home · On a note · Simple patterns for fur coats at home. Exterior decoration of the house: fur coat - application. Preparing the rough surface

Simple patterns for fur coats at home. Exterior decoration of the house: fur coat - application. Preparing the rough surface

The application technique can be divided into two stages:

  1. First, the plaster is applied to the walls to be finished using one of the methods described above. The fastest way would be to use a gun and a compressor.
  2. After the solution begins to set, the texture is rubbed down. For smoothing, use a metal trowel or trowel. Lightly pressing the tool to the surface, move it from top to bottom. The result is smooth protruding islands and rough inclusions in the depressions of the relief.

Watch the video for more details:


As we have already said, solutions based on gray or white cement. Such coatings are not at all attractive and are only suitable for utility rooms. To façade walls had a finished look, they need to be additionally painted.

If ready-made polymer (acrylic, silicone) compounds are used for plastering, they are tinted to the desired color before application and are not painted after drying.

Facade acrylic, silicate and other water-dispersion paints are suitable for painting. Decorative plaster is painted one color using a roller or spray gun.

Paint consumption per 1 m2 for plaster, a coat of one layer will be 0.2-0.3 liters.

Shuba plaster is familiar to everyone: a rough surface with a random textured pattern is difficult to confuse with anything else. This finishing option is used very often and mainly for exterior work.

Such a characteristic surface can be obtained different ways. The most famous is spraying, with a manual or electric machine and a paint brush. Throwing the composition over the wall or stretching it with a trowel is also used. Below we will talk about all these technologies.

Coat plaster application technology

Each of the described methods gives its own type of texture on the surface of the facade.

Plaster grated coat

A coating with this effect is applied with a special gun with a funnel and a compressor. Pour the solution into the funnel, turn on the supply compressed air and begin to spray the fur coat on the wall. We do this in a uniform thin layer, its thickness should be exactly such that the base does not show through.

Decorative plaster coat: the photo shows the process of spraying with a device with compressed air supply

The number of layers depends on the quality of the working composition. If it's ready decorative plaster fur coat, then two will be enough, if it is a homemade cement-sand mortar - three. Between layers we leave intervals of 4-5 hours for partial setting.

Exterior finishing before grouting

Note:The coat of façade plaster is rubbed down very simply. To do this, take a steel grater and, without pressing too hard, smooth the surface. Avoid pressing hard, as this can lead to deformation of the coating. As the plaster dries, increase the pressure.

Grated or ironed plaster coat

Two simple and quick fur coat options

Decorative plaster coat: application with a roller with medium-length pile. The coating is neat, the texture is formed due to the imprints of the tool's pile. It is better to use acrylic and silicate working compounds. Cement ones are also suitable, but the sand in them should have a fine fraction.

Decorative facade plaster fur coat: silicate or acrylic mixtures are better suited for application with a roller

The second is applying plaster using manual machine for splashing. By rotating the handle, a roller with metal bristles is set in motion, which throws the plaster out. The solution used here is quite liquid. Application is usually done in two layers, with a break (about 4 hours) to dry the previous one.

Applying decorative plaster, video: fur coat with a manual sprayer.

Fur coat for finishing plinths and sides of porches

Very primitive methods are used here. The first is to spray the plaster using a wide paint brush. We simply dip it into the liquid solution and shake it onto the surface with one movement of the hand. Spraying is done in a similar way using a bundle of birch twigs. Only under its handle is a stick placed, which is struck with the base of the beam.

For your information: This method is very simple in terms of tools, but not too fast, so it is not suitable for finishing large surfaces. In addition, such a decorative plaster coat does not have a very neat appearance. It's more protective finishing coating than decorative.

Spray with a twig broom

Working with decorative plaster “Shuba” and applying the usual composition

The next option is for a special composition with the addition of stone chips, used for interior work. Here you will need a standard tool for decorative plasters: a metal trowel, a plastic grater and an assistant spatula.

