn't sit on top of each other,
And they didn’t get dirty in chalk.

Boy 4. Today we are like dandies,
In front of you at the blackboard,
But more beautiful than our girls,
We didn't anyway!

Boy 5. You are beautiful like stars
And the eyes sparkle with fire.
And your smiles are sweet,
Outshine the sun during the day!

Boy 6. You are so nice to us!
You girls are simply awesome!!!
That's why we all want it so much
Be like you!

Boy 7. We wish you only happiness.
And we'll tell you a secret:
Our girls are more beautiful
There is simply no one in the whole school! Boys sing a song for girls to the tune of “Let them run clumsily” and give gifts.

13 Child: Go around the whole world

Just know in advance:

You won't find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother's

14 Child: You won't find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter.

Mom to each of us

All people are more valuable.

15 Child: A hundred ways, a hundred roads

Go around the world

Mom is the best friend

Better than mom There is not.

Children perform the final song to the tune of “We wish you happiness”

"From what, from what" ,

sl. I am Khaletsky, music. Yu. Chichkova.

All girls:

Are our boys done?
From freckles
And firecrackers,
From rulers
And batteries
Our boys are done!
Our boys are done!
All boys:
From what, from what, from what
Are our girls done?
From flowers
And bells,
From notebooks and reviews
Our girls are done!
Our girls are done!

All girls:
From what, from what, from what
Are our boys done?
From springs
And pictures
From glass
And blotters
Our boys are done!
Our boys are done!
All the boys:
From what, from what, from what
Are our girls done?
From handkerchiefs
And glomeruli,
From riddles
And gummies
Our girls are done!
Our girls are done!

Used Books :

    E.N. Arsenina - Extracurricular activities in elementary school - Uchitel Publishing House, Volgograd, 2005.

    E.N. Arsenina - Extracurricular activities in elementary school (issue 3) - Uchitel Publishing House, Volgograd, 2006.

    I.A. Agapova, M.A. Davydova – 20th century holidays at school - Uchitel Publishing House

Class hour in elementary school

“It’s so good that there is a home…”

Smirnova G. M.,

primary school teacher,

Municipal educational institution Artyomovskaya oosh,

Rzhevsky district, Tver region.

"Happy is he who

happy at home."

Lev Tolstoy


    nurturing love for your home;

    formation of an attentive and caring attitude towards all family members.

Participants: children and their parents

Equipment: sheets of paper, pens; picture cards depicting different types of housing ( yurt, hut, yaranga, dugout, room, hut, hut, hut, tent, cell); cardboard house parts, glue; cards with proverbs; paper hearts.

Sound series: songs " Parents' house", "There is no better friend than dad."

Preliminary preparation for class: children's drawings and photographs of their homes.

Class progress

I Introduction

Today, the people dearest to you came to our class hour - your parents. I invite them for our round table. Let's greet each other with applause and smiles.

Leo Tolstoy once said beautiful words: “Happy is he who is happy at home.”

Each of us needs a place where you don’t have to pretend, where you won’t be deceived, where they will understand and support you, where you can rest your soul. This place is your family, your home.

Today we will talk about home.(Slide No. 1)

Reading and studying the poem “How good it is to have a home”

(Alena Gerasimova)

How good it is that there is a home,

that the roof has not yet leaked,

and, as if in childhood, the stove breathes bread

and the house smells of warm milk.

It's good that the walkers in the house are still running

and the cricket behind the stove is alive,

and by the porch there is a birch tree with a candle

and gently shines on my heart.

And the windows in the house, as always, face south,

so that there would be more warmth and light in it,

so that summer can stay in it more,

and this is all from the mother's hands.

II Conversation about home.

Write down the wordhouse. Read, look, listen to this word.

A moment of fantasy.

Write down words nearby that are associated with sensations, memories, thoughts about home.

What weather matches the wordhouse? WITHwhat color do you associate with the word?house? What holiday does the word correspond to?house? What does the word taste like?house?

Read them.

(Each child reads words that, in his opinion, are associated with the concept of “home”)

What is a house? Why does a person need a house?

(A student called to the board reads the interpretation of the word in the dictionaryhouse.)

III Game “What kind of houses are there?”

(Use the description to determine the name of the dwelling and find the corresponding picture with its image)

1. Nomadic hut among the Kyrgyz people and some peoples of Asia and Southern Siberia. (Yurt)

2. Nomadic, portable hut, covered with skins and felt among Siberian foreigners. (Chum)

3. Dwelling of the Caucasian highlanders. (Saklya)

4. A structure made of poles covered with branches, straw, and grass. (Hut)

5. A portable dwelling with a conical roof among some peoples of North-Eastern Siberia. (Yaranga)

6. A covered depression in the ground dug for housing or shelter. (Dugout)

7. Structure made of blocks of dense snow. (Igloo)

8. Separate living space in the house. (Apartment, room)

9. A hut made of clay or clay-coated wood or brick. (Mazanka)

    A building with the obligatory “Russian” stove and cellar. (Izba)

    Portable housing for gypsies. (Kibitka)

    A separate room for a monk in a monastery. (Cell)

( Slides No. 2, No. 3)

Well done! We completed the task.

IV My house

Each of you also has a house, and you were asked to draw or bring a photo of your house. Please present your work and tell us about your home.

(Children show their work and talk briefly about their home)

V Game "Architects" ( collaboration children and parents)

- What materials can you build a house from?

In the old days, when they mortgaged a house, they put money and wool under the corner. Why do you think? (Money is for wealth, wool is for warmth).

Now I invite you to play the role of architects and design houses from paper.

(The teacher distributes to the schoolchildren details of houses made of thick cardboard, and the students and their parents construct houses from them to the music. After completing the task, their works are displayed on the board).

Now we have a whole street with different and beautiful houses. Look how the sun smiles. He apparently likes our street.

Every person cares about cleanliness and comfort in his home. Complete the sentences:

    My home... (warm, beautiful and cozy, waiting for guests, etc.)

    I'm always in the house... (cleaning, relaxing, playing with friends, etc.)

    At home I’m interested in... (playing, doing homework, reading fairy tales with my mother and


    I love being at home... (playing with my sister, drinking tea in the evening, etc.)

(Unfinished sentences are written on rays of the sun. Children take turns choosing a ray, reading the beginning of the sentence and finishing it).

VI "Walk around the house"

And now I propose to take a walk around the house and answer the following questions:

    What was a village house called before? (Hut.)

    What are the eyes of the house? (Window.)

    What do they call eyelashes at home? (platbands.)

    What is the front of the house called? (Facade.)

    What is the name of the cold storage room located under the house? (Underground.)

Let's open the door and go into the house.

    What should you say when you enter the house? (Hello!)

    Which room is the most delicious? (Kitchen.)

    The calmest thing? (Bedroom.)

    Samy sociable, entertaining? (Living room, hall.)

Now guess the riddles about household items and complete the crossword puzzle

( Slides No. 4, No. 5)

    What always goes, but never leaves its place? (Watch)

    During the day the pillow sleeps on it, and at night Andryushka sleeps on it. (Bed)

    The whole universe lives in it, but it is an ordinary thing. (TV)

    There are four legs under the roof, and on the lid there is soup and spoons. (Table)

    Water flows from the hot well through the nose. (Kettle)

    I have legs, but I don’t walk, I have a backrest, but I don’t lie down, you sit down - I don’t sit. (Chair)

    I inhale a lot of dust to keep you healthy. (Vacuum cleaner)

    There is a white house in the kitchen, solemn in appearance. It’s as if it’s covered on all sides with solid milk. (Fridge)

    I saw my portrait, walked away - there was no portrait. (Mirror)

    I'll walk around a little hot, and the sheet will become smooth. I can correct imperfections and draw arrows on my trousers. (Iron)

VII. Game "Who will live with you?"

On a blank piece of paper, circle your palm and write down everyone you will take into your home.

(Students complete the task)

Some students live in large families, and some in small ones. It's wonderful that you have grandparents. Most often, there is someone in charge in the family. What is it usually called? (The owner of the house.) Highlight the owner on the drawn palm. Why do you consider this person to be the owner? (Grandmother is wise, makes the right decision. Dad earns money, knows how to do everything according tomu.Mom makes the apartment beautiful, cozy, takes care of everyone, etc.)

Let's say Thanks a lot to all moms and dads for their kindness, affection, care, love! We give them a poem and a song.

VIII Speech by student

    Mom, very, very

I love you!

I love you so much that at night

I don't sleep in the dark.

I peer into the darkness

I'm hurrying Zorka,

I love you all the time

Mommy, I love you!

    Performance of the song “There is no better friend than daddy” (Lyrics by Plyatskovsky, music by B. Savelyev)

I X Game “Collect a proverb” (joint work of children and parents)

Home is of great importance to a person. It is not for nothing that people have composed many proverbs and sayings about him. I suggest you complete these proverbs: (Slides No. 6, No. 7)

    Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.)

    It is not the owner’s house that paints, (but the owner’s house.)

    A diligent house is thick, (but a lazy one is empty.)

    What it’s like at home (it’s like that myself.)

    Lead the house (don’t shake your beard.)

