home · Installation · Bed with a soft headboard and a lifting mechanism: features, manufacturer, types and sizes. Do-it-yourself double bed - drawings and photos Bed at an angle of 15 degrees

Bed with a soft headboard and a lifting mechanism: features, manufacturer, types and sizes. Do-it-yourself double bed - drawings and photos Bed at an angle of 15 degrees

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when the stomach sphincter spontaneously opens and acidic contents are released back into the esophagus, damaging the lining of the esophagus. One of the most effective preventive methods for GERD is changing the inclination of the bed. Body position is adjusted using a lifting mechanism, therapeutic pillows, or both methods at the same time. Using the tips below, you can greatly relieve the pain caused by reflux disease.


Part 1

Changing the inclination of the bed

    Select a material. The choice of method and material must be balanced. It is best to use a therapeutic wedge pillow or bed lifts (of any material). These means will ensure sufficient height at long time and at the same level. You can use one of three main methods:

    Install correct angle bed tilt. The elevation angle must be carefully measured. Most studies state that the height of the headboard should be at least 15-20 cm. Medical sources confirm that this angle of inclination actually prevents acid reflux in the lying position.

    The area of ​​the shoulder blades also needs to be raised. The transition of the esophagus to the stomach is located in the area bottom edge shoulder blades Accordingly, to stop acid reflux, the area of ​​the shoulder blades must also be elevated.

    • By leaving your shoulder blades at the same height, you may find that reflux has not disappeared, but general state even worsened, as tension and pain in the neck and back were added
  1. Never use multiple pillows to raise the head of the head. In this case, the angle of elevation of the head can cause compression of the stomach, which will intensify reflux and worsen the general condition.

    • Try to stop using regular pillows during sleep, as they can create additional tension in the abdominal area, pushing out the contents of the stomach. You can also easily slide off such a pillow, and the therapeutic effect will disappear.
  2. Understand Why these methods work. IN vertical position acid reflux occurs less frequently as gravity pulls the acidic contents down. As soon as you change the position of your body, gravity ceases to hold back the contents in the stomach, and you are surprised to find it back in your mouth.

    • Raising the head of the bed significantly reduces the likelihood of contact of the esophageal mucosa with the acidic contents of the stomach. In some cases, getting up also relieves sleep disorders.

    Part 2

    Preventing Acid Reflux
    1. Don't eat before bed. A late meal will ruin all your efforts! Go to bed with an empty and dry stomach. The last meal is at least 3 hours before bedtime, and it is better not to drink anything 2 hours before you go to bed. Violating this rule increases the likelihood of acid reflux.

      • Never lie down after eating. Wait at least 3 hours before taking a horizontal position. This is enough to digest food so that the stomach becomes empty.
    2. Avoid fatty foods. Fatty foods (fried foods, fast food, etc.) take longer to digest, so your stomach is fuller. And the longer food sits in the stomach, the greater the chance of reverse reflux.

      • Chocolates contain a lot of fat And caffeine, which also negatively affects GERD. Also, chocolates may contain coconut oil, which stimulates the production of acid in the stomach, and the likelihood of acid reflux increases even more.
      • Stomach acid production is stimulated by foods such as fried foods, tomato paste, alcohol, garlic and onions.
    3. Chew some gum. Chewing gum increases saliva production, which is natural remedy to counteract acid reflux. Knowing that you will have to eat something inappropriate, bring a pack of chewing gum with you to reduce the likelihood of possible complications.

      • Choose your gum carefully. Peppermint flavoring may cause acid reflux because peppermint instantly relaxes muscle valves while increasing acid production in the stomach.
    4. Wear loose clothing. Clothes that are too tight put pressure on the stomach, causing extra pressure acid seeks any outlet from the stomach, so the likelihood of acid reflux into the esophagus increases.