The layer should be applied thin, equal in thickness to the stone chips fraction. You can immediately cover an area of ​​about 1 m2. It is not worth taking over more space, since the composition will set faster than you have time to give it a texture. If the mixture is silicate, we try to do everything faster, since it sets quite quickly. When leveling, do not press too hard on the trowel.

Stretching the working mass

We begin creating the texture almost immediately. We wait quite a bit, exactly until the working composition stops sticking to the trowel. Next, take a grater in your hands and loosen the stone chips with short circular movements. Just loosen it, it shouldn’t move to the sides. The relief will appear more clearly after the surface dries.

Creating an invoice

Note:if you need to quickly finish a large area, instead of a trowel you can take plaster rule. Working with it requires a certain skill, so you will have to practice a little.

Another common method of applying a fur coat is to throw it on with a trowel. It is used in cases where it is necessary to organize finishing of considerable thickness. An example of how to plaster a fur coat with your own hands: a video of applying a fur coat on extruded polystyrene foam.

Greetings to all visitors and readers of the site “”!
In this article I would like to tell you about decorative, textured plaster, which is called “fur coat”.
Decorative plaster is far from new on the market. finishing materials. Such decorative finishing has long been used by craftsmen from Greece, Italy, France and other countries.
Yes, and it is popular among us, and why not.
After all, it’s not difficult to do and looks pretty decent.
Of all kinds textured plasters"fur coat" - the most simple finishing walls
Moreover, using the ancient method of applying plaster, the process itself is simplified many times. Therefore, you don’t have to be a super finisher, but just pick up a broom and use it to slowly decorate, for example, the outer walls of a house.
And most importantly, the cost of this method is very low, i.e. phrase "cheap and cheerful" 100% consistent with this method.
So let's get started.
To work we need a minimum of tools:

  • Drill with a “Mixer” attachment for stirring the solution.

You can do without this device, but then it will take longer.

  • A broom is the main tool of labor.

note That for plastering a fur coat, special machines are used that apply the solution and adjust the grain size.
But I think that such a device is necessary only for those who professionally engage in finishing and make money from it.

  • Level.
  • Spatula.

The procedure for performing work on finishing walls with “fur coat”

Of course, in building materials stores you can purchase ready-made solutions for such purposes, but if you make “fur coat” plaster with your own hands, we use the following materials:
It is better to choose river sand, having previously sifted it.
We use ordinary gray cement, in my case, because the color will not change.

note , in order for the “fur coat” to be colored, it is necessary to use decorative white cement.

It is better to add a dye of the desired color to the prepared solution. This way it will be more resistant to fading than, say, painting a ready-made “fur coat.”
Proportional ratio of mortar for “fur coat” plaster.
1 cement + 2 sand.
The consistency should be like this - the thinner it is, the finer the grain size of the plaster.

Making a “fur coat” on the wall

✓We throw the solution on the wall.

To apply the solution, we used to use birch brooms, but we will use a regular sorghum broom.
(Sorghum is a genus of annual and perennial herbaceous plants).

✓Dip the broom into the solution.
✓We hit the stick (you can just blurt it out). Thus, it is as if we were spraying the solution onto the wall.

note that it is necessary to apply it in 2-3 layers; when the first layer is ready, you must immediately apply the second one without allowing the solution to dry out, otherwise it will fall off. Try to apply the solution evenly so that you get solid color, and there were no influxes.

By the way, when the fur coat is still fresh, you can apply different designs or patterns to the surface using a narrow spatula. And after hardening, simply paint over it.

If you decide to paint over it after plastering, it is better to do it after it has completely dried.
If you are decorating some kind of ledge or parapet, then first you need to level the outer corners using a special perforated corner (sold in hardware stores) or profile.

