home · On a note · Master of wall plastering. Orders for repairs and construction, painting, plastering work. Read more about painter-plasterer services

Master of wall plastering. Orders for repairs and construction, painting, plastering work. Read more about painter-plasterer services

The need to apply plaster to walls arises when initial stage rough finishing of premises, in particular, when it is necessary to eliminate any defects, to improve thermal insulation properties, further application of decorative, textured coatings, wallpapering, painting.

To calculate the plastering work performed manually, go to the plastering calculator page, enter the data and place your order.

The company offers its services for performing plastering work manually at reasonable prices - our craftsmen can easily apply plaster by hand to a surface of 3–25 square meters per shift per person.

Prices are approximate. The final cost of work and materials is only after measurements and calculations by the surveyor.

wall plaster (without material)

types of jobsfrom 10 sq.m. up to 150 sq. m.
slopes 350 rub.
Call a surveyor* 1500*
padding 80 rub.
installation of beacons 200 rub.
plaster up to 20 mm 200 rub.
glossing under wallpaper 80 rub.

* The surveyor prepares a detailed estimate.

What are the responsibilities of a surveyor:

  1. determining the possibility of performing work (entrances to the building, availability of water, temporary lighting...)
  2. determination of the scope of work (square meters of area, linear meters of slopes)
  3. determining the amount of material required (primer, concrete contact, plaster mixture)
  4. preparation of contract

Manual plastering of walls

consists of several main stages:

  1. Protecting surfaces from dirt, dust (windows, doors...)
  2. Cleaning walls from mortar build-up...
  3. Primer of walls (soil or concrete contact)
  4. Applying the mixture to the surface
  5. Leveling the mixture
  6. Removing beacons
  7. Surface finishing
  8. Cleaning the work site

The basis of smooth walls is correctly and efficiently installed beacons!

Before you start installing beacons, you need to prepare the base:

  • clean the walls from old putty, protruding mortar,
  • reduce large differences to reduce layer thickness,

Only after this can you begin priming and installing beacons.


The primer of walls and ceilings is applied with a roller, and the concrete contact is applied with a paint brush.

The drying time of the walls depends on the material applied, usually 20-30 minutes.

Installation of beacons begins with checking the vertical deviation of the walls. The most accurate check is a plumb line, but today there are many devices that make it easier and faster to check vertical surfaces, such as a laser level. It will take about 15–20 minutes to check the deviations of the wall plane using a plumb line, and 3–5 minutes using a level.

Having determined the deviation of the wall, you can begin to install points on which the galvanized beacon will then lie. More details about installing beacons and their types can be found on the page installing beacons.

Having installed the beacons, you can begin pouring the mixture and leveling it.

If the room has a large area, then it is more advisable to use mechanized wall plastering, which reduces material consumption and guarantees higher quality of work. In cases where it is necessary to process small areas, then the more convenient option is manual application plaster.

There is a misconception that there is nothing difficult about manual plastering. But in fact, this is a rather labor-intensive process that requires certain knowledge and skills. Only an experienced craftsman can evenly distribute the plaster mixture and properly process the coating, especially if there are non-standard elements such as arches, columns or niches.

The employees of the Wall Plaster company are well aware of all the intricacies and technologies, including surface preparation and mixing building material. There is no need to buy a spatula and trowel to personally plaster the walls, because you can entrust this work to qualified craftsmen. Moreover, if you cooperate with our company, the service will be cheaper than doing it yourself, with your own hands.

Pros and cons of the manual method

Significant disadvantages of manual plastering include:

  • slightly higher material consumption
  • process duration
  • inability to process large areas
  • required for processing large areas a large number of workers.

In turn, the advantages include:

  • possibility of processing hard-to-reach places
  • mixing a small amount of plaster mass
  • processing only the required part of the surface
  • the ability to control the quality of work throughout the entire work process.

We use only high-quality gypsum and cement-sand plaster mixtures!

Since plastering works play one of the key roles in the finishing of any premises, the quality of the finishing work as a whole depends on the quality of the materials used and adherence to technology.

Why choose us?

Because we do plastering manually, mechanized, we have all the tools and the customer does not have to provide

  • trowels,
  • buckets,
  • spatula

At the same time, we can produce any volumes, from 1 sq. m. and above.

Our teams have many years of experience in performing plastering work manually. Many successfully completed orders serve as an excellent recommendation for our specialists.

Our work you can see our objects.

We work throughout Moscow and the entire Moscow region.

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High quality and promptly.

Any plasterer from our team will quickly cope with work of any complexity, guaranteeing quality and a responsible, conscientious approach to their work.

Any room design, regardless of its stylistic design, is characterized by the presence of one common goal: it should be attractive, comfortable and modern. When dealing with redevelopment and interior design, it is impossible to ignore.

