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Food moth control methods. How to get rid of food moths. Fighting food moths: measures and means

A moth is a ubiquitous insect. And if someone thinks that moths live only in closets where fur clothes are stored, then they are mistaken: there are also separate species moth that lives in kitchen cabinets while enjoying food. Especially this harmful insect loves thrifty housewives who keep entire warehouses of flour and cereals at home in case of emergency. That's why The best way To remove a food moth is to starve it out, that is, to deprive it of food. Don't store at home a large number of croup! In general, it is recommended to store all bulk products in the refrigerator - moths will not penetrate there. You can simply keep the cereal you just bought in the refrigerator, and then send it to glass jar with lid.

Tips on how to remove food moths
  1. More often sort out flour, cereals and muesli, seasonings and dried fruits in cardboard packages and open bags. If you see a small cobweb on the rump, larvae with a black head, throw away the food without regret! Only in metal and glass containers that are tightly closed will moths not start. Contaminated food can also be fed to animals.
  2. Clean your kitchen properly. General cleaning will help remove food moths from the kitchen. Take out all the products from the cabinets, wipe the shelves with water, vinegar, and lemon juice. Open the windows wide for two to three hours, letting light and air into the kitchen; moths don’t particularly like them. Moths cannot tolerate orange and lemon peels, so place them in cabinets. Citrus peels would also come in handy in the wardrobe! The smell of lavender has a similar effect on moths.
  3. Place one unpeeled clove of garlic in the container with the cereal.
  4. Purchase special traps from a hardware store. food moth with pheromones. They will attract moths, which will stick to the trap. Change traps every two months. But to completely remove food moths, use traps even when the moths stop sticking to them, because a couple of insects may still remain in the cabinets.
  5. Food moths can also be destroyed using mothballs. You can also dry the grains in the oven.
Despite the fact that food moths, unlike ordinary clothes moths, are indifferent to your fur coats, they are just as unpleasant an uninvited guest, entering the house most often with cereals purchased in the store. It is characterized by high vitality and increased fertility. It is possible that it will not be possible to completely get rid of it the first time, since food moth caterpillars are able to tolerate both high temperatures (up to 60 degrees for an hour) and quite low ones (up to 24 hours). But A complex approach and perseverance will definitely help you remove food moths.

How to get rid of food moths in the kitchen? Without exaggeration, every housewife has asked this question at least once in her life. When you discover these unattractive brown-gray insects, the first thing that comes to mind is: you need to buy some kind of drug, and associatively, the first thing that pops up before your eyes is a can of dichlorvos. Although, many readers may blame what is more popular chemical agent than mothballs do not exist. Yes, all this is true, but we would like to talk about how to get rid of food moths forever without using the above-mentioned means, because they are toxic to humans to one degree or another, they cannot be used in the kitchen, and they are not always effective.

House moths can be eliminated forever

Where do moths come from in an apartment?

You can often hear the opinion that moths appear in the kitchens of careless housewives. In most cases this is not the case.

Moths are not cockroaches and are not particularly interested in dirt. Products are important to her

This harmful insect can simply be brought into a kitchen that has been cleaned to a shine in a bag with any bulk products or even sweets. All you have to do is get a few individuals and their reproduction takes on a global scale. Larvae appear in everything that is considered a favorable environment for moths, and in order to settle in an attractive product, the insect even gnaws through materials such as cellophane bags. On the other hand, the food moth (photo below), whatever one may say, really loves dusty and dirty places. Therefore, the fight against moths begins with spring cleaning.

Important! Do not line cabinets and drawers kitchen furniture newspapers or other paper that has contact with glue. They are very attractive to moths.

What is the danger?

Are food moths harmful to humans? Naturally, first of all, moral, since the ubiquitous butterflies of an unattractive appearance are annoying. And also, their ability to instantly multiply not only in flour or cereals, but also in any other products, “hits your pocket.” These can include tea, cereals, dried fruits, cocoa, salads, jams, and chocolate, which are important for any person’s diet. The situation is especially unpleasant because before you bring them into the house, many products become infected with this household pest.

Moths cause irritation and discomfort

And since moths can carry dirt and various bacteria, then before eating food it is necessary to wash even clean dishes every time, because insects crawl and fly anywhere. This takes time and causes a lot of inconvenience. And in such a situation, you definitely can’t invite guests into your house. In a word, moths in the house are unsafe, unaesthetic and uncomfortable.

What grandmother's remedies should you give up?

Our grandmothers had their own recipes for how to remove food moths from the kitchen. The most common of them:

  • naphthalene;
  • tobacco;
  • shag.