      • If you are going to have a big meal or eat foods that stimulate acid reflux, try not to wear tight clothing (including underwear) to help relieve the condition.
    5. Avoid coffee and orange juice. Drinking coffee makes a person energetic due to the caffeine it contains. But caffeine also stimulates the production of stomach acid, and increased acidity increases the likelihood of stomach contents passing into the stomach. reverse order. Likewise, you should stay away from anything that increases acidity (such as orange juice).

      • Juice from oranges and other citrus fruits contains a lot of vitamin C (or ascorbic acid). Ascorbic acid increases stomach acidity, increasing the likelihood of acid reflux.
      • To reduce acid production, you should also avoid carbonated drinks and teas with added caffeine.
    6. Start playing sports. Physical activity reduces pressure inside the abdomen and has a beneficial effect on a person with GERD. The main thing is that the duration of the workout should be at least 30 minutes a day. You can divide this half hour into several small approaches. For example, a 10-minute walk three times a day equals one 30-minute walk.

      • A daily 30-minute walk can also help you lose weight. If you're bored of just walking, try gardening, swimming, walking the dog, or window shopping, etc. window shopping without shopping.
    7. Control your weight. Overweight and obesity increase the likelihood of GERD. The stomach experiences pressure from stored fat, and the chances of its contents escaping into the esophagus increase. In some cases, losing weight is enough to get rid of GERD.

      • Avoid overeating. This will simultaneously control your weight and reduce the likelihood of acid reflux. It is better to divide the same amount of food into small portions, increasing the number of meals, and the stomach will not be overloaded.
    8. Stop smoking. Smoking is one of the factors that increases the risk of developing GERD. Long-term smoking experience also increases damage to the esophagus and can cause cancer. When you quit smoking, you will feel instant relief.

      • Quitting smoking is necessary not only to get rid of GERD. By quitting smoking, you will significantly reduce your risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases, and you will also notice that your skin, hair, nails and teeth look much better.

    Part 3

    Drug therapy
    1. Consider taking antacids to neutralize the acid. Hydroxide magnesium-aluminum(liquid) and other antacids neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach and esophagus. Relief, accompanied by a feeling of mild cooling, is observed already when the fluid passes through the esophagus.

      Taking proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) is one of the the best ways prevent acid reflux. Inhibitors block the activity of the pump that produces hydrogen, which is necessary for acid formation. Accordingly, reducing the amount of acid reduces the likelihood of acidic contents entering the esophagus. For maximum effect, PPIs are taken 30 minutes before breakfast.

      • Daily dose of different PPIs:
        Omeprazole – 20 mg once a day
        Lansoprazole – 30 mg once a day
        Pantoprazole – 40 mg once a day
        Esomeprazole – 40 mg once a day
        Rabeprazole – 20 mg once a day.
      • PPI inhibitors may cause side effectsheadache, abdominal pain, vomiting.
    2. Consider taking an H2 blocker (histamine). H2 receptors are dedicated exclusively to the production of acid in the stomach, so blockers H2 receptors counteract acid production. Your doctor may prescribe them as an alternative to PPIs.

      • The daily dose of different H2 receptor blockers is:
        Cimetidine – 300 mg 4 times a day
        Ranitidine – 150 mg 2 times a day
        Famotidine – 20 mg 2 times a day
        Nizatidine – 150 mg 2 times a day
      • H2 blockers may cause side effects, including headaches, constipation and diarrhea.
    3. Visit your doctor to get an expert opinion. Drug therapy is an essential addition to the treatment of GERT at home. Usually, medications neutralize acid or block its production. In addition to antacids (which can be purchased at any pharmacy and even in grocery store), the doctor will be able to prescribe the best remedy exactly in your case.

      • Acid is an important component of digestion and stomach immunity. Long-term drug therapy can disrupt the functioning of the digestive system. Use of any medication for longer than 4 weeks must be done with your doctor's approval.

    Part 4

    Learn about GERD
    1. You are not alone. GERD syndromes are widespread among the population of most countries. Recent studies have shown that 7% of the US population experiences acid reflux daily, and 15% of the population experiences it at least once a week.

