home · Installation · DIY cat made from plastic bottles. Cat made from plastic bottles. Materials and tools

DIY cat made from plastic bottles. Cat made from plastic bottles. Materials and tools

Almost every home has empty plastic bottles for various drinks. Most often, we simply throw away such empty plastic bottles as garbage. But if you use your imagination, then even from plastic bottles you can create something original and unusual, such as a figurine of some animal. This article will describe in detail and show how to with my own hands create a cat figurine from plastic bottles. We should immediately note the fact that this craft is complex, so when creating it you need to be patient! But the result of long and painstaking work will be the receipt of a very original figurine of a cat made of plastic. Such a figurine can later, for example, be installed in the yard, on a summer cottage, or playground. After the plastic cat figurine is completely made, it can, if desired, be painted or left in its original form. If you are not going to paint the figurine in the future, then it is best to use plastic bottles when creating it. Brown, since from them the craft will look much more beautiful!

When creating a cat figurine, you will need a significant amount various instruments, which will be discussed below. But the most important thing that is needed when creating crafts is a significant amount of brown plastic bottles, as well as solid wire.
The immediate process of creating a cat figurine from plastic bottles:
First stage.
At the first stage of work, you will need to make blanks like these bottoms, as shown in the photo below. In total, thirteen such blanks will need to be made. In this case, five blanks need to be made narrower, since they will subsequently be used to create the animal’s breast. But the remaining eight blanks need to be made wider, since they will be used to create the back of the cat figurine. Also, in the center of each workpiece you will need to make holes, which are necessary so that you can put the bottoms on the wire. In addition, it is also necessary to singe the edges of all workpieces.

Second phase.
At the next stage of work, you will need to create the animal’s head from the bottoms. For this purpose, you will need to use evenly cut bottle bottoms, and not the bottoms that were described in the first stage. In addition, you should also prepare the ears of the future cat, which you will simply need to cut out with scissors.

Third stage.
At the next stage of work it will be necessary to make the base for the animal's tail. All plastic blanks will be attached to this base. For this purpose, you should find a dense tube, for example, a hose from washing machine. After this, you will need to make a wider hole on the last plastic blank that was previously made, then pour glue there and insert a tube into this hole.

Fourth stage.
It will also be possible to immediately attach, using glue, the cut out ears of the animal to the head.

Fifth stage.
At the next stage of work, you will need to take the necks of plastic bottles, from which you need to create blanks for the tail and legs of the animal.

Sixth stage.
Then, you should cut the ribbon from the plastic bottle, which will need to be cut with velvet as shown in the photo below.

Seventh stage.
At the next stage of work, you will need to begin the process of stringing the bottoms onto the wire. But at the same time, you should attach the base for the legs in advance.

Eighth stage.
After this, in order to lengthen the cat's tail, you will need to string a wine cork.

Ninth stage.
As shown in the photo below, you will need to wind a thick wire for the animal's hind legs.

Tenth stage.
At this stage of work you will need to attach the animal's tail. But at the same time, the last bottom from under the bottle should be put on with the opposite side in relation to the remaining bottoms, that is, as shown in the photo below.

Every owner of a furry pet knows how difficult it is for cats to tolerate illness and surgical operations. But the real difficulty lies in the rehabilitation period, when the pet’s wounds need to be lubricated with ointment or bandages applied to them. After all, cats are extremely capricious and impatient animals and try to immediately remove foreign object from your body. In such cases, veterinarians recommend wearing pets protective collar. What is such a collar and is it possible to make it yourself?

What is a protective collar for a cat?

Protective collar for cats.

The protective collar or Elizabethan collar is a cone-shaped design , which is worn around the cat's neck. Although wearing this device does not cause much delight in animals and causes them some inconvenience and discomfort, there are times when a collar is vitally necessary.

A little history

Why is it called Elizabethan ? During the reign of Queen Elizabeth of England, high fluffy collars were in fashion, which forced you to keep your head straight and did not allow you to turn it.

During the reign of the English queen, puffy collars were in fashion.

