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Metal beds are unusual. Metal beds. The most unusual models from around the world

A comfortable bed is not only an aesthetic necessity stylish design interior It provides a complete night's rest, affecting vigor and well-being in daytime. This is the key to health and good mood. When you are not satisfied with all the offers on the market, it’s time to think about making a high-quality metal bed with your own hands.

Advantages disadvantages

Wrought iron interiors have always been prized. In all ages. Distinguished by its reliability, elegance, and smooth lines, metal furniture has become great solution many modern design tasks.

Iron products have a number of advantages:

  • Resistant to scratches and damage. Strength and durability are not affected by temperature changes.
  • They can withstand increased loads, which is important for buyers of any weight, even overweight.
  • Match various modern interior design styles.
  • Environmental friendliness of metal products.
  • Increased stability, difficult to move to the side.

Minor disadvantages of metal furniture:

  • Not resistant to moisture (periodically needs to be painted so that rust does not spoil the aesthetic appearance or destroy the structure of the product).
  • Metal is cold to the touch. Many people don't like it.

We approach the production of bedroom furniture responsibly. So that later when buying a mattress there will be no unforeseen problems.


All existing on the market hardware produced in two ways:

  • Conveyor stamping:
  • Artistic hand forging.

All types of metal beds differ from each other in various parameters:

  • Shape;
  • Constructions;
  • Headboard;
  • Number of seats (width);
  • According to the age category for which they are intended.

More detailed classification produced modern models is this:

  • For adults and children;
  • Single and double beds;
  • Traditional rectangular models;
  • Non-standard oval, with a rounded shape:
  • Metal bunk beds(mobile or landline);
  • With canopies, canopies, alcove stands;
  • Forged products, with openwork, solid, high or low headboards.

Standard models related to traditional ones are the most common:

  • Double;
  • One and a half;
  • Single.


We produce standard iron bed these sizes:

  • Length 1900-2000 mm;
  • Width 800-2000 mm;
  • Height – 200 mm.

The best option is to connect the structural parts by welding or bolting, with the possibility of disassembly. You won’t be able to make wrought iron furniture with your own hands if you don’t have your own forge.

We look at available photos and design diagrams of metal beds. We realistically assess our capabilities so as not to spoil anything.

We purchase a mattress, based on the dimensions of which we will assemble and cook a frame for future iron furniture. Compiling detailed plan, which includes all stages, material and tools.

We prepare for direct work with metal structures:

  • Draw a drawing;
  • We purchase materials (including consumables);
  • We measure the mattress, according to the dimensions of which we assemble a suitable structure by welding.

To assemble the metal structure you will need:

  • Square steel pipes (20x20 and 10x10);
  • Stripes (20x4 and 25x2);
  • Corner (40x40);
  • Channel (65x32).

During the work it is also necessary:

  • Roulette;
  • Mittens;
  • Angle grinder (popularly called an angle grinder);
  • Welding machine;
  • Drills, drill;
  • Round file for widening drilled holes;
  • Square;
  • Brush;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Paint brush;
  • Primer;
  • Paint and varnish material.


After all the preliminary organizational work completed, we are collecting it step by step metal carcass:

We make brackets from channel bars with spikes for fastening (lateral – 4 pcs., central – 2 pcs.). For cutting we use a grinder. We weld brackets to the backs (height - 350 mm from the floor).

We make drawers from the channel, and the end parts of future frames from the corners. We drill a hole in the frames for the brackets. If necessary, they can be expanded using a round file. We accurately observe the dimensions and correctly mark the places for drilling. It will be problematic to redo it.

We make a support grid for the mattress. We weld the strips to the frame (2 – along, 6 – across). Attach the plugs. We weld the footrests.

After drying, lay the mattress. The metal bed is ready for use. If necessary, we complement interior items with artistic forging and emphasize stylishness.

A metal frame for the mirror and lamps in the form of candlesticks on the walls will emphasize the originality of the design.

Photo of a metal bed

It's high time to say goodbye to the old stereotype that a metal bed is uncomfortable, takes up a lot of space and has a dented mesh in its design. Nowadays metal beds are very comfortable, reliable, stylish and beautiful. Serve long years. Also among the advantages:

  • high strength with low weight;
  • hygiene and ease of care;
  • ease of assembly and disassembly, which makes it easy to transport and rearrange.

Disadvantages include temperature characteristics. Not everyone enjoys touching cool metal at night.

The base of the products is a metal frame (from aluminum to cast iron) with an already integrated orthopedic base. Models from metal pipes are available to a wide range of buyers, but beds made of wrought iron are works of art self made, which are already much more expensive. Most a budget option- aluminum. But regardless of the material, all products are exquisite and unusual. We offer models for both one person with a sleeping area ranging from 80 x 190 to 120 x 200 cm, and for two people with a mattress measuring from 140 x 190 to 200 x 200 cm.

Catalog includes modern options in various price categories. These include budget models and luxury solutions with an orthopedic mattress and high forged backrests, which are created by craftsmen to order. At the same time, our inexpensive beds I can be good example Just because it's cheap doesn't mean it's bad. Pay attention to Russian-made products.

Luxury products are furniture increased comfort, in the design and manufacture of which every detail is taken into account. Such models have unusual design, which will emphasize the sophistication of the bedroom interior. They are available in black and white colors. The range also includes sliding varieties and small comfortable beds.

The bedroom is a place for a good night's rest; here, all interior details should bring comfort and convenience. It depends only on the owner what kind of bed to arrange in the bedroom - functional and folding into a wall niche, floating in the air, or in the form of a huge book, where it is convenient for little mischief-makers to fall asleep. Every year, designers offer original beds that can capture the imagination of notorious skeptics. It's time to leave conservative thinking regarding conventional rectangular structures in the past by making sleeping area an exclusive place in the house.