    The hut is not red in its corners, (but red in its pies.)

X Reading a poem learn

IN family circle you and I are growing,

All your roots are in the family circle,

And you come into life from family.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

(The song “Parental Home” is played, lyrics by M. Ryabinin, music by V. Shainsky)

XI The road to home

- If there is no road from the house, it means that no one lives in it, the chimneys do not smoke, cold and hunger walk in the house, the wind and rain peek in. The house will soon fall apart. But the road can also be without a house. She becomes bored, she gets lost somewhere in the steppe and disappears from sight. So it turns out that the road leads to the house, and the house calls for the road. Where does the road lead from home? (To school, to nature, on a visit, etc.) If one day you met a wizard at your house, what would you ask him for your home? (Happiness in the family, so that the house is always warm, etc.)

X II Conclusion (Slide No. 8)

( The teacher reads a fairy tale)

A long time ago, many centuries ago, there were not so many stars in the sky as there are now. On a clear night, only one star could be seen, the light of which was either bright or very dim. One day the Moon asked Star: “Star, why is your light so different: sometimes bright, showing the way even at night, sometimes dim and unnoticeable?”

The star was silent for a long time, and then, sighing, answered: “My light becomes dim when I am lonely. After all, there is not a single star next to me that looks like me. And I really want to see and hear someone next to me!”

“And on what nights does your light become bright?” - asked Luna.

“My light becomes bright when I see hurrying wanderers. I’ve always been interested to know what attracts them so much to go on the road, where are they in such a hurry?”

“Have you learned the secret of the hurrying wanderers?” - asked Luna.

“Yes,” answered Star. “Once I asked this question to a wanderer who had been on the road for a long time. He looked exhausted and very tired from a long journey, every step was given to him with great difficulty, but his eyes...”

“What were his eyes like?” - Luna asked in bewilderment.

“They glowed in the dark with happiness and joy,” answered Zvezdochka, sighing heavily, and continued:

- “What are you rejoicing about, wanderer?” - I asked. And he answered: “Freezing in the snow, starving without a piece of bread, suffocating from the heat, I walked forward, overcoming all obstacles, because I knew: warmth and comfort awaited me at home, the care and warmth of my family - my wife, children, grandchildren. For the sake of their happy eyes, I am ready to do even the impossible.”

The star fell silent and then replied: “HereWith from that very time I try to give as much as possiblebut more light to those companions who bring happiness to their home, to their family.”

- Did you like the fairy tale? Why did the traveler, who was very tired, have his eyes glowing so much? Where was he going?Let someone always be waiting for you in your home and let you have someone to rush to.

Reading a poem learn

It’s so good, it’s easy to be at home,
Where everything is cozy, close and familiar;
I can always hide from problems there,
And failures and troubles do not frighten you.

In difficult times I hurry home quickly -
My native walls will warm my heart;
My dear home is my reliable pier,
For me, he is the beginning of everything!

My house, of course, is not a luxurious palace,
But in our life is complex, hectic
There is no place in the world dearer to me,
Warmer, cozier, closer and brighter!

- In memory of our class hour, I give you hearts that you will take home with you. I wanted you to pin these hearts in a visible place as a reminder of the importance of home and family.

I love

my house

and yours


Development of a classroom lesson in elementary school. A historical journey into the world of technology

Barteneva Nadezhda Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, MKOU Secondary School No. 1. Makaryev city.
Description of material: I propose the development of a class hour “Historical journey into the world of technology”
This material will be useful to primary school teachers and educators.
Target: acquaintance with the history of the emergence of land, water, and air transport.
Tasks: introduce historical data on the emergence of land, water, and air transport;
expand your horizons by introducing interesting facts;
develop speech, memory, thinking.
Form: Classroom hour.
Equipment: laptop, presentation, slides, illustrations.

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizational moment
Teacher: Divide into groups.
You have ribbons on your desks: black, blue and light blue.
Think about what you and I can talk about during class.
Each group works on this issue independently. We do not check the answers.
2.Message about the topic of the lesson
Teacher: Each group solves the crossword puzzle independently.
The text of the riddles is in front of you.

Start filling out the table from top to bottom horizontally. Pay attention to the colored cells, you need to collect a word, a red cell means choose a letter yourself.

1.Independent work
2.Checking the completion of the crossword puzzle

Teacher: What word did you receive?
Teacher: The word "First". Remember the answers to the riddles in the crossword puzzle.
Name them.
Teacher: Tell me the topic of the class hour.
Teacher: The word first will be heard often today, as we will take you on a historical journey into the world of technology.
What technique do you know? (Children name various equipment, including household ones.)
Teacher: We will talk about transport.
Teacher:: Important word of the class hour “First”
We take the name of the transport from the crossword puzzle and add the word first, it turns out
First car(children say in chorus).
First - steam car designed by the Frenchman Nicolas Cugnot. He envisioned that this "self-propelled cart" could be used to transport guns.

In 1769, Cugnot presented a design for a carriage "propelled by the action of water vapor generated by fire." The cart had three wooden wheels - one in front and two behind; it was equipped with a small steam boiler and a machine with a vertical steam cylinder, rotating the front wheel equipped with teeth.
The first tests were carried out on the streets of Paris in 1770, but were very unsuccessful. Cugno’s car turned out to be very difficult to control, as a result of which it crashed into a wall during the first tests. And yet it was a real breakthrough, providing the basis for further development and design of cars. This talented French engineer went down in history as the man who invented the first steam engine. self-propelled vehicle, in fact, the first car, although at that time this vehicle was simply called a steam cart.
The “Cugno Trolley” is considered the predecessor of not only the automobile, but also the steam locomotive, since it was driven by steam power.
The first steam locomotive
In 1804, the Englishman Richard Trevithick built the first steam locomotive, which he called "New Castle" - "New Castle." This steam locomotive pulled carriages that could accommodate a total of 70 passengers and 10 freight cars, with maximum speed 8 kilometers per hour.

In Russia, the first steam locomotive was invented by the Cherepanovs (father and son Efim and Miron) in 1834 in Nizhny Tagil.
These were small and clumsy engines with four wheels and a pipe as long as a giraffe's neck. But they walked on the rails very quickly and could drag a load heavier than 3 tons.

First tram
In 1879, at an industrial exhibition in Berlin, an unprecedented machine, something like a chest with wheels, appeared for the first time. The driver sat on the chest, and three carts for passengers were attached to the back. And all this rolled on rails. People mistook the new car for an attraction. But this is exactly what the first tram looked like. It was invented by the German engineer Werner Siemens and called it “electric street railway”
The word tram comes from England. In English, “three” is a carriage, and “way” is a path. All together “treway” - that is, a carriage on the tracks, or a carriage on rails. The fuel for the tram is electricity. It is supplied through an overhead wire above the tram, and the second wire is the rails.

The first trolleybuses
The first trolleybuses looked like carts without a roof. They moved through the streets thanks to electrical contact with wires. An experimental trolleybus line with a length of 540 m in the vicinity of Berlin operated from April 29 to June 13, 1882. The contact wires were located at a fairly close distance, which caused short circuits during strong wind. Only at the beginning of the 20th century, in the same Germany, more advanced, closed-on-top cars with two yoke pantographs installed on the roof appeared. The first trolleybuses were perceived as a hybrid of a bus and a tram. The first trolleybus was created in Germany by engineer Werner von Siemens together with his brother William Siemens, who lived in England.

First bus
More than 300 years ago, in 1662, a large horse-drawn carriage was driven through the streets of Paris. Blaise Pascal came up with this novelty and called it the Latin word “omnibus” - “for everyone”, but people began to say “bus”

4. Physical education minute
Teacher: Take the ribbons in your hands. Has anyone guessed why I chose these 3 colors?
Teacher: Black is earth, blue is water, blue is sky.
Tell me, what is the name of transport moving on land, on water, in the air?
Teacher: Land, water, air transport.
Perform hand movements.
Black - let's go.
Blue – hand actions (swimming).
Blue - actions with hands (waving).
Teacher: We talked about ground transport, and now I'll tell you
about water.
The world's first steamship was called the Cleromont. It was built in America in 1807.

In Russia, one of the first steamships, the Elizaveta, was built in 1815.

Latin word"avis" - bird.
The first airplane took off from the ground in 1903, powered by a gasoline engine. Brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright developed the engine and installed it on their Flyer 1 aircraft.
We told you about what kind of transport?

6. Summary of the lesson
1.Task “Find the continuation”
In the first column in each line there is the word “First”


1. Big book of interesting facts
Editor – compiler N.N. Malofeeva. For primary school age.
2. Photos - Internet pages.

"Cool hours for younger students"

Explanatory note

Class hours in primary school are an integral part of the teaching and educational process.

Joint preparation for class hours and conducting them not only unites them, but also teaches communication, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, contributes to the development of children's creativity, fantasy, imagination, and at the same time the educational process takes place.

Class hours are held with the invitation of parents; parents are the greatest helpers, and often participants.

When conducting class hours, I try to involve all students in the class. Of course, the content of the holiday depends on what kind of children and parents are in the class, what abilities they have, for each set I select topics necessary for the educational process in this class. I hope the cool clock I developed will help you in your work.