      Understand what is happening in your body. The esophagus is the food passage tube that connects your mouth and stomach. In the stomach, food is mixed with acid to prepare it for absorption by the body. This is where “acid” appears and “acid reflux” begins.

    2. Know your risk factors. There are many factors in daily life that contribute to the development of GERD. Among other things, acid reflux is caused by the following reasons:

      • Pregnancy . The rise of the uterus changes the position of the stomach and other internal organs, pushing them up and forward, resulting in the creation of conditions for acid reflux.
      • Smoking. Smoking increases stomach acid levels. It also weakens the sphincter, which blocks the return of food from the stomach to the esophagus.
      • Obesity. Excess fat puts pressure on the stomach and increases pressure in it. When the pressure is very high, the acidic contents are forcefully squeezed into the esophagus.
      • Tight and tight clothes. Any restrictions in the abdominal area increase the pressure inside the stomach, causing acid reflux.
      • Rich food. The stomach stretches at the top to increase in volume. This increases the amount of acid near the junction of the stomach and esophagus.
      • Lying horizontally on your back. The horizontal position of the body (especially after eating) shifts the contents of the stomach to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe connection with the esophagus.
      • Diabetes. If diabetes is left untreated, nerve tissue is damaged, including the vagus nerve (vagus), which is responsible for controlling the stomach and intestines.

Yesterday I read that you need to raise the mattress in the crib at an angle so that the baby’s air can escape. It’s not for nothing that the cribs are at an angle in the front row. Have you lifted the mattress at an angle? I placed the books and made a small corner


I'll listen

Pfft, we’re a year old, and this is the first time I’ve heard😨😨 not a single doctor said

Where did you read it?

I kept it in a column for these purposes. And I put the crib in a horizontal position, it seemed to me, this was for safety, so that the child would not choke when burping, if the mother did not put him on his side. I can’t imagine how you can sleep on an incline all the time😳

Yes, from birth!

I only added it when the child had a runny nose.

- @dante121285, in the magazine for 9 months

I was present during the other mother’s conversation with the neurologist. The doctor told her to raise the mattress under the baby’s head by 30 degrees, but in response to my question, “What about us?” she said no need. It’s better to ask your doctor if it’s worth it? It seems to me that it is not convenient to sleep like this all the time...

- @masasja, there the pediatrician writes that a very slight inclination is needed, 10-15 degrees, but gravity does its job and the air comes out a little bit during sleep

The visiting nurse immediately told us to do a tilt

This is the first time I've heard about this)))

The crib was also tilted

Do you mean at an angle? More?))

I always carried it in a column and laid it on its side. I haven't heard about the bed..(

- @matreshka_ya, on the side where the child’s head is, put something under the mattress so that there is an angle like a crib in a maternity hospital.. Small

- @juliartk, yes) you won’t be shifting books all the time😊

They placed a folded diaper under the mattress when regurgitation became more frequent, despite wearing it in a column. everything went away right away. I didn’t see any problems with moving it under different edges of the mattress. this is much easier to do than worrying about a child’s restless sleep every day)

- @ludmilka412, thank you, I hope it will help us solve the problem of regurgitation.. But the diaper gives a very small angle, right? Or how did you do it?

The angle was exactly 10 degrees, in our case it was enough. I folded the diaper many, many times. You can put two or three, and a book instead of a diaper, if you need a larger angle.

And I put books under the mattress

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After all, we spend a whole third of our day and life in general in it.

A properly positioned bed gives us safety, the opportunity to rest and recuperate for subsequent activities.

If you sleep enough, but wake up tired, if your health has deteriorated, or your career is not going well, pay attention to the rules on how not to place a bed in the bedroom. Examples of placement and Feng Shui recommendations in the article.

Feng Shui is a very deep and systematic science, formed over thousands of years. Its goal is to make our existence harmonious.

How a bed shouldn't be

1 Foot to front door (position of the deceased), i.e. in a straight line to the doorway.

According to Feng Shui, this factor can create diseases along midline bodies.

