home · On a note · Indoor plants - air purifying or environmentally friendly filter.... Houseplants are natural air purifiers! Plants natural indoor air purifiers

Indoor plants - air purifying or environmentally friendly filter.... Houseplants are natural air purifiers! Plants natural indoor air purifiers

This article will focus on indoor plants that can purify indoor air from harmful impurities. Interestingly, the vast majority of these plants are recommended by NASA for purifying the air on space stations.

Why and what does it need to clean the air from?

In the rooms in which we spend most of our time, there are always substances that have a detrimental effect on human health. They can accumulate in the body and disrupt the functioning of the immune, respiratory, cardiovascular and other systems. Typically this is chemical compounds, standing out after any repair work, from paint, glue, rubber, plastic, as well as from computer and household appliances, furniture, carpets, curtains, etc. First of all, such compounds include: formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene. In addition, the air may contain harmful gases, various allergens, nicotine, etc.

Houseplants that purify the air

Currently, indoor plants as natural filters are the most reliable and safe assistants in purifying the air from various harmful impurities. The most effective of them are the indoor plants presented below.


This variety of dracaena is very common and can reach a height of up to 3 meters. The dracaena itself resembles a miniature palm tree. This plant feels comfortable even in bright light. sunlight, and in diffused lighting. The soil should not be soggy, but it should be sufficiently moist. Water in the pan is destructive for dracaena.

Pelargonium ivy

Pelargonium (geranium) perfectly cleanses, ionizes and disinfects the air. In addition, for many it serves as a cure for headaches. Geranium requires high light and abundant watering. However, the plant rejects surface spraying and requires lower temperatures in winter.

This plant is a palm tree that can reach a height of 1-2 meters. The plant releases moisture into the air, which makes it especially useful in dry air during the heating season. Despite the fact that this palm tree responds positively to bright light, it is best not to place it in direct sunlight. The soil must be kept moist.


This indoor plant does an excellent job of purifying the air, and it unusual flowers also take part in this. Spathiphyllum does not tolerate bright light, loves shade and requires high humidity. The soil should be slightly moist at all times.


This is a vine that can be 2 meters or more in length. Epipremnum aureus is considered one of the most effective plants that purify the air in the house. It grows in any light, but is afraid of direct sunlight. It should be watered as the soil begins to dry out. When the plant reaches a great length, it is recommended to remove the tendrils.

This plant is a climbing shrub, easily grown in hanging pots. Hedera is excellent for combating indoor allergens such as mold. This shrub is the plant of choice for low-lit rooms, but it needs to be watered abundantly and the soil must be constantly kept moist. In winter, the frequency of watering decreases.


Aglaonema is interesting because it produces red fruits, which significantly increase its decorative qualities. The plant loves high humidity, well-drained soil and diffused light. You can place the aglaonema in a tray of water, placing the pot so that it does not come into contact with the water. Before watering, make sure that upper layer the soil has dried out, since the plant feels comfortable only with moderate watering.


Chlorophytum is considered the most unpretentious indoor plant. The plant has long and narrow white-green leaves, as well as hanging airy tendrils with short shoots. Grows well in both light and shade. In the light, the leaves become bright. You can rarely water it. Then the chlorophytum will absorb moisture from the roots. With more frequent watering, it grows faster.


Sansevieria is considered a very hardy and long-lasting indoor plant. It has long hard leaves dark green with horizontal stripes, lighter in tone. This plant loves bright light and during growth prefers moderate watering, when the top layer of soil has already dried out. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced, but it is not recommended to allow the soil to dry out completely.

The leaves of this plant are usually wide, shiny, dark green or variegated. His aerial roots have the ability to wrap around the trunk, forming interesting shapes. Ficus elastica grows in bright, indirect light and requires moderate watering when the soil is slightly dry.

It should be noted that all these indoor plants are far from alone in their ability to release oxygen and purify the air of harmful substances. These are just some examples of such plants. In addition, each of these natural filters represents one specific variety of the same plant. So, for example, dracaena can also be Tree-like, Fragrant, etc. But regardless of the type of dracaena, its ability to remove benzene and formaldehyde impurities from the air remains intact. The same goes for other plants. Therefore, the room can be decorated with the same plant in its different types.