An enterprising cat owner who lived in those days decided to use such a collar to prevent his pet from scratching the wound. The device was named after the queen, who introduced such an inconvenient wardrobe item into use among the courtiers.

Why do you need a protective collar?

Cats are susceptible to many diseases, including those that require external application of ointment or antiseptic powder.

And also many owners subject their pets to sterilization after this simple operation the seam remains for some time , which must be treated with healing agents.

But the problem is that cats are used to treating themselves, licking wounds with tongue and it is impossible to explain to the animal that in this way he can get an infection or lick off a harmful medicine. In addition, after surgery, most cats try to get rid of the bandage or surgical sutures in any way.

So that the pet does not damage the wound and does not remove the stitches ahead of time and was invented protective collar. This device restricts the animal’s movements and prevents it from touching the wound.

To prevent the cat from damaging the wound, a protective collar was invented.

When is a collar needed?

For the treatment to be effective and for postoperative wounds to heal better, the cat must be wearing a protective collar.

How to choose the right collar

You can purchase a protective collar at veterinary pharmacies or pet stores. But, since this item should be safe and reliable and not obstruct the pet’s breathing, pick up suitable size it can be quite difficult.

You can purchase a protective collar at a pet store.

Therefore, the best way out of the situation would be self-production collar from scrap materials, for example, from plastic bottle, thick fabric, cardboard or pot for indoor plants.

Making it at home is not that difficult, you just need to be patient, scissors and a tape measure.

How to make a protective collar with your own hands from a plastic bottle

Based on the measurements, a paper model is made.

Before you start making the collar, you need to measure neck circumference pet, as well as distance from neck to tip of nose. Based on the measurements, a paper model is made. It is very important that the design is not tight or too long.

How to do:

  1. From a plastic bottle a cone is cut out, according to the paper pattern, fitting is carried out so that the collar matches the circumference of the pet’s neck.
  2. To join the edges together, you will need Velcro or four tapes, which are sewn on each side of the cone. Holes in the plastic can be made with a nail or a thick needle. It is convenient to use a stapler for this purpose.
  3. The inner edge of the collar is desirable cover the entire perimeter with a strip of fabric, so that hard plastic does not irritate the skin on your pet’s neck.

You will need Velcro to connect the edges together.

In the same way, you can make a collar from plastic flower pot or a plastic bucket. The only condition– the material must be transparent so that the cat can see the world around it.

How to make a fabric collar

For capricious and delicate pets, the best device is made from from fabric, for example, calico or cotton.

For capricious cats, a fabric collar is better suited.

This product is soft and comfortable for the cat, and she can even sleep comfortably in it. But such a collar has one drawback - the animal will eventually wrinkle the fabric and get to the wound or seam. Therefore, it is advisable to place inside the collar a piece of thicker fabric or cardboard.

  1. Neck circumference is measured cats and is made according to the dimensions of the paper model.
  2. Fabric is cut according to pattern two parts. The same piece of cardboard or thick fabric is sewn inside. Connect all the pieces and sew them together to make a collar.
  3. The edges of the collar can be sew or join them using Velcro.
  4. On the inner edge of the collar make lacing to secure it around your pet's neck.

In order for the product to better hold its shape, it is advisable to outer edge make a fabric edging for the collar.

Making a collar from cardboard

A protective cone made of cardboard will help out if you need to quickly make a protective collar, but there is no time to cut and sew all the parts.

To make it, cardboard from any box, for example, shoes or household appliances, is suitable.

  1. After taking the pet's neck circumference measurements cut a cone out of cardboard with reserve.
  2. Try the collar on the cat and, if necessary, cut off the excess.
  3. Cut edges connect together with tape. This is best done by putting a collar on the animal.

Cardboard from any box is suitable for making a collar.


The protective collar must be removed from time to time.

It is important not to forget that sometimes the protective device needs to be removed, since it will prevent the cat from eating or reaching the water. In this case, the animal must be supervised so that the pet does not take advantage of the moment and remove the bandage or lick the ointment from the wound.