Maybe at that time these funds were relevant. Yes, but now it’s hardly worth resorting to them. After all, they are all characterized by specific, very pungent odors that permeate everything and everyone around. It turns out that in the process of killing insects we pollute our homes.

Important! Eggs and larvae of moths under the influence of direct sun rays and die in the open air. At the first suspicion of moths, all products from the “risk zone” should be placed on the balcony or on the windowsill of an open window.

What should you take into account?


A bar of laundry soap will repel insects

It turns out that the answer to the question of how to remove food moths from an apartment “lies on the surface.” Popular experience says that this pest cannot tolerate the smell of fresh laundry soap. For obvious reasons, you can’t put it in the kitchen, but “fragrant” bars should be placed in chests of drawers and cabinets.

Citrus peels

Do not neglect long-tested remedies - moths cannot tolerate the smell of garlic and citrus fruits

Another way to get rid of food moths in an apartment is to put it in different places kitchens and wardrobes cleaning citrus fruits – tangerine, orange, lemon. Periodically, as soon as the smell becomes less intense, they need to be changed. True, as a result, only adult individuals are scared away, but if they laid eggs and larvae appeared, then simply spreading out orange peels will not drive them out.


Perforated bags with lavender - long ago known remedy from food moths in the apartment. In addition to this herb, you can use:

  • mint;
  • tansy;
  • cloves;
  • thyme;
  • rosemary;
  • ginseng root;
  • horse chestnut seed, etc.

Lavender seed has repeatedly proven its effectiveness in the fight against moths

After some time, these “drugs” need to be replaced with new ones - they wear out over time and lose their effectiveness.

Advice! Instead of a lavender sachet placed in cheesecloth, you can use lavender oil. However, you need to handle it carefully, again remembering that the products can become saturated with such a smell and their use for cooking can become problematic.


Vinegar, rosemary, tansy - irreconcilable enemies of moths

The fight against food moths can also be carried out using such basic means as garlic, which is laid out in cabinets and drawers. But vinegar is added to water when cleaning premises. In this case, you need to understand that there will be a characteristic smell.

Important! We would like to emphasize that all of the listed methods of combating house moths are aimed at scaring away the insect, and not killing it. That is, this is a set of preventive measures designed to prevent, in principle, the appearance of such a scourge in the house.


People know another secret of how to fight food moths in the kitchen - periodically expose foods that could hypothetically harbor moths in cold or hot weather. It is known that both eggs/larvae and adults die at a temperature of -10 C, as well as at high temperatures from +30 C. Here we also consider it necessary to mention clothes, since moths also spread to closets with things. So: eggs laid by females are very weakly attached to the fabric, so moths do not spoil clothes that are constantly worn. But things worn from time to time must be periodically shaken off and aired, in this case the moths will not have the slightest chance to spread.

What modern means are safe?

A food moth trap is undoubtedly the safest method for humans to get rid of harmful insects. Its “design” is very simple and straightforward: a strip of cardboard is covered with a layer of sticky glue containing pheromones from female moths, released by butterflies when they are ready to mate. There are also baits on the market in which the pheromone component is not present in the glue, but is supplied in a separate bag and is glued to the sticky part after direct use.

Attention! We would like to warn against excessive use of this product - 1-2 traps in the kitchen are enough. Otherwise, the entire air will be saturated with pheromones and the devices will simply lose their effectiveness - the moth will not fly to them.

A moth trap attracts male moths, thereby stopping the reproductive cycle of insects, which ultimately minimizes the risk of new infestations.

Conclusion: you need to deal with moths, if they have already appeared, in a comprehensive manner. This means: carrying out general cleaning, laying out the same bags of lavender and placing preventive trap strips, also present on the market.

Insects that live in products spoil them and call into question the cleanliness of the housewife. If you don't know how to remove food moths, you need to learn everything available options struggle at home.

We have collected effective options so that you can choose the best one.

The food moth is a small moth that reaches a size of 8–10 mm. The insect is gray-brown with stripes and dots. Activity begins in the dark, when people do not interfere with their reproduction.

The adult moth—the imago—does not feed on anything due to the underdevelopment of its chewing jaws. She makes do with only water.

Offspring is the main goal of a small moth, because In the form of a butterfly, the moth lives up to a maximum of three weeks.

It is the larvae, the caterpillars, that spoil the food after they hatch from 100–400 eggs, which are with cereals and other bulk products.