“To educate a person in all respects,

you need to know him in every way"


Much is changing and improving in modern schools. But the class hour in many schools remained the same - additional time for the class teacher. I propose the development of classroom watches on a specific topic. And I hope they make your job easier.

I hope that the classroom designs I have suggested will assist you in your efforts to educate students.

"In the kingdom of Politeness and Kindness"


– introduce the concept of “politeness”, show how politeness is manifested, show the need to use “polite” words in speech;

– cultivate a culture of communication, develop respect and a friendly attitude towards people;

– develop cognitive interest, broaden the horizons of students.

Equipment: map of the “Kingdom of Politeness and Kindness”, visual material (sun, task cards, emoticons, candies cut out of colored paper, card with polite words).

Progress of the lesson

I. Org. moment

II. Introductory conversation

- Good afternoon! Today we will have an unusual class hour, you will tell me yourself what it will be dedicated to.

When we say these words. This is what we sincerely wish for those we meet. Goodness and joy. And our heart opens to sincere and kind people. Dear Guys! Try to comprehend the truth - “the heart will open to good.” Listen to an excerpt from a poem by V. Suslov

Where there is beauty, there is kindness.

Nothing can separate them.

Any bright dream always looks like two friends

And we can’t do without them

Neither on a bright day nor on a rainy day

And if you want to be beautiful

“So today we will visit an unusual kingdom, but you will have to tell me yourself what it is called and where it is located.”

(The topic of the lesson is written on the board, but it is covered with paper)

– In this kingdom, people congratulate each other on good luck, console and calm each other in trouble, give way to elders, help each other,

take care of each other. And in this kingdom, people love to give each other gifts, but not simple ones, but magical ones.

– It’s nice to give gifts and surprises to loved ones: mom, dad, friend,... Do you experience a feeling of joy and satisfaction when you give gifts to people other than your family, or maybe even strangers?

– Can people do nice things for each other without giving anything?

III. Main part: “In the kingdom of politeness and kindness”

1. Conversation about “magic words”

– Maybe someone remembers what word I started today’s lesson with? (Good afternoon.)

– Were you pleased to hear him?

- Why? What do we want to wish a person when we say “good afternoon” to him?

– What other words do you like to hear from other people? (Hello, goodbye, forgive me, please, excuse me, be kind, be kind, be healthy, bon voyage, bon voyage, good hour, good morning, thank you, all the best, good night, ...)

(The teacher posts these words on the board.)

– Do you feel how the class has become warmer and more comfortable from these words?

– Listen to the word “hello”, what other word does it sound like? (health, health.)

– What do we wish for another person when we say “hello” to him? (Health.)

– Is it pleasant for every person when people wish him health?

– What does the word “goodbye” mean? (See you again, see you soon.)

– What do we want to tell a person when we say “goodbye” to him? (That we won’t say goodbye for long and we’ll be glad to see you again)

– So, for what purpose do people say “hello”, “goodbye”, “excuse me”, “please”, etc. to each other?

– What are all these words called? (Polite.)

– Maybe someone guessed the name of our kingdom? (Politeness.)

(The teacher reveals half of the title of the topic for this event.)

- This is only the first half of the name of the kingdom, and the other half of the name

you'll guess a little later.

– You said correctly that the words written on the board are called “polite”.

– What else are they called? (Magical.)

- Why?

– Listen to the poem:

- Hello! –

Having bowed, we said to each other,

Even though we didn’t know each other at all.

Just “hello” because we didn’t say anything else!

Why is there a drop of sunshine in the world?

Why has there been a little more happiness in the world?

Why has life become a little more joyful?

– What was so special that happened between strangers that they had a little more sunshine and joy and happiness? (They wished each other health with a simple word “hello,” and this wish made them feel happier and warmer in their souls.)

– And if we give more of these little droplets – words – to each other, then what will people on earth be like?

– So why are these simple, well-known words called “magic”?

– Who understood what magical gifts were discussed at the very beginning of the lesson?

2. Getting to know the meaning of the word “polite”, “polite person”

– Tell me, what do you call a person who uses polite words in his speech? (Polite.)

– But is the frequent use of “polite” words always an indicator of a person’s politeness?

– But listen to this story that happened to one boy during recess:

At a break

During recess, the boys were running around like crazy. And Igor, of course, is the fastest. And, not surprisingly, he rushed into the teacher in a hurry, almost knocking her down. Anna Vasilievna stopped Igor and asked:

– What should I say?

- Hello! – Igor answered.

After these words the guys laughed.

– Why did the guys laugh when they heard Igor’s answer?

– Can Igor be called polite, because he uses polite words in his speech? (No.)

- Why?

– So, in order to be polite, is it enough to use “polite words” in your speech?

– How should they be used? (Right.)

– Now we are in the 21st century, but in the 16th century a polite person was called differently. Maybe some of you know how?

– In the 16th century, a polite person was called “vezha”, which means: like yourself

to lead in a given situation. It is from the word “vezha” that our

the word "Politeness"

– So, what kind of person can be called polite? (Who knows and

knows how to behave in a given situation.)

– Politeness was and is a very important quality and obligatory for all people, therefore in the 16th century politeness was taught in school, just as now they teach mathematics or grammar.

- But listen to what happened one day in one yard:

I hit my grandfather with a ball

And he shouted: “What do I have to do with it?”

But, having counted to thirty,

He said: “Well, grandfather, I’m sorry!”

– Can we call this boy polite? (No.)

- Why, because he asked his grandfather for forgiveness?

– How would you ask for forgiveness in this situation if you were the boy?

– That’s right, even if you accidentally offended another person or accidentally caused him pain, you must definitely apologize, and apologize in such a way that the person feels better from your words.

Game: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”

    Who among you, waking up early, will say “good morning” cheerfully?

    Tell me, brothers, which of you forgets to wash your face?

    Who always has their bag, books and notebooks in order?

    Which of you is silent like a fish, instead of a kind “thank you”?

    who wants to be polite and doesn’t offend kids?

- But listen to what happened to the other boy.


A huge Goose is running towards me.

I tell myself:

“Don't be afraid!

May be,

that Goose is tame,

He’s running to meet me.”

But Goose looks fierce -

He hisses threateningly.

Will it pinch?

But so be it!

I smiled:

- Hello, Goose!

He nodded his head in response.

And I heard:


- What did Goose want to do? (Pinch the boy.)

- Why didn’t he touch the boy? (The boy greeted him.)

– Can birds and animals understand human speech? (No.)

- So how did Goose realize that the boy said hello to him? (By a friendly look, a kind smile)

- So, if we say polite words with a smile, a kind look,

then even who understands them? (Animals.)

– Therefore, how should we pronounce polite words so that they become “Magic” and are understood not only by people, but also by animals? (Sincerely,

with a smile and warmth.)

It’s probably not for nothing that people say that a polite word is even pleasant

Today I want to tell you another little secret. You know. What

Our land is illuminated by a big sun. Where is it? (In the sky.)

(Lyrical music sounds)

Drawing of the sun.

- That's right, it's in the sky. This sun shines every day, warming us

with its warmth. It gives us a joyful mood, gives life to all living things.

– But it turns out that there is also a little sun. Did you know about this?

- Maybe you can guess where it is?

– Guys, it shines in each of us. This little sun with its warmth warms the people around us and makes them kinder. This sun makes us want to help the sick, the unfortunate,

feel sorry for the one who was offended. And if a person could ignite this within himself

the sun, then he will never harm another person. He will love

and people, and birds, and all living things that exist on our planet Earth. What

is this the sun that is in each of us?

- That's right, this is KINDNESS!

– So what can’t a polite person exist without? (No kindness.)

- So what is the full name of the kingdom through which we traveled today?

(The Kingdom of Politeness and Kindness.)

(The teacher reveals the full title of the topic).

And now we only have to answer one question: where is this kingdom located? The time has come to travel through this kingdom, and when we reach the end, we will find out where it is. Ready? Then let's go!

You will travel in teams. I will offer each team a task that you must complete within a certain time. For a correctly completed task, you will receive a sun or a flower (polite words are written on them). You must paste the received items onto a sheet of paper with a basket so that you get a beautiful applique. The team that produces a lush bouquet wins, and more items received will be pasted. Do you understand everything?

Game “Magic words”.

Teacher: Now let's play.

Game “Don’t make a mistake, please”

I will ask you to complete tasks, but you must complete them only when I call

"Magic word".

Stand up please!

Hands up!

Please clap your hands!


Jump please.

Hands forward.

Please add lines with magic words:

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... /thank you/.

The old stump will turn green when it hears... /good afternoon/.

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... /thank you/.

The boy is polite and developed and says, when meeting, ... /hello/.

When we are scolded for pranks, we say... /sorry, please/.

Game “Attentive guys”.

Teacher: To show care and attention to people, you need to understand the emotional state of people: whether a person is sad or happy, angry or afraid. But a person dresses according to his mood.

Now we will practice determining people's moods.

Please look at these faces. What do they express?

Game "Do you know the rules of etiquette?"

