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Mass Effect: Andromeda - first impressions. Mass Effect Andromeda - sharing our impressions

Job type: Tasks in Elea: Eos

Required conditions: outpost on Eos

Starting location: Eos

How to get a: install seismic hammer

Install the first seismic hammer


The level of seismic activity on Eos has increased. By influencing the tremors with a seismic hammer, the water supply to Prodromos could improve. Find the location of the first seismic hammer (1) and activate it. Prepare to be attacked by the Relics.

Install a second seismic hammer

Follow the navigation point (2) to the Relic monoliths, where the second hammer should be placed. As you approach, you meet people.

Check strangers

People from this group call themselves citizens of the sovereign state of Advent. They don't have enough water and would like to make a deal: mining natural gas for Prodromos in exchange for water. You can agree, in which case the group leader will direct you to the next hammer.

After your conversation, two navigation points will appear on the map (3) (4) . Extraction of water at the point (3) , natural gas at point (4) . You cannot use both deposits at once. But no matter what you choose, the result will be the same - an epic battle awaits you.

Install a second hammer to start extracting water or gas

After selecting a drill location, another navigation point appears nearby to place the final seismic hammer (5) .

Install the third seismic hammer

Place the hammer at the last navigation point (5) .

Defeat the Architect of Relics

After placing the third seismic hammer, a giant Relic appears from the ground. This is the "father" of all Relics, called the Architect. On each planet where you establish an outpost, you can meet your Architect. You can find boxes of ammunition and health everywhere on the battlefield. Use them, and take cover often, to defeat the Architect.

Famous insider regarding games from BioWare under the nickname Shinobi got my hands on the version Mass Effect: Andromeda For Playstation 4 and already spent playing the game 3 hours, which he spoke about on the thematic forum. In this news you will find summary his post, in which he shared his impressions of the game and told general outline about gameplay details. Among other things, the news also contains two gameplay videos: about flirting with various characters and about the first meeting with the Archon

So, in the words of Shinobi:

— The game is perfectly optimized, at least the version for Playstation 4. The FPS drop happened only in one cutscene, full of explosions and effects, the rest of the time (including dynamic battles) the game worked stably.

— Of course, there are some “oddities”: for example, in one cutscene, Liam’s head “hung” and stared at Scott the entire time the owner was working with the uni-tool. Another time, a certain turian materialized out of thin air.

“Andromeda” really feels like the same one Mass Effect.

— The beginning of the game is very reminiscent of the first part of the trilogy: you find yourself on "Hyperion", chatting with different people, when suddenly complete confusion begins, and you are sent to solve the problem that has arisen. However, the game makes it clear that this is a "new Mass Effect».

— Facial animations cannot be called ideal: in some places they can be called “robot-like” at best. However, if you're used to the somewhat unsightly animations of the original trilogy, you'll be fine with the new ones.

— Conversations between partners have become much more believable and do not seem like “pre-recorded phrases.”

— Starting planet ( Habitable Environment - 7) seems truly alien and “out of this world”: stone formations float in the air, emitting electrical discharges, flora and fauna look like to the highest degree Unusually, the sky is cut by lightning, which, by the way, can kill your character.

— Scanning does not seem boring - absolutely all objects are commented on by Ryder or Liam, perfectly describing the situation and background of the expedition.

- At the first meeting with ketts you can choose your behavior - attack first or try to make contact. Moreover, the choice is made not in the cutscene, but directly during the gameplay, depending on whether the player attacks hostilely marked opponents immediately or tries to approach them, despite shouts in an unknown language.

— Collecting loot also doesn’t look boring: for the most part, the player collects resources, weapon modifications and blueprints, no 50 pistols of the same type from Mass Effect 1 or pockets full of garbage “for sale” were not noticed.

— Extra-plot activities also don’t let you get bored: by examining the crashed ship, you can find out the cause of the disaster and Ryder’s thoughts on this matter. Looking into the cave, you can find ancient tree, which survived the terraforming of the planet. Bunkers are not two-room “apartments”, but underground complexes with corridors and dozens of rooms. Moreover, other characters also pay attention to these activities and react to their implementation. For example, the father will praise Ryder for his research on the surface Habitable Environment - 7.

- Combat animations have been improved.

— The partners react more realistically to the situation in battle: when Scott almost fell into the abyss, Liam advised him to “be careful.”

— The music is phenomenally good.