Reasons why food moth appears

  • Moths are attracted to bulk products indoors. Check for moths in cereals, flour, cereals, tea, coffee, dried herbs, seeds and nuts. And also pay attention to pasta, baby food and dried fruits.
  • In the room high humidity and insufficient air purification, expect unwanted guests. After all, they were created ideal conditions vital activity of moths.
  • When buying products in hypermarkets and supermarkets, check the quality of the packaging: the seal is broken, and you will bring pest eggs home yourself.

Winged insects do not pose a threat or danger to human health. They do not carry infections. But during the birth of larvae, dead individuals, feces, and egg shells remain in the products.

As a result, the food becomes unusable. It is unacceptable for people to coexist with Lepidoptera.

If there are a large number of them, this will lead to discomfort. Therefore, you urgently need to find out how to remove food lepidoptera from the kitchen.

Traditional methods

Moths have settled in human homes for a long time. You can use the wisdom of generations and get rid of moths and the results of their vital activity on our own, without the use of chemicals.

  • If you have discovered a new pest habitat and eliminated them, place strong-smelling items there. Citrus peels, sprigs of mint, cloves, tansy, thyme, rosemary and ginseng root are suitable. You will not destroy flying reptiles, but you will repel moths and cockroaches for a long time.
  • If you suspect the appearance of moth larvae, place the contaminated food on the windowsill. The action of sunlight has a detrimental effect on their development in summer. And in winter, the offspring of insects cannot withstand temperatures below -10 C.
  • When wet cleaning, add vinegar to the water. The characteristic pungent odor repels moths. Vinegar can be replaced with ammonia.
  • After returning from the store, put the cereal in the microwave for 5 minutes and dry it at a temperature of 70 C. The larvae will be neutralized.
  • Place the garlic cloves in the cereal containers. They won't spoil taste qualities croup, but they will scare away uninvited guests.
  • Tobacco placed in bedside tables will help get rid of food moths. Pests cannot stand its smell. And also take into account the leaves walnut and camphor essential oil.
  • Throw away food that has already been spoiled by insects.

Gasoline, kerosene and turpentine have an aggressive odor. Soak a cotton swab with one of the solutions and place it on your kitchen shelves.

If you don’t like the aroma, it’s better to leave the room for 2-3 hours. Repeat the procedure daily until all insects are repelled.

Please note that traditional methods control consists of repelling pests. Use chemicals to destroy.

Avoid using tobacco, shag and mothballs.

They have specific smell, which not only repels bloodworms, but also pollutes the air in the room.

Industrial products

When, after a long absence, there are moths in the kitchen, you need to act radically. Traditional methods help repel pests, but it takes a lot of time. Pay attention to chemical industry products.

A nerve agent aerosol will help get rid of the entire moth population at one time.

Before removing insects, be sure to wear a mask, rubber gloves and a respirator.

After this, leave the room for several hours. Apply sprays twice a week until the pests are completely eliminated.

Effective drugs are: “Raptor”, “Combat”, “Antimol”, Mosquitall, Raid and “Difox”.

If you don’t know how to kill insects without harming apartment residents and pets, use fumigators.

They release small amounts of insecticide when plugged in. Do not allow the nozzle to overheat, so turn it off periodically.

The fumigator is considered weaker than an aerosol, because It will take 3-4 weeks to destroy pests. The most popular drugs are Raptor, Dik-3, Raid and Mosquitall.


Moth traps are used to catch adult moths and prevent them from reproducing. Manufacturers offer several effective options, which help in the prevention and control of insects.

  1. Demon glue traps moths are attracted to a special container by the smell, from where they cannot escape.

Pheromone scent traps are popular because they are safe, effective, easy to use, and low cost. The device can be placed on any surface.

  1. Adhesive devices do not harm the health of people and pets, as they do not contain toxic components. The principle of operation is to mechanically catch winged fish. The structures are made from thick cardboard, treated on top with a sticky adhesive layer and pheromones that attract males and females. The most common and effective devices: Aeroxon, Global, Natural Control.

The Raptor trap will prevent the appearance of new insects, as it immediately attracts them. The device is non-toxic and also has an odor that is imperceptible to humans.

Do not place more than two traps in the kitchen. An excess of pheromones can cause insects to become disoriented, resulting in a reverse reaction.

  1. You can make homemade traps at home. But they do not guarantee complete extermination of insects.
  • Take double-sided tape and attach it to any surface. The moth that lands on it by mistake duct tape, it will remain there. The method is intended for small-sized adults. Large moths will be freed easily. The disadvantage of the device is that it does not attract insects by smell, so not all of them fall into the trap.
  • Do in plastic bottle small holes and pour water inside. A moth will fly in to feast on it, but will not find a way back.