1. Can a boy greet a girl with his hand in his pockets?

2. Is it possible to accept a hand extended for a handshake?

3. If a stranger on the street, having identified himself, greeted you, what should you do?

4. you overtake a friend walking in front of you on the street. Which one of you should say hello first?

5. A girl enters the room where two young men are. Who should say hello in this case?

The earth is surrounded by rays

The earth is surrounded by flowers

Walk by clear laws

Fly high routes

Orbit of love and greetings

Let our whole planet rush

Strive to open at least once

The star of humanity in everyone


Since ancient times, it has been a custom to take off the glove from your right hand when greeting people.

Once upon a time, people fought and fought. The knight, greeting, took off the glove from his right hand, showing that there was no weapon hidden in his palm.

In Japan, when meeting, they bow to each other, folding their hands with their palms facing each other and holding them in front of their chest.

In Tunisia, they bow by raising their right hand to their forehead, then to their lips, then to their heart.

In Tibet, they remove the headdress with the right hand, put the left hand behind the ear and at the same time stick out the tongue.

In ancient Rome they greeted with the words: “Are you sweating well?”, because it is always very hot there.

In ancient China they greeted with the words: “Have you eaten today?” People there often went hungry.

On the Tango Islands - they stop at a distance, shake their heads, stamp their feet and snap their fingers.

In Russia we greet people in different ways. When meeting, they say “hello” to each other. Relatives and friends can say “hello” to each other. When meeting, young people sometimes use the word “salute” instead of the word “hello.” Other words are also used for greetings. If people are at some distance, they greet with a nod, and drivers raise their hand when they meet.

" Fun mood"

Sing the song “Smile” as it would be sung:

TO competition “Guess the melody”.

Game "Yes, no"

Friendship begins when...

    smile at someone

    protect someone

    if you pick apples from someone else's garden

    sharing toys with someone

    you'll trip someone up

    help make a broken toy

    if you push

    you fight

    calling names

    speak polite words

V. Summary

– Now let’s sum up the results of our competition.

-What do you have in the picture? (Sun.)

-What kind of sun is this? (Kindness.)

– What else does a person need to be happy?

– Children, affection, love, tenderness, a kind word, a kind heart – these are the flowers of the human soul. So let’s not be stingy, let’s generously give them to others every day! And let's start today?

– Look what’s in your basket? (Heart.)

(Children take out a heart from a basket that is glued to a piece of paper. This

the teacher put the heart there in advance and the children had no idea until the

end of the lesson that it lies there.)

- What is it like?

– So, where is the “Kingdom of Politeness and Kindness”? (In our

– To make us a little warmer today, let’s give each other our

warm kind hearts.

(Children give each other a heart that they made at home at the request of


– And I would like to end today’s lesson with these words:

Become a good wizard

Come on, try it!

There is no need for special cunning here.

Understand and fulfill the desires of another -

A pleasure, honestly!

– Let’s become kind wizards for the people around us, give

give them a little joy, happiness and warmth and we ourselves will become happier for it!

VI. Reflection

- And now, guys, I want you to evaluate our lesson. Before

you have three faces - emoticons:

1 – I understood everything, I’m satisfied, I’m ready to continue further;

2 – satisfied, but didn’t understand, I want to know more;

3 – I didn’t understand anything, I’m not happy.

– Attach the candy to the face that matches your mood and your knowledge.

- Thank you, class is over.

Don't stand aside indifferently

When someone is in trouble.

Need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if we help someone, someone

Your kindness, your smile.

Are you happy that the day was not lived in vain?

That you have not lived for years in vain!

I want everyone to laugh

May your dreams always come true.

So that children have joyful dreams,

May it be a good morning,

So that mom doesn't be sad,

So that there is no more war in the world.

World! World! Light!

Peace is joy, it is a friendly greeting!

Circle “From Heart to Heart”

Let's hold hands and say

Let's say goodbye

Wish each other

Be kind, be merciful.

Class hour: “About girls and boys”


    To instill in boys masculinity, independence, respect for girls and women;

    Teach mutual understanding, form an appropriate sexual identity “I am a man”;

    Awaken the desire in boys to cultivate the best qualities in themselves;

    Teach that both boys and girls should be good friends and respect each other; show what good traits girls should cultivate in themselves.

1. Org. moment

“What does our world consist of, from the oak tree that stands in the field From the high mountains with gray hair, and more, and more from you with me
From boys and girls, from books and ideas,
And most importantly, and most importantly, from adults and children”

2. Report the topic of the class hour

We start the class hour with this wonderful song. Today we will talk about adults and children, about boys and girls, about how we would like to see both boys and girls, about what they are like in our class.

But first, look at each other, smile, let there be kindness, calmness and joy throughout the class.

3. “Talk about boys”

Guys, tell me with whom do you associate the concepts of strength, masculinity, determination?

Of course with men - our protectors!

There is a picture in front of you, what is it called? (Bogatyrs)

Who are the heroes?

How did the artist depict them?

At all times, heroes lived in Rus', ready to come to the rescue, to protect

And it so happened that the image of a man personified strength, masculinity, intelligence, nobility.

There are so many things in the world that men do. What professions do you know where you can’t do without male help?

Yes, real men build, drive ships and planes, make scientific discoveries, serve in the army, defending their homeland, and do business. In general, they are business people - real men.

Let's listen to a poem dedicated to boys and called Business Man

Business man.

When the alarm clock rings, he jumps up instantly:
Today is Monday, you have to go to school, student.
He does exercises and washes up to his chest.
Everything is in order in the briefcase, I had breakfast and hit the road.
Mom looks at her son! Neatly dressed -

Arrives right on time, even if you check your watch.
Always ready for a lesson - he knows everything you ask.
Good at any job, everything obeys him,
And if someone asks, he will help him.
Mother looks at her son: His life begins
A real man is a business man.

Why does mom think that her son is growing up to be a real man, a business man?

How does she feel about her son? What does he appreciate about him?

And now I ask our girls, what kind of boys would they like to see?

    I believe that boys should be smart and businesslike, as in this poem

    The boy must be strong and play sports.

    I like well-mannered guys who will give up their seat on a bus to a woman or girl, who won’t sit at the table before the girl, who will help you get off the bus and put on a coat.

    But I don’t like rude people; a real boy shouldn’t be rude and call him names. Boys should be polite, especially with girls.

    I would like boys to be friends with girls and protect us.

4. The result of the “conversation about boys”

Words appear on the board (intelligence, strength, good manners, politeness, ability to protect)

Boys, you see what girls want you to be.

Our boys are smart and now they will show you how strong they are athletically and we will check who can do push-ups

Competition tasks.

    Push up from the floor

Well done! Real men! Strength is important for a boy, but a man is a future owner who must be able to do a lot: hammer a nail, go to the store, cook a delicious dinner. Listen to the poem called “The Man in the House”

Poem dramatization.

Man in the house.

Dad told me at the airport:
- For four days you will be the man in the house,
Stay with me.
The plane rolled off, dad taxied for takeoff.
I ran into our apartment,
He ordered the light to be turned on in the kitchen, seated the family at the table,
He made the following speech:
“Grandma,” I said sternly, “
You run across the road. Every pedestrian knows:
There is an underground passage.
“You’re grinning inappropriately,” I threatened Katya with my finger, “
That's it, big sister, please wash the dishes.
- Mom, you’re not very good, don’t be sad and don’t be bored.
And you’re leaving, by the way, -
Turn off the gas in the kitchen!

Who does he imitate?

One of the most tedious tasks in the household. Which of our boys helps mom peel potatoes? Let's check it out.

Competition task.

    The longest peel.

Boys, do you understand what a real man should be like?

At what age does one become a real man? What should be done for this?

True friends, courageous and noble people who can always come to the rescue and protect the weak will never disappear from our land; people are strong, brave and noble - real knights!

I believe that our boys are future knights, they are well-mannered, strong, smart, respect girls and women. Girls, give the boys orders - future knights.

Presentation of the Order of the Future Knight

5. Conversation “About girls”

Well, now, let's talk about beauty.

No matter how good our boys are, they cannot live a day without girls.

Among people of all nations and nations, female representatives are loved, surrounded with attention and care. And how many different works are there for girls, girls, women. A woman is always something beautiful and mysterious.

Look, guys, how artists depict women in their canvases.

(Tender, sweet, kind, beautiful)

Let's ask the boys: what do you think a girl should be like, how she should behave?

    You should like everything about a girl, she should be neat and tidy. Dress nicely and do your hair well.

    A girl should be kind, hardworking, help her mother, respect men and boys.

    Every girl is a future housewife, so she must be able to cook, clean, do laundry, and wash dishes.

    I want to see the girl polite, so that she does not scream or utter rude words.

    I would like the girls to be cheerful and kind.

    I like girls who look like princesses. When such a girl is next to me, I want to be like a prince.

(Words are posted on the board: neatness, hard work, politeness, kindness, thrift)

All our girls look like princesses, they deserve to receive the Order of the “Little Princess”

Presentation of orders to girls.

Boys! Look at our girls, how beautiful, kind, cheerful, neat and hardworking they are. On the stand are crafts that the girls made with their own hands.