A team of qualified plasterers with many years of experience has managed to prove themselves at elite facilities and large-scale construction sites, where quality, efficiency and full compliance of plastered surfaces with the requirements are paramount repair work and the wishes of the customer. Thanks to the masters' compliance with all standards when finishing corners, you get a perfectly flat surface, completely ready for further decoration.

Price per sq. m. of work

Work + building materials

Expert visit and consultation

For free

For free.

Plastering as a rule, without beacons

Layer thickness.

From 330 rub. m2

From 500 rub. m2

High-quality plaster for a lighthouse

Layer thickness.

1000 rub. m2

Team of plasterers in Moscow

Despite the wide range of modern finishing materials on construction market, traditional plaster remains the most popular service. It's no secret that an unprofessional approach can negatively affect the quality of repairs and worsen the visual perception of the room. That is why we pay increased attention to the quality of the work we carry out: primer, putty, ordinary and decorative plaster.

It can be classified as a separate category of finishing work, the result of which is a smooth, flat area, protected from moisture and fire, and prepared for further application of decorative products.

The profession of a plasterer is responsible and complex, since he has to work with a multi-component mortar, the correct mixing of which determines both the evenness of the surface and the quality over time, when the plastered surface has already been treated with a layer of decorative finishing. Since defects in a master’s work are expensive, you should approach their implementation responsibly and seriously, avoiding haste. Only high-quality surface treatment allows further application of thinner coatings, such as paint or wallpaper.

Plasterer master

Master plasterer using modern equipment and measuring instruments, is ready to offer services for performing high-quality mechanized plastering in any volume and complexity:

  1. Plastering building facades, walls, ceilings and slopes, arches and vaults;
  2. High-rise plastering works and plastering of stairs;
  3. Decorative plaster;
  4. Production of self-leveling floors;

Plastering of individual architectural elements interior: pillars, columns, curved slopes.

Taking into account wall material and purpose, a professional plasterer will select the type facade plaster. In addition, the team is engaged in updating old surfaces, performing partial or complete replacement, for example, repairing plaster in certain areas.

The master plasterer performs interior finishing in several stages:

1. Rough preparation walls: the previous coating is removed and minor irregularities are eliminated;

2. Primer;

3. Mounting lighthouses on the wall;

4. Applying a plaster layer;

5. Leveling the plaster layer, following special rules;

6. Grout.

By entrusting plastering work to real professionals who perform this difficult task with high quality and conscientiousness, you will receive:

1. Clear vertical walls with aligned geometry of the room;

2. Special protective profiles installed on external corners walls;

3. Smooth and ready for further finishing of housing. Thanks to the team's successful use of modern construction equipment And latest technologies, plastering surfaces from a painstaking and labor-intensive task has turned into quick and less expensive plastering work.

Features of mechanized plastering technology

The determining and, perhaps, main factor distinguishing mechanized from manual application plaster mortar, the number of workers involved in the process is considered. The use of the latest plastering stations allows you to prepare the solution in automatic mode, excluding manual mixing and constant control over the preparation of the solution. The plasterer delivers the mortar under high pressure to a height of 10-15 meters and long distances. The mortar is applied over large areas evenly.

Mechanized significantly speeds up the process of preparation for final finishing, but does not exclude the participation of professionals in plastering. A competent master knows that before plastering surfaces, you should first prepare the walls: clean them of construction dust, degrease the surfaces for better adhesion of the mortar to the surface, and high-quality plastering requires a specialist to have certain knowledge and skills.

At the exit of the machine, the mixture has a uniform consistency, since mixing with water is carried out automatically by the machine. When performing manual mixing, the plasterer may make a mistake with a sufficient volume of water, as a result of which the solution will dry unevenly on the wall, causing cracks to appear;

The machine allows you to apply plaster mixture to the surface under pressure. It seems to crash into the wall, which provides maximum grip (adhesion) to the wall. The adhesion of the mortar when applied manually is determined by the force with which the plasterer applies the material to the surface;

Mixing the mixture in a machine completely eliminates the presence air bubbles and dry lumps, while the quality of manual mixing depends on the physical effort and responsibility of the plasterer.

Plasterer for mechanized plastering

By performing mechanized finishing of walls, the plasterer significantly saves time on repairs, since he does not need to do plastering and putty;

Using units, a professional master increases labor productivity and reduces procedure time by 2-3 times;

The end result is perfectly smooth and smooth walls and corners.

A good plasterer is fluent in both methods, and only the customer can choose the plastering method.

Using the Yudu service, you order the services of a plasterer-painter who will produce high-quality Finishing work any category of complexity. He has many years of work experience and specialized education. During work he uses modern equipment and reliable Decoration Materials from the manufacturer.