Then plaster, and only then make a “fur coat”.
That's all on this topic. Apply and experiment!
Would you like to know more about complex form decorative plaster (“bark beetle”), read these articles:

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Another option decorative finishing building facades is the so-called house under a fur coat. This idea for decorating a residential building and garden buildings was known back in the last century and was actively used in summer cottages In the countryside. The technology for applying plaster under a fur coat is quite simple, fast and cheap, now we will prove it to you.

Plaster coat: essence and advantages

Plaster coat is an application sand-cement mortar sprayed onto the surface of the building. This process even a beginner in the construction business can carry it out, because all you need is a solution, a broom, a stick and a trowel. The process of applying fur coat plaster to a house is not labor-intensive and takes little time, compared to other options for finishing building facades (cladding, etc.). There are practically no material costs, the only costs are the purchase of cement and colored pigment for coloring the solution (optional).

The advantages of fur coat plaster are as follows:

The disadvantage is the fact that the type of fur coat will not suit modern garden styles(for example,), and also that a fur coat is a dust collector due to its textured surface.

How to apply decorative plaster fur coat?

You can apply a fur coat different ways, which are equally simple. It is best to use a special machine for applying plaster.

It is necessary to apply the solution with a machine as follows: hold the bell of the machine at a right angle to the wall, as a result of which the solution is applied in a small layer to the surface under the influence of air from the compressor. Please note that the bell must be kept at a right angle, otherwise the coat of plaster will be distributed unevenly and the decorative appearance will lose its beauty. It is necessary to apply the plaster using a machine in several layers; if you decide to take a break, be sure to cover the edges of the sprayed solution with film to protect the facade from cracking.

In addition to the machine, you can use the “old-fashioned” methods of applying fur coat plaster with your own hands. There are 3 most popular types of spraying: with a broom, a brush and through a mesh, now we will talk about them.

The easiest way to spray the plaster is with a broom. To do this you need to use a solution, a broom and a stick. We hold a stick in one hand and a broom in the other. Soak the broom in the solution and hit it on a stick that we hold against the wall. As a result of this solution, it is distributed over the surface of the house.

Using a brush is also not difficult to apply coat of plaster on the house with your own hands. All you need is to take a brush and a small wooden plank. We dip the brush into a container with a solution for a fur coat, turn the brush over near the wall and run the board along it (towards you). As a result, the solution is sprayed onto the wall and creates the appearance of a decorative fur coat.

Well, the last popular way to apply fur coat plaster with your own hands is to use a metal mesh. In front of the wall on which the fur coat will be applied, a mesh with wooden frame and the solution is poured through it using a trowel. After finishing the work, the mesh is removed.

As you can see, the methods for applying fur coat plaster with your own hands are quite simple and not labor-intensive. Now we will talk about how to properly create a house under a fur coat with your own hands.

Plastering a house under a fur coat with your own hands: sequence of actions

As mentioned earlier, the technology for plastering a house under a fur coat is not complicated and even a beginner can handle it.

First of all, we prepare the wall for plastering. If the wall is smooth, then we specially make notches on it using a chisel and a hammer. We also make small holes, but without damaging the construction material at home (or cinder block). If the wall has uneven surface, there is no need to do any preliminary steps. In addition, it is necessary to get rid of the previous plaster, tiles or other decorative cladding, which was applied earlier. Once the wall is prepared, we move on.

The next stage is priming the walls. For this purpose, ready-made primer liquids are used, sold in hardware stores. Their price is inexpensive, and the quality is good enough to ensure the necessary adhesion of the wall to the mortar. You can apply the primer with a paintbrush; this must be done once, but carefully. If the wall area under the fur coat is large, then in order to save on the amount of primer, it is recommended to use a sprayer; it not only applies the primer in a thin layer, but also sprays it over all cracks and gaps.

After the wall is primed, wait until it is completely dry, this is mandatory. Next, we begin applying the Shuba plaster to the surface of the house.

At this stage, you should decide on the solution for creating a house under a fur coat. There is an option for applying gypsum mortar, but it is not recommended because... gypsum will not provide sufficient moisture protection to the wall. The only advantage of gypsum is that the solution dries faster.