All male professions are successfully mastered by women too! There are women astronauts, surgeons, pilots, and courageous athletes.

But every woman has the most important purpose, the most important profession - to be... Did you guess it?

Be a mom!
Mom has been with you since the first days,
Her hands are warm.
If mom is with us
Evil will not touch us.
The peace of her high soul,
Affection and play.
Remember your mother's lessons - peace and kindness!

When your mothers were little, they, like all girls, loved to play with dolls. And now we will try to look into the future and see what kind of mothers our girls will turn out to be.

Competition “Come on, mommies!”


    Swaddle the baby. A mother should be able to quickly and beautifully dress her baby.

    “Tender lullaby.” To put your baby to sleep, you need to sing him a lullaby.

Well done, girls and smart girls, and what beauties!

But the boys will tell about it. Each boy received homework - to draw a flower with which he associates a classmate and try to explain why the girl is similar to this flower.

(The boys come out and give the flower picture to the girl)

Vika is similar to the “Pansy” flower.

She is just as bright and has mischievous and cheerful eyes. At the same time, she is a modest girl.

Alena, you are like a daisy - very gentle, modest, shy. Just like chamomile, it pleases the eye.

Katya is like a violet. Thoughtful, modest, short, beautiful and smart.

And Masha, it seems to me, is similar to lilacs. Just as bright, with good taste, well-mannered, noble.

Nella looks like a poppy. She is a flirt and loves to stand out from all the girls in some way.

Katya reminds me of a flower - an orchid. This girl is a mystery. She can be cheerful, mischievous, and sometimes she sits and doesn’t approach anyone, thinking about something of her own.

Natasha is a peony. She is bright, curvy, and a little businesslike. She loves to lead so that everyone obeys her. This girl is like a queen!

Arina looks like a sunflower. She is tall and fair. Kindness and warmth emanate from her, like the sun.

Tanya is like a rose. This girl is beautiful, sophisticated, and sometimes not too proud.

Dasha reminds me of a lily of the valley - white, modest, shy, romantic.

Veronica looks like a bell. She has a clear voice, she is cheerful and energetic.

Natasha is like a narcissist. She is just as refined, sophisticated, neat and beautiful.

Dasha is like a chrysanthemum, because she is beautiful, smart and sometimes strict, with character.

Nastya is a cornflower. Modest, cheerful and pretty.

What a beautiful bouquet we got. I really want to wish you happiness and joy. Let smiles always shine on your faces!

Today we talked about boys and girls. There are many different and similar character traits in men and women. The most important thing is to be able to respect each other and get along with each other.

You will study together for many years, and the boys must fulfill their knightly duty, and the girls must appreciate the boys. And when there are friendly relations between you, everyone will feel comfortable and happy in the class.

Let's end our class hour with a wonderful song about friendship.

Song “You, me, you and me”


    Bogdanova O.S., Petrova V.I. “Methods of educational work in primary school” Moscow 1980

    Romanyuta V.N. “You and your friends” Teaching children to communicate Moscow 2002

Scenario: "Autumn Festival"


A sad time, the charm of the eyes,

I am pleased with your farewell beauty,

I love the lush decay of nature,

In crimson and gold, dressed forests.

What time of year did A.S. Pushkin speak so lovingly about? Yes guys, this is said about autumn.

Autumn! How beautiful is the golden autumn with its multi-colored outfit - the bright colors of the trees, the wealth of all kinds of fruits, a good harvest of bread and vegetables.

1 student.

Dropped the daisies

White shirts

True sign

That summer is leaving.

Apparently they don’t want

Clever daisies,

So that the autumn rain

Wet my shirts.

2nd student:

Falling leaves wander in the grove

Through the bushes and maples

Soon he will look into the garden

Golden ringing.

3rd student: Foliage is flying in the air,

The whole earth is covered in yellow leaves.

We are sitting by the window

And we look outside.

The leaves whisper "Let's fly away!"

And they dive into a puddle.

4 student:

Let's make a fan out of leaves,

Bright and beautiful.

The wind will run through the leaves,

Light and playful.

5th student:

And obediently follow the wind

The leaves are flying away

So there's no more summer

Autumn is coming.

Dance of the leaves (music by P.I. Tchaikovsky)

Leading: Look how many leaves we have! But they are not simple, they have riddles.

Students dressed as leaves ask riddles.

1 student:

She dies in the fall

And comes to life again in the spring

Cows without her are in trouble,

She is their main food.


2nd student:

No arms, no legs,

There's a knock on the door

Asks to go to the hut


3rd student:

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves


4 student:

Who beats and taps on the roof all night

And mumbles, and sings, lulls you to sleep?


5th student:

Sits - turns green,

It falls and turns yellow,

He lies there and turns black.


Leading: Well done children, you guessed the riddles correctly.

6th student:

Glorious autumn! Healthy vigorous

The air invigorates tired forces.

7th student:

The ice is not strong on the icy river,

Like melting sugar lies

8th student:

Near the forest, like in a soft bed,

You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!

9th student:

The leaves have not yet faded,

Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

All: Glorious autumn! Come and visit us! (Autumn enters to the music of the waltz)

Autumn: Hello guys! I heard a lot of good things about myself. Today I came to visit you not alone. There are 12 months in a year, and three of them are autumn. Meet them, friends! (includes SEPTEMBER)


I am the first.

Clear September morning

The villages are grinding bread,

Birds are flying across the seas,

And the school opened.

Children from the audience say folk signs and proverbs about September.


September - first month of autumn

September is departure time.

In September - one berry and even then a bitter rowan.

September is a magician of color.

September is the time of golden autumn.

September: In September, autumn either caresses you with the warm sun, as if playing with summer, or reminds you with fine cold rain that winter is coming.


I see: on the horizon

A cloud flies across the sky

I'll quickly open my umbrella,

It will protect from rain.

I’ll hide everyone, everyone, everyone under an umbrella,

How could it be otherwise?

The presenter opens his umbrella and music sounds. Children perform the dance "Raindrops". Entering the second month of autumn - OCTOBER


And I am the month of the first snow, the first cold weather.

Between the thinning tops

Blue appeared.

Made a noise at the edges

Bright yellow foliage

I walk silently. Small cracks

A fallen off branch,

And, wagging its tail, the squirrel

The light one makes a jump.

The spruce tree has become more noticeable in the forest,

Protects dense shade.

He pulled his hat on one side.

Children from the audience say folk signs and proverbs about October.


Before the approaching cold weather, birds hurry to the south.

October will cover the earth: sometimes with leaves, sometimes with snow.

In October the leaf does not stay on the tree.

October to the music of Tchaikovsky:

The last flocks are flying over the fields

The last leaves in the forest are flying away.

And the sun, barely breaking through the clouds,

The last non-heating ray drops.

The last autumn month is coming out - NOVEMBER.


The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often,

The day was getting shorter

Mysterious forest canopy

She stripped herself naked with a sad noise.

Fog lay over the fields,

Noisy caravan of geese

Stretched to the south: approaching

Quite a boring time

It was already November outside the yard.

Children remember folk signs and proverbs about November.


November is the last calendar month of autumn.

November is the gate of winter.

In November, winter and autumn are fought.

Father, October is cold, and November has chilled him too.

The presenter addresses the months: Welcome to our holiday!


Autumn harvests fruits

There is a lot of joy for people after all their hard work.

Children enter in costumes (watermelon, cabbage, two carrots, onion, cucumber, parsley, sunflower, corn).


Your harvest is good

Born thickly.

Scene "Merry vegetable garden".

10th student:

Bloomed over the meadows

The fogs hid.

Well, the sun is right here

It bakes the beds,

Watches the fruits grow

Is everything okay here...

Leading: Here is a button walking towards us -

Sugar watermelon,

Hands on hips

Round, thick-cheeked.

Watermelon: I, friends, am not proud for nothing:

From above I am green, hard,

But inside -

Merry dawn.

Don't accidentally break it -

I'll splash some red sweet juice.

Children: Don't boast, Watermelon,

Don't be proud, Watermelon!

Maybe you still

Doesn't taste good.

We'll visit you again soon,

And let's try

And let's taste it!

Leading: Look -

Here's a head of cabbage

Here's a cabbage

A hundred clothes and a turban,

And it’s not empty inside!

Kachan: I, friends, am a cabbage pumpkin

Extraordinarily delicious

I turned white from the top of my head,

I'm already quite ripe.

At least cook it

At least salt it

Do as you please

I'm crispy and fresh -

Cut with a knife and eat!

Children: Young head of cabbage,

Dear head of cabbage,

Don't bother - you

We'll put it in a vat,

And we’ll salt it for good,

And let's cook cabbage soup,

Let's serve it on the table

Let's treat our friends.

Leading: Look at the two friends

For red new clothes...

Wider circle!

Wider circle

Two carrots are dancing. (Tanya carrots)

Carrots: We are smart and slim

And, of course, everyone needs...

We are dear and loved to everyone.

If only my teeth were sharper

No, not just any eater

We are tough carrots.

Children: You carrots are delicious

You carrots are juicy,

You, dear carrots,

We will eat until spring.

In the yard and at the table

Let's have a sweet treat, let's crack it!