Please note: after catching adult moths, larvae may remain. This means don’t rush to remove the trap. When they turn into adults, the procedure must be repeated.

Prevention measures

Even if you don't have moths in your home, it's important to take steps to preventive measures. They are not difficult to follow, just take a few minutes. Then there will be no need to take anyone out.

  1. Store foods that attract pests in closed containers. Place grains, grains and flour into metal containers to check for larvae and excess moisture. Storage conditions were not observed in the store; there is a high probability of moths appearing. Use glass containers to store nuts, dried fruits, tea and other dry foods.
  2. Buy only fresh food.
  3. Conduct regularly wet cleaning. Check hidden corners of cabinets for cobwebs of adult moths, larvae and their excrement. Add vinegar or a few drops of camphor essential oil to the water.
  4. Install screens on windows and vents to keep moths out.
  5. Ventilate the apartment 2-3 times a week. At the same time, use repellent fragrances.
  6. Place moth traps in nooks and crannies of your kitchen. They have a long shelf life, so they do not need to be constantly replaced.
  7. Heat dry products purchased at promotional prices in the oven at a temperature above 600. This way you will get rid of possible eggs fire.

Preventing the appearance of moths will save you from many years of persecution of insects and their larvae. Take care of your accommodation in advance.

Food moth repellents are used to keep food safe. Small butterflies seem harmless, but in practice it turns out that they are quite dangerous insects. If you do not get rid of food moths in time, they will undermine existing supplies. Eventually they will have to be thrown away. You can save products that are less affected.

If there is a moth, it is probably a representative of one of the species:

Such insects are more often found in private housing within the kitchen. Wingspan – up to 8 mm. The color is pale: from beige to brown. The upper wings are darker than the lower ones.

The pest reaches 1 cm in length. When the wings are folded, representatives different types insects are similar to each other, since the color is difficult to see.

The larvae reach 1.5 cm in length and are characterized by a light color. If adults differ in external signs, then young offspring are sometimes difficult to distinguish.

Damage caused

It is imperative to remove moths from the kitchen, as otherwise they will destroy most products. Insects feed on cereals and flour, nuts, dried fruits, as well as seasonings, tea, chocolate products and seeds. They spread through the air (fly into windows, through ventilation), and enter the apartment with products brought from the store. Accordingly, it is impossible to completely protect yourself.

Eating food contaminated by insects can lead to a severe allergic reaction.

It is recommended to begin fighting insects immediately after signs of infestation appear: rot at the bottom of containers with bulk products; change in the structure of flour and cereals (they become lumpy). The nuts have holes made by caterpillars. Appearance the product deteriorates, cocoons and cobwebs are noticeable, and larvae are found. It's especially unpleasant when they end up inside chocolates, because in this case the caterpillars are difficult to notice.

A butterfly can appear suddenly, even if the house is kept clean and a large amount of supplies is not stored. You can get rid of food moths in your apartment different ways, but first you need to find the source of infection. To completely exterminate all individuals and offspring, it is necessary to clean the kitchen.

To destroy larvae and eggs, certain means are used, since not all drugs have an effect on the young offspring of butterflies. In addition, you need to decide what to do with moth-infested products.

Finding the source of infection

Before getting rid of the moth itself, you should find the source of its appearance. Butterflies leave their offspring in different places, where after a week larvae will appear and begin to destroy the product. Cobwebs and large black-headed caterpillars are noticeable in their habitats. Moth eggs are difficult to spot because they small size(no more than a grain of semolina) and white.

Close-up photo of a food moth larva

First you need to inspect the ceiling and cabinets for the presence of butterfly cocoons. They are usually on ceiling skirting boards, wallpaper joints, at the base of lamps, in cracks and corners. Pest cocoons are also found in the upper parts of cabinets.

The first step is to inspect the products. You should look for stuck together grains and larvae.

Cleaning the premises

Pest control involves cleaning the entire kitchen. It is necessary to get rid of traces of insects. Heavily contaminated food is thrown away first. Having gotten rid of the source of pests, they move on to cleaning the furniture from the inside. To do this, the contents are pulled out, and shelves are also taken out of cabinets if possible.

Using a vacuum cleaner, you need to go through all the corners, crevices and surfaces with the nozzle. The air flow will attract insects. It is better to throw away the dust bag, but you can also leave it in freezer for a few days. This will kill the insects.

The surfaces inside the cabinets should be treated with a vinegar solution or insecticides (Antimol, etc.). Storage containers bulk products It is also necessary to wash it with a vinegar solution or laundry soap.

