home · Installation · Bed design made from wood. How to make a wooden bed from inexpensive materials. Wrought iron beds in a modern interior

Bed design made from wood. How to make a wooden bed from inexpensive materials. Wrought iron beds in a modern interior

Bed- This integral element any home, just as sleep is one of the main processes in human life. During sleep, the body gets the opportunity to rest and restore energy. Therefore, to ensure normal human life, he needs comfortable, healthy sleep. And these factors directly depend on the quality of the bed.

Types of beds

Depending on the size parameters, the following types are distinguished:

  1. 200 x 80 (100) cm.
  2. One and a half truck– 200 x 120 (140) cm.
  3. Double– 200 x 160 (180) cm.
  4. Swedish– 200 x 200 cm.

Advice! To choose the size that suits your personal parameters, you need to lie on the bed and fold your arms across your chest so that one palm touches the other with your fingertips. In this case, the distance from the elbow to the edge of the mattress should be at least ten centimeters in each direction.

Equally important is the height of the bed. According to this indicator, three types are distinguished:

  1. Low – 30-20 cm.
  2. Average – 40-60 cm.
  3. High – 70-90 cm.

This parameter must correspond to your height, as well as physiological characteristics. This will make the lifting process easier. As a rule, the most common are mid-height beds. When choosing the height for yourself, you need to take into account the size of the base and the mattress installed on it. When sitting on the bed, a person should have their feet firmly planted on the floor, with their knees bent at 90°.

Attention! People with joint problems should not buy models that are too low.


Regardless of models, size and height, all beds consist of a base and. In turn, the base is a strong, stable structure consisting of:

  1. frames;
  2. supports for slatted bottom;
  3. slats;
  4. legs;
  5. backrests;

In addition, the design may include other parts that increase its functionality and efficiency of use. Metal or wood is used as the material for the base. Let's look at how to make it yourself.

What will you need for work?

When choosing wood material, it is best to give preference they have a lot of advantages. This design will last you much longer, and the likelihood of it being damaged by wood-eating insects (termites, shashel, etc.) is reduced.

In addition, the structure will be quite light, which will allow it to be moved if necessary, as well as installed on upper floors of housing without creating additional load. It is important that the boards are smooth and have as few flaws as possible. This will reduce processing time.

In the table below you will find the amount of materials for manufacturing standard bed one and a half.

In addition to wood, you must purchase the following materials:

  1. screws 30, 50, 60 mm;
  2. stain;
  3. tassels;
  4. sanding discs or paper;
  5. wood putty;
  6. wood glue.

You also need to have a number of tools available:

  • measuring device - tape measure;
  • circular saw;
  • drill;
  • adjustable measuring square;
  • set of wood drills;
  • construction pencil;
  • clamp;
  • belt sanding machine.

Base manufacturing algorithm

The first step in assembling a bed is making the frame. As already mentioned, it will require four boards. They need to be laid out in a rectangle. To fasten the parts together, self-tapping screws are used, which are screwed at an angle into pre-drilled holes.

Advice! Very often the edges need processing. A hand plane will allow you to make them more accurate, but you can use an angle grinder (angle grinder).

Before connecting the parts, it is recommended to coat them with wood glue. After pulling the elements together, excess adhesive can be removed with a damp cloth. Next we move on to applying the coating. Water-based acrylic varnish is best suited for this.

  • Can also be used acrylic paint. The peculiarity of these materials is that they are non-toxic, and due to the rapid evaporation of water, they dry quickly, which speeds up work.

Creating supports
  1. Boards are inserted into the dried frame to act as a base on which the grille will subsequently be assembled and installed.
  2. Two of them are fixed along the long sides of the base, one parallel to the previous ones in the center.
  3. These parts are secured in the same way as described in the previous paragraph.
  4. Initially, holes are created using special drills at a distance of 25 cm from each other.
  5. Next, the joints are coated with glue.
  6. The supports are inserted into the place intended for them and screwed with self-tapping screws.

Important! The distance from the top edge of the frame to the place where the base is attached should be at least 10 cm, which will allow the mattress to be installed correctly.

Making legs

A standard bed has four legs. But to create a reinforced base, it is best to increase their number to at least six. In our case, we use a parallelepiped made of timber with a base of 10 x 10 cm and a length of edges of 10.5 cm.