Leading: Do you hear?

Bold Bow

And he says

Why are you

You are a dear friend

Are you choking with laughter?

Onion: I'm not a carrot

No, I'm mean!

You should try onions -

Tears will flow like a river,

And in the garden there is the most evil one!

Children: Don’t be angry, Luchok,

Don't worry, Luchok,

We all love onions

Get into the potty.

The soup will be tastier

And the salad is spicy

We like you -

Get up quickly!

Leading: What a great guy this is

And who is his girlfriend?

This is a fat cucumber

And thin parsley.

Cucumber: I, excellent cucumber -

I'm finally tired of

Lie on a black bed!

What can you say about her?

Isn't that right, ugly girl?

Misha's is longer!

Neither give nor take -


Children: Don't be angry Cucumber

Don't scold, Cucumber!

We'll put you in a basket,

Well done, why are you girlfriend

Did you find something bad?

Isn't it time for you and Petrushka

Leading: But, staring at the clouds,

The sunflower is coming...


You're not being condescending

Are you looking at the garden?

Sunflower: I didn't fly high

I don't turn my nose up...

You think it's easy for me

Feed a flock of crows?

The crows scurry about in the cottage,

They peck without a break...

Where will they get the seeds?

These kids?

Children: Don’t suffer, sunflower,

Don't be bored, sunflower,

Give us your seeds

Black, sweet, full.

We are glad to help you

Can you hear the gluttons?

Away from Sunflower

Fly away, thieves!

Leading: Here, groaning from the load,

Corn is coming to us,

What do you want, worker?

Corn: I need pouring rain -

The merciless heat exhausted me.


Children: Long-legged rain

Go on all roads!

Leading: Drop, drop,

Drip - drip - drip...

Who is not wet

Who is not weak

Join the round dance!

Happy vegetable garden!

Vegetables dance with them Autumn and autumn months

Autumn: To be healthy, strong,

Gotta love vegetables

Everything, without exception.

There is no doubt about it.

And lastly, I want to know which of you is the most observant?

Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog)

Who has a cheek instead of a bag? (Chipmunk)

The leaves of which trees turn red in autumn? (aspen, rowan, bird cherry)

Which animal gives birth to babies during leaf fall? What are they called?

(Hare, deciduous)


Why are there mushrooms on the Christmas tree?

Do they sit astride branches?

Not in a basket, not on a shelf,

Not in the moss, not under a leaf -

At the trunk and among the branches

They are put on the knots.

Who arranged them so cleverly?

Who cleaned the dirt off the mushrooms?


This is Belkin's pantry,

This is Belkin's summer gathering!


    Which bird hatches its chicks in the rain? (swan)

    Which bird flies the highest? (eagle)

And now I will reward you in the autumn way.

Autumn distributes fruits.

Children invite autumn to the festive table. During the festive feast, games, contests, and competitions are held, in the organization of which parents actively participate.

    1) competition for the best bouquet.

    2) Whose salad is better?

    3) Skillful housewife (children peel potatoes)

    4) Application from dry leaves

    5) Song competition (who knows more songs, where the names of flowers appear)

    6) Collective game "Flower - seven-colored". (Each team opens a piece of paper and completes the task that is written on the back).

The prizes for each competition are special: crafts made from natural materials, vegetables, fruits.

Family celebration

« In the world of fairy tales"


    1. Organization of family leisure.

    2. Uniting the children's team and the team of parents.

    3. Instilling interest in the book and curiosity; take good care of the book.

    4. Expanding the horizons of children and parents

Fairy-tale characters in the script: Shapoklyak, Pinocchio, Malvina, Cheburashka, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Baba Yaga, Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Vasilisa the Wise, Old Woman



    costumes for all fairy tale characters.

  • basket of pies

  • box

    Golden Key


    Barbie dolls

    illustrations for fairy tales


Good afternoon Today we will take a journey into the world of fairy tales. You will meet your favorite fairy-tale characters and take part in fun competitions

In this room today

Miracles await.

Do you hear? They come alive here

(Malvina appears)


We must believe in miracles!

And then a fairy tale will come to you.

Capturing you into a magical world,

Into the world of serious adventures,

Where evil fights good.

In this world without fear

Follow the truth firmly.

And friendship will be the reward,

Loyalty, celebration and love.

Song "Book World"

Music and lyrics by S. Buldakov

1. The book world is open day and night!

Open the door to this fairy tale.

Open page by page

And you will experience the world in better colors

2. In the book you will meet mountains higher than the sky

And you will find a treasure underground,

You will find friends from different fairy tales,

It’s more fun with them, I won’t lie.


And a fairy-tale hero with a golden key will help you open the door to the book world.

(Pinocchio appears)


I'm made of logs

To the delight of the kids,

My precious key

Will open doors to you.


Who is this?

Today we will meet the heroes of fairy tales. You just need to say the magic words: snip.) snap, snurre, purre, basilure!

Children repeat


Well done! Now guess the riddle:

Neither a tiger nor a fox,

Neither a kitten nor a puppy,

Neither the wolf cub. not a groundhog

But filmed for film

And everyone has known for a long time

This cute little face

And it's called...

(Cheburashka appears)

Cheburashka: sings:

I was once a strange, nameless toy,

Which no one will approach in the store.

Now I'm Cheburashka, every mongrel is mine

When we meet, he immediately gives his paw.

I was unlucky at first, and this happened often:

Nobody came to my birthday party.

Now I’m together with Gena, and he’s extraordinary -

He is the best crocodile in the world.

What work is this character from?

Why was this hero called that?

And here is another heroine from the work of E. Uspensky.

A very nasty old woman.

Everything is bad for her, everything is wrong!

Annoying as a fly.

Who is this?

(Shapoklyak comes out)


I'm an old woman, no matter what!

Both smart and young!

My rat is with me

Named Lariska!

You, of course, found out

Shapoklyak old lady I am

For a whole year I watched

How are you living, friends!

Even though you studied for two years,

But we learned nothing.

The third time, guys, gathered

It’s still too early for you to get there!

The Minister of Education sent me with a task:

Check here, sniff there

And give you all two marks!

I'll conduct the exam

Whatever you don’t know, I’ll find it!

I'll prove that your efforts were in vain!

It would be better if we stayed in the second one!

First test for you! Solve the crossword puzzle

    1. Who kidnapped Thumbelina? (Toad)

    2. In which fairy tale was the princess driven by a dog? ("Flint")

    3. What was the name of the very little heroine? (Thumbelina)

    4. What was the name of the girl who saved her named brother? (Gerda)

    5. Who was punished for coveting the Swineherd’s toys?


    6. Who turned into sea foam because of love for the prince? (Mermaid)

    7.The bird that the Ugly Duckling turned into? (Swan)

    8.What prevented the princess from sleeping on a soft bed? (Pea)

Well, you've passed the first test. Now the task is more difficult.

Fairytale clothes

Which fairy tale character does this clothing belong to?

1. The kindest and most fearless person wore a doctor’s white coat, a white cap and glasses on his nose? (Aibolit)

2. Whose suit was stuffed with straw? (Scarecrow - Volkov)

3. Who was the owner of frog skin? (Vasilisa the Beautiful)

4. What was the name of the tailor who cut and glued a brown paper jacket and bright green pants? (Papa Carlo)

5. Which fairy-tale character loved bright colors and therefore wore canary yellow trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie? (Dunno)

And you completed this task. The last task is for your attention!

Who has read the fairy tale "Cap"?

Oops, maybe I got it wrong. What about the fairy tale "The Fox and the Poppy"?

- "Golden Chop"?

- “The ball is a bird”?

- "Kosobok"?

- “The Tsar is a Singer”?

- “A regiment and seven kids”?

Oh, I'm tired, guys.

It's a little difficult for me to study.

And of course, continue.

Discover the secrets of knowledge

And read more books!

Goodbye, I'm going to report on your successes. (leaves)


And this heroine runs to her grandmother.

He wants to treat her to pies.

(Little Red Riding Hood appears and sings)

1. If it's long, long, long

If it's long along the path,

If it's long along the path

Stomp, jump and run,

Then, perhaps, then, of course,

That's probably true, true,

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,

You can come to Africa


Ah, in Africa the mountains are so high!

Ah, in Africa, rivers are this wide1

A-ah, slopes, mountains, mountains,

A-a, gullies, rivers, crayfish,

2. Well, of course, well, of course,

If you're so lazy

If you're so shy

Stay at home, don't go out!

You don't need roads for anything,

Slopes, mountains, mountains,

Gullies, rivers, crayfish -

Take care of your hands and feet!


Why do you need mountains this high?

Why do you need rivers this high?

A-ah, slopes, mountains, mountains,

A-a, gullies, rivers, crayfish,

Oh, and a green parrot! - 2 rub.


Who wrote the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood?

Here's another fairy-tale heroine

And I washed it for my stepmother,

And sorted out the peas

At night by candlelight,

And she slept on the stove.

As beautiful as the sun!

Who is this?

(Cinderella comes out)

1. At least believe it, at least check it,

But yesterday I dreamed

Like a prince, he rushed to me

On a silver horse.