Video on how to make a collar with your own hands

Svetlana Davaeva

After publication "Miracles from waste material» some colleagues wrote in reviews that they liked it cat made from a plastic bottle. My partner Tatyana Nikolaevna Glukhodedova was the first to see this craft on the Internet and suggested making it for the competition. We didn’t bother looking for a step-by-step explanation and immediately got to work.

Found bottles only green, and even then with a dent in the middle. Subsequently, we hid it under "white breast". There were no paints at hand except gouache and watercolor, which rolled down plastic, but we found a way out of this situations: corrector was used.

At the request of my colleagues, I decided to show master class on making a cat(or maybe a cat).

Necessary materials:

3 brown plastic bottles;


Corrector (a tool for correcting errors in text);

Satin ribbon;

White packaging material (you can use paper napkins);

A glass of water.


1. For manufacturing torso will be needed high neck bottle: neck. Unfortunately, I received a vessel with the end cut off - I had to "reanimate". Scotch tape helped me connect the parts.

2. The other two cut off the bottoms of bottles

3. Cut out the ears and make folds.

4. We insert the bottoms into each other and secure the ears. We fix everything with tape.

5. Now we connect the head to the body, again using tape.

6. From thin white packaging material, cut out circles of different diameters and make cuts.

7. Cut off the strip plastic for tail.

8. I used a corrector to paint the muzzle, ears, tip of the tail and draw the front paws.

9. I painted eyes, nose, and mustache with gouache

10. The final touch is tying a ribbon around the neck (I hid the ugly connection of parts with tape).

Now this couple will have more fun together!

Publications on the topic:

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A cool cat made from plastic bottles and bags can decorate a playground or your garden plot. Plastic bottles are not a bunch of garbage as it may seem to many at first glance, you can create them with your own hands beautiful flowers for the garden and interesting animals and birds. Today we will make a cute cat from plastic bottles, the author of this master class is Galina Akadzhanova. I think that this material is in every home and no one will have difficulty finding it. Thanks to plastic bottles you can create many interesting crafts for home and garden plot. Due to the fact that plastic bottles are different sizes and colors you can make many amazing crafts from them. Children also love to create various crafts from bottles, bags, disposable spoons, etc. After all, it is very easy to work with them and create various crafts. Never throw away plastic bottles, canisters, etc., because if you use your imagination, you can even make something out of shampoo jars original ideas for home. Find the section on the website, there are a lot of interesting crafts collected there, from simple to more complex. And today you will learn how to use bottles and plastic bags create a beautiful cat for your home, garden or playground.

To make a cat we will need:
* Plastic bottles 5 l. - 2 pcs.
* Scotch.
* Scissors.
* White plastic bags.
* Plastic bottles of the desired color.

Method for making a cat from bottles:
Let's start manufacturing, take two 5 liters. plastic bottles, remove their labels and wash them.

Let's start making the cat's head. Cut off the bottom and top of a plastic bottle. Look how cut it is in the photo.

We divide the lower part into 4 parts and cut it to about half.

Cut the two opposite parts in half again.

This is how it should work out.

We bend the two uncut halves inward towards each other and secure with tape.

We also lower one quarter of the other opposite halves down and secure them.

What remains are these “ears”.

We bend the strip like this, in the form of a “hut”.

In two places.

This is how it will work out. The last small bend, then we will also secure it with tape.

This is how we will attach it later.

To make an ear, you will need to cut it according to this blank.

Galina did it on purpose colored blank for the ear to make it easier to see.

This is how to cut out an ear on a strip. Be careful not to cut off the underside of the ear.

This is how it will work...

Now we will secure the lower bends with tape...

And we will get such beautiful ears. Connect the back side of the ear together and secure with tape.

They are still empty inside.

From white plastic garbage bags we cut these fringed strips.

These are patterns for the paws and tail. They also need to be cut out from other bottles and wrapped in strips, starting from the bottom, gradually placing the fringe on top of each other. We secure all rows with narrow tape.

This is the kind of tape that is used to secure and make the cat.

The body is made from another canister. There are pebbles and sand inside for weight. We simply put the head on top part and secure it very well with tape.