  • Try to place at least one indoor plant in the house in a pot with a diameter of at least 15 cm for every 10 m2 of room.
  • To improve air quality, it is better to group indoor plants rather than placing them individually.
  • To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to free the leaves of indoor plants from dust or give them a shower (depending on specific type plants).
  • The use of filters additionally introduced into the soil contributes to more effective cleansing air. For example, Activated carbon, placed in a pot with a plant, enhances its cleansing properties as a whole.
  • If you have children or pets in the house, when purchasing any plant you need to make sure it is safe.
  • If there is an allergic or asthmatic person in the house, then before adding indoor plants, consult an allergist, because Mold can grow in the soil, aggravating the course of diseases.

The fact that plants effectively purify the air was proven by research by NASA scientists in 1989. Researchers placed different kinds indoor plants into chambers filled with volatile compounds: benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene. It turned out that many common types of domestic flora actively absorb and bind these compounds, which are dangerous to humans.

Scientists have found that for natural air purification, it is desirable to have at least one small plant per 5 m2 of living space or one large plant per 10 m2.

ON THE PICTURE: "Green filters" near the workplace increase productivity.

Air purification from microorganisms

Houseplants not only clean the air of harmful substances, but also reduce the number of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms in it. This property is associated with the ability of flora to secrete phytoncides - special substances that negatively affect many pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

The plant releases the most phytoncides during the growing season and flowering. For many tropical and some subtropical plants, this period falls between winter and early spring. For most people, this is a difficult period with a high risk of colds! That is why it is important to surround yourself with bright green plants, which will lift your spirits and improve the microclimate in the room.

Phytoncides are volatile substances that can spread several meters from the plant. Therefore, even one medium-sized flower can significantly improve the microclimate in the apartment.

Phytoncidal properties are fully manifested only in healthy plants with proper care.

Some types of indoor plants also emit essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on general condition person. They relieve nervousness and headache, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. , have such properties.

However, the presence of flowers with a strong spicy aroma in a room can have the opposite effect and cause a deterioration in well-being. For this reason, Magnolia should not be kept in small apartments.
ON THE PICTURE: Oleander is beautiful and easy to care for. However, the scent of its flowers can cause headaches for people sensitive to strong odors.

Food for thought

In addition to purifying the air, green plants saturate it with oxygen. O 2 is released during photosynthesis, which occurs only during the day in sunlight (the exception is orchids and some other exotics). At this time, the leaves actively absorb carbon dioxide and transforming it into organic compounds, produce oxygen. However, plants themselves need oxygen for respiration. At night, when the process of photosynthesis stops, plants use oxygen from the air. Therefore, you can’t put a lot of indoor flowers in the bedroom.

The beneficial effect of houseplants on the indoor microclimate also lies in their ability to increase air humidity. This is especially important during the heating season.

A common myth is that some plants, such as cacti, absorb electromagnetic radiation from computers and other electronics. In fact, cacti and other plants are not capable of absorbing electromagnetic waves. They only absorb radiation that directly passes through them. Therefore, they cannot significantly reduce the radiation dose received by a person sitting at the monitor.
ON THE PICTURE: The cactus does not reduce the level of electromagnetic radiation, but like any plants, it absorbs some of the harmful substances and releases oxygen

Top Ten Plant Based Air Purifiers

1. - an unpretentious plant and a record holder for purifying the air from harmful substances. Pots of Chlorophytum in the kitchen will help remove volatile compounds released during the combustion process domestic gas. Chlorophytum also has high bactericidal activity. Specialists from the All-Russian Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR) found that within 24 hours this flower almost completely cleanses the air of harmful microorganisms. Chlorophytum phytoncides destroy up to 80% of microorganisms in the air. To increase the effectiveness of air purification, it is necessary to regularly remove contaminants from the leaves of the plant (for example, by bathing the plant in a warm shower, covering the soil with the palm of your hand, or wrapping the pot in a bag in advance).
ON THE PICTURE: It's a paradox, but X lorophytum grows better in rooms with polluted air