If rearrangement is impossible, a tightly closed door, a screen in front of it, a chest of drawers, a cabinet, or a tall plant with rounded leaves will reduce the negative impact.

2. Opposite the mirror when it reflects sleeping people. In detail, how to hang a mirror in the bedroom so that it does not cause harm.

3. Adjacent to a wall with a door. This is especially important if you share a bedroom with family members or disrespectful roommates who have a different sleep schedule than you.

Whenever the door opens, you will have to wake up on high alert due to the unexpected sound and movement of the door opening. Ailments in the center of the body may also develop.

4. Adjacent to a wall with a door when the door blocks the view. You'll have to get out of bed to see someone coming in, instead of just raising your head if your bed is on the opposite side of the door.

It may seem to you that not seeing the door is normal for you, but subconsciously you will also experience anxiety, which creates an imbalance in your life. nervous system. Results may include nerve problems, arrhythmia, and rapid heartbeat.

Additionally, repeatedly twisting your body to see who is coming in can cause neck and spine problems in the long run.

5. Headboard to the window itself, especially to the large, panoramic one. The window is the gateway between your bedroom and the outside world.

When you sleep with your head directly under the window, your sleep is easily disturbed by sounds from the wind or noise coming from outside, smells, light, and the movements of insects and birds.

When sounds, movements or smells are unfamiliar, your survival instincts kick in and can wake you up completely, making it difficult to fall back to sleep.

Feng Shui advises avoiding placing your bed under a window; this position provides little protection and creates anxiety and trouble.

Thick curtains can be a solution.

6. Share one wall with the toilet (bathtub). It's a bit like having a bedroom right under the toilet. If your bed shares a wall with the toilet, you may hear fluid moving through the pipes.

The adjustment is to use a thick (preferably soft or very substantial) headboard for the bed, which can minimize unwanted noises that disturb your sleep.

According to Feng Shui: can lead to a leakage of energy, vitality and wealth.

7. Share one wall with the kitchen. Heat from the kitchen, sounds of moving water, running refrigerators, other household electronics, and other noises reduce the quality of sleep.

In addition, the kitchen is an active area human activity, which can disturb your sleep with the clanking of dishes, pots and the sounds of other activities taking place in the kitchen.

According to Feng Shui, such a proximity, just as in the case of a toilet, leads to a loss of vitality, energy, and luck.

8. At an angle or low ceiling . They put an invisible pressure on people's energy, which turns into some kind of vague anxiety or feeling of contraction whenever you go to bed. This is especially noticeable if you sleep on the side with a lower arch.

A simple solution is to use a four-poster bed. The four pillars that surround you while you sleep tend to make you feel more protected from the downward pressure of the ceiling.

9. Under ceiling beam , especially with sharp corners. A beam that looks like a sharp object creates. Air currents, pushing off sharp edges, attack the sleeper.

Thus, the beam gives the feeling that your space is being chopped up, which can detract from a restful sleep. A canopy over the bed will also help, or repairs during which the protrusions are smoothed or rounded.

10. Under massive objects, hanging directly above the head or at the head of the sleeping people: chandeliers or bookshelves(more than 180 cm in height), for example.

Large objects make you feel depressed, experience involuntary fear, which provokes insomnia, stress, and musculoskeletal disorders.

Solution: hang the chandelier above dining table, and replace massive shelves with small ones. Or move the bed.

11. On the same line between the window and the door. This is the case when the bedroom is like a long “pencil case”; the bed seems to be standing on the roadway. Sleeping on such a bed is not comfortable due to the sudden movement of air currents.

How to fix:

hang a small multifaceted crystal ball in the center of the window at a distance of one and a half meters from the floor. A ball from crystal chandelier or a purchased Swarovski ball. Its edges will refract rays of light and disperse sharp currents of air and energy.

Place a lush one on the windowsill ornamental plant, it will stop the rapid energy of qi.