On a note! If desired, they can be given any shape, but there is a possibility of reduced stability.

The legs are attached to the boards that act as the base. They are installed at the junction of these elements with the frame. The joints are coated with glue, and self-tapping screws are used as fastening.

Slatted bottom

The next step is the manufacture of the slatted grille. For this, small boards of the same size are used, the length of which corresponds to the internal width of the frame. Before installing them, it is necessary to treat the surface with varnish. The first and last slats are attached flush to the wide side of the frame.

Important! Don't forget to tape the joints. The rest are installed parallel to the previous ones at a distance of 10 cm from each other.


The bed may have one or more beds, or may not have them at all. The back can be rectangular, rounded or carved shape. It can be built in as part of the frame or attached separately. It is important to pay attention to the second option.

To secure the back properly, wooden choppers are used. Holes are drilled in the frame and in the frame at a distance of 10 cm, which are coated with glue, after which a wooden connector is inserted into the lower element and the upper one - the back - is put on.

When choosing a double bed, many buyers doubt which material is best for its frame. Modern market offers a variety of textured and color designs box. You can purchase products made from plastic, chipboard, MDF and even metal, choose a matte or glossy type of coating, and choose almost any shade from the palette.

But among all this variety, beds made of solid wood remain an invariable classic, which always look elegant and give your bedroom a solid and beautiful look.

Features and Benefits

Wooden structures have a number of characteristics and advantages that are not inherent in any other type of product:

  • Solid wood furniture is highly durable. This product will serve you for a long time while maintaining its shape.
  • Natural wood is considered an environmentally friendly material, which does not cause any adverse health reactions.
  • This sleeping area is a source of aesthetic pleasure. Thanks to the peculiarities of the texture, the product is embodied in a truly beautiful view and pleasing to the eye.

  • Wood fibers are highly technological. Despite the density of the material, the bed can always be supplemented with any changes, adjusted in shape or decorated.
  • Wood goes well with other materials. When a bed is made using metal or plastic based on a natural frame, such a combination opens up a lot of new designs and styles.
  • The material has an excellent aura and energy. It is believed that a wooden bed is ideal for a bedroom and can provide you with a sound and healthy sleep.
  • This type of frame goes well with any textile. Unlike other materials, which require you to go for either glossy or matte bedspreads and pillows, a wooden bed gives you more flexibility when decorating your bedroom.

There are not many disadvantages of this material, but sometimes they occur:

  • Over time, color irregularities may appear on a wooden bed - dark spots and changes in shade. This problem can be solved by selecting a special painting material and using it to mask all unwanted tones.
  • Some complain that the product becomes squeaky over time. This may be due to problems with its various parts - from slats to legs. But in all cases, you can replace the faulty element or supplement the design with the parts necessary to eliminate such a problem.
  • Natural wood is usually not resistant to moisture and insects. This nuance should be taken care of in advance. It is necessary to treat the wood with special compounds that will protect the material from unwanted consequences and external factors.

Based on the lists provided above, it is clear that a wooden bed has undoubted advantages, and all the disadvantages of such a material are easily eliminated. Therefore, when choosing a frame for a sleeping place, feel free to choose wood.

Which tree is better?

In order not to get confused among the different types of frames for a double bed, you should remember that wood is classified into groups depending on the hardness of the species:

  • Aspen, pine, thuja, linden, cedar and spruce are soft species .
  • Beech, birch, oak, ash, walnut, and maple belong to the hard varieties.
  • A separate class consists of species of increased hardness - acacia, boxwood, yew, hornbeam, etc.

Each variety has a number of advantages and is designed for specific use. Soft varieties Perfect for processing, adjusting the shape of the frame and carving. A very popular material of this type is pine. The main advantage of such a bed will be the huge scope for implementation. design ideas And low cost material. Among the disadvantages, it is noted that it is not as strong as other trees, so such furniture should be handled carefully.

Remember that such models are only suitable for double or single beds for adults. In the child's bedroom you should place a product made of more durable material, resistant to damage as a result of children's pranks.