2. one of best cleaners air thanks to its large leaves. They have many stomata, through which the plant absorbs harmful compounds and then converts them into sugars and amino acids. Ficus is ideal for rooms where synthetic materials were used in the decoration, or apartments where there is a lot of furniture made of chipboard. The broad leaves of the ficus tree rival the best air purifiers when it comes to removing dust from the air! The plant is also an effective oxygen generator.
ON THE PICTURE: Regular wiping of ficus leaves promotes better air exchange and the process of photosynthesis

3. fights harmful compounds contained in varnishes and paints (xylene and toluene). The plant is especially necessary if there is parquet in the apartment. Dieffenbachia can be used in rooms whose windows overlook the highway or in houses located near large industries. Dieffenbachia phytoncides suppress the activity of staphylococci - pathogenic bacteria that cause many respiratory diseases.
ON THE PICTURE: Dieffenbachia not only purifies the air, its large decorative leaves will decorate any interior

4. or mother-in-law's tongue - a plant capable of producing oxygen in large quantities. Sansevieria is very unpretentious and suitable for growing in offices. It has high phytoncidal activity against streptococci - the causative agents of sore throat, scarlet fever and other severe inflammatory diseases (pneumonia, endocarditis, etc.). In addition, Sansevieria is able to reduce the overall microbial contamination of the air. The plant's effectiveness in absorbing hazardous compounds has been proven. Of the common air pollutants, Sansevieria binds everything except ammonia.
ON THE PICTURE: Sansevieria, popularly called " pike tail"or "mother-in-law's tongue", one of the most unpretentious plants air purifying

5. clears the air of most hazardous substances, with the exception of ammonia. Particularly effective. Dracaena phytoncides have a detrimental effect on protozoa. It is believed that Dracaena absorbs xylene, which is emitted by a computer monitor. Therefore, the plant is sometimes recommended to be placed next to computer desk. There is some truth in this statement - Dracaena does absorb xylene and toluene. But it is not the computer’s fault that the apartment is polluted with these compounds. Xylene is a popular solvent used in the production of varnishes, adhesives, paints, and plastics. He stands out from finishing materials used during renovation of residential premises.
ON THE PICTURE: Dracaena has many faces and sometimes its species are strikingly different from each other

6. cleans the air of many toxic compounds, including ammonia. Thanks to large leaves, the plant is able to cope with large amounts of pollution. In addition, it increases air humidity. This representative of the home flora is relatively shade-tolerant; it can be located in the back of the room or on staircases.
ON THE PICTURE: Spathiphyllum is one of the most popular plants when decorating offices and institutions.

7. has a high absorption coefficient of benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, trichloroethanol. The plant perfectly moisturizes and ionizes the air. Ivy is an indicator of the level of humidity in the room. If the air is dry, the leaves of the plant quickly become covered with brown spots. Ivy phytoncides reduce the activity of microorganisms that cause respiratory infections and some protozoa. The plant is widely used in folk medicine and for the manufacture of cough medications (such as Gedelix or Prospan). This shade-tolerant representative of the flora is suitable for rooms with a lack of natural light.
ON THE PICTURE: Ivy in Ancient Greece was sacred plant and was considered a symbol of affection

8. Not only beautiful flower, but also an effective room cleaner. Absorbs dangerous volatile compounds, including xylene and ammonia. The plant produces a large number of active phytoncides. Their action reduces the overall microbial contamination of the air.
ON THE PICTURE: Chrysanthemum means “golden flower” in Greek.