A range of services from painters and plasterers of the Yudu service

A private master painter-plasterer will professionally carry out all preliminary priming work, apply paints and varnishes in several layers, and will also eliminate defects on the coating.

You can hire a plasterer-painter to provide the following range of services:

  • priming and leveling any surface
  • covering the ceiling with mesh
  • putty and plaster coatings
  • painting the ceiling, floor
  • stuffing metal mesh on the walls
  • decorative coating
  • finishing

A private master painter and plasterer from Yudu service will ensure the availability of creative elements in accordance with your design project. He will putty the walls under the wallpaper, as well as putty the niches with hidden light. You can also hire a plasterer-painter to hide small and large irregularities on the surface. He will stir the solution the right technology, and will also help you choose wallpaper for your walls.

How to order the services of an experienced painter

To hire a plasterer/painter, fill out an application on our website. Include the following:

  • plasterer-painter services that you require (filling metal mesh on walls, puttying slopes, decorative finishing walls, etc.)
  • reasonable cost of work
  • time when plasterers/painters should arrive on site
  • your phone number, address

After you choose a specialist, he will come to the specified address and draw up an estimate. He will report the final cost of finishing work after assessing its scale.

Highly qualified plasterers and painters of the Yudu service perform finishing work quickly and also use coating products that perform a decorative and protective function.

What does a plasterer do?

Painters and plasterers in Moscow are universal specialists who carry out finishing work. The painter professionally paints any structures, buildings, equipment, and interior items. He works with a ready-made flat surface, the preparatory work is done before this by the plasterer. Plasterer levels surfaces using special solutions and mixtures. Therefore, in order not to involve two people, usually one master does all the work.

Why is it necessary?

A specialist is needed to carry out high-quality finishing work. The final appearance of the interior of the room depends on the professionalism of the master. In addition, plaster helps retain heat. Painter-plasterer uses at work special tools, he is well versed in the properties of materials and knows surface preparation techniques. All this allows you to carry out high-quality repairs and preserve them for many years.

When to contact

The services of a specialist are sought when carrying out repair work. Usually you can find a craftsman in design bureaus, repair and construction companies and housing and communal services. If you need to make an exact design project, use decorative plaster, tinting paints, then contacting a qualified worker is necessary to obtain high-quality and safe results.

Team of plasterers.

Plastering works are an important stage in the finishing and repair of any premises. The final quality and timing of the order depends on the choice of the master plasterer.

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I long time I do interior decoration of premises of any complexity. When performing assigned tasks, I use modern finishing materials and reliable tools.

Plasterers' prices for services that do not correspond to their professionalism are becoming increasingly common. I guarantee my clients geometric accuracy plastered premises and reasonable cost of finishing work.

Cost of plaster.

So that clients have an idea of ​​my services, I would like to give them a brief description.

Plastering is the process of applying special mortars to give the surface a certain shape, eliminating uneven walls and ceilings.

Plastering work consists of several stages:

  • selection of building mixture and preparation of mortar;
  • surface preparation;
  • installation of beacon guides (profiles);
  • plastering the base;
  • final finishing of the finished surface.

All plasterers set prices for their services based on the area of ​​the surface to be treated and the complexity of applying a particular building mixture.

The choice of the mixture used directly depends on the goals set by the customer and is divided into the following types:

  • ordinary. Apply for further painting or pasting;
  • specialized. Provides for imparting certain properties to the surface. It is used for sound insulation and moisture resistance of specific objects.
  • Decorative. It embodies the thoughts of designers into shaped forms reflected in the interior of the room.

Types of plastering work.

Plastering can be carried out indoors and on its facade.

Usually, master plasterers prices for facade works increase, due to the labor intensity, of using additional devices for finishing at high altitudes.

Plastering facades is necessary during production overhaul and construction of new office, residential and industrial buildings. Interior decoration is used much more often.

Depending on the means used when applying plaster, there are:

  • mechanical plastering, in which the finished mixture is applied using special machine, evenly distributing the composition over the entire surface;
  • manual plastering. Standard tools and professionalism of the master are used.

There is no need to save money on repairs.

After all, a professionally plastered room is ideal for subsequent gluing, painting and implementing all kinds of design solutions. I appreciate every client who seeks my services. Therefore, I establish a flexible pricing policy that provides a system of discounts and advantages. Many master plasterers artificially inflate prices for work. This is due to the use of counterfeit building mixtures Low quality.

In my work I only use quality materials, proven over the years and positive reviews my clients.

If you need perfectly smooth walls and ceilings, then you have come to the right place. I, in turn, undertake to complete the assigned task efficiently and on time.