For those for whom the strength of the product is fundamentally important, more expensive ones are suitable hardwood models, for example, oak. This material is highly wear-resistant and gives your bedroom solidity. Modern options designs allow you to realize oak models in various color solutions, which will allow you to perfectly combine the bed with the rest of your bedroom set. Excellent characteristics have coniferous varieties, they are especially recommended for those who decide to make a double bed themselves.

Choosing wood covering For subsequent varnishing, consider how much the wood needs to be sanded before applying varnish. Some species require mandatory sanding, for example, pine.

How much does it weigh?

The weight of a double wooden bed depends on several factors:

  • Frame parameters. According to the standards, the length of the bed should be from 2 to 2.1 m, and the width should be at least 1.6 m. Buyers often order products in larger sizes - up to 2.5 m in length and up to 2 m in width.
  • The density of the wood plays an important role. Durum varieties have highest density, so the weight of the entire product is quite large. The heaviest materials are oak, ash and maple.
  • The weight of the structure is influenced by the number and size of the parts it consists of. Additional weight is provided by high legs, a massive headboard, a wide frame and big number rack Some provide the model with additional details, such as a canopy.

On average, the weight of a double wooden bed is from 180 to 200 kg. But there are models whose weight reaches almost 300 kg.

Popular models

The designs of wooden beds are so diverse that they are embodied in almost all types of bedroom designs. Wood can match the room not only in shape and color, but even in design and ornament. Modern technologies allow you to create absolutely matte finish, and laminated. In combination with a suitable mattress, the bed becomes not only a place of rest and comfort, but also important detail, consistent with a specific style decision.

Some of the most popular options for double beds made of wood are:

  • Laconic design in style Minimalism. The frame of such a product consists of a single wooden structure rectangular shape, this model lacks legs and high back. Sometimes wood is used as a pedestal for a mattress, and a small backrest at the head serves as a shelf for accessories.
  • For fans of destinations High-tech and Loft Models with a curved back are perfect. In this embodiment, the tree looks atypical. Often, such beds are equipped with lighting fixtures, which makes the design even more creative.
  • Style fans Country They prefer to use boards that imitate rough and uncouth material as a pedestal for a double bed. But even such a solution can look trendy. Such models are often decorated with textiles using “animal” prints, which further imbues the atmosphere with the spirit of the West.

  • If the area of ​​your home does not allow you to install a large bed, then choose modular model. By using components– modules, you can design a product that fits exactly your size. Wooden modules will give your apartment additional comfort.
  • A timeless option is considered a bed, the frame of which is mono-construction of a rectangular shape without legs and a thin back tightly adjacent to the wall. This option can be designed and interpreted according to individual tastes. Very popular geometric ornament, which is embodied in the form of carvings on the headboard and is repeated in some other interior details.
  • Famous designs from white wood with carved texture and patterns - an essential feature of a room in style Provence. The lightness and “airiness” of such a bed cannot leave anyone indifferent. It combines simplicity and grace and can be embodied in rectangular and various other shapes.
  • Fans Mediterranean design They decorate the wooden bed with massive carved legs and high frames with handmade patterns.

Whatever model you choose, remember that its design greatly influences the overall appearance of the bedroom, so harmony between all pieces of furniture is important.

Examples in the interior

Whatever style of room and bed you choose, it is important to remember that harmony comes from details. Therefore, a wooden bed must be complemented with accessories that match the design of the room. Let's consider popular options for using such beds in the interior:

  • An excellent example is Eco style. In such a room, wooden furniture fits perfectly into the style concept. Linen and bedspreads made from natural materials with a predominance of unobtrusive pastel colors colors, such as gray, green, beige, brown, will make your bedroom an island of paradise.
  • No less peculiar ethnic design wooden bed. Here the emphasis is on pillows and bedspreads with unusual patterns. A wonderful echo of the design will be wooden figurines on the shelves and bedside tables of the room.

  • The more minimalist style bedroom you have chosen, the more unobtrusive the textiles on the bed should be. Plain bedspreads and pillows in calm shades will create a wonderful balance with the interior. Only a few bright details are allowed.
  • When the sleeping place is decorated with elements of wood carving, it is important to repeat the pattern on other interior items. Great option there will be duplication of the ornament on the closet or boudoir.
  • Don't forget to choose bed linen depending on the color of the product frame. You can emphasize the full depth of shades of natural wood and at the same time decorate the bed in a very original way.