And the dancers greeted us,

Drummer and trumpeter

Forty-eight conductors

And one gray-haired violinist.

2. At least believe it, at least check it,

It was a wonderful ball!

And the artist on the cuff

He drew my portrait.

And the famous sage said,

That there is no one sweeter than me!

The composer sang songs to me

And the poet read poetry!

3. At least believe it, at least check it,

I was spinning like a top

And that's probably why

Lost my shoe

And when my dream melted away,

Like night clouds

They stood on my window

Two crystal slippers.


Who gave us a wonderful fairy tale?

Meet the next heroine!

A small maiden.

And she herself is all stately.

And her braid is black

Yes, so good!

Dress of malachite color,

There are red ribbons in the braid.

Eyes like emeralds

Magical, wonderful!

(The Mistress of the Copper Mountain appears)


Who wrote about me?

What other hero is most often found in his tales?

What stone did Pavel Petrovich Bazhov sing about?

Who got this box? (Tanya)

I wonder what these heroines like to do? Probably, like all girls, you like to play with dolls?

I guess?


You are absolutely right. Only our girls' dolls are modern. They adore the Barbie doll and will sing about it.

Song "Barbie is my dream"

(Words and music by E. Sergeeva)

1.Where did this miracle come from?

The girls are just going crazy.

People are talking about this doll everywhere.

Well, look, here she is!


Barbie is not a toy!

Barbie is my friend!

Barbie is delight and beauty!

Barbie is my dream!

2. Her eyes shine with a wonderful light,

She calls me to the magical world.

And I know that she will understand me.

3. And may we become more mature over the years,

We won't forget Barbie's friend.

Her smile has become sweeter for us,

It will help bring back childhood again.


I liked your dolls. They are somewhat similar to me. And I liked you. Let's play the game "Birds". When will I name the one who flies. you must raise your hands and show how they fly, and shout: “They are flying!” And if they don’t fly, keep silent.

Are ducks flying?







Thanks for playing. I would like to stay with you more...


Come in, Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Welcome. And we welcome the following guest:

Everyone, just a minute!

I want to start a fairy tale.

The name of this fairy tale is

Hurry up and guess.

Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba

In a clearing by the river.

And Grandfather and Baba loved

With sour cream... (koloboks)

I baked a bun

Golden-sided and ruddy,

He rolled out of the house

On an unfamiliar road.

I didn’t tremble before the wolf,

Ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

Still got caught... (Kolobok)

I didn’t come to visit you empty-handed. She brought pies. And with what - find out for yourself. Guess the puzzles.

hedgehogs - u + e = vetch = ?

black - y + o + plum - a = ?

I also brought telegrams. Who are they from?

"Happy birthday to Eeyore."

“I will, I will wash my face in the mornings and evenings!”

"The fox took over my house and kicked me out."

"Thank you, swallow, for the wonderful rescue!"


Thank you, grandma, for the pies and telegrams! Passes. Please.

Another grandmother is rushing towards us.

The whole world knows Grandma.

She is only three hundred years old.

There, on unknown paths,

Her house is on chicken legs.

(Baba Yaga appears)

Baba Yaga:

Fairytale element.

I have a document.

I fly on my broom,

And I scare the kids

Is it because of the heat? for the blizzard,

Everyone scolds me. hag.

And there is no more harm in me,

Than in a chamomile in a meadow.

Baron ... (Munchausen)

Ilya Muromets)

Boy... (from a finger)

Ali - ... (Baba)

Koschei the Deathless)

Mouse... (King)

Sivka - ... (Burka)

Old man... (Hottabych)

Brownie... (Kuzya)

Dr. Aibolit)

Dad... (Carlo)

Signor... (Tomato)

Tiny... (Khavroshechka)

Crocodile Gena)

Sister... (Alyonushka)

Well done! Helped me. Do you like to play? Let's play the game "Echo". Who knows how the echo answers the question it is asked? Here's an example. I ask the echo: "What time is it now?" What will it answer me?

Right. "An hour - an hour." Or maybe the echo will answer: “It’s 11:15 am?”

Of course not. So, I think you understand the rules of the game. Let's start playing. I only ask you to accompany your friendly answers with the same friendly clapping of your hands. Begin!

Get ready kids! -Ra - Ra!

The game begins! - Ra-ra!

Don't spare your hands! - Lei - lei!

What time is it? - It's an hour!

What time will it be in an hour? - It's an hour!

That's not true, there will be two! - Two - two!

Think, think, head! - Wow!

How does the rooster crow in the village? - Wow - wow!

Yes, not an owl, but a rooster? - Wow - wow!

Are you sure. what's wrong? - So-so!

But in reality, how? - How how!

What is two and two? - Two - two!

My head is spinning! - Wow!

Is it an ear or a nose? (shows ear) - Nose - nose!

Or maybe a load of hay? - Cart - cart!

Is it an elbow or an eye? (shows his elbow) - Eye - eye!

Are you always good? - Yes Yes!

Or only sometimes? - Yes Yes!

Are you tired of answering? - Chat - chat!

I give you permission to remain silent!


Thank you, Baba Yaga, for such a game!.. Be our guest. And we meet another fairy-tale heroine

She knew how to work beautifully and deftly.

She showed skill in any matter.

She danced like a white swan.

Who was this craftswoman?

(Vasilisa the Wise enters)


Hello, dear guys and guests! I also prepared a task for you.

We are holding an "Auction". How many of you know more fairy tales in which each other helps each other? The one who names the fairy tale last is the winner.



Well done boys. Always help each other. Fairy tales teach this too. Read them.

Script Lead:

Thank you, Vasilisa the Wise! I think that our children will always be friendly, loving fairy tales and will be frequent guests of the magical city where our best friends live - books.



What is all this noise and commotion?

Is the music loud?

Finally in the library

It became cooler than disco


No, this won't happen!

And you don’t need to compose!

Silence lurks here

And there is always order here!


The reader is in a hurry on a hot day,

Of course he is sure:

In the library for him

They built a swimming pool.


No, this won't happen!

And you don’t need to compose!

You're fantasizing in vain...

Never be like this!


I don't go to physical education

I'd better take the book.

Until the bell rings for recess

I'll look at all the pictures.


No, this won't happen!

And you don’t need to compose!

Don't look at the pictures

Better yet, read that book!


And in the reading room suddenly

And they forced me to play.


No, this won't happen!

And you don’t need to compose!

Computers installed

For Internet readers.


Instead of books they give out

"Eskimo" on a stick.

Count how much you ate

And they will write it down on the card.


No, this won't happen!

And you don’t need to compose!

They don't serve "Eskimo" there.

But they only give out books.


Pills and potion

The pharmacist will sell it to you

Textbooks and books

Will give you... (librarian)

Our guest is the Mistress of the Book Kingdom!


Guys, I am very glad to meet you! Almost all the guys in your class are active readers. I hope that your friendship with the book will grow stronger and last a lifetime. I have prepared book riddles for you:

If you wrote a book,

So you are a writer.

And if you read the book,

That means you... (writer)

To make the hole less noticeable,

A patch is sewn onto the pants.

For the book you need... (bookmark)

Everything I took from the library

Even an old copy

They'll write it down for you anyway

To the library... (form)

One after another exactly in a row

The cards stand together.

To help anyone,

There is... (catalog)

Like a loader on the platform,

Taking on your luggage,

Stands and holds hundreds of books

Metal... (rack)

He can't live without books

Each book is treasured.

He is both sweet and dear to the heart,

Everyone calls him... (book lover)


All the kids in your class are real book lovers. Therefore, it will be easy for you to recognize fairy tales from the illustrations.

"Find out the fairy tale"


Our wonderful holiday ends here. I hope that not only children, but also adults, just like me, experienced moments of joy and happiness from meeting the magical world of fairy tales, and, perhaps, at least for a minute, imagined themselves as children. After all, you have to believe in miracles!


We will grow up and become different.

And maybe among the worries

We will stop believing fairy tales,

But the fairy tale will come to us again.


And we will greet her with a smile.

Let him live with us again!

And this fairy tale to our children

We will tell you again in good time.

Song "Fairy tales walk around the world"

Words by M. Plyatskovsky Music by E. Ptichkin

1. Fairy tales travel around the world,

Harnessing the night into a carriage,

Fairy tales live in glades.

They wander around in the fogs at dawn.

And the prince will love Snow White,

And Koshchei’s greed will destroy him.

Let the evil do cunning tricks,

But good still wins.

2. Fairy tales are with me everywhere,

I will never forget them.

It's worth closing my eyelashes,

In a moment Sivka - Burka will dream.

And the fairy will rescue Cinderella,

Gorynych will no longer be the Snake.

Let the evil do cunning tricks,

But good still wins.

"Mom's Holiday"

Target: - To promote the development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren;

Promote teamwork between children and parents;

Form a culture of behavior during extracurricular activities;

Form the concept of the meaning of a calendar date.


To the music, girls and boys go on stage and dance a waltz.

Leading: The curtain is open and that means

That today the holiday has begun.

1Girl. And we must add, he

Dedicated to our dear mothers.