Inadequate sleep causes irritability and depression, and a dull bed causes melancholy. If you use non-standard thinking, the most unusual beds will not only improve your mood, but also save useful space in the apartment.

Advantages of non-standard models:

  1. A lift-up bed-wardrobe, which is converted into a closet or rack in the morning, will give you a good night's sleep. The use of transformable sofas with drawers, will allow you to store bed dress;
  2. At any modern style(high-tech, modern, avant-garde) will fit round bed. You can lie on this bed in different ways, injury is minimized due to the absence of sharp corners;
  3. Uses a lot functional bed-the attic is suitable for a children's bedroom. The owner receives not only a sleeping place, but a computer table and a wardrobe. Furniture takes up little space usable space, while creating a full-fledged game Zone and a place to sleep;
  4. Furniture designers are created to order and are suitable for non- large rooms. The bed can be part of a wardrobe, pull out from a wall niche or desk;
  5. For large rooms, podium beds are chosen. At night on this large space you can relax, but during the daytime the bed will hide in a podium, which will turn into a place for playing with your child.

Unimaginable designs will decorate your bedroom if you approach the decor with a bit of imagination. It's nice to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the day on a grass bed, hanging structure or hammock bed. The most creative people will appreciate the advantages of an attraction bed, although such a design requires a huge area to be allocated.

There are a number of disadvantages to using models:

  1. Inflated price, growing exponentially if a fantastic model was invented by a famous designer;
  2. For many unusual beds a significant area will be required, which sounds unthinkable in the conditions of the “Khrushchev”;
  3. It's hard to choose bedding for round model, and it’s difficult for two people to relax on it;
  4. Loft beds can cause injury, are unacceptable for people with sore joints, make it difficult to care for a sick baby, and make it stifling to breathe under the ceiling.

The original models amaze with their shape, size and color scheme in design. This type of furniture will transform a boring bedroom and give you an unusual feeling. Compared to classic designs, it costs much more, but it will inspire people of creative professions to achieve accomplishments.

For kids, you can choose a bed in the form of a car or carriage. The model promotes the development of a sense of beauty, will help you quickly learn colors, and falling asleep here is a real pleasure. Models are equipped orthopedic mattresses, painted in accordance with sanitary requirements.

The most unusual models from around the world

Among the abundance of unusual beds with photos, it is difficult to choose the most original design. Any of them will turn the bedroom into a special place where you can let your imagination run wild.

Creative solutions for the bedroom:

  1. For daredevils, a floating bed attached to the ceiling with thick ropes is suitable. Even if it is not entirely comfortable, the measured swaying will help you relax, transporting the daredevil on board a pirate ship;
  2. Molecular chemistry enthusiasts will love a bed made from 120 beads covered in... soft material. Sleeping on a molecular model is so comfortable that you want to spend the whole day in it;
  3. The combination of a functional bed and a multimedia player will allow music lovers to fall asleep with their favorite films. The place to sleep looks fashionable and creative;
  4. The creation of Dutch designers is an unwoven giant yarn that can be rearranged every time in search of a place to sleep;
  5. Fun for strong-willed people is to sleep among the huge teeth of a toothbrush. Convenience is questionable, but the imagination of the developers causes silent delight;
  6. The first impression of a bed without legs is that there was some magical intervention involved. Metal structure attaches to the wall, so it seems to float in zero gravity;
  7. Cheap cardboard bed It will appeal exclusively to slender students who do not have enough money to purchase a full-fledged bed. Notebooks are stored among the cardboard boxes, which is a definite plus;
  8. Models in the form of nests filled with pillow eggs will amuse the little ones;
  9. The eco-bed represents a revolutionary model for the future. Here is a place for rest, entwined indoor plants. It provides not only reading lamps and speakers for listening to music, but also special lighting for the growing season of vines.

Choosing one of the most unusual beds in the world from the variety presented is quite difficult. The model that resembles a sandwich is extremely popular among fast food lovers, and the shell-couch will help you straighten your back after a hard day, providing comfort with additional accessories - an MP3 player and high-quality acoustics.

A bed has been designed for the laziest. It is enough to use a zip lock in the morning to make a crumpled bed.

Unusual materials

When choosing an original bed for your bedroom, you should take a closer look at the material that was used to construct the model. An unusual solution would be to use more natural materials - bamboo or rattan - instead of conventional materials.

Creative approach to the selection of materials:

  1. Designers use pallets to create a spectacular bed. You can build a similar structure yourself by painting the pallets in colors that are in harmony with the general style bedrooms;
  2. Decoration in rustic style. The design, made of untreated wood, attracts the eye. The model combines antiquity with modernity and attracts attention;
  3. In accordance with the high-tech style, you can make a place to sleep from metal pipes. Such pipes are used to construct racks or shelves in the garage;
  4. Wire basket-bed. It will complement the interior in the loft or grunge style, is stable and durable, and will decorate the bedroom;
  5. A bed made from stacks of books. After stacking the books, they are tied with twine for stability, and a mattress is placed on top for convenience.

An interesting headboard, which you can make yourself or order, will add originality to any bed. Unusual solution– a slate board in the bedroom, where important notes are left and bright collages are attached.

For an original bed, you should choose a design so that the painting on the walls matches overall design. The use of mirror panels, metal pipes, photo wallpaper, and lighting will turn the bedroom not only into a place to sleep at night, but also the most creative solution for an apartment.