Review of manufacturers

Wooden beds are produced almost all over the world, but most in demand enjoy companies from certain countries:

  • Italian companies such as Selva, Carvelli, Villanova specialize in the production of models for the styles Minimalism, Art Deco, Classic.
  • If you dream of a wooden bed in the Art Nouveau style, then feel free to contact German manufacturers . Popular brands of this country - Alfabed, Former, Tommym.
  • Companies from China Minimalist designs are not always made. They specialize in the production of classic style products. Brand products "Eurasia" and Marino & Fanteri suitable even for a Baroque style bedroom.
  • Russian beds made from solid wood and made in a variety of styles. Firm Miassmobili famous for its carved backs, the brand TeakHouse produces modern models, company Deco Home Lovers of Provençal design will love it.

How to do it yourself?

Master carpenters do not see any difficulty in making a double bed on their own. Craftsmen recommend creating a frame from pine wood.

To make it you will need:

  • Set of carpentry tools;
  • 22 planed pine boards 2 m long, 0.1 m wide, 2 cm thick;
  • Self-tapping screws 4 and 6.5 cm;
  • 15 bars 2.2 m long;
  • 5 cm metal corners;
  • Wood glue.

The bed is the main element of the bedroom. The choice of these interior items should be approached very responsibly. They should not only be as comfortable as possible, but also beautiful. Today we will take a closer look at the beautiful models of double beds made from different types of wood.


Furniture made from natural wood has always been valuable. And even in the age of high-tech materials, wooden furniture remains in demand and desired. The main advantage of such interior items is their environmental friendliness. Today, not all materials from which furniture is made can boast of this quality. In the production process of wooden products, hazardous and harmful chemicals are not used, as is, for example, the case with MDF sheets, which contain formaldehyde resins.

Even in conditions high temperatures natural furniture does not emit substances harmful to human health.

However, it is worth noting the high cost of such beds. Not every consumer can afford them. But those people who decided not to skimp on their health and purchased such products were satisfied with their purchases. Experts say that such interior items have an extremely beneficial effect on the human psyche and calm the nervous system.

Rest on a cozy bed made of natural wood is truly complete and healthy.

It is impossible not to note the unsurpassed appearance of such furniture. With the help of a beautiful wooden double bed you can create a very pleasant, cozy atmosphere and harmonious interior, being in which will bring a lot of pleasure. Such models look great in many interiors. This could be a classic rustic country or French Provence. Pick up suitable option Can be used for any situation.

When choosing such furniture, you need to take into account the fact that it will have a lot of weight.

Most wood species require special care:

Modern manufacturers produce a huge number of different models of double beds made from natural materials. They have different configurations and differ from each other in size and shape.


High-quality and environmentally friendly wooden beds come in different varieties. Let's take a closer look at the models that offer us modern manufacturers

Classic style

Elegant beds made of natural wood, made in classic style. With the help of such pieces of furniture you can create an expensive, luxurious interior with light notes of aristocracy. As a rule, such models have an exquisite wooden headboard, made in an ornate manner. If the furniture has a foot, it can be carved and decorated with elegant elements.

Today, many companies that produce such items complement them with metal inserts and luxurious canopies made of high-quality and expensive fabrics.


Natural interior items in the style are distinguished by their attractive appearance French Provence. As a rule, furniture in a similar vein is made of light wood. It could be birch or ash. Such beautiful beds often complemented with spacious linen drawers and aged fittings. Such products are expensive, but their appearance justifies the price.

If you put this in the bedroom upholstered furniture and complement it with suitable accessories, the result will be a very beautiful and stylish ensemble.

East style

Wooden beds have a unique design oriental style. As a rule, such models are low, which gives them an original appearance. The color of such furniture plays an important role.

The most optimal shades of an oriental bed are dark brown, wenge or cherry.


Simple and functional is the Art Nouveau double bed. The tree for such models is subjected to additional treatments. It smooths out all the corners and makes the joints less noticeable. Such options look especially harmonious in minimalist and modern interiors.

The main distinguishing features of such furniture are severity and conciseness.