Chemicals and traditional methods

An aerosol is suitable for treating cabinets and other surfaces, but only if food is not stored inside. This food moth repellent is not used for spraying food. Popular options: Raptor, Raid, Armol, Combat Super spray.

Of the named drugs, only Armol destroys only adult individuals. If the task is to breed young ones (larvae and caterpillars), then you should use Raptor, Combat, Raid.

Special sections allow you to get rid of butterflies: Globol, Raptor, Moskitol. They are located in the corners of the room, close to the source of infection. This product should not be stored near food.

If moths are in cereals, then sticky traps should be considered. They use a pheromone to attract males. Without males, butterflies will not reproduce.

You can also fight the pest with folk remedies:

  • Dried lavender or essential oil
  • Laundry soap. It is cut into pieces and laid out around the room
  • Lemon, orange zest
  • Strong-smelling herbs: tansy, wormwood, cloves, rosemary, thyme or mint.

Home methods repel pests, but do not lead to death. For this reason, they are considered only as an auxiliary measure to combat moths.

Video tips: Fighting food moths with home remedies

How to handle contaminated products?

Destructive temperature for the butterfly and offspring: more than -10 and above +30 degrees. To be safe, the products are processed in the oven at +60 degrees or higher, or by placing them outside if it is hot outside.

An effective way to control pests is freezing.

Even the most hardworking and clean housewife is not immune from the appearance of food moths in her kitchen. The fact is that the larvae spread directly through food products that we bring into the house. This is the most likely route of infection.

Particularly suspicious and dangerous in this sense are cereals, flour products, groceries, and dried fruits that have been in storage for a long time and are sold at bargain prices in supermarkets. These products may have been infested with larvae, then cleaned, cooked, sieved and sold.

A less likely route is for the butterfly to fly in through a window or door. And since they multiply at an alarming rate, all of her offspring can very soon fill your house. So, having noticed the first enemy moth paratrooper, we must immediately start a war.

Food moth - who is it?

This name hides an interesting entomological discovery: as many as 4 species of moth butterflies are called in one word because of their equally detrimental effect on agriculture.

  • flour;
  • mill;
  • south barn;
  • cocoa fire.

They all look different: the pattern of the wings is brightest on the southern granary, cocoa is the smallest in size, and flour is the most common. All have a wingspan of 0.7 - 0.9 cm and an amazing ability to reproduce.


What does food moth look like? Here are a couple of photos; in appearance, moths of different species are not too different from each other.


The life cycle of an insect does not exceed two months. They live in the caterpillar stage for most of their lives. After transforming from a caterpillar into a butterfly, the males try to fertilize as many females as possible, and the females lay eggs, up to 120 pieces. The eggs hatch into caterpillars and the cycle is completed.

Interestingly, at the butterfly stage, the insect does not have devices for chewing food. But this does not mean that during this period of their lives they are not dangerous. They leave unsightly marks on the walls and get into food and drinks. But their main function is reproduction, and they can spread a mind-boggling amount of their larvae, depositing them in food and clothing.

The main harm is caused by the larvae, settling in food and gradually filling it with the products of their vital activity: corpses, pupae, and cobwebs left behind. Naturally, it becomes impossible to eat such a product.

Prevention of occurrence

In order not to bring uninvited guests into your home, all suspicious grains and dry foods in general that you got on the cheap must be baked in the oven at a temperature of at least 60 degrees to get rid of possible moth eggs. Cereals should be stored in a closed, airtight container. Do not keep groceries (dried bread, bagels) on the table for more than a day.

Freezing and heating in the microwave will not be effective in this case, since the insects simply fall asleep from the cold. And for complete destruction, uniform heating is necessary.

How to deal with food moths?

How to get rid of food moths? How to get it out? First of all, you need to find the source where the moth eggs are brought and where it is bred. Go through all the jars with long-term stored dry products, and, if necessary, clothing. If found, completely discard the entire container or fabric. But the measures do not end there.

Flying butterflies are removed with various insecticides. The most convenient insecticides are in aerosol form. They are sprayed in all rooms where insects have been noticed.

You can lure adults with an open container of water. This way you can immediately poison them with an aerosol.

If the source of spread was immediately noticed and eliminated, then It will be enough just to put orange peels, lavender or other sharp or spicy-smelling items to where the jar of product was (most often flour, cereal, nuts and sugar) and you can forget about this problem. This effective method refers to folk methods, this is what our mothers and grandmothers did when moths appeared at home.