Overall Shinobi I was damn pleased with the game. As he himself said, "Being a loyal fan Mass Effect, I feel relieved: everything worked out. This Mass Effect. On 100% ».

And here are two gameplay videos: the first shows examples flirting with different characters "Storm", in the second - the first meeting with Archon:

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Making an impression is the main quest for colonizing the planet Eos. This task will be available only after the outpost has been built. The task in “Make an Impression” is simple - activate three seismic hammers, thereby raising the water level, but not many people know what this mission will lead to. In this article we will tell you how to complete the mission to impress Mass Effect Andromeda.

Installation of the first seismic hammer

To receive the task, go to Eos and find the first point where one of the three hammers is located. According to the task, activating all three hammers will improve the water supply for Prodromos. After turning on the first hammer, the mission will activate and you will immediately be attacked by a small army of Relics.

Installation of a second seismic hammer

The next point to activate the hammer is the Remnant monolith inhabited by people. Upon first contact, people will not treat you particularly friendly and will announce that this is now a sovereign state of Advent. To install the second hammer, make a deal with people under which you must place the drill in a gas or water field. You can choose anything, it will not affect the plot.

Installation of the third seismic hammer and battle with the Architect

We go to the last point and place the hammer. After this, the Architect appears, a huge relic that will require a lot of effort to destroy. The battle with this mini-boss takes place in three phases. Shoot one of the relic's legs until it reveals the outline of its head. Don't forget to watch out for his main gun, as well as his machine gun and long-exploding mines. Ultimately, when the main health bar is used up, the architect will fall and thus be defeated - mission accomplished!

Summing up

Now you know how to complete the mission to impress Mass Effect Andromeda. For completing this quest you will receive a large number of OPA and XP. As for the architects, it is worth noting that such giants will be encountered more than once on other planets, but it will be easier to fight them.

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Vadim Dubilo about a new blockbuster in the world of computer games (updated as it progresses)

Next week, video game fans can expect the release of the “five-year plan”: fans of science and pseudo-science fiction will finally be able to play the new part of “Mass Effect” with the subtitle “Andromeda”. But the publisher made an exception for subscribers of the Origin Access service: the new product is available to them now. There is only one limitation: you can play for no more than ten hours. Even for a large-scale Action/RPG game more than enough time to understand whether the game is worth purchasing. Early access is also a chance to evaluate the capabilities of your computer: whether it can handle graphics and at what settings.

So, let's start in order.

Well what can I say. Of course, my old man can’t handle high graphics settings, not to mention “ultra.” But it copes well with averages. Unless you're a geek and don't really need to play at maximum speed, your PC should be roughly within the recommended range to not worry about performance. system requirements, specified in the game properties on the Origin service. In my opinion, the capabilities of a video card at the level of Nvidia 900 series with three gigabytes random access memory on board, for a comfortable game with high settings it should be enough. Of course, I'm talking about desktop PCs. I can’t say anything about laptops, because I don’t consider them a gaming platform - here you act at your own peril and risk.

A few words about the game itself. So far I’ve only had time to tweak the settings and visit a couple of locations. The plot of the plot is as follows: the ship of the colonists went beyond Milky Way in search of a new home for humanity and other races. For us, the game begins when the ship arrives at one of the specially selected planets, but encounters an unexpected obstacle. It soon becomes clear that we are not the first here: according to tradition, in the “Mass Effect” universe, unlike the real one, it is quite crowded.

As in previous parts, we can play as either a man or a woman (no, this is not Commander Shepard, his story is completed). It is also possible to create a character from scratch using the editor. But I don’t recommend doing this, don’t waste your time. The editor was unpleasantly surprised: the characters turned out to be unlikable with strange eyes and facial expressions. In general, according to reviews, players have the most complaints about the animation of faces and movements.

Like most BioWare games, Mass Effect: Andromeda will feature gay and lesbian characters with whom the player can form relationships. In previous parts, this could have been avoided if desired. But everything in the world is changing, be careful. In this regard, I remember how ten years ago, when the first game in the series was released, a scandal broke out in the United States over a game video with same-sex sex between a human woman and an alien. Moreover, the exact same video with the participation of a man did not cause any complaints then. Since then, video games have only become more explicit. The developers of Andromeda promised a variety of relationships. Well, let's see.

The locations are similar in structure and construction to those in Dragon Age: Inquisition from the same studio. Personally, I hope this is where the similarity between the two games ends: Inquisition was too ambiguous, exhausting players with its countless repetitive tasks.