Handmade wooden beds have an unsurpassed appearance. The most common are aged models in dark tones. Such options look harmonious in classical, Gothic and other similar interiors.

Today, high-quality and beautiful models from Belarusian, Russian, Malaysian and even Chinese manufacturers. Products are made from various types of wood and have different prices.

As a rule, expensive beds made from natural materials are equipped with spacious linen closets and mattresses.


The following types of wood are used to produce high-quality bedroom furniture:

  • Alder. This tree species has a soft and pliable structure. It is easy to process and is perfect for making beautiful carved parts. Alder has a pleasant shade that can highlight everything positive sides the interior in which it is located.

  • Beech. This material is valuable because it is characterized by high strength, beautiful appearance, durability and resistance to mechanical damage. Beech furniture is expensive, but its quality and performance characteristics well worth the price.

  • Ash. This wood is strong and reliable. However, this does not in any way affect its pliable and elastic structure. Furniture made from ash has a lot of weight and a very impressive appearance, which attracts a lot of attention.

  • Oak. This type of wood is most often used in the manufacture of furniture. This popularity is explained by the durability of the material and the wide selection of its shades. Designers claim that high-quality and natural oak furniture can transform the interior and create a unique atmosphere.

If you decide to purchase a high-quality bed made of natural wood, then you should consider some nuances in order to choose the right model:

  • Such furniture must have a strong and reliable frame, therefore, special attention should be paid to it. More stable and durable are products that have 4 side support panels with backrests attached to them. As a rule, in such designs there is a wooden headboard, but there is not always a footboard. The highest quality and most reliable base for wooden furniture are lintels and slats, on which the mattress will later be laid.
  • The bed must match the color and the style of the interior in which it will be located.
  • It is recommended to purchase such items from quality manufacturers with a good reputation. Don't trust too low prices. Real furniture made from natural wood will never be too cheap.

Beautiful ideas in the interior

A double bed made of solid wood, decorated with a curved headboard, will look harmonious against the background of walls decorated with taupe wood panels and a floor covered with beige carpet. Next to the bed you should place two semicircular bedside tables with laconic white lamps. Complete the interior with black and white paintings above the bed, white bed linen, a fluffy caramel-colored floor carpet and light Roman blinds on the windows.

A chocolate bed can be placed in a room with white walls and a light laminate floor. The sleeping area should be complemented with chocolate bedside tables, a glass coffee table and large paintings with black frames above the headboard.

For each of us, the bedroom is a relaxation area and the most personal space into which strangers are reluctant to enter. The key element of a bedroom or children's room is the bed. The bed performs many functions: we sleep on it, watch movies, read books, work on a laptop.

Moreover, being the largest piece of furniture, it is necessary to ensure that the bed is in harmony with the interior as a whole.

Types of wood for making beds

Trees used for making furniture are usually divided into soft and hard species, but not all of them are suitable for individual items. When ordering a wooden bed, you should give preference to such species as oak, beech, ash and apple.

The only disadvantage of products made from this material is the possible high cost, which, on the other hand, is determined by the quality and long years of operation.

The apple tree is extremely hard, but is easily susceptible to pests and rot, so products made from this wood require special protective coatings. In addition, its texture is quite even and smooth, which makes it easy to process if you want to make a bed with your own hands.

Beds made of pine are also very popular, since this material is cheaper, more pliable and emits a pleasant aroma. However, pine is a soft species, so it is quite susceptible to shock. In general, this quality is not a serious drawback. Moreover, parents often buy pine beds for their children: the material is considered hypoallergenic and soothing.

In addition to these trees, other types of wood are used to make beds: birch, pear, cherry, olive, hornbeam, alder and maple.

Advantages of solid wood furniture

Today, the most popular material for making beds is solid wood, which is associated with a number of undeniable advantages:

Firstly, wood is a natural material, so it does not emit toxic substances under the influence of external factors and allows you not to worry about your health and the health of your loved ones. Besides coniferous trees still retain a light aroma for a long time after processing, so solid pine beds will give a feeling of closeness to nature even in a city apartment.

Secondly, wood has a unique temperature conditions: wooden beds are not cold even after long-term air conditioning of the bedroom due to the low thermal conductivity of wood as the main material.