9. - an ornamental flowering plant that releases a lot of biologically active substances. Geranium and citranella essential oils have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and repel insects. Menthol and turpentine have powerful antimicrobial activity, having a detrimental effect on dangerous microorganisms such as streptococci and staphylococci. It is necessary to take into account that blooming Pelargonium can cause an allergic reaction, although this happens extremely rarely.
ON THE PICTURE: Pelargonium amazes with its variety of varieties

10. (Scindapsus aureus) is effective against two of the most common pollutants - formaldehyde and benzene. The plant's phytoncidal activity against bacteria and microscopic fungi is also high. In addition, Epipremnum ionizes the air and saturates it with oxygen. This unpretentious fast-growing vine with large leaves does not need special care, but it looks very impressive.
ON THE PICTURE: Golden scindapsus is distinguished by its unusual leaf color

  1. Healthy plants filter better harmful impurities than stunted and sick ones, so do not forget to care for them.
  2. Use plants with dense foliage or large leaves to purify the air. They are considered the most effective cleaners.
  3. In the bedroom, one or two houseplants that release essential oils (such as Geranium or Pelargonium) can significantly improve the quality of sleep.
  4. Be sure to install “green filters” in the kitchen, where a lot of soot, smoke and other harmful substances are released.
  5. Wipe the leaves of plants often, avoid accumulating dust and dirt on them.

Anastasia Sergeeva

Useful indoor plants that should be in every home

Houseplants can not only delight us with their beauty, but also bring tangible benefits: purifying the air, saturating it with oxygen, aromatizing it, and improving our well-being. Next, we will tell you which useful plants are most beneficial to keep at home.

What substances pollute our home?

  • Cushioned furniture, plastic dishes, carpets and cigarette smoke contain formaldehyde, which irritates the mucous membranes, causing various diseases skin and allergic reactions.
  • In the same smoke from cigarettes, some computer parts and household chemicals Ammonia may spread and may be irritating. Airways and eyes, cause severe coughing and even suffocation.
  • Xylene, which is found in some varnishes, paints, glues, plastics and even leather goods, also affects our body.
  • Smokers should definitely buy useful plants for their home, because such a dangerous substance as benzene is also found in cigarette smoke. In addition, it contains household chemicals, paints, varnishes, rubber and linoleum. Nervous system, blood vessels and respiratory organs - everything is affected by benzene, causing loss of strength, dizziness, insomnia and nausea.

But the following useful indoor plants will help you cleanse the air of these dangerous substances and saturate it with oxygen every day.

Common ivy (Hedera helix)

This ivy is also called English ivy. It very actively absorbs carbon dioxide, and in addition purifies the air from formaldehyde, various toxins and even heavy metal salts. Due to these properties, it is most recommended to decorate your home with ivy for residents of houses located along major highways, especially residents lower floors and semi-basement floors.


A place of honor on the list is also occupied by such useful plants for the home as sansevieria - the famous natural “filters”. It is popularly known as “mother-in-law’s tongue.” With their help, oxygen will always be actively produced in your home, and the air will also be purified from harmful substances and radiation, the sources of which are the computer, TV and mobile devices, which will significantly improve your well-being. Just remember to clean the plant from dust.


When choosing useful plants for your home, pay attention to chlorophytum, known as the spider plant. It survives well even in the most polluted environments and copes remarkably well with chemical residues, ammonia, acetone, and other impurities and harmful gases in the air. In addition, chlorophytum can improve the microclimate in the room, additionally moistening the room, so it should be watered on time. By the way, such indoor plants are excellent indicators of indoor pollution: the faster they grow, the more polluted your home is.


This plant can be safely placed in any room so that it actively purifies the air from substances entering our house from the street. Spathiphyllum will absorb formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene and kill harmful microorganisms. It is especially good to install it in a house where mold often grows. Spathiphyllum is sometimes called the “white sail” or “women’s happiness.”

Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea)

Air filtration from ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful chemical substances- an easy task for the Hamedorea bamboo palm. It is good for those who have a lot of lacquered furniture in their home to get it. The bamboo palm will perfectly absorb harmful computer radiation. And the main thing is that there is no complicated care for this plant - the main thing is to put it in a place where the sun's rays can reach.