It is best to use the more popular cement-sand mortar. As for the ratio of sand and cement for mortar, opinions often differ. Some argue that it is best to use a 1:3 ratio (cement: sand), others insist on a 1:2 or even 1:1 ratio. We still recommend choosing the 1:3 option, because... This solution has already been successfully tested. As for the thickness of the solution, the coat of plaster should have the consistency of liquid sour cream, so it is easier to apply and the requirement for the granularity of the solution is satisfied.

The solution must be applied in 3 layers. The first layer is applied with a regular trowel and leveled with it, additionally using a building level. Next, a second layer is applied, a preparatory layer, 1 cm thick. And, in the end, the last layer is sprayed using the tools and methods listed above. Here you should pay attention to the fact that the layer of the last, decorative plaster can be diluted with pieces broken glass different colors and powder color pigments. This design move will make the façade of a house with a fur coat even more interesting and attractive.

If the fur coat plaster is applied with your own hands without using color pigments in the solution, you can paint the facade yourself with a spray gun after the plaster has completely dried.

Among the most popular buildings for applying fur coat plaster with your own hands are the following:

  • House
  • Brick. You will be surprised, but it is also decorated with plaster under a fur coat, rarely, but there are still examples.

In order for fur coat plaster to decorate homes for decades, it must be applied correctly. Experts gave us the following useful tips:

  • Weather conditions for applying coat plaster should be as follows: temperature from 5 to 27 degrees above zero, without direct hits sun rays(better on a cloudy day), but not in rainy weather
  • All 3 layers must be applied in one process, allowing each layer to dry a little
  • It is prohibited to skimp on primer; it must be applied to the wall
  • To color the solution, it is recommended to use the following powders (from minerals): red iron ore, white asbestos, manganese powder, finely ground cobalt glass, crushed white marble, coal powder, etc. They must be added to the solution while mixing cement and sand with water.
  • The solution should be sparse, but at the same time not slide off the wall
  • To create a larger grain fur coat, you must use metal mesh or a stick with a broom. To keep the grain to a minimum, it is recommended to use a brush.

This is all I wanted to tell you about fur coat plaster, how decorative material for finishing facades. We wish you good luck in creating a home under a fur coat with your own hands!

Decorative plaster under a “fur coat” is a very common technique for decorating facades. This is due to the ease of application of the plaster and its pleasing to the eye texture, which is also difficult to technological process there is nothing - everyone can repeat the master’s actions!

Do-it-yourself “fur coat” plaster – selecting materials!

Facades finished with “fur coat” look good and last a long time! If earlier cement was used as a base for this method, modern mixtures contain more complex components that make them much more elastic, stronger and more durable. At the same time, this type of coating is relatively inexpensive - depending on the type of materials, you will spend from 50 to 200 rubles per 1 m². This is without work, but that’s why we’re reading the article to make a “fur coat” ourselves, isn’t it?

When choosing a material for coating, you will find both dry and ready-made options. Dry compositions are sold in bags - you just need to dilute the colored mixture with the required amount of water according to the instructions. The cost of a “fur coat” in bags is much cheaper in full ready-made composition, which is sold in buckets. This advantage, of course, is quite significant, but if you dig deeper, you will find out that dry mixes are almost always based on cement. As is known, cement forms a rather fragile surface to which the concept of elasticity is simply not applicable. If microcracks appear on the walls, they will also appear on the plaster.

Ready-to-use mixtures, as a rule, are made on a base of acrylic copolymers - this fairly “ductile” coating can hide all microcracks underneath. In addition, if you plan to work alone, then breed required quantity You simply won’t be able to create a solution, and the peculiarity of applying this coating requires continuous work from corner to corner, otherwise visible joints will form. With ready-made plasters, such a problem will not happen if you have correctly calculated the number of buckets for a given area.