Thirdly, solid wood products withstand moving well because they can be easily disassembled and reassembled. And even if the headboard is accidentally scratched during transportation, it doesn’t matter, the wood also tolerates restoration and repainting well. Wood paint is sold at any hardware store, and the process itself can be handled by anyone who knows how to hold a brush.

The fourth advantage is a good level of wear resistance, which allows solid wood furniture to be considered quite durable, which certainly compensates for possible price costs. In order to increase the service life of products, several simple recommendations for use and care.

Caring for solid wood furniture

The first rule is systematic cleaning: dust should not have time to accumulate, and stains should not dry out or be absorbed into the surface. For dust, it is better to use soft microfiber, flannel or non-woven cloths.

After wet cleaning The surface should be wiped dry to avoid swelling of the wood. For polished furniture, it is better not to use wet wipes or rags at all.

Secondly, if the wood has a pronounced texture, it is necessary to wipe along the direction of the grain. This way, neither dust nor moisture will remain in small recesses and cause harm. appearance things.

Thirdly, it is necessary to use cleaning products as carefully as possible, since chemical substances can “corrode” the oil, varnish or wax that is usually used to coat wooden furniture. Do not use dry powders because they may leave scratches or clog the pores of the wood.

There are several folk remedies for caring for solid wood furniture. For example, to prevent damage to the bed by beetles, use a solution of turpentine and kerosene in a ratio of 3 to 1. The main thing is to ventilate the room well before using it again for sleep and rest.

And lastly, steam generators and steam vacuum cleaners are not suitable for cleaning solid wood products. If contamination cannot be removed using simple methods, the best solution a restorer will be called: he will sand the specified area and re-coat it with oil, the only task will be correct selection colors.

Solid wood beds in the bedroom interior

For interior designers and architects, the undeniable advantage of wooden beds is their enormous stylistic versatility. Even the same bed can be remade to suit a certain style by painting or adding an antique effect.

Beds in Provence or shabby chic style are usually white, sometimes - deliberately uneven painting to emphasize the structure of the wood. As a rule, they have bases both at the head and at the feet.

Bulky double beds made of solid oak are a classic solution for a loft-style interior. Preference is given to this particular type of wood because of the ability to apply varnish or oil with a “burning” effect, which looks appropriate in such design projects.

Wooden furniture for living in Scandinavian style easy to do with your own hands: today you can find many courses and master classes on making beds from solid wood with photos and step by step instructions. Simple design and such a pliable material does not require special physical abilities and skills.

One of the main elements of the increasingly popular English interior style is dark wood. A laconic bed without coils or bulky decor, made of oak and covered with stain or oil in dark chocolate or coffee shades will become a work of art in the English bedroom of a private home.

For interiors in high-tech and minimalist styles, natural materials are used less frequently. In small, minimalist apartments, owners try to use space as efficiently as possible, which is why they often prefer beds with drawers. One or two rows of drawers allow you to conveniently store bedding, bedspreads, spare blankets and pillows in case guests arrive.

Modern furniture manufacturers have gone even further: sometimes the design allows the use of drawers as additional sleeping space.

All shades of wood combine perfectly with each other, so apartment owners can be creative in decorating the bedroom rather than buying a ready-made set. For example, the bed and bedside tables can be made of light shade oak or beech, and the cabinet is made of a brighter wood - cherry.

Solid wood beds look luxurious, but not pretentious, expensive, but not pretentious. From an environmental point of view, they are not only safe, but also healthy. The pliability of the material allows you to show all your creative imagination and create both an absolutely nondescript place to sleep and a real work of art.

Ease of use and maintenance makes such beds accessible to families with small children. In a word, wooden beds bring a lot of pleasant impressions and virtually no hassle.

Photo of a solid wood bed

  1. Materials and tools
  2. Assembling a double bed
  3. Headboard assembly

The furniture market offers big choice beds, but you can make this interior element yourself.

The article describes how to make a double bed from available materials, components. Solid wood furniture can be inexpensive.

If you are a fan of the old fashioned and have welding skills, you can make a bed using country house, V a private house or in city ​​apartment from profile pipe, and decorate the headboard with elements of decorative forging. We will consider a more affordable and simpler option for creating bedroom furniture, and we suggest you make wooden bed from materials that are absolutely safe for health. Below are drawings of the most simple options, which even a novice master can easily handle.