But what useful indoor plants are considered the most unpretentious for the home - watch the video:

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The custom of decorating your home with plants has been known since ancient times. In addition to the fact that they seemingly perform their main aesthetic function, indoor plants also have other beneficial features, which also influence the desire to grow this useful beauty at home.

The fact is that many plants have a beneficial effect on the purity of indoor air, purifying it and filling it with aroma. Modern designers Interiors choose indoor plants not only for decoration, but also for health and nutrition.

Some air purifiers, of course, disinfect and clean the air in the room, but they cannot make it healthy. But green indoor plants release volatile substances, which, even in small doses, can not only clean the air of harmful components, but also improve people’s well-being.

Below we present a list of the most useful ones with which you can create a real flower paradise! Some of them are completely unpretentious in care, but you can get a lot of benefits from them.


This very popular and widespread plant filters many pollutants, such as formaldehyde found in furniture and carpets, as well as benzene and trichlorethylene.


People also call it mother-in-law's tongue. This type of indoor plant is one of the most effective for purifying the air. Sansevieria is able to filter and neutralize formaldehyde, which is part of many cleaning compositions used in everyday life.


These flowers remove benzene, commonly found in paints, plastics, glues and detergents.


This flower is able to fight pollutants found in varnishes and oils.


, belonging to the succulent family, is very unpretentious when grown. It also works great against formaldehyde and benzene.

This plant even surprises with its cleansing abilities. It can even absorb formaldehyde from exhaust gases, so it can also be grown in a warm garage.

Protects against the most common volatile organic compounds such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene, also effective against toluenes and acidites.


This plant not only decorates the room, but is also capable of purifying the air from formaldehyde. It is contained in tobacco smoke, gas stoves, some aerosols, gels and aroma candles, carpets... As a filter plant, Kalanchoe is not really place of honor, however, this is more than compensated for by its unpretentiousness and undemanding nature in terms of cultivation and care.

Houseplants are small garden in your home, which gives the house an exotic touch by decorating it with its fresh and bright view. However, we all know that in addition to their aesthetic function, indoor flowers help improve air quality and reduce pollution in the home.

By the way, indoor plants can not only release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, but also help neutralize volatile organic compounds present in our homes.

Below is a list of 10 plants that are best for purifying the air in your home.

  1. Ficus benjamina

It is one of the most common houseplants and can filter many air pollutants found in carpets and furniture.


Watering: regular

2.Aloe vera

Anyone can grow this plant. It, like ficus, helps fight formaldehyde and benzene.

Required light level: high

Watering: regular

3. Sansevieria three-striped

This houseplant is also called "mother-in-law's tongue." It is one of the most effective in air purification. In addition, it can even be placed in the bathroom.

: any

Watering: moderate

4. Chrysanthemum mulberry

Chrysanthemum has colorful flowers that can add brightness to your home or office. The plant perfectly filters benzene contained in paints, plastics, adhesives, and detergents.

Required level of illumination: high

Watering: regular

5. Dracaena carinatum

This flower will add color to your interior. The plant can grow up to several meters. It helps combat substances present in varnishes and coatings.

Required level of illumination: any

Watering: regular

6. Gerber Jameson

Gerbera is a flowering houseplant. Ideal for removing trichlorethylene.

Required level of illumination: high

Watering: regular

7. Scindapsus aureus

This plant also helps fight formaldehyde. Great for placement in the garage to combat exhaust fumes.

Required level of illumination: any

Watering: moderate

8. Sims' rhododendron

The filtering abilities of this flowering bush increase when placed in a cool, lit place.

Required level of illumination: high

Watering: regular

9. Ivy

Ivy helps fight formaldehyde and reduces the spread of polluting particles that are transmitted through pets.

Required level of illumination: moderate

Watering: regular

10. bamboo palm

This palm can grow even in shady places and is one of the best natural filters for benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

Required level of illumination: high

Watering: abundant

Thus, indoor plants are not only a living piece of decor, but also great helper in protecting your health. Have it in your home small garden useful and aesthetically pleasing.

By the way, you can decorate a corner with house plants using interior stickers in the form or