2Child: Spring is walking through the yards,
In the rays of warmth and light.
Today is the holiday of our mothers,
And we are pleased with this.

3Child: Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers!

This is the best holiday

He comes to us in the spring.

4Child: This is a holiday of obedience,

Congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration -

A holiday of the best words!

5Child: The winter cold is still raging -

The eighth is just a day of spring -

But entirely with golden flowers

All the streets are already full.

6 Child: For us, this is not an idle day,

Men have a hundred worries:

Spring first holiday

Walking through the streets.

7 Child: In a fluffy yellow dress

He entered every house.

Figure eight on the asphalt

The student brings it out.

8 Child: There is a mimosa on the table,
On a nice spring day.
May all mothers on earth
They don't know grief.

9 Child: Our 1st grade is happy to congratulate you,
All mothers on the whole planet.
They say “thank you” to mom
Both adults and children!

10 Child: Our mothers, grandmothers and aunts,
It’s good that on this day and hour,
You are not at work, not at work,
Not in the kitchen at home, but, on the contrary,
In this room, look at us!

11 Child: We love you very, very, very much,
Infinitely is not a secret;
However, to put it briefly:
There was no one more beloved than you, and no!

There should be a holiday in the house.

Slava and Zhenya are thinking

What should I give my mother?

Zhenya I would buy her some chocolates

I just didn’t save any money.

Glory I would cook her dinner

I washed the floor, watered the flowers,

Only I'm my mother's son,

It's a pity that I'm not a daughter.

Zhenya I would mom early in the morning

He brought two buckets of water. (Shudders)

But I'm afraid to go to the pump,

After all, it's freezing outside.

Glory I would like a puppy for our mother,

On this holiday I gave it.

Well, what if my mother tells me,

So that I can keep an eye on him myself?

I'll get tired of walking with him,

It's better not to take risks.

Zhenya I would like a shelf in the kitchen

make it for our mother.

I just don't know how to board

I neither plan nor saw.

Glory I would like her on this fine day

I wove a bracelet from beads.

There are beads, and fishing line too,

Only there are no desires.

Zhenya. What should we do?

Glory. What should we do?

In chorus What should we give mom?

12 Child: I keep walking, I keep thinking, I look

What will I give my mother today?

Maybe draw a flower,

Or maybe I should wash my clothes.

No, I’d rather sing her a song

I love my mother so much.

Children sing a song for mothers

On this holiday

sunny and bright,

accept, accept,

Moms, gifts!

(Children give their mothers their gifts)

Leading. Mother! What a great word! A mother gives life to her child. The mother is worried and sad so that her child is healthy and happy. Mother is a window to the world! She helps the child understand the beauty of the world. Mom has the kindest, most affectionate heart, the most tender, most caring hands that can do everything. Love never fades in her heart!

In the world of kind words

Lives a lot.

But kinder than everyone else

And one thing is more tender:

Of two syllables

A simple word "mom".

And there are no words

More dear than it!

Dear mothers! (I approach a vase with a paper flower) This is a magical flower. Having torn a petal from it, each mother will receive as a gift a concert number from our program and the title “Miss...” But before touching the flower, you need to say the magic words.

Fly - fly, petal,

Through joy and delight.

Just touch your hand -

Give our mother a gift!

Guys, do you remember the magic words? Who can repeat them?

A child who correctly repeats the magic words becomes a participant competition "Politeness"

Rudeness is always disgusting!

Swear word and scream

Detrimental to humans

If he's used to this.

You have to be polite, kind,

To be close again and again

Bloomed and did not fade

Only friendship and love!

Let's start the competition -

The test of education!

    Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word... (thank you)

    The old stump will turn green

when he hears... (good afternoon)

    Even if the mood is terrible,

When you meet, don’t forget to say... (hello)

    If you can't eat anymore,

we'll tell mom... (thank you)

    When we are scolded for our pranks,

Let's say...(excuse me, please)

    If you want to interrupt the conversation,

We must first say... (sorry)

    In any country when parting,

Whoever is polite will say... (goodbye)

Medal "Miss Politeness" awarded to the mother of the winning child.


Our beloved mothers

Happy Women's Day!

It's fun for them today

We'll sing a song.

(Song "Small Country")

Competition "Tenderness" Mothers and children are invited to the stage

Are you ready to continue?

So that's great! I'm very happy!

Come up with a kind word

For mothers now it’s more necessary.

The guys choose affectionate epithets for the word mom.

Medal "Miss Tenderness"

Mom tears a petal from a flower, and the children perform a concert in her honor.


So that mom doesn't get bored

From household worries

We will dance an oriental dance

Let the music just call.

(East Dance)

Well, our competition continues.

And the next competition begins for you.

Competition "Graceful Marigolds"

Children paint their mothers' nails. The Miss Graceful Marigolds medal is awarded to the mother of the winning child.

Mom tears a petal from a flower, and the children perform a concert in her honor.


And now it's time for us

Sing ditties for our mothers (Ditty songs performed by a group of children)

Sometimes we ourselves are in difficulty:

So what can you do with your hair?

How to comb your hair, what to tie it with?

Could you give me some advice?

Competition “Beauty is a terrible force”

Children tie bows for their mothers and grandmothers.

Medal "Miss Beauty" awarded to the mother of the winning child.

Mom tears a petal from a flower, and the children perform a concert in her honor.


Spring streams are babbling

They run down the slopes,

And in our hall there is a song

Children sing for their mothers.

("Song of the Baby Mammoth")

Many of your nights have passed without sleep,

There are countless worries and worries!

I bow to you, dear mother,

For the fact that you exist in the world.

For kindness, care, golden hands,

For your maternal advice.

We all wish you together:

Live, dear, for many years!

Quiz for moms

1. What kind of down are the famous Orenburg shawls made from: sheep, chicken, goat? (Goat fluff. "Miss COMFORT")

2. What is the name of the pie with curd filling? (Cheesecake. "Miss CARE")

3. Explain the meaning of the phrase “knock your socks off.” (Sit back "Miss SMART"

4. What do you call a person who does miracles? (Wizard. "Miss Magic")

5. Even ladies in the cat family have it. What? (Mustache. "Miss Kindness")

6. Delicious mystery. The little butter wheel is edible. (Bagel "Miss Tea Party"

7. When it’s the first time, it’s sometimes lumpy, but then it’s delicious, especially with honey. What is this? (Crap. "Miss Smack")

8. What is the name of the big round bread? (Loaf "Miss Hospitality")

9. Which vegetable resembles a space plate? (Squash "Miss Hostess")

10. Name the most vegetable fairy tale. (“Adventure “Cipollino”

"Miss Storyteller")

Mom tears a petal from a flower, and the children perform a concert in her honor.


A student plays a musical instrument.

Leading: Today the number is 8

More important than all others.

Let's congratulate

Dear girls.

The sun is beautiful in the sky,
The birds are singing merrily.
They wish you joy,
And they send greetings to spring!

Boy 1. We are all dressed up today,
The boots are on fire.
Congratulations on Women's Day,
We gathered as if for a parade!

Boy 2. All shirts are ironed
All pants are ironed.
Today we walked around the puddles.
And we didn’t fight.

Boy 3. We didn't walk upside down
Don't lie on the floor
We didn't sit on top of each other,
And they didn’t get dirty in chalk.

Boy 4. Today we are like dandies,
In front of you at the blackboard,
But more beautiful than our girls,
We didn't anyway!

Boy 5. You are beautiful like stars
And the eyes sparkle with fire.
And your smiles are sweet,
Outshine the sun during the day!

Boy 6. You are so nice to us!
You girls are simply awesome!!!
That's why we all want it so much
Be like you!

Boy 7. We wish you only happiness.
And we'll tell you a secret:
Our girls are more beautiful
There is simply no one in the whole school! Boys sing a song for girls to the tune of “Let them run clumsily” and give gifts.

13 Child: Go around the whole world

Just know in advance:

You won't find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother's

14 Child: You won't find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter.

Mom to each of us

All people are more valuable.

15 Child: A hundred ways, a hundred roads

Go around the world

Mom is the best friend

There is no better mother.

Children perform the final song to the tune of “We wish you happiness”

"From what, from what" ,

sl. I am Khaletsky, music. Yu. Chichkova.

All girls:

Are our boys done?
From freckles
And firecrackers,
From rulers
And batteries
Our boys are done!
Our boys are done!
All boys:
From what, from what, from what
Are our girls done?
From flowers
And bells,
From notebooks and reviews
Our girls are done!
Our girls are done!

All girls:
From what, from what, from what
Are our boys done?
From springs
And pictures
From glass
And blotters
Our boys are done!
Our boys are done!
All the boys:
From what, from what, from what
Are our girls done?
From handkerchiefs
And glomeruli,
From riddles
And gummies
Our girls are done!
Our girls are done!

Used Books :

    E.N. Arsenina - Extracurricular activities in elementary school - Uchitel Publishing House, Volgograd, 2005.

    E.N. Arsenina - Extracurricular activities in elementary school (issue 3) - Uchitel Publishing House, Volgograd, 2006.

    I.A. Agapova, M.A. Davydova – 20th century holidays at school - Uchitel Publishing House