Applying a “coat” to the facade - methods

The old-fashioned method using a broom and a stick is known to many, and it is still used to this day when it comes to small areas. The method is that a broom is dipped in a liquid solution, and then the master taps it on a stick towards the wall to produce targeted splashes. If we talk about the speed of work, then it is extremely low, and the master must have a very trained eye in order to apply an even “coat”.

The second method of applying a “fur coat” is faster, although the coating has a unique appearance, different from other methods. It is divided into two stages - first it is applied thin layer plaster, then pass over the wet layer textured roller, which leaves behind a “lint”. Again, for a beautiful result, the master must have a good eye, since when working with a roller it is very difficult to achieve a uniform texture, which in some places turns out to be more or less pronounced.

Most often, such unevenness occurs due to different thicknesses plaster, so if you see that after rolling a larger pattern is obtained in some area, remove a little plaster with a spatula or move the material to the place where the pattern is smaller. Then roll it again with a roller. As with all methods, you cannot interrupt the work - we apply it from corner to corner on the entire wall. Stay in one place for a long time - the dry edges form a visible joint. Therefore, if you have never applied a fur coat in this or any other way, practice on small areas first.

The method of applying a fur coat using a compressor is fast. For builders, this method is the most rational, since the purchase of equipment quickly pays off due to time savings. In addition, the texture is more round and even. Moreover, the texture can be adjusted during the process - if you make the solution thinner, the droplets will be smaller, and accordingly, the resulting pattern will become less porous.

The advantage of this coating is that the round surface lasts longer, since the “thorns” begin to crumble over time.

It is not necessary to buy a compressor if you decide to use this particular method - you can rent it from the same builders, but not all the time they do only this type of work! You will spend 1/10 of the cost of the device on rent, and during the day of its operation, the “fur coat” plaster will cover up to 200 square meters!

If you are a supporter of the idea that each job should have its own tool, and at the same time you don’t want to spend money on a compressor, pay attention to the intermediate option - applying plaster with a special machine. Why intermediate? Because the work, on the one hand, is manual, but the result is the same or almost the same as when working with a compressor. People call such a machine a “hurdy-gurdy” – this is the resemblance to which you will recognize it on the counter.

The “organ organ” device consists of a container inside which flexible metal plates rotate from pressure on the handle. The solution is poured into the container; when rotated, the plates “get dirty” and, resting against a special bar, create a splash of “fur coat”. The shape and size of the spray can also be adjusted by adding water to the solution.. Both in the case of the compressor and in the case of the machine, the decorative plaster is neat and round, which allows these tools to be used to cover walls inside the building.

Decorative plaster under a fur coat - in all the colors of the rainbow!

Quite often, ready-made and dry mixes come with color pigment already added. However for creative personalities It is possible to choose the color of your future fur coat yourself using tinting pastes or dry coloring pigments. The base color of a fur coat is usually either white or grey. It is much easier to obtain darker solutions from a gray base, and pastel shades will only be obtained on a white base.

Of course, you need to tint either with the help of specialists at the place of purchase of the required volume of material, or at your own peril and risk, display the desired shade directly in buckets. However, this is also possible if you are meticulous about the proportions of the tinting paste.

There are less risky way– paint the surface facade paints. By the way, the “fur coat” can be repainted many times! Painting has its pros and cons - on the one hand, the painted surface will be uniform and monochromatic, on the other hand, when microcracks appear, the color of the plaster under the layer of paint will be visible. Therefore, experts still recommend tinting.

Applying a “fur coat” to the facade - dressing up the house!

Even a beginner can cope with the technology of applying a “fur coat” to a façade – there is nothing complicated about it. As you already understand, you will need tools for applying the coating itself (a roller, a broom, a compressor, a barrel organ - one of the following), as well as standard ones for finishing works hammer and chisel, trowel, brush, shovel and container for mixing mortar (if we are working with dry plaster).