We attach the finished legs and tail to the frame. This is what our paws and tail will look like. We immediately attach them with tape to the body only from above.

We begin to wrap our cat in terry strips that we made in advance from plastic bags. Let's start from the bottom. We are already taking the strips wider. We secure each layer with tape.

We make eyes or buy ready-made ones. Galina made her eyes and eyelashes from a brown and yellow plastic bottle and black tape. We also make a mouth from a red bottle.

This is how the cat will turn out... For the ears, cut a very narrow fringe and glue it on the outside and inside. You get cool fluffy ears. The antennae and mouth are also made from plastic bottles, you can make them at your discretion.

That's it, the cat made from plastic bottles and bags is ready, we can place our pet, for example, in a playground.

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It's always nice to look at a beautiful and well-groomed country cottage area. And if there are also objects of the owner’s creativity on it, then it is doubly pleasant. Nowadays there is a huge variety of garden figures, which you can easily buy in the store.

But why not make your own? Various animals are a very common theme among craftsmen. Today we will tell you how you can place a cute cat made from a plastic bottle on your property and spend time usefully.

Manufacturing ideas

You can create such a hero in any design: in the form of a figure, a flower pot, or even in the form of a mosaic. Let's take a closer look at each of these options.

Cat as a garden sculpture

In order to make a cat from plastic bottles, you don’t need any special skills, the main thing is that you have paints on hand with which you can color it. The rest of the steps will be very simple:

Thus, we get a cute cat that can either sit or stand. Its location depends only on how the bottle will be placed.

A figurine of the cat Matroskin can be considered a modernized analogue of the previous cat. Making it yourself is more difficult, but it also looks more interesting.

More material will be needed for its construction. In particular, you will need bottles with a volume of 6 and 10 liters, one piece each, and 4 pieces of plastic 1.5 - liter bottles. In addition, you will need a hose with a diameter of 10 mm.

A cat made from plastic bottles is made using the following algorithm:

Flower pot in the shape of a cat

Typically around country house there are always a lot of flowers. They are placed not only in the flowerbed, but also in hanging planters, as well as pots on the veranda. There are many different ways to make pots in the shape of a cat.

Here is the algorithm most simple execution with your own hands:

  1. We wash a two-liter bottle and remove all the labels and glue from them.

    ​Important! It is possible to create a large pot. For this you need to use large plastic bottles.

  2. We mark the cutting line at such a distance from the bottom that we get a full-fledged pot, and perform it on front side ears.
  3. Cut along the previously drawn line.
  4. We process sharp edges with a candle, passing or over the flame.
  5. We wash the workpiece in soapy water.
  6. We paint it in any style you like. It is better to paint in 2 layers.
  7. We are waiting for the paint to dry completely.
  8. Draw a cute cat face on the finished background.

Such a pot can be used separately or as a flowerpot if it is equipped with fasteners and a chain for hanging. If you make several of these pots at once, you will get a whole cat family that will cheer up all the guests and owners of the house.

For execution big pot for a mini-flower bed with your own hands they use five liter bottle with a square bottom. They cut it out in such a way that a part of the bottle remains at the bottom for planting - it will be the body of the cat, and its head is cut out above. Decoration is also done with acrylic paint.

Mosaic in the form of a cat

Often, when making figures from plastic bottles, the caps are thrown away. But it’s better not to do this, as they can still be used. There are a lot of ideas for traffic jams in the country. For example, making curtains or laying out a garden path.

Mosaics made from plastic bottle caps look very interesting on various surfaces, for example, on the wall of a house or a fence. There is no need for this large quantity materials, it is enough to have plugs and nails or screws. You can choose the colors of the corks or simply paint them later. For example, this cat looks very cute, which could easily be depicted on the wall near the playground.


If there is no opportunity or desire to have a real cat, then you can make cute decorative elements for country landscape. They will decorate the surrounding area and make it more comfortable. This design, made with soul, will not leave any cat lover indifferent.

As you can see, nothing is impossible, and even from waste material, if desired, you can create simply impressive things. From this article you can learn interesting ideas, which can be done in your own area and make it cheerful, not like others.