Materials and tools

You will need:

  • assembly diagram;
  • sheet plywood;
  • PVA glue;
  • wooden beam;
  • slats;
  • self-tapping screws (70 pieces).

You will need laminated pine timber with a smooth, defect-free surface, measuring 4 x 5 x 200 cm (14 pcs.). The size of the planed slats is 2 x 10 x 200 cm (20 pcs.). Before making a bed, you need to buy a sleeping mattress 160 x 200 cm, and make a base for it.

Assembling a double bed

The rectangular frame is assembled from beams. It is necessary to take three bars on each side and fasten them together in height. You will get an equilateral rectangle. If there are concerns that the mattress will not fit, it is recommended to assemble the frame with an allowance of 1 cm on each side.

2 bars with a cross section of 4 x 5 cm, a length of 162 cm (ends) and the same parts with a length of 201 cm (sides) are laid out on the floor, coated with PVA glue. Immediately after this, the second row of bars is laid on top. Then all parts are fixed with self-tapping screws. The bed crowns must not be allowed to become skewed; they must be perfectly even.

At the corners, the parts are connected using metal ties. When tightening the screws, the glue that has not had time to set will leak out through the holes, so the wood must be cleaned of its excess.

The assembled frame can be set aside and you can begin to create an orthopedic slatted base from treated boards 2 cm thick. The slats must be reinforced with a stiffening rib; it must run through the center of the bed along its entire length. There should be at least 2-3 legs. It is also necessary to make 4 legs for the frame. Subsequently, they are installed in the corners and securely fixed with fasteners.

For a bed made of boards you need a base made of slats or slats. The supports are made from wooden beams . The timber is cut into lengths corresponding to each side of the bed. The support beams are attached at the level of the second row of the frame along the entire internal perimeter. The thickness of the supporting element is sufficient for the thin slatted base to rest firmly and reliably on it.

It is recommended to plan the length of the slats with the expectation that a deformation gap should form between them and the frame to prevent cracking natural material, eliminating its creaking. It is better to attach the slats at a distance of 20–30 cm from each other. The step between them should be the same; a template may be useful. The slats are fixed using self-tapping screws, which are screwed along the edges to the base and in the center to the stiffener. After that homemade bed should sit for several days until the glue dries completely.

Next comes decorative processing. First, all parts are sanded grinder or a grinder, including a coarse grain attachment. Then, using fine-grained sandpaper, a final sanding is carried out along the wood fibers.

After grinding and polishing, dust generated during the processing process is removed.. In the room where work will be carried out paint and varnish material, it is necessary to do wet cleaning.

The furniture is coated with a primer designed to protect the wood. The varnish is applied on top in stages in 2-3 layers using a spray gun to ensure uniform coverage.

You can also use a brush with fine bristles.

During the varnishing process, the bed must be turned over and each layer allowed to dry.

Headboard assembly

For work you will need a sheet of thick plywood. The result is a plywood element that does not bear any special mechanical load. Its strength is quite sufficient. You also need a tight upholstery fabric, foam rubber, padding polyester, furniture stapler with staples.

A rectangle of the required size is cut from a plywood sheet using a jigsaw. A layer of foam rubber of any thickness of similar size is placed on top of it. Foam rubber can be covered with padding polyester. Then the headboard is covered with furniture upholstery fabric.

The piece of fabric should fit back wall at least 15–20 cm.

When fixing upholstery with a stapler, it is necessary to ensure that the fabric is evenly stretched, without creases or unsightly folds on the front surface. The headboard is attached to the wall or bed frame. In the first case, the part is equipped with special ear loops. They are hung on self-tapping screws installed in the wall. If the headboard is fixed to back side bed, holes are made in its lower part, as well as in the base of the furniture. Screws are screwed into them, clamped with nuts.

According to the same scheme, a single bed can also be equipped with a headboard. Curly headboards decorated using the carriage screed technique will look good. In this case, you will need a stencil, furniture buttons, and decorative nails.

Species carriage ties many, if you wish, you can choose the one that will decorate the bed, emphasize the style of the room, and make it more expressive.