Place a screen immediately behind the bed in front of the door: the air and energy flows, going around the screen, will become smoother, and the atmosphere in the bedroom will be harmonious.

12. Near electrical outlets. They generate additional harmful energy background.

13. The footboard is adjacent to the wall. Feng Shui warns: a reduced range of visibility, when the gaze rests on the wall, reduces a person’s energy, his life vision, and intuition.

A wall at the foot of the bed can block your career and cause foot and ankle problems. The more space in front of your bed, the more your life expands, breathes and improves.


If sleep does not bring rest, there are problems in personal and social life, take into account the rules for placing the bed. Our health, well-being and well-being depend on how correctly it stands.

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata.

In the following publications: how to properly place a bed in the bedroom.

After watching one video on YouTube, I decided to also try to sleep on inclined bed, instead of horizontal. They say it’s useful, it increases awareness, it’s good for OSes. Advanced yogis and Buddhist monks generally sleep while sitting. But you need to move towards such an ideal gradually, starting at 30 degrees.

Before this experiment, I slept only on my back for half a month. And this experiment turned out to be very successful. It turned out that I get much better sleep this way, I need fewer hours of sleep, and I feel better all day. Well, I decided to try the tilt as well. What if it gets even better?))

I've been sleeping on the floor for a long time, so modifying the bed was no problem. She stuck a large, wide, wooden cutting board I put a sleeping bag in a cover under the top half of the foam rubber on which I sleep, and under the board, for starters. I thought it was 30 degrees and it worked for me. And, surprisingly, I slept even better at this angle than in a horizontal position. Although the video said that there may be problems with falling asleep and frequent waking up. But not for me. Maybe because I'm already used to sleeping on my back?
The only problem I had was pressure on the butt, which was also discussed in the video. My foam rubber, although very thick, began to be pressed all the way to the floor. The problem is not big, and I quickly eliminated it with a pillow. And now my pillow is not under my head, like normal people, and under the butt.))

I slept like this for three days and came to the conclusion that sleeping on an inclined bed is more comfortable than on a horizontal one. A completely unexpected result. I expected insomnia, agony and lack of sleep, but what I got was a very comfortable bed and a wonderful sleep. But it shouldn’t be like that! And I decided to measure the angle of inclination. Maybe it's lower than I think? And sure enough, the angle turned out to be only 20 degrees. Don't believe your eyes, as they say. Trust but check.
Well, I raised the bed another 5 degrees, and for added convenience I put another pillow under my knees. And as it turned out, I sleep even better! I fell asleep again quickly and in such a blissful state that I was already envious of myself. I slept well all night. I woke up, as usual, 2-3 times. Had a great night's sleep.

I raised the bed another 5 degrees and thought - well, it’s already exactly 30, now the problems will begin! And the dream is great again. No problem.)) I love my bed now. The only thing is that now you have to put your hands on your stomach. But it’s also very convenient for them.

When I used to get up from a horizontal bed, there was always something aching in the lower part of my spine. There was a strong dull pain. There was a desire to do some bending, which is how every morning began. And after 5-10 minutes the unpleasant sensations disappeared. And I get up from an inclined bed and nothing aches.

In general, there are only advantages from raising the bed. And I even realized that I didn’t want to go back to the horizontal bed anymore. This experiment was planned as a short-term one. I thought that I would suffer and suffer and give up this idea. But things turned out completely differently.

That night I slept on the bed at an angle of 35 degrees. Again, no problems, and even the short OS was able to be called up. With OSes - yes, you will need to modify my favorite technique. It will definitely not be possible to cheer up so much in the middle of the night, as I usually did, otherwise I simply will not fall asleep in a semi-sitting position and there will be no dreams at all.

I raised the bed to 40 degrees this morning and am really looking forward to the night. The experiment continues.))
I googled this topic now. It turns out that an inclined bed is not that uncommon. They even make these. Very interesting.

Anyone else sleep on a slanted bed? How's your sleep, comrades?))