In general, the intermediate conclusion is this: this is definitely worth playing. Firstly, this is fantasy - a rare guest even in the world of video games. Secondly, Action/RPG. Thirdly, this is Mass Effect. This one or not this one is a secondary question in this case. As they say, time and the game will tell. But at some point at the very beginning, when I saw deep space, walked around the spaceship, looked out the window and landed on a distant, but not lifeless planet, my heart began to beat faster: “Chewy, we’re home.”

Finally, fourthly, we have been waiting for this for five long years! This argument alone would be enough to draw correct conclusions.

Update 1. 10 hours of gameplay later

My ten-hour trial period ended right before the full release of the game. It didn’t reveal even a hundredth of the plot and possibilities, but it allowed us to evaluate Mass Effect and make a purchasing decision full version. Yes, the facial animations are kind of terrible; Yes, the birthmarks of DragonAge: Inquisition, no, no, but they are striking. But all this seems such trifles against the backdrop of a unique adventure that it’s even embarrassing to participate in the discussion started on the Internet. Mass Effect is the only opportunity to leave traces on the dusty paths of distant planets, even if you are a member of the astronaut corps. And realizing this makes me very sad.

So, I promised to reveal some details of the gameplay and the universe. Let's start with the leveling and combat system, which are much more interconnected than we are used to from the experience of the original trilogy. The lack of conversational and diplomatic skills that connoisseurs love so much is slightly disappointing here. role playing games. In practice this means that most We have to solve issues using force. Here, perhaps, lies the main change regarding the trilogy: there is no longer a clear distinction between soldier, biotic or engineer. Nothing prevents you from developing all branches of abilities. Moreover, at any time they can be reset using a device on spaceship and redistribute again. The hardest thing to get used to is that Mass Effect is no longer a cover shooter. The equipment was equipped with a jetpack, thanks to which you can quickly move around the level, including vertically, hover above the surface and shower the enemy with fire, or be hit with all your biotic power.

Rides on the space all-terrain vehicle “Nomad” (analogous to “Mako” from the first part) leave a pleasant impression; the controls are comfortable and responsive. It also provides protection from a hostile environment and rapid movement over long distances, as well as the collection of resources.

But the allotted ten hours were clearly not enough to evaluate the interaction with other characters and partners. But they say that their loyalty missions are traditionally some of the most interesting in the game. I willingly believe it.

Among the weak points, I’d like to point out that it’s not the most outstanding artificial intelligence opponents and the already mentioned facial animations. For some reason, the female characters were especially unlucky with these. I strongly do not recommend playing as a girl. And even the character editor won’t help here: it will only get worse (unless you want to play a freak for fun). Over time, everything will probably be fixed with patches, but until then, for amateurs individual images It's worth being patient.

On Monday, the first ratings of the game from specialized publications began to appear. Most journalists received Andromeda positively. Noting at the same time that it still did not live up to the original trilogy. The average score is 75-80 out of 100, which is generally not bad. For almost any other game. More is always expected from Mass Effect. I repeat, on the whole, I’m pleased with what I saw so far. And most importantly, the heart again and again freezes in longing for an unrealizable flight to distant stars and undiscovered worlds.

And instead of an afterword...


Publication date: 03/19/2017 04:34:55

So. If you don’t know what Andromeda is and don’t know main reason her hate from the players - watch this video:

Yes. The developers still screwed up the facial animation. I’ll tell you right away what I think about it. It's really abnormal when facial animation is done like this. Moreover, what you saw in the video is just the tip of the iceberg. Here's another example from the walkthrough (beware, spoilers):

Gaming Mind

Everything is fine, but they killed my dad in such an idiotic way. Okay, the omnitool can’t completely restore the glass on the helmet, but couldn’t you take turns breathing? The shuttle would arrive in five minutes. Why, apart from cheap glass that always breaks, does the helmet have no other protection? I really hope that all this turns out to be a multi-step from the almighty dad and he will return later.

Peebee is on some kind of alien drug, judging by her behavior. No one in their right mind would rush at three armed people - that's it. And no one (well, except for idiot partners) will walk in the radioactive desert in a jacket with a bare navel and without a helmet.

P.S. Sarah still needs to be soaked in the capsule, which didn’t scare people.

P.P.S. In general, I'm angry, but I'll still play.